Vol Lyon - Dubaï dès 537.00€ | Lyon Aéroport
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Retrouvez toutes nos offres et réservez votre vol Lyon (LYS) Dubaï (DBx)."/><span itemprop="offers" itemtype="" itemscope><link itemprop="url" href=""/><meta itemprop="availability" content=""/><meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="EUR"/><meta itemprop="itemCondition" content=""/><meta itemprop="price" content="537.00"/><meta itemprop="priceValidUntil" content="2025-03-27"/></span></span><ul class="Destination__header-tags"><li class="Destination__header-tag"><svg class="Destination__header-tag-icon"><use xlink:href="#sun_calliweb" href="#sun_calliweb"></use></svg><strong>Météo</strong><span class="d-md-none d-block">18-19 °C</span><span class="d-none d-md-block">18 - 19 °C</span><span class="Destination__header-tag-close"><svg><use xlink:href="#times" href="#times"></use></svg></span></li><li class="Destination__header-tag"><svg class="Destination__header-tag-icon"><use xlink:href="#fly" href="#fly"></use></svg><strong>Distance</strong> 5000 km <span 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(min-width: 1200px)" type="image/webp" width="1920" height="1080"/><source srcset="/sites/default/files/2020-06/emirats-arabe-unis-dubai.jpg 1x, /sites/default/files/2020-06/emirats-arabe-unis-dubai.jpg 2x" media="all and (min-width: 1200px)" type="image/jpeg" width="1920" height="1080"/><source srcset=" 1x" media="all and (min-width: 992px)" type="image/webp" width="1120" height="630"/><source srcset=" 1x" media="all and (min-width: 992px)" type="image/jpeg" width="1120" height="630"/><source srcset=" 1x" media="all and (min-width: 768px)" type="image/webp" width="992" height="320"/><source srcset=" 1x" media="all and (min-width: 768px)" type="image/jpeg" width="992" height="320"/><source srcset=" 1x" media="all and (min-width: 576px)" type="image/webp" width="768" height="320"/><source srcset=" 1x" media="all and (min-width: 576px)" type="image/jpeg" width="768" height="320"/><source srcset=" 1x" media="all and (min-width: 0px)" type="image/jpeg" width="390" height="560"/><source srcset=" 1x" media="all and (min-width: 0px)" type="image/jpeg" width="390" height="560"/><img itemprop="image" loading="auto" src="" alt="Dubaï au Émirats Arabe Unis" /></picture></div></div></div><div class="position-relative"><aside class="anchor__menu-wrapper"><div class="Site-container"><div class="swiper anchor__menu"><ul class="anchor__menu-list swiper-wrapper"><li class="anchor__menu-item active swiper-slide" data-anchor="reasons" tabindex="0"> Pourquoi Dubaï ? </li><li class="anchor__menu-item swiper-slide" data-anchor="when_trip" tabindex="0"> Quand partir ? </li><li class="anchor__menu-item swiper-slide" data-anchor="channel" tabindex="0"> Chaine évasion </li><li class="anchor__menu-item swiper-slide" data-anchor="offers" tabindex="0"> Programme des vols </li><li class="anchor__menu-item swiper-slide" data-anchor="faq" tabindex="0"> FAQ </li></ul><div class="padding-x-0 col-md-4 anchor__menu-toggle-wrapper"><div class="anchor__menu-toggle d-none"> Réserver <svg><use xlink:href="#chevron-down" href="#chevron-down"></use></svg></div><div class="anchor__menu-widget"></div></div></div></aside><div class="Destination__content"><div id="best-offers-flights-container" class="page-block m-0" data-node-type="BestOffersBlock" data-ajax-nid="1420" style="position: relative;min-height: 50px;"></div><section id="paragraph-2378" data-anchor-target="" class="bg-white content-readmore content-slide" ><p class="text-align-center" style="background-color: rgb(244, 156, 76); padding: 10px 20px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Nouveaux horaires des vols Lyon – Dubaï et Dubaï – Lyon :<br /> o Départ Lyon à <strong>15h55</strong> et arrivée à Dubaï à <strong>00:15</strong> le jour suivant<br /> o Départ Dubaï à <strong>08h55</strong> et arrivée à Lyon à <strong>13h50</strong><br /><br /> Avec un vol quotidien, il est encore plus facile et rapide de relier Lyon aux <strong><a href="/vols-et-destinations/vols-lyon-male" title="Malé">Maldives</a>, <a href="/vols-et-destinations/vols-lyon-les-seychelles" title="Seychelles">Seychelles</a></strong>, mais aussi à la <strong><a href="/vols-et-destinations/vols-lyon-thailande" title="Thaïlande">Thaïlande</a>, à l’Indonésie, à <a href="/vols-et-destinations/vols-lyon-ile-maurice" title="Ile Maurice">l’Ile Maurice</a></strong> ou encore à <strong><a href="/vols-et-destinations/australie" title="Australie">l’Australie</a>.</strong></p><div class="Site-container padding-y-6"><div class="row"><div class="col-12 col-md-10 offset-md-1"><div class="Editorial-body"><h2 class="text-align-center">Dubaï, la ville de la démesure</h2><p class="Editorial__introduction color-blue-dark"><strong>Dubaï </strong> est devenue une destination à part entière au départ de Lyon grâce à Emirates.</p><p>À six heures de la place Bellecour, avec 2 heures de décalage horaire, la mégapole des Émirats arabes unis mérite le déplacement. Lors d'un court séjour ou le temps d'un long week-end, montez au sommet de la plus haute tour du monde (Burj Khalifa), découvrez le luxe de Palm Island, faites du shopping dans les Malls, immenses centres commerciaux, et logez dans des palaces incroyables !</p></div></div></div></div></section><div id="reasons" data-anchor-target="reasons" data-parent-node-id="1420" class="Site-container block__reasons-wrapper page-block mt-5 mb-5" data-node-type="ReasonsBlock"><div class="block__reasons-header"><h2 class="text-align-center margin-bottom-0">5 raisons de partir à Dubaï</h2><div class="block__reasons-arrows"><span class="block__reasons-arrow block__reasons-arrow--left"><svg><use xlink:href="#chevron-left" href="#chevron-left"></use></svg></span><span class="block__reasons-arrow block__reasons-arrow--right"><svg><use xlink:href="#chevron-right" href="#chevron-right"></use></svg></span></div></div><p class="text-align-center margin-top-3">Cliquez sur les visuels pour en découvrir plus</p><div class="swiper block__reasons Elevator__group"><div class="swiper-wrapper"><div id="paragraph-19217" data-anchor-target="paragraph-19217" data-parent-node-id="17605" class="swiper-slide Card-inspiration block__reason"><div class="Card-inspiration__image"><img loading="lazy" src="" width="600" height="455" alt="Piste de ski Mall of Emirates à Dubaï" /></div><div class="block__reason-body"><div class="block__reason-title">1</div><h3 class="block__reason-subtitle"> Faire du ski par 40 degrés </h3><div class="block__reason-description"> Comble de l’insolite, il est possible de descendre tout schuss sur la piste enneigée de Ski Dubaï, la première station de ski couverte du Moyen-Orient, située dans le Mall of the Emirates. Un authentique télésiège vous transporte jusqu’au sommet. Pas la peine d’apporter votre matériel… </div></div></div><div id="paragraph-19218" data-anchor-target="paragraph-19218" data-parent-node-id="17605" class="swiper-slide Card-inspiration block__reason"><div class="Card-inspiration__image"><img loading="lazy" src="" width="600" height="455" alt="Burj Khalifa de Dubaï au Emirats Arabes Unis" /></div><div class="block__reason-body"><div class="block__reason-title">2</div><h3 class="block__reason-subtitle"> Imiter Tom Cruise au sommet de Burj Khalifa </h3><div class="block__reason-description"> Cadre d’une scène mythique de Mission Impossible – Protocole fantôme, Burj Khalifa demeure, à ce jour, la plus haute tour du monde avec ses 164 étages et son sommet culminant à 828 mètres. Le must ? Déguster un Mojito à At.mosphere, le bar panoramique ouvert au 123e étage, accessible en 57 secondes via un ascenseur… supersonique ! </div></div></div><div id="paragraph-19219" data-anchor-target="paragraph-19219" data-parent-node-id="17605" class="swiper-slide Card-inspiration block__reason"><div class="Card-inspiration__image"><img loading="lazy" src="" width="600" height="455" alt="Centre commercial Dubaï" /></div><div class="block__reason-body"><div class="block__reason-title">3</div><h3 class="block__reason-subtitle"> Shopping, se faire du bien dans les malls </h3><div class="block__reason-description"> Sport national, le shopping se pratique en indoor à Dubaï. Terrains de jeux climatisés, les Malls, de gigantesques centres commerciaux dont le plus impressionnant, The Dubai Mall, abrite plus de 1200 boutiques et toutes les grandes marques internationales, mais aussi un aquarium géant et même une patinoire ! </div></div></div><div id="paragraph-19220" data-anchor-target="paragraph-19220" data-parent-node-id="17605" class="swiper-slide Card-inspiration block__reason"><div class="Card-inspiration__image"><img loading="lazy" src="" width="600" height="455" alt="Parachutiste au-dessus de Dubaï" /></div><div class="block__reason-body"><div class="block__reason-title">4</div><h3 class="block__reason-subtitle"> Sauter en parachute au dessus de The Palm </h3><div class="block__reason-description"> Pour les amateurs de sensations fortes, le skydive, un saut en parachute – en tandem – au dessus de The Palm permet de découvrir l’archipel artificiel, ses hôtels et ses villas luxueuses à 4 000 mètres d’altitude. Décollage depuis la Marina pour une chute libre immortalisée par un caméraman ! </div></div></div><div id="paragraph-19221" data-anchor-target="paragraph-19221" data-parent-node-id="17605" class="swiper-slide Card-inspiration block__reason"><div class="Card-inspiration__image"><img loading="lazy" src="" width="600" height="455" alt="Hôtel Burj Al Arab Jumeira à Dubaï" /></div><div class="block__reason-body"><div class="block__reason-title">5</div><h3 class="block__reason-subtitle"> Hisser la grand voile à Burj Al Arab </h3><div class="block__reason-description"> Considéré comme l’hôtel le plus luxueux au monde, Burj Al Arab Jumeirah émerge des eaux du Golfe Persique avec son architecture en forme de voile de bateau. Ce premier "sept étoiles" dispose d'un restaurant gastronomique et d'un skybar au panorama inoubliable. </div></div></div></div><div class="block__reason-close"><svg><use xlink:href="#times" href="#times"></use></svg></div></div></div><section id="when_trip" data-anchor-target="when_trip" data-parent-node-id="1420"><div id="block-lame-destination" class="lame-destination d-none" data-recommend=""><div class="Site-container"><h2 class="lame-destination__title"> Quand partir à Dubaï</h2><div class="text-align-center mt-2"><p> Découvrez le(s) meilleur(s) mois pour partir en consultant la température de l'air, la pluviométrie, l'affluence, mais encore la température de l'eau ou l'ensoleillement de votre destination. </p></div><div class="lame-destination__swiper swiper"><div class="lame-destination__swiper-wrapper swiper-wrapper"><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide swiper-slide" style="visibility: hidden;"><div class="recommendation"><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__container"><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__month">------ </div><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__infos"><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__infos-item"><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__infos-svg"><i class="fa-thin fa-temperature-high"></i></div><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__infos-text"> -- </div></div><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__infos-item"><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__infos-svg"><i class="fa-thin fa-droplet-degree"></i></div><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__infos-text"> -- </div></div><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__infos-item"><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__infos-svg"><i class="fa-thin fa-cloud-rain"></i></div><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__infos-text"> -- </div></div><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__infos-item"><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__infos-svg"><i class="fa-thin fa-users"></i></div><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__infos-text"> -- </div></div></div><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__offre"><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__offre-title"> Meilleure offre du mois </div><div class="lame-destination__swiper-slide__offre-price">--- </div></div></div><div class="recommendation__title"> Notre recommandation </div></div></div></div><div class="lame-destination__swiper-buttons"><button class="lame-destination__swiper-button swiper-button-prev"></button><div class="lame-destination__separator"></div><button class="lame-destination__swiper-button swiper-button-next"></button></div><p class="mt-4 text-align-center"> Information fournie par <a href="" id="partner-link" target="_blank" style=" position: relative; line-height: 0; vertical-align: baseline; bottom: -7px; "><svg width="100" height="auto" viewBox="0 0 1215 300" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M125.19 84.2C125.355 84.2124 125.52 84.1821 125.671 84.1121C125.821 84.0421 125.952 83.9347 126.05 83.8C137.517 67.98 152.753 57.4667 171.76 52.26C179.653 50.0933 187.233 49.1433 194.5 49.41C236.32 50.95 269.09 81.7 273.78 123.18C273.827 123.58 274.027 123.87 274.38 124.05C282.7 128.197 290.867 132.127 298.88 135.84C312.847 142.313 327.663 146.81 343.33 149.33C355.137 151.23 366.073 152.607 376.14 153.46C376.193 153.46 376.223 153.487 376.23 153.54L376.36 155.5C376.363 155.536 376.358 155.572 376.345 155.605C376.333 155.639 376.314 155.67 376.288 155.697C376.263 155.723 376.232 155.744 376.198 155.758C376.164 155.773 376.127 155.78 376.09 155.78C369.93 155.79 363.82 155.21 357.6 155.31C339.187 155.61 320.21 153.2 300.67 148.08C299.77 147.847 298.903 147.54 298.07 147.16C286.503 141.873 275.013 136.627 263.6 131.42C248.347 124.46 232.59 118.757 216.33 114.31C216.017 114.223 215.76 114.047 215.56 113.78C209.067 104.947 200.323 101.073 189.33 102.16C186.41 102.45 183.56 103.58 180.82 104.56C180.482 104.69 180.107 104.707 179.75 104.61C160.6 99.47 142.3 96.82 122.61 95.01C115.003 94.31 107.08 93.61 98.84 92.91C94.52 92.5433 90.4167 91.79 86.53 90.65C68.4967 85.3767 52.4967 78.5267 38.53 70.1C32.9 66.71 27.15 64.05 21.39 60.87C21.3291 60.8378 21.2821 60.7844 21.2582 60.7198C21.2342 60.6552 21.2348 60.5841 21.26 60.52L21.98 58.8C21.9987 58.7585 22.0254 58.721 22.0583 58.6899C22.0913 58.6587 22.1299 58.6345 22.1719 58.6186C22.2138 58.6028 22.2583 58.5956 22.3027 58.5976C22.347 58.5995 22.3903 58.6105 22.43 58.63C33.3167 63.8033 44.54 68.4767 56.1 72.65C66.1 76.26 76.07 79.02 86.46 80.54C100.04 82.53 112.45 83.12 125.19 84.2Z" fill="#3B3B3B"/><path d="M422.87 172.76L422.89 244.42C422.89 244.508 422.856 244.593 422.794 244.657C422.732 244.72 422.648 244.757 422.56 244.76H404.48C404.417 244.76 404.355 244.748 404.298 244.724C404.24 244.7 404.188 244.665 404.144 244.622C404.1 244.578 404.066 244.526 404.043 244.469C404.02 244.412 404.009 244.351 404.01 244.29C404.117 208.21 404.1 171.787 403.96 135.02C403.927 126.873 404.357 120.613 405.25 116.24C410.9 88.47 434.89 69.66 463.13 70.04C489.98 70.4 512.27 87.47 519.11 113.28C527.41 144.58 508.32 177.27 477.02 185.11C458.33 189.79 438.23 185.59 423.44 172.5C423.06 172.167 422.87 172.253 422.87 172.76ZM502.14 128.49C502.14 117.982 497.966 107.905 490.536 100.474C483.105 93.0443 473.028 88.87 462.52 88.87C452.012 88.87 441.935 93.0443 434.504 100.474C427.074 107.905 422.9 117.982 422.9 128.49C422.9 133.693 423.925 138.845 425.916 143.652C427.907 148.459 430.825 152.827 434.504 156.506C441.935 163.936 452.012 168.11 462.52 168.11C467.723 168.11 472.875 167.085 477.682 165.094C482.489 163.103 486.857 160.185 490.536 156.506C494.215 152.827 497.133 148.459 499.124 143.652C501.115 138.845 502.14 133.693 502.14 128.49Z" fill="#3B3B3B"/><path d="M806.1 115.93C814.301 115.93 820.95 109.281 820.95 101.08C820.95 92.8786 814.301 86.23 806.1 86.23C797.899 86.23 791.25 92.8786 791.25 101.08C791.25 109.281 797.899 115.93 806.1 115.93Z" fill="#3B3B3B"/><path d="M202.93 154.44C211.55 150.993 217.123 144.59 219.65 135.23C219.737 134.91 219.94 134.793 220.26 134.88L271.71 148.69C272.023 148.777 272.14 148.977 272.06 149.29C267.45 168.59 257.65 182.51 243.23 195.34C219.2 216.72 189 235.99 160.29 253.11C160.017 253.27 159.803 253.213 159.65 252.94C144.49 226.56 131.93 201.063 121.97 176.45C119.17 169.543 116.54 161.743 114.08 153.05C109.773 137.883 109.973 122.507 114.68 106.92C114.701 106.845 114.751 106.78 114.82 106.741C114.889 106.702 114.972 106.691 115.05 106.71L166.89 120.58C166.921 120.588 166.95 120.602 166.976 120.622C167.001 120.641 167.023 120.666 167.039 120.694C167.054 120.722 167.064 120.753 167.068 120.785C167.072 120.817 167.069 120.849 167.06 120.88C164.647 128.827 165.577 136.25 169.85 143.15C176.81 154.39 190.57 159.38 202.93 154.44Z" fill="#3B3B3B"/><path d="M741.28 127.94C741.28 128.38 741.5 128.6 741.94 128.6L781.96 128.65C782.074 128.65 782.183 128.695 782.264 128.776C782.345 128.857 782.39 128.966 782.39 129.08L782.45 146.78C782.45 147.267 782.207 147.51 781.72 147.51L741.77 147.53C741.696 147.53 741.622 147.545 741.553 147.573C741.485 147.601 741.423 147.643 741.37 147.695C741.318 147.747 741.277 147.809 741.25 147.877C741.222 147.944 741.209 148.017 741.21 148.09C741.357 157.743 741.36 167.523 741.22 177.43C741.093 186.27 741.497 192.517 742.43 196.17C746.94 213.92 763.24 226.86 781.88 226.02C782.353 226 782.59 226.227 782.59 226.7L782.57 244.7C782.57 244.913 782.463 245.023 782.25 245.03C754.34 245.51 730.49 227.83 723.95 200.52C722.883 196.08 722.357 190.317 722.37 183.23C722.417 158.15 722.437 133.283 722.43 108.63C722.43 108.27 722.613 108.09 722.98 108.09L740.81 108.07C740.937 108.07 741.059 108.122 741.149 108.214C741.239 108.305 741.29 108.43 741.29 108.56L741.28 127.94Z" fill="#3B3B3B"/><path d="M648.03 166.3C656.5 137.76 682.48 127 710.13 128.32C710.37 128.333 710.49 128.463 710.49 128.71V147.5C710.49 147.953 710.263 148.167 709.81 148.14C692.53 147.21 674.5 151.85 667.92 169.35C665.753 175.11 664.667 181.66 664.66 189C664.647 205.807 664.647 224.523 664.66 245.15C664.66 245.577 664.447 245.79 664.02 245.79L645.3 245.8C644.96 245.8 644.79 245.627 644.79 245.28C644.717 224.547 644.733 205.017 644.84 186.69C644.88 180.117 645.943 173.32 648.03 166.3Z" fill="#3B3B3B"/><path d="M853.67 169.83C851.63 175.31 850.6 181.497 850.58 188.39C850.52 207.457 850.513 226.397 850.56 245.21C850.56 245.597 850.367 245.79 849.98 245.79H831.29C830.923 245.79 830.74 245.61 830.74 245.25C830.687 224.717 830.71 204.793 830.81 185.48C830.837 179.867 831.843 173.633 833.83 166.78C840.3 144.4 857.85 131.84 880.29 128.96C885.25 128.32 890.58 128.097 896.28 128.29C896.447 128.297 896.53 128.383 896.53 128.55V147.53C896.53 147.95 896.32 148.153 895.9 148.14C877.94 147.4 860.4 151.72 853.67 169.83Z" fill="#3B3B3B"/><path d="M611.95 230.93C596.657 243.497 579.47 247.907 560.39 244.16C527.76 237.74 508.45 204.94 516.07 173.08C524.65 137.24 562.93 118.67 596.57 133.48C614.16 141.23 626.91 157.49 630.44 176.27C631.267 180.69 631.65 187.033 631.59 195.3C631.457 212.76 631.437 228.623 631.53 242.89C631.53 242.964 631.516 243.036 631.488 243.104C631.461 243.172 631.42 243.234 631.369 243.286C631.318 243.338 631.257 243.379 631.191 243.407C631.124 243.436 631.052 243.45 630.98 243.45L612.99 243.46C612.863 243.46 612.741 243.409 612.651 243.319C612.561 243.229 612.51 243.107 612.51 242.98L612.52 231.2C612.52 230.713 612.33 230.623 611.95 230.93ZM612.54 186.93C612.54 176.425 608.367 166.35 600.938 158.921C593.51 151.493 583.435 147.32 572.93 147.32C562.425 147.32 552.35 151.493 544.922 158.921C537.493 166.35 533.32 176.425 533.32 186.93C533.32 197.435 537.493 207.51 544.922 214.939C552.35 222.367 562.425 226.54 572.93 226.54C583.435 226.54 593.51 222.367 600.938 214.939C608.367 207.51 612.54 197.435 612.54 186.93Z" fill="#3B3B3B"/><path d="M815.21 130.22H796.95C796.773 130.22 796.63 130.363 796.63 130.54V244.44C796.63 244.617 796.773 244.76 796.95 244.76H815.21C815.387 244.76 815.53 244.617 815.53 244.44V130.54C815.53 130.363 815.387 130.22 815.21 130.22Z" fill="#3B3B3B"/><path d="M1129.81 184.62C1129.82 184.652 1129.85 184.679 1129.88 184.699C1129.91 184.718 1129.94 184.729 1129.98 184.73C1130.01 184.731 1130.05 184.722 1130.08 184.705C1130.11 184.687 1130.13 184.661 1130.15 184.63C1140.5 162.43 1169.21 161.08 1181.86 181.71C1184.59 186.163 1185.95 191.113 1185.96 196.56C1185.97 212.473 1185.97 228.3 1185.96 244.04C1185.96 244.187 1185.89 244.26 1185.74 244.26L1180.77 244.25C1180.65 244.25 1180.59 244.19 1180.59 244.07C1180.49 230.957 1180.5 217.013 1180.63 202.24C1180.68 196.107 1180.2 191.663 1179.18 188.91C1170 164.04 1136.29 168.78 1133.06 194.58C1133 195.087 1132.96 198.71 1132.94 205.45C1132.91 218.99 1132.92 231.933 1132.96 244.28C1132.96 244.36 1132.92 244.4 1132.85 244.4L1127.28 244.44C1127.13 244.44 1127.06 244.367 1127.06 244.22C1127.15 228.56 1127.15 212.99 1127.06 197.51C1127.01 189.323 1123.9 182.717 1117.75 177.69C1101.82 164.66 1079.58 177.48 1079.51 196.93C1079.46 210.937 1079.45 226.64 1079.48 244.04C1079.48 244.187 1079.41 244.26 1079.26 244.26L1074.07 244.24C1073.95 244.24 1073.89 244.18 1073.89 244.06C1073.86 228.58 1073.86 213.163 1073.88 197.81C1073.91 184.08 1082.45 171.66 1095.81 168.07C1109.55 164.38 1124.12 171.34 1129.81 184.62Z" fill="#3B3B3B"/><path d="M979.28 181.83C968.16 172.08 951.84 171.74 939.93 179.74C923.94 190.48 920.54 213.07 933.21 227.8C945.18 241.73 965.14 243.58 979.43 231.75C979.603 231.61 979.767 231.617 979.92 231.77L984.13 235.93C984.15 235.949 984.167 235.971 984.177 235.997C984.188 236.022 984.193 236.05 984.192 236.077C984.191 236.105 984.184 236.132 984.172 236.157C984.159 236.181 984.142 236.203 984.12 236.22C976.053 243.373 966.52 246.63 955.52 245.99C934.43 244.76 918.26 226.19 919.03 205.24C919.73 186.13 934.48 170.23 953.24 168C964.673 166.633 974.923 169.7 983.99 177.2C984.303 177.46 984.317 177.73 984.03 178.01L980.26 181.8C979.94 182.12 979.613 182.13 979.28 181.83Z" fill="#3B3B3B"/><path d="M1066.66 207.03C1066.66 217.448 1062.52 227.439 1055.16 234.805C1047.79 242.172 1037.8 246.31 1027.38 246.31C1016.96 246.31 1006.97 242.172 999.605 234.805C992.238 227.439 988.1 217.448 988.1 207.03C988.1 196.612 992.238 186.621 999.605 179.255C1006.97 171.888 1016.96 167.75 1027.38 167.75C1037.8 167.75 1047.79 171.888 1055.16 179.255C1062.52 186.621 1066.66 196.612 1066.66 207.03ZM1060.16 206.98C1060.16 198.302 1056.71 189.98 1050.58 183.843C1044.44 177.707 1036.12 174.26 1027.44 174.26C1023.14 174.26 1018.89 175.106 1014.92 176.751C1010.95 178.395 1007.34 180.805 1004.3 183.843C1001.27 186.882 998.855 190.489 997.211 194.459C995.566 198.428 994.72 202.683 994.72 206.98C994.72 211.277 995.566 215.532 997.211 219.501C998.855 223.471 1001.27 227.078 1004.3 230.117C1007.34 233.155 1010.95 235.565 1014.92 237.209C1018.89 238.854 1023.14 239.7 1027.44 239.7C1036.12 239.7 1044.44 236.253 1050.58 230.117C1056.71 223.98 1060.16 215.658 1060.16 206.98Z" fill="#3B3B3B"/><path d="M903.99 244.04C907.955 244.04 911.17 240.825 911.17 236.86C911.17 232.895 907.955 229.68 903.99 229.68C900.025 229.68 896.81 232.895 896.81 236.86C896.81 240.825 900.025 244.04 903.99 244.04Z" fill="#3B3B3B"/></svg></a></p></div></div></div></section><section id="channel" data-anchor-target="channel" data-parent-node-id="1420"><div class="Evasion"><div class="Site-container"><div class="row"><div class="col-12 col-md-6"><div class="Evasion__content"><h2 class="Evasion__content--title">Découvrez Dubaï sur notre Chaîne Evasion</h2><ul class="Evasion__content--list"><li><span><i class="fa-light fa-play"></i></span><div class="Body2 Body2--stong"> Des centaines de vidéos, blogs, astuces, guides voyage </div></li><li><span><i class="fa-light fa-calendar"></i></span><div class="Body2 Body2--stong"> Des nouveautés chaque semaine </div></li><li><span><i class="fa-light fa-star"></i></span><div class="Body2 Body2--stong"> Un accès illimité, sans publicité, sans abonnement </div></li></ul><div class="Evasion__content--actions"><a href="" class="Button Button--secondary Button--big" target="_blank"> Découvrir Dubaï</a></div></div></div><div class="col-12 col-md-6"><div class="Evasion__media Evasion__media--video"><iframe width="560" height="315" title="YouTube video player" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen referrerpolicy="unsafe-url" style="max-width: 100%;"></iframe></div></div></div></div></div></section><section id="offers" data-anchor-target="offers" data-parent-node-id="1420" class="margin-y-0 Destination__flights-wrapper"><div class="Site-container"><h2 class="Destination__flights-title"> Programme des vols</h2><div class="Destination__flights" data-initial-week><div class="loader-wrapper"><img class="loader" src="/themes/adl/images/vinci-spinner.gif" alt="loading"/></div><header class="Destination__flights-header"><div class="Destination__flights-arrow Destination__flights-arrow--left disabled"><svg><use xlink:href="#chevron-left" href="#chevron-left"></use></svg></div><div class="Destination__flights-dates"><strong class="Destination__flights-date" data-week="13"> Du 24 au 30 mars 2025 </strong></div><div class="Destination__flights-arrow Destination__flights-arrow--right"><svg><use xlink:href="#chevron-right" href="#chevron-right"></use></svg></div><div class="Destination__flights-legend"><span></span> Vols directs </div></header><div class="Destination__flights-lists" ><ul class="Destination__flights-list" data-week="13" data-destination="DXB" data-iata="DXB"><li class="Destination__flights-list-empty"><p>Pas de vol direct disponible cette semaine</p></li></ul><script> function clickFlightSchedule(el) { dataLayer.push({ event: 'click_flight_schedule', label: el.innerText, }); } </script></div><div class="Destination__flights-bottom"><div class="Destination__flights-companies-wrapper col-md-7"><p class="Destination__flights-companies-text"> Filtrer par compagnies </p><ul class="Destination__flights-companies"><li class="Destination__flights-company active" title="Emirates" data-company-iata="EK,UAE"><picture><img loading="lazy" class="Destination__flights-company-image" src="" /></picture></li></ul></div><div class="Destination__flights-price col-md-5 row"><div class="col-12 Destination__flights-price-title"> Meilleure offre du mois : <span> € A/R </span></div><div class="col-12 col-md-6 Destination__flights-price-dates"> Du 27 mars 2025</br>au 27 mars 2025 </div><div class="col-12 col-md-6 Destination__flights-price-button"><a href="" class="Button Button--primary w-100" target="_blank"> Réserver ce vol </a></div></div></div></div></div></section><section id="faq" data-anchor-target="faq" data-parent-node-id="1420" class="Site-container margin-top-3 faq-list"><h2 class="text-align-center">FAQ : Vols Lyon - Dubaï</h2><div class="faq-list_wrapper"><div class="Accordion__wrapper"><p class="Accordion__heading Special__accordeon" data-elevator-toggle="paragraph-20239"> Quelle est la durée d’un vol entre Lyon et Dubaï ? <svg><use xlink:href="#chevron-down" href="#chevron-down"></use></svg></p><div data-elevator="paragraph-20239" ><div class="Accordion__content Elevator__group "><section id="paragraph-20238" data-anchor-target="" class="bg-grey content-readmore content-slide" ><p>Depuis l’aéroport de Lyon, la démesure de <strong>Dubaï</strong> est à seulement <strong>5h56</strong> de vol. Pour découvrir cette destination où se trouve la <strong>plus haute tour du monde</strong> et <strong>pléthore d’hôtels luxueux</strong>, il faut donc compter moins de 6 heures depuis le chef-lieu du Rhône !</p></section></div></div></div><div class="Accordion__wrapper"><p class="Accordion__heading Special__accordeon" data-elevator-toggle="paragraph-20241"> Quelle compagnie aérienne propose des vols Lyon - Dubaï ? <svg><use xlink:href="#chevron-down" href="#chevron-down"></use></svg></p><div data-elevator="paragraph-20241" ><div class="Accordion__content Elevator__group "><section id="paragraph-20240" data-anchor-target="" class="bg-grey content-readmore content-slide" ><p><a href=""><strong>Emirates</strong></a>, l’une des meilleures compagnies aériennes dans le monde, propose des vols<strong> Lyon – Dubaï</strong>. Des liaisons directes sont assurées les <strong>lundis</strong>, <strong>mercredis</strong>, <strong>vendredis</strong> et <strong>dimanches</strong>. Au total, ce sont jusqu’à <strong>7 vols</strong> par semaine qui sont proposés lors de la forte période touristique.</p></section></div></div></div><div class="Accordion__wrapper"><p class="Accordion__heading Special__accordeon" data-elevator-toggle="paragraph-20243"> Quand acheter un billet d’avion Lyon – Dubaï le moins cher ? <svg><use xlink:href="#chevron-down" href="#chevron-down"></use></svg></p><div data-elevator="paragraph-20243" ><div class="Accordion__content Elevator__group "><section id="paragraph-20242" data-anchor-target="" class="bg-grey content-readmore content-slide" ><p><strong>Dubaï</strong> est une destination <strong>agréable toute l’année</strong>, bien que les températures soient parfois très élevées en fonction des mois. Pour acheter un billet d’avion<strong> Lyon – Dubaï</strong> le moins cher, mieux vaut éviter les fortes saisons touristiques et les périodes de vacances scolaires. Le mois de <strong>septembre</strong> semble tout indiqué ! Notre page destination <strong>Dubaï</strong> vous permettra de trouver un vol direct Lyon – Dubaï <strong>au meilleur prix</strong>.</p></section></div></div></div><div class="Accordion__wrapper"><p class="Accordion__heading Special__accordeon" data-elevator-toggle="paragraph-20245"> Comment rejoindre le centre de Dubaï depuis l’aéroport après son vol Lyon - Dubaï ? <svg><use xlink:href="#chevron-down" href="#chevron-down"></use></svg></p><div data-elevator="paragraph-20245" ><div class="Accordion__content Elevator__group "><section id="paragraph-20244" data-anchor-target="" class="bg-grey content-readmore content-slide" ><p><strong>L’aéroport de Dubaï</strong> est une <strong>curiosité</strong> à lui tout seul. Dès votre arrivée, à l’issue de votre vol Lyon – Dubaï, vous serez plongé dans <strong>la démesure</strong>. Pour rejoindre le centre-ville, plusieurs solutions s’offrent à vous : le <strong>taxi</strong>, qui empruntera la fameuse <strong>Sheikh Zayed Road</strong> ; ou bien le <strong>métro</strong>, le plus pratique, accessible depuis les <strong>terminaux 1</strong> et <strong>3</strong>.</p></section></div></div></div><div class="Accordion__wrapper"><p class="Accordion__heading Special__accordeon" data-elevator-toggle="paragraph-20247"> Quelles sont les conditions de voyage liées au Covid pour aller à Dubaï ? <svg><use xlink:href="#chevron-down" href="#chevron-down"></use></svg></p><div data-elevator="paragraph-20247" ><div class="Accordion__content Elevator__group "><section id="paragraph-20246" data-anchor-target="" class="bg-grey content-readmore content-slide" ><p>Vous vous envolez bientôt pour <strong>Dubaï</strong> ? Pour tout savoir sur les formalités à respecter concernant<strong> le Covid</strong>, rendez-vous sur notre page « <a href=""><strong>Formalités de voyage Covid-19</strong></a> ».</p></section></div></div></div></div><script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quelle est la dur\u00e9e d\u2019un vol entre Lyon et Duba\u00ef ?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": " Depuis l\u2019a\u00e9roport de Lyon, la d\u00e9mesure de Duba\u00ef est \u00e0 seulement 5h56 de vol. Pour d\u00e9couvrir cette destination o\u00f9 se trouve la plus haute tour du monde et pl\u00e9thore d\u2019h\u00f4tels luxueux, il faut donc compter moins de 6 heures depuis le chef-lieu du Rh\u00f4ne ! " } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quelle compagnie a\u00e9rienne propose des vols Lyon - Duba\u00ef ?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": " Emirates, l\u2019une des meilleures compagnies a\u00e9riennes dans le monde, propose des vols Lyon \u2013 Duba\u00ef. Des liaisons directes sont assur\u00e9es les lundis, mercredis, vendredis et dimanches. Au total, ce sont jusqu\u2019\u00e0 7 vols par semaine qui sont propos\u00e9s lors de la forte p\u00e9riode touristique. " } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quand acheter un billet d\u2019avion Lyon \u2013 Duba\u00ef le moins cher ?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": " Duba\u00ef est une destination agr\u00e9able toute l\u2019ann\u00e9e, bien que les temp\u00e9ratures soient parfois tr\u00e8s \u00e9lev\u00e9es en fonction des mois. Pour acheter un billet d\u2019avion Lyon \u2013 Duba\u00ef le moins cher, mieux vaut \u00e9viter les fortes saisons touristiques et les p\u00e9riodes de vacances scolaires. Le mois de septembre semble tout indiqu\u00e9 ! Notre page destination Duba\u00ef vous permettra de trouver un vol direct Lyon \u2013 Duba\u00ef au meilleur prix. " } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Comment rejoindre le centre de Duba\u00ef depuis l\u2019a\u00e9roport apr\u00e8s son vol Lyon - Duba\u00ef ?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": " L\u2019a\u00e9roport de Duba\u00ef est une curiosit\u00e9 \u00e0 lui tout seul. D\u00e8s votre arriv\u00e9e, \u00e0 l\u2019issue de votre vol Lyon \u2013 Duba\u00ef, vous serez plong\u00e9 dans la d\u00e9mesure. Pour rejoindre le centre-ville, plusieurs solutions s\u2019offrent \u00e0 vous : le taxi, qui empruntera la fameuse Sheikh Zayed Road ; ou bien le m\u00e9tro, le plus pratique, accessible depuis les terminaux 1 et 3. " } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quelles sont les conditions de voyage li\u00e9es au Covid pour aller \u00e0 Duba\u00ef ?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": " Vous vous envolez bient\u00f4t pour Duba\u00ef ? Pour tout savoir sur les formalit\u00e9s \u00e0 respecter concernant le Covid, rendez-vous sur notre page \u00ab Formalit\u00e9s de voyage Covid-19 \u00bb. " } } ] } </script></section><div id="paragraph-17597" data-anchor-target="paragraph-17597" data-parent-node-id="1420" class="margin-y-0 Carousel page-block" data-node-type="CarouselBlock" data-flickity-desktop="true" data-flickity-dots="true"><div class="Site-container"><h2 class="text-align-center"> Les destinations qui pourraient vous intéresser </h2><div class="Carousel__items js-items" tabindex="0"><div class="Carousel__item Destination__list__item w-50 w-md-25 Go-further__item js-item" title="Vol Lyon Beyrouth"><div class="Card-destination"><div class="Card-destination__body"><p class="Card-destination__country"> Liban </p><a data-popup-trigger="booking" href="" target="_self" title="Vol Lyon Beyrouth"><h3 class="Card-destination__city"> Vol Lyon Beyrouth </h3></a><p class="Card-destination__direct"> Vol direct </p><footer><p class="margin-0 h5 Card-destination__price"> À partir de 440 € </p></footer></div><div class="Card-destination__actions"><a class="Card-destination__action" data-popup-trigger="booking" onclick="event.preventDefault(); 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277.900,4.124 280.412 C 4.124 288.222,390.369 285.841,393.373 278.013 C 396.994 268.578,396.458 263.918,391.753 263.918 C 389.485 263.918,387.629 266.701,387.629 270.103 C 387.629 275.298,378.645 276.289,331.518 276.289 C 279.745 276.289,275.626 275.731,278.247 269.072 C 279.810 265.103,294.181 225.670,310.183 181.443 C 326.185 137.216,342.968 96.950,347.480 91.962 C 352.014 86.949,354.585 80.034,353.228 76.498 C 350.070 68.268,336.561 68.258,329.737 76.481 C 326.826 79.989,319.353 86.485,313.130 90.915 L 301.816 98.972 291.283 80.999 C 278.003 58.337,268.948 52.484,230.463 41.685 C 189.211 30.110,190.697 29.688,178.923 56.310 M300.805 131.929 C 304.083 131.945,312.256 126.856,318.967 120.619 C 329.024 111.272,330.635 110.728,328.131 117.526 C 326.460 122.062,312.932 159.639,298.068 201.031 C 281.793 246.353,268.904 276.289,265.664 276.289 C 261.676 276.289,262.888 268.636,270.349 246.700 C 284.591 204.827,283.891 200.753,257.240 170.398 C 231.204 140.742,230.827 145.861,261.513 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1.0534 9.6286L2.05342 9.881C2.14818 10.6584 2.61082 11.3406 3.29411 11.712C3.97739 12.083 4.79636 12.096 5.49077 11.7475C6.18518 11.3986 6.66917 10.7316 6.78884 9.9578H15.5515C15.6071 9.9569 15.6622 9.94343 15.7125 9.91873C15.8197 10.7015 16.3001 11.3815 16.9981 11.739C17.6961 12.0965 18.5235 12.0862 19.2126 11.7116C19.9016 11.337 20.3656 10.6454 20.4541 9.86034L21.0494 9.66004C21.3265 9.56707 21.5672 9.38832 21.738 9.14939C21.9088 8.91046 22.0004 8.62303 22 8.32796V6.26023C21.9991 5.95528 21.9004 5.65886 21.7184 5.41589C21.5365 5.17247 21.2816 4.99507 20.9915 4.91064L20.9911 4.90974ZM4.41779 1.00558C4.53701 0.853775 4.71896 0.7653 4.91113 0.765749H12.188C12.3219 0.765749 12.4518 0.808415 12.5599 0.887908L16.8607 4.04564L11.3792 3.87273V1.40394C11.3792 1.19241 11.2093 1.02085 10.9998 1.02085C10.7903 1.02085 10.6203 1.19241 10.6203 1.40394V3.84893L5.81595 3.69713V1.40439C5.81551 1.19331 5.64602 1.02219 5.4365 1.02219C5.22697 1.02219 5.05749 1.19331 5.05704 1.40439V3.67377L2.3706 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