Critical Care Innovations - CCI Journal

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The journal is supported by the Emergency Care Association, Poland (Towarzystwo Pomocy Doraźnej), who covers the cost of publication on behalf of the authors on acceptance of their article. The Journal publishes only high-quality research and review articles, letters to the editor and case reports. All publications are available as Open Access, allowing readers to read the full version of the article (Creative Commons CC BY-NC licence 4.0). CCI aims to provide an international forum for encouraging interdisciplinary discussions and contributing to the advancement of medicine, benefiting readers and authors by accelerating the dissemination of research information and providing maximum access to scholarly communication. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<BR><BR> &nbsp; &#187; emergency medicine <BR> &nbsp; &#187; anesthesiology <BR> &nbsp; &#187; intensive care <BR> &nbsp; &#187; trauma <BR> &nbsp; &#187; life-threatening conditions <BR> &nbsp; &#187; resuscitation <BR> &nbsp; &#187; medical rescue system <BR> &nbsp; &#187; management in health care <BR> &nbsp; &#187; public health <BR> &nbsp; &#187; medical professions <BR> &nbsp; &#187; medical education <BR> &nbsp; &#187; health promotion <BR> </p> <div class="wrapper"> <figure class="img-indent3"><img src="img/page1-img1.jpg" width=350px alt="" hspace=20 vspace=20/></figure> <div class="extra-wrap"> <div class="indent2" align=justify> <BR><BR>Frequency of publication:<BR> <B>&nbsp; 4 issues a year</B><BR><BR> First editorial decision:<BR><B> &nbsp; on average up to 14 days</B><BR><BR> The principle of reviewing:<BR><B> &nbsp; double-blind review proces</B><BR><BR> Publication fee:<BR><B> &nbsp; Without payments</B><BR><BR> Subscription fee:<BR><B> &nbsp; Without payments</B><BR><BR> <BR><BR></div> </div> </div> <BR><BR> <H3>Abstracting and indexing</H3><BR> <!--<U>Ministry of Education and Science (Poland)</U>, ID 201141: <B>pharmaceutical</B> sciences; <B>medical</B> sciences; <B>health</B> sciences; <B>security</B> sciences; <B>education</B> <BR><BR> --> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">Le catalogue du Système Universitaire de Documentation (SUDOC)</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research (GFMER)</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">German Union Catalogue of Serials (Zeitschriftendatenbank - ZDB)</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">International Scientific Indexing (ISI) - Cite Score based on ICR</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD)</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">CiteFactor - Academic Scientific Journals</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">Asian Science Citation Index (ASCI)</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">Polska Bibliografia Naukowa (PBN)</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">Główna Biblioteka Lekarska (GBL)</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">Electronic Journal Library (EZB)</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">EBSCO Information Services</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">Index Copernicus (IC)</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">Biblioteka Nauki</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">Scholar Google</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">Sherpa Romeo</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">FATCAT</a> <BR> &#187; <a href="" TARGET="new">Arianta</a> <BR> <BR><BR> <H3>Why publish your article in <BR>Critical Care Innovations journal?</H3><BR> &nbsp; &#187; We invites experienced authors as well as young researchers with new ideas. <BR> &nbsp; &#187; Editors ensure a fast and reliable review process. <BR> &nbsp; &#187; Original articles, reviews and case reports are accepted. <BR> &nbsp; &#187; We publish colorful graphic files, movies, animations and sounds. <BR> &nbsp; &#187; The citability of articles published in the CCI is constantly growing. <BR> &nbsp; &#187; CCI does not charge for the processing and publication of articles. <BR> &nbsp; &#187; Approved articles are published immediately in the IN PRESS mode. <BR> &nbsp; &#187; Editors help at every stage of the process of the submitted manuscript. <BR> <BR><BR> <H3>Peer-review policy</H3><BR> <p align=justify> Peer-review is the system used to assess the quality of a manuscript before it is published. Independent researchers in the relevant research area assess submitted manuscripts for originality, validity and significance to help editors determine whether the manuscript should be published in their journal. You can read more about the peer-review process <a href="">here</a>. Critical Care Innovations journal operates a double-blind review proces, where the authors and reviewers are anonymous to each other. The benefit of double-blind peer review is that it is the traditional model of peer review that many reviewers are comfortable with, and it facilitates a dispassionate critique of a manuscript. Edited by prof. Piotr Leszczyński, Critical Care Innovations is supported by an expert <a href="">Editorial Board</a>. All submitted manuscripts are evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief and appropriate manuscripts are then assigned to an Associate Editor for handling. If the article corresponds to the subject of the journal, it receives the status IN REVIEW within 7 days. Articles of low quality or beyond the scope of the journal's interest receive the REJECTED status. The Associate Editor calls upon at least two reviewers for their comments. The indicated reviewers are specialists in a given field, they permanently cooperate with the CCI editorial office or are invited as a guest. We make every effort to reach an initial decision within four weeks of submission. Based on the reviews, the Editor-in-Chief rejects, accepts or requests revisions of the manuscript. Approved articles are published immediately in the IN PRESS mode. The article receives an issue number, page number, and DOI, usually within 3 months. <BR><BR> </p> <!-- <a class="button-2" href="kontakt.html">Serdecznie zapraszamy do kontaktu z nami</a> --> <!-- <img src="img/partnerzy.jpg" width=550px alt="" hspace=0 vspace=0> --> </div> </div> <div class="col-2"> <div class="block-news"> <h3 class="color-4 p2">Indexation</h3><BR><BR> <div class="wrapper"> <time class="tdate-1 fleft" datetime="IC"><strong>1.491</strong>2024-2025</time> <div class="extra-wrap" align=left> ISI base ICR (Cite Score)</div> </div><BR><BR> <div class="wrapper"> <time class="tdate-1 fleft" datetime="IC"><strong>100.0</strong>2023</time> <div class="extra-wrap" align=left> Index<BR> Copernicus<BR>ICV 2023</div> </div><BR><BR> <div class="wrapper"> <time class="tdate-1 fleft" datetime="MEiN"><strong> 20 </strong>points</time> <div class="extra-wrap" align=left> MEiN<BR> POLAND<BR> 2024</div> </div><BR><BR> <div class="wrapper"> <time class="tdate-1 fleft" datetime="DOAJ"><strong>DOAJ</strong>base</time> <div class="extra-wrap" align=left> Directory of Open Access Journals</div> </div><BR><BR> <div class="wrapper"> <time class="tdate-1 fleft" datetime="ERIH"><strong>ERIH</strong>PLUS</time> <div class="extra-wrap" align=left> European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences</div> </div><BR><BR> <div class="wrapper"> <time class="tdate-1 fleft" datetime="EBSCO"><strong>EBSCO</strong>Services</time> <div class="extra-wrap" align=left> Inc.</div> </div> <div class="wrapper"><a href="" target="new"><IMG SRC="img/citefactor.png" WIDTH=200 alt=""></A> </div> <!--<div class="wrapper"><a href="" target="new"><IMG SRC="img/mendeley.png" WIDTH=200 alt=""></A> </div>--> </div> </div> </div> <BR><H2><A href="issues/2024;7(4).pdf" target="new" TITLE="download this issue"><img src="img/download_issue.jpg" width=115 height=55 align=left></A> Carrent issue: Vol 7, No 4 (2024)</h2> <BR><BR> <a href="click7(4)1-10.php?url=7(4)1-10.html" TITLE="open article"><img src="issues/7(4)1-10.jpg" width=100 height=100 align=left><img src="img/white.jpg" width=20 HEIGHT=100 align=left><img src="img/open.png" width=50 height=50 align=right> ORIGINAL ARTICLE<BR> <FONT COLOR=orange><B>Comparison of intubating conditions during rapid sequence induction between rocuronium with magnesium sulphate pretreatment and succinylcholine in patients undergoing elective surgery under general anaesthesia - prospective randomized study.</B></FONT><BR></A> Nivedha Rajasekaran, Nisha Kachru, Nidhi Yadav, Rupesh Yadav.<BR> Critical Care Innovations 2024;7(4):1-10. &nbsp; &nbsp; DOI: <B>10.32114/CCI.2024.</B><BR> <p align=right><I>number of views</I>: <iframe src="7(4)1-10.txt" width="70" height="40" scrolling="no"></iframe> <a href="" target="new" TITLE="open cications">citations: <B>-</B></A> &nbsp; &nbsp; </P> <BR> <a href="click7(4)11-22.php?url=7(4)11-22.html" TITLE="open article"><img src="issues/7(4)11-22.jpg" width=100 height=100 align=left><img src="img/white.jpg" width=20 HEIGHT=100 align=left><img src="img/open.png" width=50 height=50 align=right> ORIGINAL ARTICLE<BR> <FONT COLOR=orange><B>Specifics of inter-hospital transport of pediatric patients.</B></FONT><BR></A> Daryna Sholokhova, Dominika Soczewka.<BR> Critical Care Innovations 2024;7(4):11-22. &nbsp; &nbsp; DOI: <B>10.32114/CCI.2024.</B><BR> <p align=right><I>number of views</I>: <iframe src="7(4)11-22.txt" width="70" height="40" scrolling="no"></iframe> <a href="" target="new" TITLE="open cications">citations: <B>-</B></A> &nbsp; &nbsp; </P> <BR> <a href="click7(4)23-31.php?url=7(4)23-31.html" TITLE="open article"><img src="issues/7(4)23-31.jpg" width=100 height=100 align=left><img src="img/white.jpg" width=20 HEIGHT=100 align=left><img src="img/open.png" width=50 height=50 align=right> ORIGINAL ARTICLE<BR> <FONT COLOR=orange><B>Evaluation of ultrasound guided measurement of tongue thickness in predicting difficult intubation in obese patients.</B></FONT><BR></A> Dheeraj Singh, Nisha Kachru, Jyoti Gupta, Namita Saraswat, Rupesh Yadav.<BR> Critical Care Innovations 2024;7(4):23-31. &nbsp; &nbsp; DOI: <B>10.32114/CCI.2024.</B><BR> <p align=right><I>number of views</I>: <iframe src="7(4)23-31.txt" width="70" height="40" scrolling="no"></iframe> <a href="" target="new" TITLE="open cications">citations: <B>-</B></A> &nbsp; &nbsp; </P> <BR> <a href="click7(4)32-42.php?url=7(4)32-42.html" TITLE="open article"><img src="issues/7(4)32-42.jpg" width=100 height=100 align=left><img src="img/white.jpg" width=20 HEIGHT=100 align=left><img src="img/open.png" width=50 height=50 align=right> ORIGINAL ARTICLE<BR> <FONT COLOR=orange><B>Learning how to stop external hemorrhage during a medical simulation using cadavers - a randomized trial.</B></FONT><BR></A> Bartosz Przychodzeń, Justyna Cudna, Ireneusz Panasiuk, Piotr Leszczyński.<BR> Critical Care Innovations 2024;7(4):32-42. &nbsp; &nbsp; DOI: <B>10.32114/CCI.2024.</B><BR> <p align=right><I>number of views</I>: <iframe src="7(4)32-42.txt" width="70" height="40" scrolling="no"></iframe> <a href="" target="new" TITLE="open cications">citations: <B>-</B></A> &nbsp; &nbsp; </P> <BR> <a href="click7(4)43-48.php?url=7(4)43-48.html" TITLE="open article"><img src="issues/7(4)43-48.jpg" width=100 height=100 align=left><img src="img/white.jpg" width=20 HEIGHT=100 align=left><img src="img/open.png" width=50 height=50 align=right> CASE REPORT<BR> <FONT COLOR=orange><B>Young onset mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) syndrome: a case report.</B></FONT><BR></A> Kartik Goel, Divyanshu Singh, Ravi Bhargav, Harsh Kansagara, Shailesh Kumar, Rupesh Yadav.<BR> Critical Care Innovations 2024;7(4):43-48. &nbsp; &nbsp; DOI: <B>10.32114/CCI.2024.</B><BR> <p align=right><I>number of views</I>: <iframe src="7(4)43-48.txt" width="70" height="40" scrolling="no"></iframe> <a href="" target="new" TITLE="open cications">citations: <B>-</B></A> &nbsp; &nbsp; </P> <BR> <h2> most viewed in 2024</h2> <BR><BR> <a href="click7(3)11-24.php?url=7(3)11-24.html" TITLE="open article"><img src="issues/7(3)11-24.jpg" width=100 height=100 align=left><img src="img/white.jpg" width=20 HEIGHT=100 align=left><img src="img/open.png" width=50 height=50 align=right> ORIGINAL ARTICLE<BR> <FONT COLOR=orange><B>Characteristics of a trauma paediatric patient transported by emergency medical services: a retrospective analysis.</B></FONT><BR></A> Mikołaj Domański, Aneta Michalczewska, Natalia Wierzejska, Barbara Kopczyńska, Mateusz Kopczyński, Tomasz Konieczny, Kaja Kubiak, Joanna Żyła, Jan Stachurski.<BR> Critical Care Innovations 2024;7(3):11-24. &nbsp; &nbsp; DOI: <B>10.32114/CCI.2024.</B><BR> <BR><BR><BR> <a href="click7(3)25-34.php?url=7(3)25-34.html" TITLE="open article"><img src="issues/7(3)25-34.jpg" width=100 height=100 align=left><img src="img/white.jpg" width=20 HEIGHT=100 align=left><img src="img/open.png" width=50 height=50 align=right> ORIGINAL ARTICLE<BR> <FONT COLOR=orange><B>Association of serum albumin and serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels with acute ischemic stroke severity.</B></FONT><BR></A> Mohit Choudhary, Shailesh Kumar, Rupesh Yadav.<BR> Critical Care Innovations 2024;7(3):25-34. &nbsp; &nbsp; DOI: <B>10.32114/CCI.2024.</B><BR> <BR><BR><BR> <a href="click7(3)35-47.php?url=7(3)35-47.html" TITLE="open article"><img src="issues/7(3)35-47.jpg" width=100 height=100 align=left><img src="img/white.jpg" width=20 HEIGHT=100 align=left><img src="img/open.png" width=50 height=50 align=right> REVIEW ARTICLE<BR> <FONT COLOR=orange><B>Fascia iliaca compartment blocks by paramedics for suspected proximal femoral fracture in the prehospital setting: a rapid scoping review.</B></FONT><BR></A> Jaike Bray, Chris Pritchard, Kacper Sumera, Carl A. Webster.<BR> Critical Care Innovations 2024;7(3):35-47. &nbsp; &nbsp; DOI: <B>10.32114/CCI.2024.</B><BR> <BR><BR><BR> <!-- <h2> IN PRESS (most viewed)</h2> <BR><BR> <a href="click7(2)55-60.php?url=7(2)55-60.html"><img src="img/ahead.jpg" width=100 height=100 align=left alt=""><img src="img/white.jpg" width=20 HEIGHT=100 align=left alt=""><img src="img/open.png" width=50 height=50 align=right alt=""> ORIGINAL ARTICLE<BR> <FONT COLOR=orange><B>The impact of early antibiotic initiation on ICU mortality in severe COVID-19 patients.</B></FONT><BR></A> İlkay Ceylan, Ebru Karakoç, Gürcan Güler, Sibel Yorulmaz Göktaş, Korgün Ökmen, Halil Erkan Sayan.<BR> Critical Care Innovations 2024 </B><BR> <BR><BR><BR> --> <BR><BR><BR> <B>Average times from:</B><BR><BR> submission to 1st decision - 5 days<BR> submission to 1st reviews - 14 days<BR> first online publication after draft accept - 2 days<BR> final publication with issue No - 42 days<BR><BR> Manuscript acceptance rate - 31% <BR><BR><BR><BR> <H3>Patronage</H3><BR><CENTER> <A href="" TARGET=new><img src="img/patron4.png" width=700 align=center alt="patronage"></A><BR><BR> <A href="" TARGET=new><img src="img/patron3.jpg" width=380 height=450 align=center alt="patronage"></A> <A href="" TARGET=new><img src="img/patron1.png" width=380 height=450 align=center alt="patronage"></A> <BR><BR><BR></CENTER> <!-- <CENTER><A HREF="" TARGET=new><IMG SRC="img/baner.png" WIDTH=800 ALIGN=center alt=""></A></CENTER> --> </div> </section> <!-- footer --> <footer> <div class="row-top"> <div class="row-padding"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="col-1"> <h4>Contact:</h4> <dl class="address"> <dt><span>system:</span></dt> <dd><span>e-mail:</span></dd> <dd><span>address:</span>Poland</dd> <dd><span>ISSN:</span>2545-2533</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="col-3"> <h4>Cookies:</h4> <ul class="list-1"> <li>This site uses cookies. 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