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P艡铆sp臎v臎k k d臎jin谩m Moravsk媒ch brat艡铆, XIX. 膷谩st /&nbsp;Daniel 艠铆膷an </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >艠铆膷an, Daniel,&nbsp;1950- </td> <td class=td1 >Pood艡铆 : 膷asopis obyvatel horn铆 Odry </td> <td class=td1 align=center>2012 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>Pln媒 text</A><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>5</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000005 method=GET><label for="select_row000005" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000005" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="45%">N谩prstkovy medaile 2016. </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 >沤iva </td> <td class=td1 align=center>2016 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>Pln媒 text</A><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>6</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000006 method=GET><label for="select_row000006" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000006" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="45%">Odborn铆ci zaplnili aulu, debatovali o fake news /&nbsp;(ma拧) </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >(ma拧) </td> <td class=td1 >Plze艌sk媒 den铆k </td> <td class=td1 align=center>2018 </td> <td class=td1 ><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>7</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000007 method=GET><label for="select_row000007" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000007" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="45%">Rozmlouval ji啪 s 28 "nobelisty"... :&nbsp;vynikaj铆c铆 populariz谩tor v臎dy Daniel Stach 艡铆k谩 o hostech Hyde Park Civilizace: "Krom臎 v臎deck媒ch v媒sledk暖 m臎 zaj铆m谩 zejm茅na jejich lidsk媒 rozm臎r." /&nbsp;Jana 沤膹谩rsk谩 ; Daniel Stach </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >沤膹谩rsk谩, Jana </td> <td class=td1 >膶eskoslovensk媒 膷asopis pro fyziku </td> <td class=td1 align=center>2020 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>Pln媒 text</A><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>8</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000008 method=GET><label for="select_row000008" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000008" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="45%">Sna啪铆m se p艡em媒拧let jako host a p艡edv铆dat jeho odpov臎di :&nbsp;moder谩tor Hyde Park civilizace Daniel Stach se sna啪铆 hosty rozpov铆dat teori铆 ml膷en铆. Na profesion谩ln铆ho vyjednava膷e ale nevyzr谩l /&nbsp;Dabiel Stach, Kl谩ra Sk谩lov谩 ; Foto: Den铆k/Jaroslav S媒bek </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Stach, Daniel,&nbsp;1988- </td> <td class=td1 >膶eskobud臎jovick媒 den铆k </td> <td class=td1 align=center>2016 </td> <td class=td1 ><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>9</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000009 method=GET><label for="select_row000009" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000009" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="45%">Televizn铆 premiant :&nbsp;膷铆m vynik谩 moder谩tor Daniel Stach a jak by mohl zlep拧it sv暖j po艡ad Hyde Park Civilizace /&nbsp;Martin Uhl铆艡 </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Uhl铆艡, Martin,&nbsp;1967- </td> <td class=td1 >Respekt </td> <td class=td1 align=center>2015 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>Digitalizovan媒 dokument</A><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>10</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000010 method=GET><label for="select_row000010" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000010" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="45%">V 膶esk茅 T艡ebov茅 zachra艌uj铆 stoletou l铆pu /&nbsp;(lat) </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Latislav, Radek </td> <td class=td1 >Mlad谩 fronta Dnes - Pardubick茅 vyd谩n铆 </td> <td class=td1 align=center>2023 </td> <td class=td1 ><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-tail --> </table> <!-- filename: short-tail --> </form> <p align=right> <img src= border=0 alt='No Previous Page'> <a href=;jump=000011 title=Next Page><img src= border=0 alt='Next Page'></a> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function get_counter() { var counter = document.createElement("img"); var doc_ref = document.referrer.replace(/\/F\/[0-9A-Z-]+/,"/F/"); counter.setAttribute("src","" + escape(doc_ref) + "&wi="+escape(window.screen.width) + "&he="+escape(window.screen.height) + "&t="+escape(document.title)); counter.setAttribute("width","1"); counter.setAttribute("height","1"); counter.setAttribute("border","0"); document.body.insertBefore(counter,document.getElementById("copyright")); } //--> </script> <noscript> <img src="" alt="TOPlist" border="0" width="1" height="1"/> </noscript> </a> <!-- filename: copyrights --> <br> <div id="copyright" class="copyright"> &copy; 2015 Ex Libris<br> N谩rodn铆 knihovna 膶R zp艡铆stup艌uje sv茅 datab谩ze jako <a href="" target="_blank">otev艡en谩 data pod licenc铆 CC0</a></div> <br> </body> </html>

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