Publishing trends of journals with manuscripts in PubMed Central: changes from 2008–2009 to 2015–2016 | Journal of the Medical Library Association

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The aim of this study was to assess publishing trends of journals that were not selected for the National Library of Medicine (NLM) collection but contain NIH-funded articles submitted to PMC in compliance with the public access policy. In addition, the authors investigated the degree to which NIH-funded research is published in journals that NLM does not collect due to concerns with the publishers.Methods: We analyzed bibliographic data from the NIH Manuscript Submission system for journals that were not selected for the NLM collection from August 2015 to August 2016. Publications (n=738) were analyzed by language, publishing country, publishing format, and subject, and the results were compared to a similar study of 2008–2009 data. In addition, publications were analyzed by whether their publishers are collected by NLM, as determined by transparency and adherence to publishing best practices.Results: Only a few differences were found between the studies. Most notably, while both studies revealed that most journals were not selected for the NLM collection because they were out of scope (i.e., not biomedical), we noted an increase in 2015–2016 in biomedical journals containing NIH-funded articles that were not added to the collection due to concerns with the publishers.Conclusions: While the current number of NIH-funded manuscripts being published by publishers that are not collected by NLM remains quite small, we noted a substantial increase between 2008–2009 and 2015–2016."/> <meta name="DC.Format" scheme="IMT" content="application/pdf"/> <meta name="DC.Format" scheme="IMT" content="text/html"/> <meta name="DC.Identifier" content="457"/> <meta name="DC.Identifier.pageNumber" content="445–454"/> <meta name="DC.Identifier.DOI" content="10.5195/jmla.2018.457"/> <meta name="DC.Identifier.URI" content=""/> <meta name="DC.Language" scheme="ISO639-1" content="en"/> <meta name="DC.Rights" content="Copyright (c) 2018 Lauren Topper, Diane Boehr"/> <meta name="DC.Rights" content=""/> <meta name="DC.Source" content="Journal of the Medical Library Association"/> <meta name="DC.Source.ISSN" content="1558-9439"/> <meta name="DC.Source.Issue" content="4"/> <meta name="DC.Source.Volume" content="106"/> <meta name="DC.Source.URI" content=""/> <meta name="DC.Subject" xml:lang="en" content="PubMed Central"/> <meta name="DC.Subject" xml:lang="en" content="Journal Publishing"/> <meta name="DC.Subject" xml:lang="en" content="NIH Public Access Policy"/> <meta name="DC.Subject" xml:lang="en" content="Questionable Publishing Practices"/> <meta name="DC.Title" content="Publishing trends of journals with manuscripts in PubMed Central: changes from 2008–2009 to 2015–2016"/> <meta name="DC.Type" content="Text.Serial.Journal"/> <meta name="DC.Type.articleType" content="Original Investigation"/> <meta name="gs_meta_revision" content="1.1"/> <meta name="citation_journal_title" content="Journal of the Medical Library Association"/> <meta name="citation_journal_abbrev" content="jmla"/> <meta name="citation_issn" content="1558-9439"/> <meta name="citation_author" content="Lauren Topper"/> <meta name="citation_author_institution" content="Contractor, Computercraft Corporation, and PMC Journal Review Program Coordinator, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD"/> <meta name="citation_author" content="Diane Boehr"/> <meta name="citation_author_institution" content="Head, Cataloging and Metadata Management Section, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD"/> <meta name="citation_title" content="Publishing trends of journals with manuscripts in PubMed Central: changes from 2008–2009 to 2015–2016"/> <meta name="citation_language" content="en"/> <meta name="citation_date" content="2018/10/04"/> <meta name="citation_volume" content="106"/> <meta name="citation_issue" content="4"/> <meta name="citation_firstpage" content="445–454"/> <meta name="citation_lastpage" content="445–454"/> <meta name="citation_doi" content="10.5195/jmla.2018.457"/> <meta name="citation_abstract_html_url" content=""/> <meta name="citation_keywords" xml:lang="en" content="PubMed Central"/> <meta name="citation_keywords" xml:lang="en" content="Journal Publishing"/> <meta name="citation_keywords" xml:lang="en" content="NIH Public Access Policy"/> <meta name="citation_keywords" xml:lang="en" content="Questionable Publishing Practices"/> <meta name="citation_pdf_url" content=""/> <meta name="citation_fulltext_html_url" content=""/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="National Center for Biotechnology Information. PMC [Internet]. Bethesda, MD: The Center, US National Library of Medicine; 2000 [cited 7 Jul 2017]. &lt;;."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="US National Institutes of Health. NIH public access policy [Internet]. Bethesda, MD: The Institutes [rev. 18 Mar 2014; cited 7 Jul 2017]. &lt;;."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="National Library of Medicine. Collection development manual of the National Library of Medicine [Internet]. 4th ed. Bethesda, MD: The Library, National Institutes of Health, US Department of Health and Human Services; 2004 [cited 7 Jul 2017]. &lt;;."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Cornell A, Bushman B, Womack K. Analysis of journals that did not meet selection criteria for inclusion in the National Library of Medicine collection but have manuscripts in PubMed Central. J Med Libr Assoc. 2011 Apr;99(2):168–70. DOI:"/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Federal Trade Commission. FTC charges academic journal publisher OMICS group deceived researchers [Internet]. Washington, DC: The Commission; 26 Aug 2016 [cited 18 Jan 2017]. &lt;;."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Beall J. Dangerous predatory publishers threaten medical research. J Korean Med Sci. 2016 Oct;31(10):1511–3."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Kaiser J. U.S. government accuses open access publisher of trademark infringement [Internet]. Science. 9 May 2013 [cited 10 Mar 2017]. &lt;;."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="National Center for Biotechnology Information. Journal selection for PMC [Internet]. Bethesda, MD: The Center; US National Library of Medicine; 2018 [rev. 15 May 2018; cited 24 May 2018]. &lt;;."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Recommendations for the conduct, reporting, editing, and publication of scholarly work in medical journals [Internet]. The Committee [rev. Dec 2017; cited 24 May 2018]. &lt;;."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Directory of Open Access Journals, Committee on Public Ethics, Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association, World Association of Medical Editors. Principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing [Internet]. The Directory, The Committee, The Association, The Association [rev. 15 Jan 2018; cited 24 May 2018]. &lt;;."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Marill J. Journal selection at the National Library of Medicine: a new process for challenging times. Technicalities. 2016 Jul/Aug;36(4):1–5. (Available from: &lt;;. [cited 20 Jul 2018].)"/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Library of Congress. Library of Congress classification outline [Internet]. Washington, DC: The Library; 2009 [cited 1 Dec 2009]. &lt;;."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Library of Congress. CONSER cataloging manual, section 2.2.1. conference publications [Internet]. Washington, DC: The Library; 2002 [cited 23 May 2018]. &lt;;."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="US National Library of Medicine. Detailed indexing statistics: 1965–2016 [Internet]. Bethesda, MD: The Library; 2003 [rev. 30 Nov 2016; cited 1 May 2018]. &lt;;."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Shen C, Björk B. ‘Predatory’ open access: a longitudinal study of article volumes and market characteristics. BMC Med. 2015 Oct 1;13:230. DOI:"/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Lauer M. Open mike: continuing steps to ensuring credibility of NIH research: selecting journals with credible practices [Internet]. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health; 8 Nov 2017 [cited 24 Nov 2017]. &lt;;."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Sorokowski P, Kulczycki E, Sorokowska A, Pisanski K. Predatory journals recruit fake editor. Nature. 2017 Mar 22;543(7647):481–3. DOI:"/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Xia J, Harmon JL, Connolly KG, Donnelly RM, Anderson MR, Howard HA. Who publishes in “predatory” journals. J Assoc Inf Sci Technol. 2015 Jul;66(7):1406–17."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Moher D, Shamseer L, Cobey K, Lalu M, Galipeau J, Avey M, Ahmadzai N, Alabousi M, Barbeau P, Beck A, Daniel R, Frank R, Ghannad M, Hamel C, Hersi M, Hutton B, Isupov I, McGrath T, McInnes M, Page M, Pratt M, Pussegoda K, Shea B, Srivastava A, Stevens A, Thavorn K, van Katwyk S, Ward R, Wolfe D, Yazdi F, Yu A, Ziai H. Stop this waste of people, animals and money. Nature. 2017 Sep 6;549(7670):2–5. DOI:"/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="US National Institutes of Health. Impact of NIH research [Internet]. Bethesda, MD: The Institutes; US Department of Health and Human Services [cited 23 Nov 2017]. &lt;;."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Manca A, Cugusi L, Dvir Z, Deriu F. PubMed should raise the bar for journal inclusion. Lancet. 2017 Aug;390(10096):734–5."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="US National Institutes of Health. Statement on article publication resulting from NIH funded research [Internet]. Bethesda, MD: Office of Extramural Research; The Institutes; 3 Nov 2017 [cited 16 Nov 2017]. &lt;;."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Think check submit [Internet]. Think. Check. Submit.; 2017 [cited 16 Nov 2017]. &lt;;."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Marill J, Funk K, Sheehan J. NLM musings from the mezzanine: calling on librarians to help ensure the credibility of published research results [Internet]. Bethesda, MD: National Library of Medicine; 7 Nov 2017 [cited 16 Nov 2017]. &lt;;."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Kolata G. Many academics are eager to publish in worthless journals [Internet]. N Y Times. 30 Oct 2017 [cited 23 Nov 2017]. &lt;;."/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="$$$call$$$/page/page/css?name=stylesheet" type="text/css" /><link rel="stylesheet" href="$$$call$$$/page/page/css?name=font" type="text/css" /><link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" /><link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" /> </head> <body class="pkp_page_article pkp_op_view has_site_logo" dir="ltr"> <div class="pkp_structure_page"> <header class="pkp_structure_head" id="headerNavigationContainer" role="banner"> <nav class="cmp_skip_to_content" aria-label="Jump to content links"> <a href="#pkp_content_main">Skip to main content</a> <a href="#siteNav">Skip to main navigation menu</a> <a href="#pkp_content_footer">Skip to site footer</a> </nav> <div class="pkp_head_wrapper"> <div class="pkp_site_name_wrapper"> <button class="pkp_site_nav_toggle"> <span>Open Menu</span> </button> <div class="pkp_site_name"> <a href=" " class="is_img"> <img src="" width="700" height="191" alt="The Journal of the Medical Library Association" /> </a> </div> </div> <nav class="pkp_site_nav_menu" aria-label="Site Navigation"> <a id="siteNav"></a> <div class="pkp_navigation_primary_row"> <div class="pkp_navigation_primary_wrapper"> <ul id="navigationPrimary" class="pkp_navigation_primary pkp_nav_list"> <li class=""> <a href=""> Current </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> Archives </a> <ul> <li class=""> <a href=""> Vol. 1-109 </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> Vol. 104 - Present </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> Submissions </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> About </a> <ul> <li class=""> <a href=""> About the Journal </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> Editorial Team </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> Peer Reviewer Guidelines </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> JMLA's Equity Initiative </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> Historical Content Statement and Commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> Privacy Statement </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> Contact </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> Policies </a> <ul> <li class=""> <a href=""> Open Access </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> Data Sharing </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> Self-archiving </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> Name Changes </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> Generative AI Submissions </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> Search </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> Announcements </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> MLANET </a> </li> </ul> <div class="pkp_navigation_search_wrapper"> <a href="" class="pkp_search pkp_search_desktop"> <span class="fa fa-search" aria-hidden="true"></span> Search </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pkp_navigation_user_wrapper" id="navigationUserWrapper"> <ul id="navigationUser" class="pkp_navigation_user pkp_nav_list"> <li class="profile"> <a href=""> Register </a> </li> <li class="profile"> <a href=""> Login </a> </li> </ul> </div> </nav> </div><!-- .pkp_head_wrapper --> </header><!-- .pkp_structure_head --> <div class="pkp_structure_content has_sidebar"> <div class="pkp_structure_main" role="main"> <a id="pkp_content_main"></a> <div class="page page_article"> <nav class="cmp_breadcrumbs" role="navigation" aria-label="You are here:"> <ol> <li> <a href=""> Home </a> <span class="separator">/</span> </li> <li> <a href=""> Archives </a> <span class="separator">/</span> </li> <li> <a href=""> Vol. 106 No. 4 (2018): October 2018 </a> <span class="separator">/</span> </li> <li class="current" aria-current="page"> <span aria-current="page"> Original Investigation </span> </li> </ol> </nav> <article class="obj_article_details"> <h1 class="page_title"> Publishing trends of journals with manuscripts in PubMed Central: changes from 2008–2009 to 2015–2016 </h1> <div class="row"> <div class="main_entry"> <section class="item authors"> <h2 class="pkp_screen_reader">Authors</h2> <ul class="authors"> <li> <span class="name"> Lauren Topper </span> <span class="affiliation"> Contractor, Computercraft Corporation, and PMC Journal Review Program Coordinator, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD </span> </li> <li> <span class="name"> Diane Boehr </span> <span class="affiliation"> Head, Cataloging and Metadata Management Section, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD </span> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="item doi"> <h2 class="label"> DOI: </h2> <span class="value"> <a href=""> </a> </span> </section> <section class="item keywords"> <h2 class="label"> Keywords: </h2> <span class="value"> PubMed Central, Journal Publishing, NIH Public Access Policy, Questionable Publishing Practices </span> </section> <section class="item abstract"> <h2 class="label">Abstract</h2> <p class="AbstractParagraph"><strong>Objective:</strong> The National Institutes of Health (NIH) public access policy mandates that all articles containing NIH-funded research must be deposited into PubMed Central (PMC). The aim of this study was to assess publishing trends of journals that were not selected for the National Library of Medicine (NLM) collection but contain NIH-funded articles submitted to PMC in compliance with the public access policy. In addition, the authors investigated the degree to which NIH-funded research is published in journals that NLM does not collect due to concerns with the publishers.</p><p class="AbstractParagraph"><strong>Methods:</strong> We analyzed bibliographic data from the NIH Manuscript Submission system for journals that were not selected for the NLM collection from August 2015 to August 2016. Publications (n=738) were analyzed by language, publishing country, publishing format, and subject, and the results were compared to a similar study of 2008–2009 data. In addition, publications were analyzed by whether their publishers are collected by NLM, as determined by transparency and adherence to publishing best practices.</p><p class="AbstractParagraph"><strong>Results:</strong> Only a few differences were found between the studies. Most notably, while both studies revealed that most journals were not selected for the NLM collection because they were out of scope (i.e., not biomedical), we noted an increase in 2015–2016 in biomedical journals containing NIH-funded articles that were not added to the collection due to concerns with the publishers.</p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> While the current number of NIH-funded manuscripts being published by publishers that are not collected by NLM remains quite small, we noted a substantial increase between 2008–2009 and 2015–2016. </section> <!-- Plum Analytics --> <a href="" class="plumx-summary" data-hide-when-empty="true" data-hide-print="true" data-orientation="horizontal" ></a> <!-- /Plum Analytics --> <section class="item author_bios"> <h2 class="label"> Author Biographies </h2> <section class="sub_item"> <h3 class="label"> Lauren Topper, <span class="affiliation">Contractor, Computercraft Corporation, and PMC Journal Review Program Coordinator, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD</span> </h3> <div class="value"> Holds a Ph.D. in Biomedical Science. Contractor with Computercraft Corporation and serves as the PMC Journal Review Program Coordinator at the National Library of Medicine </div> </section> <section class="sub_item"> <h3 class="label"> Diane Boehr, <span class="affiliation">Head, Cataloging and Metadata Management Section, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD</span> </h3> <div class="value"> Holds an MLS degree. Head, Cataloging and Metadata Management Section; National Library of Medicine </div> </section> </section> <section class="item references"> <h2 class="label"> References </h2> <div class="value"> <p>National Center for Biotechnology Information. PMC [Internet]. Bethesda, MD: The Center, US National Library of Medicine; 2000 [cited 7 Jul 2017]. &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;. </p> <p>US National Institutes of Health. NIH public access policy [Internet]. Bethesda, MD: The Institutes [rev. 18 Mar 2014; cited 7 Jul 2017]. &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;. </p> <p>National Library of Medicine. Collection development manual of the National Library of Medicine [Internet]. 4th ed. Bethesda, MD: The Library, National Institutes of Health, US Department of Health and Human Services; 2004 [cited 7 Jul 2017]. &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;. </p> <p>Cornell A, Bushman B, Womack K. Analysis of journals that did not meet selection criteria for inclusion in the National Library of Medicine collection but have manuscripts in PubMed Central. J Med Libr Assoc. 2011 Apr;99(2):168–70. DOI: <a href=""></a>. </p> <p>Federal Trade Commission. FTC charges academic journal publisher OMICS group deceived researchers [Internet]. Washington, DC: The Commission; 26 Aug 2016 [cited 18 Jan 2017]. &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;. </p> <p>Beall J. Dangerous predatory publishers threaten medical research. J Korean Med Sci. 2016 Oct;31(10):1511–3. </p> <p>Kaiser J. U.S. government accuses open access publisher of trademark infringement [Internet]. Science. 9 May 2013 [cited 10 Mar 2017]. &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;. </p> <p>National Center for Biotechnology Information. Journal selection for PMC [Internet]. Bethesda, MD: The Center; US National Library of Medicine; 2018 [rev. 15 May 2018; cited 24 May 2018]. &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;. </p> <p>International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Recommendations for the conduct, reporting, editing, and publication of scholarly work in medical journals [Internet]. The Committee [rev. Dec 2017; cited 24 May 2018]. &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;. </p> <p>Directory of Open Access Journals, Committee on Public Ethics, Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association, World Association of Medical Editors. Principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing [Internet]. The Directory, The Committee, The Association, The Association [rev. 15 Jan 2018; cited 24 May 2018]. &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;. </p> <p>Marill J. 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