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I attempt to use 'consensus' opinion in several cases and have used my own interpretation of various ancient propaganda when necessary, which should be clearly apparent in most cases. These articles have not been published, in most cases, with their direct supporting footnote documentation. This site is not intended to be an end all for scholarly research, but rather provides general interpretations of the ancient, hopefully in a concise manner. I hope it only to be an introduction and stepping <a href="">stone</a> into more advanced studies. Additional information can be provided to students when asking for bibliography information regarding specific articles.</p> <p align="justify">On a generic basis, the following sources have been instrumental in developing this site:</p> <h3>Bibliography</h3> <h4>Ancient Sources</h4> <p><font size="2">Titus Livius: History of Rome, books nine through twenty-six. (Related Page: <a href="">Livy</a>)<br> Polybius: The Histories<br> Plutarch: Parallel Lives (Related Page: <a href="">Plutarch</a>)<br> Tacitus: The Annals; Agricola and the Germania (Related Pages: <a href="">Tacitus</a> and <a href="">Germania by Tacitus</a>)<br> Appian: The Roman History<br> Dio Cassius: Roman History (Related Page: <a href="">Cassius Dio</a>)<br> Caesar: The Gallic Wars; The Civil Wars<br> Cicero: Numerous works of letters, speeches and philosophy<br> Ammianus Marcellinus: The Later Roman Empire (Related Pages: <a href="">Ammianus Marcellinus</a> and <a href="">Book Review: History of the Later Roman Empire</a>)<br> Cato the Elder: Agriculture (Related Page: <a href="">Cato the Elder</a>)<br> Frontinus: The Aqueducts of Rome; Strategies (Related Page: <a href="">Frontinus</a>)<br> Galen: On the Natural Faculties<br> Herodian: History of the Empire (Related Page: <a href="">Herodian</a>)<br> Josephus: The Jewish War<br> Marcus Aurelius: Meditations<br> Pliny the Elder: Natural Histories (Related Page: <a href="">Pliny the Elder</a>)<br> Pliny the Younger: Letters<br> Sallust: History of Rome; War with Jugurtha; War with Cataline (Related Pages: <a href="">Sallust</a> and <a href="">The Jugurthine War</a>)<br> Suetonius: The Twelve Caesars<br> Vegetius: Roman Military Institutions (Related Page: <a href="">Vegetius</a>)<br> Vitruvius: Architecture<br> Ptolemy: Geography<br> Augustus: Deeds of the Divine Augustus<br> Selections of the Historia Augusta</font></p> <h4>Contemporary Sources</h4> <font size="2">Bennett, Julian Trajan: Optimus Princeps Indiana Press 2001<br> Birley, Anthony Marcus Aurelius Routledge 2000 (Related Page: <a href="">Marcus Aurelius</a>)<br> Bullfinch, Thomas Bulfinch's Greek and Roman Mythology: The Age of Fable Dover 2000 (Related Page: <a href="">Roman Mythology</a>)<br> Connolly, Peter Greece and Rome at War Greenhill 1998<br> Cornell, Tim The Beginnings of Rome: Italy and Rome from the Bronze Age to the Punic Wars Routledge 1995<br> Dodge, Theodore Aryault Hannibal Da Capo Press 2004<br> Duncan-Jones, Richard Money and Government in the Roman Empire Cambridge 1998<br> Duncan-Jones, Richard Structure and Scale in the Roman Economy Cambridge 2002<br> Everitt, Anthony Cicero: The Life and Times of Rome's Greatest Politician Random House 2003<br> Gibbon, Edward Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Everyman's Library 1993<br> Goldsworthy, Adrian The Complete Roman Army Thames & Hudson 2003 (<a href="">Read Review</a>)<br> Goldsworthy, Adrian The Roman Army at War: 100 BC-AD 200 Oxford 1998 (<a href="">Read Review</a>)<br> Goldsworthy, Adrian The Punic Wars Cassell Military 2001<br> Grant, Michael The Roman Emperors: Biographical Guide to the Rulers of Imperial Rome Orion Publishing Co 1985<br> Grant, Michael History of Rome Prentice Hall 1978<br> Grant, Michael Constantine the Great: The Man and His Times Scribner 1994<br> Grant, Michael A Guide to the Ancient World: A Dictionary of Classical Place Names Porter, 1986<br> Grant, Michael The Severans: The Changed Roman Empire Routledge 1996<br> Grant, Michael The Antonines: The Roman Empire in Transition Routledge 1996<br> Grant, Michael Fall of the Roman Empire Scribner 1997<br> Heather, Peter The Fall of the Roman Empire : A New History of Rome and the Barbarians Oxford University Press, 2005<br> Greene, Kevin Archaeology of the Roman Economy University of California 1991<br> Hart, B.H. Liddell Scipio Africanus: Greater Than Napoleon Da Capo Press 2004<br> Hekster, Olivier Commodus: An Emperor at the Crossroads Gieben 2002 (Related Page: <a href="">Commodus</a>)<br> Huskinson, Janet Experiencing Rome: Culture, Identity and Power in the Roman Empire Routledge 1999<br> Keaveney, Arthur Sulla the Late Republican Routledge 2005 (Related Page: <a href="">Sulla</a>)<br> Kohne, Eckart Gladiators and Caesars: The Power of Spectacle in Ancient Rome University of California 2001 (Related Page: <a href="">Gladiators</a>)<br> Levick, Barbara Tiberius the Politician Routledge 1999 (Related Page: <a href="">Tiberius</a>)<br> Levick, Barbara Vespasian Routledge 1999 (Related Page: <a href="">Vespasian</a>)<br> Lintott, Andrew The Constitution of the Roman Republic Oxford 2003 Massie, Alan Augustus Carroll & Graf 1995<br> Mattern, Susan Rome and the Enemy: Imperial Strategy in the Principate University of California 2002 (Related Forum Thread: <a href="">Republic, Principate, Or Dominate?</a>)<br> Matyszak, Philip Chronicle of the Roman Republic Thames & Hudson 2003<br> Meier, Christian Caesar Basic Books 1997<br> Mommsen, Theodor The Provinces of the Roman Empire Ares Publishing 1974<br> Montagu, John Drago Battles of the Greek and Roman Worlds Greenhill 2000<br> Nardo, Don Roman Roads and Aqueducts Lucent Books 2000 (Related Pages: <a href="">Roman Roads</a> and <a href="">Roman Aqueducts</a>)<br> Pennel, Robert F. Ancient Rome From the Earliest Times Down to 476 A.D Kessinger Publishing 2004<br> Potter, David Stone Life, Death, and Entertainment in the Roman Empire UMP 1999<br> Raaflaub, Kurt A. / Toher, Mark Between Republic and Empire: Interpretations of Augustus and His Principate University of California 1993<br> Raven, Susan Rome In Africa Routledge 1993 (Related Page: <a href="">The Roman Province of Africa</a>)<br> Salwey, Peter A History of Roman Britain Oxford 1997<br> Sayles, Wayne G. Ancient Coin Collecting Krause Publications 2003<br> Scarborough, John Roman Medicine Cornell 1970 (Related Pages: <a href="">Roman Medicine</a> and <a href="">Roman Doctors</a>)<br> Scullard, H.H. History of the Roman World: 753 to 146 BC Routledge 2002<br> Scullard, H.H. From the Gracchi to Nero: A History of Rome from 133 B.C. to A.D. 68 Routledge 1990 (Related Pages: <a href="">Nero</a> and <a href="">The Gracchi Brothers</a>)<br> Sear, Frank Roman Architecture Cornell 1983 (Related Page: <a href="">Roman Architecture</a>)<br> Shepherd, William Historical Atlas Henry Holt 1926<br> Syme, Ronald The Roman Revolution Oxford 1939 (Related Forum Thread: <a href="">Ronald Symes: The Roman Revolution</a>)<br> Talbert, Richard Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World Princeton 2000<br> Tellegen-Couperus, Olga Short History of Roman Law Routledge 1993<br> Turcan, Robert The Gods of Ancient Rome : Religion in Everyday Life from Archaic to Imperial Times Routledge 2001<br> Van Meter, David Handbook of Roman Imperial Coins Laurion 1991<br> Wiedemann, Thomas Greek and Roman Slavery Routledge 1989 (Related Page: <a href="">Roman Slavery</a>)<br> Wiedemann, Thomas The Julio-Claudian Emperors, Ad 14-70 Duckworth 1989<br> Williams, Stephen Diocletian and the Roman Recovery Routledge 1997<br> </font> <br /> <h4>Other Excellent Web Resources</h4> <p><font size="2"> De Imperatoribus Romanis: <a href=""></a><br> Ancient History Sourcebook: <a href=""></a><br> Lacus Curtius - Bill Thayer: <a href=""></a><br> Livius - Jona Lendering: <a href=""></a><br> The Perseus Project: <a href=""></a><br> Roman Army Talk: <a href=""></a></font></p> <br /> <h2>Contributors from the UNRV Community</h2> <p><i>Last Updated: November 12, 2017</i></p> <blockquote> <p> <b><a href="">Ursus</a></b> - <a href=""><em>Blog</em></a> <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">The Oxford Classical Dictionary</a>, <a href="">The Gods of Ancient Rome</a>, <a href="">Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome</a>, <a href="">Ancient Rome: A Military and Political History</a>, <a href="">Roman Sex: 100 BC - AD 250</a>, <a href="">There Is No Crime For Those Who have Christ</a>, <a href="">Empire of Honour</a>, <a href="">Roman Empire</a>, <a href="">Remus: A Roman Myth</a>, <a href="">Augustan Culture</a>, <a href="">The Roman Empire at Bay</a>, <a href="">The Celts: A History</a>, <a href="">The Roman Soldier</a>, <a href="">Latin Via Ovid</a>, <a href="">Rubicon</a>, <a href="">The Last Pagan</a>, <br><a href="">A History of Byzantium</a>, <a href="">Experiencing Rome</a> - <a href="">Aurelian and the Third Century</a>, <a href="">Life and Times of Constantine</a>, <a href="">The Conquest of Gaul</a>, <a href="">A History of the Roman World, 753 to 146 BC</a>, <a href="">Rome, Inc.</a>, <a href="">Roman Architecture</a>, <a href="">Ancient Rome on Five Denarii a Day</a>, <a href="">The Golden Ass</a>, <a href="">Alexander the Great</a>, <a href="">Persian Fire</a>, <a href="">The Hellenistic World</a>, <a href="">From Alexander to Cleopatra</a>, <a href="">Bacchus: A Biography</a>, <a href="">The Gladiators: History's Most Deadly Sport</a>, <a href="">Roman Life</a>, <a href="">The Sons of Caesar</a>, <a href="">The Roman Empire: from Severus to Constantine</a>, <a href="">Looking at Laughter</a>, <a href="">Mediterranean Anarchy</a>, <a href="">Working IX to V</a>, <a href="">The Sirens of Surrentum</a>, <a href="">Backgrounds of Early Christianity</a>, <a href="">The Christians as the Romans Saw Them</a>, <a href="">Twelve Caesars</a>, <a href="">Roman Poetry</a>, <a href="">Antony and Cleopatra</a>, <a href="">The Roman Army</a>, <a href="">Roman Women</a>, <a href="">The Oxford History of the Roman World</a>, <a href="">The Rise and Fall of Alexandria</a>, <a href="">The Erotic Poems</a>, <a href="">The Satyricon</a>, <a href="">Ancient Athens on 5 Drachmas a Day</a>, <a href="">Mithridates the Great</a>, <a href="">The Trojan War: A New History</a>, <a href="">Greek Fire, Poison Arrows</a>, <a href="">How Rome Fell</a>, <a href="">Religion in the Roman Empire</a>, <a href="">Legionary: The Roman Soldier's Manual</a>, <a href="">Hadrian's Empire</a>, <a href="">The Roman Cult of Mithras</a>, <a href="">Venus: A Biography</a>, <a href="">Roman Art</a>, <a href="">Black Ships</a>, <a href="">The Historical Figure of Jesus</a>, <a href="">The Classical Compendium</a>, <a href="">Fires of Vesuvius</a>, <a href="">Project Lessons from the Roman Empire</a>, <a href="">Why We're All Romans</a>, <a href="">Roman Passions</a>, <a href="">De Bello Lemures</a>, <a href="">A Cabinet of Roman Curiosities</a>, <a href="">Roman Gaul and Germany</a>, <a href="">The Greek and Roman Myths</a>, <a href="">Rome and China: Comparative Perspectives on Ancient World Empires</a>, <a href="">The Birth of Classical Europe</a>, <a href="">The World of the Celts by Simon James</a>, <a href="">Aspects of Roman History: 82 BC - AD 14</a>, <a href="">Roman Religion by V. 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Macdonald</a>, <a href="">Spartacus: Gods Of The Arena [DVD] (2011)</a>, <a href="">The 300 (Single-Disc Widescreen Edition) (2007)</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Germanicus</a></b> - <a href="">blog</a> <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">Assassination of Julius Caesar</a>, <a href="">The Complete Roman Army</a>, <a href="">AD69 : The Year of Four Emperors</a>, <a href="">The Last Generation Of The Roman Republic</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Pertinax</a></b> - <a href="">blog</a> <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">Roman Medicine</a>, <a href="">Rubicon</a>, <a href="">Roman Britain</a>, <a href="">Empire of Pleasures</a>, <a href="">Roman Britain and the Roman Navy</a>, <a href="">Daily Life In Ancient Rome</a>, <a href="">The Classical World</a>, <a href="">Famine and Food Supply in the Graeco-Roman World</a>, <a href="">Ancient Medicine</a>, <a href="">Pompeii the Living City</a>, <a href="">Justinian's Flea</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Pantagathus</a></b> - 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Porcius Cato</a></b> - <a href="">blog</a> <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">Chronicle Of The Roman Republic</a><br> <i>Articles - </i><a href="">Enhanced list of Republican Statesmen</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">DecimusCaesar</a></b> <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">The Fall of the Roman Empire</a>, <a href="">The Last Roman</a>, <a href="">Attila the Hun</a>, <a href="">Arms and Armour of the Imperial Roman Soldier</a> <br> <i>Others - </i><a href="">Gladiator DVD</a><em>(Review)</em> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Andrew Dalby</a></b> <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">Dining Posture in Ancient Rome</a> , <a href="">Rome and the Black Sea Region</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">The Augusta</a></b> - <a href="">blog</a> <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">Livia - First Lady of Imperial Rome</a>, <a href="">Roma</a> <br> <i>Others - </i><a href="">I, Claudius by the BBC</a><em>(Review)</em> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Nephele</a></b> - <a href="">blog</a> <blockquote> <i>Articles - </i><a href="">Roman Naming Practices During the Principate</a>, <a href="">Roman Dog Names</a>, <a href="">Surnames of the Julii</a>, <a href="">Surnames of the Cornelii</a>, <a href="">Surnames of the Sempronii</a>, <a href="">Surnames of the Claudii</a>, <a href="">Surnames of the Valerii</a>, <a href="">Surnames of the Fabii</a>, <a href="">Surnames of the Servilii</a>, <a href="">Surnames of the Licinii</a>, <a href="">Surnames of the Aemilii</a>, <a href="">Surnames of the Livii</a>, <a href="">Surnames of the Manlii</a>, <a href="">Surnames of the Junii</a>, <a href="">Surnames of the Porcii</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">docoflove1974</a></b> - <a href="">blog</a> <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">The Enemies of Rome</a>, <a href="">The Goths in the Fourth Century</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Wotwotius</a></b> - <a href="">blog</a> <blockquote> <i>Articles - </i><a href="">Augustus and the Success of the Empire</a>, <a href="">Dacia and Modern Politics</a>, <a href="">Intrusive Ideology</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Melvadius</a></b> - <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">The First Frontier</a>, <a href="">Wounds of Honour: Empire</a>, <a href="">Arrows of Fury: Empire</a>, <a href="">The Navies of Rome by Michael Pitassi</a>, <a href="">The Planning of Roman Roads and Walls in Northern Britain</a>, <a href="">A Companion to the Roman Army</a>, <a href="">UnRoman Britain by M. Russell and S. Laycock</a>, <a href="">Fortress of Spears by A. Riches</a>, <a href="">Carthage Must Be Destroyed by R. Miles</a>, <a href="">Herculaneum: Past and Future</a>, <a href="">Civil War (Penguin Ancient Classics)</a>, <a href="">The First Fossil Hunters by A. Mayor</a>, <a href="">Roman Gloucestershire by Tim Copeland</a>, <a href="">Running the Roman Home</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Gaius Paulinus Maximus</a></b> - <a href="">blog</a> <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">Swords Against The Senate</a>, <a href="">The Forgotten Legion</a>, <a href="">Gladiator: Rome's Bloody Spectacle</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Aurelia</a></b> - <a href="">blog</a> <blockquote> <i>Articles - </i><a href="">Plautus: adapting New Comedy for the Roman stage</a>, <br> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">The Culture of the Roman Plebs</a>, <a href="">The Silver Eagle by Ben Kane</a>, <a href="">The Road to Rome by Ben Kane</a>, <a href="">Pompeii and the Lost Cities</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Medusa</a></b> <blockquote> <i>Book Review - </i><a href="">Spectacle in the Roman World</a>, <a href="">Death in Ancient Rome</a> <br><i>Articles - </i><a href="">Female Gladiators in Archaeology and Re-enactment</a>, </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Northern Neil</a></b> <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">Ancient Warfare Magazine</a>, </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Fulvia</a></b> <blockquote> <i>Articles - </i><a href="">Roman Musical Instruments</a>, <br> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">Caligula by Sam Wilkinson</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Klingan</a></b> <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">The Roman Triumph</a>, <a href="">The Column of Marcus Aurelius</a> <br><i>Other - </i><a href="">Interview with Klingan</a>, </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">JGolomb</a></b> <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">Eagle In The Snow</a>, <a href="">Age of the Gladiators</a>, <a href="">Roman Conquests: Italy</a>, <a href="">The Eagle of the Ninth</a>, <a href="">The Day of the Barbarians</a>, <a href="">Fire in the East</a>, <a href="">I, Claudius</a>, <a href="">Empire: The Novel of Imperial Rome</a>, <a href="">Roma Victrix by Russell Whitfield</a>, <a href="">Wrath of the Furies</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Bryaxis Hecatee</a></b> <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">Great Battles of the Hellenistic World</a>, <a href="">Rome’s debt to Greece</a>, <a href="">The Murder of Regilla</a>, <a href="">Questioning Reputations: Essays on Nine Roman Republican Politicians</a>, <a href="">Hellenistic and Roman Naval Warfare 336BC - 31BC</a>, <a href="">The Field Campaigns of Alexander the Great</a>, <a href="">Philip II of Macedonia: Greater than Alexander </a>, <a href="">Expedition to Disaster</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Philip Matyszak</a></b> <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">The Poison King</a>, <a href="">Chariot Racing in the Roman Empire</a>, <a href="">Stilicho: The Vandal who saved Rome</a>, <a href="">Antony and Cleopatra by Adrian Goldsworthy</a>, <a href="">The Last Pagans of Rome</a>, <a href="">Time in Antiquity by R. Hannah</a>, <a href="">Aurelian and the Third Century</a>, <a href="">Calendars in Antiquity</a>, <a href="">Murder Was Not a Crime by Judy E. Gaughan</a>, <a href="">The Roman Hannibal by Claire Stocks</a>, <a href="">The Roman Guide to Slave Management</a>, <a href="">Henchmen of Ares</a>, <a href="">The Roman Guide to Slave Management</a>, <a href="">The Mysteries of Artemis of Ephesos</a>, <a href="">Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the House of Caesar</a>, <a href="">Marcus Agrippa: Right-Hand Man of Caesar Augustus</a>, <a href="">Sparta: Unfit for Empire</a>, <a href="">The Rise and Fall of the Seleukid Empire</a>, <a href="">Pax Romana: War, Peace and Conquest in the Roman World by Adrian Goldsworthy</a> <br><i>Other - </i><a href="">Interview with Ian Hughes</a>, <a href="">Interview with Adrian Goldsworthy</a>, </i><a href="">Interview with Alan Cameron</a>, <a href="">Review of the UNRV Map of the Roman Empire</a>, </i><a href="">Interview with Tom Holland</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">GhostOfClayton</a></b> <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">The Wall - Rome’s Greatest Frontier</a>, <br><i>Other - </i><a href="">Interview with Russell Whitfield</a>, </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">sonic</a></b> <blockquote> <i>Book Reviews - </i><a href="">The Great Fire of Rome by Stephen Dando-Collins</a>, <a href="">The Fall and Rise by David J Winter</a>, <a href="">Between Empires: Arabs, Romans and Sasanians in Late Antiquity</a>, <a href="">The History of Zonaras</a>, <a href="">Roman Aristocrats in Barbarian Gaul</a>, <a href="">The Visigoths edited by P. 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Flower</a>, <a href="">Augustus edited by Jonathan Edmondson</a>, <a href="">Augustus: First Emperor of Rome</a>, <a href="">Jewish War under Trajan and Hadrian</a> <br><i>Other - </i><a href="">Interview with Matthew Dennison</a>, <a href="">Vindolanda - Living it up on the Northwestern Frontier</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Lanista</a></b> <blockquote> <i>Book Review - </i><a href="">Gladiator: The Roman Fighter’s (Unofficial) Manual</a>, <a href="">The Siege: Agent of Rome by Nick Brown</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Viggen</a></b> - <a href=""><em>Blog</em></a> <blockquote> <i>Book Review - </i><a href="">The Romans: An Introduction by Antony Kamm</a>, </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Ludovicus</a></b> <blockquote> <i>Book Review - </i><a href="">Eromenos by Melanie McDonald</a>, </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Martin Holmes</a></b> <blockquote> <i>Book Review - </i><a href="">Theogony by Hesiod (translation by Richard S. 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Moorhead</a>, <a href="">The Archaeology of Sanitation in Roman Italy by Ann Olga Koloski-Ostrow</a>, <a href="">Julius Caesar's Disease: A New Diagnosis</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Cinzia8</a></b> <blockquote> <i>Book Review - </i><a href="">The King's Gambit (SPQR I)</a>, </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">joe</a></b> <blockquote> <i>Book Review - </i><a href="">L'Esercito Romano</a>, <a href="">A History of the Later Roman Empire</a> </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b>Ron R.S. Gompertz</b> <blockquote> <i>Book Review - </i><a href="">Roman Life and Times Series</a>, </blockquote> </p> <hr/> <p> <b><a href="">Thomas A. 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