Serve with SIL | SIL International
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class="clickable-card grid w-full md:grid-cols-2 md:place-items-end" href="/jobs/R11409"><div class="m-auto w-full"><div class="font-light">Req R11409</div> <h2 class="m-auto mb-1 break-words text-fl-base font-medium">Administrative Assistant</h2> <a href="/jobs?time=fullTime" title="view all full time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Full time </a><a href="/jobs?time=partTime" title="view all part time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Part time </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/volunteer" title="view all volunteer jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/supported" title="view all supported jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 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class="m-auto mb-1 break-words text-fl-base font-medium">Back-End Developer</h2> <a href="/jobs?time=fullTime" title="view all full time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Full time </a><a href="/jobs?time=partTime" title="view all part time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Part time </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/volunteer" title="view all volunteer jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/supported" title="view all supported jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Supported </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 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R13942</div> <h2 class="m-auto mb-1 break-words text-fl-base font-medium">Executive Assistant</h2> <a href="/jobs?time=fullTime" title="view all full time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Full time </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/paid" title="view all paid jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Paid </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/volunteer" title="view all volunteer jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:dots-triangle" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> LangTech </a> </div> <div class="w-full break-words"><ul><iconify-icon icon="mdi:map-marker" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <li class="inline-block after:mx-2 after:content-['·'] last-of-type:after:content-[none]"><a href="/jobs/locations/dallas" title="view all dallas, tx jobs" class="hover:underline">Dallas, TX</a> </li></ul> <iconify-icon icon="mdi:category" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <a href="/jobs/categories/tech" class="break-words font-light hover:underline" title="view all technology jobs">Technology</a></div></a></article><article><a class="clickable-card grid w-full md:grid-cols-2 md:place-items-end" href="/jobs/R12586"><div class="m-auto w-full"><div class="font-light">Req R12586</div> <h2 class="m-auto mb-1 break-words text-fl-base font-medium">Executive Assistant</h2> <a href="/jobs?time=partTime" title="view all part time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Part time .5 FTE </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/supported" title="view all supported jobs" class="badge 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class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/supported" title="view all supported jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Supported </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:dots-triangle" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> LangTech </a> </div> <div class="w-full break-words"><ul><iconify-icon icon="mdi:map-marker" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <li class="inline-block after:mx-2 after:content-['·'] last-of-type:after:content-[none]"><a href="/jobs/locations/remote" title="view all remote jobs" class="hover:underline">Remote</a> </li></ul> <iconify-icon icon="mdi:category" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <a href="/jobs/categories/tech" class="break-words font-light hover:underline" 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class="font-light">Req R12270</div> <h2 class="m-auto mb-1 break-words text-fl-base font-medium">Language Technology Consultant</h2> <a href="/jobs?time=fullTime" title="view all full time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Full time </a><a href="/jobs?time=partTime" title="view all part time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Part time </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/volunteer" title="view all volunteer jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/supported" title="view all supported jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Supported </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all 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jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Part time .2 FTE </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/supported" title="view all supported jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Supported </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/volunteer" title="view all volunteer jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:dots-triangle" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> LangTech </a> </div> <div class="w-full break-words"><ul><iconify-icon icon="mdi:map-marker" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <li class="inline-block after:mx-2 after:content-['·'] last-of-type:after:content-[none]"><a 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Supported </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/volunteer" title="view all volunteer jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:dots-triangle" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> LangTech </a> </div> <div class="w-full break-words"><ul><iconify-icon icon="mdi:map-marker" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <li class="inline-block after:mx-2 after:content-['·'] last-of-type:after:content-[none]"><a href="/jobs/locations/remote" title="view all remote jobs" class="hover:underline">Remote</a> </li></ul> <iconify-icon icon="mdi:category" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <a href="/jobs/categories/management" class="break-words font-light hover:underline" title="view all management jobs">Management</a></div></a></article><article><a class="clickable-card grid w-full md:grid-cols-2 md:place-items-end" href="/jobs/R13286"><div class="m-auto w-full"><div class="font-light">Req R13286</div> <h2 class="m-auto mb-1 break-words text-fl-base font-medium">Language Technology Marketing Manager</h2> <a href="/jobs?time=fullTime" title="view all full time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Full time </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/paid" title="view all paid jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Paid </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/volunteer" title="view all volunteer jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:dots-triangle" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> LangTech </a> </div> <div class="w-full break-words"><ul><iconify-icon icon="mdi:map-marker" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <li class="inline-block after:mx-2 after:content-['·'] last-of-type:after:content-[none]"><a href="/jobs/locations/remote" title="view all remote jobs" class="hover:underline">Remote</a> </li></ul> <iconify-icon icon="mdi:category" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <a href="/jobs/categories/tech" class="break-words font-light hover:underline" title="view all technology jobs">Technology</a></div></a></article><article><a class="clickable-card grid w-full md:grid-cols-2 md:place-items-end" href="/jobs/R12272"><div class="m-auto w-full"><div class="font-light">Req R12272</div> <h2 class="m-auto mb-1 break-words text-fl-base font-medium">Language Technology Marketing Manager</h2> <a href="/jobs?time=fullTime" title="view all full time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Full time </a><a href="/jobs?time=partTime" title="view all part time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Part time </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/volunteer" title="view all volunteer jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/supported" title="view all supported jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Supported </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:dots-triangle" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> LangTech </a> </div> <div class="w-full break-words"><ul><iconify-icon icon="mdi:map-marker" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <li class="inline-block 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icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Part time </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/volunteer" title="view all volunteer jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/supported" title="view all supported jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Supported </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:dots-triangle" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> LangTech </a> </div> <div class="w-full break-words"><ul><iconify-icon icon="mdi:map-marker" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <li class="inline-block after:mx-2 after:content-['·'] last-of-type:after:content-[none]"><a href="/jobs/locations/remote" title="view all remote jobs" class="hover:underline">Remote</a> </li></ul> 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hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Part time </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/volunteer" title="view all volunteer jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/supported" title="view all supported jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Supported </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:dots-triangle" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> LangTech </a> </div> <div class="w-full break-words"><ul><iconify-icon icon="mdi:map-marker" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <li class="inline-block after:mx-2 after:content-['·'] last-of-type:after:content-[none]"><a href="/jobs/locations/remote" title="view all remote jobs" 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badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/supported" title="view all supported jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Supported </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:dots-triangle" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> LangTech </a> </div> <div class="w-full break-words"><ul><iconify-icon icon="mdi:map-marker" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <li class="inline-block after:mx-2 after:content-['·'] last-of-type:after:content-[none]"><a href="/jobs/locations/remote" title="view all remote jobs" class="hover:underline">Remote</a> </li></ul> <iconify-icon icon="mdi:category" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <a href="/jobs/categories/tech" class="break-words font-light hover:underline" title="view all 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mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:dots-triangle" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> LangTech </a> </div> <div class="w-full break-words"><ul><iconify-icon icon="mdi:map-marker" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <li class="inline-block after:mx-2 after:content-['·'] last-of-type:after:content-[none]"><a href="/jobs/locations/remote" title="view all remote jobs" class="hover:underline">Remote</a> </li></ul> <iconify-icon icon="mdi:category" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <a href="/jobs/categories/tech" class="break-words font-light hover:underline" title="view all technology jobs">Technology</a></div></a></article><article><a class="clickable-card grid w-full md:grid-cols-2 md:place-items-end" href="/jobs/R12273"><div class="m-auto w-full"><div class="font-light">Req R12273</div> <h2 class="m-auto mb-1 break-words text-fl-base font-medium">Project Manager</h2> <a href="/jobs?time=fullTime" title="view all full time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 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class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Supported </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:dots-triangle" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> LangTech </a> </div> <div class="w-full break-words"><ul><iconify-icon icon="mdi:map-marker" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <li class="inline-block after:mx-2 after:content-['·'] last-of-type:after:content-[none]"><a href="/jobs/locations/remote" title="view all remote jobs" class="hover:underline">Remote</a> </li></ul> <iconify-icon icon="mdi:category" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <a href="/jobs/categories/tech" class="break-words font-light hover:underline" title="view all technology jobs">Technology</a></div></a></article><article><a class="clickable-card grid w-full md:grid-cols-2 md:place-items-end" href="/jobs/R12274"><div class="m-auto w-full"><div class="font-light">Req R12274</div> <h2 class="m-auto mb-1 break-words text-fl-base font-medium">SEO Specialist</h2> <a href="/jobs?time=fullTime" title="view all full time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Full time </a><a href="/jobs?time=partTime" title="view all part time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Part time </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/volunteer" title="view all volunteer jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/supported" title="view all supported jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Supported </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:dots-triangle" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> LangTech </a> </div> <div class="w-full break-words"><ul><iconify-icon icon="mdi:map-marker" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <li class="inline-block after:mx-2 after:content-['·'] last-of-type:after:content-[none]"><a href="/jobs/locations/remote" title="view all remote jobs" class="hover:underline">Remote</a> </li></ul> <iconify-icon icon="mdi:category" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <a href="/jobs/categories/tech" class="break-words font-light hover:underline" title="view all technology jobs">Technology</a></div></a></article><article><a class="clickable-card grid w-full md:grid-cols-2 md:place-items-end" href="/jobs/R11483"><div class="m-auto w-full"><div class="font-light">Req R11483</div> <h2 class="m-auto mb-1 break-words text-fl-base font-medium">Software Architect</h2> <a href="/jobs?time=fullTime" title="view all full time jobs" class="badge 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title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:dots-triangle" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> LangTech </a> </div> <div class="w-full break-words"><ul><iconify-icon icon="mdi:map-marker" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <li class="inline-block after:mx-2 after:content-['·'] last-of-type:after:content-[none]"><a href="/jobs/locations/remote" title="view all remote jobs" class="hover:underline">Remote</a> </li></ul> <iconify-icon icon="mdi:category" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <a href="/jobs/categories/tech" class="break-words font-light hover:underline" title="view all technology jobs">Technology</a></div></a></article><article><a class="clickable-card grid w-full md:grid-cols-2 md:place-items-end" href="/jobs/R11550"><div class="m-auto w-full"><div class="font-light">Req R11550</div> <h2 class="m-auto mb-1 break-words text-fl-base font-medium">Software Developer (Natural Language Processing)</h2> <a href="/jobs?time=fullTime" title="view all full time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Full time </a><a href="/jobs?time=partTime" title="view all part time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Part time </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/volunteer" title="view all volunteer jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/supported" title="view all supported jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Supported </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:dots-triangle" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> LangTech </a> </div> <div class="w-full break-words"><ul><iconify-icon icon="mdi:map-marker" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <li class="inline-block after:mx-2 after:content-['·'] last-of-type:after:content-[none]"><a href="/jobs/locations/remote" title="view all remote jobs" class="hover:underline">Remote</a> </li></ul> <iconify-icon icon="mdi:category" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <a href="/jobs/categories/tech" class="break-words font-light hover:underline" title="view all technology jobs">Technology</a></div></a></article><article><a class="clickable-card grid w-full md:grid-cols-2 md:place-items-end" href="/jobs/R13529"><div class="m-auto w-full"><div class="font-light">Req R13529</div> <h2 class="m-auto mb-1 break-words text-fl-base font-medium">Software Developer (NLP Short-term)</h2> <a href="/jobs?time=fullTime" title="view all full time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Full time </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/volunteer" title="view all volunteer jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/supported" title="view all supported jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Supported </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:dots-triangle" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> LangTech </a> </div> <div class="w-full break-words"><ul><iconify-icon icon="mdi:map-marker" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <li class="inline-block after:mx-2 after:content-['·'] last-of-type:after:content-[none]"><a href="/jobs/locations/remote" title="view all remote jobs" class="hover:underline">Remote</a> </li></ul> <iconify-icon 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hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:dots-triangle" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> LangTech </a> </div> <div class="w-full break-words"><ul><iconify-icon icon="mdi:map-marker" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <li class="inline-block after:mx-2 after:content-['·'] last-of-type:after:content-[none]"><a href="/jobs/locations/remote" title="view all remote jobs" class="hover:underline">Remote</a> </li></ul> <iconify-icon icon="mdi:category" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> <a href="/jobs/categories/tech" class="break-words font-light hover:underline" title="view all technology jobs">Technology</a></div></a></article><article><a class="clickable-card grid w-full md:grid-cols-2 md:place-items-end" href="/jobs/R11551"><div class="m-auto w-full"><div class="font-light">Req R11551</div> <h2 class="m-auto mb-1 break-words text-fl-base font-medium">Software Developer (Quality Picture)</h2> <a href="/jobs?time=fullTime" title="view all full time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Full time </a><a href="/jobs?time=partTime" title="view all part time jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:schedule" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Part time </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/volunteer" title="view all volunteer jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Volunteer </a><a href="/jobs/compensation/supported" title="view all supported jobs" class="badge badge-neutral badge-lg mr-2 hover:badge-primary"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:person" class="me-1"></iconify-icon> Supported </a><a href="/jobs/dept/langtech" title="view all langtech jobs" class="badge 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They act as liaison with designated department business/service/process owners and super users, application vendors, and support staff regarding application upgrades, requests and optimization. The Application Administrator provides day-to-day support of their application(s), implementation planning, and support for upgrades and enhancements.",locations:["dallas","waxhaw","remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"31006a",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Supported"],commitment:["fullTime"],isPublished:true,department:"GTIS",description:"### Responsibilities\r\n\r\n* Provide day-to-day primary and secondary support of one or more server-based business applications.\r\n* Test and coordinate upgrades and patches for applications.\r\n* Serve as central contact with vendor/technical (Sysadmin) staff.\r\n* Evaluate release notes and communicate relevant information as new releases occur.\r\n* Perform proactive review of application (or in some cases system) performance, review application and system logs to identify signs of potential problems.\r\n* Develop competence in application tuning to resolve application performance issues (may recommend system tuning changes).\r\n* Develop competence in writing scripts, reports, packages, and functions, as needed to support the application.\r\n* Maintain a high technical knowledge of application.\r\n* Communicate significant bugs, updates, etc to stakeholders, as appropriate.\r\n* Produce, as needed, basic training materials for end-users in collaboration with others.\r\n\r\n \r\n### Requirements \r\n\r\n* Demonstrated troubleshooting and support skills.\r\n* Ability to configure systems while following established standards, policies and configuration guidelines.\r\n* Ability to work in a team and as self-directed.\r\n* Strong interpersonal and communication skills: including clear written communication and the ability to communicate with colleagues across all technical levels\r\n* Ability to learn new software and procedures quickly.\r\n* Strong ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously and adapt to rapidly changing priorities.\r\n\r\n \r\n### Education & Experience\r\n\r\n* Degree in Computer Science or related or equivalent experience\r\n* 2+ years experience in an Application Administration or other IT role",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Back-End Developer",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Back-End Developers. We have product teams that work in various frameworks and platforms, including: \n\n* ASP.NET Core\n* AWS\n* Docker\n* Go\n* Kubernetes\n* NodeJS\n* PHP \n\nA Back-End Developer is responsible for building and maintaining the server-side operations and functionality of the cloud based solutions. Their duties include developing and maintaining our database layer, APIs, hosted solutions, cloud services, and other web services",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11410",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\r\n\r\n**Major Responsibilities:** \r\n\r\n* Design, develop, and deploy server-side system, including database creation, APIs, and hosted solutions\r\n* Integrate data from various back-end services and databases\r\n* Maintain, expand, and scale our websites\r\n* Collaborate with front-end developers and web designers to match visual design intent\r\n* Work with team leader to collaborate, review, and deliver high quality software applications\r\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management.\r\n* Work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap \r\n \r\n\r\n**Minor Responsibilities:** \r\n \r\n\r\n* Analyze systems requirements by consulting with the user community and development team\r\n* Support user community and development team with developer-level support\r\n* Monitor and report system performance and analytics\r\n* Write technical reference documentation for the new software\r\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\r\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\r\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\r\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings \r\n \r\n\r\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\r\n\r\n* A servant heart attitude\r\n* Demonstrated experience with hosted and cloud based solutions.\r\n* Demonstrated experience with the design and implementation of APIs\r\n* Demonstrated experience managing multiple websites\r\n* Demonstrated skills in software development and algorithms\r\n* Demonstrated passion for programming and solving complex problems\r\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\r\n* Good organizational skills\r\n* The ability to quickly analyze and learn a large existing codebase\r\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\r\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\r\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\r\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \r\n \r\n\r\n### Education and Experience: \r\n\r\nBack-End Developers should have experience in software engineering and a good understanding of agile development practices. Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \r\n\r\n### Training and Orientation: \r\n\r\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"8/8/2023 12:31:29",name:"Business Analyst",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Business Analysts. Acting as the key interface between the users and the Product Manager, they gather information, document processes, and confirm the final documents with users. Work with a global user community to understand how the software can be improved to meet the needs of people working in language development, Bible translation, and scripture engagement.\n\nA Business Analyst is responsible for collaborating with the Product Manager, development team, and user community in order to deliver valuable changes to software projects.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11472",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities:**\n\n* Analyzing the needs of the customers to find solutions to address their problems.\n* Organizing the Product Backlog based on the prioritization provided by the Product Manager.\n* Collaborate with the Product Manager building User Stories according to the requirements and making sure that they meet the acceptance criteria.\n* Suggest and improve requirements by working with the Product Manager and stakeholders with an understanding of the scope.\n* Solicit feedback from user communities to help inform the project team.\n* Work with product teams to collaborate, review, and deliver high quality applications\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management.\n* Work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap \n\n**Minor Responsibilities:**\n\n* Interact with user support personnel to identify areas in need of improvement\n* Use existing analytics and suggest new analytics to help identify high impact changes\n* Analyze software and performance requirements by consulting with the product team\n* Effectively document and communicate insights and plans to cross-functional team members and leadership\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Requirements \n\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated experience with hosted and cloud based solutions.\n* Demonstrated experience with the design and implementation of APIs\n* Demonstrated experience managing multiple websites\n* Demonstrated skills in software development and algorithms\n* Demonstrated passion for programming and solving complex problems\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to quickly analyze and learn a large existing codebase\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \n\n### Education & Experience\n\nBusiness Analysts should have experience in business analysis and a good understanding of the software development lifecycle. Preferred experience includes: Bachelor's/Master's degree in/or equivalent experience in business analysis or equivalent work experience preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning.\n\n### Training\n\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-182",name:"Cartographer",shortDescription:"Researches and designs maps. \nResearch and verify the accuracy and completeness of data related to the locations and boundaries of the world’s languages.\nLiaise with language survey teams and other field staff.\nResponsible for designing, producing and maintaining language maps for and other audiences.\nMust have training in cartography or equivalent experience with ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Pro.",locations:["remote"],fte:"",startDate:"2024-08-09",reqId:"R14104",category:"Communications / Marketing",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Supported","Volunteer"],commitment:["partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"AIM",description:"KSA Competency:\nEducation and Experience:\t\n\tMust have an interest in mapping.\n\tTraining in geography and cartography.\n\tAdequate experience using computer software (Windows operating system and mapping software or the equivalent).",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"8/8/2023 12:41:11",name:"Copywriter",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Copywriters who can promote exciting new technologies for language consultants and Bible translators to improve language analysis and development and to accelerate Bible translation.\n\nA Copywriter, or Marketing Writer, is responsible for producing engaging, clear text for different advertising channels such as websites, social media, print ads, and documentation. Their duties include researching keywords, producing interesting written content, and proofreading their work for accuracy and clarity. They will engage with field personnel to get their stories of how language technology is improving their work, then share that information with the global community through social media posts, blogs, and email lists. Where there are “bright spots” of success, they will arrange for a user to share their story/expertise in a webinar that can be recorded and shared. They will provide user stories and narratives for funded technology training projects, occasionally visiting field locations to gain first-hand knowledge.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11473",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities:** \n\n* Writing clear and error-free content that reflects the voice of SIL and Language Technology\n* Meeting with Language Technology staff and field personnel to understand the user community.\n* Interpreting creative direction and technical information and turning them into persuasive text\n* Collaborating with recruiting and marketing departments to brainstorm and develop a variety of marketing materials\n* Working with clients to edit and modify copy to meet their content expectations\n* Participating as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management\n* Working with the team around a cohesive product roadmap \n\n**Minor Responsibilities:**\n\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger department team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-189",name:"Data Warehouse Specialist",shortDescription:"Responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of an organization's data warehouse and business intelligence systems. This role involves translating business requirements into technical specifications, designing and implementing the data warehouse architecture, managing data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) processes, and ensuring the reliability, security, and performance of the data warehouse. It also collaborates with business analysts, data engineers, and IT teams to develop and optimize data models, create reports and dashboards, and provide insights to support decision-making.",locations:["remote"],fte:"",startDate:"2024-08-21",reqId:"",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Supported","Volunteer"],commitment:["partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"AIM",description:"- Liaise proactively with senior executives, BI Team Lead, Business & Functional Analysts, ETL developers, Testers and BO developers and report writers on projects and operational work as required. \n - Maintain the RED metadata repository in all environments, performing RED code promotions, impact analysis, versioning, scheduling, etc.op\n- Supply the appropriate information for operational support and maintenance of the warehouse utilizing the WhereScape RED’s internal documentation tools. \n- Translate business requirements into technical warehouse and data mart requirements to be implemented into Wherescape RED to populate the Data Warehouse. \n- Undertake specific high-level technical tasks in the support and maintenance of Business Intelligence Platform as necessary including proactively developing and maintaining system documentation.\n Define technical requirements, technical and data architectures for the data warehouse \n- Make recommendations on new technologies and products after investigation/evaluation through activities such as research and benchmarking of competitors and ensure technical know-how remains current with market trends and standards.\n- Ensure technical support services required by designated systems meet or exceed client service provision agreements. Communicate open items and issues to BI Team Lead.\nRespond in a timely manner to requests from the ITS Service Desk and end users for investigation, correction or escalation of technical problems.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"8/8/2023 12:43:24",name:"DevOps Engineer",shortDescription:"We are seeking a full-time and volunteer professional DevOps Engineers.\n\nA DevOps Engineer supports the infrastructure used to create the software, fonts, and training tools used to serve minority language communities.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11566",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities:** \n\n* Manage multi-cloud environment\n* Kubernetes administration\n* Manage public and private multi-cloud environment\n* Monitor and respond to system health demands\n* Implement a continuous improvement process to advance existing infrastructure \n* Disaster recovery planning and testing\n* Orchestrate public and private cloud resources \n\n**Minor Responsibilities:**\n\n* Assist development teams with troubleshooting\n* Training\n\n### Skills\n* Kubernetes experience preferred\n* Demonstrated skills in management of virtual servers and containers\n* Linux and Windows Administration and scripting\n* Strong understanding of cloud networking and security principals\n* Infrastructure as Code and automated provisioning. Experience in Ansible and Terraform preferred.\n\n### Education & Experience\n\nDegree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or equivalent experience\n\n### Training\n\nOn-the-job training",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"8/8/2023 12:45:07",name:"Director",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time professional Directors to help us lead managers, developers, and their distributed teams. We have teams working in finance, information technology, marketing, recruiting, training, software development, software testing, and writing systems. \n\nThe Director is a holistic, strategic, high-level role with responsibilities of leadership, day-to-day operations, financial management, project management, personnel management, and partnership development. Directors work closely with the Language Technology leadership team, SIL International leadership, partners and supporting organizations, user communities, and funding partners.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11474",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities:**\n\n* Champion the teams, partners, and user community under your leadership\n* Create the team's long-term vision and strategy\n* Align the team around a cohesive strategic plan\n* Work with your teams and the Language Technology leadership team on yearly roadmap, budget, and funding proposals\n* Work with Language Technology Leadership to develop and grow partnerships\n* Provide quarterly reports and requested metrics to Language Technology Leadership\n* Lead performance reviews and goal discussions for your team \n\n**Minor Responsibilities:**\n\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, operational, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Experience\n\nDirectors should have experience in leadership, operational management, fiscal management, personnel management, and strategic planning. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in business administration, communication, organizational leadership, appropriate technical area, or equivalent work experience preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. 3 to 5 years’ experience leading teams is preferred. \n\n### Requirements\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated leadership experience\n* Demonstrated fiscal and personnel management experience\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n\n### Training\n\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-188",name:"Donor Development Coordinator",shortDescription:"The Development department helps fulfill the mission of SIL by building trusting relationships with giving partners and by providing a warm donor experience and strong customer service. This position is primarily administrative in function, but may also interact with external donors via phone calls and email correspondence. The position is the operational hub and mission control for gift officers and those responsible for managing the donor experience. While the position reports directly to the GRO Advancement Department, it will work collaboratively with team members across all departments of the Organisation that are focused on serving donors.",locations:["dallas"],fte:"",startDate:"2024-09-02",reqId:"R14096",category:"Communications / Marketing",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Paid","Volunteer"],commitment:["partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"GRZ",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n* Development Team Mission Control\n 1. Implement follow-up process for welcoming new donors, managing the agreed-upon process and ensuring the most recent materials of the welcome kits are sent to new donors in a timely manner.\n 2. Manage donation anniversary procedure through CRM.\n 3. Initial point of distribution for new donors, making contact as necessary, researching and qualifying contacts and assigning to an MGO as appropriate.\n 4. Lead on a management team for giving platform, ensuring accurate functionality and reporting of platform, and engaging with leadership in relation to governance and higher level strategy. \n* Major Gift Officer (MGO) Coordination\n 1. Supports MGOs by managing an automated calendar for reminders, anticipating needed project updates / proposals, and working closely with the Development Project Manager to ensure timely receipt of field updates and delivery of updates in the format needed.\n 2. Support MGO trips by assisting with scheduling and travel bookings, and adding contact reports and action points to CRM based on updates from MGOs\n 3. Help build a church prospect list for Missions pastors, lead pastors, and others to try and meet to share SIL with.\n 4. Manage project proposals and updates editing and design process as needed. Assistance with MGO caseload management as needed, including research and managing of prospect lists, small event coordination and travel briefs. Receives proposed projects (tracking project registries) and manages processes for development of concept notes, timely decision making processes, and appropriate project proposals for each type of potential funder. \n* Donor Services\n 1. Contributes to a welcoming donor experience, as part of SIL's customer service approach and processes.\n 2. Makes donor calls as needed for various purposes Works closely with the Finance team to advocate for donor needs and to ensure consistent and timely processes for donors, including direct engagement in donation processes that require presence in Dallas and ensuring accurate documentation and recording of transactions in the CRM system.\n 3. Assist the Receipts team with giving administration, including handling credit cards and maintaining records.\n 4. Serves as the initial point of contact, ensuring that questions and needs of donors are addressed, answering general development phone and email inquiries or directing specific questions to other SIL staff when appropriate.\n 5. Supervisory responsibilities over Donor Support Administrator, weaving together a team approach that ensures SIL's needs are met without exceeding the position's designated hours \n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n\n* Maintain high ethical standards, discretion, and confidentiality in working with donor information \n* Excellent attention to detail\n* Passion for the best interests of donors and the transformative nature of biblical generosity\n* Projects a sense of empathy and understanding when dealing with others, and demonstrates a sense of sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and instinct for prayer, with both internal and external relationships.\n* Demonstrates commitment to see a matter through and ability to manage multiple activities and route tasks to others in order to keep everything humming.\n* Self-motivated with the ability to work independently as well as effectively as part of a team with other colleagues, instilling confidence and trust among fellow staff and our givers and prospective givers.\n* Proven verbal and written communication skills in a professional setting. \n\n### Education and Experience:\n\n* Requires a bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Communication, or related field; or relevant work experience.\n* Requires up to one to three years of experience in general administration, preferably in ministry.\n* Advanced user of Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint.\n* Experience with customer database software (Salesforce, Sage, Raiser's Edge) is strongly preferred.\n* Demonstrated experience performing research independently and able to communicate findings verbally or in written format.\n\n### Qualifications:\n\n* Strong faith in Jesus Christ as Savior; God honoring lifestyle.\n* Passion for the Word of God and provision of the Word for every people group.\n* Championing SIL's vision, mission, and values.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-226",name:"Environmental Consultant",shortDescription:"Environmental Consultant will be part of the Creation Care Unit tasked with implementing the commitments made by SIL Statement on Creation Care. The role of Environmental Consultant will involve meeting with the unit to strategize and then carrying out the strategy. Activities could include consulting and advising, networking, communicating, advocating and mobilizing SIL members and our partners in this domain.",locations:["remote"],fte:"0.5",startDate:"2024-11-13",reqId:"242-226",category:"Education / Training",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Supported","Volunteer"],commitment:["partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LDS",description:"Environmental Consultant will be part of the Creation Care Unit tasked with implementing the commitments made by SIL Statement on Creation Care. The role of Environmental Consultant will involve meeting with the unit to strategize and then carrying out the strategy. Activities could include consulting and advising, networking, communicating, advocating and mobilizing SIL members and our partners in this domain. The particular emphasis will be on supporting the growth of the Faith and Farming movement.\n\nParticipate: meet regularly with Creation Care Unit\n\nAdvise: from knowledge gained from experience and learning in the field advise taskforce on strategies to implement SIL`s commitments in the domain of creation care\n\nExecute: cooperate with other taskforce members on executing particular tasks delegated \n\nCommunicate: spread knowledge of what is learned\n\nConsult: Respond to Operational Units and partner organizations e.g integrating environmental considerations into existing activities, promoting environmentally sound practices, mitigating any damage to the environment,\n\nAdvocate: Proactively promote creation care and environmental care as key considerations as part of SIL and partners’ activities.\n\nNetwork: Maintain and develop healthy engagement with relevant networks and fora, in order to ensure knowledge, expertise and interests in environmental issues developed by SIL and its partners are represented (internal and external to SIL; Christian and secular, and scientific).\n\nIntegrate: actively participate in the LEAD Global team and Community of Practice to ensure creation care is integrated into all provided services (e.g. literacy and education, language assessment etc) and is continuing to inform strategic decisions.\n\nPersonal development: become familiar with the key environmental and creation care issues that relate to SIL’s context. Engage in strategic study and research.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-164",name:"Executive Assistant",shortDescription:"Do you want to help empower people to overcome educational, economic, and spiritual poverty? As Executive Assistant to Language Technology’s Director of Operations, you can impact the world by joining a team providing tools serving the world’s minority language communities in the areas of language development, literacy, and translation. \n\n By providing exceptional administrative, communication, and logistical support, you'll be a key player in enabling our software teams to develop and deliver high-quality products quickly to language workers around the globe. \n\n SIL International is a faith-based nonprofit organization committed to serving minority language communities worldwide as they build capacity for sustainable language development. If you’d like to use your skills for something eternal, we’d love to have you join us.",locations:["dallas"],fte:"1",startDate:"2024-06-27",reqId:"R13942",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Paid","Volunteer"],commitment:["fullTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Job Title \n\nExecutive Assistant \n\n### Location \n\nDallas \n\n### Position Type \n\nSalary \n\n### Job Description \n\nDo you want to help empower people to overcome educational, economic, and spiritual poverty? As Executive Assistant to Language Technology's Director of Operations, you can impact the world by joining a team providing tools serving the world's minority language communities in the areas of language development, literacy, and translation. \n\nBy providing exceptional administrative, communication, and logistical support, you'll be a key player in enabling our software teams to develop and deliver high-quality products quickly to language workers around the globe. \n\nSIL International is a faith-based nonprofit organization committed to serving minority language communities worldwide as they build capacity for sustainable language development. If you'd like to use your skills for something eternal, we'd love to have you join us. \n\n### Responsibilities \n\n#### Major Responsibilities \n\n* Support the Director in communication and correspondence \n* Assist with projects, research, and workload management \n* Serve the Language Technology Leadership Team \n* Handle travel arrangements, logistics, expenses, and departmental purchases \n\n#### Minor Responsibilities \n\n* Maintain task and deadline lists \n* Carry out additional tasks as requested by the Director \n* Be prepared for occasional travel, including potential participation in the biennial Language Technology Conference \n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: \n\n* Servant-hearted attitude \n* Excellent organization, communication, and time management skills \n* Strong written and verbal skills with an eye for detail \n* Proactive, resourceful, and a quick learner \n* Ability to discern decision-making authority \n* Ability to make timely decisions \n* Ability to generate multiple solutions to problems \n* Flexibility to work well independently and as part of a team \n\n### Education and Experience: \n\nA degree is not required, but we are looking for someone who can demonstrate the skills and qualities listed above. Proven experience in an administrative or executive assistant role is a plus. \n\n### Weekly Hours \n\n40",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-60",name:"Executive Assistant",shortDescription:"We are seeking volunteer Executive Assistants to support our SIL Language Technology Directors by handling a variety of tasks in order to ensure that all interactions between the Director and others are positive and productive. To be successful in this role, you should be well-organized, have great time management skills, and be able to act without guidance. Ultimately, you will contribute to the efficiency of Language Technology by providing personalized and timely support to the leadership team.\n\nAn Executive Assistant assists the Director by handling office tasks, notetaking during meetings, updating documentation and reports, doing research as assigned, coordinating scheduling, managing travel arrangements, and providing polite and professional communications via phone, mail, e-mail, messaging, and video conferencing.",locations:["dallas","remote"],fte:"0.5",startDate:"2023-11-03",reqId:"R12586",category:"Management",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Supported","Volunteer"],commitment:["partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\r\n\r\n**Major Responsibilities:**\r\n\r\n* Screening messages, prioritizing, and routing to the appropriate party \r\n* Providing real-time scheduling support by booking appointments and preventing conflicts \r\n* Making travel arrangements, such as booking flights, cars, and making hotel and restaurant reservations \r\n* Provide logistical support in arranging meetings and conferences \r\n* Routing requests for action/information \r\n* Generate reports, transcribe minutes from meetings, create presentations, and conduct research \r\n* Helping edit documents and communications \r\n* Maintain polite and professional communication \r\n* Anticipate the needs of others in order to ensure their seamless and positive experience \r\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management.\r\n\r\n**Minor Responsibilities:**\r\n\r\n* Support in-person meetings \r\n* Participate in regular status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings (Optionally) \r\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology ConferenceKnowledge, Skills, and Abilities: \r\n\r\n* A servant heart attitude \r\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication \r\n* Good organizational skills \r\n* Good office management skills \r\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner \r\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \r\n\r\n### Education and Experience:\r\n\r\nExecutive Assistants should have experience in a related role, but we care more for a servant's heart and organizational skills.\r\n\r\n### Training and Orientation:\r\n\r\nWill complete the relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-200",name:"GTIS Helpdesk Assistant",shortDescription:"Help configure and import data into Freshdesk from Freshservice, create tutorials and other help documentation. Remote Part time Volunteer Technology GTIS",locations:["remote"],fte:"0.1",startDate:"2024-09-15",reqId:"R14210",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"{\"req\":\"R14210\"}",compensation:["Volunteer"],commitment:["partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"GTIS",description:"Help configure and import data into Freshdesk from Freshservice, create tutorials and other help documentation. Remote Part time Volunteer Technology GTIS",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Instructional Designer",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Instructional Designers. Use your teaching skills and creativity to provide a quality curriculum in language technology use for language development and Bible translation personnel. Help the Language Technology Department ensure that end users follow best practice methods in their use of software and are learning to work efficiently.\n\nAn Instructional Designer is responsible for developing learning objectives, writing training scripts, and creating online courses to train users effectively and test their knowledge. They will interact with users to learn about their difficulties, determine which videos and materials are needed most, and manage a plan to produce them. They will also develop learning objectives based on research on user tasks and which tools best help accomplish them.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11475",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\r\n\r\n \r\n**Major Responsibilities:**\r\n\r\n* Define and document learning objectives\r\n* Conduct research and collaborate with subject experts\r\n* Create instructional material: courses, curriculum, and training manuals\r\n* Design content to optimize learning\r\n* Create visual, audio, and interactive learning tools\r\n* Meet with Language Technology staff and field personnel to understand their training needs\r\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management \r\n \r\n\r\n**Minor Responsibilities:** \r\n \r\n\r\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\r\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger department team at least once per year\r\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\r\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings \r\n \r\n\r\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: \r\n \r\n\r\n* A servant heart attitude\r\n* Demonstrated experience in training and teaching\r\n* Demonstrated experience with designing lesson plans or other instructional content\r\n* Creativity, adaptability and the ability to work collaboratively with a team\r\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\r\n* Good organizational skills\r\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\r\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\r\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\r\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \r\n \r\n\r\n### Education and Experience: \r\n\r\nInstructional Designers should have experience designing lesson plans and other instructional content. Bachelor's degree in instructional design, academic technology, or curriculum management, or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. Use of Learning that Lasts or similar principles will be important for a successful training approach. \r\n\r\n### Training and Orientation: \r\n\r\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Keyboard Developer",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Keyboard Developers to help us design keyboards for the world's writing systems. We are looking for someone to work with our collection of Keyman keyboards. \n\nA Keyboard Developer is responsible for developing, reviewing, and approving keyboard layouts that are submitted to the [Keyman ](",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11476",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\r\n\r\n**Major Responsibilities:**\r\n\r\n* Convert non-Keyman keyboards into the Keyman format\r\n* Review and approve keyboards submitted to the Keyman repository\r\n* Document keyboard-related processes\r\n* Help to maintain the Keyman GitHub repository\r\n* Test keyboards as a member of a group of testers\r\n* Synthesize and communicate needs and research\r\n* Articulate design decisions\r\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management.\r\n* Work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap \r\n \r\n\r\n**Minor Responsibilities:** \r\n\r\n* Propose refinements to processes and systems for design and user research\r\n* Contribute to the development of team culture\r\n* Analyze software requirements by consulting with the user community\r\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\r\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\r\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\r\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings \r\n \r\n\r\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: \r\n\r\n* A servant heart attitude\r\n* Demonstrated skills in keyboard development\r\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\r\n* Good organizational skills\r\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\r\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \r\n \r\n\r\n### Education and Experience: \r\n\r\nKeyboard Developers should have experience in data management and, ideally, GitHub. Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. Sociolinguistic exposure and multicultural experience helpful \r\n\r\n### Training and Orientation: \r\n\r\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-204",name:"Kitchen Assistant",shortDescription:"To assist in the preparation, serving and cleanup of meals to ILC staff and students.",locations:["dallas"],fte:"0.5",startDate:"2024-10-08",reqId:"242-204",category:"Facilities",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Paid","Volunteer"],commitment:["partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"OPZ",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n* Food Preparation \n* Cooking \n* Serving Meals\n* Washing Dishes\n* General Cleaning\n* Trash Removal\n* Other duties as assigned by the Dining Hall Manger \n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n\n* Customer Service \n* Attention to detail\n* Organizational Skills \n* etc. \n\n### Education and Experience:\n\nNo special education or experience required but willingness to learn the variety of tasks. \n\n \n### Training and Orientation:\n\nA food handling certification is preferred.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Language Technology Consultant",shortDescription:"We are seeking full-time and volunteer professional Language Technology Consultants. If you have formal training in linguistics or literacy and a deep understanding of language technology, your expertise will guide our field teams toward high-quality outcomes. Join us and provide the leadership our projects need.\n\nA Language Technology Consultant is responsible for guiding language workers in the application of technology to facilitate language and translation work. They have training and experience in a language-related field that gives them the expertise to guide and accelerate language-based development in under-resourced language communities. Their knowledge of language software enables them to assist language workers in applying the right technologies for their tasks.\n",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R12270",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities**\n* Provide expert leadership in the language technology domain within the area of assignment\n* Recommend and oversee the implementation of language technology strategies\n* Provide expert-level user support for language technology tools\n* Mentor Language Technology Specialists\n\n**Minor Responsibilities**\n* Ensure that advanced bugs and usability issues are reported back to developers\n* Be available to travel for international training events and workshops\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger department team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n* Strong understanding of phonetics, phonology, and grammar principles\n* Ability to evaluate and configure advanced language technology solutions.\n* Strong interpersonal and consulting skills, with a focus on cross-cultural understanding\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n### Education and Experience:\nLanguage Technology Consultants should have formal training in phonetics, phonology, grammar, and literacy. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in computer science, linguistics, communications, or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n### Training and Orientation:\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation. The consultant will attend an annual Language Technology Consultant training course. Ongoing mentorship from an existing Language Technology Consultant.\n",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-138",name:"Language Technology Field Recruiter",shortDescription:"A Language Technology Field Recruiter works to recruit technical talent to further Language Technology. They will collaborate with Language Technology leadership and the Talent Acquisition Manager to evaluate current recruiting efforts, proactively identify potential opportunities, and to actively engage with interested individuals at recruiting events.",locations:["remote"],fte:"0.2",startDate:"2024-04-30",reqId:"R13575",category:"Management",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Supported","Volunteer"],commitment:["partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"**Major Responsibilities:**\n\n* Travel to recruiting and mobilization events, mission fairs, and job fairs at various universities, colleges and other venues, six to eight times per year.\n* Attend or host virtual recruiting and mobilization events when in-person events are not an option or are prohibitive for distance. Time Zone differences could require flexible meeting hours.\n* Responsible for managing the initial cycle of the recruitment process, ensuring a positive candidate experience.\n* Maintains knowledge of job openings and staying current with changing environments and people needs in the organization.\n* Complies with SIL hiring guidelines.\n* Matches qualified job applicants with appropriate jobs and makes recommendations for hiring when appropriate.\n* Gives input for interviews of prospective hires to hiring managers.\n* Works with the Talent Acquisition Manager on strategic plans for the team.\n* Work closely together with partner organizations.\n* Provide quarterly reports and requested metrics to the Talent Acquisition Manager \n\n**Minor Responsibilities: **\n\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings.\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference.\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings. \n\n**Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:**\n\n* A servant heart attitude.\n* Demonstrated experience in recruiting and mobilization.\n* Adaptability and the ability to work collaboratively with a team.\n* Good interpersonal skills.\n* Good organizational skills.\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner.\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem.\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts.\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively. \n\n**Education and Experience:**\n\nA Language Technology Field Recruiter should have experience in recruiting and mobilization, a good understanding of the work done in Language Technology, and enjoy interacting with new people. A Bachelor's degree in communications, marketing, or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n\n**Training and Orientation:**\n\nWill complete the initial SIL Orientation and HR required training program.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-139",name:"Language Technology Follow-Up Recruiter",shortDescription:"A Language Technology Follow-Up Recruiter works in mobilization and recruiting for Language Technology. They will collaborate with the Language Technology Field Recruiter and the Talent Acquisition Manager to proactively identify future staffing needs and to actively engage with interested individuals through the process.",locations:["remote"],fte:"0.2",startDate:"2024-04-29",reqId:"R13574",category:"Management",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Supported","Volunteer"],commitment:["partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"**Major Responsibilities:**\n\n* Manage candidate relationships throughout the recruitment process, providing timely follow-up and maintaining open lines of communication.\n* Utilize CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software to track and update candidate information, ensuring accurate and up-to-date records.\n* Collaborate with hiring managers and team members to gather feedback, address candidate questions or concerns, and facilitate next steps.\n* Maintains knowledge of job openings and staying current with changing environments and people needs in the organization.\n* Complies with SIL hiring guidelines.\n* Matches qualified job applicants with appropriate jobs and makes recommendations for hiring when appropriate.\n* Facilitates regular communication between internal and external applicants and hiring managers.\n* Determines qualified eligible candidates and assesses candidates for consideration.\n* Work with Talent Acquisition Manager on strategic plans for the team.\n* Work closely together with partner organizations.\n* Provide quarterly reports and requested metrics to the Talent Acquisition Manager. \n\n**Minor Responsibilities: **\n\n* Support recruitment team with administrative tasks, such as scheduling meetings, organizing candidate materials, and updating recruitment documents.\n* Assist in the development and implementation of recruitment strategies, including sourcing techniques, employer branding initiatives, and talent pipelining efforts.\n* Participate in HR-related projects and initiatives to enhance recruitment processes, improve candidate experiences, and support organizational goals.\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings.\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference.\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings. \n\n**Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:**\n\n* A servant heart attitude.\n* Demonstrated experience in recruiting and mobilization.\n* Adaptability and the ability to work collaboratively with a team.\n* Good interpersonal skills.\n* Good organizational skills.\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner.\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem.\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts.\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively. \n\n**Education and Experience:**\n\nA Language Technology Follow-Up Recruiter should have experience in recruiting and mobilization, a good understanding of the work done in Language Technology, and enjoy interacting with new people. Proficiency in CRM software and other recruitment tools is an asset. A Bachelor's degree in communications, marketing, or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n\n**Training and Orientation:**\n\nWill complete the initial SIL Orientation and HR required training program.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-105",name:"Language Technology Marketing Manager",shortDescription:"We are seeking a full-time professional Marketing Manager. Are you passionate about making a meaningful impact through language technology? SIL International is on the hunt for a dynamic Language Technology Marketing Manager to amplify the reach of our cutting-edge tools and services. In this role, you'll collaborate with internal teams to identify and promote underutilized resources, develop strategic marketing plans, and leverage a variety of platforms to increase visibility and user engagement. If you have a background in marketing and a knack for communication and analysis, we want to hear from you. Come join our mission-driven team and help us make language technology accessible to communities worldwide.\n\n A Marketing Manager enhances the visibility and utilization of our language technology tools and services. This role will bridge the gap between software developers, area language technology coordinators, and our target audience, ensuring that our impactful tools are both discoverable and accessible.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"2024-03-27",reqId:"R13286",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Paid","Volunteer"],commitment:["fullTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### \n\n## Summary: \n\nA Marketing Manager enhances the visibility and utilization of our language technology tools and services. This role will bridge the gap between software developers, area language technology coordinators, and our target audience, ensuring that our impactful tools are both discoverable and accessible.\n\n## Detail: \n\n### Major Responsibilities:\n\n* Work closely with internal teams to identify underutilized or hard-to-find tools and services for targeted promotion\n* Develop and execute strategic marketing plans to increase visibility and engagement with both field users and funders\n* Evaluate and leverage various communication channels, including events, social media, and digital platforms, for promotional activities\n* Monitor and analyze market trends and competitor behavior to inform marketing strategies\n* Management of Language Technology web properties \n\n### Minor Responsibilities: \n\n* Manage a monthly eNewsletter to operational units and registered users\n* Assist in content creation and layout for blog posts and digital newsletters\n* Coordinate with the digital team in tracking and reporting user engagement metrics\n* Stay updated on best practices in marketing and emerging digital platforms\n* Be available to travel for international training events and workshops\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger department team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings \n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n\n* Strong interpersonal and communication skills, both written and verbal\n* Proficiency in market analysis and understanding of SEO and SEM\n* Attention to detail and a commitment to data-driven decision-making\n* Familiarity with content management systems and customer relationship management tools\n* A high level of adaptability and comfort working in both mono- and cross-cultural environments\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \n\n### Education and Experience:\n\nMarketing Managers need experience with marketing, social media outlets, and web development. Bachelor's degree in marketing, communications, or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n\n### Training and Orientation:\n\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation. Ongoing training will be provided for Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and any other SEO tools pertinent to the role.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Language Technology Marketing Manager",shortDescription:"We are seeking full-time and volunteer professional Marketing Managers. Are you passionate about making a meaningful impact through language technology? SIL International is on the hunt for a dynamic Language Technology Marketing Manager to amplify the reach of our cutting-edge tools and services. In this role, you'll collaborate with internal teams to identify and promote underutilized resources, develop strategic marketing plans, and leverage a variety of platforms to increase visibility and user engagement. If you have a background in marketing and a knack for communication and analysis, we want to hear from you. \n\nCome join our mission-driven team and help us make language technology accessible to communities worldwide.\nA Marketing Manager enhances the visibility and utilization of our language technology tools and services. This role will bridge the gap between software developers, area language technology coordinators, and our target audience, ensuring that our impactful tools are both discoverable and accessible.\n",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R12272",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities**\n* Work closely with internal teams to identify underutilized or hard-to-find tools and services for targeted promotion\n* Develop and execute strategic marketing plans to increase visibility and engagement with both field users and funders\n* Evaluate and leverage various communication channels, including events, social media, and digital platforms, for promotional activities\n* Monitor and analyze market trends and competitor behavior to inform marketing strategies\n\n**Minor Responsibilities**\n* Manage a monthly eNewsletter to operational units and registered users\n* Assist in content creation and layout for blog posts and digital newsletters\n* Coordinate with the digital team in tracking and reporting user engagement metrics\n* Stay updated on best practices in marketing and emerging digital platforms\n* Be available to travel for international training events and workshops\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger department team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n* Strong interpersonal and communication skills, both written and verbal\n* Proficiency in market analysis and understanding of SEO and SEM\n* Attention to detail and a commitment to data-driven decision-making\n* Familiarity with content management systems and customer relationship management tools\n* A high level of adaptability and comfort working in both mono- and cross-cultural environments\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n### Education and Experience:\nMarketing Managers need experience with marketing, social media outlets, and web development. Bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n### Training and Orientation:\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation. Ongoing training will be provided for Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and any other SEO tools pertinent to the role.\n",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Language Technology Specialist",shortDescription:"We are seeking full-time and volunteer professional Language Technology Specialists. If you're tech-savvy and have a basic understanding of language tools, this position will allow you to assist in implementation, troubleshooting, and user support. No formal linguistics training required.\n\nA Language Technology Specialist is responsible for installing and configuring software to facilitate language and translation work. They are knowledgeable in the tools to accelerate language-based development in under-resourced language communities, and assist language workers in applying the right technologies for their tasks.\n",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R12271",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities**\n* Provide basic leadership and support in the language technology domain within the area of assignment\n* Assist in the implementation and basic training of language technology tools\n* Promote best practices in the installation and setup of language technology tools\n\n**Minor Responsibilities**\n* Basic understanding of language fieldwork and the practices of linguists, translators and literacy work\n* Proficiency in installing and configuring recommended translation and lexical database software\n* Basic knowledge of computer safety measures such as backup and antivirus\n* Be available to travel for international training events and workshops\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger department team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n* Ability to evaluate and configure language technology solutions.\n* Strong interpersonal and consulting skills, with a focus on cross-cultural understanding.\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n### Education and Experience:\nLanguage Technology Specialists should have basic training or experience in the installation and use of language technology tools. Bachelor’s degree in computer science, communications, or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n### Training and Orientation:\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation. The consultant will attend an annual Language Technology Consultant training course. Ongoing mentorship from an existing Language Technology Consultant.\n",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-191",name:"Linguistics Consultant",shortDescription:"Job Title: Linguistics Consultant\nFTE: 1.0\nReports to: Audio Project Team Lead\n\nLinguistics Consultants may work with individuals and teams, helping them to understand and analyze complex aspects of the grammar, for example, or working with them to prepare a paper for publication. Consultants may also lead workshops covering some aspect of linguistics.\n\nJob Responsibilities:\n• This advanced level role trains, mentors, coaches, and consults in linguistics.\n• Involves higher level planning concerning linguistic research at individual, unit, and area levels.\n• Quality checks linguistic descriptions, while mentoring Linguistics Specialists to do the same.\n• Develops theory and policy in the areas of Linguistics.\n• Relates to outside organizations regarding aspects of linguistics research.\n• Facilitates and teaches at workshops and workshop activities.\n• Develop tools to implement new strategies\n\nKSAs (Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities):\nTo perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with\ndisabilities to perform the essential functions.\n• Analytical Thinking\n• Problem Solving\n• Interactive Communication\n• Attention to detail\n• Client Focus\n• Planning and Organizing\n• Using Information Technology\n\nEducation & Experience:\nMaster’s Degree in Linguistics, plus 3-5 years of relevant experience or equivalent combination of education, training and experience.\n• Previous field experience is very helpful.\n• Multicultural experience is helpful.\n\nAll the areas listed for the Linguistics Technician and Linguistics Specialist, plus Advanced Studies with a concentration in Linguistics, or a related field (normally with a Ph.D.).",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"2024-09-03",reqId:"R14135",category:"Language Development",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:[""],isPublished:true,department:"",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n* This advanced level role trains, mentors, coaches, and consults in linguistics.\n* Involves higher level planning concerning linguistic research at individual, unit, and area levels.\n* Quality checks linguistic descriptions, while mentoring Linguistics Specialists to do the same.\n* Develops theory and policy in the areas of Linguistics.\n* Relates to outside organizations regarding aspects of linguistics research.\n* Facilitates and teaches at workshops and workshop activities.\n* Develop tools to implement new strategies \n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n\nTo perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. \n\n* Analytical Thinking\n* Problem Solving\n* Interactive Communication\n* Attention to detail\n* Client Focus\n* Planning and Organizing\n* Using Information Technology \n\n### Education and Experience:\n\nMaster's Degree in Linguistics, plus 3-5 years of relevant experience or equivalent combination of education, training and experience.\n\n* Previous field experience is very helpful.\n* Multicultural experience is helpful.\n\nAll the areas listed for the Linguistics Technician and Linguistics Specialist, plus Advanced Studies with a concentration in Linguistics, or a related field (normally with a Ph.D.).",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Mobile Developer",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Mobile Developers with experience in iOS and Android application development. \n\nA Mobile Developer is responsible for using their knowledge of programming languages to design mobile applications. Their duties include meeting with clients to determine their software needs, coding and testing software to ensure functionality, and updating software programs to refine components like cybersecurity measures and data storage capacities.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11477",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities:**\n\n* Design, develop, and deploy mobile applications, new features, and defect fixes\n* Design and develop unit tests and perform code reviews\n* Work with Product Manager to collaborate, review, and deliver high quality mobile applications\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management.\n* Work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap \n \n\n**Minor Responsibilities:**\n\n* Analyze software requirements by consulting with the user community\n* Support user community with developer-level support\n* Write technical reference documentation for the mobile applications\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings \n \n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated skills in mobile development and algorithms\n* Demonstrated passion for programming and solving complex problems\n* Demonstrated user interface design skills\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to quickly analyze and learn a large existing codebase\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \n \n\n### Education and Experience: \n\nMobile Developers should have experience in software engineering and a good understanding of the software development lifecycle. Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n\n### Training and Orientation: \n\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-65",name:"NLP Researcher",shortDescription:"We are seeking full-time and volunteer professional researchers with Natural Language Processing experience. This position would work directly with our Scripture Forge product team. This position will be responsible for investigating key areas of interest for the application of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to Bible translation. A key responsibility will be the review and prioritization of recent NLP advances in tools and methods for applying NLP to various aspects of Bible translation for low-resource languages such as translation suggestions, spell checking, part-of-speech / named entity recognizers, etc. The candidate will be familiar with state of the art Deep Learning tools, frameworks, and methodologies. The NLP researcher in this role will work alongside the existing SIL NLP team and assist them in their efforts to incubate new applications of NLP technology in the context of Bible translation. The NLP researcher will be aware of the key initiatives being pursued by the NLP team, and will support them by investigating, prioritizing, and summarizing the most promising new tools and methods for advancing these initiatives.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"2023-11-27",reqId:"R12699",category:"Language Development",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer"],commitment:["fullTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"**Responsibilities**\n\n**Major Responsibilities**\n\n- To review, understand and distill technical publications in the areas of Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing\n- Able to experiment with NLP tools and frameworks\n- Support leadership with interpreted data and reports\n- Identify trends and patterns\n- Deliver presentations and communicate effectively at all levels\n\n**Minor Responsibilities**\n\n- Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management\n- Work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap\n\n- Write technical reference documentation for the new software\n- Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n- Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n- Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\n- Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n**Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities**\n\n- A servant heart attitude\n- Comfortable working on complex, loosely defined, and challenging objectives\n- Good interpersonal skills of communication\n\n- Good organizational skills\n- The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n- The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n- The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n\n**Education and Experience**\n\nNLP Researcher should have experience in multi-angled research processes. A good understanding of the software development lifecycle and natural language processing. Preferred experience includes: Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in/or equivalent experience in a technical research field. Sound understanding of research methodologies. Familiarity with current NLP benchmarks and metrics (BLEU, SQUAD, GLUE, etc). Familiarity with best practices, tools and methods for Machine Learning Operations (MLOps). Experience with Python programming and Python tooling for data science and Machine Learning (pandas, matplotlib, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, etc). Experience with cloud computing environments (AWS, GCP, Digital Ocean, or similar).\n\n**Training and Orientation**\n\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Product Manager",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Product Managers to help us lead distributed teams of dynamic software developers. We have product teams that work in various frameworks and platforms.\n\nA Product Manager is a holistic, mid-level leadership role for larger teams with responsibilities that encompass the entire product lifecycle, leadership of the team, and fiscal management. Product Managers work closely with the Development team, Language Technology leadership, partners and supporting organizations, user communities, and leaders of field trials. A good Product Manager is expected to be a customer spokesperson, product visionary, team champion, and a strategic leader. The goal of this role is to develop and manage roadmaps and sprint priorities via robust processes for collecting and synthesizing user needs.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11478",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities:** \n\n* Champion the team, partners, and user community to ensure alignment around overall strategy and direction of the product\n* Discover what users need by conducting user research and unveiling critical insights\n* Create the product's long-term vision and strategy\n* Align the team around a cohesive product roadmap\n* Lead creation of targeted promotions: white papers, conference presentations, user videos\n* Work with Director on yearly roadmap, budget, and funding proposals\n* Work with Director and Language Technology Leadership to develop and grow partnerships\n* Provide quarterly reports and requested metrics to Language Technology Leadership\n* Lead performance reviews and goal discussions for your team \n \n\n**Minor Responsibilities:**\n\n* Design, develop, and deploy software applications, new features, and defect fixes\n* Design and develop unit tests and perform code reviews\n* Adjust and improve each iteration of the product before release\n* Implement and Manage Agile software development methodology\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Report any hardware and software needs to the Director\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings \n \n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated leadership skills\n* Demonstrated skills in team and personnel management\n* Demonstrated skills in software development and algorithms\n* Demonstrated passion for understanding and resolving complex user-needs into product priorities\n* Demonstrated appreciation for quality user interface design\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to quickly analyze and learn a large existing codebase\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate/analyze multiple solutions to a problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \n \n\n### Education and Experience: \n\nProduct Managers should have experience in software engineering, a good understanding of the software development lifecycle, and experience leading development teams. Bachelor's or Master's degree in computer science or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. 3 to 5 years' experience leading teams is preferred. \n\n### Training and Orientation: \n\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Product Owner",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Product Owners to help us manage the product development process of distributed teams of dynamic software developers. We have product teams that work in various frameworks and platforms.\n\nA Product Owner works with a scrum team to determine product features and manage product backlog items, as well as communicate with the Product Manager and stakeholders to ensure customer satisfaction. A good Product Owner is expected to be a customer spokesperson, product visionary, team champion, and a strategic leader. The goal of this role is to maximize product value by developing and managing roadmaps and sprint priorities via robust processes for collecting and synthesizing user needs",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11479",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\r\n\r\n**Major Responsibilities:**\r\n\r\n* Work with the Product Manager, Scrum Master or equivalent, and other Product Owners to meet the objectives of each sprint\r\n* Manage the product development process\r\n* Manage and prioritize backlog items\r\n* Act as the primary point of contact between team and Product Manager\r\n* Adjusting and improving each iteration of the product before release\r\n* Implement and Manage Scrum and Scaled Agile Framework\r\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\r\n* Plan and manage the development project from start to finish\r\n* Align the team around a cohesive product roadmap\r\n* Work with Product Manager on yearly roadmap for the team\r\n* Provide quarterly reports and requested metrics to the Product Manager\r\n* Lead performance reviews and goal discussions for your team \r\n \r\n\r\n**Minor Responsibilities:**\r\n\r\n* Design, develop, and deploy software applications, new features, and defect fixes\r\n* Design and develop unit tests and perform code reviews\r\n* Report any hardware and software needs to the Product Manager\r\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\r\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\r\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings \r\n \r\n\r\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\r\n\r\n* A servant heart attitude\r\n* Demonstrated leadership skills\r\n* Demonstrated skills in team and personnel management\r\n* Demonstrated skills in software development and algorithms\r\n* Demonstrated passion for understanding and resolving complex user-needs into product priorities\r\n* Demonstrated appreciation for quality user interface design\r\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\r\n* Good organizational skills\r\n* The ability to quickly analyze and learn a large existing codebase\r\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\r\n* The ability to generate/analyze multiple solutions to a problem\r\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\r\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \r\n \r\n\r\n### Education and Experience: \r\n\r\nProduct Owners should have experience in software engineering, a good understanding of agile methodologies, and experience leading development teams. Bachelor's or Master's degree in computer science and/or equivalent certification in CSM, CSPO, or SAFE is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. 3 to 5 years' experience leading teams is preferred. \r\n\r\n### Training and Orientation: \r\n\r\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-69",name:"Project Manager",shortDescription:"We are seeking full-time and volunteer professional Project Managers to help us coordinate the work of distributed teams of dynamic software developers and field trial users of our products. We have product teams that work in various frameworks and platforms and field users in every corner of the globe.\nThe Project Manager is a holistic, mid-level leadership role for larger teams with responsibilities that encompass a scope of product evaluation and field trials extending throughout the entire product lifecycle. This role includes project schedule management and communication, dependency coordination, financial management, and extends to communication of details of progress to external funders and co-development partners. Project Managers work closely with the Development team, Language Technology leadership, partners, and supporting organizations, user communities, and leaders of field trials. A good Project Manager is expected to be a customer/stakeholder spokesperson, process expert for product development, team champion, and a strategic thinker. The goal of this role is to help Align the technology roadmaps and sprint priorities to ensure that all dependencies are addressed and accounted for. They would develop robust processes for collecting, synthesizing and presenting data on team progress and processes to support user needs and stakeholder commitments.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"2024-02-05",reqId:"R12805",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Paid","Volunteer"],commitment:["fullTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\nMajor Responsibilities\n\n* Champion the team's processes and development velocity to support our partners and our user community with alignment to the overall strategy and direction of the product\n* Organize and manage deliverables\n* Work with the Product Manager on yearly budget and funding proposals based on product roadmap\n* Work with Product Manager and Leadership to support budget development and consistent reporting to partnerships. \n* Provide up to date financial data on the project for the Product Manager.\n* Provide quarterly reports and requested metrics to Language Technology Leadership\n\nMinor Responsibilities\n\n* Research, champion, and deploy process management systems and applications\n* Oversee and report progress on integration and iterative improvement of Agile software development methodologies.\n* Lead regular project status, planning, partnership meetings.\n* Coordinate in-person annual meetings of the larger development team.\n* Support reporting any project hardware and software budget or immediate needs\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennually to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n\n* A servant heart attitude \n* Demonstrated team influencer and leadership skills \n* Demonstrated understanding of agile software development processes and methodologies \n* Demonstrated skill in identifying and resolving complex team interaction and interdependencies affecting product development or priorities \n* Good interpersonal skills of communication \n* Good organizational skills \n* The ability to quickly analyze and learn a large existing product offering \n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner \n* The ability to generate/analyze multiple solutions to a problem \n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts \n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \n \n\n### Education and Experience:\n\nProject Managers should have experience in managing projects for software engineering teams, a strong understanding of the software development lifecycle, and experience leading development teams in a project management role. Bachelor's or Master's degree in computer science or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. 3 to 5 years' experience in Project Management for software development teams preferred. PMP certification is a strong plus. \n\n### Training and Orientation:\n\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Project Manager",shortDescription:"We are seeking full-time and volunteer professional Project Managers to help us coordinate the work of distributed teams of dynamic software developers and field trial users of our products. We have product teams that work in various frameworks and platforms and field users in every corner of the globe. \n\nThe Project Manager is a holistic, mid-level leadership role for larger teams with responsibilities that encompass a scope of product evaluation and field trials extending throughout the entire product lifecycle. This role includes project schedule management and communication, dependency coordination, financial management, and extends to communication of details of progress to external funders and co-development partners. Project Managers work closely with the Development team, Language Technology leadership, partners, and supporting organizations, user communities, and leaders of field trials. A good Project Manager is expected to be a customer/stakeholder spokesperson, process expert for product development, team champion, and a strategic thinker. The goal of this role is to help Align the technology roadmaps and sprint priorities with the language program roadmap to ensure that all dependencies are addressed and accounted for. They would develop robust processes for collecting, synthesizing and presenting data on team progress and processes to support user needs and stakeholder commitments.\n",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R12273",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities**\n* Champion the team’s processes and development velocity to support our partners and our user community with alignment to the overall strategy and direction of the product\n* Organize and manage deliverables around user research and the resulting insights\n* Coordinate and align products’ long-term vision and strategy with the language programs’ vision and strategies\n* Help to align product development priorities and processes with the language program’s roadmap \n* Work with the Product Manager on yearly budget and funding proposals based on product roadmap\n* Work with Product Manager and Leadership to support budget development and consistent reporting to partnerships\n* Provide quarterly reports and requested metrics to Language Technology Leadership\n\n**Minor Responsibilities**\n* Research, champion, and deploy process management systems and applications\n* Oversee and report progress on integration of the Agile software development methodologies with the language program’s methodologies.\n* Lead regular project status, planning, partnership meetings. \n* Support reporting any project hardware and software budget or immediate needs\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennually to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated team influencer and leadership skills\n* Demonstrated understanding of software development processes and methodologies\n* Demonstrated skill in identifying and resolving complex team interaction and interdependencies affecting product development or priorities\n* Demonstrated appreciation for quality user interface design\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to quickly analyze and learn a large existing product offering\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate/analyze multiple solutions to a problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n### Education and Experience:\nProject Managers should have experience in managing projects for software engineering teams, a strong understanding of the software development lifecycle, and experience leading development teams in a project management role. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in computer science or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. 3 to 5 years’ experience in Project Management for software development teams preferred. PMP certification is a strong plus. \n### Training and Orientation:\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.\n",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-230",name:"Python Software Developer (FLExTrans)",shortDescription:"Develop and maintain computer modules for the new FLExTrans machine translation system. FLExTrans is a rule-based MT system for translating texts between related languages.",locations:["remote"],fte:"0.3",startDate:"2024-11-19",reqId:"242-230",category:"Language Development",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer"],commitment:["partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LDS",description:"### \n\n_Position Responsibilities:_\n\nDesign, implementation and maintenance of Python software modules. Design, development and maintenance of unit tests. Give regular updates on progress towards goals. Research on technology and design.\n\n[](\n\n_Competencies:_\n\nAn attitude of service.\n\nA thorough knowledge of Python (experience with PyQt a big plus).\n\nA working knowledge of other development languages such as Java.\n\nA working knowledge of version control with Git.\n\nKnowledge of linguistics a plus.\n\nDesigns, writes and tests computer programs geared for language related work. Writes technical reference documentation for the new programs. Analyzes software needs by consulting with users. Keeps abreast with current computer system technology. A person in this position will: Analyze software needs by consulting with users Write technical reference documentation for the new programs Keep abreast of current computer system technology \n\n_Education and Experience_\n\nDegree in Computer Science, related degree or equivalent experience. MCSD Certification recommended or equivalent open source experience or training. Knowledge of software development tools such as Java, Python, Perl, JavaScript/DHTML, .NET, PHP, and Structured Query Languages. Previous multicultural experience helpful. MS Office applications and/or Open Office applications experience. Degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience. Complete the Online skills questionnaire at []( \n\n_Training and Orientation_\n\nMembers will complete the normal training and orientation programs agreed upon by International IT training and branch of service. Volunteers will be given an individualized training and orientation program. One semester of SIL or equivalent recommended but not required.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Script Engineer",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Script Engineers to develop fonts, and other writing system resources, for different scripts and languages around the world.\n\nA Script Engineer is responsible to work closely with the Script Expert (usually from the field) to determine the special \"behaviors\" or writing conventions for the script which must be incorporated in the font. ",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11480",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities:**\n\n* Consult with the Type Designer on font encoding issues\n* Understand enough linguistics to work with the Script Expert\n* Have expert knowledge in the technical/programming aspects of, and tools for, building \"smart fonts\" \n* Support other aspects of writing system implementation\n* Attend workshops and conferences to maintain an understanding of relevant technological developments, to provide technical support and to strengthen relationships with people working for other organizations. \n* Synthesize and communicate needs and research\n* Articulate design decisions\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management.\n* Work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap \n\n**Minor Responsibilities:**\n\n* Propose refinements to processes and systems for design and user research\n* Contribute to the development of team culture\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Experience\n\nScript Engineers should have familiarity with writing systems technology, such as fonts and keyboards, and orthography development. They should also have a broad understanding of the Unicode encoding standard. A Bachelor’s degree in graphic arts, computer graphics, or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. Sociolinguistic exposure and multicultural experience are helpful.\n\n### Requirements\n\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated skills in type design\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Script Technologist",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Script Technologists to assist developers and end users in the task of enabling all the world’s scripts and languages to be used on computers.\n\nA Script Technologist is responsible to provide research, support and assistance for issues concerning writing systems and Unicode.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11481",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities**\n* Provide research, support and assistance for issues concerning writing systems and Unicode\n* Contribute to font production projects\n* Write technical documents pertaining to writing systems using a variety of media. \n* Attend workshops and conferences to maintain an understanding of relevant technological developments, to provide technical support and to strengthen relationships with people working for other organizations. \n* Synthesize and communicate needs and research\n* Articulate design decisions\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management.\n* Work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap\n\n**Minor Responsibilities**\n* Propose refinements to processes and systems for design and user research\n* Contribute to the development of team culture\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated skills in type design\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n**Aptitude and Interests**\nWe are looking for someone with a genuine interest in the world’s scripts and languages, coupled with a sound knowledge of font design. You need to have good attention to detail and a willingness to expend time and effort on research and experimentation in order to develop high quality fonts for the world’s scripts and languages.\nYou will be joining a team with a wealth of knowledge and experience, so you need to be a good team player, eager to learn from others and willing to share and document what you have learned.\n### Education and Experience:\nScript Technologists should have proficiency in writing systems technology, such as fonts and keyboards. A Bachelor’s degree in graphic arts, computer graphics, or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. Sociolinguistic exposure and multicultural experience are helpful.\n### Training and Orientation:\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.\n\"",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Senior Software Developer",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Senior Software Developers to help us lead distributed teams of dynamic software developers. We have product teams that work in various frameworks and platforms.\n\nA Senior Software Developer is a team leadership role for smaller teams with responsibilities that encompass the entire product lifecycle, leadership of the team, and fiscal management, and software development. Senior Software Developers work closely with the Development team, Language Technology leadership, partners and supporting organizations, user communities, and leaders of field trials. A good Senior Software Developer is expected to be a customer spokesperson, product visionary, team champion, and a strategic leader. The goal of this role is to develop and manage roadmaps and sprint priorities via robust processes for collecting and synthesizing user needs. Their duties include meeting with clients to determine their software needs, coding and testing software to ensure functionality, and updating software programs to refine components like cybersecurity measures and data storage capacities.\n",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11482",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities**\n* Champion the team, partners, and user community to ensure alignment around overall strategy and direction of the product\n* Discover what users need by conducting user research and unveiling critical insights\n* Create the product’s long-term vision and strategy\n* Align the team around a cohesive product roadmap\n* Design, develop, and deploy software applications, new features, and defect fixes.\n* Design and develop unit tests and perform code reviews\n* Lead creation of targeted promotions: white papers, conference presentations, user videos \n* Work with Director on yearly roadmap, budget, and funding proposals\n* Work with Director and Language Technology Leadership to develop and grow partnerships\n* Provide quarterly reports and requested metrics to Language Technology Leadership\n* Lead performance reviews and goal discussions for your team \n\n**Minor Responsibilities**\n* Implement and Manage Agile software development methodology\n* Analyze software requirements by consulting with the user community\n* Support user community with developer-level support \n* Write technical reference documentation for the new software\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Report any hardware and software needs to Director\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated leadership skills\n* Demonstrated skills in software development and algorithms\n* Demonstrated passion for understanding and resolving complex user-needs into product priorities\n* Demonstrated user interface design skills\n* Demonstrated appreciation for quality user interface design\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to quickly analyze and learn a large existing codebase\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate/analyze multiple solutions to a problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n### Education and Experience:\nSenior Software Developer should have experience in software engineering, a good understanding of the software development lifecycle, and experience leading development teams. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in computer science or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. 3 to 5 years’ experience leading teams is preferred. \n### Training and Orientation:\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.\n\"",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"SEO Specialist",shortDescription:"We are seeking full-time and volunteer professional SEO Specialists. SIL International offers top-tier language technology solutions but faces challenges in visibility due to lack of search engine optimization (SEO). We seek an experienced SEO Specialist to enhance our digital presence and improve organic search rankings.\n\nAn SEO specialist identifies strategies, techniques, and tactics to increase the number of visitors to a website and obtain a high-ranking placement in the results page of search engines. They find the most popular and relevant keywords used in search engine queries and insert them into websites, helping search engines find those sites and display them to web users. Generating more leads for SIL Language Technology websites drives growth and awareness for our applications.\n",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R12274",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities**\n* Develop and execute a comprehensive SEO strategy aimed at improving SIL's search engine rankings\n* Conduct in-depth keyword research to identify high-ranking keywords that can be utilized across various digital platforms\n* Continuously monitor, analyze, and report on key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the ROI of SEO initiatives\n* Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams, including developers and content creators, to ensure alignment of SEO with broader marketing strategies\n\n**Minor Responsibilities**\n* Stay abreast of SEO industry trends, best practices, and algorithm updates\n* Conduct A/B tests to refine existing SEO strategies based on user engagement metrics\n* Assist in the development of high-quality, SEO-friendly content like blogs, articles, and landing page copy\n* Work with social media and email marketing teams to coordinate multi-channel marketing strategies\n* Be available to travel for international training events and workshops\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger department team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n* Comprehensive understanding of search engine algorithms, SEO best practices, and ranking signals.\n* Proficient in analytics and SEO tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, SEMrush, or Ahrefs.\n* Exceptional skills in keyword research, competitive analysis, and on-page optimization.\n* Strong analytical capabilities with experience in interpreting complex data and KPIs.\n* Outstanding written and verbal communication skills.\n* Working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a plus.\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n### Education and Experience:\nSEO Specialists need experience with WordPress or similar Content Management Systems (CMS). Familiarity with other digital marketing channels like PPC, email marketing, and social media is advantageous. Bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n### Training and Orientation:\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation. Ongoing training will be provided for Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and any other SEO tools pertinent to the role.\n",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Software Architect",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Software Architects to help us manage the design, development, and implementation of software solutions. \n\nA Software Architect is an experienced software developer responsible for making high-level design choices and decisions for software projects. As a technical lead, they take a bird’s-eye view of a project and decide which platforms, languages, frameworks, libraries, tools, and other technologies should be utilized. Software architects also ensure development teams follow best practices, coding standards, and technical requirements. Their duties will include system integration, communicating with stakeholders, and defining the solutions needed to implement strategies and processes. ",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11483",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities:** \n\n* Lead the software development architecture and design\n* Define the architecture and design principles\n* Analyze the technical needs of the project to determine which tools, technologies, and standards are most suitable\n* Interact with software architects on other integrated products to ensure compatibility/interoperability using best practices\n* Ensure the process complies with the chosen architecture\n* Ensure that the product is scalable for the future\n* Create the project's technical guides\n* Design, develop, and deploy software applications, new features, and defect fixes.\n* Design and develop unit tests and perform code reviews\n* Work with the Product Manager to collaborate, review, and deliver high quality software applications\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management.\n* Work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap \n\n**Minor Responsibilities:** \n\n* Analyze software requirements by consulting with the user community\n* Consult with other technologists creating related language technologies\n* Support user community with developer-level support \n* Write technical reference documentation for the new software\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings \n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated skills in software architecture and development\n* Demonstrated passion for programming and solving complex problems\n* Demonstrated leadership skills\n* Demonstrated user interface design skills\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to quickly analyze and learn a large existing codebase\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \n\n### Education and Experience:\n\nSoftware Architects should have experience in software architecture and a good understanding of the software development lifecycle. Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent work experience required, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n\n### Training and Orientation:\n\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-96",name:"Software Developer",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Software Developers. We have product teams that work in various frameworks and platforms including:\n\n*Audio Project Manager - C#, React + TypeScript, AWS, PostgreSQL, and Node \n*Bloom - C#, TypeScript + React, CSS, SQL, and Java \n*FieldWorks - C# \n*Keyman - C++, TypeScript, Java, Swift, and Python \n*Language Forge - C# .Net Core / ASP .Net - LFMerge, PHP, AngularJS, Svelte, MongoDB, docker & kubernetes \n*Language Depot - C# .Net Core / GraphQL / PostgreSQL \n*NLP Layer - Python, C#, Kubernetes, Rancher \n*Paratext - C#, React, .Net development, XML/HTML/CSS \n*Paratext Lite - C#, React, JavaScript, Electron, Xamarin, MaterialUI \n*Scripture App Builder - Java, Objective-C, Swift \n*Scriptoria - C#, React + TypeScript, AWS, PostgreSQL \n*Scripture Forge - C# .NET Core, Angular, Node, TypeScript, AWS, MongoDB \n*Story Producer - Kotlin \n*The Combine - C# (ASP.NET), Typescript, React \n*Webonary - PHP, WordPress, React, Node, TypeScript\n\nA Software Developer is responsible for using their knowledge of programming languages to design software programs. Their duties include meeting with clients to determine their software needs, coding and testing software to ensure functionality, and updating software programs to refine components like cybersecurity measures and data storage capacities.\n\nSIL Global is a faith-based nonprofit organization committed to serving translation teams worldwide. If you believe, as we do, that all languages are of value, form an integral part of people’s identity, and have the potential to serve them in a rapidly changing world, then you can be part of a software team serving translation teams worldwide.",locations:["remote"],fte:"",startDate:"2024-02-15",reqId:"R11549",category:"Language Development",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities:** \n\nSIL Language Technology Development is seeking full time and volunteer professional Software Developers for our Scripture Forge and NLP product teams working in these languages, frameworks and platforms:\n\n* Design, develop, and deploy software applications, new features, and defect fixes.\n* Design and develop unit tests and perform code reviews\n* Work with team leader to collaborate, review, and deliver high quality software applications\n\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management. \n* Work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap \n\n**Minor Responsibilities**\n\n* Analyze software requirements by consulting with the user community \n* Support user community with developer-level support \n* Write technical reference documentation for the new software\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n \n#### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: \n\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated skills in software development and algorithms\n* Demonstrated passion for programming and solving complex problems\n* Demonstrated user interface design skills\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to quickly analyze and learn a large existing codebase\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n\n#### Education and Experience:\n\nSoftware Developers should have experience in software engineering and a good understanding of the software development lifecycle. Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n\n#### Training and Orientation:\n\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.\n\"",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Software Developer",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Software Developers. We have product teams that work in various frameworks and platforms including: \n\n* Audio Project Manager - C\\#, React + TypeScript, AWS, PostgreSQL, and Node\n* Bloom - C\\#, TypeScript + React, CSS, SQL, and Java\n* FLEx - C\\# \n* Keyman - C++, TypeScript, Java, Swift, and Python\n* Language Forge - C\\# .Net Core / ASP .Net - LFMerge, PHP, AngularJS, Svelte, MongoDB, docker & kubernetes\n* Language Depot - C\\# .Net Core / GraphQL / PostgreSQL\n* NLP Layer - Python, C\\#, Kubernetes, Rancher\n* Paratext - C\\#, React, .Net development, XML/HTML/CSS\n* Paratext Lite - C\\#, React, JavaScript, Electron, Xamarin, MaterialUI\n* Scripture App Builder - Java, Objective-C, Swift\n* Scriptoria - C\\#, React + TypeScript, AWS, PostgreSQL\n* Scripture Forge - C\\# .NET Core, Angular, Node, TypeScript, AWS, MongoDB\n* Story Producer - Kotlin\n\nA Software Developer is responsible for using their knowledge of programming languages to design software programs. Their duties include meeting with clients to determine their software needs, coding and testing software to ensure functionality, and updating software programs to refine components like cybersecurity measures and data storage capacities.\n\n* The Combine - C\\# (ASP.NET), Typescript, React\n* Webonary - PHP, WordPress, React, Node, TypeScript\n\n\nA Software Developer is responsible for using their knowledge of programming languages to design software programs. Their duties include meeting with clients to determine their software needs, coding and testing software to ensure functionality, and updating software programs to refine components like cybersecurity measures and data storage capacities.\n",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11549",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities**\n* Design, develop, and deploy software applications, new features, and defect fixes.\n* Design and develop unit tests and perform code reviews\n* Work with team leader to collaborate, review, and deliver high quality software applications\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management.\n* Work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap\n\n**Minor Responsibilities**\n* Analyze software requirements by consulting with the user community\n* Support user community with developer-level support \n* Write technical reference documentation for the new software\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated skills in software development and algorithms\n* Demonstrated passion for programming and solving complex problems\n* Demonstrated user interface design skills\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to quickly analyze and learn a large existing codebase\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n### Education and Experience:\nSoftware Developers should have experience in software engineering and a good understanding of the software development lifecycle. Bachelor’s degree in computer science or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n### Training and Orientation:\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.\n\"",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-93",name:"Software Developer (Fieldworks)",shortDescription:"A Software Developer is responsible for using their knowledge of programming languages to design software programs. Their duties include meeting with clients to determine their software needs, coding and testing software to ensure functionality, and updating software programs to refine components like cybersecurity measures and data storage capacities.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"2024-02-21",reqId:"R13203",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Supported","Volunteer"],commitment:["fullTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Major Responsibilities\n\n* Design, develop, and deploy software applications, new features, and defect fixes.\n* Design and develop unit tests and perform code reviews\n* Work with team leader to collaborate, review, and deliver high quality software applications\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management.\n* Work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap\n\n \n### Minor Responsibilities\n\n* Analyze software requirements by consulting with the user community\n* Support user community with developer-level support \n* Write technical reference documentation for the new software\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings \n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities\n\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated skills in software development and algorithms\n* Demonstrated passion for programming and solving complex problems\n* Demonstrated user interface design skills\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to quickly analyze and learn a large existing codebase\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \n\n### Education and Experience\n\nSoftware Developers should have experience in software engineering and a good understanding of the software development lifecycle. Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n\n### Training and Orientation\n\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Software Developer (Natural Language Processing)",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Software Developers with Natural Language Processing experience. We have product teams that work in various frameworks and platforms. \n\nSoftware Developers (Natural Language Processing) are needed to implement exciting new design opportunities around a web-based API giving access to as-a-service AI-augmented Bible Translation tooling for translation and quality assessment. The API will be made available to internal SIL International products as well as external clients who work in the same fields. These are development and operations roles with a “you build it, you run it” DevOps approach. The mission of the team is to deliver these AI/NLP capabilities to clients as a high quality, highly resilient, scalable service. \n\nA Software Developer (Natural Language Processing) is responsible for using their knowledge of programming languages and NLP to design software programs. Their duties include meeting with clients to determine their software needs, coding and testing software to ensure functionality, and updating software programs to refine components like cybersecurity measures and data storage capacities. ",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11550",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities:**\n\n* Design, develop, and deploy software applications, new features, and defect fixes\n* Design and develop unit tests and perform code reviews\n* Work with team leader to collaborate, review, and deliver high quality software applications\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management\n* Work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap \n\n**Minor Responsibilities:**\n\n* Analyze software requirements by consulting with the user community\n* Support user community with developer-level support \n* Write technical reference documentation for the new software\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings \n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated skills in software development and algorithms\n* Demonstrated passion for programming and solving complex problems\n* Demonstrated user interface design skills\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to quickly analyze and learn a large existing codebase\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \n\n### Education and Experience:\n\nSoftware Developers (Natural Language Processing) should have experience in software engineering, a good understanding of the software development lifecycle, and natural language processing. Preferred experience includes: Bachelor's/Master's degree in/or equivalent experience in AI/NLP topics related to language processing. Experience with developing cloud-native applications (Kubernetes, Docker, Rancher) and Machine Learning tools and operations is also desirable, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n\n### Training and Orientation:\n\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-135",name:"Software Developer (NLP Short-term)",shortDescription:"We are seeking short-term Software Developers for our teams. We have product teams that in various frameworks and platforms including Angular, C#, Java, JavaScript, .NET, PHP, Python, React, SQL, TypeScript, and XML/HTML/CSS.\nSIL International is a faith-based nonprofit organization committed to serving translation teams worldwide. If you believe, as we do, that all languages are of value, form an integral part of people’s identity, and have the potential to serve them in a rapidly changing world, then you can be part of a software team serving translation teams worldwide.\n\nSummary:\nSoftware Developer short-term summer employee is responsible for assisting the Software Developers with the design implementation and shadowing their duties to understand the processes more efficiently. Software Developers in this role use their classroom knowledge on practical applications, suggesting recommendations on how to make the project successful. They also respond to clients' inquiries and concerns, attend meetings, and help with maintaining complex systems and networks. Developers in this role must have excellent communication skills, as well as having strong attention to detail and the ability to learn quickly.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"2024-05-28",reqId:"R13529",category:"Language Development",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"Major Responsibilities:\n* Work with the Software Developer(s) to design, develop, and deploy software applications, new features, and defect fixes as assigned\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team\n\nMinor Responsibilities: \n* Analyze software requirements by working with the Software Developer(s)\n* Write technical reference documentation for the new software\n* Participate in regular project status and planning meetings\n\nKnowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated skills in software development and algorithms\n* Demonstrated passion for programming and solving complex problems\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to quickly analyze and learn a large existing codebase\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n\nEducation and Experience:\nSoftware Developer summer employees should have experience in software development and a good understanding of the software development lifecycle. Pursuing a degree in computer science or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning.\n\nTraining and Orientation:\nWill complete relevant portions of the initial IT Software Department training program and IT Orientation",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-124",name:"Software Developer (Paratext Short-term)",shortDescription:"We are seeking short-term Software Developers for our teams. We have product teams that in various frameworks and platforms including Angular, C#, Java, JavaScript, .NET, PHP, Python, React, SQL, TypeScript, and XML/HTML/CSS.\n\nSIL International is a faith-based nonprofit organization committed to serving translation teams worldwide. If you believe, as we do, that all languages are of value, form an integral part of people’s identity, and have the potential to serve them in a rapidly changing world, then you can be part of a software team serving translation teams worldwide.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"2024-05-15",reqId:"R13433",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Paid","Volunteer"],commitment:["fullTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### **Summary: \n**A Software Developer Intern is responsible for assisting the Software Developers with the design implementation and shadowing their duties to understand the processes more efficiently. Software Developer Interns use their classroom knowledge on practical applications, suggesting recommendations on how to make the project successful. They also respond to clients' inquiries and concerns, attend meetings, and help with maintaining complex systems and networks. A Software Developer Intern must have excellent communication skills, as well as having strong attention to detail and the ability to learn fast.\n\n \n**Major Responsibilities:**\n\n* Work with the Software Developer(s) to design, develop, and deploy software applications, new features, and defect fixes as assigned\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team\n\n**Minor Responsibilities: **\n\n* Analyze software requirements by working with the Software Developer(s)\n* Write technical reference documentation for the new software\n* Participate in regular project status and planning meetings\n\n**Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:**\n\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated skills in software development and algorithms\n* Demonstrated passion for programming and solving complex problems\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to quickly analyze and learn a large existing codebase\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n\n**Education and Experience:**\n\nSoftware Developer Interns should have experience in software development and a good understanding of the software development lifecycle. Pursuing a degree in computer science or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n\n**Training and Orientation:**\n\nWill complete relevant portions of the initial IT Software Department training program and IT Orientation",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Software Developer (Quality Picture)",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Software Developers to help us develop technology to measure the quality of our products. We have teams that work in various frameworks and platforms including: \n\n* Audio Project Manager - C\\#, React + TypeScript, AWS, PostgreSQL, and Node\n* Bloom - C\\#, TypeScript + React, CSS, SQL, and Java\n* FLEx - C\\# \n* Keyman - C++, TypeScript, Java, Swift, and Python\n* Language Forge - C\\# .Net Core / ASP .Net - LFMerge, PHP, AngularJS, Svelte, MongoDB, docker & kubernetes\n* Language Depot - C\\# .Net Core / GraphQL / PostgreSQL\n* NLP Layer - Python, C\\#, Kubernetes, Rancher\n* Paratext - C\\#, React, .Net development, XML/HTML/CSS\n* Paratext Lite - C\\#, React, JavaScript, Electron, Xamarin, MaterialUI\n* Scripture App Builder - Java, Objective-C, Swift\n* Scriptoria - C\\#, React + TypeScript, AWS, PostgreSQL\n* Scripture Forge - C\\# .NET Core, Angular, Node, TypeScript, AWS, MongoDB\n* Story Producer - Kotlin\n* The Combine - C\\# (ASP.NET), Typescript, React\n* Webonary - PHP, WordPress, React, Node, TypeScript\n\nA Software Developer (Quality Picture) is responsible for using their knowledge of programming languages and measuring software quality to design technology adding to predictable deliveries and improved customer trust. Their duties include meeting with product teams to determine their software quality needs, coding test software, and triaging test results.\n",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11551",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities**\n* Design, develop, and deploy test software\n* Perform code reviews\n* Execute test automation and triage test results\n* Work with product teams to collaborate, review, and deliver high quality applications\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management.\n* Work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap\n\n**Minor Responsibilities**\n* Analyze software requirements by consulting with the product team\n* Write technical reference documentation for the test software\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated proficiency in the Software Development Testing process: different levels, types, and methods of testing such as unit, functional, negative, integration, performance, reliability, stress, user scenario, visual\n* Knowledge of Black, Grey, and White box testing.\n* Detail-oriented; committed to high quality standards of workmanship\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n### Education and Experience:\nSoftware Developers (Quality Picture) should have experience in software engineering, a good understanding of the software development lifecycle, and software test automation. Preferred experience includes: Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in/or equivalent experience in computer science. Experience with automated testing of application user interfaces and REST APIs is also desired, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning.\n### Training and Orientation:\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.\n\"",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Software Developer Intern",shortDescription:"We are seeking Software Developer Interns for our teams. We have product teams that work in various frameworks and platforms including Angular, C#, Java, JavaScript, .NET, PHP, Python, React, SQL, TypeScript, and XML/HTML/CSS.\n\nA Software Developer Intern is responsible for assisting the Software Developers with the design implementation and shadowing their duties to understand the processes more efficiently. Software Developer Interns use their classroom knowledge on practical applications, suggesting recommendations on how to make the project successful. They also respond to clients' inquiries and concerns, attend meetings, and help with maintaining complex systems and networks. A Software Developer Intern must have excellent communication skills, as well as having strong attention to detail and the ability to learn fast.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11918",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\r\n\r\n**Major Responsibilities:**\r\n\r\n* Work with the Software Developer(s) to design, develop, and deploy software applications, new features, and defect fixes as assigned\r\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team \r\n**Minor Responsibilities:**\r\n\r\n* Analyze software requirements by working with the Software Developer(s)\r\n* Write technical reference documentation for the new software\r\n* Participate in regular project status and planning meetings \r\n\r\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\r\n\r\n* A servant heart attitude \r\n* Demonstrated skills in software development and algorithms \r\n* Demonstrated passion for programming and solving complex problems \r\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication \r\n* Good organizational skills \r\n* The ability to quickly analyze and learn a large existing codebase \r\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner \r\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem \r\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts \r\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \r\n\r\n### Education and Experience:\r\n\r\nSoftware Developer Interns should have experience in software development and a good understanding of the software development lifecycle. Pursuing a degree in computer science or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning.\r\n\r\n \r\n### Training and Orientation:\r\n\r\nWill complete relevant portions of the initial IT Software Department training program and IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Software Test Engineer",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Software Test Engineers. We have product teams that work in various frameworks and platforms including. \n\n* Bloom - C\\#, Typescript + React, CSS, SQL, and Java\n* Paratext - C\\#,.React, Net development, XML/HTML/CSS\n\n\nA Software Test Engineer is responsible for designing and implementing software testing. Testing software products as early and often as possible is proven to improve the resolution of the quality picture and thus enable the software development team to objectively improve the quality of the software. The test cases for our software products are developed by the people with the most knowledge of the product. The output of the effort is a list of procedure-based test cases encompassing the desired test coverage. This position is intended to execute the test cases daily and at release milestones.\n",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11552",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities**\n* Provide expert leadership in the language technology domain within the area of assignment\n* Recommend and oversee the implementation of language technology strategies\n* Provide expert-level user support for language technology tools\n* Mentor Language Technology Specialists\n\n**Minor Responsibilities**\n* Ensure that advanced bugs and usability issues are reported back to developers\n* Be available to travel for international training events and workshops\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger department team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n* Strong understanding of phonetics, phonology, and grammar principles\n* Ability to evaluate and configure advanced language technology solutions.\n* Strong interpersonal and consulting skills, with a focus on cross-cultural understanding\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n### Education and Experience:\nLanguage Technology Consultants should have formal training in phonetics, phonology, grammar, and literacy. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in computer science, linguistics, communications, or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n### Training and Orientation:\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation. The consultant will attend an annual Language Technology Consultant training course. Ongoing mentorship from an existing Language Technology Consultant.\n",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Special Projects Coordinator",shortDescription:"We are seeking full-time and volunteer professional Special Projects Coordinators to take the lead on unique projects that don’t fit within the normal organizational structure and roadmaps. Focused on project management, strategic alignment, and implementation support for key organizational projects and initiatives as prioritized and assigned by a Director. \n\nA Special Projects Coordinator oversees unique projects as assigned. Among their responsibilities include managing staff and timelines, setting objectives and guidelines, monitoring the progress of projects, seeking feedback from the user community and stakeholders, and producing progress reports for the leadership team. They will often collaborate with other teams and departments when their project crosses the organizational structure. \n",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R12275",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities**\n* Discover what stakeholder need by conducting research and unveiling critical insights\n* Create the project’s long-term vision and strategy\n* Design, develop, and deploy programs and services as assigned\n* Champion the team, partners, and user community to ensure alignment around overall strategy and direction of the project\n* Work with Director on yearly roadmap, budget, and funding proposals\n* Provide quarterly reports and requested metrics to Language Technology Leadership\n\n**Minor Responsibilities**\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Report any hardware and software needs to the Director\n* Be available to travel to meet with the project teams at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated project management skills\n* Demonstrated passion for understanding and resolving complex user-needs into project priorities\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate/analyze multiple solutions to a problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n### Education and Experience:\nSpecial Project Coordinators should have a breadth of experience in technology and project management. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in business, communications, computer science, or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n### Training and Orientation:\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.\n",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Talent Acquisition Specialist",shortDescription:"We are seeking full-time, part-time, and volunteer Talent Acquisition Specialists to help us with recruiting and mobilization. This person will interact with individuals and get them excited about working in Language Technology to improve language analysis and to accelerate Bible translation.\n\nA Talent Acquisition Specialist works in mobilization and recruiting for Language Technology. They will collaborate with Language Technology Leadership and Product Managers to proactively identify future staffing needs and to actively engage with interested individuals through the process. \n",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R12276",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities**\n* Responsible for managing the full cycle recruitment process, ensuring a positive candidate experience\n* Maintains knowledge of job openings and staying current with changing environments and people needs in the organization\n* Complies with government hiring guidelines\n* Provides clients and interested parties with job openings\n* Matches qualified job applicants with appropriate jobs and makes recommendations for hiring when appropriate\n* Conducts interviews with hiring managers to document hiring needs and clarify expectations and prepares job descriptions and requisition forms\n* Facilitates regular communication between internal and external applicants and hiring managers\n* Determines qualified eligible candidates and assesses candidates for consideration\n* Work with Talent Acquisition Manager on strategic plan for the team\n* Work closely together with partner organizations\n* Provide quarterly reports and requested metrics to the Talent Acquisition Manager\n* Be available to travel to recruiting and mobilization events, mission fairs, and job fairs\n\n**Minor Responsibilities**\n* Maintain recruiting and mobilization publications, displays, and online content\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger talent acquisition team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated experience in recruiting and mobilization\n* Adaptability and the ability to work collaboratively with a team\n* Good interpersonal skills\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n### Education and Experience:\nTalent Acquisition Specialists should have experience in recruiting and mobilization, a good understanding of the work done in Language Technology, and enjoy interacting with new people. A Bachelor’s degree in communications, marketing, or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n \n### Training and Orientation:\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.\n",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Technical Trainer",shortDescription:"We are seeking full-time and volunteer professional Technical Trainers who can educate language consultants and Bible translators on our software applications to improve language analysis and development and to accelerate Bible translation.\n\nA Technical Trainer designs, develops, implements, and evaluates technical training programs. They prepare lesson plans, course outlines, schedules, and assignments. They identify the main objectives and skills or concepts that participants need to learn. They explain key concepts and principles, and create assignments or hands-on activities to allow students to develop practical skills. Trainers also work in close collaboration with other internal teams and stakeholders to develop course content and goals. They establish metrics for determining course outcomes and participant performance. They will provide user stories and narratives for funded technology training projects.\n",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R12277",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities**\n* Create technical training materials and workshops according to requirements\n* Conduct software training workshops in person and online\n* Maintain technical knowledge by attending educational workshops and reviewing publications\n* Meeting with Language Technology staff and field personnel to understand the user community\n* Participating as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management\n\n**Minor Responsibilities**\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel for international training events and workshops\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger department team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings\n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated experience developing training materials and workshops\n* Proven success in hosting training workshops\n* Creativity, adaptability and the ability to work collaboratively with a team\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\n### Education and Experience:\nTechnical Trainers need experience in developing technical training programs for an organization. Preferred experience in technical training and instructional design. Field experience with Language Technology applications is a plus. Bachelor’s degree in communications, computer science, or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n### Training and Orientation:\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.\n",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Technical Writer",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Technical Writers to research our products, services, and technology to be documented and easily understood by our developers and user communities. \n\nA Technical Writer is responsible for creating documentation that clarifies the product's features and benefits, analyzing existing documentation for gaps, and interviewing developers and users to verify, reorganize, maintain, and write documentation for various platforms. They will author content that supports users from a wide variety of backgrounds, from very basic to highly technical users.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11561",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities:** \n\n* Maintaining the existing documentation\n* Planning and designing major updates and rewrites of user-focused documentation\n* Planning and designing major updates and rewrites of developer documentation\n* Selecting appropriate tools to manage documentation over the long term\n* Selecting appropriate systems to support translation of documentation into a variety of languages\n* Meeting with Language Technology staff and field personnel to understand documentation needs\n* Participating as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management\n* Working with the team around a cohesive product roadmap \n\n**Minor Responsibilities:** \n\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings \n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated experience in writing technical documentation\n* Demonstrated experience in documentation tools\n* Adaptability and the ability to work collaboratively with a team\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \n\n### Education and Experience:\n\nTechnical Writers need experience in writing technical documentation. Successful candidates should also have experience conducting research for their clients. Bachelor's degree in communications, professional writing, or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n\n### Training and Orientation:\n\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-148",name:"Type Design Assistant",shortDescription:"A Design Assistant supports font development projects by communicating with users, preparing example documents and documentation, and helping us refine our products so they meet global needs. They work closely with Type Designers and Script Engineers to test fonts in relevant software applications and prepare guidance for users. They also help our team understand users’ needs so our products can be most effectively applied.",locations:["dallas","remote"],fte:"0.7",startDate:"2024-09-01",reqId:"R13965",category:"Language Development",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Supported","Volunteer"],commitment:["intern"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"Major responsibilities:\nCommunicate with people who use our fonts and the people who support them to help us understand their needs and help them use our fonts effectively\nPrepare sample documents using our fonts to demonstrate how they can be used in various software applications\nAssist in documenting our font products for users\nWork with Type Designers and Script Engineers to prepare fonts that meet user’s needs\nTest and review fonts as part of a font development team\nAssist in planning future font product development directions \nMinor responsibilities:\nAssist with minor graphic design tasks (depending on skill level)\nContribute to the development of team culture\nParticipate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\nBe available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\nBe available to travel biennially to the Language Technology Conference\nKnowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\nA servant heart attitude\nDemonstrated experience in written communication\nDemonstrated visual design aptitude in graphic or artistic work\nAdaptability and the ability to work collaboratively with a team\nGood interpersonal skills of communication\nGood organizational skills\nThe ability to learn new tools and apply technical concepts\nThe ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively\nAptitude and Interests:\nWe are looking for someone with a genuine interest in fonts and in the world’s scripts and languages, coupled with a motivation for supporting field users. You need to have good general design aptitude and a willingness to learn new technologies and experiment to find good solutions.\nYou will be joining a team with a wealth of knowledge and experience, so you need to be a good team player, eager to learn from others and willing to share and document what you have learned.\nEducation and Experience:\nDesign assistants should have experience in communicating well in writing using a variety of software tools. A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. Sociolinguistic exposure and multicultural experience are helpful.\nTraining and Orientation:\nWill complete relevant portions of the initial IT Software Department training program and IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Type Designer",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Type Designers to help us design and develop fonts for writing systems of the world.\n\nA Type Designer's role is to be responsible for creating and modifying character designs for fonts using font design applications.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11562",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities:** \n\n* Design typefaces using original artwork (drawings, examples of writing) or modify existing fonts to create needed fonts for both Latin and non-Latin writing systems.\n* Design all required glyphs for a script. Work with the Script Engineer in font encoding issues\n* Consult with the Script Expert (usually from the field) to ensure proper font appearance, appropriate letter spacing and diacritic placement\n* Test fonts as a member of a group of testers\n* Synthesize and communicate needs and research\n* Articulate design decisions\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management.\n* Work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap \n\n**Minor Responsibilities:** \n\n* Propose refinements to processes and systems for design and user research\n* Contribute to the development of team culture\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings \n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated skills in type design\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \n\n**Aptitude and Interests** \n\nWe are looking for someone with a genuine interest in the world's scripts and languages, coupled with a sound knowledge of font design. You need to have good attention to detail and a willingness to expend time and effort on research and experimentation in order to develop high quality fonts for the world's scripts and languages. \n\nYou will be joining a team with a wealth of knowledge and experience, so you need to be a good team player, eager to learn from others and willing to share and document what you have learned. \n\n### Education and Experience:\n\nType Designers should have proficiency in current font design tools, such as Glyphs, Robofont, FontLab. A Bachelor's degree in graphic arts, computer graphics, or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. Sociolinguistic exposure and multicultural experience are helpful. \n\n### Training and Orientation:\n\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"UX/UI Designer",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional UX/UI Designers to help us design solutions for specific product capabilities. We have product teams that work in various frameworks and platforms.\n\nUX/UI Designers play a core and critical role on product teams. They are involved from the very beginning of product inception and discovery all the way through the delivery of the product. Product designers sit side-by-side with the product manager and software developers to discover, design, prototype, conduct user testing, and roll out products. In a modern product development team, the designer is not only responsible for user interface design but the holistic user experience. This includes the user interface, but goes beyond to include any touch point and interaction an end user has with the product, which can include communications, marketing, customer support, sales, and the business model.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11563",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities:** \n\n* Design feature-level user experiences as a member of a cross-functional software product team\n* Understand users and their experiences\n* Synthesize and communicate needs and research\n* Create prototypes to express design ideas and learn from users\n* Participate in UX/UI testing\n* Articulate design decisions\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management.\n* Work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap \n\n**Minor Responsibilities:** \n\n* Propose refinements to processes and systems for design and user research\n* Contribute to the development of team culture\n* Analyze software requirements by consulting with the user community\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings \n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated skills in UX/UI design\n* Demonstrated user interface design skills\n* Demonstrated passion for solving complex problems.\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to work within an agile software development team\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \n\n### Education and Experience:\n\nUX/UI Designers should have experience in software engineering and a good understanding of the software development lifecycle. Bachelor's degree preferably in design, information management, psychology, cognition, art, human computer interaction, interactive media, interaction design, human factors, cognition psychology, cognitive science, informatics, design, business, or computer science, or equivalent of 2-5 years of professional experience in software, design, information, or communications that demonstrates an ability to contribute meaningfully to shipped projects, even if a significant portion of the portfolio is school work. \n\n### Training and Orientation:\n\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Video Editor",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Video Editors to create screencast training videos. Use your creative skills to help linguists and Bible translators discover how technological advances can help them accomplish quality work in less time.\n\nA Video Editor is responsible for reviewing audio and visual footage and using computer software to organize clips into a cohesive unit. Their duties include splitting or combining video clips, adding appropriate sounds or graphics, and watching the finished product to catch mistakes before submitting it for review. At SIL, you will create tutorial videos to reach thousands of field workers with the technology training that they desperately need. SIL International has developed dozens of software programs that facilitate and improve linguistic fieldwork and Bible translation. We host video tutorials for users globally via our websites. ",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11564",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities:** \n\n* Assembling and creating videos and video tutorials\n* Following a script, screenplay, or outline\n* Inputting sound to enhance footage, which may include selecting music and writing voice-overs\n* Improving and correcting lighting, coloring, and faulty footage\n* Meeting with Language Technology staff and field personnel to understand their message and user community\n* Participating as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management\n* Working with the team around a cohesive product roadmap \n\n**Minor Responsibilities:** \n\n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings \n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated skills in producing videos, video tutorials, and online courses\n* Creativity, adaptability and the ability to work collaboratively with a team\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \n\n### Education and Experience:\n\nVideo Editors need a background in media, art, communication, photography, videography and/or technology. A Video Editor must have experience in working with film and video and training in video production and editing software. Bachelor's degree in communications, media, visual art, film, television, multimedia, graphic design or equivalent work experience preferred. \n\n### Training and Orientation:\n\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"",name:"Web Developer",shortDescription:"We are seeking full time and volunteer professional Web Developers. Use your web skills to improve key websites supporting language development and Bible translation work worldwide. Make an impact by getting important information to language workers to improve their work quality and avoid delays.\n\nA Web Developer has extensive technical expertise and can work independently or with a team to create, maintain, and update client websites in a variety of formats. Proficiency with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and web applications and services is essential for succeeding in this role. The web developer will have an immediate impact on our brand and those of our clients, and will help solidify SIL's reputation for quality products and academic excellence. They will work together with the Director to plan upgrades to existing sites, and to map out design and functionality improvements, including selecting the best community plugins and built-in features to build the proposed functionality into the site. ",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"",reqId:"R11565",category:"Information Technology and Services",applicationLink:"",compensation:["Volunteer","Supported"],commitment:["fullTime","partTime"],isPublished:true,department:"LangTech",description:"### Responsibilities\n\n**Major Responsibilities:** \n\n* Builds, designs, and maintains websites and software applications.\n* Designs, writes, and edits website content.\n* Executes assignments with the use of web applications, scripts, and programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and APIs.\n* Participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management.\n* Work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap \n\n**Minor Responsibilities:** \n\n* Analyze software requirements by consulting with the user community\n* Support user community with developer-level support \n* Write technical reference documentation for managing websites. \n* Participate in regular project status, planning, partnership, and strategic meetings\n* Be available to travel to meet with the larger development team at least once per year\n* Be available to travel biannually to the Language Technology Conference\n* Participate in professional conferences and meetings \n\n### Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:\n\n* A servant heart attitude\n* Demonstrated skills in website development\n* Demonstrated skills in SEO\n* Demonstrated skills in WordPress, HTML, and CSS\n* PHP coding ability - helpful but not required. Our preference is to use popular community modules that will guarantee an easier upgrade path for future versions of the platform. A PHP coder would be welcome to contribute code to existing WordPress modules.\n* Good interpersonal skills of communication\n* Good organizational skills\n* The ability to make decisions in a timely manner\n* The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem\n* The ability to quickly pick up technical concepts\n* The ability to work both with a team and independently, and to multitask effectively \n\n### Education and Experience:\n\nWeb Developers should have experience in website development and SEO. Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning. \n\n### Training and Orientation:\n\nWill complete the initial IT Software Department training program and relevant portions of IT Orientation.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""},{"Cognito ID":"242-202",name:"Workforce Innovation and Partnerships Coordinator",shortDescription:"The Workforce Innovation and Partnerships Coordinator is a role designed to foster creativity and collaboration within SIL and with external partners. The Coordinator will take the lead in building and nurturing strategic partnerships with organizations worldwide that can enhance and support our mission, while also building and strengthening internal partnership and breaking down silos. This role requires a visionary thinker who can identify new opportunities, cultivate relationships, and drive impactful workforce initiatives.",locations:["remote"],fte:"1",startDate:"2024-10-01",reqId:"R14232",category:"Human Resources",applicationLink:"{\"req\":\"R14232\"}",compensation:["Supported","Volunteer"],commitment:["fullTime"],isPublished:true,department:"Global HR",description:"Key Responsibilities\n\nWorkforce Engagement\n- Develop and implement creative strategies to engage and motivate the global workforce, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement.\n- Identify and leverage innovative tools, technologies, and practices to enhance employee experience and engagement across diverse regions.\n- Collaborate with internal teams to design and execute programs that align with SIL’s mission and values, ensuring a consistent and positive experience for all staff.\n\nGlobal Partnership Development\n- Build and maintain strategic partnerships with external organizations to support and enhance workforce initiatives.\n- Identify potential partners who can provide resources, expertise, and support to further SIL’s goals and initiatives.\n- Negotiate and manage partnership agreements, ensuring mutual benefits and alignment with SIL’s mission.\n\nProgram Innovation\n- Lead the creation and implementation of innovative workforce programs that address global challenges.\n- Pilot and scale new initiatives aimed at improving workforce development, talent acquisition, and employee retention on a global scale.\n\nCross-Functional Collaboration\n- Work closely with HR, recruitment, learning and development, and other departments to ensure that workforce engagement and partnership strategies are integrated and aligned with SIL’s goals.\n- Facilitate communication and collaboration across global teams to share best practices, success stories, and lessons learned.\n- Act as a liaison between internal teams and external partners, ensuring smooth execution of joint initiatives and projects.\n\nGlobal Workforce Strategy\n- Contribute to the development and execution of the organization’s global workforce strategy, ensuring that it is innovative and aligned with SIL’s long-term goals.\n- Provide insights and recommendations to senior leadership on emerging trends, potential partnerships, and opportunities for innovation in workforce engagement.\n- Support the continuous improvement of workforce practices and policies to reflect global best practices and the evolving needs of the organization.",salary:NaN,tags:"",atsLink:""}]},"uses":{}},null]; Promise.all([ import("../../_app/immutable/entry/start.D5rqgELF.js"), import("../../_app/immutable/entry/app.BesRxuhT.js") ]).then(([kit, app]) => { kit.start(app, element, { node_ids: [0, 2, 18], data, form: null, error: null }); }); } </script> </div> </body> </html>