TreatmentBank - Plazi

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These data include <a href="what-treatment/">taxonomic treatments</a>, treatment citations, figures, tables, material citations and bibliographic reference. The data extraction processes can be highly automated to process entire journal back-issues as well as current publications. A quality control (QC) process as well as manual checks produce data fit to become reference deposits of treatments in <a href="">Biodiversity Literature Repository (BLR)</a>, as well as daily uploads of treatment articles data sets to the <a href="">Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)</a>, with persistent identifiers minted in BLR. Input formats can be printed to born-digital publications. All data are openly accessible in various formats and are searchable. Currently, BLR contains more than 650,000 treatments extracted from 66,000 articles, 400,000 figures and 1,040,000 material citations.</p> <p><strong>Role in <a href="">BiCIKL</a></strong>: TB is providing a service for Transnational Access, developing and improving conversion of PDF publications, and serving as the access point for bidirectional linking to data liberated from literature. TB will provide a search portal to find specimens cited in literature as well as a service to link material citations to other research infrastructures (RIs) covering taxonomic names, genomics and specimen data.</p> <div class='featured'> <a href="">Fulltext Search</a> <p class="summary"><a href="">The TreatmentBank can be searched using a fulltext search. </a></p> </div> <div class='featured'> <a href="">Extended Search</a> <p class="summary"><a href="">The extended search allows more precise searches related to taxonomic names, bibliographic records or observation records. </a></p> </div> <div class='featured'> <a href="desktop-data-mining">Desktop data mining and extraction</a> <p class="summary"><a href="desktop-data-mining">The GoldenGATE Document Editor is a visual editor for marking up documents in XML. It is designed to do most of the markup automatically. </a></p> </div> <div class='featured'> <a href="data-and-statistics">Data and Statistics</a> <p class="summary"><a href="data-and-statistics">Treatment Stats, Article Stats, RefBank</a></p> </div> <div class='featured'> <a href="treatment-data-access">Treatment Data Access</a> <p class="summary"><a href="treatment-data-access">API, RSS-Feed</a></p> </div> <div class='featured'> <a href="schemas-and-ontologies">Schemas and ontologies</a> <p class="summary"><a href="schemas-and-ontologies">TaxPub, TaxonX, Treatment Ontology</a></p> </div> <div class='featured'> <a href="/source-code/">Source Code</a> <p class="summary"><a href="/source-code/">Source code for all our programs</a></p> </div> <div class='featured'> <a href="/data-apis-tools/visualization-tools/">Visualization Tools</a> <p class="summary"><a href="/data-apis-tools/visualization-tools/">Plazi offers tools for visualizing the data extracted from the taxonomic literature.</a></p> </div> <div class='featured'> <a href="" target="_blank">Learning modules</a> <p class="summary"><a href="" target="_blank">Explanations and courses to learn about and contribute to and use TreatmentBank.</a></p> </div> </div> <!-- start: summary.html (default) --> <article class="list__item post"> <header class="list__header"> <h2 class="list__title post__title"> <a href="/treatmentbank/data-and-statistics/" rel="bookmark">Data and Statistics</a> </h2> <div class="meta__item-datetime"> <svg class="meta__icon icon icon-time" width="16" height="14" viewBox="0 0 30 28"><path d="M15 0C7 0 1 6 1 14s6 14 14 14 14-6 14-14S23 0 15 0zm0 25C9 25 4 20 4 14S9 3 15 3s11 5 11 11-5 11-11 11zm1-18h-2v8.4l6.8 4.4L22 18l-6-3.8V7z"/></svg><time class="meta__text" datetime="2021-06-13T19:17:05&#43;02:00">Jun 13, 2021</time> </div> </header> <div class="content list__excerpt post__content clearfix"> Tools to analyze and mine data in TreatmentBank at article and treatment level. <a href="/treatmentbank/data-and-statistics/" rel="bookmark">more</a> </div> </article> <!-- end: summary.html (default) --> <!-- start: summary.html (default) --> <article class="list__item post"> <header class="list__header"> <h2 class="list__title post__title"> <a href="/treatmentbank/desktop-data-mining/" rel="bookmark">Desktop data mining and extraction</a> </h2> <div class="meta__item-datetime"> <svg class="meta__icon icon icon-time" width="16" height="14" viewBox="0 0 30 28"><path d="M15 0C7 0 1 6 1 14s6 14 14 14 14-6 14-14S23 0 15 0zm0 25C9 25 4 20 4 14S9 3 15 3s11 5 11 11-5 11-11 11zm1-18h-2v8.4l6.8 4.4L22 18l-6-3.8V7z"/></svg><time class="meta__text" datetime="2021-06-13T19:17:05&#43;02:00">Jun 13, 2021</time> </div> </header> <div class="content list__excerpt post__content clearfix"> The GoldenGATE Document Editor is a visual editor for marking up documents in XML. It is designed to do most of the markup automatically. <a href="/treatmentbank/desktop-data-mining/" rel="bookmark">more</a> </div> </article> <!-- end: summary.html (default) --> <!-- start: summary.html (default) --> <article class="list__item post"> <header class="list__header"> <h2 class="list__title post__title"> <a href="/treatmentbank/schemas-and-ontologies/" rel="bookmark">Schemas and Ontologies</a> </h2> <div class="meta__item-datetime"> <svg class="meta__icon icon icon-time" width="16" height="14" viewBox="0 0 30 28"><path d="M15 0C7 0 1 6 1 14s6 14 14 14 14-6 14-14S23 0 15 0zm0 25C9 25 4 20 4 14S9 3 15 3s11 5 11 11-5 11-11 11zm1-18h-2v8.4l6.8 4.4L22 18l-6-3.8V7z"/></svg><time class="meta__text" datetime="2021-06-13T19:17:05&#43;02:00">Jun 13, 2021</time> </div> </header> <div class="content list__excerpt post__content clearfix"> Schemas and ontologies used in TreatmentBank and Biodiversity Literature Repository. <a href="/treatmentbank/schemas-and-ontologies/" rel="bookmark">more</a> </div> </article> <!-- end: summary.html (default) --> <!-- start: summary.html (default) --> <article class="list__item post"> <header class="list__header"> <h2 class="list__title post__title"> <a href="/treatmentbank/what-treatment/" rel="bookmark">What is a Treatment?</a> </h2> <div class="meta__item-datetime"> <svg class="meta__icon icon icon-time" width="16" height="14" viewBox="0 0 30 28"><path d="M15 0C7 0 1 6 1 14s6 14 14 14 14-6 14-14S23 0 15 0zm0 25C9 25 4 20 4 14S9 3 15 3s11 5 11 11-5 11-11 11zm1-18h-2v8.4l6.8 4.4L22 18l-6-3.8V7z"/></svg><time class="meta__text" datetime="2021-06-13T19:17:05&#43;02:00">Jun 13, 2021</time> </div> </header> <div class="content list__excerpt post__content clearfix"> A taxonomic treatment is a well-defined part of an article describing a scientific name by an author at the time of the publication. <a href="/treatmentbank/what-treatment/" rel="bookmark">more</a> </div> </article> <!-- end: summary.html (default) --> <!-- start: summary.html (default) --> <article class="list__item post"> <header class="list__header"> <h2 class="list__title post__title"> <a href="/treatmentbank/treatment-data-access/" rel="bookmark">Treatment Data Access</a> </h2> <div class="meta__item-datetime"> <svg class="meta__icon icon icon-time" width="16" height="14" viewBox="0 0 30 28"><path d="M15 0C7 0 1 6 1 14s6 14 14 14 14-6 14-14S23 0 15 0zm0 25C9 25 4 20 4 14S9 3 15 3s11 5 11 11-5 11-11 11zm1-18h-2v8.4l6.8 4.4L22 18l-6-3.8V7z"/></svg><time class="meta__text" datetime="2021-06-13T19:16:15&#43;02:00">Jun 13, 2021</time> </div> </header> <div class="content list__excerpt post__content clearfix"> Machine-actionable access to TreatmentBank data <a href="/treatmentbank/treatment-data-access/" rel="bookmark">more</a> </div> </article> <!-- end: summary.html (default) --> <!-- start: summary.html (default) --> <article class="list__item post"> <header class="list__header"> <h2 class="list__title post__title"> <a href="/treatmentbank/visualization-tools/" rel="bookmark">Visualization Tools</a> </h2> <div class="meta__item-datetime"> <svg class="meta__icon icon icon-time" width="16" height="14" viewBox="0 0 30 28"><path d="M15 0C7 0 1 6 1 14s6 14 14 14 14-6 14-14S23 0 15 0zm0 25C9 25 4 20 4 14S9 3 15 3s11 5 11 11-5 11-11 11zm1-18h-2v8.4l6.8 4.4L22 18l-6-3.8V7z"/></svg><time class="meta__text" datetime="2021-04-26T19:17:05&#43;02:00">Apr 26, 2021</time> </div> </header> <div class="content list__excerpt post__content clearfix"> A taxonomic treatment is a well-defined part of an article describing a scientific name by an author at the time of the publication. <a href="/treatmentbank/visualization-tools/" rel="bookmark">more</a> </div> </article> <!-- end: summary.html (default) --> </main> <!-- start: list.html --> </div> <aside class="sidebar sidebar--left"> <!-- start: layouts/partials/widgets/stats.html --> <div class="widget-stats widget"> <h4 class="widget__title">Stats</h4> <div class="widget__content"> <ul> <li><b>Articles:</b> <span id="DocArticleUuid"></span></li> <li><b>Treatments:</b> <span id="DocUuid"></span></li> <li><b>Treatments with Mat. 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