The Political Graveyard: Index to Politicians: Condray to Conkright
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Republican. Candidate for <a href="">Missouri state house of representatives</a> from Carter County, 1942. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="628.15.45">Condray, Karla</a></b> — of Oklahoma. Independent candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Oklahoma</a> 1st District, 1996. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1996. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="491.11.93">Condray, W. E.</a></b> — of Ellsinore, <a href="">Carter County</a>, Mo. Republican. <a href="">Chair of Carter County Republican Party</a>, 1928. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONDREN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONDREN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C536</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">ALEXANDRENKO</a>, <a href="">ANDREN</a>, <a href="">ANDRENA</a>, <a href="">BONDREAUX</a>, <a href="">BUNDREN</a>, <a href="#CONDRAY">CONDRAY</a>, <a href="#CONDREY">CONDREY</a>, <a href="#CONDRON">CONDRON</a>, <a href="#CONDRY">CONDRY</a>, <a href="">FONDREN</a>, <a href="">HANDREN</a>, <a href="">HENDREN</a>, <a href="">KANDARIAN</a>, <a href="">MACONDRAY</a>, <a href="">TONDREAU</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="108.06.53">Condren, John</a></b> — of Colchester, <a href="">New London County</a>, Conn. Democrat. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Colchester; elected 1930. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONDREY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONDREY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C536</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">ANDREY</a>, <a href="">BONDREAUX</a>, <a href="">CHANDRA</a>, <a href="#CONDRAY">CONDRAY</a>, <a href="#CONDREN">CONDREN</a>, <a href="#CONDRON">CONDRON</a>, <a href="#CONDRY">CONDRY</a>, <a href="">CONREY</a>, <a href="">CORDREY</a>, <a href="">COUDREY</a>, <a href="">DREY</a>, <a href="">FONDREN</a>, <a href="">JANDREY</a>, <a href="">KENDRA</a>, <a href="">KHENDRA</a>, <a href="">KINDRA</a>, <a href="">KUNDRA</a>, <a href="">KYNDRA</a>, <a href="">MACONDRAY</a>, <a href="">TONDREAU</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="438.39.40">Condrey, A. F.</a></b> — of Klamath Falls, <a href="">Klamath County</a>, Ore. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Oregon, <a href="">1952</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="219.04.29">Condrey, Andrew S.</a></b> — of Virginia. Prohibition candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Virginia</a> 4th District, 1946. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="657.38.27">Condrey, Joseph</a></b> — of Phoenix, <a href="">Maricopa County</a>, Ariz. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Arizona, <a href="">1956</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONDRON"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONDRON</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C536</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">ALESSANDRONI</a>, <a href="">ANDRONIC</a>, <a href="">ANDRONICUS</a>, <a href="">CONDON</a>, <a href="#CONDRAY">CONDRAY</a>, <a href="#CONDREN">CONDREN</a>, <a href="#CONDREY">CONDREY</a>, <a href="#CONDRY">CONDRY</a>, <a href="">CONRON</a>, <a href="">COUDRON</a>, <a href="">DRON</a>, <a href="">GENDRON</a>, <a href="">JEANDRON</a>, <a href="">KANDARIAN</a>, <a href="">MACONDRAY</a>, <a href="">MALANDRONE</a>, <a href="">ORMONDROYD</a>, <a href="">PONDROM</a>, <a href="">TONDRO</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>CONDRON:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">William Lovell Baldrige</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONDRY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONDRY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C536</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CHANDRA</a>, <a href="#CONDRAY">CONDRAY</a>, <a href="#CONDREN">CONDREN</a>, <a href="#CONDREY">CONDREY</a>, <a href="#CONDRON">CONDRON</a>, <a href="#CONDY">CONDY</a>, <a href="">CONRY</a>, <a href="">CORDRY</a>, <a href="">CYDNOR</a>, <a href="">KENDRA</a>, <a href="">KHENDRA</a>, <a href="">KINDRA</a>, <a href="">KUNDRA</a>, <a href="">KYNDRA</a>, <a href="">MACONDRAY</a>, <a href="">MONDRY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="322.99.18">Condry, Edward P.</a></b> — of Riverbank, <a href="">Stanislaus County</a>, Calif. <a href="">Mayor of Riverbank, Calif.</a>, 1923. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="904.52.11">Condry, Joseph P.</a></b> — of Clarksburg, <a href="">Harrison County</a>, W.Va. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from West Virginia, <a href="">1960</a>. Still living as of 1960. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONDUIT"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONDUIT</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C533</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">BONDURANT</a>, <a href="">CONDIT</a>, <a href="">CONDITT</a>, <a href="">LONDUS</a>, <a href="">MADUIT</a>, <a href="">ONDUSKO</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="369.87.30">Conduit, Alexander B.</a></b> — of <a href="">Morgan County</a>, Ind. <a href="">Delegate to Indiana state constitutional convention</a>, 1850-51; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Indiana, <a href="">1864</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONDY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONDY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C530</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CANDY</a>, <a href="">CODY</a>, <a href="">CONDA</a>, <a href="">CONDE</a>, <a href="">CONDEE</a>, <a href="">CONDIE</a>, <a href="">CONDO</a>, <a href="#CONDRY">CONDRY</a>, <a href="">CONY</a>, <a href="">CUNDY</a>, <a href="">CYNDY</a>, <a href="">GONDY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>CONDY:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Condy Boyle</a> — <a href="">Condy Raguet</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C500</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">AMICONE</a>, <a href="">ANNACONE</a>, <a href="">CANE</a>, <a href="">CASCONE</a>, <a href="">CECCONE</a>, <a href="">CERCONE</a>, <a href="">CHOWN</a>, <a href="">CHUN</a>, <a href="">CHUNN</a>, <a href="">CICCONE</a>, <a href="">COAN</a>, <a href="">COANN</a>, <a href="">COEN</a>, <a href="">COENE</a>, <a href="">COHN</a>, <a href="">COIN</a>, <a href="">COLNE</a>, <a href="">CONDE</a>, <a href="#CONELLY">CONELLY</a>, <a href="#CONELY">CONELY</a>, <a href="#CONER">CONER</a>, <a href="#CONERD">CONERD</a>, <a href="#CONERLY">CONERLY</a>, <a href="#CONES">CONES</a>, <a href="#CONEY">CONEY</a>, <a href="">CONN</a>, <a href="">CONO</a>, <a href="">CONTE</a>, <a href="">CONY</a>, <a href="">COON</a>, <a href="">COONE</a>, <a href="">CORE</a>, <a href="">COYAN</a>, <a href="">COYNE</a>, <a href="">CRONE</a>, <a href="">CUEN</a>, <a href="">CUENE</a>, <a href="">FALCONE</a>, <a href="">FRANCONE</a>, <a href="">FRASCONE</a>, <a href="">GIACCONE</a>, <a href="">JONE</a>, <a href="">KHON</a>, <a href="">KHONE</a>, <a href="">KOAHN</a>, <a href="">KOAN</a>, <a href="">KOEHN</a>, <a href="">KOEHNE</a>, <a href="">KOEN</a>, <a href="">KOHN</a>, <a href="">KON</a>, <a href="">KOON</a>, <a href="">KOYEN</a>, <a href="">KOYNE</a>, <a href="">KUEHN</a>, <a href="">KUEHNE</a>, <a href="">KUENN</a>, <a href="">KUHN</a>, <a href="">KUHNE</a>, <a href="">KUN</a>, <a href="">LONE</a>, <a href="">MCCONE</a>, <a href="">MOSCONE</a>, <a href="">NASCONE</a>, <a href="">PEDICONE</a>, <a href="">PICONE</a>, <a href="">RACCONE</a>, <a href="">SARCONE</a>, <a href="">TRONCONE</a>, <a href="">ZARCONE</a>, <a href="">ZONE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>CONE:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Charles Arnold</a> — <a href="">James Phinney Baxter</a> — <a href="">Dennis Bow</a> — <a href="">Charles H. Cutting</a> — <a href="">Addison E. Haley</a> — <a href="">Cone Johnson</a> — <a href="">Mrs. Cone Johnson</a> — <a href="">Spencer Cone Jones</a> — <a href="">John Norvell</a> — <a href="">Simon Wolfe Rosendale</a> — <a href="">Irene Cone Strieby</a> — <a href="">Irvin N. Tibbals</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="580.31.37">Cone, Adam</a></b> — of Palestine, <a href="">Anderson County</a>, Tex. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Texas, <a href="">1928</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="148.92.46">Cone, Calvin</a></b> — of <a href="">Trumbull County</a>, Ohio. Member of <a href="">Ohio state senate</a> from Trumbull County, 1806-10. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="448.90.50">Cone, Cecil Roscoe</a> (1915-1981)</b> — of Bloomington, <a href="">McLean County</a>, Ill. Born in Fountain Hill, <a href="">Ashley County</a>, Ark., <a href="">September 18, 1915</a>. <a href="">Mayor of Bloomington, Ill.</a>, 1949-53. Died in Big Spring, <a href="">Howard County</a>, Tex., <a href="">September 15, 1981</a> (age <a href="">65 years, 362 days</a>). Interment at <a href=" ">Trinity Memorial Park</a>, Big Spring, Tex. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="521.44.51">Cone, Cephus</a></b> — of Colchester, <a href="">New London County</a>, Conn. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Colchester, 1822. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="961.55.77">Cone, Ebenezer</a></b> — of Saybrook, <a href="">Middlesex County</a>, Conn. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Saybrook, 1825-26. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="633.89.80">Cone, Edwin E.</a></b> — of Eugene, <a href="">Lane County</a>, Ore. <a href="">Mayor of Eugene, Ore.</a>, 1965. Still living as of 1965. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="181.07.09">Cone, Floyd W.</a></b> — Candidate in primary for <a href="">circuit judge in Michigan</a> 8th Circuit, 1941. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="403.26.75">Cone, Frank O.</a></b> — of Middle Haddam, Chatham (now East Hampton), <a href="">Middlesex County</a>, Conn. Postmaster at <a href="">Middle Haddam, Conn.</a>, 1901. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Cone, Fred A.</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#014.00.75">Frederick A. Cone</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="153.50.03">Cone, Fred M.</a></b> — of Gainesville, <a href="">Alachua County</a>, Fla. Democrat. <a href="">Mayor of Gainesville, Fla.</a>, 1952; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Florida, <a href="">1952</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Cone, Fred P.</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#846.02.25">Frederick Preston Cone</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="014.00.75">Cone, Frederick A.</a></b> — also known as <b>Fred A. Cone</b> — of Canterbury, <a href="">Windham County</a>, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Canterbury, 1918, 1920, 1922. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="846.02.25">Cone, Frederick Preston</a> (1871-1948)</b> — also known as <b>Fred P. Cone</b> — of Lake City, <a href="">Columbia County</a>, Fla. Born in Benton, <a href="">Columbia County</a>, Fla., <a href="">September 28, 1871</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; member of <a href="">Florida state senate</a>, 1907-13; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Florida, <a href="">1924</a> (member, <a href="">Credentials Committee</a>), <a href="">1928</a>, <a href="">1948</a>; <a href="">Governor of Florida</a>, 1937-41. <a href="">Baptist</a>. Member, <a href="">Freemasons</a>; <a href="">Shriners</a>; <a href="">Elks</a>; <a href="">Rotary</a>. Died <a href="">July 28, 1948</a> (age <a href="">76 years, 304 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Prospect Primitive Baptist Cemetery</a>, Near White Springs, Hamilton County, Fla. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of William Henry Cone and Sarah Emily (Branch) Cone; married <a href="">1930</a> to Mildred Thompson.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">National Governors Association biography</a> — <a href="">NNDB dossier</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="021.07.08">Cone, George</a></b> — of <a href="">Sacramento County</a>, Calif. Member of <a href="">California state assembly</a> 9th District, 1856-57. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="002.44.96">Cone, George W.</a></b> — of Windsor Locks, <a href="">Hartford County</a>, Conn. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Windsor Locks, 1940. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="289.16.77">Cone, Gilbert</a></b> — of <a href="">Otsego County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Otsego County, 1832. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Cone, Gilbert</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#140.25.67">J. Gilbert Cone</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="341.64.66">Cone, Hobson T.</a></b> — of St. Augustine, <a href="">St. Johns County</a>, Fla. <a href="">Mayor of St. Augustine, Fla.</a>, 1952. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="566.89.11">Cone, Howard C.</a></b> — of Suffield, <a href="">Hartford County</a>, Conn. Republican. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Suffield; elected 1926. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="617.57.17">Cone, Howell</a></b> — of Savannah, <a href="">Chatham County</a>, Ga. <a href="">U.S. Collector of Customs at Savannah, Ga., Georgia</a>, 1941-51. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="274.53.61">Cone, J. B.</a></b> — of Union, <a href="">Wilson County</a>, Tex. Member of <a href="">Texas state house of representatives</a> 82nd District, 1887-88. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="140.25.67">Cone, J. Gilbert</a></b> — of Statesboro, <a href="">Bulloch County</a>, Ga. <a href="">Mayor of Statesboro, Ga.</a>, 1951. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="378.71.64">Cone, Mrs. J. T.</a></b> — of Searcy, <a href="">White County</a>, Ark. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Arkansas, <a href="">1948</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="457.58.85">Cone, James J.</a></b> — of Illinois. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Illinois</a> 12th District, 1970. Still living as of 1970. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="381.27.09">Cone, James W.</a></b> — of Sioux Falls, <a href="">Minnehaha County</a>, S.Dak. Member of <a href="">South Dakota state senate</a> 10th District, 1911-14. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="827.28.84">Cone, Jessie</a></b> — Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Florida, <a href="">1924</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="832.26.94">Cone, John C.</a></b> — of Colchester, <a href="">New London County</a>, Conn. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Colchester, 1832. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="169.29.67">Cone, John E.</a></b> — of Brooklyn, <a href="">Kings County</a>, N.Y. <a href="">Justice of New York Supreme Court</a> 2nd District, 1956-67. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="341.88.92">Cone, John H.</a></b> — of Canterbury, <a href="">Windham County</a>, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Canterbury, 1910, 1912, 1930. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="961.41.50">Cone, Lon</a></b> — of McCook, <a href="">Red Willow County</a>, Neb. Republican. Postmaster at <a href="">McCook, Neb.</a>, 1909-13. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="999.81.90">Cone, Mark</a></b> — of Pinehurst, <a href="">Moore County</a>, N.C. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from North Carolina, <a href="">2008</a>. Still living as of 2008. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="933.42.35">Cone, Michael</a></b> — Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Senator from South Carolina</a>, 2008. Still living as of 2008. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="138.93.82">Cone, Mildred</a></b> — of Tallahassee, <a href="">Leon County</a>, Fla. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Florida, <a href="">1940</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="021.73.23">Cone, Nelson</a></b> — of Port Angeles, <a href="">Clallam County</a>, Wash. Green. Green candidate for Presidential Elector for Washington, <a href="">2012</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Jill Stein</a> and <a href="">Cheri Honkala</a>). Still living as of 2012. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="474.87.07">Cone, O. E.</a></b> — of Fort Gaines, <a href="">Clay County</a>, Ga. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Georgia, <a href="">1888</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="686.03.22">Cone, Oliver C.</a></b> — of Waterloo, <a href="">Seneca County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, <a href="">1932</a>; postmaster at <a href="">Waterloo, N.Y.</a>, 1937-43. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="653.92.63">Cone, Salmon G.</a></b> — Greenback candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from New York</a> 21st District, 1878. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="706.07.87">Cone, Stephen</a></b> — of East Haddam, <a href="">Middlesex County</a>, Conn. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from East Haddam, 1831. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="353.80.94">Cone, W. B.</a></b> — of Macclenny, <a href="">Baker County</a>, Fla. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Florida, <a href="">1928</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="776.21.99">Cone, Warren</a></b> — of Norfolk, <a href="">Litchfield County</a>, Conn. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Norfolk, 1834, 1838. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="586.02.49">Cone, William</a></b> — of Canterbury, <a href="">Windham County</a>, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Canterbury, 1914. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="039.02.94">Cone, William E.</a></b> — of East Haddam, <a href="">Middlesex County</a>, Conn. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state senate</a> 19th District, 1865-66. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="793.29.55">Cone, William H.</a></b> — of East Haddam, <a href="">Middlesex County</a>, Conn. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from East Haddam, 1838-39. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="747.13.82">Cone, William L.</a></b> — of Millington, East Haddam, <a href="">Middlesex County</a>, Conn. Postmaster at <a href="">Millington, Conn.</a>, 1901. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="986.49.61">Cone, William W.</a></b> — of Plymouth, <a href="">Litchfield County</a>, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Plymouth, 1908. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="037.25.36">Cone, Zachariah</a></b> — of Hebron, <a href="">Tolland County</a>, Conn. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Hebron, 1828, 1834. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONELLY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONELLY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C540</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CEYLON</a>, <a href="">CLONEY</a>, <a href="">CLOONEY</a>, <a href="#CONE">CONE</a>, <a href="#CONELY">CONELY</a>, <a href="">CONLEY</a>, <a href="">CONNEALY</a>, <a href="">CONNELLEY</a>, <a href="">CONNELLY</a>, <a href="">CONNELY</a>, <a href="">CONNLEY</a>, <a href="">COONLEY</a>, <a href="">DONELLY</a>, <a href="">ELLY</a>, <a href="">NELLY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>CONELLY:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Joseph Manchin III</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONELY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONELY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C540</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CEYLON</a>, <a href="">CLONEY</a>, <a href="">CLOONEY</a>, <a href="#CONE">CONE</a>, <a href="#CONELLY">CONELLY</a>, <a href="#CONERLY">CONERLY</a>, <a href="#CONEY">CONEY</a>, <a href="">CONLEY</a>, <a href="">CONLY</a>, <a href="">CONNEALY</a>, <a href="">CONNELLEY</a>, <a href="">CONNELLY</a>, <a href="">CONNELY</a>, <a href="">CONNLEY</a>, <a href="">CONOLY</a>, <a href="">COONLEY</a>, <a href="">CORNELY</a>, <a href="">KANELY</a>, <a href="">MCNELY</a>, <a href="">NELY</a>, <a href="">THORNELY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="119.53.98">Conely, Edwin F.</a> (b. 1847)</b> — of Detroit, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich. Born in New York, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">September 7, 1847</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; <a href="">law professor</a>; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, <a href="">1880</a>, <a href="">1892</a> (member, <a href="">Credentials Committee</a>); member of <a href="">Michigan state house of representatives</a>, 1887; member of Michigan Gold Democratic State Central Committee, 1899. <a href="">Episcopalian</a>. Member, <a href="">Freemasons</a>; <a href="">Royal Arch Masons</a>; <a href="">Royal and Select Masters</a>; <a href="">Knights Templar</a>; <a href="">Shriners</a>; <a href="">American Bar Association</a>. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of William S. Conely and Eliza (O'Connor) Conely; married, <a href="">December 9, 1873</a>, to Achsah Butterfield; married, <a href="">May 9, 1882</a>, to Fanny Butterfield.</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C560</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CHOINERE</a>, <a href="">COER</a>, <a href="">COINER</a>, <a href="">COMER</a>, <a href="">CONDER</a>, <a href="#CONE">CONE</a>, <a href="#CONERD">CONERD</a>, <a href="#CONERLY">CONERLY</a>, <a href="#CONFER">CONFER</a>, <a href="#CONGER">CONGER</a>, <a href="">CONNER</a>, <a href="">CONOR</a>, <a href="">CORNER</a>, <a href="">COSNER</a>, <a href="">COYNER</a>, <a href="">CRONE</a>, <a href="">CRONER</a>, <a href="">FALCONER</a>, <a href="">FAULCONER</a>, <a href="">KONNER</a>, <a href="">RENCO</a>, <a href="">ZONER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>CONER:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Coner McGann</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONERD"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONERD</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C563</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">BERNERD</a>, <a href="">BRAINERD</a>, <a href="">CONARD</a>, <a href="">CONDER</a>, <a href="#CONE">CONE</a>, <a href="#CONER">CONER</a>, <a href="#CONERLY">CONERLY</a>, <a href="">CORDEN</a>, <a href="">CREEDON</a>, <a href="">FALCONER</a>, <a href="">FAULCONER</a>, <a href="">GERNERD</a>, <a href="">MINERD</a>, <a href="">RENERDY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="271.26.58">Conerd, J. A.</a></b> — of Atlantic, <a href="">Cass County</a>, Iowa. Postmaster at <a href="">Atlantic, Iowa</a>, 1901. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONERLY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONERLY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C564</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="#CONE">CONE</a>, <a href="#CONELY">CONELY</a>, <a href="#CONER">CONER</a>, <a href="#CONERD">CONERD</a>, <a href="">CORNELY</a>, <a href="">DENNERLINE</a>, <a href="">FALCONER</a>, <a href="">FAULCONER</a>, <a href="">HASNERL</a>, <a href="">KENNERLY</a>, <a href="">KNERLY</a>, <a href="">MANNERLYN</a>, <a href="">MUNNERLYN</a>, <a href="">NERLAND</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>CONERLY:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">William Henry Weathersby</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONES"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONES</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C520</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CONCES</a>, <a href="#CONE">CONE</a>, <a href="">CONNESS</a>, <a href="">COUES</a>, <a href="">CUNNIUS</a>, <a href="">JONES</a>, <a href="">KOINES</a>, <a href="">SONES</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="656.00.77">Cones, Douglas</a></b> — of Pierce, <a href="">Pierce County</a>, Neb. Democrat. District judge in Nebraska 9th District, 1899-1900; appointed 1899; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Nebraska, <a href="">1916</a> (alternate), <a href="">1928</a> (member, <a href="">Committee on Rules and Order of Business</a>). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="551.52.49">Cones, W. W.</a></b> — of Cincinnati, <a href="">Hamilton County</a>, Ohio. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Ohio, <a href="">1860</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONEY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONEY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C500</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CANEY</a>, <a href="">CLONEY</a>, <a href="">COEY</a>, <a href="">COMEY</a>, <a href="#CONE">CONE</a>, <a href="#CONELY">CONELY</a>, <a href="#CONKEY">CONKEY</a>, <a href="">CONLEY</a>, <a href="">CONNY</a>, <a href="">CONREY</a>, <a href="">CONY</a>, <a href="">COONEY</a>, <a href="">COREY</a>, <a href="">COUEY</a>, <a href="">COWNIE</a>, <a href="">COYNE</a>, <a href="">CUNEO</a>, <a href="">CUNEY</a>, <a href="">CUNNEA</a>, <a href="">CUNY</a>, <a href="">KOANI</a>, <a href="">KONNYU</a>, <a href="">KUNEY</a>, <a href="">KUNI</a>, <a href="">KUNIA</a>, <a href="">LONEY</a>, <a href="">NOYCE</a>, <a href="">ONEY</a>, <a href="">YONCE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>CONEY:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Charles L. Benjamin</a> — <a href="">Edward James Dennis</a> — <a href="">Rembert Coney Dennis</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="939.52.41">Coney, Alexander Kaufman</a> (1847-1930)</b> — also known as <b>Alexander K. Coney</b> — of <a href="">San Francisco</a>, Calif.; Alameda, <a href="">Alameda County</a>, Calif. Born in Athens, <a href="">Claiborne Parish</a>, La., <a href="">April 1, 1847</a>. <a href="">Consul-General for Mexico</a> in <a href="">San Francisco, Calif.</a>, 1886-1902. Member, <a href="">Freemasons</a>. Died, from <a href="">influenza</a>, in Alameda, <a href="">Alameda County</a>, Calif., <a href="">January 5, 1930</a> (age <a href="">82 years, 279 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Woodlawn Memorial Park</a>, Colma, Calif. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="433.66.61">Coney, E. W.</a></b> — of Sedalia, <a href="">Pettis County</a>, Mo. Democrat. <a href="">Chair of Pettis County Democratic Party</a>, 1943. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="496.66.93">Coney, H. C.</a></b> — Communist. Candidate for <a href="">Governor of Arkansas</a>, 1932. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="160.90.58">Coney, Jack A.</a></b> — of Peoria, <a href="">Peoria County</a>, Ill. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Illinois, <a href="">1956</a>, <a href="">1960</a>, <a href="">1964</a>, <a href="">1972</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="714.45.50">Coney, James E.</a></b> — of Bangor, <a href="">Penobscot County</a>, Maine. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Maine, <a href="">1956</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="138.33.26">Coney, John H.</a></b> — of Hawaii. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Hawaii Territory, <a href="">1912</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="383.53.87">Coney, Paul M.</a></b> — of Toledo, <a href="">Lucas County</a>, Ohio. Candidate in primary for <a href="">mayor of Toledo, Ohio</a>, 1931. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONFAIR"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONFAIR</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C516</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">BONFANTI</a>, <a href="">CANFORA</a>, <a href="#CONFEDERACY">CONFEDERACY</a>, <a href="#CONFER">CONFER</a>, <a href="#CONFESOR">CONFESOR</a>, <a href="#CONFIELD">CONFIELD</a>, <a href="#CONFORD">CONFORD</a>, <a href="">FAIR</a>, <a href="">FONFARA</a>, <a href="">FRICANO</a>, <a href="">MONFALCONE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="038.62.91">Confair, Zehnder H.</a> (1906-1982)</b> — of Pennsylvania. Born in Berwick, <a href="">Columbia County</a>, Pa., <a href="">January 11, 1906</a>. Republican. Member of <a href="">Pennsylvania state senate</a>, 1959-72 (24th District 1959-68, 23rd District 1969-72). Member, <a href="">Freemasons</a>; <a href="">Moose</a>; <a href="">Elks</a>; <a href="">Rotary</a>. Died in June, <a href="">1982</a> (age <a href="">76 years, 0 days</a>). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONFEDERACY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONFEDERACY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C513</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">BRACY</a>, <a href="#CONFAIR">CONFAIR</a>, <a href="#CONFER">CONFER</a>, <a href="#CONFESOR">CONFESOR</a>, <a href="#CONFIELD">CONFIELD</a>, <a href="#CONFORD">CONFORD</a>, <a href="">DEMOCRACY</a>, <a href="">FEDER</a>, <a href="">FEDERAL</a>, <a href="">FEDERER</a>, <a href="">FEDERGRUN</a>, <a href="">FEDERICI</a>, <a href="">FEDERICKSON</a>, <a href="">FEDERICO</a>, <a href="">FEDERLE</a>, <a href="">FEDERMAN</a>, <a href="">FEDERSPIEL</a>, <a href="">GOLDFEDER</a>, <a href="">GRACY</a>, <a href="">KRONFELD</a>, <a href="">MIRACYL</a>, <a href="">TRACY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Confederacy, Poo Bah of the:</b> <i>See</i> <a href="">Judah Philip Benjamin</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONFER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONFER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C516</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CANFORA</a>, <a href="">COFER</a>, <a href="">COFFREN</a>, <a href="#CONER">CONER</a>, <a href="#CONFAIR">CONFAIR</a>, <a href="#CONFEDERACY">CONFEDERACY</a>, <a href="#CONFESOR">CONFESOR</a>, <a href="#CONFIELD">CONFIELD</a>, <a href="#CONFORD">CONFORD</a>, <a href="">DUNFER</a>, <a href="">KRONFELD</a>, <a href="">RENFER</a>, <a href="">WINFERD</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>CONFER:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Harry P. Shomo</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONFESOR"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONFESOR</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C512</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">BESORE</a>, <a href="#CONFAIR">CONFAIR</a>, <a href="#CONFEDERACY">CONFEDERACY</a>, <a href="#CONFER">CONFER</a>, <a href="#CONFIELD">CONFIELD</a>, <a href="#CONFORD">CONFORD</a>, <a href="">JONESORJONZ</a>, <a href="">KRONFELD</a>, <a href="">REESOR</a>, <a href="">RESOR</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>CONFESOR:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Confesor Rivera</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONFIELD"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONFIELD</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C514</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">BONFIELD</a>, <a href="">BONFIGLIO</a>, <a href="">BUONFIGLIO</a>, <a href="">CANFIELD</a>, <a href="">COFIELD</a>, <a href="">CONDLIFFE</a>, <a href="#CONFAIR">CONFAIR</a>, <a href="#CONFEDERACY">CONFEDERACY</a>, <a href="#CONFER">CONFER</a>, <a href="#CONFESOR">CONFESOR</a>, <a href="#CONFORD">CONFORD</a>, <a href="">CORFIELD</a>, <a href="">FIELD</a>, <a href="">KENFIELD</a>, <a href="">MONFILS</a>, <a href="">TRIONFI</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="569.84.90">Confield, Rudolph</a></b> — of Manhattan, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from New York County 7th District, 1921. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONFORD"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONFORD</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C516</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">BALLOONFOOT</a>, <a href="">BONFOEY</a>, <a href="">CANNIFORD</a>, <a href="">COMFORD</a>, <a href="#CONFAIR">CONFAIR</a>, <a href="#CONFEDERACY">CONFEDERACY</a>, <a href="#CONFER">CONFER</a>, <a href="#CONFESOR">CONFESOR</a>, <a href="#CONFIELD">CONFIELD</a>, <a href="">FORD</a>, <a href="">MONFOORT</a>, <a href="">MONFORT</a>, <a href="">VONFORELL</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="644.67.66">Conford, Milton B.</a></b> — of Hillside, <a href="">Union County</a>, N.J. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New Jersey, <a href="">1952</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONG"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONG</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C520</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CANG</a>, <a href="">CHONG</a>, <a href="">CHUANG</a>, <a href="">CHUNG</a>, <a href="#CONGAR">CONGAR</a>, <a href="#CONGDON">CONGDON</a>, <a href="#CONGELTON">CONGELTON</a>, <a href="#CONGEMI">CONGEMI</a>, <a href="#CONGENIALITY">CONGENIALITY</a>, <a href="#CONGER">CONGER</a>, <a href="#CONGLETON">CONGLETON</a>, <a href="#CONGRESS">CONGRESS</a>, <a href="#CONGRESSMAN">CONGRESSMAN</a>, <a href="">CONY</a>, <a href="">DUCONGE</a>, <a href="">GONG</a>, <a href="">KONG</a>, <a href="">LONG</a>, <a href="">NGOC</a>, <a href="">SONG</a>, <a href="">WACONGNE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="386.63.29">Cong, Mai T.</a></b> — of Santa Ana, <a href="">Orange County</a>, Calif. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, <a href="">1996</a>, <a href="">2000</a>. Still living as of 2000. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONGAR"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONGAR</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C526</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CINGER</a>, <a href="">COGAR</a>, <a href="#CONG">CONG</a>, <a href="#CONGDON">CONGDON</a>, <a href="#CONGELTON">CONGELTON</a>, <a href="#CONGEMI">CONGEMI</a>, <a href="#CONGENIALITY">CONGENIALITY</a>, <a href="#CONGER">CONGER</a>, <a href="#CONGLETON">CONGLETON</a>, <a href="#CONGRESS">CONGRESS</a>, <a href="#CONGRESSMAN">CONGRESSMAN</a>, <a href="">CORGAN</a>, <a href="">CROGAN</a>, <a href="">DUCONGE</a>, <a href="">EICHENGER</a>, <a href="">KINGREE</a>, <a href="">KINGREY</a>, <a href="">LONGARZO</a>, <a href="">SCHONGAR</a>, <a href="">WACONGNE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>CONGAR:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Edmund Congar Brown</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="253.60.90">Congar, Horace N.</a></b> — of Newark, <a href="">Essex County</a>, N.J. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from New Jersey, <a href="">1860</a>; <a href="">secretary of state of New Jersey</a>, 1866-70. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="540.72.70">Congar, Stephen</a></b> — of <a href="">Essex County</a>, N.J. Member of <a href="">New Jersey state senate</a> from Essex County, 1852-54. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONGDON"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONGDON</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C523</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CONDON</a>, <a href="#CONG">CONG</a>, <a href="#CONGAR">CONGAR</a>, <a href="#CONGELTON">CONGELTON</a>, <a href="#CONGEMI">CONGEMI</a>, <a href="#CONGENIALITY">CONGENIALITY</a>, <a href="#CONGER">CONGER</a>, <a href="#CONGLETON">CONGLETON</a>, <a href="#CONGRESS">CONGRESS</a>, <a href="#CONGRESSMAN">CONGRESSMAN</a>, <a href="">DUCONGE</a>, <a href="">KINGDON</a>, <a href="">LANGDON</a>, <a href="">LONGDEN</a>, <a href="">LONGDON</a>, <a href="">WACONGNE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>CONGDON:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">William Congdon Edwards</a> — <a href="">George Congdon Gorham</a> — <a href="">Richard Campbell Van Dusen</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="114.08.96">Congdon, Anson</a></b> — of <a href="">Allegany County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Allegany County 2nd District, 1851. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Father of <a href="#043.62.16">Marcus M. Congdon</a>; grandfather of <a href="#019.59.36">Cassius Congdon</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Congdon family</a> of West Clarksville, New York.</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="019.59.36">Congdon, Cassius</a> (b. 1870)</b> — of West Clarksville, <a href="">Allegany County</a>, N.Y. Born in West Clarksville, <a href="">Allegany County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">1870</a>. Republican. <a href="">Farmer</a>; <a href="">cheese manufacturer</a>; <a href="">oil and gas producer</a>; member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Allegany County, 1924-29. <a href="">Baptist</a>. Member, <a href="">Freemasons</a>; <a href="">Odd Fellows</a>. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of <a href="#043.62.16">Marcus M. Congdon</a>; married to Corinne Butts (granddaughter of <a href="">Martin Butts</a>); grandson of <a href="#114.08.96">Anson Congdon</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Congdon family</a> of West Clarksville, New York.</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="202.11.87">Congdon, Charles</a></b> — of Midland, <a href="">Midland County</a>, Mich. Libertarian. Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan, <a href="">1980</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Ed Clark</a> and <a href="">David Koch</a>); candidate for <a href="">Michigan state house of representatives</a> 89th District, 1980; candidate for <a href="">Michigan state senate</a> 35th District, 1982; Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan, <a href="">1984</a>; candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Michigan</a> 10th District, 1990. Still living as of 1990. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="437.12.55">Congdon, Chester Adgate</a></b> — also known as <b>Chester A. Congdon</b> — of Duluth, <a href="">St. Louis County</a>, Minn. Republican. Member of <a href="">Minnesota state house of representatives</a> District 51, 1909-12; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Minnesota, <a href="">1916</a>. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Minnesota Legislator record</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="086.33.54">Congdon, Clark</a></b> — of Sterling, <a href="">Windham County</a>, Conn. Republican. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Sterling; elected 1912. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="229.06.63">Congdon, David R.</a></b> — of Castleton, <a href="">Rutland County</a>, Vt. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Vermont, <a href="">1972</a>. Still living as of 1972. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="599.69.74">Congdon, E. W.</a></b> — of Pearsall, <a href="">Frio County</a>, Tex. Postmaster at <a href="">Pearsall, Tex.</a>, 1887. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="529.92.77">Congdon, Frank W.</a></b> — of Hampton, <a href="">Windham County</a>, Conn. Republican. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Hampton; elected 1912. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="734.29.15">Congdon, James A.</a></b> — of New Bedford, <a href="">Bristol County</a>, Mass. Member of <a href="">Massachusetts state house of representatives</a> from New Bedford; elected 1844. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="629.30.76">Congdon, James F.</a></b> — of Colebrook, <a href="">Coos County</a>, N.H. Republican. Member of <a href="">New Hampshire state house of representatives</a> from Colebrook; elected 1938. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="533.01.96">Congdon, Job N.</a></b> — of Binghamton, <a href="">Broome County</a>, N.Y. Republican. <a href="">Mayor of Binghamton, N.Y.</a>, 1869-70; Republican candidate for Presidential Elector for New York, <a href="">1884</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="580.68.97">Congdon, John</a></b> — of Waterford, <a href="">New London County</a>, Conn.; New London, <a href="">New London County</a>, Conn. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a>, 1836, 1839 (Waterford 1836, New London 1839). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="735.05.96">Congdon, John P.</a></b> — of Boise, <a href="">Ada County</a>, Idaho. <a href="">Consulting engineer</a>; member of <a href="">Idaho state house of representatives</a>, 1923; candidate for <a href="">mayor of Boise, Idaho</a>, 1925. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="210.09.28">Congdon, Joseph Miller</a></b> — of <a href="">Cattaraugus County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Cattaraugus County 2nd District, 1880-81. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="031.90.66">Congdon, Leroy W.</a></b> — of Sterling, <a href="">Windham County</a>, Conn. Republican. <a href="">Farmer</a>; member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Sterling, 1939-40. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="753.00.77">Congdon, Lyman</a></b> — of <a href="">Tompkins County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Tompkins County, 1866. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="043.62.16">Congdon, Marcus M.</a></b> — of West Clarksville, <a href="">Allegany County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Allegany County, 1892-93. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of <a href="#114.08.96">Anson Congdon</a>; father of <a href="#019.59.36">Cassius Congdon</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Congdon family</a> of West Clarksville, New York.</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="775.86.41">Congdon, Merton L.</a></b> — of North Collins, <a href="">Erie County</a>, N.Y. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, <a href="">1964</a>. Still living as of 1964. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="462.29.32">Congdon, Richard A.</a></b> — of Waukesha, <a href="">Waukesha County</a>, Wis. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Wisconsin, <a href="">1976</a>; candidate for <a href="">Wisconsin state senate</a> 33rd District, 1978. Still living as of 1978. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="827.73.06">Congdon, Mrs. Robert</a></b> — of Duluth, <a href="">St. Louis County</a>, Minn. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Minnesota, <a href="">1960</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1960. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="488.59.66">Congdon, William</a></b> — of Powhattan, <a href="">Brown County</a>, Kan. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Kansas, <a href="">1956</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="439.57.41">Congdon, William R.</a></b> — of Wickford, North Kingstown, <a href="">Washington County</a>, R.I. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Rhode Island, <a href="">1900</a>, <a href="">1912</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONGELTON"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONGELTON</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C524</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">BORGELT</a>, <a href="#CONG">CONG</a>, <a href="#CONGAR">CONGAR</a>, <a href="#CONGDON">CONGDON</a>, <a href="#CONGEMI">CONGEMI</a>, <a href="#CONGENIALITY">CONGENIALITY</a>, <a href="#CONGER">CONGER</a>, <a href="#CONGLETON">CONGLETON</a>, <a href="#CONGRESS">CONGRESS</a>, <a href="#CONGRESSMAN">CONGRESSMAN</a>, <a href="">DUCONGE</a>, <a href="">ELTON</a>, <a href="">GELT</a>, <a href="">GELTMACHER</a>, <a href="">GELTMAN</a>, <a href="">GELTNER</a>, <a href="">GELTZ</a>, <a href="">HAGELTHORN</a>, <a href="">MONGELLI</a>, <a href="">MONGELLUZZO</a>, <a href="">SIEGELTUCH</a>, <a href="">VOGELTANZ</a>, <a href="">WACONGNE</a>, <a href="">WHIGELT</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="356.24.56">Congelton, William</a></b> — of Michigan. Socialist. Candidate for <a href="">Michigan state senate</a> 24th District, 1948. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONGEMI"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONGEMI</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C525</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="#CONG">CONG</a>, <a href="#CONGAR">CONGAR</a>, <a href="#CONGDON">CONGDON</a>, <a href="#CONGELTON">CONGELTON</a>, <a href="#CONGENIALITY">CONGENIALITY</a>, <a href="#CONGER">CONGER</a>, <a href="#CONGLETON">CONGLETON</a>, <a href="#CONGRESS">CONGRESS</a>, <a href="#CONGRESSMAN">CONGRESSMAN</a>, <a href="">DUCONGE</a>, <a href="">GANGEMI</a>, <a href="">GEMINDEN</a>, <a href="">GEMINDER</a>, <a href="">GEMINO</a>, <a href="">KINGHAM</a>, <a href="">LONGEMANS</a>, <a href="">WACONGNE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="502.87.34">Congemi, Louis J.</a></b> — of Kenner, <a href="">Jefferson Parish</a>, La. <a href="">Mayor of Kenner, La.</a>, 1996-2003. Still living as of 2010. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Brother of <a href="#854.84.71">Nick Congemi</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">OurCampaigns candidate detail</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="854.84.71">Congemi, Nick</a></b> — of Kenner, <a href="">Jefferson Parish</a>, La. <a href="">Police chief</a>; candidate for <a href="">mayor of Kenner, La.</a>, 2004, 2006. Still living as of 2006. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Brother of <a href="#502.87.34">Louis J. Congemi</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">OurCampaigns candidate detail</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="274.75.24">Congemi, Paul</a></b> — also known as <b>"The Truth"</b> — of St. Petersburg, <a href="">Pinellas County</a>, Fla. Candidate in primary for <a href="">mayor of St. Petersburg, Fla.</a>, 2009, 2013, 2017. Still living as of 2017. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONGENIALITY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONGENIALITY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C525</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="#CONG">CONG</a>, <a href="#CONGAR">CONGAR</a>, <a href="#CONGDON">CONGDON</a>, <a href="#CONGELTON">CONGELTON</a>, <a href="#CONGEMI">CONGEMI</a>, <a href="#CONGER">CONGER</a>, <a href="#CONGLETON">CONGLETON</a>, <a href="#CONGRESS">CONGRESS</a>, <a href="#CONGRESSMAN">CONGRESSMAN</a>, <a href="">CULLITY</a>, <a href="">DUCONGE</a>, <a href="">GENIA</a>, <a href="">GENIALE</a>, <a href="">GHADIALI</a>, <a href="">LITYNSKY</a>, <a href="">LONGENBACH</a>, <a href="">LONGENECKER</a>, <a href="">LONGENHELT</a>, <a href="">NATHANIAL</a>, <a href="">NIAL</a>, <a href="">NIALL</a>, <a href="">PERENNIAL</a>, <a href="">REGENIA</a>, <a href="">SANIAL</a>, <a href="">SOCIALIST</a>, <a href="">TITIALII</a>, <a href="">WACONGNE</a>, <a href="">WILKIALIS</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Congeniality, Miss:</b> <i>See</i> <a href="">Sarah Palin</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONGER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONGER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C526</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CINGER</a>, <a href="">COGER</a>, <a href="#CONER">CONER</a>, <a href="#CONG">CONG</a>, <a href="#CONGAR">CONGAR</a>, <a href="#CONGDON">CONGDON</a>, <a href="#CONGELTON">CONGELTON</a>, <a href="#CONGEMI">CONGEMI</a>, <a href="#CONGENIALITY">CONGENIALITY</a>, <a href="#CONGLETON">CONGLETON</a>, <a href="#CONGRESS">CONGRESS</a>, <a href="#CONGRESSMAN">CONGRESSMAN</a>, <a href="">DUCONGE</a>, <a href="">EICHENGER</a>, <a href="">KINGREE</a>, <a href="">KINGREY</a>, <a href="">SONGER</a>, <a href="">WACONGNE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>CONGER:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Della Conger Brown</a> — <a href="">Oliver Morgan Hungerford</a> — <a href="">Wallace Monroe Pence</a> — <a href="">Conger Reynolds</a> — <a href="">Charles R. Sligh</a> — <a href="">Ray Weightman</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Conger, Mrs. A. B.</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#215.36.07">Margaret Onys Conger</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="032.21.96">Conger, Abraham Benjamin</a> (1887-1953)</b> — of Bainbridge, <a href="">Decatur County</a>, Ga. Born in Ty Ty, Worth County (now <a href="">Tift County</a>), Ga., <a href="">July 14, 1887</a>. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; <a href="">mayor of Bainbridge, Ga.</a>; elected 1921; <a href="">U.S. District Judge for the Middle District of Georgia</a>, 1949-53; died in office 1953. Died in Athens, <a href="">Clarke County</a>, Ga., <a href="">December 9, 1953</a> (age <a href="">66 years, 148 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Oak City Cemetery</a>, Bainbridge, Ga. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Abraham Benjamin Conger (1853-1908) and Elizabeth D. (Young) Conger; brother of <a href="#649.82.55">Isaac Young Conger</a>; married <a href="">1915</a> to <a href="#215.36.07">Margaret Onys Willis</a>; third cousin thrice removed of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#494.60.21">James W. Conger</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political families:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York; <a href="">Conger #2 family</a> of Bainbridge and Ty Ty, Georgia (subsets of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">federal judicial profile</a> — <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a> — <a href="">Biographical Directory of Federal Judges</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="030.91.98">Conger, Abraham Bogart</a> (1814-1887)</b> — also known as <b>Abraham B. Conger</b> — of Waldberg (now Congers), <a href="">Rockland County</a>, N.Y. Born in New York, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">July 5, 1814</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; member of <a href="">New York state senate</a> 7th District, 1852-53; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, <a href="">1864</a>. Died in New York, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">May 24, 1887</a> (age <a href="">72 years, 323 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Green-Wood Cemetery</a>, Brooklyn, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of John Smith Conger and Sarah (Bogart) Conger; married, <a href="">November 12, 1836</a>, to Mary Rutgers McCrea Hedges; third cousin twice removed of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#317.28.00">James Lockwood Conger</a>, <a href="#123.53.84">Anson Griffith Conger</a>, <a href="#499.43.84">Harmon Sweatland Conger</a>, <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a>, <a href="#220.73.42">Moore Conger</a>, <a href="#087.79.44">Frederick Ward Conger</a>, <a href="#398.98.93">Chauncey Stewart Conger</a> and <a href="#909.90.32">Charles Franklin Conger</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;">The <a href="">community</a> of <a href="">Congers, New York</a>, is <a href="">named for him</a>.</li> </span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="123.53.84">Conger, Anson Griffith</a> (1812-1880)</b> — also known as <b>Anson G. Conger</b> — of Collins Center, <a href="">Erie County</a>, N.Y. Born in Danby, <a href="">Rutland County</a>, Vt., <a href="">October 26, 1812</a>. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Erie County 4th District, 1863. Died in Collins Center, <a href="">Erie County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">February 12, 1880</a> (age <a href="">67 years, 109 days</a>). Interment at <a href=" ">Collins Center Cemetery</a>, Collins Center, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Noah Conger and Hannah (Griffith) Conger; married, <a href="">September 17, 1845</a>, to Portia White; second cousin of <a href="#499.43.84">Harmon Sweatland Conger</a>; second cousin once removed of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a>; second cousin twice removed of <a href="#474.35.32">Edward Augustus Conger</a> and Nelson Franklin Conger (who married <a href="">Georgia Robles</a>); second cousin thrice removed of <a href="#976.23.17">Robert John Conger</a>; third cousin of <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a>, <a href="#220.73.42">Moore Conger</a>, <a href="#398.98.93">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1838-1916)</a> and <a href="#087.79.44">Frederick Ward Conger</a>; third cousin once removed of <a href="#000.02.26">Edwin Hurd Conger</a>, <a href="#836.07.64">Franklin Barker Conger</a> and <a href="#509.64.14">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1882-1963)</a>; third cousin thrice removed of <a href="">Ralph Waldo Hungerford</a>; fourth cousin of <a href="#317.28.00">James Lockwood Conger</a> and <a href="#909.90.32">Charles Franklin Conger</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#030.91.98">Abraham Bogart Conger</a>, <a href="#494.60.21">James W. Conger</a> and <a href="#934.34.14">Benn Conger</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="934.34.14">Conger, Benn</a> (1856-1922)</b> — of Groton, <a href="">Tompkins County</a>, N.Y. Born in Groton, <a href="">Tompkins County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">October 29, 1856</a>. President, Corona <a href="">Typewriter</a> Co.; member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Tompkins County, 1900-01; member of <a href="">New York state senate</a> 41st District, 1909-10; resigned 1910. In 1910, he <a href="">accused</a> Sen. <a href="">Jotham P. Allds</a>, the majority leader, of accepting a bribe from bridge companies; Allds was investigated and ultimately resigned. Conger, who had also taken part in the <a href="">bribery</a> scheme, was criticized for not coming forward sooner; facing a likely attempt to <a href="">expel</a> him, he <a href="">resigned</a> a few days later. Died in Groton, <a href="">Tompkins County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">February 28, 1922</a> (age <a href="">65 years, 122 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Groton Rural Cemetery</a>, Groton, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Corydon Wilson Conger and Mary Jane (Brown) Conger; married <a href="">1880</a> to Florence C. Buck; third cousin twice removed of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#317.28.00">James Lockwood Conger</a>, <a href="#123.53.84">Anson Griffith Conger</a>, <a href="#499.43.84">Harmon Sweatland Conger</a>, <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a>, <a href="#220.73.42">Moore Conger</a>, <a href="#087.79.44">Frederick Ward Conger</a>, <a href="#398.98.93">Chauncey Stewart Conger</a> and <a href="#909.90.32">Charles Franklin Conger</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="909.90.32">Conger, Charles Franklin</a> (1867-1947)</b> — also known as <b>Charles F. Conger</b> — of Newtown, <a href="">Fairfield County</a>, Conn. Born in Monroe, <a href="">Fairfield County</a>, Conn., <a href="">December 15, 1867</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Blacksmith</a>; member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Newtown; elected 1912. Died in Newtown, <a href="">Fairfield County</a>, Conn., <a href="">November 21, 1947</a> (age <a href="">79 years, 341 days</a>). Interment at <a href=" ">Zoar Cemetery</a>, Newtown, Conn. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Charles F. Conger and Julia (Squiers) Conger; married to Mary E. Morrow; second cousin twice removed of <a href="">Daniel Clark Joyce</a>; third cousin of <a href="#317.28.00">James Lockwood Conger</a>; third cousin once removed of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a>; third cousin thrice removed of <a href="">William Henry Rossell</a>; fourth cousin of <a href="#123.53.84">Anson Griffith Conger</a>, <a href="#499.43.84">Harmon Sweatland Conger</a>, <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a>, <a href="#220.73.42">Moore Conger</a>, <a href="#087.79.44">Frederick Ward Conger</a> and <a href="#398.98.93">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1838-1916)</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#030.91.98">Abraham Bogart Conger</a>, <a href="#000.02.26">Edwin Hurd Conger</a>, <a href="#494.60.21">James W. Conger</a>, <a href="#836.07.64">Franklin Barker Conger</a>, <a href="#934.34.14">Benn Conger</a> and <a href="#509.64.14">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1882-1963)</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="069.59.94">Conger, Charles L.</a></b> — Democrat. Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for Minnesota, <a href="">1916</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="398.98.93">Conger, Chauncey Stewart</a> (1838-1916)</b> — also known as <b>Chauncey S. Conger</b> — of Carmi, <a href="">White County</a>, Ill. Born in Strong Ridge, <a href="">Wood County</a>, Ohio, <a href="">January 14, 1838</a>. <a href="">Civil engineer</a>; <a href="">lawyer</a>; <a href="">White County Superintendent of Schools</a>, 1861-62; member of <a href="">Illinois state house of representatives</a>, 1863-64; circuit judge in Illinois, 1879. <a href="">Presbyterian</a>. Member, <a href="">Freemasons</a>; <a href="">Ancient Order of United Workmen</a>. Died in Carmi, <a href="">White County</a>, Ill., <a href="">July 24, 1916</a> (age <a href="">78 years, 192 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Maple Ridge Cemetery</a>, Carmi, Ill. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Enoch Conger and Esther (West) Conger; brother of <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a>; married, <a href="">November 28, 1861</a>, to Ellen Stewart; father of <a href="#509.64.14">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1882-1963)</a>; uncle of <a href="#836.07.64">Franklin Barker Conger</a>; first cousin once removed of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a> and <a href="#000.02.26">Edwin Hurd Conger</a>; second cousin of <a href="#220.73.42">Moore Conger</a> and <a href="#087.79.44">Frederick Ward Conger</a>; second cousin thrice removed of <a href="">Ralph Waldo Hungerford</a>; third cousin of <a href="#123.53.84">Anson Griffith Conger</a> and <a href="#499.43.84">Harmon Sweatland Conger</a>; third cousin twice removed of <a href="#474.35.32">Edward Augustus Conger</a>; third cousin thrice removed of <a href="#976.23.17">Robert John Conger</a>; fourth cousin of <a href="#317.28.00">James Lockwood Conger</a> and <a href="#909.90.32">Charles Franklin Conger</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#030.91.98">Abraham Bogart Conger</a>, <a href="#494.60.21">James W. Conger</a> and <a href="#934.34.14">Benn Conger</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="509.64.14">Conger, Chauncey Stewart</a> (1882-1963)</b> — also known as <b>Chauncey S. Conger</b> — of Carmi, <a href="">White County</a>, Ill. Born in Carmi, <a href="">White County</a>, Ill., <a href="">October 1, 1882</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Newspaper editor and publisher</a>; <a href="">lawyer</a>; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, <a href="">1932</a>; <a href="">White County Judge</a>, 1934-42; director, First National <a href="">Bank</a> of Carmi. <a href="">Presbyterian</a>. Member, <a href="">Kiwanis</a>. Died in Carmi, <a href="">White County</a>, Ill., <a href="">April 16, 1963</a> (age <a href="">80 years, 197 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Maple Ridge Cemetery</a>, Carmi, Ill. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of <a href="#398.98.93">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1838-1916)</a> and Ellen (Stewart) Conger; married, <a href="">February 2, 1910</a>, to Lena Patrick; nephew of <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a>; first cousin of <a href="#836.07.64">Franklin Barker Conger</a>; first cousin twice removed of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a>; second cousin of <a href="#000.02.26">Edwin Hurd Conger</a>; second cousin once removed of <a href="#220.73.42">Moore Conger</a> and <a href="#087.79.44">Frederick Ward Conger</a>; third cousin once removed of <a href="#123.53.84">Anson Griffith Conger</a> and <a href="#499.43.84">Harmon Sweatland Conger</a>; third cousin twice removed of <a href="">Ralph Waldo Hungerford</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#317.28.00">James Lockwood Conger</a>, <a href="#909.90.32">Charles Franklin Conger</a> and <a href="#474.35.32">Edward Augustus Conger</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="474.35.32">Conger, Edward Augustus</a> (1882-1963)</b> — also known as <b>Edward A. Conger</b> — Born in Poughkeepsie, <a href="">Dutchess County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">January 7, 1882</a>. <a href="">U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of New York</a>, 1938-54; took senior status 1954. Died in Poughkeepsie, <a href="">Dutchess County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">August 7, 1963</a> (age <a href="">81 years, 212 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">St. Peter's Cemetery</a>, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Charles Edward Conger and Catherine (Skelly) Conger; married <a href="">1917</a> to Mary Whalen; second cousin twice removed of <a href="#123.53.84">Anson Griffith Conger</a> and <a href="#499.43.84">Harmon Sweatland Conger</a>; second cousin thrice removed of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a>; third cousin of Nelson Franklin Conger (who married <a href="">Georgia Robles</a>); third cousin twice removed of <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a>, <a href="#220.73.42">Moore Conger</a>, <a href="#087.79.44">Frederick Ward Conger</a>, <a href="#398.98.93">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1838-1916)</a> and <a href="">Addison Beecher Colvin</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#000.02.26">Edwin Hurd Conger</a>, <a href="#836.07.64">Franklin Barker Conger</a>, <a href="#509.64.14">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1882-1963)</a> and <a href="#976.23.17">Robert John Conger</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">federal judicial profile</a> — <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a> — <a href="">Biographical Directory of Federal Judges</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="678.83.62">Conger, Edward G.</a></b> — Republican. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Texas</a> 4th District, 2002. Still living as of 2002. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"><a href=""><img src="" width=70 height=115 border=0 alt="Edwin H. Conger"></a></td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="000.02.26">Conger, Edwin Hurd</a> (1843-1907)</b> — also known as <b>Edwin H. Conger</b> — of Des Moines, <a href="">Polk County</a>, Iowa; Adel, <a href="">Dallas County</a>, Iowa. Born in <a href="">Knox County</a>, Ill., <a href="">March 7, 1843</a>. Republican. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; <a href="">lawyer</a>; <a href="">Dallas County Treasurer</a>, 1877-81; <a href="">Iowa state treasurer</a>, 1881-85; <a href="">U.S. Representative from Iowa</a> 7th District, 1885-91; U.S. Minister to <a href=" ">Brazil</a>, 1890-93, 1897-98; <a href=" ">China</a>, 1898-1905; U.S. Ambassador to <a href=" ">Mexico</a>, 1905. Died in Pasadena, <a href="">Los Angeles County</a>, Calif., <a href="">May 18, 1907</a> (age <a href="">64 years, 72 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Mountain View Cemetery</a>, Altadena, Calif. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Lorentus Everett Conger and Mary W. (Hurd) Conger; married, <a href="">June 18, 1866</a>, to Sarah Jane Pike; first cousin once removed of <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a> and <a href="#398.98.93">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1838-1916)</a>; first cousin twice removed of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a>; second cousin of <a href="#836.07.64">Franklin Barker Conger</a> and <a href="#509.64.14">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1882-1963)</a>; second cousin once removed of <a href="#220.73.42">Moore Conger</a> and <a href="#087.79.44">Frederick Ward Conger</a>; third cousin once removed of <a href="#123.53.84">Anson Griffith Conger</a> and <a href="#499.43.84">Harmon Sweatland Conger</a>; third cousin twice removed of <a href="">Ralph Waldo Hungerford</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#317.28.00">James Lockwood Conger</a>, <a href="#909.90.32">Charles Franklin Conger</a> and <a href="#474.35.32">Edward Augustus Conger</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a> — <a href=""> page</a> — <a href=" H. Conger">Wikipedia article</a> — <a href=" ?">U.S. State Dept career summary</a> — <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Image source:</i> American Monthly Review of Reviews, August 1897</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Conger, Frank B.</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#836.07.64">Franklin Barker Conger</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="836.07.64">Conger, Franklin Barker</a> (1851-1934)</b> — also known as <b>Frank B. Conger</b> — of <a href="">Washington</a>, D.C. Born in Port Huron, <a href="">St. Clair County</a>, Mich., <a href="">May 11, 1851</a>. Republican. <a href="">Newspaper editor</a>; postmaster at <a href="">Washington, D.C.</a>, 1883-88; delegate to Republican National Convention from District of Columbia, <a href="">1884</a>. Died in <a href="">Washington</a>, D.C., <a href="">April 6, 1934</a> (age <a href="">82 years, 330 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Lakeside Cemetery</a>, Port Huron, Mich. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a> and Emily Jane (Barker) Conger; married, <a href="">January 18, 1879</a>, to Charlotte Metcalfe Brown; nephew of <a href="#398.98.93">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1838-1916)</a>; first cousin of <a href="#509.64.14">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1882-1963)</a>; first cousin twice removed of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a>; second cousin of <a href="#000.02.26">Edwin Hurd Conger</a>; second cousin once removed of <a href="#220.73.42">Moore Conger</a> and <a href="#087.79.44">Frederick Ward Conger</a>; third cousin once removed of <a href="#123.53.84">Anson Griffith Conger</a> and <a href="#499.43.84">Harmon Sweatland Conger</a>; third cousin twice removed of <a href="">Ralph Waldo Hungerford</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#317.28.00">James Lockwood Conger</a>, <a href="#909.90.32">Charles Franklin Conger</a> and <a href="#474.35.32">Edward Augustus Conger</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="087.79.44">Conger, Frederick Ward</a> (1838-1911)</b> — also known as <b>Frederick W. Conger</b> — of Berne, <a href="">Albany County</a>, N.Y. Born in New York, <a href="">July 16, 1838</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Farmer</a>; member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Albany County 1st District, 1888. Died in Reidsville, Berne, <a href="">Albany County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">May 29, 1911</a> (age <a href="">72 years, 317 days</a>). Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a> and Hannah (Ward) Conger; married, <a href="">April 7, 1869</a>, to Orsaville Cole; second cousin of <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a>, <a href="#220.73.42">Moore Conger</a> and <a href="#398.98.93">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1838-1916)</a>; second cousin once removed of <a href="#000.02.26">Edwin Hurd Conger</a>, <a href="#836.07.64">Franklin Barker Conger</a> and <a href="#509.64.14">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1882-1963)</a>; second cousin thrice removed of <a href="">Ralph Waldo Hungerford</a>; third cousin of <a href="#123.53.84">Anson Griffith Conger</a> and <a href="#499.43.84">Harmon Sweatland Conger</a>; third cousin twice removed of <a href="#474.35.32">Edward Augustus Conger</a>; third cousin thrice removed of <a href="#976.23.17">Robert John Conger</a>; fourth cousin of <a href="#317.28.00">James Lockwood Conger</a> and <a href="#909.90.32">Charles Franklin Conger</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#030.91.98">Abraham Bogart Conger</a>, <a href="#494.60.21">James W. Conger</a> and <a href="#934.34.14">Benn Conger</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Conger, Georgia Robles</b> <i>See</i> <a href="">Georgia Robles Boone</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="692.68.60">Conger, Greg</a></b> — Democrat. Democratic Presidential Elector for California, <a href="">2012</a> (appointed to fill vacancy; voted for <a href="">Barack Obama</a> and <a href="">Joseph R. Biden, Jr.</a>). Still living as of 2012. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="499.43.84">Conger, Harmon Sweatland</a> (1816-1882)</b> — of Cortland, <a href="">Cortland County</a>, N.Y.; Janesville, <a href="">Rock County</a>, Wis. Born in Freeport, <a href="">Cortland County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">April 9, 1816</a>. Whig. <a href="">Newspaper editor and publisher</a>; <a href="">lawyer</a>; <a href="">U.S. Representative from New York</a> 25th District, 1847-51; circuit judge in Wisconsin 12th Circuit, 1871-82; died in office 1882. Died in Janesville, <a href="">Rock County</a>, Wis., <a href="">October 22, 1882</a> (age <a href="">66 years, 196 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Oak Hill Cemetery</a>, Janesville, Wis. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of John Conger and Hannah (Chandler) Conger; married <a href="">1845</a> to Lucy Canfield; married <a href="">1863</a> to Adelaide Atkinson; first cousin of <a href="">Ira Chandler Backus</a>; first cousin once removed of <a href="">Lyman Averill Chandler</a>; second cousin of <a href="#123.53.84">Anson Griffith Conger</a>; second cousin once removed of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a>; second cousin twice removed of <a href="#474.35.32">Edward Augustus Conger</a>; second cousin thrice removed of <a href="#976.23.17">Robert John Conger</a>; third cousin of <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a>, <a href="#220.73.42">Moore Conger</a>, <a href="#398.98.93">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1838-1916)</a> and <a href="#087.79.44">Frederick Ward Conger</a>; third cousin once removed of <a href="#000.02.26">Edwin Hurd Conger</a>, <a href="#836.07.64">Franklin Barker Conger</a> and <a href="#509.64.14">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1882-1963)</a>; third cousin thrice removed of <a href="">Ralph Waldo Hungerford</a>; fourth cousin of <a href="#317.28.00">James Lockwood Conger</a> and <a href="#909.90.32">Charles Franklin Conger</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#030.91.98">Abraham Bogart Conger</a>, <a href="#494.60.21">James W. Conger</a> and <a href="#934.34.14">Benn Conger</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a> — <a href=""> page</a> — <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="065.35.89">Conger, Hugh</a> (1804-1869)</b> — of <a href="">Albany County</a>, N.Y. Born in New York, <a href="">March 30, 1804</a>. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Albany County 1st District, 1867, 1869; died in office 1869. Died in Reidsville, Berne, <a href="">Albany County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">November 29, 1869</a> (age <a href="">65 years, 244 days</a>). Interment <a href=" ">a private or family graveyard</a>, Albany County, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of William Conger and Margaret (McNab) Conger; married, <a href="">July 1, 1829</a>, to Hannah Ward; father of <a href="#087.79.44">Frederick Ward Conger</a>; first cousin once removed of <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a>, <a href="#220.73.42">Moore Conger</a> and <a href="#398.98.93">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1838-1916)</a>; first cousin twice removed of <a href="#000.02.26">Edwin Hurd Conger</a>, <a href="#836.07.64">Franklin Barker Conger</a> and <a href="#509.64.14">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1882-1963)</a>; first cousin four times removed of <a href="">Ralph Waldo Hungerford</a>; second cousin once removed of <a href="#123.53.84">Anson Griffith Conger</a> and <a href="#499.43.84">Harmon Sweatland Conger</a>; second cousin thrice removed of <a href="#474.35.32">Edward Augustus Conger</a>; second cousin four times removed of <a href="#976.23.17">Robert John Conger</a>; third cousin once removed of <a href="#317.28.00">James Lockwood Conger</a> and <a href="#909.90.32">Charles Franklin Conger</a>; third cousin twice removed of <a href="#030.91.98">Abraham Bogart Conger</a>, <a href="#494.60.21">James W. Conger</a> and <a href="#934.34.14">Benn Conger</a>; third cousin thrice removed of <a href="">Alexander Caldwell</a>, <a href="">Daniel Clark Joyce</a>, <a href="#649.82.55">Isaac Young Conger</a>, <a href="">Alton George Parker</a> and <a href="#032.21.96">Abraham Benjamin Conger</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="">Orestes Cleveland</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political families:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York; <a href="">Conger #2 family</a> of Bainbridge and Ty Ty, Georgia (subsets of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Conger, Ike Y.</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#649.82.55">Isaac Young Conger</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="649.82.55">Conger, Isaac Young</a> (1882-1950)</b> — also known as <b>Isaac Y. Conger</b>; <b>Ike Y. Conger</b> — of Tifton, <a href="">Tift County</a>, Ga. Born in Ty Ty, Worth County (now <a href="">Tift County</a>), Ga., <a href="">January 31, 1882</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Farmer</a>; <a href="">merchant</a>; <a href="">mail carrier</a>; postmaster at <a href="">Tifton, Ga.</a>, 1945-46 (acting, 1945); member of <a href="">Georgia state house of representatives</a> from Tift County, 1947-48. <a href="">Baptist</a>. Member, <a href="">Freemasons</a>; <a href="">Order of the Eastern Star</a>. Died, in Vereen Memorial <a href="">Hospital</a>, Moultrie, <a href="">Colquitt County</a>, Ga., <a href="">July 16, 1950</a> (age <a href="">68 years, 166 days</a>). Interment at <a href=" ">Oak Ridge Cemetery</a>, Tifton, Ga. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Abraham Benjamin Conger (1853-1908) and Elizabeth D. (Young) Conger; brother of <a href="#032.21.96">Abraham Benjamin Conger (1887-1953)</a> (who married <a href="#215.36.07">Margaret Onys Willis</a>); married, <a href="">January 31, 1912</a>, to Mary Elizabeth Willis; third cousin thrice removed of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#494.60.21">James W. Conger</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political families:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York; <a href="">Conger #2 family</a> of Bainbridge and Ty Ty, Georgia (subsets of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="317.28.00">Conger, James Lockwood</a> (1805-1876)</b> — of Mt. Clemens, <a href="">Macomb County</a>, Mich.; St. Clair, <a href="">St. Clair County</a>, Mich. Born in Trenton, <a href="">Mercer County</a>, N.J., <a href="">February 18, 1805</a>. Whig. <a href="">School teacher</a>; <a href="">lawyer</a>; <a href="">merchant</a>; <a href="">banker</a>; <a href="">patent medicine manufacturer</a>; <a href="">U.S. Representative from Michigan</a> 3rd District, 1851-53. Died in St. Clair, <a href="">St. Clair County</a>, Mich., <a href="">April 10, 1876</a> (age <a href="">71 years, 52 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Green Lawn Cemetery</a>, Columbus, Ohio; cenotaph at <a href="">Clinton Grove Cemetery</a>, Clinton Township, Macomb County, Mich. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of David Beeman Conger and Hannah (Lockwood) Conger; married, <a href="">December 23, 1824</a>, to Paulina Belvedere Clark; second cousin once removed of <a href="">Hanford Nichols Lockwood</a>; second cousin thrice removed of <a href="">John Hart</a>; third cousin of <a href="">Homer Nichols Lockwood</a> and <a href="#909.90.32">Charles Franklin Conger</a>; third cousin once removed of <a href="">Daniel Lockwood</a> and <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a>; third cousin twice removed of <a href="">Ebenezer Lockwood</a>, <a href="">Alfred Collins Lockwood</a> and <a href="">Daniel Clark Joyce</a>; third cousin thrice removed of <a href="">John Alsop</a>, <a href="">William Henry Rossell</a> and <a href="">Asbury Elliott Kellogg</a>; fourth cousin of <a href="">Thaddeus Betts</a>, <a href="#123.53.84">Anson Griffith Conger</a>, <a href="#499.43.84">Harmon Sweatland Conger</a>, <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a>, <a href="#220.73.42">Moore Conger</a>, <a href="#398.98.93">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1838-1916)</a> and <a href="#087.79.44">Frederick Ward Conger</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="">Horatio Lockwood</a>, <a href="">Walter Booth</a>, <a href="">Abiel Case</a>, <a href="#030.91.98">Abraham Bogart Conger</a>, <a href="#000.02.26">Edwin Hurd Conger</a>, <a href="#494.60.21">James W. Conger</a>, <a href="#836.07.64">Franklin Barker Conger</a>, <a href="#934.34.14">Benn Conger</a>, <a href="">Frank Elisha Reed</a> and <a href="#509.64.14">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1882-1963)</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a> — <a href=""> page</a> — <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="494.60.21">Conger, James W.</a> (1845-1921)</b> — of Cleveland, <a href="">Cuyahoga County</a>, Ohio. Born in <a href="">Washington County</a>, Pa., <a href="">August 6, 1845</a>. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; <a href="">roofing business</a>; Republican Presidential Elector for Ohio, <a href="">1897</a>; delegate to Republican National Convention from Ohio, <a href="">1912</a>; Progressive candidate for Presidential Elector for Ohio, <a href="">1912</a>. <a href="">Presbyterian</a>. Member, <a href="">Grand Army of the Republic</a>; <a href="">Freemasons</a>. Died in St. Petersburg, <a href="">Pinellas County</a>, Fla., <a href="">February 22, 1921</a> (age <a href="">75 years, 200 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Lake View Cemetery</a>, Cleveland, Ohio. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of William Henry Harrison Conger and Martha (Auld) Conger; married, <a href="">February 15, 1869</a>, to Anna M. Higgins; married, <a href="">November 18, 1914</a>, to Maude A. Miller; third cousin twice removed of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#317.28.00">James Lockwood Conger</a>, <a href="#123.53.84">Anson Griffith Conger</a>, <a href="#499.43.84">Harmon Sweatland Conger</a>, <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a>, <a href="#220.73.42">Moore Conger</a>, <a href="#398.98.93">Chauncey Stewart Conger</a>, <a href="#087.79.44">Frederick Ward Conger</a>, <a href="#909.90.32">Charles Franklin Conger</a>, <a href="#649.82.55">Isaac Young Conger</a> and <a href="#032.21.96">Abraham Benjamin Conger</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political families:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York; <a href="">Conger #2 family</a> of Bainbridge and Ty Ty, Georgia (subsets of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="853.99.77">Conger, John</a></b> — Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Washington and Clinton counties, 1791-92. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="823.90.73">Conger, Lucile Bailey</a> (1882-1965)</b> — also known as <b>Lucile B. Conger</b>; <b>Lucile Bailey</b> — of Ann Arbor, <a href="">Washtenaw County</a>, Mich. Born in Leslie, <a href="">Ingham County</a>, Mich., <a href="">October 14, 1882</a>. Republican. Member of <a href="">Michigan Republican State Central Committee</a>, 1949-51. <a href="">Female</a>. Died, from <a href="">cancer</a>, in St. Joseph Mercy <a href="">Hospital</a>, Ann Arbor, <a href="">Washtenaw County</a>, Mich., <a href="">February 22, 1965</a> (age <a href="">82 years, 131 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Lakeside Cemetery</a>, Port Huron, Mich. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Daughter of James Williams Bailey and Kittie Blanche (Taylor) Bailey; married, <a href="">September 14, 1910</a>, to Seymour Beach Conger (grandnephew of <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="666.43.47">Conger, Margaret</a></b> — of Waco, <a href="">McLennan County</a>, Tex. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Texas, <a href="">1932</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="215.36.07">Conger, Margaret Onys</a> (1893-1974)</b> — also known as <b>Margaret Onys Willis</b>; <b>Mrs. A. B. Conger</b> — of Bainbridge, <a href="">Decatur County</a>, Ga. Born in Georgia, <a href="">February 7, 1893</a>. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Georgia, <a href="">1940</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Died in Georgia, <a href="">November 20, 1974</a> (age <a href="">81 years, 286 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Oak City Cemetery</a>, Bainbridge, Ga. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Daughter of Elisha James Willis and Margaret (Davis) Willis; married <a href="">1915</a> to <a href="#032.21.96">Abraham Benjamin Conger</a> (brother of <a href="#649.82.55">Isaac Young Conger</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #2 family</a> of Bainbridge and Ty Ty, Georgia (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="956.65.31">Conger, Mary W.</a></b> — of Poughkeepsie, <a href="">Dutchess County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, <a href="">1936</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="220.73.42">Conger, Moore</a> (1819-1890)</b> — of Ira, <a href="">Cayuga County</a>, N.Y.; Chicago, <a href="">Cook County</a>, Ill. Born in <a href="">Cayuga County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">May 21, 1819</a>. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Cayuga County 1st District, 1855; <a href="">livestock commission business</a>. <a href="">Accidentally</a> <a href="">struck</a> by a gate at the Chicago stockyards, suffered a head injury, and died two weeks later, in Chicago, <a href="">Cook County</a>, Ill., <a href="">November 8, 1890</a> (age <a href="">71 years, 171 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Oak Woods Cemetery</a>, Chicago, Ill. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Benjamin Conger and Margaret (Carr) Conger; first cousin once removed of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a>; second cousin of <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a>, <a href="#398.98.93">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1838-1916)</a> and <a href="#087.79.44">Frederick Ward Conger</a>; second cousin once removed of <a href="#000.02.26">Edwin Hurd Conger</a>, <a href="#836.07.64">Franklin Barker Conger</a> and <a href="#509.64.14">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1882-1963)</a>; second cousin thrice removed of <a href="">Ralph Waldo Hungerford</a>; third cousin of <a href="#123.53.84">Anson Griffith Conger</a> and <a href="#499.43.84">Harmon Sweatland Conger</a>; third cousin twice removed of <a href="#474.35.32">Edward Augustus Conger</a>; third cousin thrice removed of <a href="#976.23.17">Robert John Conger</a>; fourth cousin of <a href="#317.28.00">James Lockwood Conger</a> and <a href="#909.90.32">Charles Franklin Conger</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#030.91.98">Abraham Bogart Conger</a>, <a href="#494.60.21">James W. Conger</a> and <a href="#934.34.14">Benn Conger</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="541.81.62">Conger, Omar Dwight</a> (1818-1898)</b> — also known as <b>Omar D. Conger</b> — of Port Huron, <a href="">St. Clair County</a>, Mich. Born in Cooperstown, <a href="">Otsego County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">April 1, 1818</a>. Republican. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; <a href="">lumber business</a>; <a href="">St. Clair County Judge</a>, 1850-54; member of <a href="">Michigan state senate</a>, 1855-59 (31st District 1855-56, 26th District 1857-59); Presidential Elector for Michigan, <a href="">1864</a>; <a href="">delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention</a>, 1867; <a href="">U.S. Representative from Michigan</a>, 1869-81 (5th District 1869-73, 7th District 1873-81); delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, <a href="">1880</a>; <a href="">U.S. Senator from Michigan</a>, 1881-87. Died in Ocean City, <a href="">Worcester County</a>, Md., <a href="">July 11, 1898</a> (age <a href="">80 years, 101 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Lakeside Cemetery</a>, Port Huron, Mich. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Enoch Conger and Esther (West) Conger; brother of <a href="#398.98.93">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1838-1916)</a>; married, <a href="">November 5, 1849</a>, to Emily Jane Barker; father of <a href="#836.07.64">Franklin Barker Conger</a>; uncle of <a href="#509.64.14">Chauncey Stewart Conger (1882-1963)</a>; granduncle of Seymour Beach Conger (who married <a href="#823.90.73">Lucile Bailey Conger</a>); first cousin once removed of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a> and <a href="#000.02.26">Edwin Hurd Conger</a>; second cousin of <a href="#220.73.42">Moore Conger</a> and <a href="#087.79.44">Frederick Ward Conger</a>; second cousin thrice removed of <a href="">Ralph Waldo Hungerford</a>; third cousin of <a href="#123.53.84">Anson Griffith Conger</a> and <a href="#499.43.84">Harmon Sweatland Conger</a>; third cousin twice removed of <a href="#474.35.32">Edward Augustus Conger</a>; third cousin thrice removed of <a href="#976.23.17">Robert John Conger</a>; fourth cousin of <a href="#317.28.00">James Lockwood Conger</a> and <a href="#909.90.32">Charles Franklin Conger</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#030.91.98">Abraham Bogart Conger</a>, <a href="#494.60.21">James W. Conger</a> and <a href="#934.34.14">Benn Conger</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a> — <a href=""> page</a> — <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="976.23.17">Conger, Robert John</a> (1924-2002)</b> — also known as <b>Robert J. Conger</b> — of Detroit, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich.; Harbor Beach, <a href="">Huron County</a>, Mich. Born in Detroit, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich., <a href="">November 3, 1924</a>. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II; <a href="">advertising business</a>; <a href="">radio and television</a> pioneer; candidate for <a href="">Michigan state house of representatives</a> from Wayne County 1st District, 1962. <a href="">Lutheran</a>. Died, in the Bon Secour <a href="">Nursing Center</a> in Sterling Heights, <a href="">Macomb County</a>, Mich., <a href="">December 21, 2002</a> (age <a href="">78 years, 48 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Rock Falls Cemetery</a>, Harbor Beach, Mich. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Alpheus George Conger and Zeralda (Stockton) Conger; married, <a href="">June 1, 1945</a>, to Dorothy Caroline Fuhrman; second cousin thrice removed of <a href="#123.53.84">Anson Griffith Conger</a> and <a href="#499.43.84">Harmon Sweatland Conger</a>; second cousin four times removed of <a href="#065.35.89">Hugh Conger</a>; third cousin thrice removed of <a href="#541.81.62">Omar Dwight Conger</a>, <a href="#220.73.42">Moore Conger</a>, <a href="#398.98.93">Chauncey Stewart Conger</a> and <a href="#087.79.44">Frederick Ward Conger</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="#474.35.32">Edward Augustus Conger</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Conger #1 family</a> of New York (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="134.59.43">Conger, Roger N.</a></b> — of Waco, <a href="">McLennan County</a>, Tex. <a href="">Mayor of Waco, Tex.</a>, 1964-65. Still living as of 1965. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="408.08.85">Conger, S. D.</a></b> — of Weatherford, <a href="">Parker County</a>, Tex. <a href="">Mayor of Weatherford, Tex.</a>, 1862-63. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="477.65.24">Conger, S. H.</a></b> — of Weldon, <a href="">Halifax County</a>, N.C. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from North Carolina, <a href="">1964</a>. Still living as of 1964. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="127.20.03">Conger, T. R.</a></b> — of Cedar Hill, <a href="">Dallas County</a>, Tex. Postmaster at <a href="">Cedar Hill, Tex.</a>, 1895. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONGLETON"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONGLETON</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C524</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">BONGLE</a>, <a href="#CONG">CONG</a>, <a href="#CONGAR">CONGAR</a>, <a href="#CONGDON">CONGDON</a>, <a href="#CONGELTON">CONGELTON</a>, <a href="#CONGEMI">CONGEMI</a>, <a href="#CONGENIALITY">CONGENIALITY</a>, <a href="#CONGER">CONGER</a>, <a href="#CONGRESS">CONGRESS</a>, <a href="#CONGRESSMAN">CONGRESSMAN</a>, <a href="">DUCONGE</a>, <a href="">EAGLETON</a>, <a href="">EGGLETON</a>, <a href="">GLETTLER</a>, <a href="">LONGLEY</a>, <a href="">OGLETREE</a>, <a href="">SHINGLETON</a>, <a href="">SINGLETARY</a>, <a href="">SINGLETON</a>, <a href="">VONGLEHN</a>, <a href="">VONGLIS</a>, <a href="">WACONGNE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="862.45.49">Congleton, Allen, Jr.</a></b> — of <a href="">Salem County</a>, N.J. Member of <a href="">New Jersey state house of assembly</a> from Salem County, 1778, 1780. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="072.79.17">Congleton, Jerome Taylor</a> (1876-1936)</b> — also known as <b>Jerome T. Congleton</b> — of Newark, <a href="">Essex County</a>, N.J. Born in Newark, <a href="">Essex County</a>, N.J., <a href="">August 25, 1876</a>. Republican. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; <a href="">mayor of Newark, N.J.</a>, 1928-33; delegate to Republican National Convention from New Jersey, <a href="">1932</a>. <a href="">Methodist</a> or <a href="">Episcopalian</a>. Member, <a href="">American Bar Association</a>; <a href="">Elks</a>. Died, from a <a href="">heart attack</a>, while sitting <a href="">in his car</a>, in Newark, <a href="">Essex County</a>, N.J., <a href="">December 10, 1936</a> (age <a href="">60 years, 107 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Evergreen Cemetery</a>, Hillside, N.J. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Joseph Norton Congleton and Mary Isabel (Wade) Congleton; married, <a href="">October 16, 1901</a>, to Jessie Oakley Tobin.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href=" T. Congleton">Wikipedia article</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONGRESS"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONGRESS</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C526</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="#CONG">CONG</a>, <a href="#CONGAR">CONGAR</a>, <a href="#CONGDON">CONGDON</a>, <a href="#CONGELTON">CONGELTON</a>, <a href="#CONGEMI">CONGEMI</a>, <a href="#CONGENIALITY">CONGENIALITY</a>, <a href="#CONGER">CONGER</a>, <a href="#CONGLETON">CONGLETON</a>, <a href="#CONGRESSMAN">CONGRESSMAN</a>, <a href="">DEGRESS</a>, <a href="">DUCONGE</a>, <a href="">GRESS</a>, <a href="">GRESSER</a>, <a href="">GRESSETTE</a>, <a href="">GRESSEY</a>, <a href="">GRESSIE</a>, <a href="">LONGRIE</a>, <a href="">MONGRAIN</a>, <a href="">MONGREN</a>, <a href="">RESS</a>, <a href="">VONGRESS</a>, <a href="">VONGRUNBERG</a>, <a href="">WACONGNE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Congress, Our Father Who Art In:</b> <i>See</i> <a href="">Robert Frederick Drinan</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="185.18.26">Congress, Richard</a></b> — Socialist. Socialist Workers candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Washington</a> 6th District, 1970; Socialist Workers candidate for <a href="">Texas railroad commissioner</a>, 1974; Socialist Workers candidate for <a href="">President of the United States</a>, 1980. Still living as of 1980. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">OurCampaigns candidate detail</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Congress, The Automobile Horn of:</b> <i>See</i> <a href="">Charles Ernest Chamberlain</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONGRESSMAN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONGRESSMAN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C526</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CHESSMAN</a>, <a href="#CONG">CONG</a>, <a href="#CONGAR">CONGAR</a>, <a href="#CONGDON">CONGDON</a>, <a href="#CONGELTON">CONGELTON</a>, <a href="#CONGEMI">CONGEMI</a>, <a href="#CONGENIALITY">CONGENIALITY</a>, <a href="#CONGER">CONGER</a>, <a href="#CONGLETON">CONGLETON</a>, <a href="#CONGRESS">CONGRESS</a>, <a href="">CRESSMAN</a>, <a href="">DEGRESS</a>, <a href="">DUCONGE</a>, <a href="">ESSMAN</a>, <a href="">ESSMANN</a>, <a href="">GESSMAN</a>, <a href="">GRESS</a>, <a href="">GRESSER</a>, <a href="">GRESSETTE</a>, <a href="">GRESSEY</a>, <a href="">GRESSIE</a>, <a href="">GRIESSMAN</a>, <a href="">LONGRIE</a>, <a href="">MONGRAIN</a>, <a href="">MONGREN</a>, <a href="">PRESSMAN</a>, <a href="">SLESSMAN</a>, <a href="">STESSMAN</a>, <a href="">TESSMAN</a>, <a href="">VONGRESS</a>, <a href="">VONGRUNBERG</a>, <a href="">WACONGNE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Congressman from General Electric, The:</b> <i>See</i> <a href="">Gerald Brooks Hunt Solomon</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Congressman, The Quaker:</b> <i>See</i> <a href="">William Willets Cocks</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONIFF"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONIFF</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C510</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">BONIFACE</a>, <a href="">BONIFACIO</a>, <a href="">BONIFAS</a>, <a href="">BONIFAY</a>, <a href="">CANEFF</a>, <a href="">COFFIN</a>, <a href="">CONLIFF</a>, <a href="">CONNIFF</a>, <a href="">CUNIFFE</a>, <a href="">CUNNIFF</a>, <a href="">KONOFF</a>, <a href="">OKENFE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="755.54.00">Coniff, John J.</a></b> — of Wheeling, <a href="">Ohio County</a>, W.Va. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from West Virginia, <a href="">1916</a> (member, <a href="">Platform and Resolutions Committee</a>), <a href="">1928</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="817.52.20">Coniff, William J.</a></b> — of Port Angeles, <a href="">Clallam County</a>, Wash. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Washington, <a href="">1944</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONIGLIARO"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONIGLIARO</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C524</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CARNIGLIA</a>, <a href="#CONIGLIO">CONIGLIO</a>, <a href="">FERROGGIARO</a>, <a href="">GAGLIARDI</a>, <a href="">IAROSSI</a>, <a href="">MACGONIGLE</a>, <a href="">MCGONIGLE</a>, <a href="">MCMONIGLE</a>, <a href="">MIGLIARO</a>, <a href="">NIGLIAZZO</a>, <a href="">PAGLIARO</a>, <a href="">PIARO</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="909.80.03">Conigliaro, Franco</a></b> — of Brooklyn, <a href="">Kings County</a>, N.Y. Socialist. Candidate for <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Kings County 3rd District, 1934, 1935. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="742.21.86">Conigliaro, James</a></b> — of Brooklyn, <a href="">Kings County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, <a href="">2008</a>. Still living as of 2008. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONIGLIO"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONIGLIO</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C524</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CARNIGLIA</a>, <a href="#CONIGLIARO">CONIGLIARO</a>, <a href="">CONSIGLIO</a>, <a href="">MACGONIGLE</a>, <a href="">MCGONIGLE</a>, <a href="">MCMONIGLE</a>, <a href="">NIGLIAZZO</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="857.12.36">Coniglio, Joseph</a></b> — of Paramus, <a href="">Bergen County</a>, N.J. Democrat. Member of <a href="">New Jersey state senate</a> 38th District; elected 2003; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New Jersey, <a href="">2004</a>. Still living as of 2004. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="773.91.86">Coniglio, Samuel</a></b> — Prohibition candidate for Presidential Elector for Louisiana, <a href="">2004</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Gene C. Amondson</a> and <a href="">Leroy J. Pletten</a>). Still living as of 2004. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONINE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONINE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C550</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">BONINE</a>, <a href="">CONNINE</a>, <a href="">COONEN</a>, <a href="">CUNNEEN</a>, <a href="">DECONINCK</a>, <a href="">ELCONIN</a>, <a href="">KOEHNEN</a>, <a href="">KOENEN</a>, <a href="">KOHNEN</a>, <a href="">KUHNEN</a>, <a href="">KUHNHEIN</a>, <a href="">KUNIN</a>, <a href="">NINE</a>, <a href="">SCONING</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="899.34.96">Conine, Frank E.</a></b> — of Stratford, <a href="">Fairfield County</a>, Conn. <a href="">First selectman of Stratford, Connecticut</a>, 1922. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="690.25.26">Conine, John H.</a></b> — of Hudson, <a href="">Columbia County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, <a href="">1952</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="478.75.05">Conine, Philip, Jr.</a></b> — of <a href="">Albany County</a>, N.Y.; <a href="">Greene County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a>, 1796-97, 1799-1800, 1801-02 (Albany County 1796-97, 1799-1800, Greene County 1801-02). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONITZ"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONITZ</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C532</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">BONITZ</a>, <a href="">KENNITS</a>, <a href="">NITZ</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="967.25.65">Conitz, George</a></b> — American candidate for Presidential Elector for North Dakota, <a href="">1956</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONKERTON"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONKERTON</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C526</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">BENKERT</a>, <a href="">BICKERTON</a>, <a href="">BONKER</a>, <a href="">COCKERTON</a>, <a href="#CONKEY">CONKEY</a>, <a href="">DEYONKER</a>, <a href="">DONKER</a>, <a href="">DONKERSLEY</a>, <a href="">JONKER</a>, <a href="">MCCONKEY</a>, <a href="">PINKERTON</a>, <a href="">SCHLINKERT</a>, <a href="">YONKER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="861.41.69">Conkerton, William F.</a></b> — of New Orleans, <a href="">Orleans Parish</a>, La. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Louisiana, <a href="">1940</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONKEY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONKEY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C520</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CHANCIE</a>, <a href="">CHAUNCY</a>, <a href="">CHIONCHIO</a>, <a href="">CHUNCO</a>, <a href="">CONCA</a>, <a href="#CONEY">CONEY</a>, <a href="#CONKERTON">CONKERTON</a>, <a href="">CONREY</a>, <a href="">CORKEY</a>, <a href="">KUNKA</a>, <a href="">MCCONKEY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>CONKEY:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Charles Hazen Russell</a> — <a href="">Ithamar Conkey Sloan</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="170.36.28">Conkey, Charles Henry</a></b> — of <a href="">Fillmore County</a>, Minn. Member of <a href="">Minnesota state senate</a> 2nd District, 1874-77. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Minnesota Legislator record</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="214.31.42">Conkey, Christine M.</a></b> — of Caseville, <a href="">Huron County</a>, Mich. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention</a> from Huron County, 1961. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1961. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="945.57.18">Conkey, Elizabeth Ann</a> (1883-1963)</b> — also known as <b>Elizabeth A. Conkey</b>; <b>Elizabeth Ann Laughran</b> — of Chicago, <a href="">Cook County</a>, Ill. Born in Chicago, <a href="">Cook County</a>, Ill., October, <a href="">1883</a>. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, <a href="">1928</a> (alternate), <a href="">1932</a>, <a href="">1936</a>, <a href="">1940</a>, <a href="">1944</a> (member, <a href="">Platform and Resolutions Committee</a>), <a href="">1948</a>, <a href="">1952</a>, <a href="">1956</a>; member of <a href="">Democratic National Committee from Illinois</a>, 1928-63; <a href="">delegate to Illinois convention to ratify 21st amendment</a>, 1933; <a href="">Cook County Commissioner</a>, 1935-63. <a href="">Female</a>. <a href="">Catholic</a>. Died in Chicago, <a href="">Cook County</a>, Ill., <a href="">December 31, 1963</a> (age <a href="">80 years, 0 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Holy Sepulchre Cemetery</a>, Alsip, Ill. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Daughter of Michael Laughran and Ellen Sophia (McGurk) Laughran; sister of <a href="">Francis J. Loughran</a>; married, <a href="">July 25, 1912</a>, to Charles Martin Conkey.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="742.22.35">Conkey, Irving</a></b> — of Benton Harbor, <a href="">Berrien County</a>, Mich. Democrat. <a href="">Mayor of Benton Harbor, Mich.</a>; elected 1902. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="321.00.63">Conkey, Theodore</a></b> — of Appleton, <a href="">Outagamie County</a>, Wis. Democrat. Member of <a href="">Wisconsin state senate</a> 1st District, 1851-52. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONKLE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONKLE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C524</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="#CONKLEN">CONKLEN</a>, <a href="#CONKLIN">CONKLIN</a>, <a href="#CONKLING">CONKLING</a>, <a href="#CONKLYN">CONKLYN</a>, <a href="">CORKLE</a>, <a href="">ECKLON</a>, <a href="">KONKLE</a>, <a href="">KUNCL</a>, <a href="">KUNKLE</a>, <a href="">LOCKEN</a>, <a href="">VONKLOCK</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="920.74.65">Conkle, Paul</a></b> — of near Warsaw, <a href="">Kosciusko County</a>, Ind. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Indiana, <a href="">1964</a>. Still living as of 1964. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONKLEN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONKLEN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C524</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CONCKLIN</a>, <a href="#CONKLE">CONKLE</a>, <a href="#CONKLIN">CONKLIN</a>, <a href="#CONKLING">CONKLING</a>, <a href="#CONKLYN">CONKLYN</a>, <a href="">CONLEN</a>, <a href="">KLEN</a>, <a href="">KONKLE</a>, <a href="">VONKLOCK</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="775.53.99">Conklen, Elisabeth</a></b> — of Colorado Springs, <a href="">El Paso County</a>, Colo. Independent American candidate for Presidential Elector for Colorado, <a href="">2016</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Kyle Kenley Kopitke</a> and <a href="">Nathan R. Sorenson</a>). <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2016. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONKLIN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONKLIN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C524</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CONCKLIN</a>, <a href="#CONKLE">CONKLE</a>, <a href="#CONKLEN">CONKLEN</a>, <a href="#CONKLING">CONKLING</a>, <a href="#CONKLYN">CONKLYN</a>, <a href="">CONLIN</a>, <a href="">DUNKLIN</a>, <a href="">FRANKLIN</a>, <a href="">HINKLIN</a>, <a href="">KONKLE</a>, <a href="">SHANKLIN</a>, <a href="">VONKLOCK</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>CONKLIN:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Robert Loweree Adams</a> — <a href="">M. Plin Beebe</a> — <a href="">Nicholas Cornelius Blauvelt</a> — <a href="">James Wallace Borden</a> — <a href="">Conklin Brush</a> — <a href="">Roscoe Conklin Chandley</a> — <a href="#827.42.07">Alfred Conkling</a> — <a href="">George E. Dennen</a> — <a href="">Conklin Husted</a> — <a href="">Henry Leavenworth</a> — <a href="">Henry Gilbert Livingston</a> — <a href="">Edward E. Wagner</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="738.80.04">Conklin, Ada</a></b> — of Covington, <a href="">Kenton County</a>, Ky. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Kentucky, <a href="">1924</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="904.02.44">Conklin, Alvah R.</a></b> — Republican. Republican Presidential Elector for California, <a href="">1884</a> (voted for <a href="">James G. Blaine</a> and <a href="">John A. Logan</a>). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="512.94.29">Conklin, Anne M.</a> (b. 1925)</b> — of Livonia, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich. Born in Sanford, <a href="">York County</a>, Maine, <a href="">January 27, 1925</a>. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, <a href="">1956</a>; member of <a href="">Michigan Republican State Central Committee</a>, 1957-59; <a href="">delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention</a> from Wayne County 21st District, 1961-62. <a href="">Female</a>. <a href="">Presbyterian</a>. Still living as of 1962. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Daughter of Forrest Daniels and Anna (Desotelle) Daniels; married to Arthur Gorton Conklin.</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="367.82.57">Conklin, Benjamin H.</a></b> — of <a href="">Dutchess County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Dutchess County, 1820-21. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="392.37.28">Conklin, Byron</a></b> — of Westchester, Westchester County (now part of Bronx, <a href="">Bronx County</a>), N.Y. Postmaster at <a href="">West Chester, N.Y.</a>, 1881. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="904.05.15">Conklin, Calvin</a></b> — of Cedar Run, <a href="">Ocean County</a>, N.J. Democrat. <a href="">Chair of Ocean County Democratic Party</a>, 1945. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="287.84.10">Conklin, Carolee A.</a></b> — of New York. Democrat. Democratic Presidential Elector for New York, <a href="">2000</a> (voted for <a href="">Al Gore</a> and <a href="">Joseph I. Lieberman</a>). <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2000. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="288.83.60">Conklin, Charles E.</a></b> — of Detroit, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">Michigan state house of representatives</a> from Wayne County 1st District, 1916. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="722.95.94">Conklin, Charles H.</a></b> — of Vinton, <a href="">Benton County</a>, Iowa. District judge in Iowa 8th District, 1864-65. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="963.96.50">Conklin, Charles Ross</a> (b. 1920)</b> — also known as <b>Charles Conklin</b> — of Delta, <a href="">Delta County</a>, Colo. Born in Colorado, <a href="">1920</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; member of <a href="">Colorado state house of representatives</a>, 1955-66; <a href="">Speaker of the Colorado State House of Representatives</a>, 1957-60; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Colorado, <a href="">1960</a>. <a href="">Episcopalian</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="117.32.14">Conklin, D. H.</a></b> — of Decatur, <a href="">Macon County</a>, Ill. <a href="">Mayor of Decatur, Ill.</a>, 1895-96. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="567.46.60">Conklin, David L.</a></b> — of Lakewood, <a href="">Ocean County</a>, N.J. Republican. Postmaster at <a href="">Lakewood, N.J.</a>, 1884-85. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="322.28.51">Conklin, E. F.</a></b> — <a href="">South Dakota railroad commissioner</a>, 1895-97. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="740.06.80">Conklin, Edna A.</a></b> — of Michigan. Independent American candidate for <a href="">Michigan state board of education</a>, 1961. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1961. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="420.93.86">Conklin, Edna B.</a> (1875-1951)</b> — of Hackensack, <a href="">Bergen County</a>, N.J. Born in Cresskill, <a href="">Bergen County</a>, N.J., <a href="">July 7, 1875</a>. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from New Jersey, <a href="">1924</a> (alternate), <a href="">1928</a>, <a href="">1936</a>, <a href="">1940</a> (<a href="">Honorary Vice-President</a>), <a href="">1944</a>, <a href="">1948</a>; member of <a href="">New Jersey Republican State Committee</a>, 1928-50; member of <a href="">Republican National Committee from New Jersey</a>, 1932-40. <a href="">Female</a>. <a href="">Christian Reformed</a>. Died in Hackensack, <a href="">Bergen County</a>, N.J., <a href="">January 9, 1951</a> (age <a href="">75 years, 186 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Hackensack Cemetery</a>, Hackensack, N.J. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Daughter of Sarah (Demarest) Cole and John Demarest Cole; married to Charles Smith Conklin; third cousin thrice removed of <a href="">Abraham J. Demarest</a> and <a href="">Cornelius M. Demarest</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>..</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="602.95.63">Conklin, Edward L.</a></b> — of Newark, <a href="">Essex County</a>, N.J. Republican. Postmaster at <a href="">Newark, N.J.</a>, 1889-94. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="635.39.56">Conklin, Elmer J.</a></b> — of Poughkeepsie, <a href="">Dutchess County</a>, N.Y. Republican. Postmaster at <a href="">Poughkeepsie, N.Y.</a>, 1921-34. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="904.08.54">Conklin, Frank</a></b> — of Brooklyn, <a href="">Kings County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">New York state senate</a> 8th District, 1920. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="148.29.49">Conklin, Franklin</a></b> — Republican. Republican Presidential Elector for New Jersey, <a href="">1928</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Conklin, Gay</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#398.28.21">M. Gay Conklin</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="565.21.82">Conklin, Gene B.</a></b> — of Pendleton, <a href="">Umatilla County</a>, Ore. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Oregon, <a href="">1952</a> (member, <a href="">Committee on Rules and Order of Business</a>), <a href="">1956</a>, <a href="">1964</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="267.65.42">Conklin, George L.</a></b> — of <a href="">Suffolk County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Suffolk County, 1827, 1831, 1835. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="032.30.33">Conklin, George W.</a></b> — of Woodbridge, <a href="">New Haven County</a>, Conn. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Connecticut, <a href="">1968</a>. Still living as of 1968. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="409.10.13">Conklin, H. Scott</a></b> — Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania</a>, 2010. Still living as of 2010. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="303.68.56">Conklin, Harry P.</a></b> — <a href="">Nebraska public lands and buildings commissioner</a>, 1933-35. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="236.25.13">Conklin, Henry</a></b> — of <a href="">Dutchess County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Dutchess County, 1833-34, 1839-40. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="998.17.49">Conklin, Herbert C.</a></b> — of Corona, Queens, <a href="">Queens County</a>, N.Y. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, <a href="">1916</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="088.41.56">Conklin, Howard</a></b> — of Fort Pierce, <a href="">St. Lucie County</a>, Fla. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Florida, <a href="">2004</a>. Still living as of 2004. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Conklin, Howell</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#212.14.10">J. Howell Conklin</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="966.17.97">Conklin, Isaac</a></b> — of <a href="">Suffolk County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Suffolk County, 1818-19, 1820-21. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="212.14.10">Conklin, J. Howell</a> (born c.1876)</b> — of East Hampton, <a href="">Middlesex County</a>, Conn. Born in East Hampton, <a href="">Middlesex County</a>, Conn., about 1876. Republican. <a href="">Bookkeeper</a>; member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Chatham, 1903-04. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="150.24.92">Conklin, J. T.</a></b> — of Blue Ash, <a href="">Hamilton County</a>, Ohio. Postmaster at <a href="">Blue Ash, Ohio</a>, 1887. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="216.75.24">Conklin, Jacob E.</a></b> — of Haverstraw, <a href="">Rockland County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for New York, <a href="">1908</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="964.36.95">Conklin, James</a> (1831-1899)</b> — of Madison, <a href="">Dane County</a>, Wis. Born <a href="">June 12, 1831</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Mayor of Madison, Wis.</a>, 1881-84, 1887-88; postmaster at <a href="">Madison, Wis.</a>, 1894-98. Died <a href="">February 27, 1899</a> (age <a href="">67 years, 260 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Resurrection Cemetery</a>, Madison, Wis. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Married to Mary Eagan.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="430.56.15">Conklin, John</a></b> — of <a href="">Ulster County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a>, 1806-07, 1809-11, 1816-17 (Ulster County 1806-07, Sullivan and Ulster counties 1809-11, 1816-17). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="232.97.76">Conklin, John J.</a></b> — People's candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from New York</a> 6th District, 1896. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="195.25.39">Conklin, John L.</a></b> — of Paterson, <a href="">Passaic County</a>, N.J. Republican. Postmaster at <a href="">Paterson, N.J.</a>, 1874-87. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="779.02.59">Conklin, Jonathan S.</a></b> — of East Hampton, <a href="">Suffolk County</a>, Long Island, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Suffolk County, 1810-11, 1813-14; member of <a href="">New York state senate</a> 1st District, 1830-34. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="101.95.72">Conklin, Joseph</a></b> — of Michigan. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">Michigan state senate</a> 22nd District, 1952. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="667.42.66">Conklin, Joseph W.</a></b> — of Brooklyn, <a href="">Kings County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Kings County 9th District, 1920. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="965.58.69">Conklin, Judson</a></b> — of <a href="">Mercer County</a>, N.J. Dry candidate for <a href="">delegate to New Jersey convention to ratify 21st amendment</a> at-large, 1933. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="398.28.21">Conklin, M. Gay</a></b> — of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, <a href="">Honolulu County</a>, Hawaii. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Hawaii, <a href="">1960</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1960. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="191.43.64">Conklin, M. M.</a></b> — of Elmira, <a href="">Chemung County</a>, N.Y. Postmaster at <a href="">Elmira, N.Y.</a>, 1901. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="897.79.22">Conklin, Maryann</a></b> — American Third Position candidate for Presidential Elector for New Jersey, <a href="">2012</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Merlin Miller</a> and <a href="">Harry V. Bertram</a>). <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2012. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="145.66.53">Conklin, Michael</a></b> — of Staten Island, <a href="">Richmond County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Richmond County, 1895. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="516.71.99">Conklin, Percy L.</a></b> — of Sterling, <a href="">Logan County</a>, Colo. Republican. Member of <a href="">Colorado state senate</a>, 1950. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="985.11.75">Conklin, R. H.</a></b> — of <a href="">Carson City</a>, Nev. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Nevada, <a href="">1948</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="101.74.76">Conklin, Ralph</a></b> — of Berkley, <a href="">Oakland County</a>, Mich. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, <a href="">1976</a>. Still living as of 1976. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="487.22.02">Conklin, Robert S.</a> (1876-1931)</b> — of Manhattan, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y. Born in Albany, <a href="">Albany County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">August 2, 1876</a>. Republican. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from New York County 21st District, 1907-10; candidate for <a href="">Justice of New York Supreme Court</a> 1st District, 1925; member of <a href="">New York Republican State Committee</a>, 1930. Died, from <a href="">heart disease</a>, in Tarrytown, <a href="">Westchester County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">June 4, 1931</a> (age <a href="">54 years, 306 days</a>). Interment <a href="">somewhere</a> in Somers, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Josiah Conklin and Anna Jane (Hughes) Conklin; married, <a href="">June 25, 1910</a>, to Mary Bent.</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="816.78.91">Conklin, Russell</a></b> — of Great Falls, <a href="">Cascade County</a>, Mont. <a href="">Mayor of Great Falls, Mont.</a>, 1955-57. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Conklin, S. J.</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#407.21.26">Sylvester Jones Conklin</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Conklin, Scott</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#409.10.13">H. Scott Conklin</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="649.72.65">Conklin, Sid</a></b> — of Long Beach, <a href="">Los Angeles County</a>, Calif. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, <a href="">1948</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"><a href=""><img src="" width=70 height=84 border=0 alt="S. J. Conklin"></a></td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="407.21.26">Conklin, Sylvester Jones</a> (b. 1829)</b> — also known as <b>S. J. Conklin</b> — of Waterloo, <a href="">Jefferson County</a>, Wis.; Watertown, <a href="">Codington County</a>, Dakota Territory (now S.Dak.). Born in Penn Yan, <a href="">Yates County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">May 5, 1829</a>. Republican. <a href="">Shoemaker</a>; member of <a href="">Wisconsin state assembly</a>, 1859, 1869; served in the Union Army during the Civil War; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Wisconsin, <a href="">1868</a>; <a href="">newspaper publisher</a>; <a href="">Adjutant General of South Dakota</a>, 1901-03. <a href="">Dutch</a>, <a href="">Welsh</a>, and <a href="">French</a> ancestry. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Married <a href="">1848</a> to Maria Wait; married <a href="">1884</a> to Mattie Greenslate; married <a href="">1895</a> to Anna Duff.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Image source:</i> South Dakota Legislative Manual, 1903</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="791.49.04">Conklin, W. W.</a></b> — Whig. Whig Presidential Elector for Ohio, <a href="">1844</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="997.96.40">Conklin, Walter H.</a></b> — of <a href="">Essex County</a>, N.J. Member of <a href="">New Jersey state house of assembly</a> from Essex County, 1944-45. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="974.70.80">Conklin, William</a></b> — of Englewood, <a href="">Bergen County</a>, N.J. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New Jersey, <a href="">1924</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="544.52.25">Conklin, William</a></b> — of Chester, <a href="">Hancock County</a>, W.Va. Democrat. Member of <a href="">West Virginia Democratic State Executive Committee</a>, 1959. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="431.94.97">Conklin, William T.</a></b> — of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, <a href="">Kings County</a>, N.Y. Republican. Member of <a href="">New York state senate</a>, 1957-78 (14th District 1957-65, 25th District 1966, 21st District 1967-78); defeated, 1954; delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, <a href="">1968</a> (alternate), <a href="">1972</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONKLING"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONKLING</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C524</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="#CONKLE">CONKLE</a>, <a href="#CONKLEN">CONKLEN</a>, <a href="#CONKLIN">CONKLIN</a>, <a href="#CONKLYN">CONKLYN</a>, <a href="">DUNKLIN</a>, <a href="">FRANKLIN</a>, <a href="">HINKLIN</a>, <a href="">KLING</a>, <a href="">KONKLE</a>, <a href="">LING</a>, <a href="">SHANKLIN</a>, <a href="">VONKLOCK</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>CONKLING:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Roscoe Conkling Brown Jr.</a> — <a href="">Alfred Conkling Coxe</a> — <a href="">Alfred Conkling Coxe Jr.</a> — <a href="">Roscoe Conkling Fitch</a> — <a href="">Roscoe Conkling McCulloch</a> — <a href="">William Augustus McKellip</a> — <a href="">Roscoe Conkling Patterson</a> — <a href="">Roscoe Conkling Simmons</a> — <a href="">Roscoe Conkling Summers</a> — <a href="">Stephen Van Rensselaer Trowbridge</a> — <a href="">Luther Stephen Trowbridge</a> — <a href="">Roscoe Conkling Waterbury</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="639.23.19">Conkling, (need first name)</a></b> — of <a href="">Bergen County</a>, N.J. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">New Jersey state senate</a> from Bergen County, 1901. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="827.42.07">Conkling, Alfred</a> (1789-1874)</b> — of New York. Born in Amagansett, <a href="">Suffolk County</a>, Long Island, N.Y., <a href="">October 12, 1789</a>. <a href="">U.S. Representative from New York</a> 14th District, 1821-23; <a href="">U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of New York</a>, 1825-52; U.S. Minister to <a href=" ">Mexico</a>, 1852-53. Died in Utica, <a href="">Oneida County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">February 5, 1874</a> (age <a href="">84 years, 116 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Forest Hill Cemetery</a>, Utica, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Benjamin N. Conklin and Esther C. (Hand) Conklin; married to Elizabeth 'Eliza' Cockburn; father of <a href="#490.06.59">Frederick Augustus Conkling</a> and <a href="#801.93.51">Roscoe Conkling</a>; grandfather of <a href="">Alfred Conkling Coxe</a>, <a href="#783.11.24">Alfred Ronalds Conkling</a> and <a href="#884.87.43">Howard Conkling</a>; great-grandfather of <a href="">Alfred Conkling Coxe Jr.</a>; fourth cousin of <a href="">Abel Huntington</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="">Jonas Mapes</a> and <a href="">David Gardiner</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Seymour family</a> of New York and Connecticut (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a> — <a href=""> page</a> — <a href=" ?">U.S. State Dept career summary</a> — <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="783.11.24">Conkling, Alfred Ronalds</a> (1850-1917)</b> — also known as <b>Alfred R. Conkling</b> — of New York, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y. Born in New York, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">September 28, 1850</a>. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from New York</a> 7th District, 1884; member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a>, 1892, 1895 (New York County 7th District 1892, New York County 8th District 1895). <a href="">Killed himself</a> by <a href="">jumping</a> to his death from a fourth-story window, in Manhattan, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">September 18, 1917</a> (age <a href="">66 years, 355 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Green-Wood Cemetery</a>, Brooklyn, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of <a href="#490.06.59">Frederick Augustus Conkling</a> and Elenora (Ronalds) Conkling; brother of <a href="#884.87.43">Howard Conkling</a>; married <a href="">1896</a> to Ethel Eastman Johnson; nephew of <a href="#801.93.51">Roscoe Conkling</a>; grandson of <a href="#827.42.07">Alfred Conkling</a>; first cousin of <a href="">Alfred Conkling Coxe</a>; first cousin once removed of <a href="">Alfred Conkling Coxe Jr.</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Seymour family</a> of New York and Connecticut (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="774.20.87">Conkling, Aurelius</a></b> — of Auburn, <a href="">Cayuga County</a>, N.Y. <a href="">Mayor of Auburn, N.Y.</a>, 1850-51. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="855.48.18">Conkling, Clinton L.</a></b> — of <a href="">Sangamon County</a>, Ill. <a href="">Delegate to Illinois state constitutional convention</a> 45th District, 1920. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="492.21.93">Conkling, Frank T.</a></b> — of Greenville, <a href="">Darke County</a>, Ohio. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Ohio, <a href="">1908</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="490.06.59">Conkling, Frederick Augustus</a> (1816-1891)</b> — also known as <b>Frederick A. Conkling</b> — of New York, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y. Born in Canajoharie, <a href="">Montgomery County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">August 22, 1816</a>. Republican. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a>, 1854, 1859-60 (New York County 13th District 1854, New York County 7th District 1859-60); <a href="">U.S. Representative from New York</a> 6th District, 1861-63; defeated (Union), 1862; candidate for <a href="">mayor of New York City, N.Y.</a>, 1868. Died in New York, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">September 18, 1891</a> (age <a href="">75 years, 27 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Green-Wood Cemetery</a>, Brooklyn, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of <a href="#827.42.07">Alfred Conkling</a> and Elizabeth 'Eliza' (Cockburn) Conkling; brother of <a href="#801.93.51">Roscoe Conkling</a>; father of <a href="#783.11.24">Alfred Ronalds Conkling</a> and <a href="#884.87.43">Howard Conkling</a>; uncle of <a href="">Alfred Conkling Coxe</a>; granduncle of <a href="">Alfred Conkling Coxe Jr.</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="">Abel Huntington</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Seymour family</a> of New York and Connecticut (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a> — <a href=""> page</a> — <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a> — <a href="">OurCampaigns candidate detail</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="028.66.37">Conkling, George W.</a></b> — of <a href="">Passaic County</a>, N.J. Member of <a href="">New Jersey state house of assembly</a> from Passaic County, 1879-80. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="217.23.98">Conkling, Henry C.</a></b> — of Brooklyn, <a href="">Kings County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Postmaster at <a href="">Brooklyn, N.Y.</a>, 1845-49. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="884.87.43">Conkling, Howard</a> (1855-1938)</b> — of Luzerne, <a href="">Warren County</a>, N.Y.; Manhattan, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y. Born in New York, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">December 7, 1855</a>. Republican. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a>, 1892-93, 1903, 1914-15 (Warren County 1892-93, New York County 25th District 1903, New York County 29th District 1914-15); candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from New York</a> 12th District, 1898. Died in Providence, <a href="">Providence County</a>, R.I., <a href="">September 5, 1938</a> (age <a href="">82 years, 272 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Green-Wood Cemetery</a>, Brooklyn, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of <a href="#490.06.59">Frederick Augustus Conkling</a> and Elenora (Ronalds) Conkling; brother of <a href="#783.11.24">Alfred Ronalds Conkling</a>; nephew of <a href="#801.93.51">Roscoe Conkling</a>; grandson of <a href="#827.42.07">Alfred Conkling</a>; first cousin of <a href="">Alfred Conkling Coxe</a>; first cousin once removed of <a href="">Alfred Conkling Coxe Jr.</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Seymour family</a> of New York and Connecticut (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="224.12.34">Conkling, James C.</a></b> — of Springfield, <a href="">Sangamon County</a>, Ill. Republican. Republican Presidential Elector for Illinois, <a href="">1860</a>; Republican Presidential Elector for Illinois, <a href="">1864</a>; postmaster at <a href="">Springfield, Ill.</a>, 1890-94. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="073.49.35">Conkling, John</a></b> — of Port Jervis, <a href="">Orange County</a>, N.Y. Postmaster at <a href="">Port Jervis, N.Y.</a>, 1836. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="297.15.00">Conkling, John B.</a></b> — of Cooperstown, <a href="">Otsego County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Otsego County, 1902-04. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="729.80.86">Conkling, Matthew R.</a></b> — of <a href="">St. Louis</a>, Mo. Republican. Member of <a href="">Missouri state house of representatives</a> from St. Louis City 2nd District, 1923-24. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="670.63.38">Conkling, Newlan</a></b> — of <a href="">Carroll County</a>, Mo. Member of <a href="">Missouri state house of representatives</a> from Carroll County, 1901-06. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="628.91.25">Conkling, Oscar</a></b> — of <a href="">Somerset County</a>, N.J. Member of <a href="">New Jersey state house of assembly</a> from Somerset County, 1888. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"><a href=""><img src="" width=70 height=90 border=0 alt="Roscoe Conkling"></a></td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="801.93.51">Conkling, Roscoe</a> (1829-1888)</b> — also known as <b>"The Oneida Chieftan"</b>; <b>"My Lord Roscoe"</b> — of Utica, <a href="">Oneida County</a>, N.Y. Born in Albany, <a href="">Albany County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">October 30, 1829</a>. Republican. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; <a href="">mayor of Utica, N.Y.</a>, 1858-59; <a href="">U.S. Representative from New York</a>, 1859-63, 1865-67 (20th District 1859-63, 21st District 1865-67); <a href="">U.S. Senator from New York</a>, 1867, 1869-81; resigned 1881; candidate for Republican nomination for President, <a href="">1876</a>; delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, <a href="">1880</a>. Died, from <a href="">mastoiditis</a>, in New York, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">April 18, 1888</a> (age <a href="">58 years, 171 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Forest Hill Cemetery</a>, Utica, N.Y.; statue at <a href="">Madison Square Park</a>, Manhattan, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of <a href="#827.42.07">Alfred Conkling</a> and Elizabeth 'Eliza' (Cockburn) Conkling; brother of <a href="#490.06.59">Frederick Augustus Conkling</a>; married, <a href="">June 25, 1855</a>, to Julia Catherine Seymour (daughter of <a href="">Henry Seymour</a>; sister of <a href="">Horatio Seymour</a>; granddaughter of <a href="">Moses Seymour</a>; first cousin once removed of <a href="">Morris Woodruff Seymour</a>); uncle of <a href="">Alfred Conkling Coxe</a>, <a href="#783.11.24">Alfred Ronalds Conkling</a> and <a href="#884.87.43">Howard Conkling</a>; granduncle of <a href="">Alfred Conkling Coxe Jr.</a>; fourth cousin once removed of <a href="">Abel Huntington</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Seymour family</a> of New York and Connecticut (subset of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;">The <a href="">community</a> of <a href="">Roscoe, New York</a>, is <a href="">named for him</a>.</li> </span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Other politicians named for him:</i> <a href="">Roscoe C. Chandley</a> — <a href="">Roscoe C. Patterson</a> — <a href="">Roscoe C. Waterbury</a> — <a href="">Roscoe C. McCulloch</a> — <a href="">Roscoe C. Marcum</a> — <a href="">Roscoe C. Emery</a> — <a href="">Roscoe Conkling Simmons</a> — <a href="">Roscoe Conkling Fitch</a> — <a href="">Roscoe C. Van Marter</a> — <a href="">Roscoe C. Summers</a> — <a href="">Roscoe C. Rowe</a> — <a href="">Roscoe C. Lennon</a> — <a href="">Roscoe C. Austin</a> — <a href="">Roscoe C. Hobbs</a> — <a href="">Roscoe C. Stacey</a> — <a href="">Roscoe C. Brown, Jr.</a> — <a href="">Roscoe C. Howard</a> </span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a> — <a href=""> page</a> — <a href=" Conkling">Wikipedia article</a> — <a href="">NNDB dossier</a> — <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a> — <a href="">OurCampaigns candidate detail</a></span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Books about Roscoe Conkling:</i> Donald Barr Chidsey, <a href="">The gentleman from New York: A life of Roscoe Conkling</a></span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Image source:</i> James G. Blaine, Twenty Years of Congress, vol. 2 (1886)</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="134.63.02">Conkling, Roscoe P.</a> (b. 1889)</b> — of St. Joseph, <a href="">Buchanan County</a>, Mo. Born in Carrollton, <a href="">Carroll County</a>, Mo., <a href="">May 3, 1889</a>. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; served in the U.S. Army during World War I; <a href="">justice of Missouri state supreme court</a>, 1947. <a href="">Baptist</a>. Member, <a href="">American Bar Association</a>; <a href="">Beta Theta Pi</a>; <a href="">American Legion</a>; <a href="">Freemasons</a>. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20> </td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Virgil M. Conkling and Alpha (Powers) Conkling; married, <a href="">November 24, 1914</a>, to Mildred Scott.</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="404.59.11">Conkling, William H.</a></b> — of Springfield, <a href="">Sangamon County</a>, Ill. Postmaster at <a href="">Springfield, Ill.</a>, 1920-31 (acting, 1920-21). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="081.59.38">Conkling, William P.</a></b> — of <a href="">Morris County</a>, N.J. Member of <a href="">New Jersey state house of assembly</a> from Morris County 1st District, 1854-55. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONKLYN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONKLYN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C524</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">BROOKLYN</a>, <a href="">CONCKLIN</a>, <a href="#CONKLE">CONKLE</a>, <a href="#CONKLEN">CONKLEN</a>, <a href="#CONKLIN">CONKLIN</a>, <a href="#CONKLING">CONKLING</a>, <a href="">DEKLYN</a>, <a href="">FRANKLYN</a>, <a href="">FRANKLYNNE</a>, <a href="">KONKLE</a>, <a href="">VONKLOCK</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="716.27.98">Conklyn, Isaiah</a></b> — of <a href="">Salem County</a>, N.J. Member of <a href="">New Jersey state house of assembly</a> from Salem County, 1845. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="CONKRIGHT"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>CONKRIGHT</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex C526</a>) — <i>See also</i> <a href="">CONRIGHT</a>, <a href="">CRONKRITE</a>, <a href="">KRIGBAUM</a>, <a href="">KRIGEL</a>, <a href="">KRIGER</a>, <a href="">RIGHT</a>, <a href="">VONKROGH</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Conkright, Del</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#885.91.27">Delbert L. Conkright</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="885.91.27">Conkright, Delbert L.</a></b> — also known as <b>Del Conkright</b> — of Mt. Pleasant, <a href="">Isabella County</a>, Mich. <a href="">Mayor of Mt. Pleasant, Mich.</a>, 1952. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> </td> <td width=180 align="center" valign="center"> </td></tr></table> <hr> <table width=100%> <tr><td align="center"><span style="font-size:20pt;"> <span style="font-family:garamond,serif"> <i>"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."</i></span></span><br> <span style="font-size:8pt;">Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872</span></td> <td><a href=""> <img src="" width=450 height=71 align="right" border=0 alt="The Political Graveyard"></a></td></tr></table> <br clear="all"> <table width=100% cellpadding=2> <tr><td colspan=3><span style="font-size:10pt;"> <b><a href="">The Political Graveyard</a></b> is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.</span></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3><span style="font-size:8pt;"> </span></td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top"> </td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> The listings are <b>incomplete</b>; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top"> </td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is <b>not</b> guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top"> </td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> The official URL for this page is: <a href=""></a>.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top"> </td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top"> </td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the <a href="">alphabetical index of politicians</a>.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top"> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3 align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-size:10pt;"> <b>Copyright notices:</b> (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see <a href="">Feist v. Rural Telephone</a>. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute <b>fair use</b> under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a <a href="">Creative Commons License</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3 align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-size:10pt;"> <b>What is a "political graveyard"?</b> See <a href="">Political Dictionary</a>; <a href="">Urban Dictionary</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3 align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-size:10pt;"> <b>Site information:</b> The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by <b>Lawrence Kestenbaum</b>, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is <b>The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106.</b> — This site is hosted by <b><a href=""></a></b>. — The Political Graveyard opened on <b>July 1, 1996</b>; the last full revision was done on <b>February 17, 2025</b>. </span></td></tr> </table> </body> </html>