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We specialize in transporting luxury, exotic, and classic vehicles throughout the Continental U.S. Loading is always simple, with our lift gates for low-clearance vehicles. Our drivers are experts, and vehicles are soft-strapped in enclosed custom-made trailers.<br> <br> You can breathe easy knowing that your automobile is given a level of care appropriate for such prized cargo. All of our customers are highly valued and their vehicles given white-glove service, whether enclosed vehicle transport services are needed for travel across the country or to get across town to a local classic, exotic, or luxury car auction. </div> </div> <br><br> <div id='rolls-royce-suv'> <div style='font-size:33px;'> Our <b>Services</b> </div> <div style='width:200px;margin:2% auto;border-top:2px solid white;'></div> <div style='margin-bottom: 4%;'> <div class='service wow fadeIn' data-wow-duration='1s' onClick="location.href='/services#enclosed';"> <img src='/images/enclosed-transportation.jpg'> Enclosed Vehicle Transportation </div><div class='service wow fadeIn' data-wow-duration='2s' onClick="location.href='/services#enclosed';"> <img src='/images/single-car-carriers.jpg'> Single Car Enclosed Carriers </div><div class='service wow fadeIn' data-wow-duration='3s' onClick="location.href='/services#tow';"> <img src='/images/local-tow.jpg'> Local Tow for Exotics & Classics </div> </div> <div> <div class='service wow fadeIn' data-wow-duration='4s' onClick="location.href='/services#luxury';"> <img src='/images/luxury-storage.jpg'> Luxury & Classic Car Storage Terminals </div><div class='service wow fadeIn' data-wow-duration='5s' onClick="location.href='/services#global';"> <img src='/images/global-shipping.jpg'> Air-Ocean Global Shipping </div> </div> </div> <div id='enclosed'> <div id='enclosed-text' class='wow fadeInRightBig' data-wow-duration='2s'> <div id='enclosed-header'> <b>Enclosed Vehicle Transport</b> </div> JP Logistics has become the premier company for classic car transportation since our 1995 start-up. We have provided reliable transportation services for virtually every type of classic, including historical Model-Ts, Chrysler Roadsters, and early Rolls Royce models. Our expertise in classic car transport is continually enhanced by working with classic car enthusiasts and avid collectors. We have continually added to our knowledge and understanding to provide the best in classic car enclosed transport services. You can be fully assured that your classic automobile will safely arrive at its destination. </div> </div> <br> <div class='services wow fadeIn' data-wow-duration='2s' style='text-align:left;height:auto;color:white;'> <div class="bdy"> <div style='font-size: 18px;line-height: 36px;'> <b style='font-size:30px;'>Enclosed Exotic Auto Transport</b><br> Exotic cars we routinely transport include Bugatti, Bentley, Porsche, Aston Martin, and Lamborghini. Our enclosed exotic car transport services at JP Logistics are trusted for a reason. You can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your exotic vehicle is in good hands. Our white-glove services ensure that your vehicle will arrive at its destination safe, secure, and in pristine condition. Our custom-made trailers provide added protection, whether you utilize our three, four, or six-car trailers.<br> <br> <b style='font-size:30px;'>Luxury Car Shipping Services</b><br> For enclosed transport of luxury cars such as Mercedes-Benz, Lexus, Audi, and BMW, JP Logistics provides the best in white-glove enclosed transportation services. We have a fleet of 19 trucks and a 20-terminal and storage facility network from coast to coast in the continental U.S. You can count on excellent customer support and professional service. We are a licensed carrier, not a broker. We carry liability and cargo insurance up to $5,000,000. Our staff is experienced in the upkeep of vehicles while in transport as well as how to secure vehicles with soft straps and other custom-tailored means. Our focus at JP Logistics remains on world-class, high-end automobiles.<br> <br> <b style='font-size:30px;'>Why is it Important to Choose a Carrier like JP Logistics?</b><br> When you want your luxury vehicle transported, it is best to call on a trusted carrier like JP Logistics. The difference between carriers and brokers is significant. With carriers, you know exactly who is taking responsibility for the safe transport of your luxury, exotic, or classic vehicle. Auto transport brokers, on the other hand, accept orders for transport services and then make contracts with carriers that own the necessary transport equipment. You don鈥檛 necessarily have the benefit of knowing who has charge of your vehicle or where the car is every moment. When you work with a broker, you also won鈥檛 know the experience of the individuals involved with the transport of your prized automobile. </div> </div> </div> <br><br> <div id='global'> <div id='global-text' class='wow fadeInLeftBig' data-wow-duration='2s'> <div id='global-header'> <b>Air Ocean Global Shipping</b> </div> <b>Need To Move Your Car Internationally?</b><br> <br> If it has wheels, we can move it. At JP Logistics, our goal is to make the seemingly impossible task of moving your vehicle internationally stress-free by offering the peace of mind you鈥檙e looking for. Whether you鈥檙e moving, collecting rare finds, or sending a vehicle to a loved one, we provide a door-to-door white glove international car shipping service to get you where you want to go when you want. </div> </div> <br> <div class='services' style='text-align:left;height:auto;color:white;'> <div class="bdy"> <div style='font-size: 18px;line-height: 36px;'> <b style='font-size:30px;'>Cost Effective, Efficient, & Secure Service</b><br> Vehicle transportation is stressful as it is, and we know that. You want the absolute best service at a price that doesn鈥檛 break the bank. That鈥檚 why we have worked hard to find ways to make shipping cars internationally more efficient and cost effective for our clients. We also know that one of the most important pieces of international vehicle shipping is security. Our expert team safely collects cars using specialized equipment, which is the safest and most reliable way to ship from the United States.<br> <br> <b style='font-size:30px;'>What You Need To Know To Get Started</b><br> JP Logistics owns and operates a fleet of 19 trucks and a network of 20 terminal and storage facilities throughout the continental United States. If you have a classic, luxury, or exotic vehicle, we鈥檝e got you covered. Best of all? You can sit back and relax, knowing your vehicle is in good hands.<br> <br> <b>Here are the questions we will ask:</b><br> <br> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='1s'><i>Where is your vehicle located?</i></li> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='2s'><i>What are the size/dimensions of the vehicle?</i></li> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='3s'><i>Where is the final destination?</i></li> Because we don鈥檛 like guessing, those answers will allow us to accurately come up with a quote that best suits your needs and requirements.<br> <br> <b style='font-size:30px;'>Required Items for International Shipping</b><br> Exporting your car from the USA should be seamless, but we like to be prepared for anything. Please have as many of these listed items on hand with your vehicle:<br> <br> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='1s'><i>Your Keys</i></li> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='2s'><i>Title and Registration</i></li> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='3s'><i>Creditor/Lessor notarized statement</i></li> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='4s'><i>Photo ID</i></li> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='5s'><i>Country Specific Car Export Requirements</i></li><br> <br> <b style='font-size:30px;'>Our Expert Staff</b><br> Your vehicle wasn鈥檛 a small investment, which is another reason why we believe that communication is key. We make sure our clients are always in the know from start to finish of the process. Many of our clients have expressed concern about filing the correct legal paperwork necessary for the job. JP Logistics is proud to employ a staff of experts on understanding customs and the import/export process, which will make your shipping experience as easy as possible. </div> </div> </div> <br><br> <div id='tow'> <div id='tow-text' class='wow fadeInRightBig' data-wow-duration='2s'> <div id='tow-header'> <b>Local Tow for Exotic & Classic Cars</b> </div> <br> <b>Need Towing for your Exotic or Classic Auto?</b><br> <br> We have custom-made trailers and only use soft strapping. With our low center-of-gravity right-approach beds, you can be confident that your every need will be answered. Our rapid, reliable 24-hour exotic and classic car towing service offers genuine peace of mind because we are here expressly for luxury, exotic, and classic vehicle transport. Local towing for classic and exotic vehicles is handled by JP Logistics with unsurpassed care, state-of-the-art equipment, and a live GPS tracking system </div> </div> <br> <div class='services' style='text-align:left;height:auto;color:white;'> <div class="bdy"> <div style='font-size: 18px;line-height: 36px;'> <b style='font-size:30px;'>Towing Exotic & Classic Cars with JP Logistics</b><br> Each of our specialists at JP Logistics has experience and white-glove training to ensure that your exotic and/or classic car will be safely towed using custom equipment and all appropriate preventative measures. Whether towing is needed to avoid adding mileage or to get to a professional for body or mechanical work, you can count on us to get your vehicle to its destination safely and efficiently. Features of our towing services include the following: <br><br> <div style='width:90%;margin:0 auto;' class='inline-container companies'> <div class='simpleinline inline-4-12'> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='1s'>Service Throughout the Continental U.S.</li> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='2s'>Custom-Made Trailers</li> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='3s'>Door-to-Door Pick Ups and Drop Offs</li> </div><div class='simpleinline inline-4-12'> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='1s'>Soft Strapping Only</li> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='2s'>White-Glove Service</li> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='3s'>Life Gates For Low Clearance Cars</li> </div><div class='simpleinline inline-4-12'> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='1s'>Service Throughout the Continental U.S.</li> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='2s'>Custom-Made Trailers</li> <li class='wow fadeInUpBig' data-wow-duration='3s'>Door-to-Door Pick Ups and Drop Offs</li> </div> </div> <br> <b style='font-size:30px;'>Flatbed Towing for Exotic and Classic Cars</b><br> At JP Logistics, we understand that exotic and classic vehicles are typically high-dollar luxury autos requiring extraordinary expenses, including insurance and maintenance. Your exotic or classic car is a significant investment, and you should expect the highest quality towing services with white-glove treatment. We understand what it takes to properly handle classics and exotic cars so that no damage or harm of any kind occurs. You can trust JP Logistics for the best in exotic and classic vehicle towing to your needed destination. <br> <br> <b style='font-size:30px;'>Roadside Assistance for Exotic Cars and Classic Vehicles</b><br> Your emergency need for a white-glove towing service for your exotic or classic car can be stress-free as long as you contact JP Logistics. We offer towing and roadside assistance for all makes and models of luxury vehicles, and the experience will be everything you would hope for. No one likes to be stranded, even if you are sitting in your absolute dream car. Our quick, dependable roadside assistance for classics and exotic cars will put you at ease in the midst your emergency. We offer fluid delivery, jump starting, accident recovery, and towing. </div> </div> </div> <br><br> <div id='luxury'> <div id='luxury-text' class='wow fadeInLeftBig' data-wow-duration='2s'> <div id='luxury-header'> <b>Luxury and Classic Car Storage</b> </div> <b>We Have Storage Facilities In</b><br> <br> Los Angeles, CA<br> Scottsdale, AZ <span style='font-size:13px;'>(We have an exclusive partnership with The Stables Group)</span><br> Cliffisde Park, NJ<br> <br> All facilities include enclosed secured building, 24 hour surveillance, 24 hour guard, vehicle charging stations, detailing services. Each location can be customized to what the customer needs while their vehicles in our possession. </div> </div> <br> <div class='services' style='text-align:left;height:auto;color:white;'> <div class="bdy inline-container"> <div class='simpleinline inline-6-12' style='font-size: 18px;line-height: 34px;'> <b style='font-size:30px;'>Want to learn more?</b><br> Contact us today to get pricing information and rates on luxury and classic car storage. We store vehicles of all models and sizes - preserve your machine and enjoy all of the added services that come with our storage facilities!<br> <br> <img src='/images/learn-more-1.jpg' class='wow fadeInLeftBig' data-wow-duration='2s'> </div><div class='simpleinline inline-1-12'></div><div class='simpleinline inline-5-12'> <img src='/images/learn-more-2.jpg' class='wow fadeInRightBig' data-wow-duration='4s'> </div> </div> </div> <br><br> </div> </div> <script> $(document).click (function (e) { //console.log(; if ( != 'account-dropdown' && != 'dropDown1' && !='user-dropdown' && != 'caret-dropdown') { $('#dropDown1').hide(); } if ( != 'account-dropdown2' && != 'dropDown2' && !='user-dropdown2') { $('#dropDown2').hide(); } if ( != 'add-contact') { $('#contact-layer').hide(); } }); </script> <div id='ftr-container1'> <a href='/why'>WHY JPL</a> <a href='/services'>SERVICES</a> <a href='/services#luxury'>STORAGE</a> <a href='/fleet'>OUR FLEET</a> <a href='/gallery_entrance'>AUTO GALLERY</a> <a href='/contact'>REQUEST A QUOTE</a> <a href='' target=_blank>BLOG</a> <!--<a href='#'>BOOK A SHIPMENT</a>--> <a href='/contact'>CONTACT US</a> </div> <div id="ftr-container"> <div id="ftr"> <div style='float:left;'> <span style="color: #aaaaaa">© 2024 JPLOGISTICS | <a href="termsandpolicies"><font color="#aaaaaa">TERMS AND POLICIES</font></a> | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | WEBSITE DEVELOPED BY: <a href="" target="_blank" style='font-family:Danube;font-size:12.5px;'>EMSAR DESIGN LTD</a> </span> </div> <div style='float:right;'> <a href='' target=_blank><i class="fab fa-facebook-square"></i></a> <a href='' target=_blank><i class="fab fa-twitter-square"></i></a> <a href='' target=_blank><i class="fab fa-instagram-square"></i></a> <a href='' target=_blank><i class="fab fa-blogger"></i></a> </div> <br><br> </div> <div id="ftr-mob"> © 2024 JPLogistics, Inc. <br><br> ALL RIGHTS RESERVED <br><br> <a href="termsandpolicies"><font color="#aaaaaa">TERMS AND POLICIES</font></a> <br><br> WEBSITE DEVELOPED BY: <a href="" target="_blank" style='font-family:Danube;color:white;font-size:12.5px;'>EMSAR DESIGN LTD</a> </div> </div> <div id="myBtn" title="Go to top" onClick="location.href='#top';"><em class="fas fa-chevron-up"></em></div> <script> window.onscroll = function() { scrollFunction(); }; function scrollFunction() { if (document.body.scrollTop > 20 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 20) { document.getElementById("myBtn").style.display = "block"; } else { document.getElementById("myBtn").style.display = "none"; } } </script> <script src="/wow.js"></script> <script> wow = new WOW().init(); </script> </body> </html>