James 2 MSB
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Is it not the rich who oppress you and drag you into court? <A name="8"></a><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-7.htm"><b>7</b></a></span>Are they not the ones who blaspheme the noble name by which you have been called?<span class="fn"><a href="#fn">c</a></span> <A name="9"></a><p class="reg"><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-8.htm"><b>8</b></a></span>If you really fulfill the royal law stated in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,”<span class="fn"><a href="#fn">d</a></span> you are doing well. <A name="10"></a><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-9.htm"><b>9</b></a></span>But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors. <A name="11"></a><p class="reg"><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-10.htm"><b>10</b></a></span>Whoever keeps the whole law but stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. <A name="12"></a><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-11.htm"><b>11</b></a></span>For He who said, “Do not commit adultery,”<span class="fn"><a href="#fn">e</a></span> also said, “Do not murder.”<span class="fn"><a href="#fn">f</a></span> If you do not commit adultery, but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker. <A name="13"></a><p class="reg"><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-12.htm"><b>12</b></a></span>Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom. <A name="14"></a><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-13.htm"><b>13</b></a></span>For judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment. <A name="15"></a><p class="hdg">Faith and Works<br /><span class="cross">(<a href ="../galatians/3.htm">Galatians 3:1–9</a>)</span><p class="reg"><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-14.htm"><b>14</b></a></span>What good is it, my brothers, if someone claims to have faith, but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? <A name="16"></a><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-15.htm"><b>15</b></a></span>Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. <A name="17"></a><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-16.htm"><b>16</b></a></span>If one of you tells him, “Go in peace; stay warm and well fed,” but does not provide for his physical needs, what good is that? <A name="18"></a><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-17.htm"><b>17</b></a></span>So too, faith by itself, if it does not result in action,<span class="fn"><a href="#fn">g</a></span> is dead. <A name="19"></a><p class="reg"><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-18.htm"><b>18</b></a></span>But someone will say, “You have faith and I have deeds.” Show me your faith apart from your deeds,<span class="fn"><a href="#fn">h</a></span> and I will show you my faith by my deeds. <A name="20"></a><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-19.htm"><b>19</b></a></span>You believe that God is one.<span class="fn"><a href="#fn">i</a></span> Good for you! Even the demons believe that—and shudder. <A name="21"></a><p class="reg"><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-20.htm"><b>20</b></a></span>O foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is dead?<span class="fn"><a href="#fn">j</a></span> <A name="22"></a><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-21.htm"><b>21</b></a></span>Was not our father Abraham justified by what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? <A name="23"></a><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-22.htm"><b>22</b></a></span>You see that his faith was working with his actions, and his faith was perfected by what he did. <A name="24"></a><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-23.htm"><b>23</b></a></span>And the Scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,”<span class="fn"><a href="#fn">k</a></span> and he was called a friend of God.<span class="fn"><a href="#fn">l</a></span> <A name="25"></a><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-24.htm"><b>24</b></a></span>As you can see, then<span class="fn"><a href="#fn">m</a></span> , a man is justified by his deeds and not by faith alone. <A name="26"></a><p class="reg"><span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-25.htm"><b>25</b></a></span>In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute justified by her actions when she welcomed the spies<span class="fn"><a href="#fn">n</a></span> and sent them off on another route? <span class="reftext"><a href="/james/2-26.htm"><b>26</b></a></span>As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.</p><A name="fn"></a><div id="fnlink"><br /><br /><b>Footnotes:</b><br><br><span class="fnverse">2</span> <span class="footnotesbot">a</span> Greek <i>your synagogue</i><br><span class="fnverse">3</span> <span class="footnotesbot">b</span> CT <i>“Sit at my feet”</i><br><span class="fnverse">7</span> <span class="footnotesbot">c</span> Or <i>the noble name invoked upon you</i> or <i>the noble name of Him to whom you belong</i><br><span class="fnverse">8</span> <span class="footnotesbot">d</span> Leviticus 19:18<br><span class="fnverse">11</span> <span class="footnotesbot">e</span> Exodus 20:14; Deuteronomy 5:18<br><span class="fnverse">11</span> <span class="footnotesbot">f</span> Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17<br><span class="fnverse">17</span> <span class="footnotesbot">g</span> Literally <i>if it does not have works</i><br><span class="fnverse">18</span> <span class="footnotesbot">h</span> Literally <i>Show me your faith from your deeds</i>; CT <i>Show me your faith without deeds</i>; TR <i>Show me your faith without your deeds</i><br><span class="fnverse">19</span> <span class="footnotesbot">i</span> Or <i>that there is one God</i><br><span class="fnverse">20</span> <span class="footnotesbot">j</span> CT <i>is worthless</i><br><span class="fnverse">23</span> <span class="footnotesbot">k</span> Genesis 15:6<br><span class="fnverse">23</span> <span class="footnotesbot">l</span> See Isaiah 41:8.<br><span class="fnverse">24</span> <span class="footnotesbot">m</span> CT does not include <i>then</i>.<br><span class="fnverse">25</span> <span class="footnotesbot">n</span> Literally <i>messengers</i><br><br /></div><br /></div></div><div id="botbox"><div class="padbot"><div align="center"><a href="//">The Holy Bible, Majority Standard Bible, MSB</a> is produced in cooperation with <a href="//">Bible Hub</a>, <a href="//">Discovery Bible</a>, <a href="//"></a>, and the Berean Bible Translation Committee. This text of God's Word has been <a href=""> dedicated to the public domain</a>.<span class="p"><br /><br /></span>The MSB is the Byzantine Majority Text version of the BSB, including the BSB OT plus the NT translated according to the Robinson-Pierpont Byzantine Majority Text (<a href=""></a>).<span class="p"><br /><br /></span>The MSB includes footnotes for translatable variants from the modern Critical Texts (CT) such as the Nestle Aland GNT, SBL GNT, and Editio Critica Maior.<span class="p"><br /><br /></span>Major variants between the Majority Text (MT) and Textus Receptus (TR) are also noted. This text is a final version draft and is open to public comment and translation recommendations. please send all corrections and recommendations to the Berean Bible Translation Committee through the contact page at <a href="">Berean.Bible</a>.<span class="p"><br /><br /></span><span class="p"><br /><br /></span><a href="/">Bible Hub</a><span class="p"><br /><br /></span></div></div></div></div></td></tr></table></div><div id="left"><a href="../james/1.htm" onmouseover='lft.src="/leftgif.png"' onmouseout='lft.src="/left.png"' title="James 1"><img src="/left.png" name="lft" border="0" alt="James 1" /></a></div><div id="right"><a href="../james/3.htm" onmouseover='rght.src="/rightgif.png"' onmouseout='rght.src="/right.png"' title="James 3"><img src="/right.png" name="rght" border="0" alt="James 3" /></a></div><div id="botleft"><a href="#" onmouseover='botleft.src="/botleftgif.png"' onmouseout='botleft.src="/botleft.png"' title="Top of Page"><img src="/botleft.png" name="botleft" border="0" alt="Top of Page" /></a></div><div id="botright"><a href="#" onmouseover='botright.src="/botrightgif.png"' onmouseout='botright.src="/botright.png"' title="Top of Page"><img src="/botright.png" name="botright" border="0" alt="Top of Page" /></a></div><div id="bot"><iframe width="100%" height="1500" scrolling="no" src="/botmenubhchapnoad.htm" frameborder="0"></iframe></div></td></tr></table></div></body></html>