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When Mozilla (that’s us) collects information about you, our <a href="">Mozilla Privacy Policy</a> describes how we handle that information.</p> <p>This privacy notice applies to Mozilla operated websites and mobile apps, which include the domains, and, among others. This includes, for example,,,,,,,,, and</p> </div> </header> <section class="privacy-body" itemprop="articleBody"> <section class="section2"> <h2 id="things-you-should-know">Things you should know</h2> <p class="summary" id="personal-info">We may receive personal information from you based on your interaction with us on social media platforms, if you submit a job, intern, grant or fellow application, if you volunteer as a Mozilla community member, if you submit user feedback or a request to us, if you sign up for an account or for a subscription, or if you engage with a product or policy campaign.</p> <ul class="mzp-u-list-styled"> <li><p><strong>Social Media</strong>: If you engage with our accounts on external social media platforms, such as X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook, we may receive personal information about you. If you use these networks, their privacy policies apply, and you are encouraged to read them.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Job, Intern, Grant & Fellow Applicants</strong>: Applicants for employment, internship, grant, or fellowship opportunities with Mozilla are required to give us a name, street address, telephone number, email address, and resume, and sometimes additional information as well. We use this information to process and evaluate applications and to communicate with applicants about opportunities. We use <a href="">Greenhouse</a> to handle employment and intern applications, and <a href=""></a> to handle fellowship and MOSS grant applications.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Contributors</strong>: Volunteering for Mozilla as a community contributor may require Mozilla and others to communicate with you at the email address that you provide in connection to your contribution and to recognize your efforts. If you contribute to Bugzilla, or our code bases, then your email address and possibly your name will be publicly available to all internet users. If you create an account on Mozilla Connect (platform powered by <a href="">Khoros</a>, which has its own privacy notice), your name, your avatar, your posts and replies and other information you share will be accessible to Mozilla and other community members. If you create a profile at, it will be accessible to Mozilla employees and Mozilla contributors; you can edit your profile data at <a href="">Profile Settings</a>. We sometimes use contributor information from sources (such as Bugzilla) in dashboards to visually share aggregated data on the Mozilla community. An example is <a href=""></a>. Where possible, we try to minimize contact information that is publicly displayed.</p></li> <li><p><strong>User Feedback</strong>: You can provide feedback to us on our products and services on webpages like <a href=""></a>, through an in-product experience, or through channels such as email, Bugzilla, Matrix, a social media account, our Get Involved page, or through a group like Student Ambassadors. Please minimize the personal information you choose to share on these forums because your comments may be accessible to the public.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Accounts & Subscriptions</strong>: Some websites, for example <a href="">Add-Ons for Firefox</a>, <a href="">Relay</a>, <a href="">Monitor</a>, and <a href="">MDN</a>, require account creation. For account management we use <a href="">Mozilla accounts</a>, <a href="">GitHub</a>, or custom systems; <a href="">learn more</a> about how to manage your Mozilla account data. You may periodically receive emails in connection with your account or through subscriptions. Our email management vendors are <a href="">SalesForce Marketing Cloud</a>, <a href="">Amazon Simple Email Service</a>, <a href="">Mailchimp</a>, <a href="">SocketLabs</a>, <a href="">Campaign Monitor</a>, or <a href="">Braze</a>, and you can unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of the relevant email.</p></li> <li><p id="campaigns"><strong>Product & Policy Campaigns</strong>: Some of our webpages host product or policy campaigns. For example, you can request a link by email or SMS to install Firefox on your mobile device or petition your legislators on internet issues. We may use third parties to manage these campaigns and handle any data that you choose to submit.</p></li> </ul> <hr> <p class="summary" id="data-tools">We may use cookies, clear GIFs, third-party web analytics, device information, and IP addresses for functionality and to better understand user interaction with our products, services, and communications.</p> <ul class="mzp-u-list-styled"> <li><p><strong>Functionality</strong>: We may use information such as cookies, device information, and IP addresses to enhance functionality of certain products, services, and communications. For example:</p> <ul class="mzp-u-list-styled"> <li>We use cookies to remember information about your settings (such as language preference), and so that we can recommend relevant features and add-ons to you based on your settings. They also assist with user sign-in and authentication so you can bypass re-entering your passwords on certain Mozilla websites.</li> <li>We use IP addresses to customize communications by language and country.</li> <li>We use certain device information such as country, language, operator and OEM, to customize your experience.</li> </ul></li> <li><p><strong>Metrics</strong>: We may also use cookies, device information, and IP addresses, along with clear GIFs, cookies and third-party services to help us understand in the aggregate how users engage with our products, services, communications, websites, online campaigns, snippets, devices, and other platforms. We use:</p> <ul class="mzp-u-list-styled"> <li>Mozilla Glean, our first-party telemetry and analytics platform. You can learn more about the specific types of data we collect in the <a href="">Glean Dictionary</a>.</li> <li>Google Analytics, which places a cookie on your device, to obtain metrics on how users engage with our websites. This helps us to improve site content.</li> <li> and ShareProgress, which place a cookie on your device, to help us test variations of web content. This helps us offer better web experiences to users.</li> <li>HTTP Referral Data, which may be included with Firefox’s installer, to understand the website domain or advertising campaign that referred you to our download page. This information helps us understand the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns and improve them.</li> <li>Other metrics tools from time to time, on an experimental basis. For example, we may do this to help evaluate a new metrics tool, or test existing metrics collection.</li> </ul></li> <li><p><strong>Fraud Prevention</strong>: Mozilla has implemented third-party technology, Google’s Invisible reCAPTCHA, that operates in the background on some of our websites in order to identify fraudulent activity. Use of the Invisible reCAPTCHA is governed by the <a href="">Google Privacy Policy</a> and <a href="">Terms of Use</a>.</p></li> </ul> <hr> <p class="summary" id="user-choices">You can control individual cookie preferences, indicate your cookie preferences to others, and opt out of web analytics and optimization tools.</p> <ul class="mzp-u-list-styled"> <li><p id="cookies"><strong>Cookie History</strong>: You can accept or decline individual cookies in your preferences in the Tools/Options/Privacy history section. Note that certain features of our products and services may not function properly without the aid of cookies.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Do Not Track</strong>: Mozilla does not track users across third-party websites to provide targeted advertising. In addition, if you have configured your browser to send a “Do Not Track” signal when accessing our websites, Mozilla will not utilize any of the tools described in the <a href="">Metrics</a> section.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Email</strong>: Our marketing communications are optional to receive and you can unsubscribe from the footer of the email or by updating your <a href="">Mozilla email preferences</a>, or for Thunderbird’s newsletter, on the <a href="">Thunderbird website</a>.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Analytics & Optimization</strong>: Follow the instructions below to prevent data collection about your visits to Mozilla websites:</p> <ul class="mzp-u-list-styled"> <li>Mozilla first-party tools: <a href="">Opt out on</a>.</li> <li>Google: Install the <a href="">Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on</a>, which prohibits data transmission to Google Analytics. Some pages use clear GIFs which communicate with DoubleClick to understand the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns; you can control personalized ads from DoubleClick in Google’s ad settings (you will be prompted to sign into your Google account).</li> <li> <a href="">Opt out on</a>.</li> <li>ShareProgress and You can <a href="">turn on Do Not Track in your browser</a>.</li> </ul></li> <li><p><strong>Social Media</strong>: The social sharing buttons on Mozilla websites are designed not to share data with the applicable social media provider until you specifically click the relevant social media icon.</p></li> </ul> <hr> <p class="summary" id="donations">Some Mozilla websites allow you to make purchases (such as apps or gear), contribute funds to specific Mozilla projects, or make donations in support of Mozilla public and charitable programs. These transactions are often handled by Mozilla’s third-party vendors.</p> <ul class="mzp-u-list-styled"> <li><p><strong>Payment Processing</strong>: When you purchase something via a Mozilla website, contribute funds or make donations, you will send payment through one of our third-party payment providers: Stripe, Apple Pay, PayPal, Venmo or Google Pay. Mozilla receives a record of your account (including your billing address and the last four digits of your payment method) and (where relevant) the status of your account’s subscription; we may also receive your name, mailing address, and/or email address. This data is used for payment processing, fraud detection and record-keeping purposes.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Contact and Donation Information</strong>: We use <a href="">Acoustic</a>, <a href="">Salesforce</a>, <a href="">Fundraise Up</a> and <a href="">Campaign Monitor</a> to email receipts and store records, which are retained for 10 years from the date of last payment. If you make a donation to the Mozilla Foundation or Thunderbird, we use <a href="">Fundraise Up</a> to manage our donations and provide transactional receipts to donors.</p></li> </ul> <hr> <p class="summary">To make requests regarding your personal data, please contact us through our <a href="">Data Subject Access Request Portal</a>. If you have any other questions regarding personal data or our privacy practices, please contact us at <a href=""></a>. 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