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</div> <strong>Note:</strong> <div> <ul class="m-t-1" style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <li>If you are interested to become our training partner in <strong class="clr-black">North America</strong>&nbsp;- write to&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="main-color" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#bdcec9d8cbd893dacfdcd5dcd0fdd8deded2c8d3ded4d193d2cfda" target="_blank"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="eb989f8e9d8ec58c998a838a86ab8e8888849e85888287c584998c">[email&#160;protected]</span></a></li> <li>If you are interested to become our training partner in <strong class="clr-black">Europe/UK</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;- write to&nbsp;<a class="main-color" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#57273f3e3b3e2779353b363c3217323434382239343e3b79382530" target="_blank"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="5c2f393d321c393f3f3329323f353072332e3b">[email&#160;protected]</span></a></li> <li>If you are interested to become our training partner in <strong class="clr-black">APAC/Latin America</strong>&nbsp;- write to <a class="main-color" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#8ffceaeee1cfeaecece0fae1ece6e3a1e0fde8" target="_blank"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="463523272806232525293328252f2a68293421">[email&#160;protected]</span></a></li> <li>If you are interested to become our training partner in <strong class="clr-black">India/Middle-East/Africa/SAARC</strong> - write to <a class="main-color" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#ff9e949e8c97d19e989e8d889e93bf9a9c9c908a919c9693d1908d98"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="81e0eae0f2e9afe0e6e0f3f6e0edc1e4e2e2eef4efe2e8edafeef3e6">[email&#160;protected]</span></a></li> <li>If you are interested to become our training partner in <strong class="clr-black">Indonesia</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;- write to&nbsp;<a class="main-color" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#05716c6b716c6b456066666a706b666c692b6a7762" target="_blank"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="6014090e14090e200503030f150e03090c4e0f1207">[email&#160;protected]</span></a></li> <li>If you are interested to become our training partner anywhere else <strong class="clr-black">globally</strong>&nbsp;- write to <a class="main-color" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#3b485e5a557b5e5858544e555852571554495c" target="_blank"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="cfbcaaaea18faaacaca0baa1aca6a3e1a0bda8">[email&#160;protected]</span></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Become an atc --> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="Become_an_ATC" style="min-height: 500px;"> <div class="tabs-content font-16 t-justify"> <h3 class="main-color"> Become an Accredited Training Center</h3> <p> EC-Council takes partnering seriously. We expect mutual investment for each other&rsquo;s success. Please take a few moments to read through the benefits and requirements of the programs that interest you. The ATC partners are expected to meet and maintain specific requirements for their partnering category and level of participation. </p> <p> The courses, marketing, enablement and relationship benefits vary by level of partnership. Additionally, Partners are expected to demonstrate expertise in one or more e- Business technologies. </p> <p> Once you have decided to apply to become an ATC, please take the time to completely fill out the ATC application. The Partner Programs team will then review the application and follow up with you if more detail is needed. We will notify you of the status of your application within 21 business days. </p> <hr class="divider dev-style1" /> <div class="font-16 t-justify"> <h3 class="main-color">If you choose to join the EC-Council ATP program, there are a few simple steps to jump through:</h3> <div> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <li>Download the <a href="/Docs/Applications/Accredited Training Center (ATC) form.pdf" target="_blank"><span class="main-color">ATC Membership Form</span></a>.</li> <li>Send the entire original document together with payment to EC-Council&rsquo;s HQ or EC-Council&rsquo;s EMEA office.</li> <li>Alternatively, you can pay by credit card here.</li> <li>Membership costs USD500.00 for the first location and USD400.00 for each additional location under the same ownership. Renewals cost USD250.00 per annum.</li> <li>Regardless of payment method, the original agreement needs to be mailed to EC-Council&rsquo;s HQ or EC-Council&rsquo;s EMEA office.</li> <li>Upon receipt and approval, you will receive a welcome kit with a wall plaque and other collateral.</li> <li>The agreement expires after a term of one year and is subject to renewal upon prompt payment of the renewal fee</li> <li> As EC-Council has implemented a calendar system for renewals, all new applications which do not fall in January or July will need to include the transitory renewal payment of USD20.00 per month to bring the renewal period to January or July (whichever comes sooner). </li> </ul> </div> <hr class="divider dev-style1" /> <div> <div class="m-b-2"><strong>Example 1</strong></div> <div class="p-l-2"> <p> Assuming today is 15th August 2009 and the new application is approved on 1st September 2009, the new ATC will pay USD500.00 plus USD20.00 per month for the months September 2009 till December 2009. </p> <p>= USD500.00 + (USD20.00 x 4 months)</p> <p>= USD500.00 + USD80.00</p> <p>= USD580.00</p> <p><em>Subsequently, on 1st January of each calendar year, ATC will pay the full renewal fee of USD250.00</em></p> </div> <div> <div class="m-b-2"><strong>Example 2</strong></div> <div class="p-l-2"> <p> Assuming today is 15th April 2009 and the new application is approved on 1st May 2009, the new ATC will pay USD500.00 plus USD20.00 per month for the months May 2009 till June 2009. </p> <p>= USD500.00 + (USD20.00 x 2 months)</p> <p>= USD500.00 + USD40.00</p> <p>= USD540.00</p> <p><em>Subsequently, on 1st July of each calendar year, ATC will pay the full renewal fee of USD2</em>50.00</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Requirements --> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="Requirements" style="min-height: 500px;"> <div class="tabs-content font-16"> <div class="table-responsive"> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" class="table" style="border: 1px solid #f00;"> <tbody> <tr> <th colspan="2" class="main-bg text-center"> Requirements </th> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-top: 0;">Annual Contract</td> <td style="border-top: 0;">Yes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Fee &ndash; Initial</td> <td>US $500</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Annual Renewal Fee</td> <td>US $250</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Multiple Location Requirements</td> <td>US $400 required for each additional branch</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Certification or &nbsp;Expertise in security technology focus</td> <td>Yes</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="table-responsive"> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" class="table" style="border: 1px solid #f00;"> <tbody> <tr> <th colspan="2" class="main-bg text-center"> Staffing Requirements </th> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-top: 0;"> <div>TRAINERS</div> <div>Required for delivering security certification programs</div> </td> <td style="border-top: 0;">Minimum 1 Certified EC-Council Instructor</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Employed Sales/Marketing / Business Development Infrastructure</td> <td>Preferred</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Support Help Desk Personnel&nbsp;</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Success Stories, Newsletter Articles other activities</td> <td>Recommended</td> </tr> <tr> <td>References of customers with whom you have worked</td> <td>1 reference</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Named Primary Relationship Contact</td> <td>Yes</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Benifits --> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="Benefits" style="min-height: 500px;"> <div class="tabs-content font-16"> <div><h3 class="main-color"> When you become an ATC, you enjoy these special benefits:</h3></div> <div> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <li>Access to ATC extranet Web site</li> <li>Use of the EC-Council ATP &nbsp;logo</li> <li>Authorized to conduct EC-Council official curriculum courses</li> <li>ATC certificate and plaque</li> <li>Discounted Exam vouchers</li> <li>Promotional and marketing materials</li> <li>Admission to Hacker Halted conferences</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ATC Awards --> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="ATC_Award" style="min-height: 500px;"> <div id="acc_2" class="accordion t-justify"> <div class="panel"> <h5 class="acc-head"> <a href="#a1" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#acc_2" class="collapsed font-16" aria-expanded="false">About EC-Council Global Awards</a> </h5> <div class="acc-body collapse" id="a1" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="acc-content font-16"> <p> We are pleased to announce that the annual EC-Council Global Awards is back. The awards provide recognition and reward to EC-Council’s best performing training partners, institutions and certified instructors across more than 90 countries.<br> <br> Each year, EC-Council honor Accredited Training Centers and Certified Instructors that has made distinguished contributions to the success of EC-Council certification programs and made a difference in the rapidly evolving information security and <a href="" target="_blank">ethical hacking</a> domain.<br> <br> All ATCs and CEIs are invited to participate for in the awards and stand a chance to win!<br> </p> <h3> Discover the high value of awards </h3> <div> <strong class="font-15">Gain Recognition</strong> </div> <p class="p-indent">Winners of the awards will have significant coverage in prominent communication medium. Global Award winners will be showcased on EC Council website, coverage in global press releases. Accredited Training Center and Instructor of the Year will also be given priority referral.</p> <div> <strong class="font-15"> Benchmark Excellence<br> </strong> </div> <p class="p-indent">Winning entries serve as a resource for future Global Awards entrance. Winning accredited training centers and certified instructors epitomize the industry’s best practices, raise standards and contribute to a growing body of knowledge about <a target="_blank" href="">information security</a>. Every applicant will be able to see how they perform and learn from their accomplishments.</p> <div> <strong class="font-15"> Improves the credibility of the Training Centers and Instructors </strong> </div> <p class="p-indent">Award-winning training center and instructors high standards of professionalism will be greatly recognized and regarded more prestigious. The good image associated with prestige will increase visibility and profitability and generate good branding.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <h5 class="acc-head"> <a href="#atcawards0" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#acc_2" class="collapsed" aria-expanded="false">2018 Awards Winners</a> </h5> <div id="atcawards0" class="acc-body collapse"> <div class="acc-content font-16"> <table class="table" id="tblawards18"> <tr > <td> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>Training Center of The Year Award (Enterprise)</b> <li>Global Knowledge (North America)</li> <li>Global Knowledge (Netherlands)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr > <td> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>Circle of Excellence Award – Enterprise</b> <li>Phoenix TS – North America</li> <li>Infosec Institute – North America</li> <li>Learning Tree International – North America</li> <li>New Horizons Computer Learning Centers, 5 Point Enterprises Group – North America</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr > <td> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>ATC of the Year Award</b> <li>Training Camp - North America</li> <li>Tshukudu Technology College – Europe</li> <li>Systex Corporation- UCOM Information Technology Education Center-Asia Pacific</li> <li>Koenig Solutions Ltd – South Asia</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr > <td> <b>ATC Circle of Excellence Award</b> <div> <div> <ul style="margin-top:2%;list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>North America</b> <li>Stormwind LLC</li> <li>Insyte, LLC (Secure Ninja)</li> <li>Leaderquest Holdings Inc.</li> <li>Academy of Computer Education</li> </ul> </div> <div> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>Europe</b> <li>Firebrand Training UK Ltd</li> <li>Sysdream SARL</li> <li>QA Ltd</li> <li>OCHU DPO SPECIALIST (Formerly known as Computer Training Center SPECIALIST</li> <li>Firebrand Training GmbH</li> <li>Overnet Education</li> </ul> </div> <div> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>Latin America</b> <li>ETEK Colombia</li> <li>IT ERA, S.A. DE C.V.</li> <li>Strong Security</li> </ul> </div> <div> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>South Asia</b> <li>QUIK (Quest Institute of Knowledge)</li> <li>Cartel Software Pvt. Ltd</li> <li>Simplilearn Solution Pvt Ltd</li> <li>Institute of Information Security</li> </ul> </div> <div> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>Middle East</b> <li>Koenig Solutions FZ LLC</li> <li>SitesPower Training Center</li> <li>New Horizons CLC, Dubai</li> </ul> </div> <div> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>Africa </b> <li>Torque Technical Computer Training Pty Ltd</li> <li>Nexim Solutions</li> <li>OIL & GAS Skills (OGS) (Egypt- under ASC)</li> </ul> </div> <div> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>Asia Pacific</b> <li>ST Electronics (e-Services) Pte Ltd (COMAT)</li> <li>New Horizons CLC of Singapore</li> <li>Global Security Experts Inc (APAC)</li> <li>Kaplan Higher Education Academy</li> <li>Inixindo Persada Rekayasa Komputer</li> <li>DDLS Australia Pty Limited</li> </ul> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr > <td> <b>ATC Best New Comer Award</b> <ul style="margin-top:10px;list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')" "> <b>North America</b> <li>RSA University</li> </ul> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>Africa</b> <li>Tekonsult</li> </ul> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>Latam Region</b> <li>Cybertrust SpA</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr > <td> <b>Academia Best New Comer Award Award</b> <ul style="margin-top:10px;list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"><b>North America</b><li>Queens College of Business Technology and Public Safety (Lambton College in Mississauga) (Mississauga, Canada)</li></ul> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>Asia Pacific</b> <li>PSB Academy Pte Ltd</li> <li>Nanyang Polytechnic</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr > <td> <b>Academia Partner of the Year Award Award</b> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <li>Western Governors University -North America</li> <li>Majmaah University - Middle East</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr > <td> <b>Academia Circle of Excellence Award</b> <ul style="margin-top:10px;list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')" "> <b>North America</b> <li>University of Maryland University College (College Park, MD)</li> <li>California Institute of Arts and Technology (San Diego, CA)</li> <li>Tech Strategies International / Stetson University (Rockledge, FL)</li> <li>Northern Virginia Community College (Springfield, VA)</li> <li>Strayer University (Herndon, VA)</li> </ul> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>Asia Pacific</b> <li>Universitas Islam Indonesia</li> <li>Universitas Mercu Buana</li> <li>Universitas Langlangbuana</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr > <td> <b>Instructor of the Year Award</b> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <li>Eric Reed (USA)</li> <li>Feng,Chih Wei, Jeffrey (Taiwan)</li> <li>Geeta Singh (India)</li> <li>ANTONIO DA SILVA (Spain)</li> <li>George Dobrea (Romania)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr > <td> <b>Instructor Circle of Excellence Award</b> <div> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>North America</b> <li>Nathan Hand (USA)</li> <li>Bryan Foxx (USA)</li> <li>Ken Crawshaw (USA)</li> <li>Nicholas Lane (USA)</li> <li>Kevin Cardwell (USA)</li> </ul> </div> <div> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>Latin America</b> <li>David Pereira (Mexico)</li> <li>Bruno Botelho (Brazil)</li> </ul> </div> <div> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>Europe</b> <li>Wiliam Ischanoe (Czech Republic)</li> <li>Bjorn Mevissen (Netherlands)</li> <li>Mathias Roder (Germany</li> <li>Ahmed Ayman Sultan (Egypt)</li> <li>Rudy Baving (Netherlands)</li> </ul> </div> <div> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>Asia Pacific</b> <li>Belly Rachdianto (Malaysia)</li> <li>Dennis Paul Sanchez (Singapore)</li> <li>TANG, JEN-WEI (Vincent) - (Taiwan)</li> <li>Mahesa Sankarra (Malaysia)</li> <li>IGM Mantra (Indonesia)</li> </ul> </div> <div> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>Middle East</b> <li>Abhijit Tripathy (India, Middle East)</li> <li>Rajneesh Upadhyay (India, Middle East)</li> </ul> </div> <div> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b> Africa</b> <li>Piere Van Der Merwe (South Africa)</li> </ul> </div> <ul style="list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>South Asia</b> <li>Rahul Sharad Chitale (India)</li> <li>VIKAS P.S (India)</li> <li>Jaya Krishna (India)</li> <li>Vinay Gupta (India)</li> <li>Sadik Shaikh (India)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr > <td> <b>Academia Innovator of the Year</b> <ul style="margin-top:10px;list-style-image:url('../../Content/assets/images/list-icon.png')"> <b>North America</b> <li>Western Nevada College (Carson City, NV)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <h5 class="acc-head"> <a href="#a17" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#acc_2" class="collapsed" aria-expanded="false">2017 Awards Winners</a> </h5> <div class="acc-body collapse" id="a17" aria-expanded="false" style="height: 0px;"> <div class="acc-content font-16"> <h4>Training Center of The Year Award (Enterprise)</h4> Phoenix TS (North America)<br> ITERA SA de CV (Latin America)<br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Circle of Excellence Award – Enterprise</h4> Infosec Institute – North America<br> Global Knowledge – North America<br> Learning Tree International – North America<br> New Horizons Computer Learning Centers, 5 Point Enterprises Group – North America<br> Global Knowledge – UK/EU<br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>ATC of the Year Award</h4> Training Camp – (North America)<br> Torque Technical Computer Training (South Africa)<br> Koenig Solutions Ltd (India)<br> Etek International (Colombia)<br> ST Electronics (e-Services) Pte Ltd (Singapore)<br> Firebrand Training UK Ltd (UK)<br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Circle of Excellence Award</h4> <strong><u>North America</u></strong><br><br> Insyte LLC(Secure Ninja)<br> UMBC Training Centers<br> Academy of Computer Education<br> RFK Solutionz Corporation<br> Freewater Technologies<br> <br> <strong><u>Africa</u></strong><br> Torque Technical Computer Training (South Africa)<br> Arab Security Consultant (Egypt)<br> <br> <strong><u>Latin America</u></strong><br> Strong Security (Brazil)<br> Softsell (Brazil)<br> Aplicaciones Totales en Linea (ATL)<br> Código Verde Tecnologias de Informacion, S.C (Mexico)<br> Blue Hat Consultores (Ecuador)<br> <br> <strong><u>Europe</u></strong><br> TSTC BV (Tshukudu Technology College) – Netherlands<br> QA Ltd (UK)<br> Sysdream SARL (France)<br> <br> <strong><u>Middle East </u></strong><br> Koenig Solutions Limited (Dubai)<br> Global Knowledge (Middle East)<br> New Horizons CLC (Dubai)<br> Sitespower Training Center<br> Precise Thinking – Technology Consulting & Training<br> <br> <strong><u>South Asia</u></strong><br> Hacker School (A Subsidiary of Cartel Software Pvt. Ltd.)<br> QUIK Institute of Information Security<br> Simplilearn Solution Pvt Ltd<br> <br> <strong><u>Asia Pacific</u></strong><br> New Horizons Computer Learning Center of Singapore<br> Kaplan Higher Education Academy<br> Systex Corporation – UCOM Information Technology Education (Taiwan)<br> PT Mitra Integrasi Informatika (Indonesia)<br> DDLS (Australia)<br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Best New comer ATC Awards</h4> <strong><u>North America</u></strong><br> Alpine Security<br> <strong><u>South Asia</u></strong><br> Jetking Infotrain<br> <strong><u>Latin America</u></strong><br> UNAM (Academia-Mexico)<br> Cyborg Consultores (Dominican Republic)<br> Infocorp (Chile)<br> New Horizons (Nicaragua)<br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Academia Partner of the Year Awards</h4> <strong><u>North America</u></strong><br> University of Maryland University College<br> Tech Strategies International / Stetson University<br> California Institute of Arts and Technology<br> San Diego City College<br> Northern Virginia Community College<br> <strong><u>Asia Pacific</u></strong><br> Kaplan Higher Education Academy<br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Instructor of the Year Award</h4> Eric Reed (USA)<br> David Pereira (Colombia)<br> Dennis Sanchez (Singapore)<br> Feng, Chih Wei (Taiwan)<br> George Dobrea (Germany)<br> Piere Van Der Merwe (South Africa)<br> Geeta Singh (India)<br> <br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Instructor Circle of Excellence Award</h4> <strong><u>North America</u></strong><br> Bryan Foxx<br> Nathan Hand<br> Eric Beasley<br> Pete Cortez<br> Chuck Moore<br> <strong><u>Asia Pacific</u></strong><br> Belly Rachdianto (Singapore)<br> Dani Anpriyanto (Indonesia)<br> Tang, Jen-Wei (Taiwan)<br> <br> <strong><u>Latin America</u></strong><br> Jose Eulalio Olivera Castaneda<br> Mario Farias-Elinos<br> <br> <strong><u>South Asia</u></strong><br> Niranjan Reddy<br> Shafeeque Olassery Kunnikkal<br> Sunder Singh Khari<br> Tausif Shaikh<br><br> <br> <strong><u>Middle East</u></strong><br> Abhijit Tripathy<br> Mohanned Hassan Momani<br> Rajneesh Upadhyay<br> <br> <strong><u>Asia Pacific</u></strong><br> Belly Rachdianto<br> Dani Ampriyanto<br> JEN-WEI TANG<br> Nimalan Sivananthan<br> <br> <strong><u>Africa</u></strong><br> Adel Abdel Moneim<br> Aziz Magdy Ghaly<br> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <h5 class="acc-head"> <a href="#a16" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#acc_2" class="collapsed" aria-expanded="false">2016 Awards Winners</a> </h5> <div class="acc-body collapse" id="a16" aria-expanded="false" style="height: 0px;"> <div class="acc-content font-16"> <h4>Training Center of The Year Award (Enterprise)</h4> Global Knowledge (USA) – North America <br> It Era S.A. de C.V. (Mexico) – Latin America<br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Circle of Excellence Award – Enterprise</h4> Learning Tree International – North America<br> New Horizons Computer Learning Centers, 5 Point Enterprises Group – North America<br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>ATC of the Year Award</h4> Phoenix TS – North America<br> ETEK International – Latin America<br> Koenig Solutions Limited (Dubai) – Middle East<br> Torque IT – Africa<br> Firebrand Training (United Kingdom) – Europe<br> TSTC – Europe<br> Adept Technology Pvt Ltd – South Asia<br> Koenig Solutions (India) – South Asia<br> Systex Corp. – Asia Pacific<br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Circle of Excellence Award</h4> <strong><u>North America</u></strong><br> InfoSec Institute SecureNinja<br> StormWind Studios<br> TrainACE<br> Training Camp<br> <br> <strong><u>Africa</u></strong><br> Computek Training Center<br> <br> <strong><u>Latin America</u></strong><br> InterSoftware<br> Kalan T’aan<br> Strong Security Brasil<br> <br> <strong><u>Europe</u></strong><br> Computer training center «Specialist»<br> Global Knowledge Netherlands<br> GOPAS, a.s.<br> Itera Process Consulting S.L. (Spain)<br> QA LTD<br> <br> <strong><u>Middle East </u></strong><br> Global Knowledge (Dubai)<br> SitesPower Training Center<br> <br> <strong><u>South Asia</u></strong><br> EntersoftLabs<br> Hacker School (A Subsidiary of Cartel Software Pvt. Ltd.)<br> QUIK (QUEST INSTITUTE OF KNOWLEDGE)<br> <br> <strong><u>Asia Pacific</u></strong><br> COMAT Training Services Pte Ltd<br> DDLS<br> Inixindo<br> Iverson Associates<br> New Horizons Singapore<br> Prestariang Systems Sdn Bhd<br> PT Mitra Integrasi Informatika<br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Best New comer ATC Awards</h4> <strong><u>North America</u></strong><br> Advanced Business Learning<br> MyComputerCareer<br> ProSol<br> <strong><u>South Asia</u></strong><br> Cyber Radix Academy For Future Technology<br> National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT)<br> SSDN Technologies Pvt. Ltd.<br> <strong><u>Africa</u></strong><br> Essoka Cybersecurity Division<br> ITBU, AFNCI, 57357 Group<br> Three Quality Services Limited<br> <strong><u>Latin America</u></strong><br> ACADITI <strong><u>Europe</u></strong><br> Espion – A BSI Professional Services Company (UK)<br> Institute of Public Administration / Sensei Cybersecurity<br> <strong><u>Asia Pacific</u></strong><br> Kive Information Technology Consultancy <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Academia Partner of the Year and CSCU Partner of the Year Awards</h4> <strong><u>INDIA</u></strong><br> Institute of Advance Network Technology <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Best New Comer Academia Awards</h4> <strong><u>South Asia</u></strong><br> Rungta Skills Academy <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Instructor of the Year Award</h4> Debbie Dahlin – North America<br> Eric A. Reed – North America<br> David Fernando Pereira Q. – Latin America<br> Piere Anthony Van Der Merwe – Africa<br> George Dobrea – Europe<br> Geeta Singh – South Asia<br> Feng, Chih-Wei – Asia Pacific<br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Instructor Circle of Excellence Award</h4> <strong><u>North America</u></strong><br> Bob Withers<br> David W. Bigger<br> Pete Cortez<br> Wayne Burke<br> <br> <strong><u>Europe</u></strong><br> Antonio da Silva<br> Richard Millet<br> Rudy Baving<br> Sergey Klevogin<br> William Ischanoe<br> <br> <strong><u>Latin America</u></strong><br> Jose Eulalio Olivera Castaneda<br> Mario Farias-Elinos <br> <strong><u>South Asia</u></strong><br> Niranjan Reddy<br> Shafeeque Olassery Kunnikkal<br> Sunder Singh Khari<br> Tausif Shaikh<br> <br> <strong><u>Middle East</u></strong><br> Abhijit Tripathy<br> Mohanned Hassan Momani<br> Rajneesh Upadhyay<br> <br> <strong><u>Asia Pacific</u></strong><br> Belly Rachdianto<br> Dani Ampriyanto<br> JEN-WEI TANG<br> Nimalan Sivananthan<br> <br> <strong><u>Africa</u></strong><br> Adel Abdel Moneim<br> Aziz Magdy Ghaly<br> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <h5 class="acc-head"> <a href="#a15" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#acc_2" class="collapsed" aria-expanded="false">2015 Awards Winners</a> </h5> <div class="acc-body collapse" id="a15" aria-expanded="false" style="height: 0px;"> <div class="acc-content font-16"> <h4>Training Center of The Year Award (Enterprise)</h4> Global Knowledge (USA) – North America <br> GIT ERA – Latin America<br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Circle of Excellence Award – Enterprise</h4> Learning Tree International – North America <br> New Horizons – 5PE (USA) – North America<br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>ATC of the Year Award</h4> SecureNinja – North America<br> Etek International – Latin America<br> New Horizons Systems Solutions Limited (Nigeria) – Africa<br> Firebrand Training (United Kingdom) – Europe<br> Koenig Solutions (India) – South Asia<br> SYSTEX Corporation – Asia Pacific<br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Circle of Excellence Award</h4> <strong><u>North America</u></strong><br> Knowlogy Corporation<br> TrainACE<br> Training Camp<br> UMBC Training Corporation<br> <br> <strong><u>Africa</u></strong><br> Torque IT<br> <br> <strong><u>Latin America</u></strong><br> Blue Hat Consultores<br> Codigo Verde<br> InterSoftware<br> SoftSell<br> Strong Security Brasil<br> <br> <strong><u>Europe</u></strong><br> Global Knowledge (Netherlands)<br> GOPAS, a.s<br> QA LTD<br> Sysdream Sarl<br> TSTC Tshukudu Technology Center BV<br> NetAcademia Oktatokozpont<br> <br> <strong><u>Middle East and North Africa</u></strong><br> Al-Khaleej Training & Education.<br> Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport<br> Computek Training Centers<br> Formatech<br> Koenig Solutions (Dubai)<br> SitesPower Training Center<br> Telecom Egypt – Training Center<br> <br> <strong><u>South Asia</u></strong><br> Adept Technology Pvt Ltd<br> Hacker School (A Subsidiary of Cartel Software Pvt. Ltd)<br> Mercury Solutions Limited<br> Mazenet Solution (P) Ltd<br> <br> <strong><u>Asia Pacific</u></strong><br> COMAT Training Services Pte Ltd<br> Iverson Associates Sdn Bhd<br> New Horizons Computer Learning Centers of Singapore<br> PT. Inixindo Persada Rekayasa Komputer<br> Prestariang Systems Sdn Bhd<br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Best New comer ATC Awards</h4> <strong><u>North America</u></strong><br> Information Warfare Center, LLC <strong><u>South Asia</u></strong><br> Information Warfare Center, LLC <strong><u>Africa</u></strong><br> Jumping Bean <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Instructor of the Year Award</h4> Pete Cortez – North America<br> Jose Eulalio Olivera Castaneda – Latin America<br> Aziz Magdy Ghaly – Middle East and North Africa<br> Antonio da Silva – Europe<br> Geeta Singh – South Asia<br> Feng, Chih-Wei – Asia Pacific<br> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <h4>Instructor Circle of Excellence Award</h4> <strong><u>North America</u></strong><br> Bob Withers<br> Eric Reed<br> Joe McCray<br> <br> <strong><u>Europe</u></strong><br> Richard Millett<br> Rudy Baving<br> Wayne Burke<br> William Ischanoe<br> <br> <strong><u>Latin America</u></strong><br> David F. Pereira Q.<br> Eder Goncalves<br> Raul Valencia<br> <br> <strong><u>South Asia</u></strong><br> Niranjan Reddy<br> P.S.Vikas<br> Shafeeque Olassery Kunnikkal<br> <br> <strong><u>Middle East and North Africa</u></strong><br> Adel Abdel Moneim<br> Samir Abu Tahoun<br> <br> <strong><u>Asia Pacific</u></strong><br> Belly Rachdianto<br> Dani Ampriyanto<br> Kristian Oktavianus<br> Nimalan Sivananthan<br> <br> <strong><u>Africa</u></strong><br> Jacques Van Heerden<br /> Piere Anthony Van Der Merwe<br> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <h5 class="acc-head"> <a href="#a2" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#acc_2" class="collapsed font-16" aria-expanded="false">2014 Awards Winners</a> </h5> <div class="acc-body collapse" id="a2" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="acc-content font-16"> <p> Global Knowledge Training LLC - North America<br> IT ERA, S.A. DE C.V. - Latin America<br> Prestariang Systems Sdn. Bhd. - Asia Pacific </p> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <div> CECOM TSD - Lockheed Martin - North America </div> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <div> <strong><u>Phoenix TS - North America</u></strong><br> ETEK International - Latin America <br> Torque IT - Africa<br> Firebrand Training (UK) - Europe <br> Koenig Solutions Ltd. - South Asia<br> Systex Corp. - Asia Pacific<br> </div> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <div> <strong><u>North America</u></strong><br /> Academy of Computer Education<br /> New Horizons CLC of San Antonio<br /> New Horizons of Orlando, FL<br /> SecureNinja<br /> UMBC Training Centers<br /> <br /> <strong><u>Latin America </u></strong> <br> Aplicaciones Totales en Linea (ATL)<br> Clavis Segurança da Informação<br> Intersoftware<br> Security Solutions &amp; Education<br> Strong Security Brasil<br> <br> <strong><u>Middle East and North Africa</u> </strong> <br> Al-Khaleej Training &amp; Educations<br> Computek Training Center<br> Egyptian Banking Institute<br> Koenig Solutions<br> New Horizons UAE <br> <br> <strong><u>Africa</u> </strong> <br> New Horizons Systems Solutions Limited (Nigeria)<br> <br> <strong><u>Europe</u> </strong> <br> GOPAS, a.s.<br> ITERA Process<br> OverNet Education<br> Sysdream<br> TSTC - Tshukudu Technology College<br> <br> <strong><u>South Asia </u></strong> <br> Adept Technology Pvt Ltd<br> QUIK (Quest Institute of Knowledge)<br> Simplilearn Solution Private Limited<br> <br> <strong><u>Asia Pacific</u> </strong> <br> Andalan Nusantara Teknologi PT<br> CICRA Consultancies (PVT) LTD <br> COMAT Training Services Pte Ltd<br> New Horizons (Singapore)<br> PT Inixindo Persada Rekayasa </div> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <div> <strong><u>Latin America</u> </strong> <br> Megatraining <br> <strong><u>Middle East and North Africa</u> </strong> <br> National Education Network<br> Telecom Egypt -Training Sector<br> <br> <span style="text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; ">Africa </span> <br> Cybersecurity Africa <br> <strong><u>Europe</u> </strong> <br> IT Koolitus<br> <br> <strong><u>South Asia</u> </strong> <br> Sysap Technologies<br> <br> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <h5 class="acc-head"> <a href="#a3" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#acc_2" class="collapsed font-16" aria-expanded="false">2013 Awards Winners</a> </h5> <div class="acc-body collapse" id="a3" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="acc-content font-16"> <div> <p> Global Knowledge Training LLC - North America <br> Prestariang Systems Sdn. Bhd. - Asia Pacific </p> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <div> New Horizons CLC of San Antonio - North America <br> Itera - <b>Latin America</b><br> Pro Cloud - Middle East and North Africa <br> G.T.S.P - Africa <br> Firebrand Training - Europe<br> Tshukudu Technology College - Europe<br> Adept Technology Pvt Ltd - South Asia<br> EC-Council Academy - Asia Pacific </div> </div> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <div> <strong><u>North America</u></strong><br> Phoenix TS<br> SecureNinja<br> Academy of Computer Education<br> UMBC Training Centers<br> <br> <strong> <u> Latin America </u> </strong> <br> Etek Columbia<br> Blue Hat Consultores<br> Strong Security Brasil<br> Sistemas Delta P<br> <br> <strong> <u> Middle East and North Africa </u> </strong> <br> Formatech<br> SitesPower Training Center<br> New Horizons - Lebanon<br> <br> <strong> Africa </strong> <br> New Horizons Systems Solutions Limited<br> Rhythex Consulting Limited <br> <br> <strong> <u> Europe </u> </strong> <br> OverNet Education<br> Computer Training Center Specialist at Bauman MSTU<br> Sysdream<br> GOPAS, a.s.<br> <br> <strong> <u> South Asia </u> </strong> <br> Mercury Solutions Limited<br> QUIK (Quest Institute of Knowledge)<br> netConclave Systems<br> Koenig Solutions<br> MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd.<br> Hacker School (A Subsidiary of Cartel Software Pvt. Ltd)<br> <br> <strong> <u> Asia Pacific </u> </strong> <br> Systex Corp.<br> New Horizons Singapore<br> COMAT Training Services Pte Ltd<br> Cicra Consultancies (Pvt) Ltd<br> PT. Activindo System Informatika <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <div> <div> <strong> <u> North America </u> </strong> <br> NetCom Learning<br> <br> <strong> <u> Latin America </u> </strong> <br> Deloiite Risk Academy <br> <br> </div> <div> <strong> <u> Africa </u> </strong> <br> NSIA Technologies <br> <br> </div> <div> <strong> <u> Europe </u> </strong> <br> Espion <br> <br> </div> </div> <div> <strong> <u> South Asia </u> </strong> <br> IntelleSecure<br> Simplilearn Solution Pvt Ltd<br> IANT (Institute of Advance Network Technology) <br> <br> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <h5 class="acc-head"> <a href="#a4" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#acc_2" class="collapsed font-16" aria-expanded="false">2012 Awards Winners</a> </h5> <div class="acc-body collapse" id="a4" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="acc-content font-16"> <div> Global Knowledge - North America<br> It Era, S.A. de C.V.- Latin America<br> Firebrand Training Ltd – Europe<br> Tshukudu Technology College (TSTC )BV - Europe<br> Adept Technology Pvt. Ltd. – South Asia<br> Raya Academy – ME and North Africa<br> New Horizons Nigeria - Africa<br> EC-Council Academy Sdn Bhd - Asia Pacific/North East Asia </div> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <div> <strong><u>North America</u></strong><br> Academy of Computer Education<br> New Horizons CLC of San Antonio<br> UMBC Training Centers<br> Phoenix TS<br> <br> <strong><u>South America</u></strong><br> ETEK International Holding Corp.<br> Sistemas y Tecnologia Profesional S.A. de C.V.<br> Atl. Aplicaciones Totales en Linea<br> <br> <strong><u>Europe</u></strong><br> Sysdream<br> Computer Center Training Specialist at Bauman MSTU<br> <br> <strong><u>Middle East and North Africa</u></strong><br> Egyptian Banking Institute<br> New Horizons - Lebanon<br> Formatech<br> Pro Cloud Consultancy &amp; Technologies<br> <br> <strong><u>Asia Pacific/North East Asia</u></strong><br> Prestariang Systems Sdn Bhd<br> New Horizons Computer Learning Centers of Singapore a.k.a.<br> ITEL Learning Systems (S) Pte Ltd<br> Fast Lane Asia Pacific<br> PT Activindo System Informatika<br> <br> <strong><u>South Asia</u></strong><br> Miel e-Security Pvt Ltd<br> Netconclave Systems<br> Jodo Institute<br> QUIK (Quest Institute of Knowledge)<br> Koenig Solutions<br> <br> <strong><u>Africa</u></strong><br> Rhythex Consulting Ltd </div> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <div> <strong><u>North America</u></strong><br> ASM Educational Center (ASM)<br> <br> <strong><u>Europe</u></strong><br> GOPAS IT training center<br> <br> <strong><u>Asia Pacific/North East Asia</u></strong><br> IT Learning Solution China<br> <br> <strong><u>South Asia</u></strong><br> Zybeak Technologies<br> <br> <strong><u>Africa</u></strong><br> Inspire Systems Institute Ltd / Tylers<br> <br> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <h5 class="acc-head"> <a href="#a5" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#acc_2" class="collapsed font-16" aria-expanded="false">2011 Awards Winners</a> </h5> <div class="acc-body collapse" id="a5" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="acc-content font-16"> <div> Academy of Computer Education - North America<br> Itera - DF (IT Era S.A. de C.V.) - South America<br> Firebrand Training Ltd - Europe<br> Raya Academy – ME and North Africa<br> New Horizons Systems Solutions Limited - Africa<br> EC-Council Academy Sdn Bhd - Asia Pacific/North East Asia </div> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <div> <strong><u>North America</u></strong> <br> Securible, LLC<br> Global Knowledge Training LLC and Subsidiaries<br> Training Camp<br> Phoenix TS<br> New Horizons Omaha<br> <br> <strong><u>South America</u></strong> <br> ETEK International Holding Corp.<br> Desarrolla Soluciones En Tecnologia De Informacion S. De R.L. M.I. De C.V.<br> Intersoftware Learning Solutions<br> Sistemas y Tecnologia Profesional S.A. de C.V.<br> Atl. Aplicaciones Totales en Linea<br> <br> <strong><u>Asia Pacific/North East Asia</u></strong> <br> Prestariang Systems Sdn Bhd<br> New Horizons Computer Learning Centers of Singapore a.k.a. ITEL Learning Systems (S) Pte Ltd<br> PT. Inixindo Persada Rekayasa Komputer<br> PT Activindo System Informatika<br> Comat Training Services Pte Ltd<br> <br> <strong><u>Europe</u></strong> <br> Net Academia<br> Sysdream<br> QA Ltd<br> Tshukudu Technology College BV (TSTC BV)<br> Overnet Solutions SRL<br> <br> <strong><u>Middle East and North Africa</u></strong> <br> Hi-Tech College<br> Synergy Global Professional Services<br> IDEL Information Technology<br> Formatech<br> Roshcomm/Excel Training<br> <br> <strong><u>South Asia</u></strong> <br> Koenig Solutions Pvt. Ltd.<br> Miel e-Security Pvt Ltd<br> Netconclave Systems<br> Jodo Institute<br> QUIK (Quest Institute of Knowledge)<br> Adept Technology Pvt. Ltd.<br> <br> <strong><u>Africa</u></strong> <br> Rhythex Consulting Ltd <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <div> <strong><u>North America</u></strong><br> Infotec Secure Ninja<br> <br> <strong><u>South America</u></strong><br> Blue Hat Consultores BS Grupo<br> <br> <strong><u>Europe</u></strong><br> Firebrand Training Nordic<br> A/S Computer Training Center Specialist at<br> Bauman MSTU New Horizons Bulgaria<br> <br> <strong><u>Middle East and North Africa</u></strong><br> Egyptian Banking Institute<br> Central Bank of Egypt National Education Network<br> <br> <strong><u>Asia Pacific/North East Asia</u></strong><br> PT. Integrasindo Mitra Mandiri<br> <br> <strong><u>South Asia</u></strong><br> Akandum Technologies Pvt Ltd<br> Solapur IT Services<br> <br> <strong><u>Africa</u></strong><br> G.T.S.P <br> <br> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <h5 class="acc-head"> <a href="#a6" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#acc_2" class="collapsed font-16" aria-expanded="false">2010 Awards Winners</a> </h5> <div class="acc-body collapse" id="a6" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="acc-content font-16"> <div> Advanced Security by Academy of Computer Education – North America<br /> Intersoftware (Learning Solutions) – Latin America<br /> Firebrand Training UK - Europe<br /> MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd - India<br /> Raya Academy - Africa<br /> Hsueh-Cheng Educational Organization (PC-Center) – Asia Pacific </div> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <div> Training Camp<br /> Phoenix TS, Rockville MD<br /> New Horizons, San Antonio TX<br /> New Horizons, Omaha NE/TN<br /> Netcom Information Technology<br /> Etek Holding Corp Columbia<br /> Facultad de Contaduría Pública y Administración (FACPYA) Nuevo Leon<br /> IT University Puebla<br /> Wissen Queretaro<br /> BDO Consulting Panama<br /> NetAcademia<br /> Sysdream SARI<br /> Global Knowledge Germany Training GmbH<br /> Tshukudu Technology College B.V. (TSTC)<br /> British Telecommounications PLC<br /> Adept Technology Pvt Ltd<br /> Koenig Solutions Pvt Ltd<br /> Brace Radical Information Security Pvt Ltd (Brip)<br /> Netconclave Systems<br /> Fluxonix Educational Services Pvt. Ltd<br /> Prestariang Systems Sdn Bhd<br /> Institute Information Industry (III)<br /> China University of Technology<br /> PT Activindo Systems<br /> Japan Third Party<br /> </div> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <div> Semos Computer Edu Center<br /> Itera LATAM (Nuevo León, Jalisco, Mexico, Perú)<br /> IServices Ltd<br /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <h5 class="acc-head"> <a href="#a7" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#acc_2" class="collapsed font-16" aria-expanded="false">2009 Awards Winners</a> </h5> <div class="acc-body collapse" id="a7" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="acc-content font-16"> <div> Vigilar - Intense School<br /> Firebrand Training United Kingdom<br /> MIEL e-Security Private Limited<br /> PC Center Taiwan<br /> Prestariang Systems Sdn Bhd<br /> The Information Center Institute<br /> Raya Academy<br /> ETEK International Holding Corp<br /> </div> <hr class="divider dev-style1" /> <div> Specialized Solutions<br /> The Training Camp<br /> Academy of Computer Education<br /> Netcom Information Technology Incorporation<br /> NetAcademia<br /> Tshukudu Technology College B.V.<br /> Sysdream SARL<br /> Internet Security Auditors<br /> Bremer Akademie<br /> Koenig Solutions Private Limited<br /> Net Conclave Systems Private Limited<br /> Adept Technology Private Limited<br /> China University of Technology<br /> The Institute of Information Industry<br /> Asia Pacific Institute Of Technology (APIIT)<br /> Telkom Professional Development Center<br /> Multimatics Professional Development Center<br /> Spectrum Networks Solutions Pvt. Ltd.<br /> IT Security Training &amp; Solutions<br /> Learning Solutions S.A de C.V.<br /> ATT Corporation Venezuela<br /> Elevaria<br /> BDO Consulting, S.A.<br /> </div> <hr class="divider dev-style1" /> <div> Solutient Corporation of Ohio Incorporation<br /> PWC Academy<br /> Fluxonix Training Services<br /> Carrick and Associates Training<br /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <h5 class="acc-head"> <a href="#a8" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#acc_2" class="collapsed font-16" aria-expanded="false">2008 Awards Winners</a> </h5> <div class="acc-body collapse" id="a8" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="acc-content font-16"> <div> ATC of the Year (North America)<br /> Global Knowledge<br /> ATC of the Year (Europe)<br /> British Telecom Belfast (UK)<br /> ATC of the Year (Middle East &amp; South Mediterranean)<br /> IT Security Training &amp; Solutions<br /> ATC of the Year (Asia)<br /> PC Center Information Co.Ltd (Taiwan)<br /> Adept Technology Pvt. Ltd. India<br /> ATC of the Year (Latin America)<br /> Etek International (Columbia)<br /> ATC of the Year (Africa)<br /> Raya Academy<br /> </div> <hr class="divider dev-style1"> <strong>Circle of Excellence (North America)</strong><br /> <div> Global Net (USA)<br /> Intense School (USA)<br /> New Horizons Salt Lake City (USA)<br /> The Training Camp (USA)<br /> New Horizons New York (USA)<br /><br /> </div> <strong>Circle of Excellence (Europe)</strong><br /> <div> Firebrand Training (UK)<br /> TSTC(Benelux)<br /> Bremer Akademie (Germany)<br /> Sysdream SARL (France )<br /> Netacademia (Hungary)<br /><br /> </div> <strong>Circle of Excellence (Asia Pacific)</strong><br /> <div> Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology (Malaysia)<br /> The Institute for Information Industry (Taiwan)<br /> New Horizons (Hong Kong)<br /> Prestariang (Malaysia)<br /> University Tun Abdul Razak (Malaysia)<br /><br /> </div> <strong>Circle of Excellence (India)</strong><br /> <div> Koenig Solutions Pvt. Ltd (India)<br /> Miel e-Security Pvt. Ltd (India)<br /> Gates Computing Pvt. Ltd (India) </div> <hr class="divider dev-style1" /> <p>USA IT Training Solutions</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <h5 class="acc-head"> <a href="#a9" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#acc_2" class="collapsed font-16" aria-expanded="false">2007 Awards Winners</a> </h5> <div class="acc-body collapse" id="a9" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="acc-content font-16"> <div> ATC of the Year (North America)<br /> GlobalNet Training Solutions, Inc.<br /> ATC of the Year (Europe)<br /> James Thornton Group<br /> ATC of the Year (Middle East &amp; South Mediterranean)<br /> Hi-Tech College (I.S.E.)<br /> ATC of the Year (Asia)<br /> Adept Technology Pvt. Ltd.<br /> ATC of the Year (Latin America)<br /> I-Technology Mexico </div> <hr class="divider dev-style1" /> <div> <strong> Circle of Excellence (North America)</strong><br /> Global Knowledge Training LLC<br /> New Horizons - Salt Lake City<br /> New Horizons - New York City<br /> The Training Camp<br /> New Horizons - San Antonio<br /><br /> </div> <div> <strong>Circle of Excellence (Europe)</strong><br /> Tshukudu Technology College B.V.<br /> Training Camp (UK) Ltd. </div> <hr class="divider dev-style1" /> <div> <strong>Best Newcomer (USA)</strong><br /> Levi, Ray &amp; Shoup, Inc.<br /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Important Notice --> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="Important_Notice" style="min-height: 500px;"> <div class="tabs-content font-16 t-justify"> <h3 class="main-color"> Candidate's Personal & Certification Details – Confidential Information<br /> </h3> <p> EC-Council would like to remind all partners that any student’s and/or member’s personal and certification information is confidential and is not shared with any parties whatsoever external to EC-Council. 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