how to configure a private pool for existing instances - Elastic Compute Service - Alibaba Cloud Documentation Center

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id="shortdesc-aaf-rip-1qp" data-tag="shortdesc" class="shortdesc">You can configure existing instances to use a private pool to increase the capacity usage of the private pool. You can also configure existing instances not to use a private pool so that the private pool can be used to create instances. </p><div data-tag="taskbody" id="taskbody-owk-394-156" class="taskbody"><section data-tag="context" id="context-x86-3r2-6vn" data-type="context" class="context section"><h2 id="d41e17">Background information</h2><div data-tag="p" id="p-f4w-1jf-tnt" class="p"><p id="fe72f5c940p7n">Some examples on how to work with private pools:</p><ul data-tag="ul" id="ul-vzo-ez4-bps" class="ul"><li data-tag="li" id="li-him-9cr-zq9" class="li"><p id="fe72f5ca404f6">Assume that you have used a private pool to create instances and want to create more instances when resources are strained. You can configure the created instances not to use the private pool and then use the private pool to create new instances. </p></li><li data-tag="li" id="li-zzu-sz6-mla" class="li"><p id="fe72f5cb40v9p">Assume that you do not want to use the private pool associated with a purchased capacity reservation to create instances but you want to use the private pool for existing instances. You can configure the existing instances to use the private pool. This helps improve resource utilization and reduce cost wastes. </p></li><li data-tag="li" id="li-g83-nio-nz5" class="li"><p id="fe731cd040eql">Assume that you want to release existing instances to create new ones and want to purchase a capacity reservation to reserve resources. Your request to purchase a capacity reservation is rejected due to insufficient resources. You can set the private pool type to open for your existing instances so that the instances are deemed as matchable resources. Then, you can purchase a capacity reservation. </p></li></ul></div></section><section data-tag="section" id="section-n9o-q11-9ln" data-type="section" class="section"><h2 data-tag="title" id="title-tys-udd-nd7" class="title">Procedure</h2><div type="important" id="8acc934140e36" class="note note-important"><div class="note-icon-wrapper"><i class="icon-note note important"></i></div><div class="noteContentSpan"><strong>Important </strong><p data-tag="p" id="8cefc16040fk1" class="p">You can configure a private pool only for pay-as-you-go instances. </p></div></div><ol data-tag="steps" id="steps-xhy-ffq-0sd" class="steps"><li data-tag="step" id="step-fmw-4lj-7q6" platform="public" props="china intl" data-cond-platform="public" data-cond-props="china intl" class="step"><p id="cc0c2783376qv"><span data-tag="cmd" id="cmd-v8d-qrp-q0i" class="cmd">Log on to the <a class="" target="_blank" href="">ECS console</a>.</span> </p></li><li data-tag="step" id="step-i4h-cxt-vy7" class="step"><p id="cc0c75a0379qu"><span data-tag="cmd" id="cmd-9ro-yc5-vx4" class="cmd">In the left-side navigation pane, choose <span data-tag="menucascade" id="menucascade-kq7-suy-h2g" class="menucascade"><b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-puq-bs2-grd" class="uicontrol">Instances &amp; Images</b> &gt; <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-fk3-i03-vyq" class="uicontrol">Instances</b></span>.</span> </p></li><li data-tag="step" id="step-xu1-59e-2f6" class="step"><p id="cc0dfc4237gix"><span data-tag="cmd" id="cmd-acu-560-w33" class="cmd">In the upper-left corner of the top navigation bar, select a region. <img data-tag="image" id="image-3wz-243-ym2" src="" width="500" alt="地域" placement="break" class="image break"> </span></p></li><li data-tag="step" id="step-td1-nj5-npm" class="step"><p id="fe731cd140rkp"><span data-tag="cmd" id="cmd-0so-6a6-m6k" class="cmd">On the <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-te8-2p3-jat" class="uicontrol">Instances</b> page, use one of the following methods to configure a private pool for one or more instances:</span> </p><ul data-tag="choices" id="choices-ffy-8sk-bz9" class="choices"><li data-tag="choice" id="choice-hzn-3sc-wk2" class="choice"><p id="fe731cd240xe4">To configure a private pool for a single pay-as-you-go instance, find the instance and choose <span data-tag="menucascade" id="menucascade-1h8-cig-u22" class="menucascade"><b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-6ub-iu9-f0t" class="uicontrol"><img data-tag="image" id="image-wni-01s-iwo" src="" alt="icon1" placement="inline" class="image inline"></b> &gt; <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-cor-d7s-x60" class="uicontrol">Instance Settings</b> &gt; <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-emm-y8s-3jz" class="uicontrol">Configure Private Pool</b></span> in the <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-w13-ojc-fx3" class="uicontrol">Actions</b> column. </p></li><li data-tag="choice" id="choice-3wj-x7c-4mj" class="choice"><p id="fe731cd340epu">To configure a private pool for multiple pay-as-you-go instances at a time, select the instances and choose <span data-tag="menucascade" id="menucascade-59k-6nx-bqp" class="menucascade"><b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-0ee-597-972" class="uicontrol">More</b> &gt; <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-ft5-i4n-wya" class="uicontrol">Instance Settings</b> &gt; <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-ksk-ahv-e5u" class="uicontrol">Configure Private Pool</b></span> in the lower part of the page. </p></li></ul></li><li data-tag="step" id="step-wgp-x42-011" class="step"><p id="fe7343e040kjt"><span data-tag="cmd" id="cmd-zh6-b8x-x4g" class="cmd">In the <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-s2r-qfp-5u1" class="uicontrol">Configure Private Pool</b> dialog box, configure whether to use a private pool and which private pool to use.</span> </p><div data-tag="info" id="info-5on-0jc-pu0" class="info"><ul data-tag="ul" id="ul-afu-ctv-9zt" class="ul"><li data-tag="li" id="li-ep4-cbv-ipi" class="li"><p id="fe7343e140bzs">To use a specific open or targeted private pool, set <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-6a5-6la-b5u" class="uicontrol">Private Pool Type</b> to <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-sm0-08i-uid" class="uicontrol">Target</b> and enter the ID of the private pool in the Private Pool ID field. </p><div data-tag="note" id="note-riw-14w-5gd" class="note note-note"><div class="note-icon-wrapper"><i class="icon-note note note"></i></div><div class="noteContentSpan"><strong>Note </strong><p id="fe7343e240ahi">The ID of a private pool is the same as the ID of the elasticity assurance or immediate capacity reservation that is associated with the private pool. </p></div></div></li><li data-tag="li" id="li-v3q-cao-ymm" class="li"><p id="fe7343e340bmd">To use an open private pool associated with an elasticity assurance or capacity reservation that has specific tags, set <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-p3w-kgp-29u" class="uicontrol">Private Pool Type</b> to <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-d3i-htp-xmw" class="uicontrol">Open</b>. Then, add the tags of the elasticity assurance or capacity reservation to the instances. This way, the instances match and use the open private pool. </p><div data-tag="note" id="note-c72-18q-3og" class="note note-note"><div class="note-icon-wrapper"><i class="icon-note note note"></i></div><div class="noteContentSpan"><strong>Note </strong><p id="fe7343e440tay">If you specify the ID of an open private pool and add the tags of the elasticity assurance or capacity reservation that is associated with another open private pool to the instances, the open private pool whose ID is specified is used. For example, if you specify the ID of Open Private Pool A and add the tags of the elasticity assurance or capacity reservation that is associated with Open Private Pool B, Open Private Pool A is used. </p></div></div><div data-tag="p" id="p-18n-uod-mmx" class="p"><p id="fe7343e540e4k">For information about how to edit tags of existing instances, see <a title="" class="xref" href="/help/en/ecs/user-guide/edit-the-tags-of-an-instance#task-2094089">Edit the tags of an instance</a>. After an instance has matched an open private pool based on tags, if you want to edit the instance tags to match the instance to a different private pool, make sure that the following conditions are met:</p><ul data-tag="ul" id="ul-85r-b77-b5o" class="ul"><li data-tag="li" id="li-aok-yak-5fx" class="li"><p id="fe7343e6405gu">The economical mode is enabled for the instance. </p></li><li data-tag="li" id="li-krb-ihh-983" class="li"><p id="fe7343e740ijc">The instance is manually stopped and then started. </p><div data-tag="note" id="note-ffr-h0i-6h6" class="note note-note"><div class="note-icon-wrapper"><i class="icon-note note note"></i></div><div class="noteContentSpan"><strong>Note </strong><p id="fe7343e840fh5">The instance cannot be matched to a different open private pool based on new tags when it is restarted. </p></div></div></li></ul></div></li><li data-tag="li" id="li-q3b-wl6-6gn" class="li"><p id="fe736af040e7f">To use an open private pool that is selected by the system, set <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-ug8-9i2-381" class="uicontrol">Private Pool Type</b> to <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-sx9-teu-ada" class="uicontrol">Open</b>. The system selects an open private pool whose associated elasticity assurance or capacity reservation does not have tags. </p></li><li data-tag="li" id="li-vtu-80w-6te" class="li"><p id="fe736af140ggj">If you do not want to use private pools, set <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-yw7-7ja-f15" class="uicontrol">Private Pool Type</b> to <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-672-si0-6x2" class="uicontrol">None</b>. The public pool instead of private pools is used. </p></li></ul></div></li><li data-tag="step" id="step-ls8-u90-3ab" class="step"><p id="fe736af240ikn"><span data-tag="cmd" id="cmd-uch-bn1-ft3" class="cmd">Click <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-gch-cgw-ytg" class="uicontrol">OK</b>.</span> </p></li></ol></section><section data-tag="postreq" id="postreq-ccn-tfe-wjg" data-type="postreq" class="postreq section"><h2 id="d41e142">What to do next</h2><p id="fe736af340tax">After you configure a private pool for existing instances, you can check whether and which instances are associated with the private pool on the <b data-tag="uicontrol" id="uicontrol-5bw-5gn-esf" class="uicontrol">Private Pools</b> tab. For more information, see <a title="" class="xref" href="/help/en/ecs/user-guide/view-a-private-pool#task-2100080">View a private pool</a>. </p></section></div></main> </div> </article> <script type="text/javascript"> window.storeDocs = { language: '$lang', docGithubLink: '$!githubInfo.url' } </script> <div class="nav-footer"> </div> <div class="alicloud-document-ask clearfix"></div> <div class="feedback-message" style="display:none;"> <span class="hasfeedback acon acon-done-16"></span> Thank you! We've received your feedback. </div> </div> <div class="col-log-2 col-md-2 col-sm-0 col-xs-0 nav-catalog"> <div class="article-catalog" id="articleCatalog"></div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> <script src="//"></script> <script src=""></script> </body> </html>

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