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<a href=""><span >People</span></a> &raquo; <a href=""><span >Radioontheshelf</span></a> &raquo; <span >"The Ferocity Of Music"</span></div> <h1 class="title">The Ferocity Of Music </h1> <a name="content" ></a> <div id="inner_content"> <!-- template upload_page_pieces.tpl --> <style> table#upload_page_table td { vertical-align: top; } td#upload_menu_box { width: 20%; } td#upload_sidebar_td { width: 30%; } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Default Style" href="" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var ratings_enabled = '1'; </script> <a class="flag upload_flag" title="Flag this upload for possible violation of terms" href="">&nbsp;</a> <div id="date_box"> uploaded: Fri, Nov 22, 2024 @ 4:11 PM </div> <table id="upload_page_table"> <tr> <td id="upload_menu_box"> </td> <td id="upload_middle_td"> <div class="box"> <img src="" style="float:right" /> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="credit_info"> <tr><th>by</th><td><a class="cc_user_link" href="">Radioontheshelf</a></td></tr> <tr><th>Featuring</th><td>Suzi Q</td></tr> <tr><th>length</th><td>6:08</td></tr> <tr><th>Recommends</th> <td><div class="rated recommend_block" id="recommend_block_69123">Recommends <span>(10)</span></div></td></tr> </table> <div style="overflow:scroll;height:19em;border:1px solid #BBB;padding:4px;"> I feel more comfortable in my musical life now than at any other time. I think this may be as a result of not having to produce music for a pre ordained market. Now I just do what I like and if others enjoy it then that is an added bonus.<br /> <br /> SuziQ&#8217;s words remind us that often the arts can be driven by many opposing forces and no matter what age the artist is the creative juices can still flow beyond the musical estuary. <br /> <br /> I was once an adventurer but now I&#8217;m just a pensioner<br /> Fighting off the wrinkles and counting down the days<br /> But I&#8217;m still in love with music I know I&#8217;ll never loose it<br /> I&#8217;ll be a rock and roll man no matter what they say<br /> <br /> I&#8217;m still younger than Bruce Springsteen by a few years and a few days<br /> But he&#8217;s got more hair than I do and more money in the bank<br /> But despite these casual differences we&#8217;re both still really just big kids<br /> Reaching for the music and for that we both give thanks<br /> <br /> Mick and Keith are in their eighties but they both still act like maybe<br /> They are still in their twenties as they rock up a storm<br /> And Ronnie Woods the baby in his seventies still crazy<br /> Playing like a demon the boys always on form<br /> <br /> So I&#8217;m going to keep on singing writing songs and always winning<br /> When I&#8217;m fighting off the people who say its time to take a rest<br /> I will always be a music man it was always part of my life&#8217;s plan<br /> And thanks to CCMixter I will always give my best </div> <div class="taglinks"> <a href="">media</a>, <a href="">remix</a>, <a href="">non_commercial</a>, <a href="">audio</a>, <a href="">mp3</a>, <a href="">44k</a>, <a href="">stereo</a>, <a href="">CBR</a>, <a href="">male_vocals</a>, <a href="">female_vocals</a>, <a href="">guitar</a>, <a href="">doublebass</a>, <a href="">piano</a>, <a href="">cello</a>, <a href="">strings</a>, <a href="">orchestral</a>, <a href="">music_for_film</a> </div> <!-- template render_play_link --> <div class="playerdiv"><span class="playerlabel">Play</span><a class="cc_player_button cc_player_hear" id="_ep_69123"> <span>The Ferocity Of Music</span></a></div> <script type="text/javascript"> $('_ep_69123').href = '' </script> <div class="info_box_clear">&nbsp;</div> </div><!-- info box --> <div class="box"> <div id="requested_reviews"></div><div id="recommended_by">Recommended by: <a href="">unreal_dm</a>, <a href="">Speck</a>, <a href="">sparky</a>, <a href="">panu (panumoon)</a>, <a href="">Siobhan Dakay (SiobhanD)</a>, <a href="">Soulja Unit (SouljaUnit)</a>, <a href="">Dan_Mantau</a>, <a href="">Ben Blohowiak (bblohowiak)</a>, <a href="">Bocrew</a>, <a href="">Bluemillenium</a></ul></div> </div> </td> <td id="upload_sidebar_td"> <div class="box" id="license_info" about="urn:sha1:FN2AUP47WOWMI3CTHOJC67OHIYJVL5PF" > <p> <div id="license_info_t"> "<a href="" rel="cc:attributionURL"><span href="" property="dc:title" rel="dc:type">The Ferocity Of Music</span></a>" <br /> by <span property="cc:attributionName"> Radioontheshelf</span><br /><br /> 2024 - Licensed under<br /> Creative Commons<br /> <a rel="license" href="" title="Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)">Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)</a><br /><br /> <a rel="license" href="" title="Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)"><img title="Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)" src="" /></a><br /><br /> <p id="license_more_info"> <!-- license --> Click <a href="">here</a> for how to give credit and other conditions. </p> </div> </p> </div> <div class="box" id="remix_info"> <img src="" /> <h2>Uses samples from:</h2> <div> <a class="remix_links cc_file_link" rel="dc:source" href="">Ferocious</a> by <a href="" class="cc_user_link user_name">Suzi Q. 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