Best Self Catering Holidays in Dallas Serviced Apartments from 116US$

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17.7101ZM9.21 14.2101C9.11 14.3001 9 14.3701 8.88 14.4201C8.76 14.4701 8.63 14.5001 8.5 14.5001C8.37 14.5001 8.24 14.4701 8.12 14.4201C7.99 14.3701 7.89 14.3001 7.79 14.2101C7.61 14.0201 7.5 13.7601 7.5 13.5001C7.5 13.2401 7.61 12.9801 7.79 12.7901C7.89 12.7001 8 12.6301 8.12 12.5801C8.36 12.4801 8.64 12.4801 8.88 12.5801C9 12.6301 9.11 12.7001 9.21 12.7901C9.25 12.8401 9.3 12.8901 9.33 12.9401C9.37 13.0001 9.4 13.0601 9.42 13.1201C9.45 13.1801 9.47 13.2401 9.48 13.3001C9.49 13.3701 9.5 13.4401 9.5 13.5001C9.5 13.7601 9.39 14.0201 9.21 14.2101ZM12.71 14.2101C12.52 14.3901 12.27 14.5001 12 14.5001C11.87 14.5001 11.74 14.4701 11.62 14.4201C11.49 14.3701 11.39 14.3001 11.29 14.2101C11.11 14.0201 11 13.7601 11 13.5001C11 13.4401 11.01 13.3701 11.02 13.3001C11.03 13.2401 11.05 13.1801 11.08 13.1201C11.1 13.0601 11.13 13.0001 11.17 12.9401C11.21 12.8901 11.25 12.8401 11.29 12.7901C11.66 12.4201 12.33 12.4201 12.71 12.7901C12.75 12.8401 12.79 12.8901 12.83 12.9401C12.87 13.0001 12.9 13.0601 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p-2 cursor-pointer transition-shadow hover:shadow-lg md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:bg-inherit md:hover:bg-inherit">From $200</div> </div> </div> <div class="group relative flex items-center gap-2.5 "> <div class="flex items-center justify-between text-secondary-950 text-base font-normal text-nowrap md:text-sm md:border md:border-solid md:border-neutral-200 md:rounded-md md:p-2.5 md:w-full"> <span class="md:hidden">Rating:</span> <span class="hidden md:inline">Guest rating</span> <svg class="hidden fill-secondary-950 transition-transform shrink-0 md:block md:group-hover:rotate-180" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 17" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M8.50001 11.7C8.03335 11.7 7.56668 11.5201 7.21335 11.1667L2.86668 6.82005C2.67335 6.62672 2.67335 6.30672 2.86668 6.11338C3.06001 5.92005 3.38001 5.92005 3.57335 6.11338L7.92001 10.4601C8.24001 10.7801 8.76001 10.7801 9.08001 10.4601L13.4267 6.11338C13.62 5.92005 13.94 5.92005 14.1333 6.11338C14.3267 6.30672 14.3267 6.62672 14.1333 6.82005L9.78668 11.1667C9.43335 11.5201 8.96668 11.7 8.50001 11.7Z"/> </svg> </div> <div class="flex items-center gap-1 bg-white md:absolute md:flex-col md:items-start md:top-full md:left-0 md:z-10 md:w-full md:p-2.5 md:rounded-md md:border md:border-solid md:border-neutral-200 md:gap-2.5 md:hidden md:group-hover:flex js-clk-open" data-type="filters"> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-shadow bg-[#77cd7d] hover:shadow-lg md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:bg-inherit md:hover:bg-inherit">Excellent 9+</div> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-shadow bg-[#7bdfb5] hover:shadow-lg md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:bg-inherit md:hover:bg-inherit">Very good 8+</div> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-shadow bg-[#fed169] hover:shadow-lg md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:bg-inherit md:hover:bg-inherit">Good 7+</div> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-shadow hover:shadow-lg md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:hover:bg-inherit">All ratings</div> </div> </div> <div class="group relative flex items-center gap-2.5 "> <div class="flex items-center justify-between text-secondary-950 text-base font-normal text-nowrap md:text-sm md:border md:border-solid md:border-neutral-200 md:rounded-md md:p-2.5 md:w-full"> <span class="md:hidden">Star rating:</span> <span class="hidden md:inline">Star rating</span> <svg class="hidden fill-secondary-950 transition-transform shrink-0 md:block md:group-hover:rotate-180" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 17" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M8.50001 11.7C8.03335 11.7 7.56668 11.5201 7.21335 11.1667L2.86668 6.82005C2.67335 6.62672 2.67335 6.30672 2.86668 6.11338C3.06001 5.92005 3.38001 5.92005 3.57335 6.11338L7.92001 10.4601C8.24001 10.7801 8.76001 10.7801 9.08001 10.4601L13.4267 6.11338C13.62 5.92005 13.94 5.92005 14.1333 6.11338C14.3267 6.30672 14.3267 6.62672 14.1333 6.82005L9.78668 11.1667C9.43335 11.5201 8.96668 11.7 8.50001 11.7Z"/> </svg> </div> <div class="flex items-center gap-1 bg-white md:absolute md:flex-col md:items-start md:top-full md:left-0 md:z-10 md:w-full md:p-2.5 md:rounded-md md:border md:border-solid md:border-neutral-200 md:gap-2.5 md:hidden md:group-hover:flex js-clk-open" data-type="filters"> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-shadow hover:shadow-lg md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:hover:bg-inherit">5-stars</div> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-shadow hover:shadow-lg md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:hover:bg-inherit">4-stars</div> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-shadow hover:shadow-lg md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:hover:bg-inherit">3-stars</div> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-shadow hover:shadow-lg md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:hover:bg-inherit">Unrated</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full px-9 md:px-5"> <div class="flex justify-between gap-8 md:flex-col"> <div class="mb-8 flex-shrink-0"> <div class="grid"> <div class="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4 xl:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-1 js-extra-hotels"> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="crowne-plaza-hotel-dallas-downtown-an-ihg-hotel" data-bhotel-id="crowne-plaza-hotel-dallas-downtown-an-ihg-hotel" data-name = "Crowne Plaza Hotel Dallas Downtown, An Ihg Hotel" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.780626" data-lng="-96.803458" data-price = "55US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="182545" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (297)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Crowne Plaza Hotel Dallas Downtown, An Ihg Hotel</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">0.7 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">55US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="182545" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="doubletree-by-hilton-dallas-market-center" data-bhotel-id="doubletree-by-hilton-dallas-market-center" data-name = "Doubletree By Hilton Dallas Market Center" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.797573177152" data-lng="-96.8254499067552" data-price = "89US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="42623" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (131)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Doubletree By Hilton Dallas Market Center</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">2.3 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">89US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="42623" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="hilton-dallas-lincoln-centre" data-bhotel-id="hilton-dallas-lincoln-centre" data-name = "Hilton Dallas Lincoln Centre" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.924412" data-lng="-96.816612" data-price = "88US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="42818" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (230)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hilton Dallas Lincoln Centre</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">10.1 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">88US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="42818" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="drey-hotel" data-bhotel-id="drey-hotel" data-name = "Drey Hotel" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.86002" data-lng="-96.76247" data-price = "234US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="7904015" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (27)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Drey Hotel</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">5.8 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">234US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="7904015" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="the-westin-dallas-park-central" data-bhotel-id="the-westin-dallas-park-central" data-name = "The Westin Dallas Park Central" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.92206" data-lng="-96.771706" data-price = "87US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="249208" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (113)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">The Westin Dallas Park Central</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">9.9 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">87US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="249208" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="hyatt-house-dallas-lincoln-park" data-bhotel-id="hyatt-house-dallas-lincoln-park" data-name = "Hyatt House Dallas Lincoln Park" data-rating = "8.6" data-rating-label = "Excellent" data-img = "" data-lat="32.86177" data-lng="-96.77069" data-price = "178US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="58546" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.6 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Excellent </span> <span> (110)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hyatt House Dallas Lincoln Park</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">5.8 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">178US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="58546" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="crowne-plaza-dallas-love-field-med-area-an-ihg-hotel" data-bhotel-id="crowne-plaza-dallas-love-field-med-area-an-ihg-hotel" data-name = "Crowne Plaza Dallas Love Field - Med Area, An Ihg Hotel" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.816204" data-lng="-96.866829" data-price = "79US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="182571" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (284)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Crowne Plaza Dallas Love Field - Med Area, An Ihg Hotel</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">5.0 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">79US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="182571" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="the-westin-galleria-dallas" data-bhotel-id="the-westin-galleria-dallas" data-name = "The Westin Galleria Dallas" data-rating = "8.6" data-rating-label = "Excellent" data-img = "" data-lat="32.93" data-lng="-96.82042" data-price = "119US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="79402" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.6 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Excellent </span> <span> (103)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">The Westin Galleria Dallas</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">10.5 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">119US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="79402" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="hyatt-place-dallas-park-central" data-bhotel-id="hyatt-place-dallas-park-central" data-name = "Hyatt Place Dallas Park Central" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.91771" data-lng="-96.7673" data-price = "136US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="519342" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (135)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hyatt Place Dallas Park Central</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">9.6 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">136US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="519342" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="doubletree-by-hilton-hotel-dallas-love-field" data-bhotel-id="doubletree-by-hilton-hotel-dallas-love-field" data-name = "Doubletree By Hilton Hotel Dallas - Love Field" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.834078" data-lng="-96.836189" data-price = "209US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="246764" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (60)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Doubletree By Hilton Hotel Dallas - Love Field</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">4.6 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">209US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="246764" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="comfort-suites-north-dallas" data-bhotel-id="comfort-suites-north-dallas" data-name = "Comfort Suites North Dallas" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.92791" data-lng="-96.7623" data-price = "60US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="175681" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (168)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Comfort Suites North Dallas</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">10.4 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">60US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="175681" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="hyatt-house-dallas-uptown" data-bhotel-id="hyatt-house-dallas-uptown" data-name = "Hyatt House Dallas Uptown" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.79473" data-lng="-96.81012" data-price = "109US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="520369" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (126)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hyatt House Dallas Uptown</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">1.5 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">109US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="520369" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="element-dallas-downtown-east" data-bhotel-id="element-dallas-downtown-east" data-name = "Element Dallas Downtown East" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.79348" data-lng="-96.77799" data-price = "251US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="3889446" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (61)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Element Dallas Downtown East</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">1.3 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">251US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="3889446" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="sova-micro-room-social-hotel" data-bhotel-id="sova-micro-room-social-hotel" data-name = "Sova Micro-Room &amp; Social Hotel" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.78159" data-lng="-96.79195" data-price = "112US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="6618075" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (145)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Sova Micro-Room &amp; Social Hotel</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">0.1 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">112US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="6618075" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="aloft-dallas-love-field" data-bhotel-id="aloft-dallas-love-field" data-name = "Aloft Dallas Love Field" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.82643" data-lng="-96.84705" data-price = "105US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="2174617" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (57)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Aloft Dallas Love Field</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">4.5 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">105US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="2174617" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="the-beeman-hotel" data-bhotel-id="the-beeman-hotel" data-name = "The Beeman Hotel" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.840408" data-lng="-96.775691" data-price = "82US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="470251" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (113)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">The Beeman Hotel</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">4.3 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">82US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="470251" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="marriott-dallas-uptown" data-bhotel-id="marriott-dallas-uptown" data-name = "Marriott Dallas Uptown" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.7993" data-lng="-96.80721" data-price = "276US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="6871939" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (28)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Marriott Dallas Uptown</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">1.6 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">276US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="6871939" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="the-westin-dallas-downtown" data-bhotel-id="the-westin-dallas-downtown" data-name = "The Westin Dallas Downtown" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.780229" data-lng="-96.802037" data-price = "183US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="1519137" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (71)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">The Westin Dallas Downtown</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">0.6 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">183US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1519137" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="embassy-suites-by-hilton-dallas-love-field" data-bhotel-id="embassy-suites-by-hilton-dallas-love-field" data-name = "Embassy Suites By Hilton Dallas-Love Field" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.86131" data-lng="-96.85047" data-price = "106US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="42484" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (133)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Embassy Suites By Hilton Dallas-Love Field</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">6.6 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">106US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="42484" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="renaissance-saint-elm-dallas-downtown-hotel" data-bhotel-id="renaissance-saint-elm-dallas-downtown-hotel" data-name = "Renaissance Saint Elm Dallas Downtown Hotel" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.782394" data-lng="-96.795746" data-price = "199US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="2827228" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (122)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Renaissance Saint Elm Dallas Downtown Hotel</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">0.3 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">199US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="2827228" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="canvas-hotel-dallas" data-bhotel-id="canvas-hotel-dallas" data-name = "Canvas Hotel Dallas" data-rating = "8" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.767866" data-lng="-96.795963" data-price = "165US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="432966" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (112)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Canvas Hotel Dallas</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">0.8 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">165US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="432966" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="sonesta-simply-suites-dallas-richardson" data-bhotel-id="sonesta-simply-suites-dallas-richardson" data-name = "Sonesta Simply Suites Dallas Richardson" data-rating = "8.6" data-rating-label = "Excellent" data-img = "" data-lat="32.91838" data-lng="-96.74348" data-price = "56US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="183342" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.6 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Excellent </span> <span> (64)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Sonesta Simply Suites Dallas Richardson</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">10.0 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">56US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="183342" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="hilton-dallas-park-cities" data-bhotel-id="hilton-dallas-park-cities" data-name = "Hilton Dallas-Park Cities" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.863506" data-lng="-96.809746" data-price = "107US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="42478" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (80)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hilton Dallas-Park Cities</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">5.9 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">107US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="42478" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="residence-inn-by-marriott-dallas-downtown" data-bhotel-id="residence-inn-by-marriott-dallas-downtown" data-name = "Residence Inn By Marriott Dallas Downtown" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.7802638888889" data-lng="-96.7961916666667" data-price = "170US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="2391796" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (75)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Residence Inn By Marriott Dallas Downtown</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">0.2 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">170US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="2391796" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="hampton-inn-suites-dallas-downtown" data-bhotel-id="hampton-inn-suites-dallas-downtown" data-name = "Hampton Inn &amp; Suites Dallas Downtown" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.780242" data-lng="-96.796617" data-price = "140US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="1502597" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (177)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hampton Inn &amp; Suites Dallas Downtown</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">0.3 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">140US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1502597" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="ac-hotel-by-marriott-dallas-by-the-galleria" data-bhotel-id="ac-hotel-by-marriott-dallas-by-the-galleria" data-name = "Ac Hotel By Marriott Dallas By The Galleria" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.92889" data-lng="-96.8165" data-price = "154US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="3184213" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (86)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Ac Hotel By Marriott Dallas By The Galleria</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">10.4 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">154US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="3184213" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="hawthorn-suites-dallas-love-field" data-bhotel-id="hawthorn-suites-dallas-love-field" data-name = "Hawthorn Suites Dallas Love Field" data-rating = "7.8" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.81905" data-lng="-96.86476" data-price = "70US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="251455" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 7.8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (143)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hawthorn Suites Dallas Love Field</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">5.0 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">70US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="251455" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="springhill-suites-by-marriott-dallas-richardsonuniversity-area" data-bhotel-id="springhill-suites-by-marriott-dallas-richardsonuniversity-area" data-name = "Springhill Suites By Marriott Dallas Richardson/University Area" data-rating = "8" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.99797058" data-lng="-96.76222229" data-price = "164US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="6674012" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (48)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Springhill Suites By Marriott Dallas Richardson/University Area</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">15.2 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">164US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="6674012" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="embassy-suites-by-hilton-dallas-market-center" data-bhotel-id="embassy-suites-by-hilton-dallas-market-center" data-name = "Embassy Suites By Hilton Dallas Market Center" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.808212" data-lng="-96.844864" data-price = "99US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="42446" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (100)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Embassy Suites By Hilton Dallas Market Center</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">3.6 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">99US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="42446" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="courtyard-by-marriott-dallas-downtownreunion-district" data-bhotel-id="courtyard-by-marriott-dallas-downtownreunion-district" data-name = "Courtyard By Marriott Dallas Downtown/Reunion District" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.7769393920898" data-lng="-96.8068466186523" data-price = "159US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="3998257" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (127)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Courtyard By Marriott Dallas Downtown/Reunion District</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">0.9 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">159US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="3998257" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="doubletree-by-hilton-hotel-dallas-campbell-centre" data-bhotel-id="doubletree-by-hilton-hotel-dallas-campbell-centre" data-name = "Doubletree By Hilton Hotel Dallas Campbell Centre" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.86285" data-lng="-96.76891" data-price = "134US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="42827" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (139)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Doubletree By Hilton Hotel Dallas Campbell Centre</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">5.9 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">134US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="42827" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="comfort-inn-dallas-park-central" data-bhotel-id="comfort-inn-dallas-park-central" data-name = "Comfort Inn Dallas Park Central" data-rating = "8" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.924866" data-lng="-96.77212" data-price = "63US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="246740" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (210)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Comfort Inn Dallas Park Central</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">2</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">10.1 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">63US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="246740" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="holiday-inn-dallas-market-center-an-ihg-hotel" data-bhotel-id="holiday-inn-dallas-market-center-an-ihg-hotel" data-name = "Holiday Inn Dallas Market Center, An Ihg Hotel" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.80607605" data-lng="-96.82880402" data-price = "73US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="58929" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (128)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Holiday Inn Dallas Market Center, An Ihg Hotel</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">2.8 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">73US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="58929" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="wyndham-garden-dallas-north" data-bhotel-id="wyndham-garden-dallas-north" data-name = "Wyndham Garden Dallas North" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.910713" data-lng="-96.88937" data-price = "62US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="183351" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (77)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Wyndham Garden Dallas North</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">10.7 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">62US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="183351" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="springhill-suites-dallas-central-expressway" data-bhotel-id="springhill-suites-dallas-central-expressway" data-name = "Springhill Suites Dallas Central Expressway" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.885" data-lng="-96.770897" data-price = "119US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="4777310" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (50)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Springhill Suites Dallas Central Expressway</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">7.4 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">119US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="4777310" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="trinity-suites-downtown-dallas" data-bhotel-id="trinity-suites-downtown-dallas" data-name = "Trinity Suites Downtown Dallas" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.751220703125" data-lng="-96.8071670532227" data-price = "57US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="1699234" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (24)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Trinity Suites Downtown Dallas</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">2</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">2.1 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">57US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1699234" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="renaissance-dallas-north-hotel" data-bhotel-id="renaissance-dallas-north-hotel" data-name = "Renaissance Dallas North Hotel" data-rating = "8.6" data-rating-label = "Excellent" data-img = "" data-lat="32.90542" data-lng="-96.92095" data-price = "99US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="59939" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.6 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Excellent </span> <span> (148)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Renaissance Dallas North Hotel</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">11.5 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">99US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="59939" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="comfort-suites-nw-dallas-near-love-field" data-bhotel-id="comfort-suites-nw-dallas-near-love-field" data-name = "Comfort Suites Nw Dallas Near Love Field" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.862396" data-lng="-96.89111" data-price = "54US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="185344" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (135)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Comfort Suites Nw Dallas Near Love Field</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">8.1 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">54US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="185344" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="dallas-marriott-suites-medicalmarket-center" data-bhotel-id="dallas-marriott-suites-medicalmarket-center" data-name = "Dallas Marriott Suites Medical/Market Center" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.80503" data-lng="-96.83857" data-price = "119US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="263417" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (107)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Dallas Marriott Suites Medical/Market Center</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">3.2 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">119US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="263417" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="dallas-love-field-inn" data-bhotel-id="dallas-love-field-inn" data-name = "Dallas Love Field Inn" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.82617" data-lng="-96.86475" data-price = "39US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="372605" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (125)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Dallas Love Field Inn</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">2</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">5.3 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">39US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="372605" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="le-meridien-dallas-by-the-galleria" data-bhotel-id="le-meridien-dallas-by-the-galleria" data-name = "Le Meridien Dallas By The Galleria" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.93108" data-lng="-96.81758" data-price = "89US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="57865" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (128)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Le Meridien Dallas By The Galleria</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">10.6 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">89US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="57865" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="sonesta-simply-suites-dallas-galleria" data-bhotel-id="sonesta-simply-suites-dallas-galleria" data-name = "Sonesta Simply Suites Dallas Galleria" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.93771" data-lng="-96.81867" data-price = "100US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="183354" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (94)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Sonesta Simply Suites Dallas Galleria</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">11.0 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">100US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="183354" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="aloft-dallas-downtown" data-bhotel-id="aloft-dallas-downtown" data-name = "Aloft Dallas Downtown" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.77706" data-lng="-96.80133" data-price = "119US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="263207" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (117)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Aloft Dallas Downtown</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">0.6 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">119US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="263207" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="hampton-inn-suites-dallas-i-30-cockrell-hill-tx" data-bhotel-id="hampton-inn-suites-dallas-i-30-cockrell-hill-tx" data-name = "Hampton Inn &amp; Suites Dallas I-30 Cockrell Hill, Tx" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.769" data-lng="-96.895" data-price = "99US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="270785" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (46)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hampton Inn &amp; Suites Dallas I-30 Cockrell Hill, Tx</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">6.0 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">99US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="270785" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="sonesta-es-suites-dallas-medical-market-center" data-bhotel-id="sonesta-es-suites-dallas-medical-market-center" data-name = "Sonesta Es Suites Dallas Medical Market Center" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.814708" data-lng="-96.865178" data-price = "78US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="263414" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (80)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Sonesta Es Suites Dallas Medical Market Center</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">4.9 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">78US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="263414" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="homewood-suites-dallas-downtown" data-bhotel-id="homewood-suites-dallas-downtown" data-name = "Homewood Suites Dallas Downtown" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.780998" data-lng="-96.802818" data-price = "160US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="542134" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (134)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Homewood Suites Dallas Downtown</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">0.6 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">160US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="542134" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="romantic-inn-suites" data-bhotel-id="romantic-inn-suites" data-name = "Romantic Inn &amp; Suites" data-rating = "8" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.7017817" data-lng="-96.74593385" data-price = "43US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="1056345" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (85)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Romantic Inn &amp; Suites</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">6.0 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">43US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1056345" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="doubletree-by-hilton-dallas-near-the-galleria" data-bhotel-id="doubletree-by-hilton-dallas-near-the-galleria" data-name = "Doubletree By Hilton Dallas Near The Galleria" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.926105" data-lng="-96.84245" data-price = "99US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="42468" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (98)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Doubletree By Hilton Dallas Near The Galleria</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">10.5 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">99US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="42468" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="sonder-at-butler-brothers" data-bhotel-id="sonder-at-butler-brothers" data-name = "Sonder At Butler Brothers" data-rating = "7.4" data-rating-label = "Good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.77769" data-lng="-96.79596" data-price = "65US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="6018584" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 7.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Good </span> <span> (7)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Sonder At Butler Brothers</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">0.3 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">65US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="6018584" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="sleep-inn-dallas-northwest-irving" data-bhotel-id="sleep-inn-dallas-northwest-irving" data-name = "Sleep Inn Dallas Northwest - Irving" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.895388" data-lng="-96.904553" data-price = "78US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="8609450" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (34)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Sleep Inn Dallas Northwest - Irving</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">2</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">10.3 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">78US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="8609450" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="hilton-garden-inn-dallas-central-expynorth-park-area-tx" data-bhotel-id="hilton-garden-inn-dallas-central-expynorth-park-area-tx" data-name = "Hilton Garden Inn Dallas-Central Expy/North Park Area, Tx" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.88665" data-lng="-96.7688" data-price = "119US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="5705196" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (40)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hilton Garden Inn Dallas-Central Expy/North Park Area, Tx</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">7.5 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">119US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="5705196" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="comfort-inn-dallas-north-love-field-airport" data-bhotel-id="comfort-inn-dallas-north-love-field-airport" data-name = "Comfort Inn Dallas North Love Field Airport" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.8827902482276" data-lng="-96.8967027961935" data-price = "72US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="3003067" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (199)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Comfort Inn Dallas North Love Field Airport</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">9.4 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">72US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="3003067" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="ac-hotel-by-marriott-dallas-downtown" data-bhotel-id="ac-hotel-by-marriott-dallas-downtown" data-name = "Ac Hotel By Marriott Dallas Downtown" data-rating = "8.6" data-rating-label = "Excellent" data-img = "" data-lat="32.780103" data-lng="-96.796326" data-price = "174US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="2391797" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.6 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Excellent </span> <span> (71)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Ac Hotel By Marriott Dallas Downtown</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">0.3 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">174US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="2391797" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="springhill-suites-by-marriott-dallas-downtown-west-end" data-bhotel-id="springhill-suites-by-marriott-dallas-downtown-west-end" data-name = "Springhill Suites By Marriott Dallas Downtown / West End" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.782956" data-lng="-96.806414" data-price = "109US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="188585" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (142)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Springhill Suites By Marriott Dallas Downtown / West End</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">0.9 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">109US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="188585" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="hotel-swexan" data-bhotel-id="hotel-swexan" data-name = "Hotel Swexan" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.79245" data-lng="-96.80592" data-price = "843US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="9780113" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (15)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hotel Swexan</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">5</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">1.2 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">843US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="9780113" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="towneplace-suites-by-marriott-dallas-downtown" data-bhotel-id="towneplace-suites-by-marriott-dallas-downtown" data-name = "Towneplace Suites By Marriott Dallas Downtown" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.7776107788086" data-lng="-96.79541015625" data-price = "110US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="2322210" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (93)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Towneplace Suites By Marriott Dallas Downtown</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">0.2 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">110US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="2322210" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="sleep-inn-dallas-love-field-medical-district" data-bhotel-id="sleep-inn-dallas-love-field-medical-district" data-name = "Sleep Inn Dallas Love Field-Medical District" data-rating = "8" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.8236" data-lng="-96.87618" data-price = "68US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="2302189" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (110)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Sleep Inn Dallas Love Field-Medical District</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">5.8 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">68US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="2302189" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="magnolia-hotel-downtown-dallas" data-bhotel-id="magnolia-hotel-downtown-dallas" data-name = "Magnolia Hotel Downtown Dallas" data-rating = "8.4" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.77993" data-lng="-96.799091" data-price = "125US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="253117" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (170)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Magnolia Hotel Downtown Dallas</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">0.4 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">125US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="253117" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="extended-stay-america-suites-dallas-coit-road" data-bhotel-id="extended-stay-america-suites-dallas-coit-road" data-name = "Extended Stay America Suites - Dallas - Coit Road" data-rating = "7.8" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.91401" data-lng="-96.76954" data-price = "68US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="520068" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 7.8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (49)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Extended Stay America Suites - Dallas - Coit Road</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">2</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">9.4 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">68US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="520068" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" data-component="extra-hotel" id="sonesta-es-suites-dallas-central-expressway" data-bhotel-id="sonesta-es-suites-dallas-central-expressway" data-name = "Sonesta Es Suites Dallas Central Expressway" data-rating = "8.2" data-rating-label = "Very good" data-img = "" data-lat="32.8873851749898" data-lng="-96.7710193991661" data-price = "72US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover cursor-pointer js-clk-open" src="" alt="" loading="lazy" data-bhotel-id="263408" data-type="photo" data-open-passive> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (71)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Sonesta Es Suites Dallas Central Expressway</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline whitespace-nowrap">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal whitespace-nowrap">7.5 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">72US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="263408" > <span class="mr-2">Check Availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> .marker.locked, { background-color: #ffffff; border: 1px solid #132968; color: #132968; z-index: 1; } .mapboxgl-popup { .mapboxgl-popup-tip { display: none; } .mapboxgl-popup-content { background: initial; padding: 0; border-radius: initial; box-shadow: initial } } </style> <div class="sticky top-0 w-full h-dvh rounded-md mb-8 overflow-hidden" > <div class="w-full h-dvh" id="mapbox" data-lat="32.7804" data-lng="-96.79464"></div> <template id="marker-template" > <div data-marker class="marker text-white font-medium text-sm bg-secondary-950 rounded-full px-2.5 py-1 border border-white border-solid cursor-pointer transition-colors"></div> </template> <template id="popup-template"> <div data-popup class="flex gap-2 bg-white w-[380px] p-2 rounded-lg border border-solid border-neutral-200 shadow-md md:w-[300px]"> <img data-popup-img class="h-[120px] w-[90px] object-cover rounded-lg" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="flex flex-col overflow-hidden"> <p data-popup-title class="text-base text-secondary-950 font-bold overflow-hidden mb-1 whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis"></p> <div class="flex items-center gap-1 mb-4"> <div data-popup-rating class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"></div> <p data data-popup-rating-label class="marker-card__rating-label text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"></p> </div> <div class="mt-auto"> <p class="text-neutral-600 text-xs">From</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-1 text-secondary-950 text-base "> <span data-popup-price class="font-bold"></span> <span>/per night</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bg-neutral-0 mb-14"> <div class="container px-8 py-10"> <p class="text-secondary-950 text-2xl font-bold mb-2.5">Discover Your Perfect Stay</p> <div class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-base space-y-4"><p>When planning your next trip to Dallas, it's essential to find accommodations that blend comfort, convenience, and value. Dallas serviced apartments offer an ideal solution for both short and extended stays, providing the amenities of a hotel with the added space and privacy of home. With options ranging from sleek modern studios to spacious multi-bedroom units, there’s something to cater to every traveler’s needs.</p><p>One of the key advantages of choosing serviced apartments in Dallas is the flexibility they offer. These accommodations come equipped with fully functional kitchens, allowing guests to prepare their meals and enjoy dining in when desired. Additionally, many properties are situated in vibrant neighborhoods, granting easy access to local attractions, restaurants, and entertainment options.</p><p>For those seeking a more local experience, staying in a Dallas serviced apartment can enhance your visit significantly. You'll find a genuine sense of community in these residential areas, providing the perfect balance between leisure and convenience. Whether you’re traveling for business, a family vacation, or a romantic getaway, embracing the serviced apartment experience may just transform your stay in this dynamic city.</p></div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="flex items-start lg:flex-wrap"> <article class="w-full mb-10 trawell-post-article post-1023343" data-langcode="en" data-bcity-id="20127504" data-city-name="Dallas" > <style> .trawell-hotels-table-container { width: 100%; } @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .trawell-hotels-table-container { overflow-x: scroll; } } .trawell-hotels-table { font-size: 14px; width: 100%; margin: 40px 0!important; border-radius: 6px; overflow: hidden; } @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .trawell-hotels-table { font-size: 12px; } } .trawell-hotels-table thead { font-weight: 700; color: #fafafa; background: #4d4c4c; } .trawell-hotels-table thead tr td { vertical-align: middle; word-break: break-word; padding: 15px 8px; } .trawell-hotels-table tbody tr td { vertical-align: middle; word-break: break-word; padding: 10px 8px; border: 1px solid #d0cccc; } @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .trawell-hotels-table tbody tr td:first-child { width: 30%; } } .trawell-hotels-table tbody tr td:first-of-type a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .trawell-hotels-table tbody tr td ul{ list-style: disc; padding: 0px 0 0 15px; } .trawell-hotels-table button { display: block; width: 100%; color: #fafafa; letter-spacing: .1px; padding: 6px 5px; margin: 0; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 5px; background: var(--accent-color); } </style> <div class="trawell-hotels-table-container" id="trawell-hotels-table"> <table class="trawell-hotels-table"> <thead> <tr> <td> <span>Name of hotel</span> </td> <td style="width: 135px;"> <span>Accommodation Rating</span> </td> <td style="width: 100px;"> <span>Price, $</span> </td> <td style="width: 160px;"></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> <a href="#sonder-at-commerce" class="js-clk-open" data-type="table" data-bhotel-id="7717472" data-open-once data-open-passive>Sonder At Commerce</a> </td> <td> <p> 8.2 / 10 </p> <p> (290 Reviews)</p> </td> <td> <span>From 116US$</span> </td> <td> <button class="js-clk-open" data-type="table" data-bhotel-id="7717472">Check Price</button> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="#kasa-greenville-dallas" class="js-clk-open" data-type="table" data-bhotel-id="5591567" data-open-once data-open-passive>Kasa Greenville Dallas</a> </td> <td> <p> 8.0 / 10 </p> <p> (94 Reviews)</p> </td> <td> <span>From 311US$</span> </td> <td> <button class="js-clk-open" data-type="table" data-bhotel-id="5591567">Check Price</button> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="#kasa-highland-park-dallas" class="js-clk-open" data-type="table" data-bhotel-id="6062373" data-open-once data-open-passive>Kasa Highland Park Dallas</a> </td> <td> <p> 8.1 / 10 </p> <p> (76 Reviews)</p> </td> <td> <span>From 118US$</span> </td> <td> <button class="js-clk-open" data-type="table" data-bhotel-id="6062373">Check Price</button> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="my-14 grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 lg:grid-cols-1"> <div class="group bg-white border border-solid border-neutral-200 rounded-md p-1.5 transition-shadow hover:shadow-lg js-bhotel-item" id="sonder-at-commerce" data-id="1988229" data-lat="32.7804" data-lng="-96.79464"> <div class="flex md:flex-col"> <div class="relative overflow-hidden flex rounded-md h-[260px] max-w-[200px] md:max-w-full simple-lightbox"> <div class="flex cursor-pointer lg:w-full" data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="0" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > <img class=" object-cover lg:w-full" width="100%" height="100%" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/> </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="1" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="2" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="3" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="4" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="5" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="6" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" 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data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="22" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="23" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="24" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="25" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="26" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="27" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="28" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="29" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="30" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="31" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="32" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="33" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="34" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="35" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="36" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="37" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="38" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="39" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="40" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="41" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerysonder-at-commerce" data-image-number="42" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="sonder-at-commerce" > </div> <div class="absolute top-1.5 left-1.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (290)</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col p-4 w-full max-w-[430px] lg:max-w-full md:px-2 "> <div class="flex items-center justify-between gap-2 mb-4"> <h3 class="text-secondary-950 text-lg font-bold cursor-pointer max-w-[350px] xl:max-w-[250px] lg:max-w-[350px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis transition-colors group-hover:text-secondary-600 js-clk-open" data-type="property" data-bhotel-id="7717472">Sonder At Commerce</h3> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-baseline gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">1914 Commerce Street</span> </div> <div class="text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal line-clamp-3 mb-4"> <div> Sonder At Commerce proves to be an appealing choice for families visiting Dallas, thanks to its spacious apartment layouts that provide ample room to relax. With the option of multi-bedroom units, families can enjoy the comforts of home while having their own privacy. The fully equipped kitchens allow parents to prepare meals for their children while saving on dining costs. Additionally, the property’s location ensures easy access to some of Dallas’s most beloved family attractions, making outings convenient and fun. With thoughtful design and family-friendly amenities, Sonder At Commerce stands out as a wonderful option among Dallas serviced apartments. Enjoy quality time with your loved ones in this inviting environment. </div> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-between border-t border-solid border-neutral-200 pt-4 mt-auto"> <div> <p class="text-neutral-600 text-sm font-normal">From</p> <div class="flex items-center"> <span class="text-secondary-950 text-base font-bold mr-1">116US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal">/per night</span> </div> <span></span> </div> <button class="btn !p-2.5 !w-36 !justify-between h-9 gap-2 group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="property" data-bhotel-id="7717472" > <span>Check rates</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="group bg-white border border-solid border-neutral-200 rounded-md p-1.5 transition-shadow hover:shadow-lg js-bhotel-item" id="kasa-greenville-dallas" data-id="1988231" data-lat="32.84859" data-lng="-96.76533"> <div class="flex md:flex-col"> <div class="relative overflow-hidden flex rounded-md h-[260px] max-w-[200px] md:max-w-full simple-lightbox"> <div class="flex cursor-pointer lg:w-full" data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="0" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > <img class=" object-cover lg:w-full" width="100%" height="100%" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/> </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="1" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="2" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="3" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="4" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="5" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="6" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="7" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="8" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="9" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="10" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="11" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="12" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="13" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="14" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="15" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="16" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="17" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="18" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="19" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="20" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="21" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="22" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="23" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="24" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="25" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="26" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="27" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="28" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="29" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="30" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="31" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="32" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="33" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="34" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="35" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="36" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="37" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="38" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="39" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="40" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="41" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="42" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="43" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="44" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="45" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="46" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="47" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="48" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="49" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="50" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="51" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="52" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="53" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="54" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="55" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="56" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="57" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-greenville-dallas" data-image-number="58" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-greenville-dallas" > </div> <div class="absolute top-1.5 left-1.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (94)</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col p-4 w-full max-w-[430px] lg:max-w-full md:px-2 "> <div class="flex items-center justify-between gap-2 mb-4"> <h3 class="text-secondary-950 text-lg font-bold cursor-pointer max-w-[350px] xl:max-w-[250px] lg:max-w-[350px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis transition-colors group-hover:text-secondary-600 js-clk-open" data-type="property" data-bhotel-id="5591567">Kasa Greenville Dallas</h3> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-baseline gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">5065 Amesbury Drive</span> </div> <div class="text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal line-clamp-3 mb-4"> <div> Kasa Greenville Dallas also exemplifies eco-conscious practices, offering guests a sustainable stay amid the lively atmosphere of the Greenville Avenue area. The property focuses on energy efficiency in its design and operations while encouraging guests to engage in eco-friendly practices throughout their visit. In addition, the location promotes walking and biking as viable modes of transportation, making it easy to reduce reliance on vehicles while exploring the neighborhood. Each apartment offers a comfortable space that supports conscious living while delivering top-notch amenities. As a leader among Dallas serviced apartments, Kasa Greenville embodies a commitment to sustainability without sacrificing the quality experience travelers desire. Enjoy your eco-friendly journey while discovering all the wonders that Dallas has to offer. </div> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-between border-t border-solid border-neutral-200 pt-4 mt-auto"> <div> <p class="text-neutral-600 text-sm font-normal">From</p> <div class="flex items-center"> <span class="text-secondary-950 text-base font-bold mr-1">311US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal">/per night</span> </div> <span></span> </div> <button class="btn !p-2.5 !w-36 !justify-between h-9 gap-2 group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="property" data-bhotel-id="5591567" > <span>Check rates</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-span-2 mt-14 mb-8 lg:col-span-1 md:mt-10"> <h2 class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-2xl mb-2.5 " id="modern-luxury-in-dallas-serviced-apartments">Modern Luxury in Dallas Serviced Apartments</h2> <p class="text-secondary-950 text-base font-normal col-span-2 lg:col-span-1">In the heart of Dallas, modern luxury is defined by serviced apartments that seamlessly blend comfort and sophistication. This section focuses on upscale options that elevate the standard of living with contemporary designs and state-of-the-art amenities. Each hotel featured here offers guests stylish furnishings, premium facilities, and a location that immerses them in the vibrant culture of Dallas. Ideal for business travelers and holidaymakers alike, these accommodations ensure a memorable stay while providing the independence that traditional hotels may lack. Whether you’re seeking a weekend retreat or an extended business trip, Dallas serviced apartments of this nature offer exceptional experiences. Let’s delve into some of the most exquisite choices available in the city.</p> </div> <div class="group bg-white border border-solid border-neutral-200 rounded-md p-1.5 transition-shadow hover:shadow-lg js-bhotel-item" id="kasa-highland-park-dallas" data-id="1988233" data-lat="32.84099" data-lng="-96.77136"> <div class="flex md:flex-col"> <div class="relative overflow-hidden flex rounded-md h-[260px] max-w-[200px] md:max-w-full simple-lightbox"> <div class="flex cursor-pointer lg:w-full" data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="0" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > <img class=" object-cover lg:w-full" width="100%" height="100%" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/> </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="1" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="2" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="3" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="4" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="5" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="6" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="7" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="8" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="9" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="10" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="11" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="12" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="13" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="14" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="15" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="16" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="17" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="18" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="19" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="20" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="21" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="22" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="23" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="24" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="25" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="26" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="27" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="28" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="29" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="30" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="31" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="32" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="33" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="kasa-highland-park-dallas" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerykasa-highland-park-dallas" data-image-number="34" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once 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bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.1 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (76)</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col p-4 w-full max-w-[430px] lg:max-w-full md:px-2 "> <div class="flex items-center justify-between gap-2 mb-4"> <h3 class="text-secondary-950 text-lg font-bold cursor-pointer max-w-[350px] xl:max-w-[250px] lg:max-w-[350px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis transition-colors group-hover:text-secondary-600 js-clk-open" data-type="property" data-bhotel-id="6062373">Kasa Highland Park Dallas</h3> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-baseline gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">5600 Smu Boulevard</span> </div> <div class="text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal line-clamp-3 mb-4"> <div> For travelers seeking an upscale yet comfortable atmosphere, Kasa Highland Park Dallas is an ideal selection. This property offers spacious apartments complete with stylish décor and high-quality finishes, ensuring a luxurious stay. Beyond the stylish interiors, Kasa Highland Park provides amenities such as a swimming pool and fitness center, making it suitable for active guests. Its prime location allows easy access to the charming Highland Park neighborhood, filled with boutique shops and exquisite dining options. With its emphasis on guest satisfaction and comfort, Kasa Highland Park Dallas exemplifies the essence of Dallas serviced apartments. Make your visit unforgettable by indulging in the stylish comforts this property has to offer. </div> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-between border-t border-solid border-neutral-200 pt-4 mt-auto"> <div> <p class="text-neutral-600 text-sm font-normal">From</p> <div class="flex items-center"> <span class="text-secondary-950 text-base font-bold mr-1">118US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal">/per night</span> </div> <span></span> </div> <button class="btn !p-2.5 !w-36 !justify-between h-9 gap-2 group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="property" data-bhotel-id="6062373" > <span>Check rates</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bg-neutral-0 py-14 "> <div class="container"> <div class="flex flex-col gap-10"> <div> <p class="text-secondary-950 text-2xl font-bold mb-5 md:text-center md:mb-8">Other city in Country</p> <div class=" columns-[4_200px] md:columns-2"> <div class="flex items-baseline "> <span class="hidden mr-2 md:block">•</span> <a class="block text-secondary-950 text-base font-medium mb-4 underline cursor-pointer " href="">Miami</a> </div> <div class="flex items-baseline "> <span class="hidden mr-2 md:block">•</span> <a class="block text-secondary-950 text-base font-medium 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