Celtic Christianity
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Celtic Christianity</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <meta name="google-site-verification" content="ZzI6h_qAAnJdeoT1IAmIfGlJsCA5TulnScWedRtamIk" /> <meta name="description" content="Exploring the origins of early Christianity in Britain, containing an alphabetic index to "Lives of the British Saints" online and Genealogy Charts. Did St. Paul come to Britain?"> <meta name="keywords" content="Britsh Saints, Breton Saints, Cornish Saints, Early Christianity"> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="saints.css"> <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href=""> </head> <body bgcolor="#cccccc"> <h1>CELTIC CHRISTIANITY</h1> <h2>Where everyone was a Saint</h2> <h2>even soldiers and kings</h2> <h2>which embraced Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany</h2> <center> <img src="images/saintcollage.jpg" width="1000" height="908"><br></center> <hr><center> <span style="font-family: helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:normal"> © 2011-2014 <a href="">by Dylan Stephens</a></span></center><br> </center><br> <h1>I am hoping that you have found this site <a href="">Celtic Christianity</a> and its sister site <a href=>King Arthur Studies</a> helpful.<br> <center><table><tr><td> I have finally finished my book:<br> <img src="ArthurKingSaintCover.jpg"> <h1>Arthur: King and Saint <br> As told by his dual identity:<br> Athruis - St.Armel </h1> It contains copious footnotes (numbers shown in all, linked automatically in ebook, or manually in paperback)<br> Rather than being another fantasy book, these footnotes back up the facts from verified historical sources.<br> It is available as a hardcover, paperback, and ebook as almost cost price: <br> <ul><li>The <a href="">Hardcover $32.66</a> reads like a novel with large photos but with no footnotes.</li><li> The <a href="">Paperback $71.80</a></a> contains story and footnotes which allows for complete documentation.</li><li> The <a href="">ebook $9.99</a> is cheaper and allows the ability to follow the reference links.</li></ul> My recommendation is to buy the ebook and the hardcover.</td><tr></table></center> <center><b>My other Kindle Books below<br> <a href="">Purchase the paperback and you to get the Kindle book free.</a><b> <table><tr><td> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Paulina's Promise to her Grandfather, Jesus" width="150" height="196"></a><br><center><a href=""><font size=2>USA: Paulina's Promise to her <br>Grandfather, Jesus</a></font><br> </td><td> <a href=""><img src="" alt="The Seven Sisters and the Apocalypse" width="120" height="171"></a><br><br> <center><a href=""><font size=2>USA: The Seven Sisters and<br>the Apocalypse</a></font><br> </center> </td><td> <a href="" target=Ref><img src="images/PesherofChristCover.jpg" alt="The Pesher of Christ" width="200" height="321"></a><br> <center><a href="" target=Ref><font size=2>New release $19.99:<br>The Pesher of Christ</a></font></center> </td></tr></table> <table><tr><td> Funded by Infinite Soulutions Foundation <br> An IRS approved Charitable Non-profit Organization under Internal Revenue <br> Code, 501(c)(3) (IRS EIN 91-1580122, WA. State UBI #601-434-076<br><br> <form action="" method="post" target="_top"> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="GVQ9UGZT24FXY" /> <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" title="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!" alt="Donate with PayPal button" /> <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1" /> </form> </td></tr></table> <hr> <a name="contents"></a><b>TABLE OF CONTENTS:</b> <ul> <li><b><a href="saints_alpha.html">Alphabetic index to the Lives of the British Saints from Reference Books Online</a><br> (Since unfortunately the archive now blocks mutiple searches by direct link, I have given the link that must be pasted manually. It still saves time to do it that way.)</b></li> <li><b> <a href="">the Bollandists Saint link in the left column gives birth and death is shown</a><br> <a href="">the Bollandists Calendar link in the left column gives birth and death is shown</a><br> <a href="Bollandistsearch.html">Best links to the Bollandists detailed Saint Life by date of death</a></b></li> <li><b><a href="saints_genealogy.html">Genealogy of the Welsh Saints</a></b></li> <li><b><a href="SaintsDates.html">Dates of important saints in Arthur's time</a></b></li> <li><b><a href="Cambro_Saints.html">Lives of Major Welsh Saints</a></b></li> <li><b><a href="Iolo_manuscripts.html">Genealogies of The British Saints (Iolo Manuscripts)</a></b></li> <li><b><a href="Celtic_Calendar.html">Calendar of the Celtic Saints of Wales</a></b></li> <li><b><a href="List_of_Early_Welsh_Churches.html">List of Early Welsh Churches by County<br></b></li> <li><b><a href="Cressys_List_of_British_Saints.html">Cressy's List of British Saints<br></b></li> <li><b><a href="Albert_Le_Grande.html">Albert Le Grande's Lives of Saints of Brittany (Les vies des saints de la Bretagne Armorique)<br></b></li> <li><b><a href="/StArmel/St_Armel_Bollandists.html">Life of St. Armel (Armagilo) from the Bollandists</a><br></b></li> <li><b><a href="/StArmel/St_Armel_FatherCruchet.html">Life of St. Armel by Father Cruchet</a><br></b></li> <hr> <li><b><a href="Book_of_Llandaff_source.html">Source of The Book of Llandaff (Liber Landavensis)</a><br></b></li> <li><b><a href="Book_of_Llandaff_Saints.html">Lives of Four Saints in The Book of Llandaff</a>:<br> Edgar the Hermit, Samson of Dol, Dubricius, Teilo, and Oudoceus<br></b></li> <li><b><a href="CambriaSacra.html">Cambria Sacra: Dubricius, St. Teilo, Oudoceus, St. Cadoc, Illtyd, David, Samson, Paulus Aurelianus, Gildas</a><br></b></li> <li><b><a href="Life_St_Samson_of_Dol.html">The Life of St. Samson of Dol</a><br></b></li> <li><b><a href="Life_St_Cadog.html">The Life of St. Cadog</a><br></b></li> <li><b><a href="Reconstructing_Life_St_David.html">Reconstructing the Life of St. David</a><br></b></li> <li><b><a href="Life_St_David.html">The Life of St. David</a><br></b></li> <li><b><a href="LIFE_OF_ST_ILLTUD.html">THE LIFE OF ST. ILLTUD</a><br></b></li> <li><b><a href="">The Life of St. Armel (Arthmael) in stain glass panels</a><br></b></li> <li><b><a href="St_Columba_Easter.html">Epistle of St. Columba to Pope Gregory justifying the Celtic Christian time of Easter</a><br></b></li> <li><b><a href="First_Britain_Christianity.html">How did Christianity first come to Britain and did St. Paul ever come to Britain</a></b></li> <hr> <li><b><a href="">Online Reference Books<a> on:<br> <a href="">King Arthur</a>, <a href="">Celtic Saints</a>, <a href="">Roman Christianity</a> and <a href="">Roman History</a></b></li> <li><b><a href="Rivers_for_Google_Earth_UK.html">UK Rivers for Google Earth</a></b></li> </ul> <hr> <font color="#ffffff">Interesting history: <br> <a href="">Discussing the positions of Lewis Chessmen</a> <br> <a href="">King Arthur Studies</a> </font> <hr width="100%"><font color="#ffffff">Books and songs: <br> <a href="">Crystal Dolphin Records and Books</a> Books: <br> <a href="">Magnetic Disturbance (Time Travel in the the Law of Seven)</a> Songs: <br> <a href="">Buffalo Rising (Songs of Spirit)</a> <br> <a href="">Lords of Tiamat (Heavy Mystical, Metal with Mystical Direction)</a> <br> <a href="">Lords of Tiamat on YouTube</a> <br> <a href="">Penga (Marimba & Drums)</a> </font> <hr width="100%"><font color="#ffffff">My blogs: <br> <a href="">Unicorn Letters</a> <br> <a href="">The Pesher of Christ</a> </font> <hr width="100%"><font color="#ffffff">My web sites: <br> <a href="">Pesher of Christ</a> <br> <a href="">Infinite SOULution Foundation</a> </font> <hr><font color="#ffffff">If you used this site, I would love to hear from you. Best wishes, <a href=" comments">Dylan</a> </font></center> </body> </html>