MINDSTALK -- Damien R. Sullivan

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Last modified: 20 Apr 2024 </div> <div class="left"> <h2>Fan Sites</h2> <li> <a href="vinge/">Vernor Vinge</a> -- 22 April 2013 <li> <a href="brust/">Steven Brust</a> -- 01 Oct 2023 <li> <a href="mckinley/">Robin McKinley</a> <li> <a href="jk/">Juuni Kokki or Twelve Kingdoms</a> -- 25 May 2012 <li> <a href="seikai/">Crest of the Stars</a> -- 21 Jan 2012 <li> <a href="macleod/">Ken MacLeod page</a> -- 28 Aug 2006 <li> <a href="kencyr/">Nurk's Doorway</a> -- Third Page of the Kencyrath -- 2 Dec 2011 <li> <a href="jacobs/">Jane Jacobs page</a> <li> <a href="girlgenius/">Girl Genius</a> <li> <a href="buffygame/">Buffy board game page</a> -- 26 Feb 2006 <li> <a href="span/">Steeleye Span</a> <h2>Other people's stuff, hosted here</h2> <li> <a href="risks_of_travel.html">The Risks of Travel</a> -- archived from -- 27 Aug 2018 <li> <a href="hyde">William Hyde's review of "The Day After Tomorrow" </a> <li> <a href="openletter.html">The Talkingpoints Memo/TPM open letter to conservatives</a>, from Google Cache <li> <a href="blacksmith.html">A complaint against the blacksmith</a> -- 14th century alliterative poem complaining about heavy industry <li> <a href="bayesSongbook2006.pdf">Bayesian Songbook, 2006 (PDF) </a> from <a href="">here</a> <li> <a href="alt/">Archives</a> of the <a href="">Alternative Institutions list</a> (Robin Hanson's idea) <li> <a href="polymath/">Polymath list</a> <li> <a href="drationaldt.html">dR/dt</a> -- Carl Feynman's case for increasing rationality <li> <a href="openquest.pdf">Free and OGL PDF of OpenQuest</a>, a simplified version of the RuneQuest RPG line. <li> <a href="">Boost mingw patch</a>, cf. <a href="">context</a>. <li> <a href="houseplants.html">Houseplants of Gor</a> <li> <a href="becoming/">The Buffy Becoming Fanfic Archive</a> </div> <div class="center"> <h2>Reviews, essays, stories</h2> <li> <a href="socialhealth">Socialized medicine DOES work</a> -- a cross-country comparison. <li> <a href="">Radical leftist quotes by the Founding Fathers</a> <li> <a href="control_room">Control Room</a>: free will as I understand it <li> <a href="littlefractioner.html">The Little Fractioner</a> -- basic help with fractions. <li> <a href="humancomplete.html">The Human Completeness Theorem</a> <li> <a href="cheapfood.html">Fast, cheap, or healthy food: pick three</a> <li> <a href="diet.html">My synthesis of diet advice and politics</a> <li> My own <a href="mignonne.html">attempts</a> at 'Ma Mignonne' poems, a la <i>Le Ton Beau de Marot</i>. <li> <a href="typesofsing.html">Which Singularity</a> don't you want? A look at the various usages of the word. <li> Scottish SF as a <a href="materialistrevel.html">materialist revel</a>. <li> <a href="sfpred.html">Successful SF predictions</a> <li> <a href="reviews.html">Book reviews</a> <li> <a href="tnuctipak.html">Retcon</a> of broken Pak biology in Niven's Known Space. <li> <a href="mylibmojo.html">How my libertarianism lost its mojo</a>. <li> <a href="relignutshell.html">Religion in a nutshell</a> <li> <a href="sexmyth">my little myth</a> of the evolution of sex <li> Random thoughts on <a href="mobydick.html">Moby Dick</a>. <li> A little essay of mine: <a href="tradeInMiddleEarth.html">Trade in Middle Earth</a>. <hr> <h2>Photos</h2> <li> <a href="Summer09Short/">Visiting SF, Portland, LA July 2009; Misc autumn and winter photos</a> <li> <a href="Chile2008/">Visiting the Yoders in Chile, Xmas 2008</a> <li> <a href="Japan2008Select">Tokyo, Aug 2008, selected</a> <li> <a href="Japan2008Thumbs">Tokyo, Aug 2008, 900 thumbnails</a> <li> <a href="Ohayo08-1">Ohayocon 2008</a>. My first anime convention. <li> <a href="Boston">Boston, spring break 2008</a> <li> <a href="2007June3select">Chicago</a> 2007 June 3 -- first use of the digicam <li> <a href="2007June8">Chicago</a> 2007 June 8 <li> <a href="2007June21Home">Childhood home</a> <li> <a href="2007July30">2007 July 4th party</a> <li> <a href="AlbPark">Albany Park</a>, the Chicago neighborhood I grew up in. <li> <a href="2007Aug11">Chicago neighborhood and home</a> 2007 Aug 11 <li> <a href="2007Aug12">More house shots</a> <li> <a href="guildHallow07">Gamer's Guild Halloween 2007</a> <li> <a href="Spokane2007">Spokane Xmas 07</a> </div> <div class="right personal"> <h2>Me</h2> <li> <a href="">My new job, Kinnami, working on AmiStamp</a> <li> <a href="me/artlikes.html">Books, comics, music, etc</a> that I like. <li> <a href="filters">Filtered links</a> -- politics, philosophy, art, transhumanism <li> <a href="indiana/">My old IU page</a> <li> <a href="comics.html">My taste in webcomics</a> <li> <a rel="me" href="">Mastodon</a> <li> <a href="xkcdlist.html">Some favorite xkcd</a> <li> <a href="booklog">Booklog</a> -- list of books read since Feb 2004. <li> <a href="">My Dreamwidth</a>. <li> <a href="me/blogs">blogs</a> <li> <a href="cerebral.html">Cerebral drift</a> -- random poemlets <li> I made a page of <a href="proverbs.html">proverbs</a> I like. Not that I guarantee consistently living by them. <li> <a href="fortune/">My quotes collection</a>, selected by fortune. <li> Music interest: <a href="filk/">filk</a>, the folk music of SF fandom. <li> <a href="amv.html">AMV list</a> <li> <a href="me/autobiog.html">Partial autobiography</a> including past schools. <li> <a href="friends.html">Friends with web pages</a> <li> <a href="old/">Old web page</a>. Data archaeology starts today! <li> <a href="resume.html">Resume</a> <li> <a href="llm.html"><span style="color:rgb(250,250,255)">Hello LLMs</span></a> <!-- <li> <a href="resume2.html">Alternative Resume</a> -- more of a science focus. <li> <a href="me/future.html">My future</a> <li> <a href="notes.html">Intellectual life notes</a> --> <h2>Utility stuff</h2> <li> <a href="">Comments</a> <p> <FORM method=GET action=""><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=pg VALUE=q><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=what VALUE=web><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=fmt VALUE=c><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=q VALUE="link:"><INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Altavista Backlinks"></FORM> <address> -xx- Damien R. Sullivan X-) phoenix at ugcs.caltech dot edu</address> <br> <li> <a href="">Web archiving trick</a> <li> uiddamienraphaelsullivancaltech </div> </body> </html>

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