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A dropped connection during an important file transfer or unexpectedly slow speeds when trying to FaceTime with family can quickly disrupt our lives. It's moments like these that make us wonder if we're really getting the level of service we pay for. But what if you could easily understand your internet's typical performance and make sure you're getting your money's worth? That's where <a href="">Speedtest<sup>®</sup></a> and <a href="">Downdetector<sup>®</sup></a> come in.</p> <p>Read on to discover how these tools can help you measure and understand your internet performance and ensure you're getting the service you're paying for.</p> <blockquote><p><strong>Pro Tip</strong>: Looking to become an even savvier internet user? Check out our guide to learn how Speedtest can help you <a href="/about/knowledge/plan-for-better-internet">plan for better connected experiences</a>, from preparing for epic gaming sessions to ensuring you'll stay connected on vacation and everything in between.</p></blockquote> <h2>Measure your internet performance</h2> <p><a href="">Speedtest</a> provides a comprehensive view of how your connections are performing, with valuable insights on speed, latency, jitter, and more. With some simple monitoring of your network’s performance, you can identify problems quickly and prevent future headaches. Here's how Speedtest can help you understand and improve your internet performance:</p> <img class="guide-img-float-clear guide-img-float-left img-icon img-icon-xxl" src="/s/images/speedtest/about/knowledge/get-what-you-pay-for/speedtest_understanding_icon@2x.png" alt="" role="presentation"> <h3>Understand your network's capabilities</h3> <p>Test your connection on both Wi-Fi and mobile to understand your network’s baseline performance. Think of this as your “normal” level of performance, which can serve as a reference point for your long-term usage. This information comes in handy when you suspect something isn't quite right; if a website seems sluggish or an app isn't loading properly, a quick Speedtest can immediately tell you if your connection is the culprit.</p> <p>Knowing your typical performance can also help you set realistic expectations for your online activities, like if you can <a href="/about/knowledge/how-much-speed-you-need">stream that new show in HD</a> or if you'll need to settle for standard definition. If your speeds are within range of what you usually experience but you're still experiencing issues, check <a href="">Downdetector</a> to see if the problem is with a specific service or website. If you’d like to see what’s typical for your country or city, visit the <a href="">Speedtest Global Index<sup>™</sup></a>.</p> <img class="guide-img-float-clear guide-img-float-right img-icon img-icon-xxl" src="/s/images/speedtest/about/knowledge/get-what-you-pay-for/speedtest_evaluate_dead_spots_icon@2x.png" alt="" role="presentation"> <h3>Evaluate your Wi-Fi and identify weak (or dead) spots</h3> <p>Test performance throughout your home to get a sense of your network’s performance where you need it most. This will allow you to understand where your internet works well and where it doesn't, helping you find and address problem areas, perhaps by repositioning your router or considering a <a href="/about/knowledge/simple-wifi-audit">Wi-Fi extender for weak spots</a>.</p> <p><strong>Check performance in different rooms and different times: </strong>Test your primary device in various locations where you frequently use your network. If you notice performance differences, repeat the tests with other devices in the same spots. This helps determine if issues are location-specific (affecting all devices) or device-specific (affecting only one device). By comparing results, you can see if the problem lies with your network, individual devices, or specific areas in your home.</p> <img class="guide-img-float-clear guide-img-float-left img-icon img-icon-xxl" src="/s/images/speedtest/about/knowledge/get-what-you-pay-for/speedtest_troubleshooting_icon@2x.png" alt="" role="presentation"> <h3>See if your troubleshooting efforts paid off</h3> <p>Check your speeds after making changes to see if moving your Wi-Fi router, adding an extender, or switching to a different provider has improved your performance. This before-and-after comparison helps you learn about your network and where to look for trouble spots in the future.</p> <img class="guide-img-float-clear guide-img-float-right img-icon img-icon-xxl" src="/s/images/speedtest/about/knowledge/get-what-you-pay-for/speedtest-map-screenshot@2x.webp" alt="" role="presentation"> <h3>Check your neighborhood coverage</h3> <p>You can also use the map in the Speedtest app to check mobile coverage in your area to see how your network’s coverage stacks up to that of the competition. The map will show you if there are dead zones or where 5G is the most common connection type.</p> <p>Understanding your internet performance is crucial in today's connected world. Using <a href="">Speedtest</a> allows you to establish your baseline performance, set realistic expectations, and quickly identify connection issues when they arise. Now, let's take a look at how Speedtest can help you make sure you're getting your money's worth from your internet service.</p> <h2>Make sure you get what you pay for (and only pay for what you need)</h2> <p>Many of us have experienced the frustration of slow internet speeds, especially when we're paying for premium service. This raises a common concern: are we really getting the internet performance we’re paying for? Without accurate data, it’s hard to know for sure. That’s where Speedtest comes in. Here’s how it can help ensure you’re getting what you pay for:</p> <h3>Compare actual vs. promised speeds</h3> <p>Check if your real-world speeds match those promised by your plan. If you're paying for a 100 Mbps connection, Speedtest can show you if you're consistently getting those speeds or if a <a href="/about/knowledge/trouble-with-your-isp">call with your provider</a> might be in order.</p> <h3>Determine if your plan is right for you</h3> <p class="u-align-center"><img class="pure-img" src="/s/images/speedtest/about/knowledge/get-what-you-pay-for/speedtest_broadband_label@2x.png" alt="" role="presentation"></p> <p>Find out if you're paying for more (or less) speed than necessary based on how you use the internet. If you live alone and primarily browse the web or use simple apps, you likely don't <a href="/about/knowledge/how-much-speed-you-need">need nearly as much speed</a> as someone with a large family who regularly streams 4K video on multiple devices or uploads huge files for work. You can also use Speedtest when considering upgrades or switching providers. If you notice your file downloads start to slow to a crawl, you might decide to upgrade to a higher-speed plan or switch to a faster provider in your area.</p> <h3>Document internet performance issues</h3> <p class="u-align-center"><img class="pure-img" src="/s/images/speedtest/about/knowledge/get-what-you-pay-for/speedtest_results_screen@2x.png" alt="" role="presentation"></p> <p>Keep a record of speed issues for productive <a href="/about/knowledge/trouble-with-your-isp">conversations with your provider</a>, or better yet, let us do it for you! Speedtest logs your test history over time, allowing you to identify any patterns of underperformance that you can discuss (or dispute) with your provider. And with a free <a href="/login">Speedtest account</a>, you can annotate and monitor your historical test results across multiple devices.</p> <h3>Put your technical knowledge to use</h3> <p class="u-align-center"><img class="pure-img" src="/s/images/speedtest/about/knowledge/get-what-you-pay-for/speedtest_mock_screen@2x.png" alt="" role="presentation"></p> <p>Understand the importance of <a href="/about/knowledge/broadband-internet-glossary">key metrics</a> like download and upload speeds, latency, and jitter for more productive provider conversations. For example, knowing that your ping is consistently high could help you explain why your video calls are laggy, even if your download speeds are plenty fast enough.</p> <h2>The bottom line</h2> <p>Speedtest is more than just a tool for checking your internet speed — it's a powerful ally as you navigate the complex world of internet connectivity. Using Speedtest helps you gain a comprehensive understanding of your network's performance, optimize your setup, and ensure you're getting the service you pay for.</p> <p>As a savvy internet consumer, you'll become more empowered to have productive conversations with your provider and make informed decisions about your internet plan and usage. With <a href="">Speedtest</a>, you can maximize your internet potential and take control of your online experience.</p> <p>To learn how Speedtest can help you <a href="/about/knowledge/internet-troubleshooting">troubleshoot</a> your connection issues and <a href="/about/knowledge/plan-for-better-internet">plan for your daily connected experiences</a>, check out our other guides on these topics.</p></div></div></div></div><div class="nav-breadcrumbs"><div class="section section-light"><div class="container"><div class="pure-g"><div class="pure-u-1 u-c"><a href="/ja/about">About</a><span class="breadcrumb-divider" role="separator"> <svg class="svg-icon svg-icon-smaller"><use xlink:href="#ic_selection"></use></svg> </span><a href="/ja/about/knowledge">Knowledge Base</a><span class="breadcrumb-divider" role="separator"> <svg class="svg-icon svg-icon-smaller"><use xlink:href="#ic_selection"></use></svg> </span><a href="/ja/about/knowledge/guides">Guides</a><span class="breadcrumb-divider" role="separator"> <svg class="svg-icon svg-icon-smaller"><use xlink:href="#ic_selection"></use></svg> </span><a href="/ja/about/knowledge/get-what-you-pay-for">Get the Internet Speed You Pay For</a></div></div></div></div></div></main></div></div><footer class="footer" role="contentinfo"><div class="container"><div class="pure-g"><div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-sm-1-3 u-c"><h3><a href="/ja/">Speedtest<sup>®</sup></a></h3><ul class="menu-footer"><li class="account-link"><a href="/ja/login">Account</a></li><li><a href="/ja/about/advertising">Advertise</a></li><li><a href="/awards">Speedtest Awards<sup>™</sup></a></li><li><a href="">Speedtest Servers<sup>™</sup></a></li><li><a href="/performance/united-states">Speedtest Performance Directory<sup>™</sup></a></li></ul><ul class="menu-footer menu-footer-inline-social-links"><li><a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="Twitter - 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