Question #238582 “I have downloaded "network-manager_0.9.4.0.ori...” : Questions : network-manager package : Ubuntu
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The old network-manager architect is buggy, and does not allow me wireless internet connectivity. I have tried script hacking in the file interfaces but have not had success!" /> <meta property="og:description" content="Is there a step-by-step guide to installing the new and replacing the old in Precise 12.04! The old network-manager architect is buggy, and does not allow me wireless internet connectivity. I have tried script hacking in the file interfaces but have not had success!" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Question #238582 “I have downloaded "network-manager_0.9.4.0.ori...” : Questions : network-manager package : Ubuntu" /> <meta property="og:type" content="website" /> <meta property="og:image" content="/@@/launchpad-og-image.png" /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Launchpad" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var LP = { cache: {}, links: {} }; </script> <script type="text/javascript">var cookie_scope = '; Path=/; Secure;';</script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/+combo/rev78860d903de6d6d7dd5a0ade63efaca45d3467e2/?yui/yui/yui-min.js&lp/meta.js&yui/loader/loader-min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var raw = null; if (LP.devmode) { raw = 'raw'; } YUI.GlobalConfig = { combine: true, comboBase: '/+combo/rev78860d903de6d6d7dd5a0ade63efaca45d3467e2/?', root: 'yui/', filter: raw, debug: false, fetchCSS: false, maxURLLength: 2000, groups: { lp: { combine: true, base: '/+combo/rev78860d903de6d6d7dd5a0ade63efaca45d3467e2/?lp/', comboBase: '/+combo/rev78860d903de6d6d7dd5a0ade63efaca45d3467e2/?', root: 'lp/', // comes from including lp/meta.js modules: LP_MODULES, fetchCSS: false } } }</script> <script type="text/javascript"> // we need this to create a single YUI instance all events and code // talks across. 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The old network-manager architect is buggy, and does not allow me wireless internet connectivity. I have tried script hacking in the file interfaces but have not had success!</p></div> <div class="portlet"> <h2>Question information</h2> <div class="yui-g"> <div class="yui-u first"> <div id="portlet-details" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <div class="two-column-list"> <dl id="question-lang"> <dt>Language:</dt> <dd> English <a class="menu-link-edit sprite edit action-icon" href="">Edit question</a> </dd> </dl> <dl id="question-status"> <dt>Status:</dt> <dd> <span class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</span> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>For:</dt> <dd> <a href="" class="bg-image" style="background-image: url(">Ubuntu</a> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/network-manager">network-manager</a> <a class="menu-link-edit sprite edit action-icon" href="">Edit question</a> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Assignee:</dt> <dd> No assignee <a class="menu-link-edit sprite edit action-icon" href="">Edit question</a> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Solved by:</dt> <dd> <a href="" class="sprite person">Mark Rijckenberg</a> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Solved:</dt> <dd> <time title="2013-11-12 22:36:28 UTC" datetime="2013-11-12T22:36:28.533881+00:00">2013-11-12</time> </dd> </dl> <dl style="clear: both;"> <dt>Last query:</dt> <dd> <time title="2013-11-12 22:36:28 UTC" datetime="2013-11-12T22:36:28.533881+00:00">2013-11-12</time> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Last reply:</dt> <dd> <time title="2013-11-12 21:02:00 UTC" datetime="2013-11-12T21:02:00.058574+00:00">2013-11-12</time> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> </div> <div class="yui-u"> <div id="related-bugs"> <h3>Related bugs</h3> <ul> </ul> </div> <ul class="horizontal"> <li><a class="menu-link-linkbug sprite add" href="">Link existing bug</a></li> </ul> <div id="related-faq" style="margin-top: 1em;"> <h3>Related FAQ:</h3> <p> None <a class="menu-link-linkfaq sprite add action-icon" href="" title="Link this question to a FAQ.">Link to a FAQ</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+question/238582/messages/1" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-0"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <a href="" class="sprite person">actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2013-11-03T23:08:32.999409+00:00" title="2013-11-03 23:08:32 UTC">on 2013-11-03</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #1</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>What wireless chip do you use?</p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">What wireless chip do you use?</textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+question/238582/messages/2" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-1"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <a href="" class="sprite person">Mark Rijckenberg (markrijckenberg)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2013-11-04T07:38:51.297936+00:00" title="2013-11-04 07:38:51 UTC">on 2013-11-04</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #2</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>The only supported releases of Ubuntu are the ones that are NOT End of Life (EOL) in the following table:</p> <p><a rel="nofollow" href="">https:/<wbr />/wiki.ubuntu.<wbr />com/Releases</a></p> <p>Please first connect your network card to the wireless router using an ethernet cable (also known as a LAN cable) and apply all updates.</p> <p>In order to gather essential troubleshooting information about your wireless card, please follow this procedure:</p> <p>Step 1<br /> In the Ubuntu Terminal console , make sure that unlimited scrolling is enabled:</p> <p>click on Edit > Profiles > "Default" profile > Scrolling. Choose "Unlimited" as scrolling option. Click Close and Close again.</p> <p>Before Ubuntu 11.04 the default 'Desktop Environment' was Gnome. In 11.04 the Gnome interface (DE) is called 'Classic'. If you are using the Gnome interface, open the Terminal console via "Applications-<wbr />>Accessories-<wbr />>Terminal"</p> <p>If you are using Ubuntu 11.04 and haven't changed back to "Classic" session then you are using the Unity interface. The easiest way to open the Terminal in UNity is to use the 'search' function on the dash. Or you can click on the 'More Apps' button, click on the 'See more results' by the installed section, and find it in that list of applications. A third way, available after you click on the 'More Apps' button, is to go to the search bar, and see that the far right end of it says 'All Applications'. You then click on that, and you'll see the full list. Then you can go to Accessories > Terminal after that.</p> <p>So the methods in Unity are:</p> <p>Press CTRL-ALT-T key combination.</p> <p>Dash > Search for Terminal</p> <p>Dash > More Apps > 'See More Results' > Terminal</p> <p>Dash > More Apps > Accessories > Terminal</p> <p>Step 2<br /> Please copy-paste the following diagnostic command from the</p> <p><a rel="nofollow" href="">https:/<wbr />/help.ubuntu.<wbr />com/community/<wbr />WirelessTrouble<wbr />shootingProcedu<wbr />re</a></p> <p>website using a web browser (like Google Chromium or Mozilla Firefox) into the Linux Terminal. The command STARTS with the word sudo and ENDS with the word lsmod. So please copy-paste the ENTIRE diagnostic command below from the web browser into a Terminal, press <enter>, then enter password when sudo asks for password, then press enter again.</p> <p>Tip: If you have a wheel mouse or 3 button mouse you do not need to type commands into the Terminal. Highlight the diagnostic command written on the page. Move your cursor anywhere in the Terminal and press the wheel or middle button. Automatic Copy and paste! No spelling mistakes! No Typos! No other errors!</p> <p>sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install hwinfo grep rfkill; sudo lshw -C network; rfkill list; sudo iwlist scan | egrep -i 'chan|ssid'; cat /etc/network/<wbr />interfaces; cat /etc/lsb-release; lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net; lsusb; nmcli nm status; sudo lshw -short; uname -a; sudo updatedb; dmesg | egrep '02:00|<wbr />80211|acx|<wbr />at76|ath|<wbr />b43|bcm|<wbr />brcm|CX|<wbr />eth|ipw|<wbr />ireless|<wbr />irmware|<wbr />isl|lbtf|<wbr />orinoco|<wbr />ndiswrapper|<wbr />NPE|ound|<wbr />p54|prism|<wbr />rror|rtl|<wbr />RTL|rt2|<wbr />RT2|rt3|<wbr />RT3|rt5|<wbr />RT5|rt6|<wbr />RT6|rt7|<wbr />RT7|usb|<wbr />witch|wl'<wbr />;sudo dmidecode|egrep 'anufact|<wbr />roduct|<wbr />erial|elease'<wbr />; iwconfig; cat /etc/modprobe.d/* | egrep '80211|<wbr />acx|at76|<wbr />ath|b43|<wbr />bcm|brcm|<wbr />CX|eth|<wbr />ipw|irmware|<wbr />isl|lbtf|<wbr />orinoco|<wbr />ndiswrapper|<wbr />NPE|p54|<wbr />prism|rtl|<wbr />rt2|rt3|<wbr />rt6|rt7|<wbr />wmi|witch|<wbr />wl'; cat /var/lib/<wbr />NetworkManager/<wbr />NetworkManager.<wbr />state; sudo hwinfo --netcard ; ps -aux|egrep 'wpa|icd|etwork'; netstat -rn ; cat /etc/resolv.conf; ls -lia /boot; grep tmpfs /etc/fstab; ubuntu-<wbr />support-<wbr />status; sudo lsmod</p> <p>Step 3<br /> Please do NOT attempt to send any attachment(s). Please copy/paste the full terminal output at this location:</p> <p><a rel="nofollow" href="">https:/<wbr />/answers.<wbr />launchpad.<wbr />net/ubuntu/<wbr />+source/<wbr />network-<wbr />manager/<wbr />+question/<wbr />238582</a></p> <p>The troubleshooters at Launchpad need to see the full Terminal output from running the above diagnostic command.</p> <p>Step 4</p> <p>Please also specify the exact model and make of your PC (if known) when creating the new Launchpad question.</p> <p>Step 5</p> <p>Please also clarify if you installed Ubuntu to the harddisk and are running from a harddisk install OR if you are only testing Ubuntu in a LiveCD session.</p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">The only supported releases of Ubuntu are the ones that are NOT End of Life (EOL) in the following table: Please first connect your network card to the wireless router using an ethernet cable (also known as a LAN cable) and apply all updates. In order to gather essential troubleshooting information about your wireless card, please follow this procedure: Step 1 In the Ubuntu Terminal console , make sure that unlimited scrolling is enabled: click on Edit > Profiles > "Default" profile > Scrolling. Choose "Unlimited" as scrolling option. Click Close and Close again. Before Ubuntu 11.04 the default 'Desktop Environment' was Gnome. In 11.04 the Gnome interface (DE) is called 'Classic'. If you are using the Gnome interface, open the Terminal console via "Applications->Accessories->Terminal" If you are using Ubuntu 11.04 and haven't changed back to "Classic" session then you are using the Unity interface. The easiest way to open the Terminal in UNity is to use the 'search' function on the dash. Or you can click on the 'More Apps' button, click on the 'See more results' by the installed section, and find it in that list of applications. A third way, available after you click on the 'More Apps' button, is to go to the search bar, and see that the far right end of it says 'All Applications'. You then click on that, and you'll see the full list. Then you can go to Accessories > Terminal after that. So the methods in Unity are: Press CTRL-ALT-T key combination. Dash > Search for Terminal Dash > More Apps > 'See More Results' > Terminal Dash > More Apps > Accessories > Terminal Step 2 Please copy-paste the following diagnostic command from the website using a web browser (like Google Chromium or Mozilla Firefox) into the Linux Terminal. The command STARTS with the word sudo and ENDS with the word lsmod. So please copy-paste the ENTIRE diagnostic command below from the web browser into a Terminal, press <enter>, then enter password when sudo asks for password, then press enter again. Tip: If you have a wheel mouse or 3 button mouse you do not need to type commands into the Terminal. Highlight the diagnostic command written on the page. Move your cursor anywhere in the Terminal and press the wheel or middle button. Automatic Copy and paste! No spelling mistakes! No Typos! No other errors! sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install hwinfo grep rfkill; sudo lshw -C network; rfkill list; sudo iwlist scan | egrep -i 'chan|ssid'; cat /etc/network/interfaces; cat /etc/lsb-release; lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net; lsusb; nmcli nm status; sudo lshw -short; uname -a; sudo updatedb; dmesg | egrep '02:00|80211|acx|at76|ath|b43|bcm|brcm|CX|eth|ipw|ireless|irmware|isl|lbtf|orinoco|ndiswrapper|NPE|ound|p54|prism|rror|rtl|RTL|rt2|RT2|rt3|RT3|rt5|RT5|rt6|RT6|rt7|RT7|usb|witch|wl';sudo dmidecode|egrep 'anufact|roduct|erial|elease'; iwconfig; cat /etc/modprobe.d/* | egrep '80211|acx|at76|ath|b43|bcm|brcm|CX|eth|ipw|irmware|isl|lbtf|orinoco|ndiswrapper|NPE|p54|prism|rtl|rt2|rt3|rt6|rt7|wmi|witch|wl'; cat /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state; sudo hwinfo --netcard ; ps -aux|egrep 'wpa|icd|etwork'; netstat -rn ; cat /etc/resolv.conf; ls -lia /boot; grep tmpfs /etc/fstab; ubuntu-support-status; sudo lsmod Step 3 Please do NOT attempt to send any attachment(s). Please copy/paste the full terminal output at this location: The troubleshooters at Launchpad need to see the full Terminal output from running the above diagnostic command. Step 4 Please also specify the exact model and make of your PC (if known) when creating the new Launchpad question. Step 5 Please also clarify if you installed Ubuntu to the harddisk and are running from a harddisk install OR if you are only testing Ubuntu in a LiveCD session.</textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+question/238582/messages/3" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-2"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <a href="" class="sprite person">Maurice Johnson (103730258b)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2013-11-06T02:49:33.740458+00:00" title="2013-11-06 02:49:33 UTC">on 2013-11-06</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #3</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>Mark I still have some questions, do you do live chats? My id on is maujhsn! I am on "PST" can you swing it? Just pot a time and what channel handles these issues! Or we can talk in #ubuntu!</p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">Mark I still have some questions, do you do live chats? My id on is maujhsn! I am on "PST" can you swing it? Just pot a time and what channel handles these issues! Or we can talk in #ubuntu!</textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+question/238582/messages/4" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-3"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <a href="" class="sprite person">Mark Rijckenberg (markrijckenberg)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2013-11-06T18:57:58.794166+00:00" title="2013-11-06 18:57:58 UTC">on 2013-11-06</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #4</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>No, using IRC to circumvent the use of answers.<wbr />launchpad.<wbr />net totally defeats the purpose of this forum, which is to publicly share the troubleshooting information with everyone at Launchpad.</p> <p>If I would help you via IRC, nobody else at Launchpad would benefit, because the "help"/solution would be invisible for everybody else.</p> <p>Please respect the reasons why this forum exists.</p> <p>Please send us the output as requested in post #2....</p> <p>Please post the output here:</p> <p><a rel="nofollow" href="">https:/<wbr />/answers.<wbr />launchpad.<wbr />net/ubuntu/<wbr />+source/<wbr />network-<wbr />manager/<wbr />+question/<wbr />238582</a></p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">No, using IRC to circumvent the use of totally defeats the purpose of this forum, which is to publicly share the troubleshooting information with everyone at Launchpad. If I would help you via IRC, nobody else at Launchpad would benefit, because the "help"/solution would be invisible for everybody else. Please respect the reasons why this forum exists. Please send us the output as requested in post #2.... Please post the output here:</textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+question/238582/messages/5" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-4"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <a href="" class="sprite person">Maurice Johnson (103730258b)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2013-11-08T17:47:35.718197+00:00" title="2013-11-08 17:47:35 UTC">on 2013-11-08</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #5</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>maujhsn209@<wbr />ubuntu:<wbr />~$ sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install hwinfo grep rfkill; sudo lshw -C network; rfkill list; sudo iwlist scan | egrep -i 'chan|ssid'; cat /etc/network/<wbr />interfaces; cat /etc/lsb-release; lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net; lsusb; nmcli nm status; sudo lshw -short; uname -a; sudo updatedb; dmesg | egrep '02:00|<wbr />80211|acx|<wbr />at76|ath|<wbr />b43|bcm|<wbr />brcm|CX|<wbr />eth|ipw|<wbr />ireless|<wbr />irmware|<wbr />isl|lbtf|<wbr />orinoco|<wbr />ndiswrapper|<wbr />NPE|ound|<wbr />p54|prism|<wbr />rror|rtl|<wbr />RTL|rt2|<wbr />RT2|rt3|<wbr />RT3|rt5|<wbr />RT5|rt6|<wbr />RT6|rt7|<wbr />RT7|usb|<wbr />witch|wl'<wbr />;sudo dmidecode|egrep 'anufact|<wbr />roduct|<wbr />erial|elease'<wbr />; iwconfig; cat /etc/modprobe.d/* | egrep '80211|<wbr />acx|at76|<wbr />ath|b43|<wbr />bcm|brcm|<wbr />CX|eth|<wbr />ipw|irmware|<wbr />isl|lbtf|<wbr />orinoco|<wbr />ndiswrapper|<wbr />NPE|p54|<wbr />prism|rtl|<wbr />rt2|rt3|<wbr />rt6|rt7|<wbr />wmi|witch|<wbr />wl'; cat /var/lib/<wbr />NetworkManager/<wbr />NetworkManager.<wbr />state; sudo hwinfo --netcard ; ps -aux|egrep 'wpa|icd|etwork'; netstat -rn ; cat /etc/resolv.conf; ls -lia /boot; grep tmpfs /etc/fstab; ubuntu-<wbr />support-<wbr />status; sudo lsmod<br /> [sudo] password for maujhsn209:<br /> Ign <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise InRelease<br /> Ign 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Translation-en<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />security.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />security/<wbr />restricted Translation-en<br /> Get:65 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />security.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />security/<wbr />universe Translation-en [53.9 kB]<br /> Get:66 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />mirror.<wbr />cambrium.<wbr />nl</a> precise-<wbr />updates/<wbr />universe i386 Packages [225 kB]<br /> Get:67 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />mirror.<wbr />cambrium.<wbr />nl</a> precise-<wbr />updates/<wbr />main TranslationIndex [3,564 B]<br /> Get:68 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />mirror.<wbr />cambrium.<wbr />nl</a> precise-<wbr />updates/<wbr />universe TranslationIndex [2,850 B]<br /> Get:69 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />mirror.<wbr />cambrium.<wbr />nl</a> precise-<wbr />updates/<wbr />main Translation-en [319 kB]<br /> Get:70 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />mirror.<wbr />cambrium.<wbr />nl</a> precise-<wbr />updates/<wbr />universe Translation-en [129 kB]<br /> Fetched 6,882 kB in 28s (241 kB/s)<br /> Reading package lists... Done<br /> Reading package lists... Done<br /> Building dependency tree<br /> Reading state information... Done<br /> grep is already the newest version.<br /> rfkill is already the newest version.<br /> The following packages will be REMOVED:<br /> linux-<wbr />image-3.<wbr />2.0-54-<wbr />generic<br /> The following NEW packages will be installed:<br /> hwinfo libhal1 libhd16<br /> 0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 1 to remove and 432 not upgraded.<br /> 1 not fully installed or removed.<br /> Need to get 769 kB of archives.<br /> After this operation, 148 MB disk space will be freed.<br /> Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y<br /> Get:1 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com/ubuntu/</a> precise/universe libhal1 amd64 0.5.14-8 [78.4 kB]<br /> Get:2 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com/ubuntu/</a> precise/universe libhd16 amd64 16.0-2.1 [672 kB]<br /> Get:3 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com/ubuntu/</a> precise/universe hwinfo amd64 16.0-2.1 [18.5 kB]<br /> Fetched 769 kB in 1s (423 kB/s)<br /> (Reading database ... 173091 files and directories currently installed.)<br /> Removing linux-image-<wbr />3.2.0-54-<wbr />generic ...<br /> Examining /etc/kernel/<wbr />postrm.<wbr />d .<br /> run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/<wbr />postrm.<wbr />d/initramfs-<wbr />tools 3.2.0-54-generic /boot/vmlinuz-<wbr />3.2.0-54-<wbr />generic<br /> update-initramfs: Deleting /boot/initrd.<wbr />img-3.2.<wbr />0-54-generic<br /> run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/<wbr />postrm.<wbr />d/zz-update-<wbr />grub 3.2.0-54-generic /boot/vmlinuz-<wbr />3.2.0-54-<wbr />generic<br /> /usr/sbin/<wbr />grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).<br /> run-parts: /etc/kernel/<wbr />postrm.<wbr />d/zz-update-<wbr />grub exited with return code 1<br /> Failed to process /etc/kernel/<wbr />postrm.<wbr />d at /var/lib/<wbr />dpkg/info/<wbr />linux-image-<wbr />3.2.0-54-<wbr />generic.<wbr />postrm line 328.<br /> dpkg: error processing linux-image-<wbr />3.2.0-54-<wbr />generic (--remove):<br /> subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 1<br /> Errors were encountered while processing:<br /> linux-<wbr />image-3.<wbr />2.0-54-<wbr />generic<br /> localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/locale: 75644 KiB<br /> localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/man: 4295 KiB<br /> localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/<wbr />gnome/help: 0 KiB<br /> localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/omf: 96 KiB<br /> localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/<wbr />doc/kde/<wbr />HTML: 0 KiB</p> <p>Total disk space freed by localepurge: 80035 KiB</p> <p>E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)<br /> *-network<br /> description: Ethernet interface<br /> product: MCP67 Ethernet<br /> vendor: NVIDIA Corporation<br /> physical id: a<br /> bus info: pci@0000:00:0a.0<br /> logical name: eth0<br /> version: a2<br /> serial: 00:1e:68:14:b1:e2<br /> size: 100Mbit/s<br /> capacity: 100Mbit/s<br /> width: 32 bits<br /> clock: 66MHz<br /> <wbr />capabilities: pm msi ht bus_master cap_list ethernet physical mii 10bt 10bt-fd 100bt 100bt-fd autonegotiation<br /> <wbr />configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=forcedeth driverversion=0.64 duplex=full ip= latency=0 link=yes maxlatency=20 mingnt=1 multicast=yes port=MII speed=100Mbit/s<br /> resources: irq:42 memory:<wbr />f6488000-<wbr />f6488fff ioport:30f8(size=8) memory:<wbr />f6489c00-<wbr />f6489cff memory:<wbr />f6489800-<wbr />f648980f<br /> *-network UNCLAIMED<br /> description: Ethernet controller<br /> product: AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express)<br /> vendor: Qualcomm Atheros<br /> physical id: 0<br /> bus info: pci@0000:03:00.0<br /> version: 01<br /> width: 64 bits<br /> clock: 33MHz<br /> <wbr />capabilities: pm msi pciexpress msix bus_master cap_list<br /> <wbr />configuration: latency=0<br /> resources: memory:<wbr />f6000000-<wbr />f600ffff<br /> lo Interface doesn't support scanning.</p> <p>eth0 Interface doesn't support scanning.</p> <p>auto lo<br /> iface lo inet loopback</p> <p>DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu<br /> DISTRIB_<wbr />RELEASE=<wbr />12.04<br /> DISTRIB_<wbr />CODENAME=<wbr />precise<br /> DISTRIB_<wbr />DESCRIPTION=<wbr />"Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS"<br /> 00:0a.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 Ethernet [10de:054c] (rev a2)<br /> Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Device [103c:30ea]<br /> Kernel driver in use: forcedeth<br /> --<br /> 03:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Qualcomm Atheros AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:001c] (rev 01)<br /> Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company AR5BXB63 (Foxconn) 802.11bg Mini PCIe NIC [103c:137a]<br /> Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub<br /> Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub<br /> Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub<br /> Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub<br /> Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0781:5571 SanDisk Corp.<br /> Bus 003 Device 002: ID 19ff:0225 Dynex<br /> RUNNING STATE WIFI-HARDWARE WIFI WWAN-HARDWARE WWAN<br /> running connected enabled enabled enabled disabled<br /> H/W path Device Class Description<br /> =======<wbr />=======<wbr />=======<wbr />=======<wbr />=======<wbr />=======<wbr />=======<br /> <wbr /> <wbr /> <wbr /> system Compaq Presario F700 Notebook PC (KC490UA#<br /> /0 bus 30EA<br /> /0/0 memory 109KiB BIOS<br /> /0/3 processor AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-<br /> /0/3/5 memory 64KiB L1 cache<br /> /0/3/6 memory 1MiB L2 cache<br /> /0/b memory 2GiB System Memory<br /> /0/b/0 memory 1GiB DIMM DDR2 Synchronous 667 MHz (1.5 ns<br /> /0/b/1 memory 1GiB DIMM DDR2 667 MHz (1.5 ns)<br /> /0/4 memory RAM memory<br /> /0/1 bridge MCP67 ISA Bridge<br /> /0/1.1 bus MCP67 SMBus<br /> /0/1.2 memory RAM memory<br /> /0/1.3 processor MCP67 Co-processor<br /> /0/2 bus MCP67 OHCI USB 1.1 Controller<br /> /0/2.1 bus MCP67 EHCI USB 2.0 Controller<br /> /0/5 bus MCP67 OHCI USB 1.1 Controller<br /> /0/4.1 bus MCP67 EHCI USB 2.0 Controller<br /> /0/6 scsi5 storage MCP67 IDE Controller<br /> /0/6/0.0.0 /dev/cdrom disk DVDRAM GSA-T20N<br /> /0/7 multimedia MCP67 High Definition Audio<br /> /0/8 bridge MCP67 PCI Bridge<br /> /0/8/5 generic R5C822 SD/SDIO/<wbr />MMC/MS/<wbr />MSPro Host Adapter<br /> /0/8/5.1 generic R5C843 MMC Host Controller<br /> /0/8/5.2 generic R5C592 Memory Stick Bus Host Adapter<br /> /0/8/5.3 generic xD-Picture Card Controller<br /> /0/9 scsi0 storage MCP67 AHCI Controller<br /> /0/9/0.0.0 /dev/sda disk 160GB ST9160314AS<br /> /0/9/0.0.0/1 /dev/sda1 volume 100MiB Windows NTFS volume<br /> /0/9/0.0.0/2 /dev/sda2 volume 148GiB Windows NTFS volume<br /> /0/a eth0 network MCP67 Ethernet<br /> /0/c bridge MCP67 PCI Express Bridge<br /> /0/d bridge MCP67 PCI Express Bridge<br /> /0/d/0 network AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter (<br /> /0/12 display C67 [GeForce 7000M / nForce 610M]<br /> /0/100 bridge K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] HyperTransport Techn<br /> /0/101 bridge K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] Address Map<br /> /0/102 bridge K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] DRAM Controller<br /> /0/103 bridge K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] Miscellaneous Contro<br /> /0/e scsi4 storage<br /> /0/e/0.0.0 /dev/sdb disk 16GB SCSI Disk<br /> /0/e/0.0.0/1 /dev/sdb1 volume 14GiB Windows FAT volume<br /> Linux ubuntu 3.2.0-54-generic #82-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 10 20:08:42 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux<br /> [ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=<wbr />/casper/<wbr />vmlinuz noprompt cdrom-detect/<wbr />try-usb=<wbr />true persistent file=/cdrom/<wbr />preseed/<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />seed boot=casper initrd=<wbr />/casper/<wbr />initrd.<wbr />lz quiet splash --<br /> [ 0.000000] DMI: Hewlett-Packard Compaq Presario F700 Notebook PC /30EA, BIOS F.05 12/07/2007<br /> [ 0.000000] No AGP bridge found<br /> [ 0.000000] found SMP MP-table at [ffff8800000f8390] f8390<br /> [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=<wbr />/casper/<wbr />vmlinuz noprompt cdrom-detect/<wbr />try-usb=<wbr />true persistent file=/cdrom/<wbr />preseed/<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />seed boot=casper initrd=<wbr />/casper/<wbr />initrd.<wbr />lz quiet splash --<br /> [ 0.000000] No AGP bridge found<br /> [ 0.148187] Switch to broadcast mode on CPU1<br /> [ 0.148821] Switch to broadcast mode on CPU0<br /> [ 0.154780] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored<br /> [ 0.163075] ACPI: No dock devices found.<br /> [ 0.163078] HEST: Table not found.<br /> [ 0.190448] i2c-core: driver [aat2870] using legacy suspend method<br /> [ 0.190450] i2c-core: driver [aat2870] using legacy resume method<br /> [ 0.192011] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs<br /> [ 0.192011] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub<br /> [ 0.192011] usbcore: registered new device driver usb<br /> [ 4.572355] Switching to clocksource hpet<br /> [ 4.586788] pnp: PnP ACPI: found 12 devices<br /> [ 4.712297] pci 0000:00:00.0: Found enabled HT MSI Mapping<br /> [ 4.712354] pci 0000:00:00.0: Found enabled HT MSI Mapping<br /> [ 4.712416] pci 0000:00:00.0: Found enabled HT MSI Mapping<br /> [ 4.712484] pci 0000:00:00.0: Found enabled HT MSI Mapping<br /> [ 4.712556] pci 0000:00:00.0: Found enabled HT MSI Mapping<br /> [ 4.712633] pci 0000:00:00.0: Found enabled HT MSI Mapping<br /> [ 4.749867] input: Lid Switch as /devices/<wbr />LNXSYSTM:<wbr />00/LNXSYBUS:<wbr />00/PNP0C0D:<wbr />00/input/<wbr />input1<br /> [ 4.750101] ACPI: Lid Switch [LID]<br /> [ 4.752881] [Firmware Bug]: Invalid critical threshold (0)<br /> [ 4.753373] ERST: Table is not found!<br /> [ 4.868220] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found<br /> [ 4.880201] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found<br /> [ 4.938174] hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found<br /> [ 4.994171] hub 4-0:1.0: USB hub found<br /> [ 4.994370] usbcore: registered new interface driver libusual<br /> [ 5.031119] powernow-k8: Found 1 AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-58 (2 cpu cores) (version 2.20.00)<br /> [ 5.031277] BIOS EDD facility v0.16 2004-Jun-25, 0 devices found<br /> [ 5.292030] usb 1-4: new high-speed USB device number 3 using ehci_hcd<br /> [ 5.428035] scsi4 : usb-storage 1-4:1.0<br /> [ 5.428127] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage<br /> [ 5.713660] forcedeth: Reverse Engineered nForce ethernet driver. Version 0.64.<br /> [ 5.713904] forcedeth 0000:00:0a.0: PCI INT A -> Link[LMAC] -> GSI 20 (level, low) -> IRQ 20<br /> [ 5.713910] forcedeth 0000:00:0a.0: setting latency timer to 64<br /> [ 5.732071] usb 3-2: new full-speed USB device number 2 using ohci_hcd<br /> [ 5.739584] sdhci-pci 0000:02:05.0: SDHCI controller found [1180:0822] (rev 22)<br /> [ 5.740880] mmc0: no vmmc regulator found<br /> [ 5.744106] sdhci-pci 0000:02:05.1: SDHCI controller found [1180:0843] (rev 12)<br /> [ 5.744140] mmc1: no vmmc regulator found<br /> [ 5.956716] input: reserved Dynex Watermelon Wireless Mice as /devices/<wbr />pci0000:<wbr />00/0000:<wbr />00:02.0/<wbr />usb3/3-<wbr />2/3-2:1.<wbr />0/input/<wbr />input6<br /> [ 5.957439] generic-usb 0003:19FF:<wbr />0225.0001: input,hiddev0,<wbr />hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [reserved Dynex Watermelon Wireless Mice] on usb-0000:<wbr />00:02.0-<wbr />2/input0<br /> [ 5.957639] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid<br /> [ 5.957642] usbhid: USB HID core driver<br /> [ 6.237028] forcedeth 0000:00:0a.0: ifname eth0, PHY OUI 0x732 @ 1, addr 00:1e:68:14:b1:e2<br /> [ 6.237034] forcedeth 0000:00:0a.0: highdma pwrctl mgmt lnktim msi desc-v3<br /> [ 24.452605] ADDRCONF(<wbr />NETDEV_<wbr />UP): eth0: link is not ready<br /> [ 26.714443] forcedeth 0000:00:0a.0: irq 42 for MSI/MSI-X<br /> [ 36.824037] eth0: no IPv6 routers present<br /> Release Date: 12/07/2007<br /> Serial services are supported (int 14h)<br /> Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard<br /> Product Name: Compaq Presario F700 Notebook PC<br /> Serial Number: CNF8044H3F<br /> Manufacturer: Quanta<br /> Product Name: 30EA<br /> Serial Number: None3<br /> Manufacturer: Quanta<br /> Serial Number: None<br /> Manufacturer: AMD<br /> Serial Number: Not Specified<br /> Manufacturer: Not Specified<br /> Serial Number: Not Specified<br /> Manufacturer: Not Specified<br /> Serial Number: Not Specified<br /> lo no wireless extensions.</p> <p>eth0 no wireless extensions.</p> <p>install snd-rawmidi /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-rawmidi $CMDLINE_OPTS && { /sbin/modprobe --quiet --use-blacklist snd-seq-midi ; : ; }<br /> # which ath5k cannot recover. To prevent this condition, stop<br /> blacklist ath_pci<br /> blacklist eth1394<br /> # replaced by p54pci<br /> blacklist prism54<br /> # replaced by b43 and ssb.<br /> blacklist bcm43xx<br /> blacklist uart6850<br /> blacklist twl4030_wdt</p> <p>[main]<br /> NetworkingEnabl<wbr />ed=true<br /> WirelessEnabled<wbr />=true<br /> WWANEnabled=true<br /> WimaxEnabled=true<br /> sudo: hwinfo: command not found<br /> Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />procps.<wbr /><wbr />faq.html</a><br /> root 2982 0.0 0.2 237736 5328 ? Ssl 09:33 0:00 NetworkManager<br /> root 3343 0.0 0.0 7256 1500 ? S 09:33 0:00 /sbin/dhclient -d -4 -sf /usr/lib/<wbr />NetworkManager/<wbr />nm-dhcp-<wbr />client.<wbr />action -pf /var/run/<wbr />sendsigs.<wbr />omit.d/<wbr />network-<wbr />manager.<wbr />dhclient-<wbr /> -lf /var/lib/<wbr />dhcp/dhclient-<wbr />2b50c3a9-<wbr />bd29-43df-<wbr />af89-00fb3e89e0<wbr />af-eth0.<wbr />lease -cf /var/run/<wbr />nm-dhclient-<wbr />eth0.conf eth0<br /> nobody 4090 0.0 0.0 33012 1248 ? S 09:33 0:00 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --no-resolv --keep-<wbr />in-foreground --no-hosts --bind-interfaces --pid-file=<wbr />/var/run/<wbr />sendsigs.<wbr />omit.d/<wbr />network-<wbr />manager.<wbr />dnsmasq.<wbr />pid --listen-<wbr />address=<wbr />127.0.0.<wbr />1 --conf-<wbr />file=/var/<wbr />run/nm-<wbr />dns-dnsmasq.<wbr />conf --cache-size=0 --proxy-dnssec<br /> 1000 7577 0.0 0.0 13576 876 pts/0 S+ 09:43 0:00 egrep --color=auto wpa|icd|etwork<br /> Kernel IP routing table<br /> Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface<br /> UG 0 0 0 eth0<br /> U 0 0 0 eth0<br /> U 0 0 0 eth0<br /> # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)<br /> # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN<br /> nameserver<br /> total 24342<br /> 27723 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Oct 17 11:51 .<br /> 7577 drwxr-xr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Oct 17 11:44 ..<br /> 20050 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 791281 Jul 27 2012 abi-3.2.<wbr />0-29-generic<br /> 20051 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 140432 Jul 27 2012 config-<wbr />3.2.0-29-<wbr />generic<br /> 27754 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Oct 8 15:58 grub<br /> 248714 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20713801 Oct 8 16:00 initrd.<wbr />img-3.2.<wbr />0-29-generic<br /> 20049 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 176764 Nov 27 2011 memtest86+.bin<br /> 20052 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 178944 Nov 27 2011 memtest86+<wbr />_multiboot.<wbr />bin<br /> 20048 -rw------- 1 root root 2882108 Jul 27 2012 System.<wbr />map-3.2.<wbr />0-29-generic<br /> tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0<br /> Support status summary of 'ubuntu':</p> <p>You have 47 packages (2.6%) supported until October 2013 (18m)<br /> You have 7 packages (0.4%) supported until May 2015 (18m)<br /> You have 1633 packages (89.6%) supported until April 2017 (5y)</p> <p>You have 0 packages (0.0%) that can not/no-longer be downloaded<br /> You have 135 packages (7.4%) that are unsupported</p> <p>Run with --show-unsupported, --show-supported or --show-all to see more details<br /> Module Size Used by<br /> squashfs 36799 1<br /> overlayfs 28352 1<br /> nls_iso8859_1 12713 1<br /> nls_cp437 16991 1<br /> vfat 17585 1<br /> fat 61512 1 vfat<br /> dm_raid45 78155 0<br /> xor 12894 1 dm_raid45<br /> dm_mirror 22203 0<br /> dm_region_hash 20961 1 dm_mirror<br /> dm_log 18564 3 dm_raid45,<wbr />dm_mirror,<wbr />dm_region_<wbr />hash<br /> btrfs 653113 0<br /> zlib_deflate 27139 1 btrfs<br /> libcrc32c 12644 1 btrfs<br /> usbhid 47238 0<br /> hid 99636 1 usbhid<br /> sdhci_pci 18826 0<br /> sdhci 33205 1 sdhci_pci<br /> forcedeth 63460 0<br /> pata_amd 14118 0<br /> video 19651 0<br /> usb_storage 49198 1<br /> maujhsn209@<wbr />ubuntu:<wbr />~$</p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">maujhsn209@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install hwinfo grep rfkill; sudo lshw -C network; rfkill list; sudo iwlist scan | egrep -i 'chan|ssid'; cat /etc/network/interfaces; cat /etc/lsb-release; lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net; lsusb; nmcli nm status; sudo lshw -short; uname -a; sudo updatedb; dmesg | egrep '02:00|80211|acx|at76|ath|b43|bcm|brcm|CX|eth|ipw|ireless|irmware|isl|lbtf|orinoco|ndiswrapper|NPE|ound|p54|prism|rror|rtl|RTL|rt2|RT2|rt3|RT3|rt5|RT5|rt6|RT6|rt7|RT7|usb|witch|wl';sudo dmidecode|egrep 'anufact|roduct|erial|elease'; iwconfig; cat /etc/modprobe.d/* | egrep '80211|acx|at76|ath|b43|bcm|brcm|CX|eth|ipw|irmware|isl|lbtf|orinoco|ndiswrapper|NPE|p54|prism|rtl|rt2|rt3|rt6|rt7|wmi|witch|wl'; cat /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state; sudo hwinfo --netcard ; ps -aux|egrep 'wpa|icd|etwork'; netstat -rn ; cat /etc/resolv.conf; ls -lia /boot; grep tmpfs /etc/fstab; ubuntu-support-status; sudo lsmod [sudo] password for maujhsn209: Ign precise InRelease Ign precise-security InRelease Ign precise-updates InRelease Ign precise-backports InRelease Ign precise InRelease Ign precise-security InRelease Get:1 precise InRelease [4,203 B] Hit precise Release.gpg Get:2 precise-security Release.gpg [198 B] Get:3 precise-updates Release.gpg [198 B] Get:4 precise-security Release.gpg [198 B] Hit precise Release.gpg Hit precise/main amd64 Packages Get:5 precise-backports Release.gpg [198 B] Hit precise Release Get:6 precise-security Release [49.6 kB] Hit precise/main i386 Packages Ign precise/main TranslationIndex Get:7 precise-security Release [49.6 kB] Hit precise Release Get:8 precise-updates Release [49.6 kB] Ign precise-updates InRelease Get:9 precise-backports Release [49.6 kB] Hit precise/main Sources Get:10 precise-updates Release.gpg [198 B] Hit precise/main Sources Hit precise/restricted Sources Hit precise/universe Sources Hit precise/multiverse Sources Hit precise/main amd64 Packages Hit precise/restricted amd64 Packages Hit precise/universe amd64 Packages Hit precise/multiverse amd64 Packages Hit precise/main i386 Packages Hit precise/main amd64 Packages Hit precise/main i386 Packages Ign precise/main TranslationIndex Hit precise/restricted i386 Packages Hit precise/universe i386 Packages Hit precise/multiverse i386 Packages Hit precise/main TranslationIndex Hit precise/multiverse TranslationIndex Get:11 precise-updates Release [49.6 kB] Get:12 precise-security/main amd64 Packages [342 kB] Hit precise/restricted TranslationIndex Hit precise/universe TranslationIndex Get:13 precise-security/main Sources [93.6 kB] Get:14 precise-security/restricted Sources [2,494 B] Get:15 precise-security/universe Sources [29.6 kB] Get:16 precise-security/multiverse Sources [1,804 B] Get:17 precise-updates/main Sources [425 kB] Ign precise/main Translation-en_US Ign precise/main Translation-en Get:18 precise-updates/main amd64 Packages [708 kB] Get:19 precise-updates/restricted Sources [7,006 B] Get:20 precise-updates/universe Sources [99.2 kB] Get:21 precise-updates/multiverse Sources [8,354 B] Get:22 precise-updates/main amd64 Packages [708 kB] Get:23 precise-security/restricted amd64 Packages [4,627 B] Get:24 precise-security/universe amd64 Packages [84.8 kB] Ign precise/main Translation-en_US Ign precise/main Translation-en Get:25 precise-updates/restricted amd64 Packages [11.5 kB] Get:26 precise-updates/universe amd64 Packages [221 kB] Get:27 precise-security/multiverse amd64 Packages [2,449 B] Get:28 precise-security/main i386 Packages [360 kB] Get:29 precise-updates/multiverse amd64 Packages [14.0 kB] Get:30 precise-updates/main i386 Packages [729 kB] Get:31 precise-updates/restricted i386 Packages [11.4 kB] Get:32 precise-updates/universe i386 Packages [225 kB] Get:33 precise-updates/universe amd64 Packages [221 kB] Get:34 precise-security/restricted i386 Packages [4,620 B] Get:35 precise-security/universe i386 Packages [88.6 kB] Get:36 precise-updates/multiverse i386 Packages [14.2 kB] Get:37 precise-updates/main TranslationIndex [3,564 B] Get:38 precise-updates/multiverse TranslationIndex [2,605 B] Get:39 precise-updates/restricted TranslationIndex [2,461 B] Get:40 precise-updates/universe TranslationIndex [2,850 B] Get:41 precise-backports/restricted amd64 Packages [14 B] Get:42 precise-backports/main amd64 Packages [2,844 B] Get:43 precise-backports/multiverse amd64 Packages [5,206 B] Get:44 precise-backports/universe amd64 Packages [36.9 kB] Get:45 precise-backports/restricted i386 Packages [14 B] Get:46 precise-backports/main i386 Packages [2,838 B] Get:47 precise-backports/multiverse i386 Packages [5,178 B] Get:48 precise-backports/universe i386 Packages [36.7 kB] Get:49 precise-backports/main TranslationIndex [72 B] Get:50 precise-backports/multiverse TranslationIndex [72 B] Get:51 precise-backports/restricted TranslationIndex [70 B] Get:52 precise-backports/universe TranslationIndex [73 B] Hit precise/main Translation-en Hit precise/multiverse Translation-en Hit precise/restricted Translation-en Hit precise/universe Translation-en Get:53 precise-updates/main Translation-en [319 kB] Get:54 precise-security/multiverse i386 Packages [2,640 B] Get:55 precise-security/main TranslationIndex [74 B] Get:56 precise-security/multiverse TranslationIndex [72 B] Get:57 precise-security/restricted TranslationIndex [72 B] Get:58 precise-security/universe TranslationIndex [73 B] Get:59 precise-updates/main i386 Packages [729 kB] Get:60 precise-security/main Translation-en [161 kB] Get:61 precise-updates/multiverse Translation-en [8,136 B] Hit precise-updates/restricted Translation-en Get:62 precise-updates/universe Translation-en [129 kB] Get:63 precise-backports/main Translation-en [2,072 B] Hit precise-backports/multiverse Translation-en Hit precise-backports/restricted Translation-en Get:64 precise-backports/universe Translation-en [26.9 kB] Hit precise-security/multiverse Translation-en Hit precise-security/restricted Translation-en Get:65 precise-security/universe Translation-en [53.9 kB] Get:66 precise-updates/universe i386 Packages [225 kB] Get:67 precise-updates/main TranslationIndex [3,564 B] Get:68 precise-updates/universe TranslationIndex [2,850 B] Get:69 precise-updates/main Translation-en [319 kB] Get:70 precise-updates/universe Translation-en [129 kB] Fetched 6,882 kB in 28s (241 kB/s) Reading package lists... Done Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done grep is already the newest version. rfkill is already the newest version. The following packages will be REMOVED: linux-image-3.2.0-54-generic The following NEW packages will be installed: hwinfo libhal1 libhd16 0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 1 to remove and 432 not upgraded. 1 not fully installed or removed. Need to get 769 kB of archives. After this operation, 148 MB disk space will be freed. Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y Get:1 precise/universe libhal1 amd64 0.5.14-8 [78.4 kB] Get:2 precise/universe libhd16 amd64 16.0-2.1 [672 kB] Get:3 precise/universe hwinfo amd64 16.0-2.1 [18.5 kB] Fetched 769 kB in 1s (423 kB/s) (Reading database ... 173091 files and directories currently installed.) Removing linux-image-3.2.0-54-generic ... Examining /etc/kernel/postrm.d . run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postrm.d/initramfs-tools 3.2.0-54-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-54-generic update-initramfs: Deleting /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-54-generic run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-grub 3.2.0-54-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-54-generic /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). run-parts: /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-grub exited with return code 1 Failed to process /etc/kernel/postrm.d at /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-3.2.0-54-generic.postrm line 328. dpkg: error processing linux-image-3.2.0-54-generic (--remove): subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 1 Errors were encountered while processing: linux-image-3.2.0-54-generic localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/locale: 75644 KiB localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/man: 4295 KiB localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/gnome/help: 0 KiB localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/omf: 96 KiB localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML: 0 KiB Total disk space freed by localepurge: 80035 KiB E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) *-network description: Ethernet interface product: MCP67 Ethernet vendor: NVIDIA Corporation physical id: a bus info: pci@0000:00:0a.0 logical name: eth0 version: a2 serial: 00:1e:68:14:b1:e2 size: 100Mbit/s capacity: 100Mbit/s width: 32 bits clock: 66MHz capabilities: pm msi ht bus_master cap_list ethernet physical mii 10bt 10bt-fd 100bt 100bt-fd autonegotiation configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=forcedeth driverversion=0.64 duplex=full ip= latency=0 link=yes maxlatency=20 mingnt=1 multicast=yes port=MII speed=100Mbit/s resources: irq:42 memory:f6488000-f6488fff ioport:30f8(size=8) memory:f6489c00-f6489cff memory:f6489800-f648980f *-network UNCLAIMED description: Ethernet controller product: AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) vendor: Qualcomm Atheros physical id: 0 bus info: pci@0000:03:00.0 version: 01 width: 64 bits clock: 33MHz capabilities: pm msi pciexpress msix bus_master cap_list configuration: latency=0 resources: memory:f6000000-f600ffff lo Interface doesn't support scanning. eth0 Interface doesn't support scanning. auto lo iface lo inet loopback DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=12.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=precise DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS" 00:0a.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 Ethernet [10de:054c] (rev a2) Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Device [103c:30ea] Kernel driver in use: forcedeth -- 03:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Qualcomm Atheros AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:001c] (rev 01) Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company AR5BXB63 (Foxconn) 802.11bg Mini PCIe NIC [103c:137a] Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0781:5571 SanDisk Corp. Bus 003 Device 002: ID 19ff:0225 Dynex RUNNING STATE WIFI-HARDWARE WIFI WWAN-HARDWARE WWAN running connected enabled enabled enabled disabled H/W path Device Class Description ================================================= system Compaq Presario F700 Notebook PC (KC490UA# /0 bus 30EA /0/0 memory 109KiB BIOS /0/3 processor AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL- /0/3/5 memory 64KiB L1 cache /0/3/6 memory 1MiB L2 cache /0/b memory 2GiB System Memory /0/b/0 memory 1GiB DIMM DDR2 Synchronous 667 MHz (1.5 ns /0/b/1 memory 1GiB DIMM DDR2 667 MHz (1.5 ns) /0/4 memory RAM memory /0/1 bridge MCP67 ISA Bridge /0/1.1 bus MCP67 SMBus /0/1.2 memory RAM memory /0/1.3 processor MCP67 Co-processor /0/2 bus MCP67 OHCI USB 1.1 Controller /0/2.1 bus MCP67 EHCI USB 2.0 Controller /0/5 bus MCP67 OHCI USB 1.1 Controller /0/4.1 bus MCP67 EHCI USB 2.0 Controller /0/6 scsi5 storage MCP67 IDE Controller /0/6/0.0.0 /dev/cdrom disk DVDRAM GSA-T20N /0/7 multimedia MCP67 High Definition Audio /0/8 bridge MCP67 PCI Bridge /0/8/5 generic R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter /0/8/5.1 generic R5C843 MMC Host Controller /0/8/5.2 generic R5C592 Memory Stick Bus Host Adapter /0/8/5.3 generic xD-Picture Card Controller /0/9 scsi0 storage MCP67 AHCI Controller /0/9/0.0.0 /dev/sda disk 160GB ST9160314AS /0/9/0.0.0/1 /dev/sda1 volume 100MiB Windows NTFS volume /0/9/0.0.0/2 /dev/sda2 volume 148GiB Windows NTFS volume /0/a eth0 network MCP67 Ethernet /0/c bridge MCP67 PCI Express Bridge /0/d bridge MCP67 PCI Express Bridge /0/d/0 network AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter ( /0/12 display C67 [GeForce 7000M / nForce 610M] /0/100 bridge K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] HyperTransport Techn /0/101 bridge K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] Address Map /0/102 bridge K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] DRAM Controller /0/103 bridge K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] Miscellaneous Contro /0/e scsi4 storage /0/e/0.0.0 /dev/sdb disk 16GB SCSI Disk /0/e/0.0.0/1 /dev/sdb1 volume 14GiB Windows FAT volume Linux ubuntu 3.2.0-54-generic #82-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 10 20:08:42 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/casper/vmlinuz noprompt cdrom-detect/try-usb=true persistent file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.lz quiet splash -- [ 0.000000] DMI: Hewlett-Packard Compaq Presario F700 Notebook PC /30EA, BIOS F.05 12/07/2007 [ 0.000000] No AGP bridge found [ 0.000000] found SMP MP-table at [ffff8800000f8390] f8390 [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/casper/vmlinuz noprompt cdrom-detect/try-usb=true persistent file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.lz quiet splash -- [ 0.000000] No AGP bridge found [ 0.148187] Switch to broadcast mode on CPU1 [ 0.148821] Switch to broadcast mode on CPU0 [ 0.154780] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored [ 0.163075] ACPI: No dock devices found. [ 0.163078] HEST: Table not found. [ 0.190448] i2c-core: driver [aat2870] using legacy suspend method [ 0.190450] i2c-core: driver [aat2870] using legacy resume method [ 0.192011] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs [ 0.192011] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub [ 0.192011] usbcore: registered new device driver usb [ 4.572355] Switching to clocksource hpet [ 4.586788] pnp: PnP ACPI: found 12 devices [ 4.712297] pci 0000:00:00.0: Found enabled HT MSI Mapping [ 4.712354] pci 0000:00:00.0: Found enabled HT MSI Mapping [ 4.712416] pci 0000:00:00.0: Found enabled HT MSI Mapping [ 4.712484] pci 0000:00:00.0: Found enabled HT MSI Mapping [ 4.712556] pci 0000:00:00.0: Found enabled HT MSI Mapping [ 4.712633] pci 0000:00:00.0: Found enabled HT MSI Mapping [ 4.749867] input: Lid Switch as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0D:00/input/input1 [ 4.750101] ACPI: Lid Switch [LID] [ 4.752881] [Firmware Bug]: Invalid critical threshold (0) [ 4.753373] ERST: Table is not found! [ 4.868220] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 4.880201] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 4.938174] hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 4.994171] hub 4-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 4.994370] usbcore: registered new interface driver libusual [ 5.031119] powernow-k8: Found 1 AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-58 (2 cpu cores) (version 2.20.00) [ 5.031277] BIOS EDD facility v0.16 2004-Jun-25, 0 devices found [ 5.292030] usb 1-4: new high-speed USB device number 3 using ehci_hcd [ 5.428035] scsi4 : usb-storage 1-4:1.0 [ 5.428127] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage [ 5.713660] forcedeth: Reverse Engineered nForce ethernet driver. Version 0.64. [ 5.713904] forcedeth 0000:00:0a.0: PCI INT A -> Link[LMAC] -> GSI 20 (level, low) -> IRQ 20 [ 5.713910] forcedeth 0000:00:0a.0: setting latency timer to 64 [ 5.732071] usb 3-2: new full-speed USB device number 2 using ohci_hcd [ 5.739584] sdhci-pci 0000:02:05.0: SDHCI controller found [1180:0822] (rev 22) [ 5.740880] mmc0: no vmmc regulator found [ 5.744106] sdhci-pci 0000:02:05.1: SDHCI controller found [1180:0843] (rev 12) [ 5.744140] mmc1: no vmmc regulator found [ 5.956716] input: reserved Dynex Watermelon Wireless Mice as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/usb3/3-2/3-2:1.0/input/input6 [ 5.957439] generic-usb 0003:19FF:0225.0001: input,hiddev0,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [reserved Dynex Watermelon Wireless Mice] on usb-0000:00:02.0-2/input0 [ 5.957639] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid [ 5.957642] usbhid: USB HID core driver [ 6.237028] forcedeth 0000:00:0a.0: ifname eth0, PHY OUI 0x732 @ 1, addr 00:1e:68:14:b1:e2 [ 6.237034] forcedeth 0000:00:0a.0: highdma pwrctl mgmt lnktim msi desc-v3 [ 24.452605] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready [ 26.714443] forcedeth 0000:00:0a.0: irq 42 for MSI/MSI-X [ 36.824037] eth0: no IPv6 routers present Release Date: 12/07/2007 Serial services are supported (int 14h) Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard Product Name: Compaq Presario F700 Notebook PC Serial Number: CNF8044H3F Manufacturer: Quanta Product Name: 30EA Serial Number: None3 Manufacturer: Quanta Serial Number: None Manufacturer: AMD Serial Number: Not Specified Manufacturer: Not Specified Serial Number: Not Specified Manufacturer: Not Specified Serial Number: Not Specified lo no wireless extensions. eth0 no wireless extensions. install snd-rawmidi /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-rawmidi $CMDLINE_OPTS && { /sbin/modprobe --quiet --use-blacklist snd-seq-midi ; : ; } # which ath5k cannot recover. To prevent this condition, stop blacklist ath_pci blacklist eth1394 # replaced by p54pci blacklist prism54 # replaced by b43 and ssb. blacklist bcm43xx blacklist uart6850 blacklist twl4030_wdt [main] NetworkingEnabled=true WirelessEnabled=true WWANEnabled=true WimaxEnabled=true sudo: hwinfo: command not found Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See root 2982 0.0 0.2 237736 5328 ? Ssl 09:33 0:00 NetworkManager root 3343 0.0 0.0 7256 1500 ? S 09:33 0:00 /sbin/dhclient -d -4 -sf /usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-client.action -pf /var/run/sendsigs.omit.d/ -lf /var/lib/dhcp/ -cf /var/run/nm-dhclient-eth0.conf eth0 nobody 4090 0.0 0.0 33012 1248 ? S 09:33 0:00 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --no-resolv --keep-in-foreground --no-hosts --bind-interfaces --pid-file=/var/run/sendsigs.omit.d/ --listen-address= --conf-file=/var/run/nm-dns-dnsmasq.conf --cache-size=0 --proxy-dnssec 1000 7577 0.0 0.0 13576 876 pts/0 S+ 09:43 0:00 egrep --color=auto wpa|icd|etwork Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface UG 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0 # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN nameserver total 24342 27723 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Oct 17 11:51 . 7577 drwxr-xr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Oct 17 11:44 .. 20050 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 791281 Jul 27 2012 abi-3.2.0-29-generic 20051 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 140432 Jul 27 2012 config-3.2.0-29-generic 27754 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Oct 8 15:58 grub 248714 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20713801 Oct 8 16:00 initrd.img-3.2.0-29-generic 20049 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 176764 Nov 27 2011 memtest86+.bin 20052 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 178944 Nov 27 2011 memtest86+_multiboot.bin 20048 -rw------- 1 root root 2882108 Jul 27 2012 tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0 Support status summary of 'ubuntu': You have 47 packages (2.6%) supported until October 2013 (18m) You have 7 packages (0.4%) supported until May 2015 (18m) You have 1633 packages (89.6%) supported until April 2017 (5y) You have 0 packages (0.0%) that can not/no-longer be downloaded You have 135 packages (7.4%) that are unsupported Run with --show-unsupported, --show-supported or --show-all to see more details Module Size Used by squashfs 36799 1 overlayfs 28352 1 nls_iso8859_1 12713 1 nls_cp437 16991 1 vfat 17585 1 fat 61512 1 vfat dm_raid45 78155 0 xor 12894 1 dm_raid45 dm_mirror 22203 0 dm_region_hash 20961 1 dm_mirror dm_log 18564 3 dm_raid45,dm_mirror,dm_region_hash btrfs 653113 0 zlib_deflate 27139 1 btrfs libcrc32c 12644 1 btrfs usbhid 47238 0 hid 99636 1 usbhid sdhci_pci 18826 0 sdhci 33205 1 sdhci_pci forcedeth 63460 0 pata_amd 14118 0 video 19651 0 usb_storage 49198 1 maujhsn209@ubuntu:~$ </textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+question/238582/messages/6" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-5"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <a href="" class="sprite person">Maurice Johnson (103730258b)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2013-11-08T17:56:57.650831+00:00" title="2013-11-08 17:56:57 UTC">on 2013-11-08</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #6</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>Comment: I've been running this version of ubuntu-12.04 from a liveUSB created from an .iso.<br /> Here is the output from the command "lspci -nn"! I hope you'll be able to help me solve this issue so that I'll be able to use the liveUSB with wireless access. Thanks!</p> <p>maujhsn209@<wbr />ubuntu:<wbr />~$ lspci -nn<br /> 00:00.0 RAM memory [0500]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 Memory Controller [10de:0547] (rev a2)<br /> 00:01.0 ISA bridge [0601]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 ISA Bridge [10de:0548] (rev a2)<br /> 00:01.1 SMBus [0c05]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 SMBus [10de:0542] (rev a2)<br /> 00:01.2 RAM memory [0500]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 Memory Controller [10de:0541] (rev a2)<br /> 00:01.3 Co-processor [0b40]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 Co-processor [10de:0543] (rev a2)<br /> 00:02.0 USB controller [0c03]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 OHCI USB 1.1 Controller [10de:055e] (rev a2)<br /> 00:02.1 USB controller [0c03]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 EHCI USB 2.0 Controller [10de:055f] (rev a2)<br /> 00:04.0 USB controller [0c03]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 OHCI USB 1.1 Controller [10de:055e] (rev a2)<br /> 00:04.1 USB controller [0c03]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 EHCI USB 2.0 Controller [10de:055f] (rev a2)<br /> 00:06.0 IDE interface [0101]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 IDE Controller [10de:0560] (rev a1)<br /> 00:07.0 Audio device [0403]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio [10de:055c] (rev a1)<br /> 00:08.0 PCI bridge [0604]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 PCI Bridge [10de:0561] (rev a2)<br /> 00:09.0 IDE interface [0101]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 AHCI Controller [10de:0550] (rev a2)<br /> 00:0a.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 Ethernet [10de:054c] (rev a2)<br /> 00:0c.0 PCI bridge [0604]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 PCI Express Bridge [10de:0563] (rev a2)<br /> 00:0d.0 PCI bridge [0604]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 PCI Express Bridge [10de:0563] (rev a2)<br /> 00:12.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation C67 [GeForce 7000M / nForce 610M] [10de:0533] (rev a2)<br /> 00:18.0 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] HyperTransport Technology Configuration [1022:1100]<br /> 00:18.1 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] Address Map [1022:1101]<br /> 00:18.2 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] DRAM Controller [1022:1102]<br /> 00:18.3 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] Miscellaneous Control [1022:1103]<br /> 02:05.0 SD Host controller [0805]: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/<wbr />MMC/MS/<wbr />MSPro Host Adapter [1180:0822] (rev 22)<br /> 02:05.1 System peripheral [0880]: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C843 MMC Host Controller [1180:0843] (rev 12)<br /> 02:05.2 System peripheral [0880]: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C592 Memory Stick Bus Host Adapter [1180:0592] (rev 12)<br /> 02:05.3 System peripheral [0880]: Ricoh Co Ltd xD-Picture Card Controller [1180:0852] (rev 12)<br /> 03:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Qualcomm Atheros AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:001c] (rev 01)<br /> maujhsn209@<wbr />ubuntu:<wbr />~$</p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">Comment: I've been running this version of ubuntu-12.04 from a liveUSB created from an .iso. Here is the output from the command "lspci -nn"! I hope you'll be able to help me solve this issue so that I'll be able to use the liveUSB with wireless access. Thanks! maujhsn209@ubuntu:~$ lspci -nn 00:00.0 RAM memory [0500]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 Memory Controller [10de:0547] (rev a2) 00:01.0 ISA bridge [0601]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 ISA Bridge [10de:0548] (rev a2) 00:01.1 SMBus [0c05]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 SMBus [10de:0542] (rev a2) 00:01.2 RAM memory [0500]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 Memory Controller [10de:0541] (rev a2) 00:01.3 Co-processor [0b40]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 Co-processor [10de:0543] (rev a2) 00:02.0 USB controller [0c03]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 OHCI USB 1.1 Controller [10de:055e] (rev a2) 00:02.1 USB controller [0c03]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 EHCI USB 2.0 Controller [10de:055f] (rev a2) 00:04.0 USB controller [0c03]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 OHCI USB 1.1 Controller [10de:055e] (rev a2) 00:04.1 USB controller [0c03]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 EHCI USB 2.0 Controller [10de:055f] (rev a2) 00:06.0 IDE interface [0101]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 IDE Controller [10de:0560] (rev a1) 00:07.0 Audio device [0403]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio [10de:055c] (rev a1) 00:08.0 PCI bridge [0604]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 PCI Bridge [10de:0561] (rev a2) 00:09.0 IDE interface [0101]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 AHCI Controller [10de:0550] (rev a2) 00:0a.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 Ethernet [10de:054c] (rev a2) 00:0c.0 PCI bridge [0604]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 PCI Express Bridge [10de:0563] (rev a2) 00:0d.0 PCI bridge [0604]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 PCI Express Bridge [10de:0563] (rev a2) 00:12.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation C67 [GeForce 7000M / nForce 610M] [10de:0533] (rev a2) 00:18.0 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] HyperTransport Technology Configuration [1022:1100] 00:18.1 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] Address Map [1022:1101] 00:18.2 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] DRAM Controller [1022:1102] 00:18.3 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] Miscellaneous Control [1022:1103] 02:05.0 SD Host controller [0805]: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter [1180:0822] (rev 22) 02:05.1 System peripheral [0880]: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C843 MMC Host Controller [1180:0843] (rev 12) 02:05.2 System peripheral [0880]: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C592 Memory Stick Bus Host Adapter [1180:0592] (rev 12) 02:05.3 System peripheral [0880]: Ricoh Co Ltd xD-Picture Card Controller [1180:0852] (rev 12) 03:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Qualcomm Atheros AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:001c] (rev 01) maujhsn209@ubuntu:~$ </textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+question/238582/messages/7" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-6"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <a href="" class="sprite person">Mark Rijckenberg (markrijckenberg)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2013-11-10T23:17:45.523158+00:00" title="2013-11-10 23:17:45 UTC">on 2013-11-10</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #7</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>Please run the following commands in a Terminal session:</p> <p>sudo apt-get update</p> <p>sudo apt-get install linux-headers-<wbr />generic build-essential</p> <p>cd /tmp</p> <p>wget <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />www.orbit-<wbr /><wbr />kernel/<wbr />compat-<wbr />wireless-<wbr />3-stable/<wbr />v3.2/compat-<wbr />wireless-<wbr />3.2.5-1.<wbr />tar.bz2</a></p> <p>sudo apt-get install unp</p> <p>unp compat-<wbr />wireless-<wbr />3.2.5-1.<wbr />tar.bz2</p> <p>cd compat-<wbr />wireless-<wbr />3.2.5-1/</p> <p>sudo ./scripts/<wbr />driver-<wbr />select ath5k</p> <p>sudo make</p> <p>sudo make install</p> <p>exit</p> <p>reboot</p> <p>After the reboot, run this command :</p> <p>sudo modprobe ath5k</p> <p>Then retest wireless.</p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10"> Please run the following commands in a Terminal session: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential cd /tmp wget sudo apt-get install unp unp compat-wireless-3.2.5-1.tar.bz2 cd compat-wireless-3.2.5-1/ sudo ./scripts/driver-select ath5k sudo make sudo make install exit reboot After the reboot, run this command : sudo modprobe ath5k Then retest wireless.</textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+question/238582/messages/8" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-7"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <a href="" class="sprite person">Maurice Johnson (103730258b)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2013-11-12T19:11:59+00:00" title="2013-11-12 19:11:59 UTC">on 2013-11-12</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #8</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>Mark: I encounted an error code 1.<br /> here is the terminal output:</p> <p>-------<wbr />-------<wbr />-------<wbr />-------<wbr />-------<wbr />-------<wbr />-------<wbr />-------<wbr />-----<br /> maujhsn209@<wbr />ubuntu:<wbr />~$ sudo apt-get update<br /> [sudo] password for maujhsn209:<br /> Sorry, try again.<br /> [sudo] password for maujhsn209:<br /> Ign <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ppa.launchpad.<wbr />net</a> precise InRelease<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ppa.launchpad.<wbr />net</a> precise<br /> Release.gpg<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ppa.launchpad.<wbr />net</a> precise<br /> Release<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ppa.launchpad.<wbr />net</a> precise/main<br /> Sources<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ppa.launchpad.<wbr />net</a> precise/main amd64<br /> Packages<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ppa.launchpad.<wbr />net</a> precise/main i386<br /> Packages<br /> Ign <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr 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[74 B]<br /> Get:32 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />security.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />security/<wbr />multiverse<br /> TranslationIndex [72 B]<br /> Get:33 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />security.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />security/<wbr />restricted<br /> TranslationIndex [72 B]<br /> Get:34 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />security.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />security/<wbr />universe<br /> TranslationIndex [73 B]<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />security.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />security/<wbr />main<br /> Translation-en<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />security.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />security/<wbr />multiverse<br /> Translation-en<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />security.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />security/<wbr />restricted Translation-en<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />security.<wbr 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amd64<br /> Packages<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />backports/<wbr />restricted i386<br /> Packages<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />backports/<wbr />main i386<br /> Packages<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />backports/<wbr />multiverse i386<br /> Packages<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />backports/<wbr />universe i386<br /> Packages<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />backports/<wbr />main<br /> TranslationIndex<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />backports/<wbr />multiverse<br /> TranslationIndex<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />backports/<wbr />restricted<br /> TranslationIndex<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />backports/<wbr />universe<br /> TranslationIndex<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise/main<br /> Translation-en<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise/multiverse<br /> Translation-en<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise/restricted<br /> Translation-en<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise/universe<br /> Translation-en<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />updates/<wbr />main<br /> Translation-en<br /> Get:43 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />mirror.<wbr />cambrium.<wbr />nl</a> precise-<wbr />updates/<wbr />main i386 Packages<br /> [729 kB]<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />updates/<wbr />multiverse<br /> Translation-en<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />updates/<wbr />restricted<br /> Translation-en<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />updates/<wbr />universe<br /> Translation-en<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />backports/<wbr />main<br /> Translation-en<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />backports/<wbr />multiverse<br /> Translation-en<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />backports/<wbr />restricted<br /> Translation-en<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />us.archive.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com</a> precise-<wbr />backports/<wbr />universe<br /> Translation-en<br /> Get:44 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />mirror.<wbr />cambrium.<wbr />nl</a> precise-<wbr />updates/<wbr />universe i386<br /> Packages [226 kB]<br /> Get:45 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />mirror.<wbr />cambrium.<wbr />nl</a> precise-<wbr />updates/<wbr />main<br /> TranslationIndex [3,564 B]<br /> Get:46 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />mirror.<wbr />cambrium.<wbr />nl</a> precise-<wbr />updates/<wbr />universe<br /> TranslationIndex [2,850 B]<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />mirror.<wbr />cambrium.<wbr />nl</a> precise-<wbr />updates/<wbr />main<br /> Translation-en<br /> Hit <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />mirror.<wbr />cambrium.<wbr />nl</a> precise-<wbr />updates/<wbr />universe<br /> Translation-en<br /> Fetched 5,591 kB in 38s (145<br /> kB/s)<br /> Reading package lists... Done<br /> maujhsn209@<wbr />ubuntu:<wbr />~$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-<wbr />generic<br /> build-essential<br /> Reading package lists... Done<br /> Building dependency tree<br /> Reading state information... Done<br /> build-essential is already the newest version.<br /> The following extra packages will be installed:<br /> linux-<wbr />headers-<wbr />3.2.0-56 linux-headers-<wbr />3.2.0-56-<wbr />generic<br /> The following packages will be REMOVED:<br /> linux-<wbr />image-3.<wbr />2.0-54-<wbr />generic<br /> The following NEW packages will be installed:<br /> linux-<wbr />headers-<wbr />3.2.0-56 linux-headers-<wbr />3.2.0-56-<wbr />generic<br /> The following packages will be upgraded:<br /> linux-<wbr />headers-<wbr />generic<br /> 1 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 1 to remove and 432 not upgraded.<br /> 1 not fully installed or removed.<br /> Need to get 12.7 MB of archives.<br /> After this operation, 82.1 MB disk space will be freed.<br /> Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y<br /> Abort.<br /> maujhsn209@<wbr />ubuntu:<wbr />~$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-<wbr />generic<br /> build-essential<br /> Reading package lists... Done<br /> Building dependency tree<br /> Reading state information... Done<br /> build-essential is already the newest version.<br /> The following extra packages will be installed:<br /> linux-<wbr />headers-<wbr />3.2.0-56 linux-headers-<wbr />3.2.0-56-<wbr />generic<br /> The following packages will be REMOVED:<br /> linux-<wbr />image-3.<wbr />2.0-54-<wbr />generic<br /> The following NEW packages will be installed:<br /> linux-<wbr />headers-<wbr />3.2.0-56 linux-headers-<wbr />3.2.0-56-<wbr />generic<br /> The following packages will be upgraded:<br /> linux-<wbr />headers-<wbr />generic<br /> 1 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 1 to remove and 432 not upgraded.<br /> 1 not fully installed or removed.<br /> Need to get 12.7 MB of archives.<br /> After this operation, 82.1 MB disk space will be freed.<br /> Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y<br /> Get:1 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />security.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com/ubuntu/</a> precise-<wbr />security/<wbr />main<br /> linux-headers-<wbr />3.2.0-56 all 3.2.0-56.86 [11.7 MB]<br /> Get:2 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />security.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com/ubuntu/</a> precise-<wbr />security/<wbr />main<br /> linux-headers-<wbr />3.2.0-56-<wbr />generic amd64 3.2.0-56.86 [978 kB]<br /> Get:3 <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />security.<wbr />ubuntu.<wbr />com/ubuntu/</a> precise-<wbr />security/<wbr />main<br /> linux-headers-<wbr />generic amd64 [2,250 B]<br /> Fetched 12.7 MB in 19s (651<br /> kB/s)<br /> (Reading database ... 173091 files and directories currently installed.)<br /> Removing linux-image-<wbr />3.2.0-54-<wbr />generic ...<br /> Examining /etc/kernel/<wbr />postrm.<wbr />d .<br /> run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/<wbr />postrm.<wbr />d/initramfs-<wbr />tools 3.2.0-54-generic<br /> /boot/vmlinuz-<wbr />3.2.0-54-<wbr />generic<br /> update-initramfs: Deleting /boot/initrd.<wbr />img-3.2.<wbr />0-54-generic<br /> run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/<wbr />postrm.<wbr />d/zz-update-<wbr />grub 3.2.0-54-generic<br /> /boot/vmlinuz-<wbr />3.2.0-54-<wbr />generic<br /> /usr/sbin/<wbr />grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).<br /> run-parts: /etc/kernel/<wbr />postrm.<wbr />d/zz-update-<wbr />grub exited with return code 1<br /> Failed to process /etc/kernel/<wbr />postrm.<wbr />d at<br /> /var/lib/<wbr />dpkg/info/<wbr />linux-image-<wbr />3.2.0-54-<wbr />generic.<wbr />postrm line 328.<br /> dpkg: error processing linux-image-<wbr />3.2.0-54-<wbr />generic (--remove):<br /> subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 1<br /> Errors were encountered while processing:<br /> linux-<wbr />image-3.<wbr />2.0-54-<wbr />generic<br /> localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/locale: 0 KiB<br /> localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/man: 0 KiB<br /> localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/<wbr />gnome/help: 0 KiB<br /> localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/omf: 0 KiB<br /> localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/<wbr />doc/kde/<wbr />HTML: 0 KiB</p> <p>Total disk space freed by localepurge: 0 KiB</p> <p>E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)<br /> maujhsn209@<wbr />ubuntu:<wbr />~$ sudo apt-get autoremove<br /> Reading package lists... Done<br /> Building dependency tree<br /> Reading state information... Done<br /> The following packages will be REMOVED:<br /> linux-<wbr />image-3.<wbr />2.0-54-<wbr />generic<br /> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 433 not upgraded.<br /> 1 not fully installed or removed.<br /> After this operation, 150 MB disk space will be freed.<br /> Do you want to continue [Y/n]?</p> <p>Mark "What I did next was open a new terminal and listed the contents in<br /> ~/var/cache/<wbr />apt/archives$<wbr />"</p> <p>maujhsn209@<wbr />ubuntu:<wbr />~$ cd /<br /> maujhsn209@<wbr />ubuntu:<wbr />/$ cd var<br /> maujhsn209@<wbr />ubuntu:<wbr />/var$ cd cache<br /> maujhsn209@<wbr />ubuntu:<wbr />/var/cache$ cd apt<br /> maujhsn209@<wbr />ubuntu:<wbr />/var/cache/<wbr />apt$ ls<br /> archives pkgcache.bin srcpkgcache.bin<br /> maujhsn209@<wbr />ubuntu:<wbr />/var/cache/<wbr />apt$ cd archives<br /> maujhsn209@<wbr />ubuntu:<wbr />/var/cache/<wbr />apt/archives$ ls<br /> hwinfo_<wbr />16.0-2.<wbr />1_amd64.<wbr />deb<br /> libhal1_<wbr />0.5.14-<wbr />8_amd64.<wbr />deb<br /> libhd16_<wbr />16.0-2.<wbr />1_amd64.<wbr />deb<br /> linux-headers-<wbr />3.2.0-56_<wbr />3.2.0-56.<wbr />86_all.<wbr />deb<br /> linux-headers-<wbr />3.2.0-56-<wbr />generic_<wbr />3.2.0-56.<wbr />86_amd64.<wbr />deb<br /> linux-headers-<wbr />generic_<wbr /><wbr />66_amd64.<wbr />deb<br /> lock<br /> partial<br /> maujhsn209@<wbr />ubuntu:<wbr />/var/cache/<wbr />apt/archives$</p> <p>That is as far as i went!</p> <p>On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Mark Rijckenberg <<br /> <email address hidden>> wrote:</p> <p><span class="foldable-quoted">> Your question #238582 on network-manager in Ubuntu changed:<br /> ><br /> > <a rel="nofollow" href="">https:/<wbr />/answers.<wbr />launchpad.<wbr />net/ubuntu/<wbr />+source/<wbr />network-<wbr />manager/<wbr />+question/<wbr />238582</a><br /> ><br /> > Status: Open => Answered<br /> ><br /> > Mark Rijckenberg proposed the following answer:<br /> ><br /> > Please run the following commands in a Terminal session:<br /> ><br /> > sudo apt-get update<br /> ><br /> > sudo apt-get install linux-headers-<wbr />generic build-essential<br /> ><br /> > cd /tmp<br /> ><br /> > wget <a rel="nofollow" href="">http://<wbr />www.orbit-<wbr /><wbr />kernel/<wbr />compat-<wbr />wireless-<wbr />3-stable/<wbr />v3.2</a><br /> > /compat-<wbr />wireless-<wbr />3.2.5-1.<wbr />tar.bz2<br /> ><br /> > sudo apt-get install unp<br /> ><br /> > unp compat-<wbr />wireless-<wbr />3.2.5-1.<wbr />tar.bz2<br /> ><br /> > cd compat-<wbr />wireless-<wbr />3.2.5-1/<br /> ><br /> > sudo ./scripts/<wbr />driver-<wbr />select ath5k<br /> ><br /> > sudo make<br /> ><br /> > sudo make install<br /> ><br /> > exit<br /> ><br /> > reboot<br /> ><br /> > After the reboot, run this command :<br /> ><br /> > sudo modprobe ath5k<br /> ><br /> > Then retest wireless.<br /> ><br /> > --<br /> > If this answers your question, please go to the following page to let us<br /> > know that it is solved:<br /> ><br /> > <a rel="nofollow" href="">https:/<wbr />/answers.<wbr />launchpad.<wbr />net/ubuntu/<wbr />+source/<wbr />network-<wbr />manager/<wbr />+question/<wbr />238582/<wbr />+confirm?<wbr />answer_<wbr />id=6</a><br /> ><br /> > If you still need help, you can reply to this email or go to the<br /> > following page to enter your feedback:<br /> ><br /> > <a rel="nofollow" href="">https:/<wbr />/answers.<wbr />launchpad.<wbr />net/ubuntu/<wbr />+source/<wbr />network-<wbr />manager/<wbr />+question/<wbr />238582</a><br /> ><br /> > You received this question notification because you asked the question.<br /> > </span></p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">Mark: I encounted an error code 1. here is the terminal output: ------------------------------------------------------------- maujhsn209@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update [sudo] password for maujhsn209: Sorry, try again. [sudo] password for maujhsn209: Ign precise InRelease Hit precise Release.gpg Hit precise Release Hit precise/main Sources Hit precise/main amd64 Packages Hit precise/main i386 Packages Ign precise/main TranslationIndex Ign precise/main Translation-en_US Ign precise/main Translation-en Hit precise InRelease Ign precise InRelease Ign precise-security InRelease Ign precise-updates InRelease Ign precise-backports InRelease Hit precise/main amd64 Packages Hit precise Release.gpg Ign precise-security InRelease Hit precise/main i386 Packages Ign precise/main TranslationIndex Ign precise-updates InRelease Get:1 precise-security Release.gpg [198 B] Get:2 precise-updates Release.gpg [198 B] Get:3 precise-security Release.gpg [198 B] Hit precise-backports Release.gpg Get:4 precise-updates Release.gpg [198 B] Hit precise Release Get:5 precise-security Release [49.6 kB] Get:6 precise-security Release [49.6 kB] Get:7 precise-updates Release [49.6 kB] Get:8 precise-updates Release [49.6 kB] Hit precise-backports Release Hit precise/main Sources Hit precise/restricted Sources Hit precise/universe Sources Hit precise/multiverse Sources Hit precise/main amd64 Packages Hit precise/restricted amd64 Packages Hit precise/universe amd64 Packages Hit precise/multiverse amd64 Packages Hit precise/main i386 Packages Hit precise/restricted i386 Packages Hit precise/universe i386 Packages Hit precise/multiverse i386 Packages Hit precise/main TranslationIndex Hit precise/multiverse TranslationIndex Ign precise/main Translation-en_US Get:9 precise-security/main amd64 Packages [341 kB] Hit precise/restricted TranslationIndex Hit precise/universe TranslationIndex Ign precise/main Translation-en Get:10 precise-security/main Sources [93.6 kB] Get:11 precise-security/restricted Sources [2,494 B] Get:12 precise-security/universe Sources [29.6 kB] Get:13 precise-security/multiverse Sources [1,804 B] Get:14 precise-updates/main Sources [425 kB] Get:15 precise-updates/main amd64 Packages [708 kB] Get:16 precise-updates/restricted Sources [7,006 B] Get:17 precise-updates/universe Sources [99.2 kB] Get:18 precise-updates/multiverse Sources [8,354 B] Get:19 precise-updates/main amd64 Packages [708 kB] Get:20 precise-security/restricted amd64 Packages [4,627 B] Get:21 precise-security/universe amd64 Packages [84.9 kB] Get:22 precise-security/multiverse amd64 Packages [2,449 B] Get:23 precise-security/main i386 Packages [359 kB] Get:24 precise-updates/restricted amd64 Packages [11.5 kB] Get:25 precise-updates/universe amd64 Packages [221 kB] Get:26 precise-updates/multiverse amd64 Packages [14.0 kB] Get:27 precise-updates/main i386 Packages [729 kB] Get:28 precise-security/restricted i386 Packages [4,620 B] Get:29 precise-security/universe i386 Packages [88.6 kB] Get:30 precise-security/multiverse i386 Packages [2,640 B] Get:31 precise-security/main TranslationIndex [74 B] Get:32 precise-security/multiverse TranslationIndex [72 B] Get:33 precise-security/restricted TranslationIndex [72 B] Get:34 precise-security/universe TranslationIndex [73 B] Hit precise-security/main Translation-en Hit precise-security/multiverse Translation-en Hit precise-security/restricted Translation-en Hit precise-security/universe Translation-en Get:35 precise-updates/restricted i386 Packages [11.4 kB] Get:36 precise-updates/universe i386 Packages [226 kB] Get:37 precise-updates/multiverse i386 Packages [14.2 kB] Get:38 precise-updates/main TranslationIndex [3,564 B] Get:39 precise-updates/multiverse TranslationIndex [2,605 B] Get:40 precise-updates/restricted TranslationIndex [2,461 B] Get:41 precise-updates/universe TranslationIndex [2,850 B] Hit precise-backports/restricted amd64 Packages Hit precise-backports/main amd64 Packages Get:42 precise-updates/universe amd64 Packages [221 kB] Hit precise-backports/multiverse amd64 Packages Hit precise-backports/universe amd64 Packages Hit precise-backports/restricted i386 Packages Hit precise-backports/main i386 Packages Hit precise-backports/multiverse i386 Packages Hit precise-backports/universe i386 Packages Hit precise-backports/main TranslationIndex Hit precise-backports/multiverse TranslationIndex Hit precise-backports/restricted TranslationIndex Hit precise-backports/universe TranslationIndex Hit precise/main Translation-en Hit precise/multiverse Translation-en Hit precise/restricted Translation-en Hit precise/universe Translation-en Hit precise-updates/main Translation-en Get:43 precise-updates/main i386 Packages [729 kB] Hit precise-updates/multiverse Translation-en Hit precise-updates/restricted Translation-en Hit precise-updates/universe Translation-en Hit precise-backports/main Translation-en Hit precise-backports/multiverse Translation-en Hit precise-backports/restricted Translation-en Hit precise-backports/universe Translation-en Get:44 precise-updates/universe i386 Packages [226 kB] Get:45 precise-updates/main TranslationIndex [3,564 B] Get:46 precise-updates/universe TranslationIndex [2,850 B] Hit precise-updates/main Translation-en Hit precise-updates/universe Translation-en Fetched 5,591 kB in 38s (145 kB/s) Reading package lists... Done maujhsn209@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done build-essential is already the newest version. The following extra packages will be installed: linux-headers-3.2.0-56 linux-headers-3.2.0-56-generic The following packages will be REMOVED: linux-image-3.2.0-54-generic The following NEW packages will be installed: linux-headers-3.2.0-56 linux-headers-3.2.0-56-generic The following packages will be upgraded: linux-headers-generic 1 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 1 to remove and 432 not upgraded. 1 not fully installed or removed. Need to get 12.7 MB of archives. After this operation, 82.1 MB disk space will be freed. Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y Abort. maujhsn209@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done build-essential is already the newest version. The following extra packages will be installed: linux-headers-3.2.0-56 linux-headers-3.2.0-56-generic The following packages will be REMOVED: linux-image-3.2.0-54-generic The following NEW packages will be installed: linux-headers-3.2.0-56 linux-headers-3.2.0-56-generic The following packages will be upgraded: linux-headers-generic 1 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 1 to remove and 432 not upgraded. 1 not fully installed or removed. Need to get 12.7 MB of archives. After this operation, 82.1 MB disk space will be freed. Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y Get:1 precise-security/main linux-headers-3.2.0-56 all 3.2.0-56.86 [11.7 MB] Get:2 precise-security/main linux-headers-3.2.0-56-generic amd64 3.2.0-56.86 [978 kB] Get:3 precise-security/main linux-headers-generic amd64 [2,250 B] Fetched 12.7 MB in 19s (651 kB/s) (Reading database ... 173091 files and directories currently installed.) Removing linux-image-3.2.0-54-generic ... Examining /etc/kernel/postrm.d . run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postrm.d/initramfs-tools 3.2.0-54-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-54-generic update-initramfs: Deleting /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-54-generic run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-grub 3.2.0-54-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-54-generic /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). run-parts: /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-grub exited with return code 1 Failed to process /etc/kernel/postrm.d at /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-3.2.0-54-generic.postrm line 328. dpkg: error processing linux-image-3.2.0-54-generic (--remove): subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 1 Errors were encountered while processing: linux-image-3.2.0-54-generic localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/locale: 0 KiB localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/man: 0 KiB localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/gnome/help: 0 KiB localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/omf: 0 KiB localepurge: Disk space freed in /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML: 0 KiB Total disk space freed by localepurge: 0 KiB E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) maujhsn209@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get autoremove Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following packages will be REMOVED: linux-image-3.2.0-54-generic 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 433 not upgraded. 1 not fully installed or removed. After this operation, 150 MB disk space will be freed. Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Mark "What I did next was open a new terminal and listed the contents in ~/var/cache/apt/archives$" maujhsn209@ubuntu:~$ cd / maujhsn209@ubuntu:/$ cd var maujhsn209@ubuntu:/var$ cd cache maujhsn209@ubuntu:/var/cache$ cd apt maujhsn209@ubuntu:/var/cache/apt$ ls archives pkgcache.bin srcpkgcache.bin maujhsn209@ubuntu:/var/cache/apt$ cd archives maujhsn209@ubuntu:/var/cache/apt/archives$ ls hwinfo_16.0-2.1_amd64.deb libhal1_0.5.14-8_amd64.deb libhd16_16.0-2.1_amd64.deb linux-headers-3.2.0-56_3.2.0-56.86_all.deb linux-headers-3.2.0-56-generic_3.2.0-56.86_amd64.deb linux-headers-generic_3. lock partial maujhsn209@ubuntu:/var/cache/apt/archives$ That is as far as i went! On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Mark Rijckenberg <> wrote: > Your question #238582 on network-manager in Ubuntu changed: > > > > Status: Open => Answered > > Mark Rijckenberg proposed the following answer: > > Please run the following commands in a Terminal session: > > sudo apt-get update > > sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential > > cd /tmp > > wget > /compat-wireless-3.2.5-1.tar.bz2 > > sudo apt-get install unp > > unp compat-wireless-3.2.5-1.tar.bz2 > > cd compat-wireless-3.2.5-1/ > > sudo ./scripts/driver-select ath5k > > sudo make > > sudo make install > > exit > > reboot > > After the reboot, run this command : > > sudo modprobe ath5k > > Then retest wireless. > > -- > If this answers your question, please go to the following page to let us > know that it is solved: > > > > If you still need help, you can reply to this email or go to the > following page to enter your feedback: > > > > You received this question notification because you asked the question. > </textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+question/238582/messages/9" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-8"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <img src="/@@/favourite-yes" style="float:right;" alt="Best" title="Marked as best answer" /> <a href="" class="sprite person">Mark Rijckenberg (markrijckenberg)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2013-11-12T21:02:00.058574+00:00" title="2013-11-12 21:02:00 UTC">on 2013-11-12</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #9</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody highlighted editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>This is getting way too complicated for what I consider a pretty standard and well-known wireless adapter.</p> <p>This wireless adapter is known to work fine since I starting providing support for Ubuntu.</p> <p>Your wireless adapter worked in other people's computers since at least January 2009.</p> <p>An example is this thread:</p> <p><a rel="nofollow" href="">https:/<wbr />/answers.<wbr />launchpad.<wbr />net/ubuntu/<wbr />+question/<wbr />57805</a></p> <p>That is why I suggest booting a LiveUSB session of Ubuntu 13.10 to see if wireless works out-of-the-box in Ubuntu 13.10.</p> <p>If wireless works during the LiveUSB session, then I suggest installing Ubuntu 13.10 onto the harddisk.</p> <p>If your current LiveUSB session does not contain persistent storage, then the changes you make will never be kept across reboots.</p> <p>In this particular case, it is much easier to test Ubuntu 13.10 than to try ugly hacks in Ubuntu 12.04.....</p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">This is getting way too complicated for what I consider a pretty standard and well-known wireless adapter. This wireless adapter is known to work fine since I starting providing support for Ubuntu. Your wireless adapter worked in other people's computers since at least January 2009. An example is this thread: That is why I suggest booting a LiveUSB session of Ubuntu 13.10 to see if wireless works out-of-the-box in Ubuntu 13.10. If wireless works during the LiveUSB session, then I suggest installing Ubuntu 13.10 onto the harddisk. If your current LiveUSB session does not contain persistent storage, then the changes you make will never be kept across reboots. In this particular case, it is much easier to test Ubuntu 13.10 than to try ugly hacks in Ubuntu 12.04.....</textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+question/238582/messages/10" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-9"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <a href="" class="sprite person">Maurice Johnson (103730258b)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2013-11-12T22:36:28.533881+00:00" title="2013-11-12 22:36:28 UTC">on 2013-11-12</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #10</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>Mark we tried our best! I happen to absolutely agree with your assessement and will move on! Lol!<br /> Who needs the headaches! One thing I know for sure is that this liveUSB that I created does work on live connect! We both proved this!<br /> So yes...I'm closing this case, and consider the matter---PUZZLING! (lol)</p> <p>Thanks,</p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">Mark we tried our best! I happen to absolutely agree with your assessement and will move on! Lol! Who needs the headaches! One thing I know for sure is that this liveUSB that I created does work on live connect! We both proved this! So yes...I'm closing this case, and consider the matter---PUZZLING! (lol) Thanks,</textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div id="question" dir="en" lang="en" xml:lang="en"> <div class="yui-g"> <ul class="horizontal" id="horizontal-menu"> <li><a class="menu-link-history sprite list" href="">History</a></li> <li><a class="menu-link-linkbug sprite add" href="">Link existing bug</a></li> <li><a class="menu-link-makebug sprite add" href="" title="Create a bug report from this question.">Create bug report</a></li> <li><a class="menu-link-linkfaq sprite add" href="" title="Link this question to a FAQ.">Link to a FAQ</a></li> <li><a class="menu-link-createfaq sprite add" href="" title="Create a new FAQ from this question.">Create a new FAQ</a></li> </ul> </div> <div align="center"> To post a message you must <a href="+login">log in</a>. </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- yui-b --> </div><!-- yui-main --> <div id="side-portlets" class="yui-b side"> <div id="involvement" class="portlet"> <ul class="involvement"> <li class="single"> <a class="sprite answers" href=""> Ask a question </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="global-actions" class="portlet vertical"> <ul> <li> <a class="menu-link-edit sprite modify edit" href="">Edit question</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="portlet" id="subscribers"> <h2>Subscribers</h2> <div id="current_user_subscription"> <div><a class="menu-link-subscription sprite add" href="" title="You will receive email notifications about updates to this question">Subscribe</a></div> </div> <div> <div><a class="menu-link-addsubscriber sprite add" href="" title="Launchpad will email that person whenever this question changes">Subscribe someone else</a></div> </div> <div id="other-question-subscribers"></div> </div> </div><!-- yui-b side --> </div><!-- yui-t4 --> <div id="footer" class="footer"> <div class="lp-arcana"> <div class="lp-branding"> <a href=""><img src="/@@/launchpad-footer-logo.svg" alt="Launchpad" width="65" height="18" /></a> • <a href="">Take the tour</a> • <a href="">Read the guide</a> <form id="globalsearch" method="get" accept-charset="UTF-8" action=""> <input type="search" id="search-text" name="field.text" /> <input type="image" src="/@@/search" style="vertical-align:5%" alt="Search Launchpad" /> </form> </div> </div> <div class="colophon"> © 2004 <a href="">Canonical Ltd.</a> • <a href="">Terms of use</a> • <a href="">Data privacy</a> • <a href="/feedback">Contact Launchpad Support</a> • <a href="">Blog</a> • <a href="">Careers</a> • <a href="">System status</a> <span id="lp-version"> • 78860d9 (<a href="">Get the code!</a>) </span> </div> </div> </div><!-- yui-d0--> <script id="json-cache-script">LP.cache = {"related_features": {}, "context": {"self_link": "", "web_link": "", "resource_type_link": "", "id": 238582, "title": "I have downloaded \"network-manager_0.9.4.0.orig.tar.xz\" and want to remove the older architect. ", "description": "Is there a step-by-step guide to installing the new and replacing the old in Precise 12.04! The old network-manager architect is buggy, and does not allow me wireless internet connectivity. I have tried script hacking in the file interfaces but have not had success!", "status": "Solved", "language_link": "", "owner_link": "", "assignee_link": null, "answerer_link": "", "answer_link": "", "date_created": "2013-11-03T22:10:27.643481+00:00", "date_due": null, "date_last_query": "2013-11-12T22:36:28.533881+00:00", "date_last_response": "2013-11-12T21:02:00.058574+00:00", "date_solved": "2013-11-12T22:36:28.533881+00:00", "target_link": "", "messages_collection_link": "", "http_etag": "\"a7c66aea7f6dc08ed1d936dbeae07e3acb3e9343-c7771606eb20d47b0cd72e683733caef02da0b59\""}};</script> </body> <!-- Facet name: answers Page type: main_side Has global search: True Has application tabs: True Has side portlets: True At least 68 queries/external actions issued in 1.21 seconds Features: {'profiling.enabled': None, 'hard_timeout': '5000', 'js.yui_version': None, 'app.mainsite_only.canonical_url': None, 'app.maintenance_message': None, 'baselayout.careers_link.disabled': None, 'visible_render_time': None} r78860d9 --> </html>