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} try { var doi =[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value; $("head").append( '<meta name="citation_doi" content="' + doi + '"/>' ); } catch(e) {} /* BioSchemas annotation */ if ( && (([0] == 'Q5'))) { try { /* Person */ bioschemasAnnotation = { "@context" : "", "@type" : "Person" , "": { "@type": "CreativeWork", "@id": "" }, "description" : "A person" , "identifier" : "Q7844" , "mainEntityOfPage" : "" } if ('en' in item.labels) { = item.labels.en.value; } $( '#bioschemas' ).append( JSON.stringify(bioschemasAnnotation) ); } catch(e) {} } else if ( && (([0] == 'Q47461491') || ([0] == 'Q967847'))) { try { /* ChemicalSubstance */ bioschemasAnnotation = { "@context" : "", "@type" : "ChemicalSubstance" , "": { "@type": "CreativeWork", "@id": "" }, "identifier" : "Q7844" , "url" : "" } if ('en' in item.labels) { = item.labels.en.value; } $( '#bioschemas' ).append( JSON.stringify(bioschemasAnnotation) ); } catch(e) {} } else if ( { try { /* Taxon */ var taxonName =[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value; bioschemasAnnotation = { "@context" : "", "@type" : "Taxon" , "": { "@type": "CreativeWork", "@id": "" }, "name" : taxonName , "url" : "" } if ( { var taxonRank =[0]; bioschemasAnnotation.taxonRank = "" + taxonRank ; } if ( { var parent =[0]; bioschemasAnnotation.parentTaxon = "" + parent ; } $( '#bioschemas' ).append( JSON.stringify(bioschemasAnnotation) ); // console.log(JSON.stringify(bioschemasAnnotation, "", 2)) } catch(e) {} } else if ( { try { /* Chemical Compound */ var inchiKey =[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value; bioschemasAnnotation = { "@context" : "", "@type" : "MolecularEntity" , "": { "@type": "CreativeWork", "@id": "" }, "identifier" : "Q7844" , "inChIKey" : inchiKey , "url" : "" } if ('en' in item.labels) { = item.labels.en.value; } if ( &&[0].mainsnak.datavalue) { var inchi =[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value; bioschemasAnnotation.inChI = inchi ; } if ( &&[0].mainsnak.datavalue) { var chemformula =[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value; bioschemasAnnotation.molecularFormula = chemformula ; } if ( &&[0].mainsnak.datavalue) { var smiles =[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value; bioschemasAnnotation.molecularFormula = smiles.replace("\"", "\'\'") ; } else if ( &&[0].mainsnak.datavalue) { var smiles =[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value; bioschemasAnnotation.smiles = smiles.replace("\"", "\'\'") ; } $( '#bioschemas' ).append( JSON.stringify(bioschemasAnnotation) ); } catch(e) { console.error("Exception: " + e) } } else if ( { // UniProt ID try { /* Protein */ var uniprot =[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value; bioschemasAnnotation = { "@context" : "", "@type" : "Protein" , "": { "@type": "CreativeWork", "@id": "" }, "identifier" : "Q7844" , "url" : "" , "sameAs": "" + uniprot } if ('en' in item.labels) { = item.labels.en.value; } $( '#bioschemas' ).append( JSON.stringify(bioschemasAnnotation) ); } catch(e) { console.error("Exception: " + e) } } else if ( || { // NCBI Gene or Ensembl try { /* Gene */ bioschemasAnnotation = { "@context" : "", "@type" : "Gene" , "": { "@type": "CreativeWork", "@id": "" }, "identifier" : "Q7844" , "url" : "" } if ('en' in item.labels) { = item.labels.en.value; } counter = 0 bioschemasAnnotation.sameAs = [] if ( &&[0].mainsnak.datavalue) { var ncbi =[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value; bioschemasAnnotation.sameAs[counter] = "" + ncbi; counter++ } if ( &&[0].mainsnak.datavalue) { var ensembl =[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value; bioschemasAnnotation.sameAs[counter] = "" + ensembl; } $( '#bioschemas' ).append( JSON.stringify(bioschemasAnnotation) ); } catch(e) { console.error("Exception: " + e) } } /* English Wikipedia */ if ('enwiki' in item.sitelinks) { var title = item.sitelinks.enwiki.title; var wikipediaApiUrl = '' + encodeURIComponent(title); var wikipediaUrl = '' + encodeURIComponent(title) var headers = new Headers({"Api-User-Agent": ""}); fetch(wikipediaApiUrl, {method: 'GET', headers: headers}) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { var html = " (<a href=\"" + wikipediaUrl + "\">Read more on English Wikipedia</a>)"; $("#intro").text(data.extract).append(html); }).catch(error => { var html = "<a href=\"" + wikipediaUrl + "\">View on English Wikipedia</a>"; $("#intro").append(html); console.error('Could not get summary from enwiki: ', error); }); } /* English Wikiversity */ if ('enwikiversity' in item.sitelinks) { var enwikiversityTitle = item.sitelinks.enwikiversity.title; var wikiversityApiUrl = '' + 'action=query&prop=extracts&exsentences=3&exlimit=1&exintro=1&' + 'explaintext=1&callback=?&format=json&titles=' + encodeURIComponent(enwikiversityTitle); var wikiversityUrl = '' + encodeURIComponent(enwikiversityTitle) $.getJSON(wikiversityApiUrl, function(data) { var pages = data.query.pages; var text = pages[Object.keys(pages)[0]].extract; if (text) { var html = "... (from the <a href=\"" + wikiversityUrl + "\">English Wikiversity</a>)"; } else { var html = "Read on the <a href=\"" + wikiversityUrl + "\">English Wikiversity</a>"; } $("#wikiversity-extract").text(text).append(html); }).fail(function(d, textStatus, error) { var html = "Read on the <a href=\"" + wikiversityUrl + "\">English Wikiversity</a>"; $("#wikiversity-extract").append(html); console.error("getJSON failed, status: " + textStatus + ", error: "+error) }); } }); var curationElement = document.getElementById("curation-link"); curationElement.href = "/" + currentAspect + "/Q7844/curation"; curationElement.classList.remove("d-none"); // this query opens the Wikidata item as a different aspect var endpointUrl = ''; if ("".length) { var query = ` SELECT DISTINCT ?aspect WHERE { { [] wdt:P17 wd:Q7844 . BIND("country" AS ?aspect) } UNION { wd:Q7844 wdt:P159? / wdt:P625 [] . BIND("location" AS ?aspect) } UNION { [] wdt:P1416 | wdt:P108 wd:Q7844 . BIND("organization" AS ?aspect) } } `; } else { var query = ` SELECT DISTINCT ?aspect WHERE { { [] wdt:P50 wd:Q7844 . BIND("author" AS ?aspect) } UNION { [] wdt:P166 wd:Q7844 . BIND("award" AS ?aspect) } UNION { wd:Q7844 wdt:P31 / wdt:P279? wd:Q22325163 . BIND("complex" AS ?aspect) } UNION { [] wdt:P17 wd:Q7844 . BIND("country" AS ?aspect) } UNION { [] wdt:P972 wd:Q7844 . BIND("catalogue" AS ?aspect) } UNION { wd:Q7844 wdt:P235 [] . BIND("chemical" AS ?aspect) } UNION { wd:Q7844 ^wdt:P31/wdt:P235 [] . BIND("chemical-class" AS ?aspect) } UNION { wd:Q7844 wdt:P644 [] . BIND("gene" AS ?aspect) } UNION { wd:Q7844 wdt:P159? / wdt:P625 [] . BIND("location" AS ?aspect) } UNION { [] wdt:P1416 | wdt:P108 wd:Q7844 . BIND("organization" AS ?aspect) } UNION { wd:Q7844 wdt:P31 wd:Q2996394 . BIND("pathway" AS ?aspect) } UNION { wd:Q7844 wdt:P31 wd:Q4915012 . BIND("pathway" AS ?aspect) } UNION { [] wdt:P872 wd:Q7844 . BIND("printer" AS ?aspect) } UNION { wd:Q7844 wdt:P31 wd:Q8054 . BIND("protein" AS ?aspect) } UNION { [] wdt:P123 wd:Q7844 . BIND("publisher" AS ?aspect) } UNION { [] wdt:P179 wd:Q7844 . BIND("series" AS ?aspect) } UNION { wd:Q7844 wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q7397 . BIND("software" AS ?aspect) } UNION { [] wdt:P859 wd:Q7844 . BIND("sponsor" AS ?aspect) } UNION { wd:Q7844 wdt:P225 [] . BIND("taxon" AS ?aspect) } UNION { [] wdt:P921 wd:Q7844 . BIND("topic" AS ?aspect) } UNION { [] wdt:P4510 wd:Q7844 . BIND("use" AS ?aspect) } UNION { [] wdt:P1433 wd:Q7844 . BIND("venue" AS ?aspect) } UNION { wd:Q7844 wdt:P50 | wdt:P2093 [] . BIND("work" AS ?aspect) } } `; } settings = { headers: { Accept: 'application/sparql-results+json' }, data: { query: query } }; $.ajax(endpointUrl, settings).then(function (data) { createDropdownButton("aspect-chooser", 'aspectMenuButton', currentAspect, data, "Q7844") if (data.results.bindings.length > 1) { addDropdownList("aspect-chooser", 'aspectMenuList', currentAspect, data) } }).then(function () { if ("".length) { var endpointUrl = ''; var query = "SELECT DISTINCT ?aspect WHERE {" query += '{ [] wdt:P921 wd:Q7844 . BIND("topic" AS ?aspect) } }'; settings = { headers: { Accept: 'application/sparql-results+json' }, data: { query: query } }; $.ajax(endpointUrl, settings).then(function (data) { var aspectLabel = " / <a href='/" + currentAspect + "/Q7844'>Q7844</a> / " document.getElementById("aspect-chooser-label").innerHTML = aspectLabel; var currentSubAspect = window.location.pathname.split("/")[3]; document.querySelectorAll("#aspectMenuList a").forEach((link) => link.href += "/" + currentSubAspect + "/") createDropdownButton("aspect-chooser", 'aspectMenuButton', currentSubAspect, data, "") if (data.results.bindings.length > 1) { addDropdownList("aspect-chooser", 'aspectMenuList', currentSubAspect, data) } }).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.error("Subaspect chooser failed to generate. " + textStatus + " " + errorThrown) }); } }).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.error("Aspect chooser failed to generate. " + textStatus + " " + errorThrown) }); function createDropdownButton(parent, id, currentAspect, data, q) { var aspectDropdown = document.createElement('button'); aspectDropdown.type = 'button'; = id; aspectDropdown.classList = 'btn btn-outline-secondary'; // only show aspects which have a curation page with author-disambig or wikidata links var validCurationPages = ["author", "award", "organization", "topic", "venue"] if (data.results.bindings.length > 1) { aspectDropdown.classList.add('dropdown-toggle'); aspectDropdown.setAttribute('data-toggle', 'dropdown'); aspectDropdown.setAttribute('aria-haspopup', 'true'); aspectDropdown.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); } aspectDropdown.innerText = currentAspect; document.getElementById(parent).append(aspectDropdown); aspectDropdown.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", '<span id="aspect-chooser-label" style="color: #6C757D; vertical-align: middle;margin: 2px;"> / '+ q + '</span>') } function addDropdownList(parent, id, currentAspect, data) { var aspectDropdownMenu = document.createElement('div'); aspectDropdownMenu.classList = 'dropdown-menu'; aspectDropdownMenu.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', 'aspectMenuButton'); = id data.results.bindings.forEach(function (entry) { var aspect = entry.aspect.value; if (aspect != currentAspect) { var dropdownItem = document.createElement('a'); dropdownItem.classList = 'dropdown-item'; dropdownItem.href = "/" + aspect + '/Q7844'; dropdownItem.innerText = aspect; aspectDropdownMenu.append(dropdownItem); } }); document.getElementById(parent).append(aspectDropdownMenu); } /* Wembedder */ var wembedderUrl = ""; $.ajax({ url: wembedderUrl, success: function (data) { var html = `<hr>` + `<span data-toogle="tooltip" ` + `title="Related items from Wembedder knowledge graph embedding.">` + `<a alt="Wembedder about page" ` + `href="">Related</a>:</span> `; $( '#wembedder' ).append(html); // Make list with results data.most_similar.forEach(function(entry, idx, array) { var listed_q = entry.item; var language = 'en'; if (idx !== 0) { $( '#wembedder' ).append( ' &middot; '); } var html = '<a href="../' + listed_q + '"><span id="wembedder-result-' + listed_q + '">' + listed_q + '</span></a> ' $( '#wembedder' ).append( html ); // Convert Q identifier to labels $.getJSON("", { action: "wbgetentities", ids: listed_q, language: language, uselang: language, format: "json", strictlanguage: true, }, function (data) { if (listed_q in data.entities) { label = entityToLabel(data.entities[listed_q], language=language); $('#wembedder-result-' + listed_q).empty(); $('#wembedder-result-' + listed_q).text(label); } }); }); $( '#wembedder' ).append( '<hr>' ); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.error("Wembedder failed. " + textStatus + " " + errorThrown) }, }); $(document).ready(function () { $('#searchterm').autoComplete({ minLength: 2, resolver: 'custom', events: { search: debounce((searchTerm, callback) => { var url = ""; var settings = { dataType: 'jsonp', data: { search: searchTerm, action: "wbsearchentities", language: "en", uselang: "en", format: "json", strictlanguage: true } }; $.ajax(url, settings).then(function (data) { if ( { let results = ['Show all results for "' + searchTerm + '"'] for (let item of { results.push(item.label + " - " + item.description + " (" + item.title + ")"); } callback(results) } else { callback([]) } }).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { callback(["Search failed"]) console.error("Search failed. " + textStatus + " " + errorThrown) }); }, 200) } }); $("#searchterm").on("", (event, item) => { handleSearch(item) }); $("#searchterm").on("keydown", function (event) { switch (event.key) { case "Enter": handleSearch(this.value); break; default: } }); $("#searchbutton").on("click", () => { handleSearch(document.getElementById("searchterm").value) }) function handleSearch(item) { // headerSearch and authorIndexAutocomplete reference where the two formats come from let headerSearch = item.match(/ \((Q\d+)\)$/); if (headerSearch) { window.location.href = "/" + headerSearch[1]; } else { let authorIndexAutocomplete = item.match(/\/\w+\/Q\d+$/); if (authorIndexAutocomplete) { window.location.href = item; } else { let search_text = item.match(/Show all results for "(.+)"$/) if (search_text) { window.location.href = "/search?q=" + search_text[1]; } else { window.location.href = "/search?q=" + item; } } } } function debounce(callback, wait) { let timeout; return (...args) => { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(function () { callback.apply(this, args); }, wait); }; } // Add table of content var headings = document.querySelectorAll("h2,h3"); if (headings.length >= 3) { var tocParent = document.createElement("div"); tocParent.className = "table-of-contents" var toc = document.createElement("div"); tocTitle = document.createElement("b"); tocTitle.innerText = "Table of Contents" toc.appendChild(tocTitle) var tocList = document.createElement("ul"); var sublist = ""; for (let i = 0; i < headings.length; i++) { const element = headings[i]; if (! { = element.innerText.replaceAll(" ", "-"); } if (element.tagName === "H3" && !sublist) { var sublist = document.createElement("ul"); } tocListItem = document.createElement("li"); tocEntry = document.createElement("a"); tocEntry.setAttribute("href", "#" +; tocEntry.innerText = headings[i].innerText; tocListItem.appendChild(tocEntry); if (element.tagName === "H3") { sublist.appendChild(tocListItem); if (i == headings.length - 1) { tocList.appendChild(sublist); } } else { if (sublist) { tocList.appendChild(sublist); sublist = ""; } tocList.appendChild(tocListItem); } } toc.appendChild(tocList) var itemImage = document.createElement("img"); = "item-image"; itemImage.alt = ""; itemImage.href = ""; itemImage.onclick = function () { window.location.href = itemImage.href; }; tocParent.appendChild(toc); tocParent.appendChild(itemImage); document.querySelector("h2").insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", tocParent) itemImage.height = toc.clientHeight } // Add anchor links to all headings var headers = document.querySelectorAll('h2[id], h3[id]') if (headers) { headers.forEach(element => { var title = element.innerText; element.removeChild(element.childNodes[0]) element.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<a href="#${}" class="hlink" ariaLabel="Anchor">${title}</a>`) }) } // recently-published-works table sparqlToDataTable2("", "", `# tool: scholia PREFIX target: <> SELECT ?date ?work ?workLabel (CONCAT("/work/", SUBSTR(STR(?work), 32)) AS ?workUrl) ?topicsUrl ?topics WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?work WHERE { ?work wdt:P921 / (wdt:P361+ | wdt:P1269+ | (wdt:P31* / wdt:P279*) ) target: . } } AS %works WITH { SELECT (MAX(?dates) as ?datetime) ?work (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?topic_label; separator=" // ") AS ?topics) (CONCAT("../topics/", GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT SUBSTR(STR(?topic), 32); separator=",")) AS ?topicsUrl) WHERE { INCLUDE %works ?work wdt:P921 ?topic . OPTIONAL { ?work wdt:P577 ?dates . } ?topic rdfs:label ?topic_label . FILTER (lang(?topic_label) = 'en') } GROUP BY ?work } AS %result WHERE { INCLUDE %result # There is a problem with BC dates # BIND(xsd:date(?datetime) AS ?date) BIND(REPLACE(STR(?datetime), 'T.*', '') AS ?date) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en" . } } GROUP BY ?date ?work ?workLabel ?topicsUrl ?topics ORDER BY DESC(?date) LIMIT 500 `, "#recently-published-works-table", "topic_recently-published-works.sparql", options={}); // earliest-published-works table sparqlToDataTable2("", "", `# tool: scholia PREFIX target: <> SELECT ?date ?work ?workLabel (CONCAT("/work/", SUBSTR(STR(?work), 32)) AS ?workUrl) ?topicsUrl ?topics WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?work WHERE { ?work wdt:P921 / (wdt:P361+ | wdt:P1269+ | (wdt:P31* / wdt:P279*) ) target: . } } AS %works WITH { SELECT (MAX(?dates) as ?datetime) ?work (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?topic_label; separator=" // ") AS ?topics) (CONCAT("../topics/", GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT SUBSTR(STR(?topic), 32); separator=",")) AS ?topicsUrl) WHERE { INCLUDE %works ?work wdt:P921 ?topic . ?work wdt:P577 ?dates . FILTER (!isBLANK(?dates)) . ?topic rdfs:label ?topic_label . FILTER (lang(?topic_label) = 'en') } GROUP BY ?work } AS %result WHERE { INCLUDE %result # There is a problem with BC dates # BIND(xsd:date(?datetime) AS ?date) BIND(REPLACE(STR(?datetime), 'T.*', '') AS ?date) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en" . } } GROUP BY ?date ?work ?workLabel ?topicsUrl ?topics ORDER BY ASC(?date) LIMIT 500 `, "#earliest-published-works-table", "topic_earliest-published-works.sparql", options={}); // authors table sparqlToDataTable2("", "", `# tool: scholia #defaultView:Table PREFIX target: <> SELECT ?count ?author ?authorLabel ?authorDescription (CONCAT("/author/", SUBSTR(STR(?author), 32)) AS ?authorUrl) (COALESCE(?orcid_, CONCAT("orcid-search/search/?searchQuery=", ?authorLabel)) AS ?orcid) WITH { SELECT ?author (count(?work) as ?count) WHERE { { ?work wdt:P921/wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* target: . } UNION { ?work wdt:P921/wdt:P361+ target: . } UNION { ?work wdt:P921/wdt:P1269+ target: . } ?work wdt:P50 ?author . } GROUP BY ?author ORDER BY DESC(?count) LIMIT 200 } AS %result WHERE { INCLUDE %result # Include optional ORCID iD OPTIONAL { ?author wdt:P496 ?orcid_ . } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en" . } } ORDER BY DESC(?count) `, "#authors-table", "topic_authors.sparql", options={}); // topics table sparqlToDataTable2("", "", `# tool: scholia #defaultView:Table PREFIX target: <> SELECT ?count (CONCAT("/topics/Q7844,", SUBSTR(STR(?topic), 32)) AS ?countUrl) ?topic ?topicLabel (CONCAT("/topic/", SUBSTR(STR(?topic), 32)) AS ?topicUrl) ?example_work ?example_workLabel (CONCAT("/work/", SUBSTR(STR(?example_work), 32)) AS ?example_workUrl) WITH { SELECT (COUNT(?work) AS ?count) ?topic (SAMPLE(?work) AS ?example_work) WHERE { # Find works for the specific queried topic ?work wdt:P921/( wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* | wdt:P361+ | wdt:P1269+) target: . # Find co-occuring topics ?work wdt:P921 ?topic . # Avoid listing the queried topic FILTER (target: != ?topic) } GROUP BY ?topic } AS %result WHERE { # Label the results INCLUDE %result SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en" . } } ORDER BY DESC(?count) `, "#topics-table", "topic_topics.sparql", options={}); // author-scores table sparqlToDataTable2("", "", `# tool: scholia PREFIX target: <> SELECT ?score ?author ?authorLabel (CONCAT("/author/", SUBSTR(STR(?author), 32)) AS ?authorUrl) ?example_work ?example_workLabel (CONCAT("/work/", SUBSTR(STR(?example_work), 32)) AS ?example_workUrl) WITH { SELECT (SUM(?score_) AS ?score) ?author (SAMPLE(?work) AS ?example_work) WHERE { { ?author wdt:P101/wdt:P279* target: . BIND(20 AS ?score_) } UNION { SELECT (3 AS ?score_) ?author ?work WHERE { ?work wdt:P50 ?author ; wdt:P921/wdt:P279* target: . } } UNION { SELECT (1 AS ?score_) ?author ?work WHERE { ?work wdt:P50 ?author . ?citing_work wdt:P2860 ?work . ?citing_work wdt:P921/wdt:P279* target: . } } } GROUP BY ?author ORDER BY DESC(?score) LIMIT 200 } AS %results WHERE { INCLUDE %results SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en,da,de,es,jp,no,ru,sv,zh". } } ORDER BY DESC(?score) `, "#author-scores-table", "topic_author-scores.sparql", options={}); // uses table sparqlToDataTable2("", "", `# tool: scholia PREFIX target: <> SELECT ?count ?use ?useLabel (CONCAT("/use/", SUBSTR(STR(?use), 32)) AS ?useUrl) ("🔎" AS ?zoom) (CONCAT(SUBSTR(STR(target:), 32), "/use/", SUBSTR(STR(?use), 32)) AS ?zoomUrl) ?useDescription ?example_work ?example_workLabel WITH { SELECT (COUNT(?work) AS ?count) ?use (SAMPLE(?work) AS ?example_work) { ?work wdt:P921 target: ; wdt:P4510 ?use . } GROUP BY ?use } AS %result WHERE { INCLUDE %result SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en". } } ORDER BY DESC(?count) `, "#uses-table", "topic_uses.sparql", options={}); // venues table sparqlToDataTable2("", "", `# tool: scholia #defaultView:Table PREFIX target: <> SELECT ?count ?short_name ?venue ?venueLabel (CONCAT("/venue/", SUBSTR(STR(?venue), 32)) AS ?venueUrl) WITH { SELECT (count(?work) as ?count) ?venue (SAMPLE(?short_name_) AS ?short_name) WHERE { { ?work wdt:P921/wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* target: . } union { ?work wdt:P921/wdt:P361+ target: . } union { ?work wdt:P921/wdt:P1269+ target: . } ?work wdt:P1433/wdt:P179* ?venue . OPTIONAL { ?venue wdt:P1813 ?short_name_ . } } GROUP BY ?venue } AS %result WHERE { INCLUDE %result SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en" . } } ORDER BY DESC(?count) LIMIT 200 `, "#venues-table", "topic_venues.sparql", options={}); // top-cited table sparqlToDataTable2("", "", `# tool: scholia #defaultView:Table PREFIX target: <> SELECT ?count ?cited_work ?cited_workLabel (CONCAT("/work/", SUBSTR(STR(?cited_work), 32)) AS ?cited_workUrl) WITH { SELECT (count(?work) as ?count) ?cited_work WHERE { { ?work wdt:P921/wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* target: . } union { ?work wdt:P921/wdt:P361+ target: . } union { ?work wdt:P921/wdt:P1269+ target: . } ?work wdt:P2860 ?cited_work . } GROUP BY ?cited_work } AS %result WHERE { INCLUDE %result SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en" . } } ORDER BY DESC(?count) LIMIT 200 `, "#top-cited-table", "topic_top-cited.sparql", options={}); // most-cited-authors table sparqlToDataTable2("", "", `# tool: scholia PREFIX target: <> SELECT ?number_of_citations ?author ?authorLabel (CONCAT("/author/", SUBSTR(STR(?author), 32)) AS ?authorUrl) ?cited_work_example ?cited_work_exampleLabel (CONCAT("/work/", SUBSTR(STR(?cited_work_example), 32)) AS ?cited_work_exampleUrl) WITH { # Find works about the topic SELECT DISTINCT ?work WHERE { ?work wdt:P921 / (wdt:P361+ | wdt:P1269+ | (wdt:P31* / wdt:P279*) ) target: . } } AS %works WITH { # Find cited works SELECT (COUNT(?work) AS ?number_of_citations) ?author (SAMPLE(?cited_work) AS ?cited_work_example) WHERE { INCLUDE %works ?cited_work wdt:P50 ?author . ?work wdt:P2860 ?cited_work . } GROUP BY ?author } AS %result WHERE { # Label the results INCLUDE %result SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en" . } } ORDER BY DESC(?number_of_citations) LIMIT 200 `, "#most-cited-authors-table", "topic_most-cited-authors.sparql", options={}); // author-awards table sparqlToDataTable2("", "", `# tool: scholia PREFIX target: <> SELECT ?count ?award ?awardLabel (CONCAT("/award/", SUBSTR(STR(?award), 32)) AS ?awardUrl) ?recipients ?recipientsUrl WITH { SELECT (COUNT(?researcher) AS ?count) ?award (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?researcher_label; separator=", ") AS ?recipients) (CONCAT("../authors/", GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT SUBSTR(STR(?researcher), 32); separator=",")) AS ?recipientsUrl) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?researcher ?award WHERE { hint:Query hint:optimizer "None" . ?work wdt:P921 target: . ?work wdt:P50 ?researcher . ?researcher wdt:P166 ?award . } LIMIT 100 } ?researcher rdfs:label ?researcher_label . FILTER (LANG(?researcher_label) = 'en') } GROUP BY ?award } AS %result WHERE { INCLUDE %result ?award rdfs:label ?awardLabel . FILTER (LANG(?awardLabel) = 'en') } GROUP BY ?count ?award ?awardLabel ?recipients ?recipientsUrl ORDER BY DESC(?count) `, "#author-awards-table", "topic_author-awards.sparql", options={}); // context iframe sparqlToIframe2("", "", "", `# tool: scholia PREFIX target: <> #defaultView:Graph SELECT ?node ?nodeLabel ?nodeImage ?childNode ?childNodeLabel ?childNodeImage ?rgb WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?property WHERE { ?property a wikibase:Property; wdt:P31 wd:Q18610173 ; wdt:P31 wd:Q26940804 . } } AS %properties WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?node ?childNode WHERE { BIND(target: AS ?node) ?node ?p ?i. ?childNode ?x ?p. ?childNode rdf:type wikibase:Property. FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?i), "")) FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?childNode), "")) } LIMIT 5000 } AS %nodes WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?childNode ?node ?rgb WHERE { BIND("EFFBD8" AS ?rgb) target: ?p ?childNode. ?node ?x ?p. ?node rdf:type wikibase:Property. FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?childNode), "")) } LIMIT 5000 } AS %childNodes WHERE { { INCLUDE %nodes } UNION { INCLUDE %childNodes } OPTIONAL { INCLUDE %properties ?property wikibase:directClaim ?nodeclaim. ?node ?nodeclaim ?nodeImage. } OPTIONAL { INCLUDE %properties ?property wikibase:directClaim ?childNodeclaim. ?childNode ?childNodeclaim ?childNodeImage. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en". } }`, "#context-iframe", "topic_context.sparql"); // publications-per-year iframe sparqlToIframe2("", "", "", `# tool: scholia #defaultView:BarChart PREFIX target: <> SELECT (STR(?year_) AS ?year) (COUNT(?work) AS ?number_of_publications) # Work type used to color the bar chart ?type WITH { # Find works with the topic. Also report the year SELECT ?work (MIN(?years) AS ?year_) (1 AS ?dummy) (SAMPLE(?article_type_) AS ?article_type) WHERE { ?work wdt:P921 / (wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* | wdt:P361+ | wdt:P1269+) target: . ?work wdt:P577 ?dates . BIND(YEAR(?dates) AS ?years) . ?work wdt:P31 ?article_type_ . } GROUP BY ?work } AS %works WITH { SELECT ?year_ WHERE { # default values = 0 ?year_item wdt:P31 wd:Q577 . ?year_item wdt:P585 ?date . BIND(YEAR(?date) AS ?year_) } } AS %default_counts WITH { # Find earliest publication year SELECT (MIN(?year_) AS ?earliest_year) WHERE { INCLUDE %works } GROUP BY ?dummy } AS %earliest WHERE { { INCLUDE %works ?article_type rdfs:label ?type . FILTER (LANG(?type) = "en") } UNION { INCLUDE %default_counts BIND("_" AS ?type) } INCLUDE %earliest BIND(YEAR(NOW()) AS ?this_year) FILTER (?year_ >= ?earliest_year && ?year_ <= ?this_year && ?year_ >= YEAR("1900-01-01"^^xsd:dateTime)) } GROUP BY ?year_ ?type ORDER BY ?year`, "#publications-per-year-iframe", "topic_publications-per-year.sparql"); // coauthor-graph iframe sparqlToIframe2("", "", "", `# tool: scholia #defaultView:Graph PREFIX target: <> SELECT ?author1 ?author1Label ?rgb ?author2 ?author2Label WITH { # Find works with the topic SELECT ?work WHERE { ?work wdt:P921 / (wdt:P31* / wdt:P279* | wdt:P361+ | wdt:P1269+) target: . } } AS %works WITH { # Limit the number of authors SELECT (COUNT(?work) AS ?count1) ?author1 WHERE { INCLUDE %works ?work wdt:P50 ?author1 . } GROUP BY ?author1 ORDER BY DESC(?count1) LIMIT 25 } AS %authors1 WITH { # Limit the number of coauthors SELECT DISTINCT ?author2 ?author1 (COUNT(?work) AS ?count2) WHERE { INCLUDE %works INCLUDE %authors1 ?work wdt:P50 ?author1 , ?author2 . FILTER (?author1 != ?author2) } GROUP BY ?author2 ?author1 ORDER BY DESC(?count2) LIMIT 250 } AS %authors2 WHERE { # INCLUDE %authors1 INCLUDE %authors2 OPTIONAL { ?author1 wdt:P21 ?gender1 . } BIND( IF(?gender1 = wd:Q6581097, "3182BD", "E6550D") AS ?rgb) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en" . } }`, "#coauthor-graph-iframe", "topic_coauthor-graph.sparql"); // co-occurring iframe sparqlToIframe2("", "", "", `# tool: scholia #defaultView:Graph PREFIX target: <> SELECT ?topic1 ?topic1Label ?topic2 ?topic2Label WITH { SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?work) AS ?count) ?topic1 ?topic2 WHERE { # Find works that are marked with main subject of the topic. ?work wdt:P921 / ( wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* | wdt:P361+ | wdt:P1269+ ) target: . # Identify co-occuring topics. ?work wdt:P921 ?topic1, ?topic2 . # Exclude the topic it self FILTER (target: != ?topic1 && target: != ?topic2 && ?topic1 != ?topic2) } GROUP BY ?topic1 ?topic2 ORDER BY DESC(?count) # There a performance problems in the browser: We cannot show large graphs, # so we put a limit on the number of links displayed. LIMIT 400 } AS %results WHERE { INCLUDE %results # Label the results SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en" . } } `, "#co-occurring-iframe", "topic_co-occurring.sparql"); // co-occurring-map iframe sparqlToIframe2("", "", "", `# tool: scholia #defaultView:Map PREFIX target: <> SELECT ?location ?locationLabel ?geo ?example_work ?example_workLabel WITH { SELECT ?location ?geo (SAMPLE(?work) AS ?example_work) WHERE { # Find works that are marked with main subject of the topic. ?work wdt:P921 / ( wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* | wdt:P361+ | wdt:P1269+ ) target: . # Identify co-occuring topic that is geo-locatable. ?work wdt:P921 ?location . ?location wdt:P625 ?geo . } GROUP BY ?location ?geo } AS %results WHERE { INCLUDE %results # Label the results SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en" . } }`, "#co-occurring-map-iframe", "topic_co-occurring-map.sparql"); // author-scores-graph iframe sparqlToIframe2("", "", "", `# tool: scholia #defaultView:BubbleChart PREFIX target: <> SELECT ?score ?author ?authorLabel WITH { SELECT ?author (SUM(?score_) AS ?score) WHERE { { ?author wdt:P101/wdt:P279* target: . BIND(20 AS ?score_) } UNION { SELECT (3 AS ?score_) ?author WHERE { ?work wdt:P50 ?author ; wdt:P921/wdt:P279* target: . } } UNION { SELECT (1 AS ?score_) ?author WHERE { ?cited_work wdt:P50 ?author . ?citing_work wdt:P2860 ?cited_work . ?citing_work wdt:P921/wdt:P279* target: . } } } GROUP BY ?author ORDER BY DESC(?score) LIMIT 200 } AS %results WHERE { INCLUDE %results SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en,da,de,es,jp,no,ru,sv,zh". } } ORDER BY DESC(?score) LIMIT 200`, "#author-scores-graph-iframe", "topic_author-scores-graph.sparql"); // organization-map iframe sparqlToIframe2("", "", "", `# tool: scholia #defaultView:Map PREFIX target: <> SELECT ?organization ?organizationLabel ?geo ?count ?layer WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?work WHERE { # Works on the topic ?work wdt:P921 / (wdt:P361+ | wdt:P1269+ | (wdt:P31* / wdt:P279*) ) target: . } LIMIT 20000 } AS %works WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?organization ?geo (COUNT(DISTINCT ?work) AS ?count) WHERE { INCLUDE %works # Authors who have published works on the topic ?work wdt:P50 ?author . ?author ( wdt:P108 | wdt:P463 | wdt:P1416 ) / wdt:P361* ?organization . # Use the headquarters location by default but keep the coordinate location as a fallback OPTIONAL{?organization p:P159/pq:P625 ?hq_geo} OPTIONAL{?organization wdt:P625 ?coord_geo} BIND(IF(BOUND(?hq_geo), ?hq_geo, ?coord_geo) AS ?geo) . FILTER(BOUND(?geo)) . } GROUP BY ?organization ?geo ORDER BY DESC (?count) LIMIT 2000 } AS %organizations WHERE { INCLUDE %organizations BIND(IF( (?count < 1), "No results", IF((?count < 2), "1 result", IF((?count < 11), "1 < results ≤ 10", IF((?count < 101), "10 < results ≤ 100", IF((?count < 1001), "100 < results ≤ 1000", IF((?count < 10001), "1000 < results ≤ 10000", "10000 or more results") ) ) ) )) AS ?layer ) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en". } } ORDER BY DESC (?count)`, "#organization-map-iframe", "topic_organization-map.sparql"); // country-citation-graph iframe sparqlToIframe2("", "", "", `# tool: scholia PREFIX target: <> #defaultView:Graph SELECT DISTINCT ?citing_country ?citing_countryLabel ?citing_flag ?cited_country ?cited_countryLabel ?cited_flag WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?cited_country ?citing_country (COUNT(?citing_country) AS ?count) WHERE { ?citing_work wdt:P50 ?citing_author . ?citing_work wdt:P921 target: . ?cited_work wdt:P921 target: . ?citing_work wdt:P2860 ?cited_work . ?cited_work wdt:P50 ?cited_author . FILTER (?citing_work != ?cited_work) FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?citing_work wdt:P50 ?author . ?citing_work wdt:P2860 ?cited_work . ?cited_work wdt:P50 ?author . } ?citing_author (wdt:P108|wdt:P1416) ?citing_organization . ?cited_author (wdt:P108|wdt:P1416) ?cited_organization . ?cited_organization wdt:P17 ?cited_country. ?citing_organization wdt:P17 ?citing_country. FILTER (?citing_country != ?cited_country) } GROUP BY ?cited_country ?citing_country ORDER BY DESC(?count) LIMIT 42 # Adjust number of connections to display } AS %results WHERE { INCLUDE %results ?cited_country wdt:P41 ?cited_flag . ?citing_country wdt:P41 ?citing_flag . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en". } }`, "#country-citation-graph-iframe", "topic_country-citation-graph.sparql"); }); </script> </body> </html>

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