JKW's Beginner's Benchmark
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"><head><title>JKW's Beginner's Benchmark</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../koth1.css" type="text/css"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="icon" href="../favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="../ichanger.js"></script> <div id="nav"> <a href="" onMouseOver="imgAct('index')" onMouseOut="imgInact('index')"><img src="" name="index" alt="home" height=65 width=115></a> <a href="" onMouseOver="imgAct('koth')" onMouseOut="imgInact('koth')"><img src="" name="koth" alt="koth" height=65 width=115></a> <a href="" onMouseOver="imgAct('info')" onMouseOut="imgInact('info')"><img src="" name="info" alt="info" height=65 width=115></a> <a href="" onMouseOver="imgAct('links')" onMouseOut="imgInact('links')"><img src="" name="links" alt="links" height=65 width=115></a> <a href="" onMouseOver="imgAct('newsgroup')" onMouseOut="imgInact('newsgroup')"><img src="" name="newsgroup" alt="Newsgroup" height=65 width=115></a> <a href="" onMouseOver="imgAct('feedback')" onMouseOut="imgInact('feedback')"><img src="" name="feedback" alt="Feedback" height=65 width=115></a> </div> <div id="content"> <h2><span>- JKW's Beginner's Benchmark -</span></h2> <p>Well, so you're sitting at the old 'puter like I was 3 years ago. Making warriors that hop around like frogs, bomb like crazy, or breed like rabbits, right? And you're wondering to yourself <i>"Have I made the best Corewar program ever?"</i>... or maybe you're wondering <i>"Have I made ANYTHING that doesn't suck?"</i></p> <p>Well, I've got the cure for what ails ya'! Or, at least a step in a new direction. This is a collection of reasonably well-balanced warriors. Now, granted, it may be tilted a little too far in the paper direction for more experienced players, but it seemed reasonable, since most newbies have more trouble killing papers.</p> <p>And, what's MORE, it includes a nifty at-a-glance batch file and Qbasic file that I fixed up from stuff I stole from Steve Bailey. Incidentally, the Qbasic file needs Qbasic.exe, which is a standard file from MS-DOS, and is on the Win95 CD under \other\oldmsdos.</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Download</a> the Wilkie benchmark in one ZIP file!</li> </ul> <p>If you want it in pieces, download each of the following :</p> <p>Support files :</p> <ul> <li><a href="process.bas">process.bas</a> , <a href="koth.bat">koth.bat</a>, <a href="fight.bat">fight.bat</a> </ul> <p>The papers :</p> <ul> <li><a href="">TimeScape (1.0)</a>, <a href="comments.htm#TimeScape">comments</a> <li><a href="">nobody special</a>, <a href="comments.htm#nobody">comments</a> <li><a href="">Paperone</a>, <a href="comments.htm#Paperone">comments</a> <li><a href="">Marcia Trionfale 1.3</a>, <a href="comments.htm#Marcia">comments</a> </ul> <p>The stones :</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Blue Funk 3</a>, <a href="comments.htm#BlueFunk">comments</a> <li><a href="">Cannonade</a>, <a href="comments.htm#Cannonade">comments</a> <li><a href="">Tornado</a>, <a href="comments.htm#Tornado">comments</a> <li><a href="">Fire Storm v1.1</a>, <a href="comments.htm#FireStorm">comments</a> </ul> <p>The scissors :</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Rave</a>, <a href="comments.htm#Rave">comments</a> <li><a href="">Iron Gate</a>, <a href="comments.htm#IronGate">comments</a> <li><a href="">Porch Swing</a>, <a href="comments.htm#PorchSwing">comments</a> <li><a href="">Thermite 1.0</a>, <a href="comments.htm#Thermite">comments</a> </ul> </div> <div id="footer"> <p>All content on this and all other web pages is copyright, 1995-2022. All rights reserved.</p> </div> </body> </html>