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id="Item_0" class="PageTitle"><div class="Options"></div><h1>A new iPad mini 7 may be close -- what the rumor mill says is coming</h1></div> <div style="margin-bottom: 2em; text-align: right;"> <a class="Button Reaction" href="#first-reply"> Jump to First Reply <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" style="color:#fff;width:1em;height:.75em;" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M1.646 4.646a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0L8 10.293l5.646-5.647a.5.5 0 0 1 .708.708l-6 6a.5.5 0 0 1-.708 0l-6-6a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.708"/> </svg> </a> </div> <div id="Discussion_237446" class="Item ItemDiscussion Role_administrator"> <div class="Discussion"> <div class="Item-Header DiscussionHeader"> <div class="AuthorWrap"> <span class="Author"> <a title="AppleInsider" href="/profile/12836/AppleInsider" class="PhotoWrap"><img src="" alt="AppleInsider" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoMedium" /></a><a href="/profile/12836/AppleInsider" class="Username">AppleInsider</a> </span> </div> <div class="Meta DiscussionMeta"> <span class="MItem DateCreated"> Posted: <time title="August 30, 2024 2:49PM" datetime="2024-08-30T14:49:09+00:00">August 30, 2024 2:49PM</time> </span> <br /> <span class="MItem Category"> in <a href="">iPad</a></span> </div> </div> <div class="Item-BodyWrap"> <div class="Item-Body"> <div class="Message"> <p>Apple is rumored to be just weeks away from introducing an updated <a rel="nofollow" href="" title="iPad mini">iPad mini</a>. Here's what the rumor mill expects what features it will have, and what it probably wont.<br /><br /></p><div style="margin: auto;"><img src="" alt="Tablet on a stand displaying colorful home screen with icons and widgets, set against a gradient purple background." height="738" /><br /><span>iPad mini 6</span></div><p><br /><br />The last update to the iPad mini was in September 2021, making it close to three years since Apple refreshed the tablet. The long upgrade gap makes Apple's smallest tablet a prime candidate for an upgrade in the not-too-distant future. <br /><br />With an <a rel="nofollow" href="" title="Apple Event">Apple Event</a> on September 9, that upgrade could arrive as part of Apple's wave of product launches. <br /><br />Over the last few years, the iPad mini has been the subject of rumors and speculation, which has now come to a head. This is what is currently expected of Apple's seventh generation of its pint-sized slate. <br /><br /></p><h2>iPad mini upgrades: Probably happening soon</h2><p><br /><br />A three-year gap between updates isn't a guarantee that changes are on the way soon. Apple could easily wait until a later time to update the iPad mini if it wants. <br /><br />For example, in <a rel="nofollow" href="">August 2023</a>, it was expected that an update would arrive in the fall of that year, which turned out to be wrong. Others believed an update wasn't on the way <a rel="nofollow" href="">until 2024</a>. <br /><br />What does help the case of a potential upgrade is reports that Apple stores are <a rel="nofollow" href="">low in stock</a> of the iPad mini in various configurations. The same report added that the iPad mini is considered "constrained" internally. <br /><br />As Apple tends to reduce stock on products before an update arrives, this certainly helps the 2024 update rumors. <br /><br />Add in the push for <a rel="nofollow" href="" title="Apple Intelligence">Apple Intelligence</a> across Apple's hardware lines, and an update becomes even more likely. <br /><br /></p><h2>iPad mini upgrades: Display</h2><p><br /><br />The screen of the iPad mini was an 8.3-inch LCD version in the current sixth-generation release. Based on the lack of chatter about display tech, things may stay the same in most ways. <br /><br />That would include the 1,488 by 2,266 resolution, and the LCD tech. Current estimates are that OLED will arrive on the iPad mini sometime <a rel="nofollow" href="">in 2026</a>. <br /><br /></p><div style="margin: auto;"><img src="" alt="A tablet with colorful swirls on the screen, displaying the time as 8:22. It is on a white table with a blurred brick wall background." height="731" /><br /><span>The jelly scrolling problem should be gone for the iPad mini 7</span></div><p><br /><br />The thing that may change is the "<a rel="nofollow" href="">jelly scrolling</a>" issue from the <a rel="nofollow" href="" title="iPad mini 6">iPad mini 6</a>. After release, users discovered a wobbly effect when scrolling, caused by the display refreshing slower on one side than the other. <br /><br />This inevitably spawned a <a rel="nofollow" href="">class-action lawsuit</a> against Apple. In October 2023, it was claimed that Apple <a rel="nofollow" href="">changed the direction</a> of the screen assembly, leading to improvements. <br /><br />If all Apple did was update the internals of the iPad mini, it would consider how it constructs its displays more this time around, minimizing the chance of jelly scrolling. <br /><br />While there's always a slim sliver of hope for ProMotion to be included from the iPad Pro family, it seems unlikely this time around. In <a rel="nofollow" href="">October 2023</a>, leaker claimed the iPad mini 7 wouldn't have the 120Hz display of its Pro-grade counterparts. <br /><br /></p><h2>iPad mini upgrades: A processor overhaul</h2><p><br /><br />If historical trends are any indication, the iPad mini gets a powerful chip, but not the highest-end one, when it's update. We're expecting the same to happen this time around. <br /><br />This all comes down to Apple Intelligence.<br /><br />Since it is <a rel="nofollow" href="">expected</a> that Apple will enable Apple Intelligence support on the iPad mini, it makes sense that the chip inside it has been upgraded to match. <br /><br />With consumers likely to be turned off a new iPad mini if it doesn't include Apple Intelligence versus the M-series models, this gives Apple more of a motivation to make the change. <br /><br />As to what the update could be, there are a few possibilities. <br /><br />One option is the use of an M-series chip, following the lead of the <a rel="nofollow" href="" title="iPad Air">iPad Air</a>. With it upgraded to the M2 and priced comparatively with the iPad mini, it wouldn't be unreasonable for Apple to move the smallest model to the same chip, or possibly the M1. <br /><br /></p><div style="margin: auto;"><img src="" alt="MacBook, iPad, and iPhone displaying different applications with text, images, and notifications on a white background." height="738" /><br /><span>Apple Intelligence is a cross-platform initiative. Apple will want to make the iPad mini support it. </span></div><p><br /><br />If Apple doesn't go for the M-series, then it will need to go for a newer A-series chip than the A15 included in the sixth-gen model. <br /><br />That means Apple should be using an A17 Pro chip at a minimum. The <a rel="nofollow" href="" title="iPhone 15 Pro">iPhone 15 Pro</a> and Pro Max both use the chip and were the first devices to be able to use Apple Intelligence, making it an apt choice. <br /><br />Apple may go one step further, by adding the A18 to the iPad mini instead, matching the <a rel="nofollow" href="" title="iPhone 16">iPhone 16</a> generation. This is still a possibility, as it would play into Apple's tendency to not update the iPad mini each year. <br /><br /></p><h2>iPad mini upgrades: Cameras </h2><p><br /><br />Apple has been slowly moving the front-facing camera of its iPads. While previously they were located on the short side, making it the top camera when the iPad is held in portrait orientation, it has been migrating over to the long edge. <br /><br /></p><div style="margin: auto;"><img src="" alt="iPad screen displaying FaceTime Center Stage setup, optimizing front camera for video calls; background reveals a blurred iPhone on a stand." height="738" /><br /><span>The iPad mini 7 may shift the camera to the long side. </span></div><p><br /><br />This has proven useful for consumers who have gotten used to using the iPad in landscape orientation while video calling others. The move has already been made in the iPad, the iPad Pro, and iPad Air, leaving the iPad mini the last to make the change. <br /><br />The rear camera is likely to continue to be a 12-megapixel sensor, mirroring the versions in the iPad Air and 10th-gen iPad. However, Apple could possibly add a 48-megapixel camera, matching the one used in current-gen iPhones. <br /><br /></p><h2>iPad mini upgrades: Pencil</h2><p><br /><br />One area that's widely open to speculation is whether Apple will make any changes to the <a rel="nofollow" href="" title="Apple Pencil">Apple Pencil</a> situation. <br /><br /></p><div style="margin: auto;"><img src="" alt="Tablet with a stylus resting on the screen displaying handwritten notes and colored drawing tools on a white background." height="738" /><br /><span>The Apple Pencil support could change with the seventh-gen iPad mini</span></div><p><br /><br />The current-gen model supports the USB-C Apple Pencil as well as the second-gen stylus. However, with the introduction of the <a rel="nofollow" href="" title="Apple Pencil Pro">Apple Pencil Pro</a>, Apple may include support for that one instead of the second-gen model. <br /><br />If Apple does move the front camera position, the shifting of internal components may force the adoption of the Apple Pencil Pro anyway. <br /><br /></p><h2>iPad mini upgrades: Small changes</h2><p><br /><br />If the iPad mini does turn out to be a spec-bump update, you probably won't see many major changes for the hardware, save for a few important ones. Apple could alter other elements, but it has little reason to do so unless it overhauled the model. <br /><br />There's not been any rumors about a switch away from Touch ID to Face ID, but it could change it. Wi-Fi 6 could possibly change to Wi-Fi 6E, and the 5G cellular connectivity could stay relatively static too. <br /><br />The landscape speakers, the dual microphones, and even 64GB and 256GB capacities are equally likely. <br /><br />However, no-one will really know what's new with the model until Apple actually shows it off for the first time. <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <a rel="nofollow" href="">Read on AppleInsider</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a id="first-reply" name="first-reply" style="scroll-behavior: smooth;"></a> </div><div class="CommentsWrap"><span class="BeforeCommentHeading"></span><div class="DataBox DataBox-Comments"><h2 class="CommentHeading">Comments</h2> <ul class="MessageList DataList Comments"> <li class="Item Alt ItemComment Role_member" id="Comment_3456316"> <div class="Comment"> <div class="Options"> <span class="PostNum">Reply 1 of 14</span> </div> <div class="Item-Header CommentHeader"> <div class="AuthorWrap"> <span class="Author"> <a title="apple4thewin" href="/profile/250394/apple4thewin" class="PhotoWrap"><img src=";size=50&" alt="apple4thewin" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoMedium" /></a><a href="/profile/250394/apple4thewin" class="username">apple4thewin</a> </span> <span class="AuthorInfo"> <span class="MItem PostCount">Posts: <b>382</b></span><span class="MItem RoleTitle member">member</span> </span> </div> <div class="Meta CommentMeta CommentInfo"> <span class="MItem DateCreated"> <a href="/discussion/comment/3456316/#Comment_3456316" class="Permalink" name="Item_1" rel="nofollow"><time title="August 30, 2024 3:27PM" datetime="2024-08-30T15:27:54+00:00">August 30, 2024 3:27PM</time></a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="Item-BodyWrap"> <div class="Item-Body"> <div class="Message"> iPad mini should be with a A18 chip and the regular iPad with an A17. But then again everyone seems to agree that the production yield is terrible for the 1st gen 3nm chips. With 8th gen iPads already being unable to use some apps and games and 10th gen also 2 years old at least a spec bump would be appreciated (since it uses a A14 unlike the A15 in the mini). </div> <div class="SelfReactions"><span class="ReactMenu"><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-1 ReactHeart"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Likes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-5 ReactHeartBroken"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Dislikes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-4 ReactInfo2"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Informatives</span></span></div></span> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="Item ItemComment Role_member" id="Comment_3456317"> <div class="Comment"> <div class="Options"> <span class="PostNum">Reply 2 of 14</span> </div> <div class="Item-Header CommentHeader"> <div class="AuthorWrap"> <span class="Author"> <a title="libertyandfree" href="/profile/193588/libertyandfree" class="PhotoWrap"><img src="" alt="libertyandfree" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoMedium" /></a><a href="/profile/193588/libertyandfree" class="username">libertyandfree</a> </span> <span class="AuthorInfo"> <span class="MItem PostCount">Posts: <b>203</b></span><span class="MItem RoleTitle member">member</span> </span> </div> <div class="Meta CommentMeta CommentInfo"> <span class="MItem DateCreated"> <a href="/discussion/comment/3456317/#Comment_3456317" class="Permalink" name="Item_2" rel="nofollow"><time title="August 30, 2024 4:00PM" datetime="2024-08-30T16:00:28+00:00">August 30, 2024 4:00PM</time></a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="Item-BodyWrap"> <div class="Item-Body"> <div class="Message"> 64GB on an iPad mini would be criminal neglect. No way should it ever have less than 128GB. </div> <span class="UserReactionWrap" data-userid="225122" title="muthuk_vanalingam - Like on August 30, 2024."><a title="muthuk_vanalingam" href="/profile/225122/muthuk_vanalingam" class="PhotoWrap PhotoWrapSmall"><img src=";size=50&" alt="muthuk_vanalingam" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoSmall" /></a><span class="ReactSprite Reaction-1 ReactHeart"></span></span><span class="UserReactionWrap" data-userid="218583" title="pulseimages - Like on August 30, 2024."><a title="pulseimages" href="/profile/218583/pulseimages" class="PhotoWrap PhotoWrapSmall"><img src="" alt="pulseimages" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoSmall" /></a><span class="ReactSprite Reaction-1 ReactHeart"></span></span><span class="UserReactionWrap" data-userid="75019" title="williamlondon - Informative on August 30, 2024."><a title="williamlondon" href="/profile/75019/williamlondon" class="PhotoWrap PhotoWrapSmall"><img src="" alt="williamlondon" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoSmall" /></a><span class="ReactSprite Reaction-4 ReactInfo2"></span></span><span class="UserReactionWrap" data-userid="196728" title="fred1 - Like on August 31, 2024."><a title="fred1" href="/profile/196728/fred1" class="PhotoWrap PhotoWrapSmall"><img src=";size=50&" alt="fred1" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoSmall" /></a><span class="ReactSprite Reaction-1 ReactHeart"></span></span><span class="UserReactionWrap" data-userid="239052" title="OnPartyBusiness - Like on August 31, 2024."><a title="OnPartyBusiness" href="/profile/239052/OnPartyBusiness" class="PhotoWrap PhotoWrapSmall"><img src=";size=50&" alt="OnPartyBusiness" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoSmall" /></a><span class="ReactSprite Reaction-1 ReactHeart"></span></span><div class="SelfReactions"><span class="ReactMenu"><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-1 ReactHeart"> </span><span class="Count">4</span><span class="ReactLabel">Likes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-5 ReactHeartBroken"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Dislikes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-4 ReactInfo2"> </span><span class="Count">1</span><span class="ReactLabel">Informative</span></span></div></span> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li><script async src=""></script> <script> window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []}; googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.defineSlot('/53013535/Forum_Desktop_Second_Leaderboard_728x90', [728, 90], 'div-gpt-ad-1593613199876-0').addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); googletag.enableServices(); }); </script> <div style="text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; min-width:728px;"> <!-- /53013535/Forum_Desktop_Second_Leaderboard_728x90 --> <div style="margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <div id='div-gpt-ad-1593613199876-0' style='width: 728px; height: 90px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center;'> <script> googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1593613199876-0'); }); </script> </div> </div> </div></li> <li class="Item Alt ItemComment Role_member" id="Comment_3456320"> <div class="Comment"> <div class="Options"> <span class="PostNum">Reply 3 of 14</span> </div> <div class="Item-Header CommentHeader"> <div class="AuthorWrap"> <span class="Author"> <a title="apple4thewin" href="/profile/250394/apple4thewin" class="PhotoWrap"><img src=";size=50&" alt="apple4thewin" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoMedium" /></a><a href="/profile/250394/apple4thewin" class="username">apple4thewin</a> </span> <span class="AuthorInfo"> <span class="MItem PostCount">Posts: <b>382</b></span><span class="MItem RoleTitle member">member</span> </span> </div> <div class="Meta CommentMeta CommentInfo"> <span class="MItem DateCreated"> <a href="/discussion/comment/3456320/#Comment_3456320" class="Permalink" name="Item_3" rel="nofollow"><time title="August 30, 2024 4:17PM" datetime="2024-08-30T16:17:24+00:00">August 30, 2024 4:17PM</time></a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="Item-BodyWrap"> <div class="Item-Body"> <div class="Message"> <blockquote class="Quote"> <div><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank">libertyandfree</a> said:</div> <div>64GB on an iPad mini would be criminal neglect. No way should it ever have less than 128GB. </div> </blockquote> Considering that base iPhones still have 64gb I am not crossing my fingers <br /><br />Edit: just realized Death Stranding for iPhone takes 77gb 🫡<div class="CommentLastUpdated"> <span title="Edited August 30, 2024 4:20PM by apple4thewin." class="DateUpdated">edited August 2024</span> </div> </div> <span class="UserReactionWrap" data-userid="75019" title="williamlondon - Informative on August 30, 2024."><a title="williamlondon" href="/profile/75019/williamlondon" class="PhotoWrap PhotoWrapSmall"><img src="" alt="williamlondon" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoSmall" /></a><span class="ReactSprite Reaction-4 ReactInfo2"></span></span><span class="UserReactionWrap" data-userid="256316" title="tiredskills - Informative on August 30, 2024."><a title="tiredskills" href="/profile/256316/tiredskills" class="PhotoWrap PhotoWrapSmall"><img src=";size=50&" alt="tiredskills" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoSmall" /></a><span class="ReactSprite Reaction-4 ReactInfo2"></span></span><div class="SelfReactions"><span class="ReactMenu"><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-1 ReactHeart"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Likes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-5 ReactHeartBroken"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Dislikes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-4 ReactInfo2"> </span><span class="Count">2</span><span class="ReactLabel">Informatives</span></span></div></span> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="Item ItemComment Role_member" id="Comment_3456323"> <div class="Comment"> <div class="Options"> <span class="PostNum">Reply 4 of 14</span> </div> <div class="Item-Header CommentHeader"> <div class="AuthorWrap"> <span class="Author"> <a title="bloggerblog" href="/profile/47894/bloggerblog" class="PhotoWrap"><img src=";size=50&" alt="bloggerblog" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoMedium" /></a><a href="/profile/47894/bloggerblog" class="username">bloggerblog</a> </span> <span class="AuthorInfo"> <span class="MItem PostCount">Posts: <b>2,549</b></span><span class="MItem RoleTitle member">member</span> </span> </div> <div class="Meta CommentMeta CommentInfo"> <span class="MItem DateCreated"> <a href="/discussion/comment/3456323/#Comment_3456323" class="Permalink" name="Item_4" rel="nofollow"><time title="August 30, 2024 5:00PM" datetime="2024-08-30T17:00:00+00:00">August 30, 2024 5:00PM</time></a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="Item-BodyWrap"> <div class="Item-Body"> <div class="Message"> I'm ready for it, money in pocket </div> <span class="UserReactionWrap" data-userid="239052" title="OnPartyBusiness - Like on August 31, 2024."><a title="OnPartyBusiness" href="/profile/239052/OnPartyBusiness" class="PhotoWrap PhotoWrapSmall"><img src=";size=50&" alt="OnPartyBusiness" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoSmall" /></a><span class="ReactSprite Reaction-1 ReactHeart"></span></span><div class="SelfReactions"><span class="ReactMenu"><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-1 ReactHeart"> </span><span class="Count">1</span><span class="ReactLabel">Like</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-5 ReactHeartBroken"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Dislikes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-4 ReactInfo2"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Informatives</span></span></div></span> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="Item Alt ItemComment Role_member" id="Comment_3456326"> <div class="Comment"> <div class="Options"> <span class="PostNum">Reply 5 of 14</span> </div> <div class="Item-Header CommentHeader"> <div class="AuthorWrap"> <span class="Author"> <a title="wrbluepearl" href="/profile/222576/wrbluepearl" class="PhotoWrap"><img src=";size=50&" alt="wrbluepearl" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoMedium" /></a><a href="/profile/222576/wrbluepearl" class="username">wrbluepearl</a> </span> <span class="AuthorInfo"> <span class="MItem PostCount">Posts: <b>43</b></span><span class="MItem RoleTitle member">member</span> </span> </div> <div class="Meta CommentMeta CommentInfo"> <span class="MItem DateCreated"> <a href="/discussion/comment/3456326/#Comment_3456326" class="Permalink" name="Item_5" rel="nofollow"><time title="August 30, 2024 5:26PM" datetime="2024-08-30T17:26:22+00:00">August 30, 2024 5:26PM</time></a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="Item-BodyWrap"> <div class="Item-Body"> <div class="Message"> The real question for me - what will sell an iPad mini 7 to me - is Stage Manager external display support, which appears to be tied to which upgraded processor it gets. For the iPad Pro and Air, external display support appears to be limited to M-series processors.<br />So an M-series iPad mini is an instant sale for me…otherwise… </div> <span class="UserReactionWrap" data-userid="53305" title="silverpraxis - Like on September 1, 2024."><a title="silverpraxis" href="/profile/53305/silverpraxis" class="PhotoWrap PhotoWrapSmall"><img src=";size=50&" alt="silverpraxis" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoSmall" /></a><span class="ReactSprite Reaction-1 ReactHeart"></span></span><div class="SelfReactions"><span class="ReactMenu"><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-1 ReactHeart"> </span><span class="Count">1</span><span class="ReactLabel">Like</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-5 ReactHeartBroken"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Dislikes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-4 ReactInfo2"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Informatives</span></span></div></span> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="Item ItemComment Role_member" id="Comment_3456341"> <div class="Comment"> <div class="Options"> <span class="PostNum">Reply 6 of 14</span> </div> <div class="Item-Header CommentHeader"> <div class="AuthorWrap"> <span class="Author"> <a title="mpantone" href="/profile/32335/mpantone" class="PhotoWrap"><img src="" alt="mpantone" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoMedium" /></a><a href="/profile/32335/mpantone" class="username">mpantone</a> </span> <span class="AuthorInfo"> <span class="MItem PostCount">Posts: <b>2,300</b></span><span class="MItem RoleTitle member">member</span> </span> </div> <div class="Meta CommentMeta CommentInfo"> <span class="MItem DateCreated"> <a href="/discussion/comment/3456341/#Comment_3456341" class="Permalink" name="Item_6" rel="nofollow"><time title="August 30, 2024 7:50PM" datetime="2024-08-30T19:50:13+00:00">August 30, 2024 7:50PM</time></a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="Item-BodyWrap"> <div class="Item-Body"> <div class="Message"> <blockquote class="Quote"> <div><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank">libertyandfree</a> said:</div> <div>64GB on an iPad mini would be criminal neglect. No way should it ever have less than 128GB. </div> </blockquote> There are plenty of non-consumer usage cases that require minimal on-board storage.<br /><br />One of the local beer gardens uses iPad minis as terminals for their Toast restaurant POS system. It is unlikely that the Toast POS app takes up more than 200-300 MB. It's not the bartender is using it to play CoD or watch <i>The Lord of the Rings</i> series.<br /><br />There are also plenty of usage cases in educational and commercial sectors. If you are using the iPad mini for inventory management in a warehouse, most likely you are connecting to servers via company wifi. Again, no need for tons of local storage (or cellular data for that matter).<br /><br />My guess is airlines that use iPads as electronic flight bags again do not need massive local storage.<br /><br />And many schools likely don't need massive storage requirements for textbooks. It's really video that that's a storage hog and there's pretty ubiquitous wifi on campus, again that content can be on servers.<br /><br />Even as a personal content consumption device if you stream the majority of your content there's little need for massive local storage. If you're on the road with spotty network connectivity (like on an airplane) having some TV shows or movies stored locally makes sense.<br /><br />Right now there's a retail price difference of $150 between the 64GB iPad mini 6th gen and the 256GB model. That means if an organization buys 10 of the 256GB units, they could acquire 13 of the 64GB units at the same cost. For a large enterprise or educational institution (United Airlines, Los Angeles Unified) that's meaningful.<div class="CommentLastUpdated"> <span title="Edited August 30, 2024 7:56PM by mpantone." class="DateUpdated">edited August 2024</span> </div> </div> <span class="UserReactionWrap" data-userid="149911" title="roundaboutnow - Like on August 30, 2024."><a title="roundaboutnow" href="/profile/149911/roundaboutnow" class="PhotoWrap PhotoWrapSmall"><img src="" alt="roundaboutnow" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoSmall" /></a><span class="ReactSprite Reaction-1 ReactHeart"></span></span><span class="UserReactionWrap" data-userid="75019" title="williamlondon - Like on August 30, 2024."><a title="williamlondon" href="/profile/75019/williamlondon" class="PhotoWrap PhotoWrapSmall"><img src="" alt="williamlondon" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoSmall" /></a><span class="ReactSprite Reaction-1 ReactHeart"></span></span><span class="UserReactionWrap" data-userid="223346" title="Alex1N - Like on August 31, 2024."><a title="Alex1N" href="/profile/223346/Alex1N" class="PhotoWrap PhotoWrapSmall"><img src="" alt="Alex1N" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoSmall" /></a><span class="ReactSprite Reaction-1 ReactHeart"></span></span><span class="UserReactionWrap" data-userid="201730" title="dewme - Like on August 31, 2024."><a title="dewme" href="/profile/201730/dewme" class="PhotoWrap PhotoWrapSmall"><img src="" alt="dewme" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoSmall" /></a><span class="ReactSprite Reaction-1 ReactHeart"></span></span><div class="SelfReactions"><span class="ReactMenu"><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-1 ReactHeart"> </span><span class="Count">4</span><span class="ReactLabel">Likes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-5 ReactHeartBroken"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Dislikes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-4 ReactInfo2"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Informatives</span></span></div></span> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="Item Alt ItemComment Role_member" id="Comment_3456355"> <div class="Comment"> <div class="Options"> <span class="PostNum">Reply 7 of 14</span> </div> <div class="Item-Header CommentHeader"> <div class="AuthorWrap"> <span class="Author"> <a title="M68000" href="/profile/229987/M68000" class="PhotoWrap"><img src=";size=50&" alt="M68000" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoMedium" /></a><a href="/profile/229987/m68000" class="username">m68000</a> </span> <span class="AuthorInfo"> <span class="MItem PostCount">Posts: <b>918</b></span><span class="MItem RoleTitle member">member</span> </span> </div> <div class="Meta CommentMeta CommentInfo"> <span class="MItem DateCreated"> <a href="/discussion/comment/3456355/#Comment_3456355" class="Permalink" name="Item_7" rel="nofollow"><time title="August 30, 2024 11:27PM" datetime="2024-08-30T23:27:29+00:00">August 30, 2024 11:27PM</time></a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="Item-BodyWrap"> <div class="Item-Body"> <div class="Message"> <blockquote class="Quote"> <div class="QuoteAuthor"><a rel="nofollow" href="/profile/250394/apple4thewin">apple4thewin</a> said:</div> <div class="QuoteText"><blockquote class="Quote"> <div><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank">libertyandfree</a> said:</div> <div>64GB on an iPad mini would be criminal neglect. No way should it ever have less than 128GB. </div> </blockquote> Considering that base iPhones still have 64gb I am not crossing my fingers <br /><br />Edit: just realized Death Stranding for iPhone takes 77gb 🫡</div> </blockquote> The 15 series starts at 128gb. I’ve made the jump to 512gb this year to avoid storage issues. </div> <div class="SelfReactions"><span class="ReactMenu"><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-1 ReactHeart"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Likes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-5 ReactHeartBroken"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Dislikes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-4 ReactInfo2"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Informatives</span></span></div></span> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="Item ItemComment Role_member" id="Comment_3456371"> <div class="Comment"> <div class="Options"> <span class="PostNum">Reply 8 of 14</span> </div> <div class="Item-Header CommentHeader"> <div class="AuthorWrap"> <span class="Author"> <a title="robertcgt3" href="/profile/247616/robertcgt3" class="PhotoWrap"><img src="" alt="robertcgt3" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoMedium" /></a><a href="/profile/247616/robertcgt3" class="username">robertcgt3</a> </span> <span class="AuthorInfo"> <span class="MItem PostCount">Posts: <b>3</b></span><span class="MItem RoleTitle member">member</span> </span> </div> <div class="Meta CommentMeta CommentInfo"> <span class="MItem DateCreated"> <a href="/discussion/comment/3456371/#Comment_3456371" class="Permalink" name="Item_8" rel="nofollow"><time title="August 31, 2024 11:20AM" datetime="2024-08-31T11:20:53+00:00">August 31, 2024 11:20AM</time></a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="Item-BodyWrap"> <div class="Item-Body"> <div class="Message"> What brand of stand is in the first photo? The silver one. <div><br /></div><div>Thanks!</div> </div> <div class="SelfReactions"><span class="ReactMenu"><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-1 ReactHeart"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Likes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-5 ReactHeartBroken"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Dislikes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-4 ReactInfo2"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Informatives</span></span></div></span> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="Item Alt ItemComment Role_member" id="Comment_3456376"> <div class="Comment"> <div class="Options"> <span class="PostNum">Reply 9 of 14</span> </div> <div class="Item-Header CommentHeader"> <div class="AuthorWrap"> <span class="Author"> <a title="dewme" href="/profile/201730/dewme" class="PhotoWrap"><img src="" alt="dewme" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoMedium" /></a><a href="/profile/201730/dewme" class="username">dewme</a> </span> <span class="AuthorInfo"> <span class="MItem PostCount">Posts: <b>5,903</b></span><span class="MItem RoleTitle member">member</span> </span> </div> <div class="Meta CommentMeta CommentInfo"> <span class="MItem DateCreated"> <a href="/discussion/comment/3456376/#Comment_3456376" class="Permalink" name="Item_9" rel="nofollow"><time title="August 31, 2024 12:53PM" datetime="2024-08-31T12:53:25+00:00">August 31, 2024 12:53PM</time></a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="Item-BodyWrap"> <div class="Item-Body"> <div class="Message"> I’ve always had an iPad mini in my toy box, but I’ve found the larger the iPhones get the less often I reach for the mini. The mini really is a marvelous device that’s ideally suited for certain use cases as well as being more convenient for other use cases, like book reading. However, with the iPads and iPad Pros getting thinner, lighter, faster, more storage, and outfitted with larger format screens in a smaller chassis, even the 11” iPad Pro is a remarkably lightweight device that does not feel bulky or inconvenient to carry around in a lot of cases. <br /><br />Between the larger iPhones and super thin, light, and powerful mid-sized iPads, some of the use cases that were previously best suited for the mini can now be served by those other devices. The mini’s niche is only getting narrower as time goes on. If Apple does a folding iPhone or folding iPad the niche may shrink to the point that Apple no longer feels compelled to keep doing the mini. I hope not, but the slow frequency of iPad mini refreshes and design updates seems to support the shrinking niche theory. <br /><br />As a side note, I’ve always been bothered by the wide margins/gutters on the mini’s Home Screen when used in landscape mode, as seen in the top photo. Why not use more of the screen real estate? I guess I’m a little slow because I finally realized that to keep the Home Screen contents consistent between landscape and portrait orientation they need to limit the amount of usable Home Screen space in landscape orientation. Otherwise the extra icons and widgets would reflow into a second Home Screen. Duh. </div> <div class="SelfReactions"><span class="ReactMenu"><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-1 ReactHeart"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Likes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-5 ReactHeartBroken"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Dislikes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-4 ReactInfo2"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Informatives</span></span></div></span> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="Item ItemComment Role_member" id="Comment_3456403"> <div class="Comment"> <div class="Options"> <span class="PostNum">Reply 10 of 14</span> </div> <div class="Item-Header CommentHeader"> <div class="AuthorWrap"> <span class="Author"> <a title="M68000" href="/profile/229987/M68000" class="PhotoWrap"><img src=";size=50&" alt="M68000" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoMedium" /></a><a href="/profile/229987/m68000" class="username">m68000</a> </span> <span class="AuthorInfo"> <span class="MItem PostCount">Posts: <b>918</b></span><span class="MItem RoleTitle member">member</span> </span> </div> <div class="Meta CommentMeta CommentInfo"> <span class="MItem DateCreated"> <a href="/discussion/comment/3456403/#Comment_3456403" class="Permalink" name="Item_10" rel="nofollow"><time title="August 31, 2024 11:22PM" datetime="2024-08-31T23:22:16+00:00">August 31, 2024 11:22PM</time></a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="Item-BodyWrap"> <div class="Item-Body"> <div class="Message"> <blockquote class="Quote"> <div class="QuoteAuthor"><a rel="nofollow" href="/profile/247616/robertcgt3">robertcgt3</a> said:</div> <div class="QuoteText">What brand of stand is in the first photo? The silver one. <div><br /></div><div>Thanks!</div></div> </blockquote> Don’t know, but UGREEN has something similar to this. I have a few of their stands and think they are great and affordable.<br /> </div> <div class="SelfReactions"><span class="ReactMenu"><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-1 ReactHeart"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Likes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-5 ReactHeartBroken"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Dislikes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-4 ReactInfo2"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Informatives</span></span></div></span> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="Item Alt ItemComment Role_member" id="Comment_3456412"> <div class="Comment"> <div class="Options"> <span class="PostNum">Reply 11 of 14</span> </div> <div class="Item-Header CommentHeader"> <div class="AuthorWrap"> <span class="Author"> <a title="mattinoz" href="/profile/216002/mattinoz" class="PhotoWrap"><img src=";size=50&" alt="mattinoz" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoMedium" /></a><a href="/profile/216002/mattinoz" class="username">mattinoz</a> </span> <span class="AuthorInfo"> <span class="MItem PostCount">Posts: <b>2,566</b></span><span class="MItem RoleTitle member">member</span> </span> </div> <div class="Meta CommentMeta CommentInfo"> <span class="MItem DateCreated"> <a href="/discussion/comment/3456412/#Comment_3456412" class="Permalink" name="Item_11" rel="nofollow"><time title="September 1, 2024 2:52AM" datetime="2024-09-01T02:52:52+00:00">September 1, 2024 2:52AM</time></a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="Item-BodyWrap"> <div class="Item-Body"> <div class="Message"> <blockquote class="Quote"> <div class="QuoteAuthor"><a rel="nofollow" href="/profile/250394/apple4thewin" title="Link: /profile/250394/apple4thewin">apple4thewin</a> said:</div> <div class="QuoteText">iPad mini should be with a A18 chip and the regular iPad with an A17. But then again everyone seems to agree that the production yield is terrible for the 1st gen 3nm chips. With 8th gen iPads already being unable to use some apps and games and 10th gen also 2 years old at least a spec bump would be appreciated (since it uses a A14 unlike the A15 in the mini).</div> </blockquote> Apple wants to stop using the A17, which was a stop-gap process node. At the same time, the M2/A16 is a little long in the tooth for new products. It makes sense that they are making more variants of the A18/M4 family of chips, as various rumors are pointing to. Do a product streamline over the next to reset all the cycles. <br /><br />There are rumors of an 8core bin of the M4, which would make an interesting 9-inch iPadPro option and indeed an AppleTV Gaming console, given it could be on par with Xbox S if the M4 in the iPadPro is a guide.<br /><br />Then wait till next year and do an iPad 9 & 11 next year with, say, an iPhone SE, WatchSE and AppleTV, all in eco-sourced plastic and A18 chips once they have soaked up any remaining inventory of A17 and below chips. After all the high margin products have had the xmas sales rush. <br /><br /><br /> </div> <span class="UserReactionWrap" data-userid="224028" title="nubus - Informative on September 1, 2024."><a title="nubus" href="/profile/224028/nubus" class="PhotoWrap PhotoWrapSmall"><img src="" alt="nubus" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoSmall" /></a><span class="ReactSprite Reaction-4 ReactInfo2"></span></span><div class="SelfReactions"><span class="ReactMenu"><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-1 ReactHeart"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Likes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-5 ReactHeartBroken"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Dislikes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-4 ReactInfo2"> </span><span class="Count">1</span><span class="ReactLabel">Informative</span></span></div></span> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="Item ItemComment Role_member" id="Comment_3456496"> <div class="Comment"> <div class="Options"> <span class="PostNum">Reply 12 of 14</span> </div> <div class="Item-Header CommentHeader"> <div class="AuthorWrap"> <span class="Author"> <a title="jellybelly" href="/profile/68207/jellybelly" class="PhotoWrap"><img src=";size=50&" alt="jellybelly" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoMedium" /></a><a href="/profile/68207/jellybelly" class="username">jellybelly</a> </span> <span class="AuthorInfo"> <span class="MItem PostCount">Posts: <b>149</b></span><span class="MItem RoleTitle member">member</span> </span> </div> <div class="Meta CommentMeta CommentInfo"> <span class="MItem DateCreated"> <a href="/discussion/comment/3456496/#Comment_3456496" class="Permalink" name="Item_12" rel="nofollow"><time title="September 2, 2024 4:24PM" datetime="2024-09-02T16:24:36+00:00">September 2, 2024 4:24PM</time></a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="Item-BodyWrap"> <div class="Item-Body"> <div class="Message"> <div><div>I’d actually shell out for an iPad Pro Miini with an M4 for best performance for AI and perhaps an attached monitor. Use the new OLED screen, have it compatible with new Apple Pencil Pro, and a with a small keyboard case. Make it able to use the iPad Air 13” for an extra display with the capability of driving up to a 4K display. </div><div><br /></div><div>Yep, I’d pay for that. It would be so portable and responsive on AI. And modular when used with a larger display from 13” up to 4K. </div><div><br /></div><div>Use some of the room inside for a camera as good as the iPhone Pro Max. Its internal space is larger than a iPhone by perhaps as much as double. <br /></div><div><br /></div><div>It may not be your cup of tea, but there may be enough power users out there that have the income to afford it—or work use-cases that pay for it.</div><div><br /></div><div>Maybe separate two of the cameras wider, at eye width distance, for top quality spatial videos for use on Vision Pro (next iteration). It could be used in filming content for the Vision Pro.</div><div><br /></div><div>Is it possible it would be a much more popular item than previous iPad Mini’s ? </div></div><div><br /></div><div>Many people work on-the-go in jobs where the form factor would work better for portability and in some cases used handheld. For these workers, the device would pay for itself. <br /></div><div><br /></div><div>Could you make use of this form factor and features? </div><div>If not, can you imagine people who work on-the-go needing this? </div><div><br /></div><div>Imagine the building trades, with the floor plans or drawings they need for their specialty. Rough and finish carpenters could have materials and cut lists as well as the drawings they need. Electricians and plumbers would have drawings they need. They could have a belt pouch to protect and carry the mini. An 11” iPad would not be portable enough.</div><div><br /></div><div>It would be large enough and with a quality camera and lidar, combined in the near future with AI, that could be used for example, by an interior designer to take photos and annotate them with the pencil. The AI could conceivably convert the improved Lidar and photos of the same surfaces within a sophisticated app to create drawings and apply existing surface maps generated from the corresponding photos. The app could allow the designer to try different treatments and get client feedback immediately to take back to the office and create a more final proposal complete with realistic mockups. </div><div><br /></div><div>Landscape designers could do similar work on the go with a powerful full featured iPad including the best Apple cameras along with the latest in Lidar, along with AI assisted apps. They might use the 11” or 13” if it had the full featured camera-lidar combo—or use their iPhone to send images to an iPad including lidar data. <br /><br /></div><div>Augmented reality would work for placing furniture and accessories for the interior designer and the landscape designer could place, shrubs, trees and other landscape features, superimposed with augmented reality—probably on the 11” or 13” form factor with upgraded cameras and lidar from today’s iPads. </div><div><br /></div><div>A premium iPad Mini might be the starting point for Apple to give the compute power along with the best cameras and lidar in the most portable form factor, with a level up from the iPhone in display area. </div><div>While current iPad zeros can do all this, the size might be more workable for many people and use cases.</div> </div> <div class="SelfReactions"><span class="ReactMenu"><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-1 ReactHeart"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Likes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-5 ReactHeartBroken"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Dislikes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-4 ReactInfo2"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Informatives</span></span></div></span> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="Item Alt ItemComment Role_member" id="Comment_3456620"> <div class="Comment"> <div class="Options"> <span class="PostNum">Reply 13 of 14</span> </div> <div class="Item-Header CommentHeader"> <div class="AuthorWrap"> <span class="Author"> <a title="davgreg" href="/profile/213847/davgreg" class="PhotoWrap"><img src="" alt="davgreg" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoMedium" /></a><a href="/profile/213847/davgreg" class="username">davgreg</a> </span> <span class="AuthorInfo"> <span class="MItem PostCount">Posts: <b>1,055</b></span><span class="MItem RoleTitle member">member</span> </span> </div> <div class="Meta CommentMeta CommentInfo"> <span class="MItem DateCreated"> <a href="/discussion/comment/3456620/#Comment_3456620" class="Permalink" name="Item_13" rel="nofollow"><time title="September 4, 2024 10:47AM" datetime="2024-09-04T10:47:52+00:00">September 4, 2024 10:47AM</time></a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="Item-BodyWrap"> <div class="Item-Body"> <div class="Message"> It seems that the users of the mini tend to be people who own it as a second iPad and tend not to be fans of the larger iPhones. That is my case as well. <br /><br />My preference would be to see Face ID like my iPad Pro and a bump to the M series chips. The display is fine and I really do not care about the camera as the iPhone has one.<br /><br />The size of the mini is great for having something to easily bring along, especially if you have an iPad Pro. </div> <div class="SelfReactions"><span class="ReactMenu"><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-1 ReactHeart"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Likes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-5 ReactHeartBroken"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Dislikes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-4 ReactInfo2"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Informatives</span></span></div></span> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="Item ItemComment Role_member" id="Comment_3456847"> <div class="Comment"> <div class="Options"> <span class="PostNum">Reply 14 of 14</span> </div> <div class="Item-Header CommentHeader"> <div class="AuthorWrap"> <span class="Author"> <a title="yyzguy" href="/profile/256283/yyzguy" class="PhotoWrap"><img src=";size=50&" alt="yyzguy" class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoMedium" /></a><a href="/profile/256283/yyzguy" class="username">yyzguy</a> </span> <span class="AuthorInfo"> <span class="MItem PostCount">Posts: <b>42</b></span><span class="MItem RoleTitle member">member</span> </span> </div> <div class="Meta CommentMeta CommentInfo"> <span class="MItem DateCreated"> <a href="/discussion/comment/3456847/#Comment_3456847" class="Permalink" name="Item_14" rel="nofollow"><time title="September 6, 2024 11:24PM" datetime="2024-09-06T23:24:40+00:00">September 6, 2024 11:24PM</time></a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="Item-BodyWrap"> <div class="Item-Body"> <div class="Message"> <blockquote class="Quote"> <div class="QuoteAuthor"><a rel="nofollow" href="/profile/213847/davgreg">davgreg</a> said:</div> <div class="QuoteText">It seems that the users of the mini tend to be people who own it as a second iPad and tend not to be fans of the larger iPhones. That is my case as well. <br /><br />My preference would be to see Face ID like my iPad Pro and a bump to the M series chips. The display is fine and I really do not care about the camera as the iPhone has one.<br /><br />The size of the mini is great for having something to easily bring along, especially if you have an iPad Pro.</div> </blockquote> I use iPad Mini 5 as my only iPad. I like it because I can easily grip it with one hand. I have no use for a larger iPad. Occasionally (rarely), I come across content that doesn't seem to fit the Mini 5 display. That's mistake of the content creator.<br />I prefer Touch ID to Face ID. Still using iPhone SE second gen.<br />Looking forward to improved performance and USB C on iPad mini 7. </div> <div class="SelfReactions"><span class="ReactMenu"><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-1 ReactHeart"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Likes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-5 ReactHeartBroken"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Dislikes</span></span><span class="SelfReactItem"><span class="ReactSprite React-4 ReactInfo2"> </span><span class="Count">0</span><span class="ReactLabel">Informatives</span></span></div></span> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div><div class="P PagerWrap"></div></div> <div class="Foot Closed"> <div class="Note Closed SignInOrRegister"><a href="/entry/signin?Target=discussion%2Fcomment%2F3456317%3F">Sign In</a> or <a href="/entry/register?Target=discussion%2Fcomment%2F3456317%3F">Register</a> to comment. </div> </div> </div> </main> </div> </section> <footer class="page-footer sticky-footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="clearfix"> <p style="position: fixed; bottom: 2em; right: 2em;"> <a class="top"> <a id="return-top" href="#top" title="Back to Top"> <strong><i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i></strong> </a> </a> </p> <p id="page-footer-content"> Copyright © 2025 Quiller Media, Inc <br /> <br /> <a href="">Commenting Guidelines</a> · <a href="">Privacy Policy</a> · <a href="">Contact</a> </p> </div> </div> </footer> <script id="funnel-relay-installer" data-property-id="PROPERTY_ID" data-customer-id="appleinsider_b7ac1_appleinsider" src="" async="async"></script> </body> </html>