Terms and Conditions | The SKY Perfect JSAT Group

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Please read the Terms and Conditions of Use carefully before using this website, and use it only if you agree to accept them. By using the website, you agree to abide by all of the following Terms and Conditions of Use.</p> <p class="m-txt-p">Also note that some of the individual websites of SKY Perfect JSAT Group companies* have different Terms and Conditions of Use from this website. In that case, the terms and conditions of use for that website shall apply.</p> <ul class="m-list-asterisk m-list-desc"> <li>On this website, "SKY Perfect JSAT Group" refers to SKY Perfect JSAT Holdings Inc., SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation,SKY Perfect Pictures Inc.,SKY Perfect Broadcasting Corporation, SKY Perfect Entertainment Corporation, JSAT International Inc., and JSAT Mobile Communications Inc.</li> </ul> <p class="tar m-txt-p">(Updated on: January 1, 2025)</p> <h2 id="headline-1552816678" class="m-txt-ttl2 headline-position-normal" data-unit-field="1552816678" data-level="lv1" data-unit-field="1552816678">Terms and Conditions of Use</h2> <h3 id="headline-1557316679" class="m-txt-ttl3 headline-position-normal" data-unit-field="1557316679" data-level="lv2" data-unit-field="1557316679">1. 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