DCP: (visit #7)

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href="/confluence.php?lat=51&amp;lon=-113">E</a></b></font></center></td> </tr> </table> <!-- Confluence info --> <h3> <a href="/country.php?id=3">Canada</a> : <a href="/region.php?id=39">Alberta</a></h3> <h3>1.2 km (0.7 miles) NE of Ogden, Calgary, AB, Canada<br> <font size="-1"> Approx. altitude: 1033 m (3389 ft)<br> (<a href="/maphelp.php#ConfMaps">[?]</a> maps: <a href=",-114&ie=UTF8&ll=51,-114&spn=0.029221,0.11673&t=h&z=13&iwloc=addr" class="maps">Google</a> <a href=";latitude=51&amp;longitude=-114" class="maps">MapQuest</a> <a href=";mlon=-114#map=15/51/-114&amp;layers=C" class="maps">OpenStreetMap</a> <a href=";prod=NTDB-50K&amp;latitude=51&amp;latitude_min=00&amp;longitude=-114&amp;longitude_min=00" class="maps">topo</a> <a href=";prod=NTDB-250K&amp;latitude=51&amp;latitude_min=00&amp;longitude=-114&amp;longitude_min=00" class="maps">topo250</a> <a href="/showworld.php?lat=51&amp;lon=-114" class="maps">ConfluenceNavigator</a>) <br>Antipode: <a href="confluence.php?lat=-51&amp;lon=66" TITLE="The confluence opposite this confluence on the globe">51&deg;S 66&deg;E</a> </font></h3> <h5>Accuracy: 43 m (141 ft)</h5> <h5>Quality: good</h5><br> <h5>Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.</h5> <!-- Small pictures --> <p> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=18185&amp;pic=2"><img src="/ca/ab/n51w114v7/thumb2.jpg" alt="#2: Looking North from the CP" title="#2: Looking North from the CP" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="126" height="84"></a> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=18185&amp;pic=3"><img src="/ca/ab/n51w114v7/thumb3.jpg" alt="#3: Looking East from the CP" title="#3: Looking East from the CP" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="126" height="84"></a> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=18185&amp;pic=4"><img src="/ca/ab/n51w114v7/thumb4.jpg" alt="#4: Looking South from the CP" title="#4: Looking South from the CP" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="126" height="84"></a> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=18185&amp;pic=5"><img src="/ca/ab/n51w114v7/thumb5.jpg" alt="#5: Looking West from the CP" title="#5: Looking West from the CP" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="126" height="84"></a> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=18185&amp;pic=6"><img src="/ca/ab/n51w114v7/thumb6.jpg" alt="#6: GPS readings" title="#6: GPS readings" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="126" height="84"></a> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=18185&amp;pic=7"><img src="/ca/ab/n51w114v7/thumb7.jpg" alt="#7: Mr. Terratin close to the CP" title="#7: Mr. Terratin close to the CP" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="84" height="126"></a> </p> </td> <td width=15>&nbsp;<!-- spacer --></td> <td width=535 valign=top> <!-- Main picture and narrative column --> <font face="helvetica,arial" size="-1"><b> { <a href="/index.php">Main</a> | <a href="/search.php">Search</a> | <a href="/country.php">Countries</a> | <a href="/information.php">Information</a> | <a 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[19-Feb-10]" title="Visit #6: [19-Feb-10]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#6: [19-Feb-10] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=15071"> <img src="/ca/ab/n51w114v5/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #5: [27-May-08]" title="Visit #5: [27-May-08]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#5: [27-May-08] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=5971"> <img src="/ca/ab/n51w114v4/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #4: [27-Aug-02]" title="Visit #4: [27-Aug-02]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#4: [27-Aug-02] </font> </a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=5799"> <img src="/ca/ab/n51w114v2/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #2: [26-Jul-02]" title="Visit #2: [26-Jul-02]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#2: [26-Jul-02] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=164"> <img src="/ca/ab/n51w114/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #1: [21-Jul-99]" title="Visit #1: [21-Jul-99]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#1: [21-Jul-99] </font> </a> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- table for the narrative, picture list, pending list, plans, and notes --> <table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td> <br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=18185&amp;pic=1"><img src="/ca/ab/n51w114v7/thumb1.jpg" alt="#1: Looking in the direction of the CP from public road" title="#1: Looking in the direction of the CP from public road" align="left" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="339" height="226"></a> <p> <font face="arial,helvetica" size="-1"> <em>(visited by <a href="/visitor.php?id=19748">Terratin</a>)</em> </font> </p> <div style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: smaller;"><p><b>19-Dec-2011 -- </b>Mrs. Terratin had to go on a business trip to Calgary and Mr. Terratin decided to tag along. We spent the first days recovering from jet-lag and took some time to do some geocaching in Calgary. The weekend we used to visit Banff National Park (Johnston Canyon and the Continental Divide) and Drumheller (Royal Tyrrell Museum). Our return flight was on Monday 19th, in the late afternoon.</p> <p>This morning we planned to visit our first -this- confluence and then drive on to the world's largest glacial erratic, both of which we managed to do.</p> <p>The confluence point is located in a building -likely a warehouse or distribution centre. From Google Earth the closest you can get to the CP -apart from going on the roof of the building- is to the east of the building. However, due to quite some activity going on on the premises -after all it was a Monday morning- we decided to stay on the public road to the South, as near to the CP as we could get.</p> <p>From that location, the actual confluence point is still some 40 m away and is blocked from view by a grey concrete wall, the Southern side of the warehouse. Being an industrial area, there's not a lot to see. The view to the North is blocked by the warehouse. Looking East and West there's more of the warehouse, a couple of trees and snow covered grass. Looking South, across the road (61 Ave SW) there is a metal recycling company or junkyard.</p> <p>Having spent a couple of minutes recoding details and taking the pictures, we left the CP to visit the world's largest glacial erratic, <a href="">Big Rock</a>, and then back north to catch our plane back home to Denmark.</p> <p><b>Details</b>: <ul> <li>Date/Time of arrival: 19 Dec 2011, 10:36 am</li> <li>GPS Devices: Garmin Oregon 450/Garmin etrex vista HCx</li> <li>GPS Altitude: 1029 m (both)</li> <li>GPS Latitude: N 50 59.978 (Oregon) / N 50 59.968 (etrex)</li> <li>GPS Longitude: W114 00.003 (Oregon) / W113 59.995 (etrex)</li> <li>GPS accuracy: 8 m (Oregon) / 12 m (etrex)</li> <li>Minimal distance: 42 m (Oregon); 39 m (Google Earth measure)</li> <li>Distance to nearest road: about 60 m (from CP) 20m (from our location)</li> <li>Road name: 61 Ave SW</li> <li>Visible Terrain/Area: flat urban industrial</li> <li>Weather: fair, overcast, -1&deg;C</li> <li>Description of the CP: On the roof of a what appears to be a warehouse or distribution centre. Visible from our location is the concrete southern wall of this warehouse.</li> <li>CP Name: (none as far as we know)</li> <li>Means of transport: Car (rental)</li> </ul></p></div><br clear=left> </td> </tr> <tr><td align="left" bgcolor="#000070" width="535"><font face="helvetica,arial" size="-1" color="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;<b>All pictures</b></font></td></tr> <tr><td><font face="helvetica,arial" size="-1"><a href="/photo.php?visitid=18185&amp;pic=1">#1: Looking in the direction of the CP from public road</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=18185&amp;pic=2">#2: Looking North from the CP</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=18185&amp;pic=3">#3: Looking East from the CP</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=18185&amp;pic=4">#4: Looking South from the CP</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=18185&amp;pic=5">#5: Looking West from the CP</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=18185&amp;pic=6">#6: GPS readings</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=18185&amp;pic=7">#7: Mr. Terratin close to the CP</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=18185&amp;pic=ALL">ALL: All pictures on one page</a></font></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table> </body> </html>

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