{"title":"Synthesis and Properties of Biobased Polyurethane\/Montmorillonite Nanocomposites","authors":"Teuku Rihayat, Suryani","volume":41,"journal":"International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering","pagesStart":341,"pagesEnd":346,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/6239","abstract":"Polyurethanes (PURs) are very versatile polymeric\r\nmaterials with a wide range of physical and chemical properties.\r\nPURs have desirable properties such as high abrasion resistance, tear\r\nstrength, shock absorption, flexibility and elasticity. Although they\r\nhave relatively poor thermal stability, this can be improved by using\r\ntreated clay. Polyurethane\/clay nanocomposites have been\r\nsynthesized from renewable sources. A polyol for the production of\r\npolyurethane by reaction with an isocyanate was obtained by the\r\nsynthesis of palm oil-based oleic acid with glycerol. Dodecylbenzene\r\nsulfonic acid (DBSA) was used as catalyst and emulsifier. The\r\nunmodified clay (kunipia-F) was treated with cetyltrimethyl\r\nammonium bromide (CTAB-mont) and octadodecylamine (ODAmont).\r\nThe d-spacing in CTAB-mont and ODA-mont were 1.571 nm\r\nand 1.798 nm respectively and larger than that of the pure-mont\r\n(1.142 nm). The organoclay was completely intercalated in the\r\npolyurethane, as confirmed by a wide angle x-ray diffraction\r\n(WAXD) pattern.\r\nThe results showed that adding clay demonstrated better thermal\r\nstability in comparison with the virgin polyurethane. Onset\r\ndegradation of pure PU is at 200oC, and is lower than that of the\r\nCTAB-mont PU and ODA-mont PU which takes place at about\r\n318oC and 330oC, respectively. The mechanical properties (including\r\nthe dynamic mechanical properties) of pure polyurethane (PU) and\r\nPU\/clay nanocomposites, were measured. The modified organoclay\r\nhad a remarkably beneficial effect on the strength and elongation at\r\nbreak of the nanocomposites, which both increased with increasing\r\nclay content with the increase of the tensile strength of more than\r\n214% and 267% by the addition of only 5 wt% of the\r\nmontmorillonite CTAB-mont PU and ODA-mont PU, respectively.","references":"[1] Rihayat, T., Saari, M., Mahmood, M.H., Wan Yunus, W.M.Z., Suraya,\r\nA.R., Dahlan, K. Z. H. M. and Sapuan, S.M.. 2006. Synthesis and\r\nthermal characterization of Polyurethane\/ clay nanocomposites based\r\non palm oil polyol. Polymer Plastics Technology and Engineering 45 :\r\n1323-1326\r\n[2] Warwel, S., Bruse, F., Demes, C., Kunz, M, and Klaas, M.R. 2001.\r\nPolymers and surfactants on the basis of renewable resources.\r\nChemosphere 43: 39-48\r\n[3] Guo, A., Demydov, D., Zhang, W. and Petrovic, Z.S. 2002. 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