Miro - Free, open-source music and video player.

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If you don't like Miro (impossible!), nothing's changed. </p> <a id="current" rel="#works" href="#" class="notIE play">30 Second Video</a> <a id="current" href="" target="_blank" class="IEonly play">30 Second Video</a> </div> <div class="simple_overlay" id="works"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> ({ "base_state": {}, video_url: "", video_config: { title: 0, byline: 0, portrait: 0, color: 'FF0000', width: 850, height: 531, } }) </script> <div class="details"> <p class="dl-bar"> <span class="dl-title">Download this Video</span> <a class="hd" href="#">HD</a> <!-- <a class="sd" href="">SD</a> --> <span class='st_sharethis' displayText='ShareThis' style="margin-top:18px;margin-left:0px;"></span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="grid_4 connect"> <div><span></span><img src="i/nine-reasons/connect-full.jpg" width="300" height="186" /></div> <h4>Converts and syncs to Android & Kindle Fire</h4> <p> You'd have to be crazy to use a music player that doesn't sync to your phone. Miro is simply the best music and video player for Android phones and tablets. </p> <a id="sync" rel="#syncs" href="#" class="notIE play">30 Second Video</a> <a id="sync" href="" target="_blank" class="IEonly play">30 Second Video</a> </div> <div class="simple_overlay" id="syncs"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> ({ "base_state": {}, video_url: "", video_config: { title: 0, byline: 0, portrait: 0, color: 'FF0000', width: 850, height: 531, } }) </script> <div class="details"> <p class="dl-bar"> <span class="dl-title">Download this Video</span> <a class="hd" href="#">HD</a> <!-- <a class="sd" href="">SD</a> --> <span class='st_sharethis' displayText='ShareThis' style="margin-top:18px;margin-left:0px;"></span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="grid_4 stores"> <div><span></span><img src="i/nine-reasons/stores-full.jpg" width="300" height="186" /></div> <h4>Buy Music and Apps inside Miro</h4> <p> The Amazon MP3 store is built-in to Miro. Buy, download, and listen, seamlessly. Buy Android apps from the Amazon or Google app stores and they will sync to your device. </p> <a id="buy" rel="#buys" href="#" class="notIE play">30 Second Video</a> <a id="buy" href="" target="_blank" class="IEonly play">30 Second Video</a> </div> <div class="simple_overlay" id="buys"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> ({ "base_state": {}, video_url: "", video_config: { title: 0, byline: 0, portrait: 0, color: 'FF0000', width: 850, height: 531, } }) </script> <div class="details"> <p class="dl-bar"> <span class="dl-title">Download this Video</span> <a class="hd" href="#">HD</a> <!-- <a class="sd" href="">SD</a> --> <span class='st_sharethis' displayText='ShareThis' style="margin-top:18px;margin-left:0px;"></span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="grid_4 player"> <div><span></span><img src="i/nine-reasons/play.jpg" width="300" height="186" /></div> <h4>Download and play almost any video </h4> <p> Do you still use separate programs to download, play music, play videos, and sync to your phone? Miro plays almost any video or music format and downloads from YouTube, podcasts, Amazon, and bittorrent. </p> <a id="download" rel="#downloads" href="#" class="notIE play">30 Second Video</a> <a id="download" href="" target="_blank" class="IEonly play">30 Second Video</a> </div> <div class="simple_overlay" id="downloads"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> ({ "base_state": {}, video_url: "", video_config: { title: 0, byline: 0, portrait: 0, color: 'FF0000', width: 850, height: 531, } }) </script> <div class="details"> <p class="dl-bar"> <span class="dl-title">Download this Video</span> <a class="hd" href="#">HD</a> <!-- <a class="sd" href="">SD</a> --> <span class='st_sharethis' displayText='ShareThis' style="margin-top:18px;margin-left:0px;"></span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="grid_4 convert"> <div><span></span><img src="i/nine-reasons/convert.jpg" width="300" height="186" /></div> <h4>Convert any video</h4> <p> You can convert almost any video with Miro into mp4/h264, with presets for almost any device you can think of (including iPhones, iPods, iPads, Android phones, and more). </p> <a id="convert" rel="#converts" href="#" class="notIE play">30 Second Video</a> <a id="convert" href="" target="_blank" class="IEonly play">30 Second Video</a> </div> <div class="simple_overlay" id="converts"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> ({ "base_state": {}, video_url: "", video_config: { title: 0, byline: 0, portrait: 0, color: 'FF0000', width: 850, height: 531, } }) </script> <div class="details"> <p class="dl-bar"> <span class="dl-title">Download this Video</span> <a class="hd" href="#">HD</a> <!-- <a class="sd" href="">SD</a> --> <span class='st_sharethis' displayText='ShareThis' style="margin-top:18px;margin-left:0px;"></span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="grid_4 stream"> <div><span></span><img src="i/nine-reasons/stream-full.jpg" width="300" height="186" /></div> <h4>Share Your Media on your Network</h4> <p> When two Miro's are on the same wifi network, they can stream and transfer music and videos to each other. It's the easiest way to watch a video or play music upstairs if the file is downstairs. </p> <a id="share" rel="#shares" href="#" class="notIE play">30 Second Video</a> <a id="share" href="" target="_blank" class="IEonly play">30 Second Video</a> </div> <div class="simple_overlay" id="shares"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> ({ "base_state": {}, video_url: "", video_config: { title: 0, byline: 0, portrait: 0, color: 'FF0000', width: 850, height: 531, } }) </script> <div class="details"> <p class="dl-bar"> <span class="dl-title">Download this Video</span> <a class="hd" href="#">HD</a> <!-- <a class="sd" href="">SD</a> --> <span class='st_sharethis' displayText='ShareThis' style="margin-top:18px;margin-left:0px;"></span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="grid_4 nolocks"> <div><span></span><img src="i/nine-reasons/open.jpg" width="300" height="186" /></div> <h4>Open-source - don't lock yourself in!</h4> <p> Unlike some other media players (cough, cough), Miro is not trying to run your life! Not only is Miro 100% free and open-source, it's made by a non-profit organization. You don't need to be locked down by one corporation to have a great media experience. </p> <a id="opensource" rel="#opensources" href="#" class="notIE play">30 Second Video</a> <a id="opensource" href="" target="_blank" class="IEonly play">30 Second Video</a> </div> <div class="simple_overlay" id="opensources"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> ({ "base_state": {}, video_url: "", video_config: { title: 0, byline: 0, portrait: 0, color: 'FF0000', width: 850, height: 531, } }) </script> <div class="details"> <p class="dl-bar"> <span class="dl-title">Download this Video</span> <a class="hd" href="#">HD</a> <!-- <a class="sd" href="">SD</a> --> <span class='st_sharethis' displayText='ShareThis' style="margin-top:18px;margin-left:0px;"></span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="grid_4 downloads"> <div><span></span><img src="i/nine-reasons/downloads-full.jpg" width="300" height="186" /></div> <h4>Ultra-fast torrent downloading</h4> <p> Miro has some of the fastest bittorrent downloading in the world, built in. Try us head-to-head with any bittorrent application! </p> <a id="torrent" rel="#torrents" href="#" class="notIE play">30 Second Video</a> <a id="torrent" href="" target="_blank" class="IEonly play">30 Second Video</a> </div> <div class="simple_overlay" id="torrents"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> ({ "base_state": {}, video_url: "", video_config: { title: 0, byline: 0, portrait: 0, color: 'FF0000', width: 850, height: 531, } }) </script> <div class="details"> <p class="dl-bar"> <span class="dl-title">Download this Video</span> <a class="hd" href="#">HD</a> <!-- <a class="sd" href="">SD</a> --> <span class='st_sharethis' displayText='ShareThis' style="margin-top:18px;margin-left:0px;"></span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="grid_4"> <div><span></span><img src="i/nine-reasons/features.jpg" width="300" height="186" /></div> <h4>But it's not about the features!</h4> <p> Miro has a lot of features, but that's not what matters-- it's the experience. Miro is a simple, beautiful, unified way to download, organize, and watch videos and listen to music. And it's totally free. </p> <a id="experience" rel="#experiences" href="#" class="notIE play">30 Second Video</a> <a id="experience" href="" target="_blank" class="IEonly play">30 Second Video</a> </div> <div class="simple_overlay" id="experiences"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> ({ "base_state": {}, video_url: "", video_config: { title: 0, byline: 0, portrait: 0, color: 'FF0000', width: 850, height: 531, } }) </script> <div class="details"> <p class="dl-bar"> <span class="dl-title">Download this Video</span> <a class="hd" href="#">HD</a> <!-- <a class="sd" href="">SD</a> --> <span class='st_sharethis' displayText='ShareThis' style="margin-top:18px;margin-left:0px;"></span> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="grid_3"> <div class="grid_3 community-pitch alpha omega"> <a href=""><img src="i/pitches/community-icon.png" width="142" height="142" alt="Miro Community" /></a> </div> <h4>Miro Community</h4> <p>The easiest way to make a beautiful video website for any topic, organization, school, or community.</p> <br /> <br /><br /><br /></div> <div class="grid_3"> <div class="grid_3 converter-pitch alpha omega"> <a href=""><img src="i/pitches/converter-icon.png" width="142" height="142" alt="Miro Video Converter" /></a> </div> <h4>Miro Video Converter</h4> <p>A super simple way to convert any video format to MP4 or for your phone or Apple device.</p> </div> <div class="grid_3"> <div class="grid_3 unisubs-pitch alpha omega"> <a href=""><img src="i/pitches/unisubs-icon.png" width="142" height="142" alt="Universal Subtitles" /></a> </div> <h4>Amara</h4> <p>Increase your viewership by subtitling, captioning, or translating any video, with the help of your viewers.</p> </div> <div class="grid_3"> <div class="grid_3 ipad-pitch alpha omega"> <a href=""><img src="i/pitches/ipad-icon.png" width="142" height="142" alt="Miro for iPad" /></a> </div> <h4>Miro for iPad</h4> <p>Stream, transfer, and play videos and music from Miro to your iPad with our beautiful and free iPad app.</p> </div> <div class="clear">&nbsp;</div> <div class="grid_4 plank likefb"> <div class="fb"> <h4>Remember to Like Miro</h4> <!--<span><iframe src=";;send=false&amp;layout=button_count&amp;width=450&amp;show_faces=false&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;font=lucida+grande&amp;height=21" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; 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