Measuring Worth - Gold Prices and the Ratio to the Price of Silver

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Below are five series for determining the value of gold historically: <ul> <li>London Market Price for the years 1718 to Present</li> <li>Gold/Silver Price Ratio for the years 1687 to Present</li> <li>New York Market Price for the years 1791 to Present</li> <li>British Official Price for the years 1257 to 1945</li> <li>U.S. Official Price for the years 1786 to Present</li> </ul> </p> <p>The market prices are the average of the daily prices for the year. To help understand where the historical data come from, you should read <a href="#" class="content" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('/docs/GoldInterpretation.pdf','','scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=600,height=700')"> What Was the Price of Gold Then? Importance, Measurement, and History (25K PDF)</a>. The specialist or the serious user will also want to read <a href="#" class="content" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('/docs/GoldBackground.pdf','','scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=600,height=700')"> What was the Price of Gold Then? A Data Study (111K PDF)</a>. This essay considers the five gold-price series one by one and provides a detailed description and evaluation of the existing work on the specific price. </p> <br /> <p> Please read our <a href="#" class="content" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('/includes/datarevisionsnote.php','','scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,width=450,height=300')"> Note on Data Revisions</a>.<br> <br> </p> <center><h4>Citation</h4></center> <p align="center">Lawrence H. Officer and Samuel H. Williamson, &quot;The Price of Gold, 1257 - Present.,&quot; MeasuringWorth, <script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear())</script><br> URL:</p> <hr /><p> Please <a href="/sendcomment.php" class="content" title="Let us know how we can be more helpful">let us know</a> if and how this discussion has assisted you in using our calculators.<br><br></p> </div> </div> <!-- Begin Left Nav --> <div id="navigation"> <!--a class='navigation' href="/index.php" title="Measuring Worth home page">HOME</a><br> <a class='navigation' href="/aboutus.php" title="Learn more about the Measuring Worth project">ABOUT US</a><br> <a class='navigation' href="/sendcomment.php" title="Contact MeasuringWorth">CONTACT US</a><br> <a class='navigation' href="/contribute.php" title="Contact MeasuringWorth">SUPPORT OUR WORK</a><br> <a class='navigation' href="/guide.php" title="Visit the Measuring Worth User Guideto learn more about inflation rates, saving caluclators, relative value, worth of a dollar, worth of a pound and more">USER GUIDE</a><br> <a class='navigation' href="/glossary/index.php" title="Learn more about Measuring Worth terminology and frequently asked questions">GLOSSARY &amp; 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