FRANK Fest 2023 | FRANK by OCBC
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<li><a href="/products/cards/hot-deals" target="_self">Hot Deals</a></li> <li><a href="/products/smu-student-loan" target="_self">MOE Loan Schemes for SMU</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li><a href="/plan/digital-banking" target="_self">DIGITAL</a><div class="hm-su-set"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-8"> <div class="hs-se-set row"> <div class="col-md-auto bp-img mob-mb3"> <div class="bp-rel"><img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/nav-digital@2x.png"><div class="icon"><img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/OCBC_Mobile_Banking_App_Invert_160x160-v2@2x.png"></div> </div> </div> <div class="col hs-se-col"> <div class="hs-se-par mb2 mob-mb2"> <p>Save, invest and manage your money anytime, anywhere with digital banking.</p> </div> <div><a class="button button-primary button-width-1" href="/plan/digital-banking" target="_self">GET CONNECTED</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4"> <div class="hs-se-auto"> <h5 class="hs-se-title mb2 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Watch this space as we bring you all the hottest happenings in town, all made even better with your FRANK Debit Card.</p> </div> <div class="mt2 mob-mt2 text-left text-tablet-center"> <button class="button button-primary button-width-1 btn-white btn-border com_apply-btn" data-cardtype="DC" data-facdata="FRV" data-factype="DC">Apply for FRANK Debit Card</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-none d-lg-block bp-banner bp-ab" style="background-image: url('/iwov-resources/v2/img/campaign/frank-fest/page-masthead-d@2x.png?v=2023102001'); background-position: calc(50% + 145px) 100%; background-size: 848px auto;"></div> <div class="d-block d-sm-none bp-banner bp-ab" style="background-image: url('/iwov-resources/v2/img/campaign/frank-fest/page-masthead-mobile@2x.png?v=2023102001'); background-position: 80% calc(0% + 83px); background-size: auto 348px;"></div> </div> <div class="com_masthead-blurb theme theme-grey"> <div class="container pt-0"> <div class="ho-ba-blub bp-ab bottom right" anim-name="fadeInUp" style=""> <div> <p class="mb-0">Apply and earn up to S$30!</p> <p class="small-caption"><a class="link link-inherit link-underline auto-scroll" href="#year-end-frenzy">Find out more</a></p> </div> <div class="ho-ba-close"><i class="fal fa-times"></i></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="" class="section section-large promo-frenzy"> <div class="container theme theme-red"> <div class="row mobile-gradient"> <div class="col-xl-10"> <div class="section-title mb4"> <h5 class="section-header">PROMO FRENZY</h5> <h2>FRANK’s 2023 year-end extravaganza</h2> <div class="section-par mt-4"> <p>The year-end festivities have officially kicked off! We know you’ve been counting down to these epic events, but guess what? We’re here to make it even more thrilling with an array of exclusive promotions, contests and giveaways just for you. Yes, FRFR!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mt4 mb4"> <ul class="com_fest-cal-list list-4 row-list-mb5 row-group-height"> <li class="rgh-item mb-adjust"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/campaign/frank-fest/logo-comicon@2x.png" alt=""> <!-- <h5 class="font-a fw-400">31 oct - 10 nov</h5> --> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">10% off SGCC tickets</h4> <p class="medium-caption">Get discounted bundles for Singapore Comic Con 2023.</p> <div><a class="link-arrow link-theme" data-fancybox href="#popup-sgcc">More</a></div> <div><i class="far fa-calendar pt21 mr16"></i><span class="date pt18">9 Dec - 10 Dec</span></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="rgh-item mb-adjust" rgh-col="0"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1" rgh-item="0-0" style="min-height: 269px;"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/campaign/frank-fest/logo-frank@2x.png" alt=""> <!-- <h5 class="font-a fw-400">Now till 30 Sep 2024</h5> --> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">Tipsy Unicorn</h4> <p class="medium-caption">10% off à la carte menu (Monday – Thursday).</p> <div><a class="link-arrow link-theme" data-fancybox="" href="#popup-unicorn">More</a></div> <div><i class="far fa-calendar pt21 mr16"></i><span class="date pt18">Now till 30 Sep 2024</span></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="rgh-item" rgh-col="0"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1" rgh-item="0-0" style="min-height: 269px;"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/campaign/frank-fest/zoukout-logo2@2x.png" alt=""> <!-- <h5 class="font-a fw-400">1 Nov - 1 Dec</h5> --> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">ZoukOut 2023 Ticket Promotion</h4> <p class="medium-caption">Get 40% off ZoukOut tickets with your FRANK Card.</p> <div><a class="link-arrow link-theme" data-fancybox="" href="#popup-zoukout">More</a></div> <div><i class="far fa-calendar pt21 mr16"></i><span class="date pt18">1 Nov - 1 Dec</span></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="rgh-item mb-adjust" rgh-col="0"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1" rgh-item="0-0" style="min-height: 269px;"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/campaign/frank-fest/logo-frank@2x.png" alt=""> <!-- <h5 class="font-a fw-400">8 Nov Onwards</h5> --> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">FRANK X Drip Welfare Pack</h4> <p class="medium-caption">Flash your FRANK card to collect your FRANK x Drip Welfare packs.</p> <div><a class="link-arrow link-theme" data-fancybox="" href="#popup-drip-welfare">More</a></div> <div><i class="far fa-calendar pt21 mr16"></i><span class="date pt18">21 Nov Onwards</span></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="rgh-item" rgh-col="0"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1" rgh-item="0-0" style="min-height: 269px;"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/campaign/frank-fest/zoukout-logo2@2x.png" alt=""> <!-- <h5 class="font-a fw-400">13 Nov Onwards</h5> --> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">FRANK X ZOUKOUT GOLDEN TICKET HUNT</h4> <p class="medium-caption">Win a pair of 2-day General Admission tickets to ZoukOut 2023!</p> <div><a class="link-arrow link-theme" data-fancybox="" href="#popup-zoukout-golden-ticket">More</a></div> <div><i class="far fa-calendar pt21 mr16"></i><span class="date pt18">20 November 2023 - 24 November 2023</span></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="rgh-item" rgh-col="0"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1" rgh-item="0-0" style="min-height: 269px;"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/campaign/frank-fest/zoukout_logo@2x.jpg" alt=""> <!-- <h5 class="font-a fw-400">13 Nov Onwards</h5> --> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">ZoukOut Pre-party Complimentary Entry</h4> <p class="medium-caption">Join us for the ZoukOut pre-party at Zouk on the 1st of December!</p> <div><a class="link-arrow link-theme" data-fancybox="" href="#popup-zoukout-preparty">More</a></div> <div><i class="far fa-calendar pt21 mr16"></i><span class="date pt18">1 December 2023</span></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="rgh-item" rgh-col="0"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1" rgh-item="0-0" style="min-height: 269px;"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/campaign/frank-fest/logo-frank@2x.png" alt=""> <!-- <h5 class="font-a fw-400">13 Nov Onwards</h5> --> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">Friendship Bracelet Making @ FRANK Stores</h4> <p class="medium-caption">Prep yourself for the Eras tour concert with friendship bracelets.</p> <div><a class="link-arrow link-theme" data-fancybox="" href="#popup-friendship-bracelet-making">More</a></div> <div><i class="far fa-calendar pt21 mr16"></i><span class="date pt18">Starting November 15th, while stocks last!</span></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="rgh-item mb-adjust"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/campaign/frank-fest/marquee-nightclub.JPG" alt=""> <!-- <h5 class="font-a fw-400">1 Nov - 30 Nov</h5> --> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">FRANK x Marquee Mixtape Rewind Night</h4> <p class="medium-caption">Exam’s over join us at Marquee to party it out! One night only.</p> <div><a class="link-arrow link-theme" data-fancybox href="#popup-marquee-mixtape">More</a></div> <div><i class="far fa-calendar pt21 mr16"></i><span class="date pt18">6th December 2023</span></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="rgh-item mb-adjust"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1 exp-promo"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/campaign/frank-fest/logo-oatside@2x.png" alt=""> <!-- <h5 class="font-a fw-400">Now till 30 Sep 2024</h5> --> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">Complimentary Oatside upgrade</h4> <p class="medium-caption">Get a free Oatmilk upgrade at participating cafes islandwide.</p> <div>The Event Has Ended</div> <div><i class="far fa-calendar pt21 mr16"></i><span class="date pt18">01 Oct - 30 Oct</span></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="rgh-item mb-adjust"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1 exp-promo"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/campaign/frank-fest/logo-cherry@2x.png" alt=""> <!-- <h5 class="font-a fw-400">1 Nov - 1 Dec</h5> --> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">Free entry to Cherry Discotheque</h4> <p class="medium-caption">Flash your FRANK Card to enjoy this offer.</p> <div>The Event Has Ended</div> <div><i class="far fa-calendar pt21 mr16"></i><span class="date pt18">16 Oct - 30 Nov</span></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="rgh-item mb-adjust"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1 exp-promo"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/campaign/frank-fest/logo-drip@2x.png" alt=""> <!-- <h5 class="font-a fw-400">8 Nov Onwards</h5> --> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">Free entry to Drip Singapore</h4> <p class="medium-caption">Flash FRANK Card to enjoy this offer.</p> <div>The Event Has Ended</div> <div><i class="far fa-calendar pt21 mr16"></i><span class="date pt18">16 Oct - 30 Nov</span></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="rgh-item mb-adjust"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1 exp-promo"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/campaign/frank-fest/logo-frank@2x.png" alt=""> <!-- <h5 class="font-a fw-400">13 Nov Onwards</h5> --> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">The Ultimate Swiftie Challenge</h4> <p class="medium-caption">Win attractive prizes by taking part in our challenges.</p> <div>The Event Has Ended</div> <div><i class="far fa-calendar pt21 mr16"></i><span class="date pt18">31 Oct - 10 Nov</span></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="rgh-item mb-adjust"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1 exp-promo"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/campaign/frank-fest/logo-frank@2x.png" alt=""> <!-- <h5 class="font-a fw-400">1 Nov - 30 Nov</h5> --> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">Taylor Swift Movie Giveaway</h4> <p class="medium-caption">Catch the screening on opening day for free.</p> <div>The Event Has Ended</div> <div><i class="far fa-calendar pt21 mr16"></i><span class="date pt18">03 Nov</span></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="rgh-item d-none" rgh-col="0"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1" rgh-item="0-0" style="min-height: 269px;"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/campaign/frank-fest/logo-frank@2x.png" alt=""> <!-- <h5 class="font-a fw-400">13 Nov Onwards</h5> --> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">Friendship Bracelet Making at the FRANK Stores</h4> <p class="medium-caption">Prep for the Eras Tour with FRANK.</p> <div><a class="link-arrow link-theme" data-fancybox="" href="#popup-friendship-bracelet">More</a></div> <div><i class="far fa-calendar pt21 mr16"></i><span class="date pt18">13 Nov Onwards</span></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="rgh-item d-none"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <h5 class="font-a fw-400">4 Nov</h5> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour Concert Film Giveaway</h4> <p class="medium-caption">Catch the screening for free.</p> <div><a class="link-arrow link-theme" data-fancybox href="#popup-the-eras-tour-movie">More</a></div> </div> </div> </li> <!-- <li class="rgh-item"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <h5 class="font-a fw-400">06 dec</h5> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">Exclusive Marquee perks</h4> <p class="medium-caption">Enjoy these privileges for one night only.</p> <div><a class="link-arrow link-theme" data-fancybox href="#popup-marquee-singapore">More</a></div> </div> </div> </li> --> <li class="rgh-item d-none"> <div class="com_fest-cal-item rgh1"> <div class="com_fest-cal-top"> <div class="com_fest-cal-tag"> <h5 class="font-a fw-400">9 - 10 Dec</h5> </div> </div> <div class="section-par"> <h4 class="co-black">10% off SGCC tickets</h4> <p class="medium-caption">Get discounted bundles for Singapore Comic Con 2023.</p> <div><a class="link-arrow link-theme" data-fancybox href="#popup-sgcc">More</a></div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="row d-none"> <div class="col-xl-10"> <div class="section-par"> <p>Psst, don't swipe away just yet! We've got more to come – stay tuned to our socials for more deets!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- MONTHLY PROMOTION --> <div id="year-end-frenzy"> <div class="section section-large bg-ash pb0"> <div class="container theme theme-orange"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-10"> <div class="section-title mb-5"> <h5 class="section-header">YEAR END EXCLUSIVE FOR NEW FRANK CUSTOMERS</h5> <h2 class="fest-color-theme">FRANK gives you up to S$30 cash reward when you work hard & play hard</h2> </div> <p>Here's how you can earn your cash reward:</p> </div> </div> <div> <div class="com_table table-size-1 theme theme-orange table-responsive"> <table class="fest-table-theme"> <tbody> <tr class="fest-bg-theme"> <th class="col-6">Steps</th> <th>CASH REWARD</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="background-color:#fff;"> <ol class="mob-pl"> <li class="list-auto">Apply for a FRANK Debit Card and Account</li> </ol> </td> <td style="background-color:#fff;"> <ul class="list-tick"> <li>S$10</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="background-color:#fff;"> <ol start="2" class="mob-pl"> <li class="list-auto">Work hard and <strong>deposit fresh funds of at least S$300</strong> into your new FRANK Account within 30 days of account approval date.</li> </ol> </td> <td style="background-color:#fff;"> <ul class="list-tick"> <li>S$10</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="background-color:#fff;"> <ol start="3" class="mob-pl"> <li class="list-auto">Play hard and <strong>make at least 10 qualifying spend transactions</strong> on your new FRANK Debit Card within 30 days of account approval date.</li> </ol> </td> <td style="background-color:#fff;"> <ul class="list-tick"> <li>S$10</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="background-color:#fff;"><b>Total</b></td> <td style="background-color:#fff;"> <ul class="list-tick"> <li><b>S$30</b></li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="mt3"> <p class="small-caption mb-0">Promotion is valid from 1 November to 31 December 2023. Only for the first 1,000 new-to-FRANK customers of each month. <br><a class="link link-inherit" target="_blank" href="">Terms & conditions apply</a> <br>Insured up to S$75k by SDIC.</p> </div> <div class="mb4 mob-mb4" style="display: none;"> <div class="com_list-switcher cm-li-list-switcher d-sm-inline-block"> <select class="com_tab-select gyrc-card-select" name="" id=""> <option value="#refer-debit-card">debit card</option> <option value="#refer-credit-card">Credit card</option> </select> <ul> <li index="0" class="active"><a href="#">Credit card</a></li> <li index="1"><a href="#">Debit card</a></li> </ul> <div class="com_list-switcher--indicator" style="height: 46px; width: 173px; transform: matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 4, 4);"></div> <div class="com_list-switcher--indicator" style="height: 0px; width: 0px; transform: matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);"></div><div class="com_list-switcher--indicator" style="height: 0px; width: 0px; transform: matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);"></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container separator"></div> </div> </div> <!-- MONTHLY PROMOTION --> <div id="get-connected" class="section bg-gradient-pink"> <div class="container theme theme-red"> <div class="section-title text-center mb4"> <h5 class="section-header">Get connected</h5> <h2>Enjoy BONUS CONTENT ON INSTAGRAM</h2> <div class="section-par mt-4"> <p>Follow us <a class="link-underline link-inherit" href="" target="_blank">@frankbyocbc</a> for more money-saving tips and exclusive deals you won't want to miss 🙌</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container width-7 theme theme-red d-md-block d-none"> <div id="curator-feed-default-feed-layout" class="mt-5 pb-0"><a href="" target="_blank" class="d-block text-center crt-logo crt-tag">Powered by</a></div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var i, e, d = document, s = "script"; i = d.createElement(s); i.async = 1; i.charset = "UTF-8"; i.src = ""; e = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; e.parentNode.insertBefore(i, e); })(); </script> </div> <div class="container theme theme-red d-block d-md-none"> <div id="curator-feed-mobile-layout" class="mt-5 pb-0"><a href="" target="_blank" class="crt-logo crt-tag">Powered by</a></div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var i, e, d = document, s = "script"; i = d.createElement("script"); i.async = 1; i.charset = "UTF-8"; i.src = ""; e = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; e.parentNode.insertBefore(i, e); })(); </script> </div> </div> <div id="faq" class="section section-large"> <div class="container theme"> <div class="section-title mb1"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between"> <h4 class="mb-0">FAQ</h4> <a class="link-arrow" href="" target="_blank">See all FAQ</a> </div> </div> <ul class="theme-accordion com_accordion" close-others="true" open-first="false"> <li class="com_accordion-set"> <div class="com_accordion-title"> <p>How long does it take for new/replacement card to reach me?</p> </div> <div class="com_accordion-content"> <p>It takes about 10 working days.</p> </div> </li> <li class="com_accordion-set"> <div class="com_accordion-title"> <p>How do I change my card design?</p> </div> <div class="com_accordion-content"> <p>You may submit the <a class="link-inherit link-underline" href="" target="_blank">Debit Card Maintenance</a> Form indicating the NEW design of your choice. Alternatively, you may head down to any OCBC Branches to request for a change of card design.</p> </div> </li> <li class="com_accordion-set"> <div class="com_accordion-title"> <p>My card is expiring soon. What should I do?</p> </div> <div class="com_accordion-content"> <p>A renewal card will be sent to you one month before it expires. Your card will be mailed to your mailing address.</p> </div> </li> <li class="com_accordion-set"> <div class="com_accordion-title"> <p>Can I change my card design once it expires?</p> </div> <div class="com_accordion-content"> <p>You may submit the following form - <a class="link-inherit link-underline" href="" target="_blank">Debit Card Maintenance</a> Form indicating the NEW design of your choice. Alternatively, you may head down to any OCBC Branches to request for a change of card design.</p> </div> </li> <li class="com_accordion-set"> <div class="com_accordion-title"> <p>What are the replacement charges for the FRANK Debit Card?</p> </div> <div class="com_accordion-content"> <p>Card replacement fee is waived for up to 2 replacement in 12 months period and a S$30 card replacement fee applies from 3rd card onwards. From 1 January 2023, the card replacement fees from 3rd card replacement onwards will be updated to S$32.40.</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="section bg-ice-blue bp-rel"> <div class="container pb2"> <ul class="st-do-list com_accordion" close-others="true" open-first="false"> <li class="com_accordion-set"> <div class="com_accordion-title">Terms and conditions</div> <div class="com_accordion-content"> <ul class="list-links list-v2"> <li><a class="link-inherit" href="#tncs-general" data-fancybox>Terms and <span class="no-wrap">Conditions <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i></span></a></li> <li><a class="link-inherit" href="#tncs-replacement" data-fancybox>Terms and Conditions Governing Card <span class="no-wrap">Replacement <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i></span></a></li> <li><a class="link-inherit" href="#tncs-frankdebit" data-fancybox>Terms and Conditions Governing FRANK Debit <span class="no-wrap">Card <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i></span></a></li> <li><a class="link-inherit" href="" target="_blank">Terms and Conditions Governing FRANK Debit Card 1% Rebate (with effect of 1st Jul <span class="no-wrap">2020) <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i></span></a></li> <li><a class="link-inherit" href="" target="_blank">Terms and conditions for the invitation to Taylor Swift The Eras Tour on <span class="no-wrap">4 November 2023 <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i></span></a></li> <li><a class="link-inherit" href="" target="_blank">Terms and Conditions Governing the FRANK New Debit Card and Account Work Hard Play Hard <span class="no-wrap">Promotion <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i></span></a></li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class="com_accordion-set"> <div class="com_accordion-title">Important notices</div> <div class="com_accordion-content"> <ul class="list-links list-v2"> <li><a class="link-inherit" href="" target="_blank">Automatic Standing <span class="no-wrap">Instruction <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i></span></a> </li> <li><a class="link-inherit" href="" target="_blank">Online <span class="no-wrap">Banking <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i></span></a> </li> <li><a class="link-inherit" href="" target="_blank">Insured Deposits <span class="no-wrap">Register <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i></span></a> </li> <li><a class="link-inherit" href="" target="_blank">Fees & <span class="no-wrap">Charges <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i></span></a> </li> <li><a class="link-inherit" href="#notice-deposit" data-fancybox="">Deposit Insurance <span class="no-wrap">Scheme <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i></span></a> </li> <li><a class="link-inherit" href="" target="_blank">FAQ - Removal of NETS FlashPay on FRANK <span class="no-wrap">Cards <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i></span></a> </li> <li><a class="link-inherit" href="#notice-removal" data-fancybox="">Removal of NETS FlashPay feature on FRANK Debit <span class="no-wrap">Cards <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i></span></a> </li> </ul> <br> <p><small>With effect from 18 June 2016, the Debit Cardmembers' Agreement will be revised to address, among other matters, amendments and provisions relating to the introduction of digital payment services and malware risks. Please click <a class="link-inherit link-underline" href="" target="_blank">here</a> for the revised Debit Cardmembers' Agreement.</small> </p> </div> </li> <li class="com_accordion-set"> <div class="com_accordion-title">Deposit Insurance Scheme</div> <div class="com_accordion-content"> <p><small>Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors and monies and deposits denominated in Singapore dollars under the Supplementary Retirement Scheme are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$75,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. Monies and deposits denominated in Singapore dollars under the CPF Investment Scheme and CPF Retirement Sum Scheme are aggregated and separately insured up to S$75,000 for each depositor per Scheme member. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not insured.</small> </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="com_bottom-arrow"> <div class="container"><span></span> </div> </div> </div> </section> <form id="ag-d-form" method="POST" action="/frankbyocbc/campaign/" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="cardType" id="cardType" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="prodData" id="prodData" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="facData" id="facData" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="tracker" id="tracker" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="external_link" id="external_link" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="FacType" id="FacType" class="FacType2" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="selected-card1" id="selected-card1" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="selected-card2" id="selected-card2" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="selected-card3" id="selected-card3" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="AgentSourceCode" id="AgentSourceCode" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="AgentIntroducerID" id="AgentIntroducerID"> <input type="hidden" name="AgentID" id="AgentID"> </form> <div style="display: none;"> <div id="popup-oatside" class="popup-content popup-width-3"> <div class="section-par"> <h6>You're in for a treat this October! In celebration of International Coffee Day, we are offering <strong>complimentary Oatside oat milk upgrades</strong> for your coffee orders all month long! Simply flash your FRANK Card at participating cafes islandwide to enjoy this offer. Limited to first 600 cups per outlet at selected cafes.</h6> <h6>Terms and conditions apply.</h6> </div> </div> <div id="popup-unicorn" class="popup-content popup-width-3"> <div class="section-par"> <h6>Chill out at <strong>Tipsy Unicorn</strong> and enjoy 10% off their à la carte menu. This deal is valid only from Mondays to Thursdays.</h6> <h6>Address:<br /> 36 Siloso Beach Walk #01-01,<br /> Sentosa Island<br /> Singapore 099007 </h6> <h6><a class="link-underline" href="" target="_blank">Terms and conditions apply</a>.</h6> </div> </div> <div id="popup-zoukout" class="popup-content popup-width-3"> <div class="section-par"> <h6>Get 40% off ZoukOut tickets by checking out with your FRANK Debit or Credit Card.</h6> <ul class="pl15"><li>40% off 1-Day General Admission passes.</li><li>30% off 2-day General Admission passes</li><li>Limited tickets available.</li></ul> <h6><a href="" target="_blank" class="link-underline">Buy tickets</a></h6> <h6><a href="">Terms and Conditions apply.</h6> </div> </div> <div id="popup-drip-welfare" class="popup-content popup-width-3"> <div class="section-par"> <h6>Drop by any FRANK store or OCBC Wisma Atria and flash your FRANK card to collect your <strong>FRANK x Drip Welfare packs</strong>! Get yourself prepped for the exam szn and the post-exam fun. Collection available at NTU, SMU and NUS FRANK Stores or OCBC Wisma Atria. While stocks last!</h6> <h6>During this period, refer a friend and receive up to S$5 F&B vouchers for each referral that you make. Applicable at the FRANK Stores in NTU, SMU & NUS Only.</h6> <h6>Terms and Conditions apply.</h6> </div> </div> <div id="popup-friendship-bracelet" class="popup-content popup-width-3"> <div class="section-par"> <h6>Prep for the Eras Tour with FRANK! Come down to our FRANK Stores or OCBC Wisma Atria to <strong>make your own friendship bracelets</strong>.</h6> <h6><ul class="pl15"><li>13 November - 8 December (or while stocks last): NTU, NUS and SMU FRANK Store</li><li>1 December - 31 December: OCBC Wisma Atria</li></ul></h6> <h6>During this period, refer a friend and receive up to S$5 F&B vouchers for each referral that you make.</h6> <h6>Terms and Conditions apply.</h6> </div> </div> <div id="popup-zoukout-golden-ticket" class="popup-content popup-width-3"> <div class="section-par"> <h6>This year, FRANK is bringing the ZoukOut Golden Ticket Hunt out of Zouk and into the campuses! Join the hunt and be the lucky ones to win a pair of 2-day General Admission tickets to ZoukOut 2023 happening at Siloso Beach on the 2nd and 3rd December.</h6> <h6>FRANK will be hiding 3 FRANK x ZoukOut Golden Tickets per Campus across NTU, NUS and SMU for a total of 9 Golden Tickets to be found.</h6> <h6>Clues will be given out daily from 20th to 24th November 2023 at 12pm on @frankbyocbc Instagram Stories. Special clues will also be given out to help you boost your chances of finding these golden tickets!</h6> </div> </div> <div id="popup-friendship-bracelet-making" class="popup-content popup-width-3"> <div class="section-par"> <h6>Prep yourself for the Eras tour concert with friendship bracelets. Starting 15th November, come down to our FRANK Stores (hyperlink to our addresses page) to create your very own friendship bracelets.</h6> <h6>Limited to 2 bracelets per customer.</h6> <h6>Terms & conditions apply.</h6> </div> </div> <div id="popup-zoukout-preparty" class="popup-content popup-width-3"> <div class="section-par"> <h6>Join us for the ZoukOut pre-party at Zouk on the 1st of December! Enjoy complimentary free entry before 11.30PM when you flash your FRANK Debit or Credit card at the door.</h6> <h6><strong>Event Venue:</strong><br />3C River Valley Road Singapore 179022</h6> <h6>Terms & Conditions</h6> <h6> <ol class="unset-style pl2"> <li class="pl2">Cardmember must flash their FRANK Debit or Credit Card at the door to enjoy this privilege.</li> <li class="pl2">Not valid in conjunction with discounts, promotions, or vouchers.</li> <li class="pl2">Merchant’s terms and conditions apply. Please contact merchant directly for full details.</li> <li class="pl2">OCBC reserves the right at its absolute discretion to terminate the promotion or vary, delete or add to the promotion, or any of these terms and conditions, at any time without notice including without limitation, the dates of the promotion.</li> <li class="pl2">OCBC shall not be responsible for the quality, merchantability or fitness for any purpose or any other aspect of any product/service. Notwithstanding anything herein, OCBC shall not at any time be responsible or held liable for any defect or malfunction in any product or the deficiency in any service provided, and/or any loss, injury, damage or harm suffered or incurred by or in connection with the use of any product/service by any person.</li> <li class="pl2">OCBC’s decision on all matters relating to the promotion will be final and binding on all participants. No correspondence or appeal shall be entertained by OCBC. In the event of any inconsistency between these terms and conditions and any brochure, marketing or promotional material relating to the promotion, these terms and conditions shall prevail.</li> <li class="pl2">These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of Singapore and each participant in the promotion irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore. A person who is not a party to any agreement governed by these terms and conditions shall have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 2001 to enforce any of these terms and conditions.</li> </ol> </h6> </div> </div> <div id="popup-cherry" class="popup-content popup-width-3"> <div class="section-par"> <h6>Ready to slay and party the night away? We are offering you free entry to <strong>Cherry Discotheque</strong> when you flash your FRANK Card.</h6> <h6><a class="link-underline" target="_blank" href="">Terms and conditions apply</a>.</h6> </div> </div> <div id="popup-drip-singapore" class="popup-content popup-width-3"> <div class="section-par"> <h6>Hit up the largest underground club in town–<strong>Drip Singapore</strong>! Simply flash your FRANK Card to score free entry.</h6> <h6>FRANK Debit or Credit Card at the door to score one free entry before 12am.</h6> <h6><a class="link-underline" target="_blank" href="">Terms and conditions apply</a>.</h6> </div> </div> <div id="popup-ultimate-swiftie" class="popup-content popup-width-3"> <div class="section-par"> <h6>Are you 'Swift' enough to ace these challenges? Join in on our <strong>Ultimate Swiftie Challenge</strong> and prove to be the biggest Taylor Swift stan to win fabulous prizes. Stay tuned!</h6> <h6>Follow us on <a class="link-underline" href="#" target="_blank">Instagram</a> and <a class="link-underline" href="#" target="_blank">TikTok</a> for more updates!</h6> </div> </div> <div id="popup-the-eras-tour-movie" class="popup-content popup-width-3"> <div class="section-par"> <h6><strong>Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour concert film</strong> – we're inviting you to be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime experience! Simply flash your FRANK Debit Card to get free entry, limited to the first 400 customers on a first-come-first-serve basis.</h6> <h6><strong>That's not all! A special surprise awaits all Swifties.</strong></h6> <p> <strong>Venue:</strong> Golden Village, Vivocity <br> <strong>Date:</strong> 4 November 2023 <br> <strong>Movie Screening Time:</strong> 1.20 PM <br> <strong>Fun Activities:</strong> 12.20PM (Make your own friendship bracelets, take photos at our photobooth and enjoy exclusive Oatside Ice cream on us <br> </p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Terms and Conditions apply</a>.</p> </div> </div> <div id="popup-marquee-mixtape" class="popup-content popup-width-3"> <div class="section-par"> <h6>School’s out so it’s time to show up! You are officially invited to the FRANK x Marquee Mixtape rewind night on 6th December 2023. Just flash your FRANK debit or credit card and earn yourself a free entry for the night. But there’s more!</h6> <ol class="unset-style pl2"> <li class="pl2">First 200 FRANK Cardmembers gets a housepour on us!</li> <li class="pl2">Enjoy $10 cocktails when you pay with your FRANK Card at the bar. Valid till 12.30AM only.*</li> </ol> <h6>So drag all your besties and oomfies, it’s party time!</h6> <h6>*Merchant T&Cs apply.</h6> <h6><strong>Terms and conditions</strong></h6> <ol class="unset-style pl2"> <li class="pl2">The Privilege shall be available during the Promotion Period only.</li> <li class="pl2">Cardmembers must flash the FRANK x Marquee Card design (Design code: ENT0001) to be entitled to this Privilege.</li> <li class="pl2">Not valid in conjunction with other discounts, promotions or vouchers.</li> <li class="pl2">The benefits made available to cardmembers pursuant to the terms of the Privilege are not exchangeable or refundable for cash, credit or kind.</li> <li class="pl2">MBS’s terms, conditions and policies apply. Cardholders should contact MBS directly for full details.</li> <li class="pl2">Company and MBS reserve the right at their absolute discretion to terminate the Privilege or vary, delete or add to the Privilege, or any of these terms and conditions, at any time without notice including without limitation, the applicable dates of the Privilege.</li> <li class="pl2">To the maximum extent permitted by the law, Company and MBS shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any person in connection with the Privilege howsoever arising, including any error in computing chances, any breakdown or malfunction in any computer system or equipment, or any notice which is misdirected or lost in the post or in transmission.</li> <li class="pl2">Company and MBS’s decision on all matters relating to the Privilege will be final and binding on all participants. No correspondence or appeal shall be entertained by Company and MBS. In the event of any inconsistency between these terms and conditions and any brochure, marketing or promotional material relating to the Privilege, these terms and conditions shall prevail.</li> <li class="pl2">OCBC reserves the right at its absolute discretion to terminate the promotion or vary, delete or add to the promotion, or any of these terms and conditions, at any time without notice including without limitation, the dates of the promotion.</li> <li class="pl2">OCBC shall not be responsible for the quality, merchantability or fitness for any purpose or any other aspect of any product/service. Notwithstanding anything herein, OCBC shall not at any time be responsible or held liable for any defect or malfunction in any product or the deficiency in any service provided, and/or any loss, injury, damage or harm suffered or incurred by or in connection with the use of any product/service by any person.</li> <li class="pl2">OCBC’s decision on all matters relating to the promotion will be final and binding on all participants. No correspondence or appeal shall be entertained by OCBC. In the event of any inconsistency between these terms and conditions and any brochure, marketing or promotional material relating to the promotion, these terms and conditions shall prevail.</li> <li class="pl2">These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of Singapore and each participant in the promotion irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore. A person who is not a party to any agreement governed by these terms and conditions shall have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 2001 to enforce any of these terms and conditions.</li> </ol> </div> </div> <div id="popup-marquee-singapore" class="popup-content popup-width-3"> <div class="section-par"> <h6>Looking for a more bougie experience? <strong>Marquee Singapore</strong> is the place to be.</h6> <h6>Exclusively for FRANK cardholders, the first 200 pax get to enjoy free entry along with a complimentary drink and free pictures at Marquee's iconic photo wall. You're entitled to priority booking for standing tables, with a minimum spend of S$1,000 for up to 10 guests.</h6> <h6>Grandstand tables are also available for reservation at S$1,500 to S$2,000. For KOLs who have been exclusively invited to participate in this promotion, you are required to book a minimum of 3 grandstand tables and spend at least S$1,000 at each table.</h6> <h6>What's more, there will be a special FRANK menu starting from 6 December 2023. Keep a lookout!</h6> </div> </div> <div id="popup-sgcc" class="popup-content popup-width-3"> <div class="section-par"> <h6>Happening from 9 - 10 December 2023, enjoy 10% off all ticket bundles (capped at S$7) with your FRANK by OCBC Debit or Credit Card! Just enter promo code <FRANK10OFF> when you pay with your FRANK Card! Limited tickets available.</h6> <h6>Terms and conditions apply. </h6> <p><a class="link-arrow" href="" target="_blank">Learn more</a></p> </div> </div> <div id="tncs-general" class="popup-content popup-text"> <div class=""> <ul> <li>No interest will be given for account balances above S$500,000</li> <li>Interest rates are subject to change without prior notice</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="tncs-replacement" class="popup-content popup-text"> <div class="section-title mb5"> <h4>Terms and Conditions Governing Card Replacement</h4> </div> <div class=""> <ol> <li>I agree that the card design fee paid by me will not be refunded nor be used to pay for a similar or different card design selected by me when I replace my card for any reason whatsoever.</li> <li>I accept that my existing card will be terminated by OCBC Bank if I change or replace the card design on my card to or with another design. I agree to surrender my existing card to OCBC Bank for cancellation when I submit my application to change or replace the card design.</li> </ol> <p><strong>I hereby irrevocably and unconditionally:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Confirm that I have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions set out in this application form;</li> <li>Represent and warrant that all information provided by me in this application is true and complete and undertake to notify OCBC Bank immediately of any change in such information;</li> <li>Confirm that I am not an undischarged bankrupt and there has been no statutory demand served on me;</li> <li>Authorise OCBC Bank to verify information given in this application with any party (including, without limitation, with any credit bureau or any other organisation or corporation set up for the purpose of collecting and providing information relating to the credit standing of persons) without reference to me;</li> <li>Consent for OCBC Bank to disclose any information whatsoever relating to me as OCBC Bank shall consider appropriate to any person to whom disclosure is permitted or required by any applicable law or to any other person wherever situated for any purpose. Without prejudice to the foregoing, I consent to such disclosure to any credit bureau or any other organisation or corporation set up for the purpose of collecting and providing information relating to the credit standing of persons, and to the disclosure by such credit bureau or other organisation or corporation to any member thereof, for the purposes of assessing my creditworthiness or for other purpose whatsoever; and</li> <li>Agree that OCBC Bank has the absolute discretion to decline my application for a FRANK Debit Card and/or FRANK Account without giving any reason and to retain the documents submitted as property of OCBC Bank.</li> </ol> </div> </div> <div id="tncs-frankdebit" class="popup-content popup-text"> <div class="section-title mb5"> <h4>Terms and Conditions Governing FRANK Debit Card</h4> </div> <div class=""> <p><strong>General:</strong></p> <ol> <li>I agree to and shall abide by all terms and conditions governing card replacement (“Card Replacement”) set out below.</li> <li>I shall not duplicate or distribute any card designs (including logos) without the prior written consent of OCBC Bank, regardless of whether such card designs are currently in circulation or public domain.</li> <li>I agree that OCBC Bank shall not be responsible or liable for and agree to absolve OCBC Bank from all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in connection with any card design, including but not limited to that related to picture quality, third party's claims and errors and/or inconsistencies between the picture designs displayed at the store, online and other forms or means in any manner.</li> <li>I accept that OCBC Bank may terminate, discontinue or withdraw the use or availability of any card designs at any time without notice to me.</li> <li>I agree to pay OCBC Bank the prevailing card design fee for any card design selected by me whenever I apply for or replace any card and this includes any similar card designs previously selected and paid by me. I agree that the card design fee may be paid by debiting any of my accounts with OCBC Bank or other means as the Bank may agree.</li> <li>I accept that OCBC Bank may vary the card design fee of any card at any time and from time to time and will not refund nor return the difference between the card design fee previously paid by me and the revised card design fee.</li> <li>I accept that OCBC Bank reserves the right to select any card design for me in the event that a card design is not selected, indicated or stated clearly in my application form, replacement form or card design request form.</li> </ol> </div> </div> <div id="notice-deposit" class="popup-content popup-text"> <div class=""> <p>Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors and monies and deposits denominated in Singapore dollars under the Supplementary Retirement Scheme are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$75,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. Monies and deposits denominated in Singapore dollars under the CPF Investment Scheme and CPF Retirement Sum Scheme are aggregated and separately insured up to S$75,000 for each depositor per Scheme member. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not insured.</p> </div> </div> <div id="notice-removal" class="popup-content popup-text"> <div class=""> <ol> <li>I agree to and shall abide by all terms and conditions governing card replacement (“Card Replacement”) set out below.</li> <li>I shall not duplicate or distribute any card designs (including logos) without the prior written consent of OCBC Bank, regardless of whether such card designs are currently in circulation or public domain.</li> <li>I agree that OCBC Bank shall not be responsible or liable for and agree to absolve OCBC Bank from all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in connection with any card design, including but not limited to that related to picture quality, third party's claims and errors and/or inconsistencies between the picture designs displayed at the store, online and other forms or means in any manner.</li> <li>I accept that OCBC Bank may terminate, discontinue or withdraw the use or availability of any card designs at any time without notice to me.</li> <li>I agree to pay OCBC Bank the prevailing card design fee for any card design selected by me whenever I apply for or replace any card and this includes any similar card designs previously selected and paid by me. I agree that the card design fee may be paid by debiting any of my accounts with OCBC Bank or other means as the Bank may agree.</li> <li>I accept that OCBC Bank may vary the card design fee of any card at any time and from time to time and will not refund nor return the difference between the card design fee previously paid by me and the revised card design fee.</li> <li>I accept that OCBC Bank reserves the right to select any card design for me in the event that a card design is not selected, indicated or stated clearly in my application form, replacement form or card design request form.</li> </ol> </div> </div> <div id="apply-frank-dc" class="popup-content popup-width-2 theme theme-orange"> <div> <div class="section-title mb3"> <h4>Applying for a FRANK Debit Card?</h4> </div> <div class="section-par mt3"> <p><img class="emoji mr-1" src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/icon_fire.png" alt="" title="">Tip: Apply via Myinfo if you have a Singpass account for easy application & instant approval. Don't have a Singpass account? <a class="link" href="" target="_blank">Register online</a> in just 5 mins</p> <p>For Foreigners, you may apply via application form or visit any FRANK store.</p> </div> <div class="mt3 d-flex justify-content-between flex-row align-items-center"> <button class="button button-primary btn-orange com_apply-btn" data-cardType="DC" data-facData="FRV" data-FacType="DC" data-AgentSourceCode="FRVWEB">Next</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END Frank Fest FreeHTML component --></div> </div> </div> <div class="iw_component" id="iw_comp1697251771933"> <footer id="footer"> <div class="footer-content"> <div class="footer-top container-fluid"> <div class="container"> <div class="row align-items-end"> <div class="col-auto"> <div class="logo mb1"><img src="/iwov-resources/v2/img/frank-logo-clean.png" width="101" alt=""></div> <h5 class="section-header mb2 mob-mb2">SAYING IT AS IT IS.</h5> <div class="fo-co-par par-small"> <p><p><b>Get in touch with us</b><br /><a href="tel:18003633333">1800 363 3333 (local)</a> <br /><a href="tel:+6563633333">+65 6363 3333 (overseas)</a><br /><a href="" class="" target="_target">Contact Us</a></p></p> </div> <div><ul class="fo-co-sns"> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-facebook"></i></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-youtube"></i></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-instagram"></i></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i></a></li> </ul></div> </div> <div class="col-auto d-none d-md-block"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-auto"> <ul class="fo-to-links mb1"> <li><a href="/executives" target="_self">For Executives</a></li> <li><a href="/students" target="_self">For Students</a></li> <li><a href="/plan/digital-banking" target="_self">Digital Banking</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_self">FAQ</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-auto"> <ul class="fo-to-links mb1"> <li><a href="/" target="_self">Accounts</a></li> <li><a href="/products/cards/which-is-the-right-card-for-me" target="_self">Cards</a></li> <li><a href="/products/investments" target="_self">Investments</a></li> <li><a href="/products/investments/student-loan" target="_self">Student Loans</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-auto"> <ul class="fo-to-links mb1"> <li><a href="/blog" target="_self">Blog</a></li> <li><a href="/products/cards/hot-deals" target="_self">Hot Deals</a></li> <li><a href="/frankpreneurship" target="_self">FRANKPRENEURSHIP</a></li> <li><a href="/stores" target="_self">Stores</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer-bottom container-fluid"> <div class="container fo-co-par par-small"><p>Copyright © <span id="year">2021</span> OCBC Bank. All rights reserved. <br /><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Conditions of Access</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Policies</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Security</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Notices</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Report Vulnerability</a></p></div> </div> </div> </footer> </div> <div class="iw_component" id="iw_comp1697251771932"> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <!--ls:begin[analytics-digitalData]--><!-- (START) Data Layer - Adobe Analytics --> <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ var digitalData = { page: { pageName: "SG:Frank:Campaign:FrankFest", channel: "Frank", subSection2: "Campaign" } } // ]]> </script> <!-- (END) Data Layer - Adobe Analytics --><!--ls:end[analytics-digitalData]--><!--ls:begin[body_injection_bottom]--><script src='/iwov-resources/v2/js/notice-maintenance.js'></script> <!--ls:end[body_injection_bottom]--><!--ls:begin[analytics-body-bottom]--><!-- (START) Adobe Analytics - Footer --> <script> var script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('src', '/iwov-resources/v2/js/script-v2.js?v=' + new Date().valueOf()); var cardmaintenance = document.createElement('script'); cardmaintenance.setAttribute('src', '/iwov-resources/v2/js/card-maintenance.js?v=' + new Date().valueOf()); // script.setAttribute('src', '/iwov-resources/v2/js/script-v2.js?v=' + new Date().valueOf()); // var redirectionpopup = document.createElement('script'); // redirectionpopup.setAttribute('src', '/iwov-resources/v2/js/cards-redirection.js?v=' + new Date().valueOf()); script.onload = function() { $('#block-ocbc-frank-page-title').remove(); $('.field__item:first-child', '#hero-before-gradientDiv').remove(); $('.com_apply-btn').each(function() { var _this = this; var _insidePopup = $(_this).closest('.popup-content'); if(_insidePopup[0]) return; $(_this).hide(); var _dummyBtn = document.createElement('a'); $(_dummyBtn).addClass(_this.getAttribute('class')).removeClass('com_apply-btn').attr('data-fancybox', '').attr('href', '#apply-frank-dc').html('Apply Now'); $(_this).after(_dummyBtn); }); document.body.appendChild(cardmaintenance); $('link[rel="stylesheet"]').each(function () { const href = $(this).attr('href'); $(this).attr('href', (href + '?v=' + new Date().valueOf())); }); const _getUrlVars = function() { var vars = {}; var value = typeof opt === 'undefined' ? window.location.href : opt; var parts = value.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&#]*)/gi, function(m, key, value) { vars[key] = value; }); return vars; } const _agntSrcCde = _getUrlVars().AgentSourceCode; // if (_agntSrcCde == 'FRVFST') { // // for cc // const _promo = document.querySelector('#promotions'); // $('', _promo).html('<h5 class="section-header">Sign up and spend promotion</h5><h3>Enjoy dining deals and greater dining options. Valid till 31 August 2022.</h3><div class="row row-medium mt2 mob-mt2 text-center text-md-left"><div class="col-md-12"><h5><small>Get a year-long Burpple Beyond Premium membership worth S$99! Simply apply for a FRANK Debit Card and spend a min. of S$200 by the end of the following month upon your card approval date.</small></h5><p class="small-caption mb-0">For the first 1,100 eligible applicants only. <a href="/iwov-resources/pdf/tncs-frankdc-onlinepromo-aug.pdf" class="link link-inherit link-underline" target="_blank">Terms and conditions apply</a>.</p></div></div>'); // } else if (_agntSrcCde == 'FRKDC1') { var clicktopay = $("#main-wrapper > .section").eq(3), howitworks = $("#how-it-works > .section:last-child"), razer = $("#main-wrapper > div:nth-child(9)"), sep = $('.section-sep'), beforeyouapply = $("#before-you-apply"), cta = $("#main-wrapper > .section").eq(6), faq = $("#faq"), blog = $("#main-wrapper > .section").eq(8); [clicktopay, howitworks, razer, sep, beforeyouapply, cta, faq, blog].forEach(function(item, index) { $(item).remove(); }); //for nav var headSubNav = $('.header-bottom '); var firstNav = $('.com_nav-scroller .he-bo-menu ul li',headSubNav).eq(0); $('.com_nav-scroller .he-bo-menu ul li',headSubNav).eq(1).after('<li>'+firstNav.html()+'</li>'); 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