SFE: SF Encyclopedia Home Page – Saturday 15 March 2025
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Some sample entries appear below. <a href="/entry/introduction_to_the_third_edition">Click here for the Introduction</a>; <a href="/masthead">here for the masthead</a>; <a href="/entry/acknowledgments">here for Acknowledgments</a>; <a href="/frequently-asked-questions">here for the FAQ</a>; <a href="/advice-to-students">here for advice on citations</a>. Find entries via the search box above (<a href="/searching">more details here</a>) or browse the menu categories in the grey bar at the top of this page.</i></big><a rel="me" href=""></a><a rel="me" href=""></a></p> <p align=center><b>Site updated on 11 March 2025<br /><b class='tweakSpon'><i>Sponsor of the day:</i> <a href="" target="_blank">The Telluride Institute<br /><img src="/images/sp/Telluride.gif" alt="Logo" target="_blank"></a></b></b></p><h2><a href="/entry/merriman_effie_w" style="text-decoration:none !important;">Merriman, Effie W</a></h2> <p>(1857-1937) US author of several books under her own name, and <i>circa</i> 1898 editor of the magazine <i>The Housekeeper</i>; she also wrote under her married name Mrs James Fifield. <i>A Queer Dilemma and Other Stories</i> (coll <b>1898</b>) is of sf interest as a collection of <a href="/entry/fantastika">Fantastika</a> that includes the title story's astral travel leading to unwelcome <a href="/entry/identity_exchange">Identity Exchange</a>; a ...</p> <p class="moreLink"><a href="/entry/merriman_effie_w" style="text-decoration:none !important;">Read more </a></p> <h2><a href="/entry/captain_video" style="text-decoration:none !important;">Captain Video</a></h2> <p><b>1.</b> US tv serial (1949-1953 and 1955-1956). DuMont. Produced by Larry Menkin. DuMont was a New York television company; in the early years of television many programmes came from New York. <i>Captain Video</i>, a 30-minute children's programme that went out five nights a week, was the first sf on television. Written by Maurice Brockhauser, it starred Richard Coogan (replaced in 1950 by Al Hodge) as Captain Video, who 300 years from now, with the aid of his Video Rangers, battled various ...</p> <p class="moreLink"><a href="/entry/captain_video" style="text-decoration:none !important;">Read more </a></p> <h2><a href="/entry/bersianik_louky" style="text-decoration:none !important;">Bersianik, Louky</a></h2> <p>Pseudonym of <a href="/entry/canada">Canadian</a> teacher and author Lucile Durand (1930-2011), who became of sf interest, after publishing at least eight children's books, for <i>L'Euguèlionne</i> (<b>1976</b>; trans by various hands as <i>The Euguèlionne: A Triptych Novel</i> <b>1981</b>), a <a href="/entry/feminism">Feminist</a> <a href="/entry/satire">Satire</a> which follows the complex <a href="/entry/fantastic_voyages">Fantastic Voyage</a> of an <a href="/entry/aliens">Alien</a> ...</p> <p class="moreLink"><a href="/entry/bersianik_louky" style="text-decoration:none !important;">Read more </a></p> <h2><a href="/entry/pyle_nathan_w" style="text-decoration:none !important;">Pyle, Nathan W</a></h2> <p>(1982- ) US television production designer, cartoonist and author best known for his popular webcomic <i>Strange Planet</i>, launched in February 2019 and set in a world of typically blue, hairless, <a href="/entry/alien">Alien</a> (though Pyle avoids this term) humanoids shaped rather like the traditional Alien Greys of ufological tradition (see <a href="/entry/ufos">UFOs</a>). These beings constantly discuss or enact human quirks and human situations with the kind of ...</p> <p class="moreLink"><a href="/entry/pyle_nathan_w" style="text-decoration:none !important;">Read more </a></p> <h2><a href="/entry/london" style="text-decoration:none !important;">London</a></h2> <p>As the <a href="/entry/cities">City</a> at the heart of the British Empire (see <a href="/entry/imperialism">Imperialism</a>), London was long seen by UK speculative authors as bearing the brunt of whatever <a href="/entry/disaster">Disaster</a> the future might bring. There are many proleptic post-imperial visions of London destroyed or depopulated, as in William Delisle <a href="/entry/hay_william_delisle">Hay</a>'s ...</p> <p class="moreLink"><a href="/entry/london" style="text-decoration:none !important;">Read more </a></p> <h2><a href="/entry/clute_john" style="text-decoration:none !important;">Clute, John</a></h2> <p>(1940- ) Canadian critic, editor and author, in the UK from 1969; married to Judith <a href="/entry/clute_judith">Clute</a> from 1964, partner of Elizabeth <a href="/entry/hand_elizabeth">Hand</a> since 1996. He began to publish work of genre interest with an sf-tinged poem "Carcajou Lament" in <i>Triquarterly</i> for Winter 1960 [ie Autumn 1959]; he began consistently publishing sf reviews in his "New Fiction" column for the <i>Toronto Star</i> (1966-1967), and later in ...</p> <p class="moreLink"><a href="/entry/clute_john" style="text-decoration:none !important;">Read more </a></p> <br /><br /></article></div> <div class="sideBarsWrapper"> <div class="sideBarsColsWrapper clearfix"> <div class="column sideBar12 clearfix"> <div class="columnForm"><aside id="blogFeed" class="widget"> <div class="content STeditorial clearfix"> <h2><i>SFE</i> News<span style="background:url(/images/thingSFE2.png) !important"></span></h2><ul style='width: 50%; float: left;'> <li>01/12/24 <a href='/news/welcome_gutenberg'>Welcome Gutenberg</a></li> <li>24/06/24 <a href='/news/thanks_to_conversation_2023'>Thanks to Conversation 2023</a></li> <li>09/05/24 <a href='/news/seven_million_words'>Seven Million Words</a></li> <li>22/03/24 <a href='/news/vernor_vinge'>Vernor Vinge (1944-2024)</a></li> <li>27/02/24 <a href='/news/brian_stableford'>Brian Stableford (1948-2024)</a></li> <li><i><a href="/news/"><img src="/static/img/moreLink.png" style="position:relative; 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