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In January 2022, WHO, UNICEF and Gavi established the COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership (CoVDP) to intensify support to COVID-19 vaccine delivery. Working with governments and essential partners, CoVDP provided urgent operational support to the 34 countries that were at or below 10% full vaccination coverage in January 2022 on their pathways toward achieving national and global coverage targets. The greatest benefits of this approach were increases in full vaccination and booster coverage for both general and high-priority populations – older adults, healthcare workers, and persons with co-morbidities, including immunocompromised persons. Read more about the . Photos produced in collaboration with UNICEF." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450" height="300" style="margin-left:-75px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="Nurse Rosemary Raikekeni brings COVID-19 vaccines and other essential health services to residents of remote Kuvamiti village in East Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, on 17 May 2023. In January 2022, WHO, UNICEF and Gavi established the COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership (CoVDP) to intensify support to COVID-19 vaccine delivery. Working with governments and essential partners, CoVDP provided urgent operational support to the 34 countries that were at or below 10% full vaccination coverage in January 2022 on their pathways toward achieving national and global coverage targets. The greatest benefits of this approach were increases in full vaccination and booster coverage for both general and high-priority populations – older adults, healthcare workers, and persons with co-morbidities, including immunocompromised persons. Read more about the . Photos produced in collaboration with UNICEF." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450" height="300" style="margin-left:-75px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Director-General Dr Tedros and HQ Leadership Team </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:299px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in damaged residential area, Irpin, Ukraine, 07 May 2022. Since Russia invaded Ukraine, WHO has delivered trauma and emergency supplies for use in over 15,000 surgeries and enough medicines and healthcare equipment to serve 650,000 people." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450.5016722408" height="300" style="margin-left:-75.250836120401px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in damaged residential area, Irpin, Ukraine, 07 May 2022. Since Russia invaded Ukraine, WHO has delivered trauma and emergency supplies for use in over 15,000 surgeries and enough medicines and healthcare equipment to serve 650,000 people." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450.5016722408" height="300" style="margin-left:-75.250836120401px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Photos for MEDIA </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:300px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="Aerial view of WHO headquarters buildings: main building, EB room and new building under construction" extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450" height="300" style="margin-left:-75px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="Aerial view of WHO headquarters buildings: main building, EB room and new building under construction" extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450" height="300" style="margin-left:-75px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> WHO Health Emergencies </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:299px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="On 3 March 2023, Sofia (right), 60, prepares a meal for her family in front of their shelter in Bulengo camp, about 15 kilometres from Goma in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A group in the east of the country has taken up arms again, disrupting the already fragile humanitarian situation in the area. Since early April 2022, almost 900,000 people living in the territory of Nyiragongo, Rutshuru and Masisi have been forced to flee their homes to seek refuge in villages north and west of the city of Goma and other communities in the territory of Lubero. As of March 2023, more than 40,000 people were taking shelter in the camp of Bulengo. WHO and partners are helping to improve sanitation and are providing emergency health services for camp residents, but the needs in the area are enormous and more support is needed." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450.5016722408" height="300" style="margin-left:-75.250836120401px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="On 3 March 2023, Sofia (right), 60, prepares a meal for her family in front of their shelter in Bulengo camp, about 15 kilometres from Goma in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A group in the east of the country has taken up arms again, disrupting the already fragile humanitarian situation in the area. Since early April 2022, almost 900,000 people living in the territory of Nyiragongo, Rutshuru and Masisi have been forced to flee their homes to seek refuge in villages north and west of the city of Goma and other communities in the territory of Lubero. As of March 2023, more than 40,000 people were taking shelter in the camp of Bulengo. WHO and partners are helping to improve sanitation and are providing emergency health services for camp residents, but the needs in the area are enormous and more support is needed." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450.5016722408" height="300" style="margin-left:-75.250836120401px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Mpox Emergencies </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:300px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="On 23 July 2022, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus speaks during a press conference to update on the report of the 2nd meeting of the IHR Emergency Committee regarding the multi-country outbreak of monkeypox. Dr Tedros stated that the global monkeypox outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). Read the ." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="461" height="300" style="margin-left:-80.5px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="On 23 July 2022, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus speaks during a press conference to update on the report of the 2nd meeting of the IHR Emergency Committee regarding the multi-country outbreak of monkeypox. Dr Tedros stated that the global monkeypox outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). Read the ." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="461" height="300" style="margin-left:-80.5px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="external-category" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Lebanon crisis - October 2024 </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:300px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="Four flights containing WHO medical supplies for injuries, cholera and mental health arrived in Beirut, Lebanon. The supplies are enough to treat around 100,000 patients. WHO is working to bring in additional supplies to meet all the needs." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="400" height="300" style="margin-left:-50px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="Four flights containing WHO medical supplies for injuries, cholera and mental health arrived in Beirut, Lebanon. The supplies are enough to treat around 100,000 patients. WHO is working to bring in additional supplies to meet all the needs." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="400" height="300" style="margin-left:-50px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="external-category" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Israeli-Palestinian conflict - October 2023 </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Ukraine, Emergency response </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:299px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="Yuriy, 60, is interviewed by WHO Audiovisual Team member Simon Hustings on 24 July 2023 in Makariv, Ukraine. Yuriy works as a mechanic and maintains the trucks that are now delivering many humanitarian goods. Yuriy's house burned down after being hit by an artillery shell, and he and his wife now have to live in a temporary house provided by a foundation. Fighting also destroyed his brother's house and damaged the house of his daughter, who live nearby. Related video:" extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450.5016722408" height="300" style="margin-left:-75.250836120401px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="Yuriy, 60, is interviewed by WHO Audiovisual Team member Simon Hustings on 24 July 2023 in Makariv, Ukraine. Yuriy works as a mechanic and maintains the trucks that are now delivering many humanitarian goods. Yuriy's house burned down after being hit by an artillery shell, and he and his wife now have to live in a temporary house provided by a foundation. Fighting also destroyed his brother's house and damaged the house of his daughter, who live nearby. Related video:" extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450.5016722408" height="300" style="margin-left:-75.250836120401px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Health topics </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:300px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="Exterior view of the Reference Hospital in Mananjary on 13 February 2022. The health facility was badly damage by tropical cyclone Batsirai. Since January 2022, multiple extreme weather events have damaged homes and public infrastructure in Madagascar, leaving over 760,000 people without access to health and displacing over 168,000 people. WHO is working with the national health authorities and health partners for a coordinated response effort, including delivering essential medical supplies and medicines and deploying experts in the affected regions. Since January 2022, multiple extreme weather events have damaged homes and public infrastructure in Madagascar, resulted in the death of over 200 people, and left over 650,000 people without access to health care." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="446" height="300" style="margin-left:-73px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="Exterior view of the Reference Hospital in Mananjary on 13 February 2022. The health facility was badly damage by tropical cyclone Batsirai. Since January 2022, multiple extreme weather events have damaged homes and public infrastructure in Madagascar, leaving over 760,000 people without access to health and displacing over 168,000 people. WHO is working with the national health authorities and health partners for a coordinated response effort, including delivering essential medical supplies and medicines and deploying experts in the affected regions. Since January 2022, multiple extreme weather events have damaged homes and public infrastructure in Madagascar, resulted in the death of over 200 people, and left over 650,000 people without access to health care." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="446" height="300" style="margin-left:-73px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:299px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="A nurse administers a depo-provera contraceptive injection for a patient at the Princess Christian Maternity Hospital in Freetown, Sierra Leone on 6 June 2022. Sierra Leone has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world; a high unmet need for family planning, high teenage pregnancy rates and unsafe abortions are contributing factors. There is a restrictive legal environment for abortion care with a law dating back to 1861. Most sexual and reproductive health services - including maternal health, post abortion care and family planning - are provided without cost as part of a free healthcare initiative in all public facilities in the country. Over the past few years, the Government of Sierra Leone has worked with WHO and partners, using a health system strengthening approach, to address gaps in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). The work has included integrating SRHR into their Universal Health Coverage roadmap, and a new “Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Bill,” in addition to the development and update of SHRH guidelines." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450.5016722408" height="300" style="margin-left:-75.250836120401px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="A nurse administers a depo-provera contraceptive injection for a patient at the Princess Christian Maternity Hospital in Freetown, Sierra Leone on 6 June 2022. Sierra Leone has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world; a high unmet need for family planning, high teenage pregnancy rates and unsafe abortions are contributing factors. There is a restrictive legal environment for abortion care with a law dating back to 1861. Most sexual and reproductive health services - including maternal health, post abortion care and family planning - are provided without cost as part of a free healthcare initiative in all public facilities in the country. Over the past few years, the Government of Sierra Leone has worked with WHO and partners, using a health system strengthening approach, to address gaps in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). The work has included integrating SRHR into their Universal Health Coverage roadmap, and a new “Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Bill,” in addition to the development and update of SHRH guidelines." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450.5016722408" height="300" style="margin-left:-75.250836120401px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Neglected Tropical Diseases </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:300px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="Dengue eradication in Sri Lanka." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="451" height="300" style="margin-left:-75.5px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="Dengue eradication in Sri Lanka." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="451" height="300" style="margin-left:-75.5px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> COVID-19: field photos and press conferences </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:300px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="Nurses, along with the chief of nursing programs Fabiana Z. A. (back center), after an outdoor debriefing meeting at the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS)." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450" height="300" style="margin-left:-75px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="Nurses, along with the chief of nursing programs Fabiana Z. A. (back center), after an outdoor debriefing meeting at the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS)." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450" height="300" style="margin-left:-75px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> TRIPLE BILLION Stories </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:300px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="María washes her hands in front of her home in a settlement located across from the main garbage dump in Montevideo, Uruguay, on 1 March 2021. - In Uruguay’s low-income neighborhoods, it is common for people to burn cables, discarded electronic equipment, batteries or other e-waste to recover metals for profit. In some settlements, large spots of burned lead can be seen on the street. Other contaminants include mercury and dioxides. While these “urban mining” activities are illegal, it is how many people make their living. E-waste is a health and environmental hazard, containing toxic additives or hazardous substances which damage the human brain, among other systems. The WHO Initiative on E-waste and Child Health was launched in 2013. With 25% of children in Uruguay now showing high levels of lead in their blood, one of the top priorities is protecting children from lead poisoning. Young children are particularly vulnerable to lead exposure as they absorb four to five times as much ingested lead as adults from a given source. Health consequences are serious as at high levels of exposure, lead poisoning attacks the brain and central nervous system, causing coma, convulsions, intellectual disabilities and even death. At lower levels of exposure, lead can affect a child’s brain development, resulting in reduced intelligence quotient and diminished educational attainment. Unidad Pediátrica Ambiental (UPA) is a national pediatric centre that specializes in environmental health and is connected to WHO’s Children’s Environmental Health programme. The centre is part of the toxicology department in the School of Medicine of the Universidad de la República, located inside the Claveaux centre of Health in Montevideo, Uruguay. UPA aims to prevent diseases that are generated by environmental contaminants, especially in children. Doctors at UPA treat children, adolescents, and pregnant women. UPA is also an education facility where both graduate and postgraduate students learn about and practice medicine related to toxicology and contaminants. Most patients come to UPA because of intoxications with lead, mercury, carbon monoxide or pesticides." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450" height="300" style="margin-left:-75px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="María washes her hands in front of her home in a settlement located across from the main garbage dump in Montevideo, Uruguay, on 1 March 2021. - In Uruguay’s low-income neighborhoods, it is common for people to burn cables, discarded electronic equipment, batteries or other e-waste to recover metals for profit. In some settlements, large spots of burned lead can be seen on the street. Other contaminants include mercury and dioxides. While these “urban mining” activities are illegal, it is how many people make their living. E-waste is a health and environmental hazard, containing toxic additives or hazardous substances which damage the human brain, among other systems. The WHO Initiative on E-waste and Child Health was launched in 2013. With 25% of children in Uruguay now showing high levels of lead in their blood, one of the top priorities is protecting children from lead poisoning. Young children are particularly vulnerable to lead exposure as they absorb four to five times as much ingested lead as adults from a given source. Health consequences are serious as at high levels of exposure, lead poisoning attacks the brain and central nervous system, causing coma, convulsions, intellectual disabilities and even death. At lower levels of exposure, lead can affect a child’s brain development, resulting in reduced intelligence quotient and diminished educational attainment. Unidad Pediátrica Ambiental (UPA) is a national pediatric centre that specializes in environmental health and is connected to WHO’s Children’s Environmental Health programme. The centre is part of the toxicology department in the School of Medicine of the Universidad de la República, located inside the Claveaux centre of Health in Montevideo, Uruguay. UPA aims to prevent diseases that are generated by environmental contaminants, especially in children. Doctors at UPA treat children, adolescents, and pregnant women. UPA is also an education facility where both graduate and postgraduate students learn about and practice medicine related to toxicology and contaminants. Most patients come to UPA because of intoxications with lead, mercury, carbon monoxide or pesticides." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450" height="300" style="margin-left:-75px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Assistive Technology </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:300px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="Washable incontinence pull-on pad (women) for child or adult with very light to moderate urinary incontinence. Similar in appearance to standard underwear with integrated waterproof-backed absorbent pad. Body-worn absorbent products (washable) move moisture away from skin and absorb urine or (with liner) contain faeces. They are intended to protect the user’s clothes and nearby environment, thereby preserving the user’s dignity, comfort and quality of life, and (if applicable) that of their caregiver(s), to promote social inclusion." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="300" height="300" style="" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="Washable incontinence pull-on pad (women) for child or adult with very light to moderate urinary incontinence. Similar in appearance to standard underwear with integrated waterproof-backed absorbent pad. Body-worn absorbent products (washable) move moisture away from skin and absorb urine or (with liner) contain faeces. They are intended to protect the user’s clothes and nearby environment, thereby preserving the user’s dignity, comfort and quality of life, and (if applicable) that of their caregiver(s), to promote social inclusion." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="300" height="300" style="" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Posters and Communication Materials </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:426px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="World Health Day 7 April 1995 Target 2000: a World without Polio World Health Organization" extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="300" height="426" style="margin-top:-63px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="World Health Day 7 April 1995 Target 2000: a World without Polio World Health Organization" extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="300" height="426" style="margin-top:-63px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> WHO staff and offices </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:300px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="A mother and daughter wearing face masks walk on the street in front of the WHO office in Roman Ridge, Accra." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="449" height="300" style="margin-left:-74.5px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="A mother and daughter wearing face masks walk on the street in front of the WHO office in Roman Ridge, Accra." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="449" height="300" style="margin-left:-74.5px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> WHO ACADEMY </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:450px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="The event is jointly hosted by the President of France Emmanuel Macron and WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and is attended by the Minister of Health, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation of France, as well as regional and local authorities in Lyon. The Academy aims to expand access to critical learning for health workers, managers, public health officials, educators, researchers, policy makers and those who provide care in their own homes and communities, as well as WHO’s workforce throughout the world. The high-tech building in Lyon’s bio-medical district is being made possible by the generosity of the French Government, the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region, the Lyon Métropole and the City of Lyon. From there, the WHO Academy will deploy state-of-the-art technologies to expand access to the highest quality health learning and latest evidence-based health guidance throughout the world. Read more ." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="300" height="450" style="margin-top:-75px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="The event is jointly hosted by the President of France Emmanuel Macron and WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and is attended by the Minister of Health, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation of France, as well as regional and local authorities in Lyon. The Academy aims to expand access to critical learning for health workers, managers, public health officials, educators, researchers, policy makers and those who provide care in their own homes and communities, as well as WHO’s workforce throughout the world. The high-tech building in Lyon’s bio-medical district is being made possible by the generosity of the French Government, the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region, the Lyon Métropole and the City of Lyon. From there, the WHO Academy will deploy state-of-the-art technologies to expand access to the highest quality health learning and latest evidence-based health guidance throughout the world. Read more ." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="300" height="450" style="margin-top:-75px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> WHO Global Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:300px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="WHO ADG Chikwe Ihekweazu and Hub colleagues welcomed a delegation from the China National Disease Control and Prevention Administration (NDCPA) on 19 April 2024. Pictured here: Dr Chikwe Ihekweazu, Deputy Executive Director at the WHO Health Emergencies Programme with Mr WANG Hesheng, Vice Minister of National Health Commission (NHC) and Administrator of National Disease Control and Prevention Administration (NDCPA) Title of WHO staff and officials reflects their respective position at the time the photo was taken." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="470" height="300" style="margin-left:-85px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="WHO ADG Chikwe Ihekweazu and Hub colleagues welcomed a delegation from the China National Disease Control and Prevention Administration (NDCPA) on 19 April 2024. Pictured here: Dr Chikwe Ihekweazu, Deputy Executive Director at the WHO Health Emergencies Programme with Mr WANG Hesheng, Vice Minister of National Health Commission (NHC) and Administrator of National Disease Control and Prevention Administration (NDCPA) Title of WHO staff and officials reflects their respective position at the time the photo was taken." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="470" height="300" style="margin-left:-85px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Governing bodies: Establishment of WHO, WHA, EB </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:300px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="Committee B in session" extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450" height="300" style="margin-left:-75px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="Committee B in session" extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450" height="300" style="margin-left:-75px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Events and Goodwill Ambassadors </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:300px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="The World Health Organization organized the 3rd edition in Geneva of the “Walk the Talk: the Health For All Challenge” on 22 May 2022, on the morning of the start of the 75th World Health Assembly. Participants ran or walked over two routes - 3 kilometres and 4.2 kilometres - starting at Place des Nations. Learn more about the and read the ." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450" height="300" style="margin-left:-75px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="The World Health Organization organized the 3rd edition in Geneva of the “Walk the Talk: the Health For All Challenge” on 22 May 2022, on the morning of the start of the 75th World Health Assembly. Participants ran or walked over two routes - 3 kilometres and 4.2 kilometres - starting at Place des Nations. Learn more about the and read the ." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450" height="300" style="margin-left:-75px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Former Directors-Generals </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:300px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="Dr Halfdan T. Mahler (Denmark), former Director-General of the World Health Organization, from 1973 to 1988." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="456" height="300" style="margin-left:-78px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="Dr Halfdan T. Mahler (Denmark), former Director-General of the World Health Organization, from 1973 to 1988." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="456" height="300" style="margin-left:-78px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> WHO75th Anniversary </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:300px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="On 22 April 2022, a general view of "Picturing Health," a photography exhibition to mark WHO’s 75th anniversary on display along Quai Wilson in Geneva, Switzerland. The outdoor exhibition, on the shores of Lake Geneva from 3 April to 1 May 2023, contains more than 50 photos carefully selected from WHO’s photography collection of more than 58 000 images. It documents many of the public health successes over the past 75 years, and also highlights current and future health challenges. Related:" extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450" height="300" style="margin-left:-75px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="On 22 April 2022, a general view of "Picturing Health," a photography exhibition to mark WHO’s 75th anniversary on display along Quai Wilson in Geneva, Switzerland. The outdoor exhibition, on the shores of Lake Geneva from 3 April to 1 May 2023, contains more than 50 photos carefully selected from WHO’s photography collection of more than 58 000 images. It documents many of the public health successes over the past 75 years, and also highlights current and future health challenges. Related:" extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450" height="300" style="margin-left:-75px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Society, culture, lifestyle and diversity </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:300px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="Tina's Academy International School students were vaccinated by a team of health workers dispatched by the government in and around Owa-Alero, which has been one of the places with a high number of yellow fever cases. The World Health Organization (WHO) is supporting the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and health authorities in the states of Delta and Enugu to respond to an outbreak of yellow fever that was confirmed in early November 2020. WHO and partners are assisting with case investigation, case management and community engagement, among other activities. In addition, in response to this outbreak a planned yellow fever vaccination campaign in Delta was brought forward, starting on 10 November. Nigeria had been reporting suspected cases of the yellow fever in all 36 states and the federal capital territory since its outbreak in September 2017 and is one of the countries implementing the global eliminate yellow fever epidemics (EYE) strategy. As part of the strategy, Nigeria has developed a 10-year strategic plan for the elimination of yellow fever epidemics. Through this strategy, the country plans to vaccinate at least 80% of the target population in all states by 2026." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450" height="300" style="margin-left:-75px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="Tina's Academy International School students were vaccinated by a team of health workers dispatched by the government in and around Owa-Alero, which has been one of the places with a high number of yellow fever cases. The World Health Organization (WHO) is supporting the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and health authorities in the states of Delta and Enugu to respond to an outbreak of yellow fever that was confirmed in early November 2020. WHO and partners are assisting with case investigation, case management and community engagement, among other activities. In addition, in response to this outbreak a planned yellow fever vaccination campaign in Delta was brought forward, starting on 10 November. Nigeria had been reporting suspected cases of the yellow fever in all 36 states and the federal capital territory since its outbreak in September 2017 and is one of the countries implementing the global eliminate yellow fever epidemics (EYE) strategy. As part of the strategy, Nigeria has developed a 10-year strategic plan for the elimination of yellow fever epidemics. Through this strategy, the country plans to vaccinate at least 80% of the target population in all states by 2026." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="450" height="300" style="margin-left:-75px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Photo stories </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:322px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="Tuberculosis, or TB, is an infectious bacterial disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which most commonly affects the lungs. It is transmitted from person to person via droplets from the throat and lungs of people with the active respiratory disease.In healthy people, infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis often causes no symptoms, since the person's immune system acts to "wall off" the bacteria. The symptoms of active TB of the lung are coughing, sometimes with sputum or blood, chest pains, weakness, weight loss, fever and night sweats. Tuberculosis is treatable with a six-month course of antibiotics. The waiting room of the dispensary." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="300" height="322" style="margin-top:-11px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="Tuberculosis, or TB, is an infectious bacterial disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which most commonly affects the lungs. It is transmitted from person to person via droplets from the throat and lungs of people with the active respiratory disease.In healthy people, infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis often causes no symptoms, since the person's immune system acts to "wall off" the bacteria. The symptoms of active TB of the lung are coughing, sometimes with sputum or blood, chest pains, weakness, weight loss, fever and night sweats. Tuberculosis is treatable with a six-month course of antibiotics. The waiting room of the dispensary." extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="300" height="322" style="margin-top:-11px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="" data-url=""> <label class="fadeTitle hideMe"></label> <label class="title hideTitle"> <a href=""> Photos recently added </a> </label> <div> <span class="teaserText"></span> <div> <a href=""> <div style="height:300px;"><span class="fauxcrop" style="width:300px;height:300px;"><img src="" alt="On 19 October 2022, Temira is pictured wtih her 12-month-old daughter Zahara in front of the Eltomale Site Mobile Health and Nutrition Team in Chifra, Afar. "This clinic is located near my home, so I can bring Zahara here easily," she said. "Zahara received a check-up and vaccination today. When I am not feeling well, I also come here." WHO supports mobile health and nutrition teams in Afar directly or through partners. The pictured mobile health team is one of five teams that WHO directly supports by covering operational costs, providing medical supplies and training. Millions in the greater Horn of Africa are facing acute hunger as the region faces one of the worst droughts in recent decades. M any people have left their homes in search of food and water, and pasture for animals. Large-scale displacement is often accompanied by a deterioration in hygiene and sanitation. Outbreaks of infectious diseases are a major concern, especially when combined with low existing vaccination coverage and health service availability. As people become increasingly food insecure, they also must make the impossible choice between food and healthcare, even as nutritional deficiencies make them increasingly vulnerable to disease. This is particularly true for children, for whom the combination of malnutrition and disease can prove fatal. WHO and partners are working to counter the consequences of malnutrition, respond to disease outbreaks, and ensure that essential health services can continue. " extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="436" height="300" style="margin-left:-68px;" class="visible" /><img src="" alt="On 19 October 2022, Temira is pictured wtih her 12-month-old daughter Zahara in front of the Eltomale Site Mobile Health and Nutrition Team in Chifra, Afar. "This clinic is located near my home, so I can bring Zahara here easily," she said. "Zahara received a check-up and vaccination today. When I am not feeling well, I also come here." WHO supports mobile health and nutrition teams in Afar directly or through partners. The pictured mobile health team is one of five teams that WHO directly supports by covering operational costs, providing medical supplies and training. Millions in the greater Horn of Africa are facing acute hunger as the region faces one of the worst droughts in recent decades. M any people have left their homes in search of food and water, and pasture for animals. Large-scale displacement is often accompanied by a deterioration in hygiene and sanitation. Outbreaks of infectious diseases are a major concern, especially when combined with low existing vaccination coverage and health service availability. As people become increasingly food insecure, they also must make the impossible choice between food and healthcare, even as nutritional deficiencies make them increasingly vulnerable to disease. This is particularly true for children, for whom the combination of malnutrition and disease can prove fatal. WHO and partners are working to counter the consequences of malnutrition, respond to disease outbreaks, and ensure that essential health services can continue. " extraCss="" addHiddenImage="" width="436" height="300" style="margin-left:-68px;" /></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="sidepanelcontent"> <div class="headingTitle"></div> <ul class="content"> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> groupCategories.searchParams = ""; groupCategories.loadMoreURI = "galleries/groups/loadmore/"; groupCategories.pgURLBase = ""; </script> </div> </div> <div id="LoginForm" class="modal fade" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="back-arrow hidden"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="black" width="18px" height="18px"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none"/><path d="M19 11H7.83l4.88-4.88c.39-.39.39-1.03 0-1.42-.39-.39-1.02-.39-1.41 0l-6.59 6.59c-.39.39-.39 1.02 0 1.41l6.59 6.59c.39.39 1.02.39 1.41 0 .39-.39.39-1.02 0-1.41L7.83 13H19c.55 0 1-.45 1-1s-.45-1-1-1z"/></svg></button> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</button> <h1 class="modal-title login_title">Log In</h1> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="social_auth_buttons"> <form id="form_saml" action="" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="auth" value="SAML" /> <input type="hidden" name="method" value="SAML" /> <!--<a href="" id="saml" class="btn btn-primary">Login via WHO portal</a>!--> <button id="saml" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Login via WHO portal</button> </form> </div> <div class="login_form_buttons"> <input type="button" value="External Log in" class="login-form-button btn btn-success"/> </div> <form class="loginform hidden" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" value="9ba7624f1e645d462df1809be22eea34" name="check_token"> <div class="form-group loginfields"> <label for="username">Email address</label> <input type="text" id="username" name="username" value="" class="form-control" placeholder="Email" /> </div> <div class="form-group loginfields"> <label for="password">Password</label> <input type="password" id="password" name="password" value="" class="form-control" placeholder="Password" /> </div> <div class="forgot_link"> <a href="">Forgot your password?</a> </div> <div class="login-button"> <input type="hidden" value="ORM" name="auth"/> <input type="submit" value="External Log in" class="btn btn-success"/> </div> </form> <div class="help-link"> <a href="" target="_blank">Help</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> headerSearch.rcp_email=""; 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