2015 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

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UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe</figcaption> </figure> <p class="herotext">&ldquo;Let us remember that you are here not simply to avoid a nuclear nightmare, but to build a safer world for all..&rdquo; <span class="herocaption">&ndash; United Nations <cite title="Source Title">Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon</cite> 2010 NPT Review Conference, General Debate, 3 May 2010</span></p> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <h2>2015 NPT Review Conference</h2> <h3>Background information</h3> <p>The 2015 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) was held at the United Nations in New York from 27 April to 22 May 2015 and presided over by Ambassador Taous Feroukhi of Algeria.</p> <p> The Treaty, particularly article VIII, paragraph 3, envisages a review of the operation of the Treaty every five years, a provision which was reaffirmed by the States parties at the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference and the 2000 NPT Review Conference.</p> <p> At the 2015 NPT Review Conference, States parties examined the implementation of the Treaty’s provisions since 2010. Despite intensive consultations, the Conference was not able to reach agreement on the substantive part of the draft Final Document.</p> <p> The NPT is a landmark international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote co-operation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament. The NPT represents the only binding commitment in a multilateral treaty to the goal of disarmament by the nuclear-weapon States.</p> <p> Opened for signature in 1968, the Treaty entered into force in 1970. Since its entry into force, the NPT has been the cornerstone of global nuclear non-proliferation regime. With 190 States parties, including the five nuclear-weapon States, the Treaty is the most widely adhered to multilateral disarmament agreement.</p> <hr> <h2>Final Documents of the 2015 NPT Review Conference</h2> <h3><a href="">NPT/CONF.2015/50 (Part I) - Organization and work of the Conference</a></h3> <h3><a href="">NPT/CONF.2015/50 (Part II) - Documents issued at the Conference</a></h3> <h3><a href="">NPT/CONF.2015/50 (Part III) - Final Document: Summary records and list of participants</a></h3> <h2>Final Documents of the 2010 NPT Review Conference</h2> <h3><a href=" (VOL.I)">Final Document - Volume I (NPT/CONF.2010/50 (Vol. I))</a></h3> <p>Part I — Review of the operation of the Treaty, as provided for in its article VIII (3), taking into account the decisions and the resolution adopted by the 1995 Review and Extension Conference and the Final Document of the 2000 Review Conference — Conclusions and recommendations for follow-on actions</p> <p>Part II — Organization and work of the Conference</p> <h3> <a href=" (VOL. II)">Final Document - Volume II (NPT/CONF.2010/50 (Vol. II))</a></h3> <p>Part III - Documents issued at the Conference</p> <h3><a href=" (VOL. III)">Final Document - Volume III (NPT/CONF.2010/50 (Vol. III))</a></h3> <p>Part IV - Summary records and list of participants</p> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar" class="hidden-xs"> <h3>Links</h3> <ul> <li><a href="text.shtml">NPT Text</a></li> <li><a href="">UN &amp; Disarmament <img src="/common/images/icons/ico_extlink_v2.png" width="11" height="11" alt="external link"></a></li> <li><a href="">Disarmament Issues <img src="/common/images/icons/ico_extlink_v2.png" width="11" height="11" alt="external link"></a></li> <li><a href="">PaperSmart</a></li> <li><a href="resources.shtml">Resources</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <footer class="footer"> <ul> <li><a href="/en/about-us/copyright">Copyright </a> | </li> <li><a href="/en/about-us/terms-of-use">Terms of Use </a> | </li> <li><a href="/en/about-us/privacy-notice">Privacy Notice </a> | </li> <li><a href="/en/site-index">Site Index </a> | </li> <li><a href="/en/about-us/fraud-alert">Fraud Alert </a> | </li> <li><a href="/en/contact-us-0">Contact Us </a></li> </ul> </footer> </div><!-- /.container --> <!-- Bootstrap core JavaScript ================================================== --> <!-- Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster --> <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <!-- IE10 viewport hack for Surface/desktop Windows 8 bug --> <script src="js/ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js"></script> <!-- stats_bodybottom.shtml--> </body> </html>

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