<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rss version="2.0"><channel><title> CARDIOLOGY RSS Feed</title><link></link><description>The latest news and articles from the, leading publication on the web.</description><copyright>(c) 2013, Slack Incorporated. All rights reserved.</copyright><updated>11/22/2013 10:02:46 PM</updated><ttl>5</ttl><item><title>OSLER: PCSK9 inhibitor reduced LDL at 1 year</title><description>DALLAS — Evolocumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody against PCSK9, was linked to persistent LDL reductions at 1 year, according to data presented at AHA 2013. Michael J. Koren, MD, and colleagues enrolled 1,104 patients with hypercholesterolemia in the Open-Label Study of Long-Term Evaluation Against LDL-C (OSLER) study, which examined the safety, efficacy and tolerability of evolocumab (AMG 145, Amgen). Koren said these data reflect the largest study of a PCSK9 inhibitor to date and the first time 1-year data in humans have been released for any PCSK9 inhibitor. </description><link>{758bd699-2073-433f-a946-156aacfc7e26}/osler-pcsk9-inhibitor-reduced-ldl-at-1-year</link><pubDate>Fri, 22 Nov 2013 14:19:11 GMT</pubDate><guid>{758BD699-2073-433F-A946-156AACFC7E26}</guid></item><item><title>ROCKET AF: Adverse outcomes related to major bleeding similar for Xarelto, warfarin</title><description>DALLAS — In patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, outcomes after a major bleeding event were similar for patients assigned rivaroxaban and those assigned warfarin, according to a new analysis of data from the ROCKET AF study.Researchers also found that major bleeding in patients assigned rivaroxaban (Xarelto, Janssen Pharmaceuticals) did not require greater transfusion of fresh frozen plasma or coagulation factors compared with those assigned warfarin, Jonathan P. Piccini, MD, of Duke University Medical Center, said during a presentation at AHA 2013.</description><link>{4df3bc25-49ae-4b42-806c-a295139baa48}/rocket-af-adverse-outcomes-related-to-major-bleeding-similar-for-xarelto-warfarin</link><pubDate>Fri, 22 Nov 2013 14:00:00 GMT</pubDate><guid>{4DF3BC25-49AE-4B42-806C-A295139BAA48}</guid></item><item><title>Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH, on the 1-year results of the STREAM trial</title><description>DALLAS — Cardiology Today's Intervention Chief Medical Editor Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH, offers his perspective on the 1-year follow-up data from the STREAM trial, presented at AHA 2013.Patients enrolled in the study were randomly assigned to receive either primary PCI or treatment with a pharmacoinvasive strategy. Initial, 30-day results indicated no overall benefit from the pharmacoinvasive approach, along with an increased rate of intracranial hemorrhage. Similarly, the 1-year follow-up data presented here indicates no benefit to mortality rate, despite researchers' hypothesis that a significant reduction in mortality would occur among recipients of treatment with the pharmacoinvasive strategy. </description><link>{ca59cf8b-f8d4-48ac-96da-128f93bb805d}/deepak-l-bhatt-md-mph-on-the-1-year-results-of-the-stream-trial</link><pubDate>Fri, 22 Nov 2013 13:27:45 GMT</pubDate><guid>{CA59CF8B-F8D4-48AC-96DA-128F93BB805D}</guid></item><item><title>CORE320: Combination CT angiography, perfusion accurately identified obstructive CAD</title><description>A combination of CT angiography and CT myocardial perfusion was associated with effective identification of obstructive CAD, according to results from the international, prospective CORE320 study.Researchers evaluated the performance of integrated CTA and adenosine stress CT myocardial perfusion as compared with invasive angiography and single-photon CT myocardial perfusion imaging (SPECT-MPI) in 381 patients aged 45 to 85 years with known or suspected CAD at 16 sites in eight countries. Thirty-eight percent of participants had a prior history of CAD. Flow-limiting CAD was defined as stenosis of 50% or more by invasive coronary angiography, with a corresponding perfusion deficit on SPECT, according to the study abstract.</description><link>{922fd31d-68ad-4ba3-998f-5221f4e22eac}/core320-combination-ct-angiography-perfusion-accurately-identified-obstructive-cad</link><pubDate>Fri, 22 Nov 2013 10:42:16 GMT</pubDate><guid>{922FD31D-68AD-4BA3-998F-5221F4E22EAC}</guid></item><item><title>Stress-induced myocardial ischemia common among younger women</title><description>Women aged younger than 50 years are at increased risk for mental stress-induced myocardial ischemia compared with men of a similar age.For a study presented at AHA 2013, researchers evaluated 96 patients aged 18 to 59 who were diagnosed with MI within the prior 6 months. Men and women (n=48 each) were matched according to age and the type of and time since MI. All patients underwent SPECT [99mTc] sestamibi myocardial perfusion imaging while at rest, after undergoing mental stress and after exercise/pharmacological stress. A summed difference score of ≥3 between perfusion defect scores at rest and after stress was considered indicative of clinically significant stress-induced ischemia.</description><link>{ab746e4b-d1fd-44ed-b2e1-54ad0f43210e}/stress-induced-myocardial-ischemia-common-among-younger-women</link><pubDate>Fri, 22 Nov 2013 10:14:00 GMT</pubDate><guid>{AB746E4B-D1FD-44ED-B2E1-54AD0F43210E}</guid></item><item><title>Obesity-related CVD risk lowered by reducing BP, cholesterol, glucose </title><description>Interventions that decrease hypertension, serum cholesterol and glucose levels may reduce overweight or obese patients’ risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke, according to research published in The Lancet. Hypertension, serum cholesterol and blood glucose account for up to half of the increased risk for CVD and three-quarters of the increased risk for stroke among this patient population, according to a press release.</description><link>{ec768085-806d-407a-8903-dc2d75241247}/obesity-related-cvd-risk-lowered-by-reducing-bp-cholesterol-glucose</link><pubDate>Fri, 22 Nov 2013 09:47:20 GMT</pubDate><guid>{EC768085-806D-407A-8903-DC2D75241247}</guid></item><item><title>New risk prediction guideline: Headed in the right direction, but limitations persist</title><description>Atherosclerosis remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the industrialized world. As such, all prevention guidelines emphasize that asymptomatic adults should undergo global risk assessment. However, limitations of the Adult Treatment Panel III version of the Framingham Risk Score for estimating hard 10-year CHD events have been well described in both underestimating and overestimating risk.In the new American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association 2013 Guideline on the Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk, global risk assessment remains endorsed as the first step for adults aged 40 to 79 years. A new 10-year risk score for estimating hard atherosclerotic CVD (ASCVD) events, including CHD and stroke, but not congestive HF or revascularization, was derived using pooled data from NHLBI-funded cohorts including ARIC, the Cardiovascular Health Study, CARDIA and Framingham. Importantly, there are now separate risk equations for sex and non-white populations.</description><link>{0f80d778-e0a3-480d-ad49-24b6632ff04a}/new-risk-prediction-guideline-headed-in-the-right-direction-but-limitations-persist</link><pubDate>Thu, 21 Nov 2013 17:36:00 GMT</pubDate><guid>{0F80D778-E0A3-480D-AD49-24B6632FF04A}</guid></item><item><title>Jonathan P. Piccini, MD, MHSc, discusses ROCKET AF trial results</title><description>DALLAS — In this video, Jonathan P. Piccini, MD, assistant professor of medicine at Duke University Medical Center, discusses the results of the ROCKET AF trial, which he presented at AHA 2013.In the large, randomized study, rivaroxaban was noninferior to warfarin in the prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in a cohort of 779 patients with nonvalvular AF, and led to fewer incidences of fatal and intracranial hemorrhage. Piccini notes that these results will be of interest to clinicians who have been concerned about the use of rivaroxaban in patients who experience major bleeding events, but that future prospective studies must assess the management of major bleeding events among rivaroxaban users.</description><link>{29e70914-a13c-463d-80e4-9539812a5b82}/jonathan-p-piccini-md-mhsc-discusses-rocket-af-trial-results</link><pubDate>Thu, 21 Nov 2013 16:27:47 GMT</pubDate><guid>{29E70914-A13C-463D-80E4-9539812A5B82}</guid></item><item><title>Nut consumption may reduce mortality rate</title><description>A new analysis indicates that consumption of nuts may have a dose-dependent, beneficial effect on mortality related to all causes, CVD and cancer.Researchers evaluated data from 76,464 women enrolled in the prospective Nurses’ Health Study (1980-2010) and 42,498 men enrolled in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (1986-2010). Frequency of nut consumption was measured in the cohorts at baseline and every 2 to 4 years, based on responses to validated food-frequency questionnaires.</description><link>{32b53cd1-a83f-4d98-b029-30d5d889e402}/nut-consumption-may-reduce-mortality-rate</link><pubDate>Thu, 21 Nov 2013 15:37:00 GMT</pubDate><guid>{32B53CD1-A83F-4D98-B029-30D5D889E402}</guid></item><item><title>New bill mandates national requirements for drug compounding, distribution</title><description>On Nov. 18, after more than 1 year of debate sparked by a deadly 2012 meningitis outbreak tied to compounded injectable steroids, the Senate passed the bipartisan Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA), which will now go to President Barack Obama for signature.Title I of the legislation — the Compounding Quality Act — will create a new two-tier system for drug compounding regulation. While the legislation would largely maintain the current state-focused framework for regulating traditional pharmacy compounding of prescriptions written for individual patients, it also will create a new category of “outsourcing facilities” that compound sterile drugs.</description><link>{fbc577eb-45dc-4f2c-99ab-37eb0520dc70}/new-bill-mandates-national-requirements-for-drug-compounding-distribution</link><pubDate>Thu, 21 Nov 2013 15:19:53 GMT</pubDate><guid>{FBC577EB-45DC-4F2C-99AB-37EB0520DC70}</guid></item><item><title>Risk assessments predict improved long-term outcomes after bariatric surgery</title><description>Bariatric surgery is associated with a significant long-term reduction in obesity’s major complications, such as coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular and peripheral vascular diseases, nephropathy, retinopathy, and cardiovascular mortality, according to researchers at Obesity Week 2013.Validated assessment tools from Framingham, UKPDS, PROCAM, ARIC, DECODE, QKidney, and Semeraro’s nomogram were used to predict these risks, Stacy A. Brethauer, MD, associate staff physician in the section of laparoscopic and bariatric surgery at Cleveland Clinic, told Endocrine Today. </description><link></link><pubDate>Thu, 21 Nov 2013 14:37:00 GMT</pubDate><guid>{326BD802-B9A8-4E76-BCD6-D631DBF94D0D}</guid></item><item><title>Binge eating increased cardiometabolic risk in children, teens</title><description>ATLANTA — Binge eating behavior among children and adolescents was associated with increased cardiometabolic risk, poorer diet quality and reduced physical activity.In study results presented at Obesity Week, researchers evaluated the binge eating behavior and dietary intake of 492 children and adolescents (mean age, 12 years). Binge eating was measured according to the Binge Eating Scale and dietary intake was determined through a 24-hour dietary recall, macronutrient analysis and assessment of daily energy intake. Screen time — the amount of time spent watching television, using a computer or playing video games — and duration of physical activity also were determined.</description><link>{82fb3d39-f447-4798-a68b-5d4f04dcaef6}/binge-eating-increased-cardiometabolic-risk-in-children-teens</link><pubDate>Thu, 21 Nov 2013 13:06:00 GMT</pubDate><guid>{82FB3D39-F447-4798-A68B-5D4F04DCAEF6}</guid></item><item><title>Renal denervation preserved renal function in resistant hypertension, CKD</title><description>DALLAS — Pilot study data have shown that in addition to reducing BP, catheter-based renal denervation may slow and even halt the decline of renal function in patients with treatment resistant hypertension and chronic kidney disease. The aim of the study was to determine whether reducing BP with renal denervation preserved renal function, since arterial hypertension is a predominant risk factor of renal function decline over time and reaching BP targets has been shown to preserve renal function. </description><link></link><pubDate>Thu, 21 Nov 2013 11:48:00 GMT</pubDate><guid>{8CEB0DB8-0266-45E2-869E-78AAF55CA535}</guid></item><item><title>Diabetes, CVD risk remained higher among metabolically healthy obese patients</title><description>Patients who are obese may still have an increased risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease despite their metabolic status, according to new data.“Unfortunately, our findings suggest metabolically healthy obesity is not a benign condition,” Carlos Lorenzo, MD, of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, said in a press release. “Regardless of their current metabolic health, people who are obese face an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes in the future.”</description><link>{e7755149-9761-4de4-9a0b-1fb880b2ea02}/diabetes-cvd-risk-remained-higher-among-metabolically-healthy-obese-patients</link><pubDate>Thu, 21 Nov 2013 10:43:00 GMT</pubDate><guid>{E7755149-9761-4DE4-9A0B-1FB880B2EA02}</guid></item><item><title>More research needed to determine effect of statins on cognition</title><description>Results from a recent systematic review indicate that statin use does not appear to have an adverse effect on cognitive function; however, available evidence on the link is of limited quality.“Despite the FDA warning regarding cognitive impairment, the relationship between statins and cognition remains unknown,” researchers wrote.</description><link>{f56adfcb-c59b-4c9a-9691-0469c9bcb23d}/more-research-needed-to-determine-effect-of-statins-on-cognition</link><pubDate>Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:49:13 GMT</pubDate><guid>{F56ADFCB-C59B-4C9A-9691-0469C9BCB23D}</guid></item><item><title>FDA issues warning about risks with cardiac nuclear stress test drugs</title><description>The FDA has issued a safety announcement warning health care professionals of rare but serious risk for MI and death with the use of the cardiac nuclear stress test agents regadenoson and adenosine. The agency recommends avoidance of these drugs in patients with signs or symptoms of unstable angina or CV instability due to greater risk for serious CV adverse reactions.According to a statement, the FDA approved changes to the regadenoson (Lexiscan, Astellas) and adenosine (Adenoscan, Astellas) drug labels to reflect the potential for these serious events. The drug labels previously contained information about the possible risk for MI and death.</description><link>{77eca2a6-e535-4c3a-806b-e75663953738}/fda-issues-warning-about-risks-with-cardiac-nuclear-stress-test-drugs</link><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2013 15:38:56 GMT</pubDate><guid>{77ECA2A6-E535-4C3A-806B-E75663953738}</guid></item><item><title>Statins increased risk for herpes zoster in older adults</title><description>Older adults who use statins had a small but significant increased risk for herpes zoster, researchers from St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto have found.“Given the widespread use of statins and the substantial morbidity associated with herpes zoster, further research is needed to clarify the exact mechanisms through which statins promote varicella-zoster virus reactivation and whether our findings are generalizable to younger patients receiving these drugs,” the researchers wrote in Clinical Infectious Diseases.</description><link>{f98f8e80-1544-4537-bcd7-17dd29fd8b0f}/statins-increased-risk-for-herpes-zoster-in-older-adults</link><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2013 14:19:21 GMT</pubDate><guid>{F98F8E80-1544-4537-BCD7-17DD29FD8B0F}</guid></item><item><title>BLOG: Speakers highlight, debate approaches to CV risk assessment</title><description>DALLAS — With all the excitement over risk prediction related to the new American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association 2013 Guideline on the Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk — the so-called “calculator-gate” — it was apropos that I spent the afternoon and evening of Nov. 19 in two sessions at AHA 2013 about CV risk prediction.</description><link>{7761c5d2-f1e2-4b25-9441-7dc031091025}/blog-speakers-highlight-debate-approaches-to-cv-risk-assessment</link><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2013 14:03:00 GMT</pubDate><guid>{7761C5D2-F1E2-4B25-9441-7DC031091025}</guid></item><item><title>Heart-health program benefited family members of patients with CAD </title><description>Family members of patients with CAD who participated in a heart-health intervention program reported more fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity, but no effect on total and HDL cholesterol, researchers reported.The study included 426 family members of patients with CAD who were randomly assigned to a family heart-health intervention (n=211) or a control group (n=215). The intervention consisted of information on risk factors, goal-setting assistance and 12 months of counseling from health educators. All participants, including controls, received printed information on healthy dietary habits, weight management, physical activity and smoking cessation. </description><link>{f64cc4c5-7c2f-49e2-af3c-5cbf277ac0e3}/heart-health-program-benefited-family-members-of-patients-with-cad</link><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2013 13:25:44 GMT</pubDate><guid>{F64CC4C5-7C2F-49E2-AF3C-5CBF277AC0E3}</guid></item><item><title>Neuromodulation for HF now in pivotal trial</title><description>SAN FRANCISCO — Substantial research on many specific approaches to neuromodulatory therapies for HF is ongoing, with some exciting preliminary results. One such therapy, involving vagus nerve stimulation with the CardioFit system, is now in a pivotal, prospective trial that is rapidly accruing patients.Spencer H. Kubo, MD, of the University of Minnesota, discussed the background data and ongoing INOVATE-HF trial at TCT 2013.</description><link>{8fd5a724-1358-4544-a7fc-176198df4707}/neuromodulation-for-hf-now-in-pivotal-trial</link><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2013 11:45:00 GMT</pubDate><guid>{8FD5A724-1358-4544-A7FC-176198DF4707}</guid></item></channel></rss>