ANE Global Meet and Expo on Green Energy and Environmental Technology | Acedemy Nature

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Somorjai, <small>Ph.D.</small></p> <p class="fs--1 font-weight-extra-bold mb-1 text-300 ls text-uppercase">Keynote Speaker</p> <p class="mt-2 text-400 font-italic mb-0">Professor of Chemistry,<br />University of California, Berkeley, CA</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-10 col-md-4 mb-5"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-5"><img class="rounded-soft img-fluid" src="assets/img/speakers/Yugang-Sun.jpg" alt="thumb-image" /><div class="pl-0 text-center pt-2 mx-2"><a class="mx-2" href="" target="_blank" style="color:#ccc;">Google Scholar <small> <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></small></a></div></div> <div class="col pl-0"> <p class="text-white font-weight-extra-bold text-uppercase mb-0">Yugang Sun, <small>Ph.D</small></p> <p class="fs--1 font-weight-extra-bold mb-1 text-300 ls text-uppercase">Keynote Speaker</p> <p class="mt-2 text-400 font-italic mb-0">Temple University,<br />Philadelphia, PA</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-10 col-md-4 mb-5"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-5"><img class="rounded-soft img-fluid" src="assets/img/speakers/James-J-Spivey.jpg" alt="thumb-image" /><div class="pl-0 text-center pt-2 mx-2"><a class="mx-2" href="#" style="color:#ccc;">Google Scholar <small> <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></small></a></div></div> <div class="col pl-0"> <p class="text-white font-weight-extra-bold text-uppercase mb-0">James J. Spivey, <small>Ph.D</small></p> <p class="fs--1 font-weight-extra-bold mb-1 text-300 ls text-uppercase">Keynote Speaker</p> <p class="mt-2 text-400 font-italic mb-0">James McLaurin Shivers Professor, Louisiana State University</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr class="bg-hr mt-0 d-block" data-zanim-xs='{"delay":0.1,"from":{"visibility":"hidden","width":"0%"},"to":{"visibility":"visible","width":"100%"},"duration":2}' data-zanim-trigger="scroll" /> <h3 class="text-white mb-6">Keynote Speakers</h3> <div class="row pb-3 pb-lg-5"> <div class="col-lg-12 pl-lg-6"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-10 col-md-4 mb-5"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-5"><img class="rounded-soft img-fluid" src="assets/img/speakers/Sibuding-Kawi.jpg" alt="thumb-image" /><div class="pl-0 text-center pt-2 mx-2"><a class="mx-2" href="" target="_blank" style="color:#ccc;">Google Scholar <small> <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></small></a></div></div> <div class="col pl-0"> <p class="text-white font-weight-extra-bold text-uppercase mb-0">Sibuding Kawi, <small>Ph.D</small></p> <p class="fs--1 font-weight-extra-bold mb-1 text-300 ls text-uppercase">Keynote Speaker</p> <p class="mt-2 text-400 font-italic mb-0">National University of Singapore, Singapore</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-10 col-md-4 mb-5"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-5"><img class="rounded-soft img-fluid" src="assets/img/speakers/Angela-K-Wilson.jpg" alt="thumb-image" /><div class="pl-0 text-center pt-2 mx-2"><a class="mx-2" href="#" style="color:#ccc;">Google Scholar <small> <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></small></a></div></div> <div class="col pl-0"> <p class="text-white font-weight-extra-bold text-uppercase mb-0">Angela K. Wilson, <small>Ph.D</small></p> <p class="fs--1 font-weight-extra-bold mb-1 text-300 ls text-uppercase">Keynote Speaker</p> <p class="mt-2 text-400 font-italic mb-0">Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-10 col-md-4 mb-5"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-5"><img class="rounded-soft img-fluid" src="assets/img/speakers/Jian-Liu.jpg" alt="thumb-image" /><div class="pl-0 text-center pt-2 mx-2"><a class="mx-2" href="">Google Scholar <small> <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></small></a></div></div> <div class="col pl-0"> <p class="text-white font-weight-extra-bold text-uppercase mb-0">Jian Liu, <small>Ph.D.</small></p> <p class="fs--1 font-weight-extra-bold mb-1 text-300 ls text-uppercase">Keynote Speaker</p> <p class="mt-2 text-400 font-italic mb-0">University of Surrey,<br />United Kingdom</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr class="bg-hr mt-0 d-block" data-zanim-xs='{"delay":0.1,"from":{"visibility":"hidden","width":"0%"},"to":{"visibility":"visible","width":"100%"},"duration":2}' data-zanim-trigger="scroll" /> <h3 class="text-white mb-6">Invited Speakers</h3> <div class="row pb-3 pb-lg-5"> <div class="col-lg-12 pl-lg-6"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-10 col-md-4 mb-5"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-5"><img class="rounded-soft img-fluid" src="assets/img/speakers/Robert-Augustine.jpg" alt="thumb-image" /><div class="pl-0 text-center pt-2 mx-2"><a class="mx-2" href="">Biography <small> <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></small></a></div></div> <div class="col pl-0"> <p class="text-white font-weight-extra-bold text-uppercase mb-0">Robert Augustine, <small>Ph.D.</small></p> <p class="fs--1 font-weight-extra-bold mb-1 text-300 ls text-uppercase">Keynote Speaker</p> <p class="mt-2 text-400 font-italic mb-0">Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Executive Director of the Center for Applied Catalysis, Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-10 col-md-4 mb-5"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-5"><img class="rounded-soft img-fluid" src="assets/img/speakers/Zhenhai-Xia.jpg" alt="thumb-image" /><div class="pl-0 text-center pt-2 mx-2"><a class="mx-2" href="" target="_blank" style="color:#ccc;">Google Scholar <small> <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></small></a></div></div> <div class="col pl-0"> <p class="text-white font-weight-extra-bold text-uppercase mb-0">Zhenhai Xia, <small>Ph.D</small></p> <p class="fs--1 font-weight-extra-bold mb-1 text-300 ls text-uppercase">Keynote Speaker</p> <p class="mt-2 text-400 font-italic mb-0">Professor, University of North Texas, Denton, TX</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-10 col-md-4 mb-5"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-5"><img class="rounded-soft img-fluid" src="assets/img/speakers/Can-Li.jpg" alt="thumb-image" /><div class="pl-0 text-center pt-2 mx-2"><a class="mx-2" href="#" style="color:#ccc;">Google Scholar <small> <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></small></a></div></div> <div class="col pl-0"> <p class="text-white font-weight-extra-bold text-uppercase mb-0">Can Li, <small>Ph.D</small></p> <p class="fs--1 font-weight-extra-bold mb-1 text-300 ls text-uppercase">Keynote Speaker</p> <p class="mt-2 text-400 font-italic mb-0">Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr class="bg-hr mt-0 d-block" data-zanim-xs='{"delay":0.1,"from":{"visibility":"hidden","width":"0%"},"to":{"visibility":"visible","width":"100%"},"duration":2}' data-zanim-trigger="scroll" /> <h3 class="text-white mb-6">Featured Speakers</h3> <div class="row pb-3 pb-lg-5"> <div class="col-lg-12 pl-lg-6"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-10 col-md-4 mb-5"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-5"><img class="rounded-soft img-fluid" src="assets/img/speakers/Chao-Jun-Li.jpg" alt="thumb-image" /><div class="pl-0 text-center pt-2 mx-2"><a class="mx-2" href="#" style="color:#ccc;">Google Scholar <small> <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></small></a></div></div> <div class="col pl-0"> <p class="text-white font-weight-extra-bold text-uppercase mb-0">Chao-Jun Li, <small>Ph.D</small></p> <p class="fs--1 font-weight-extra-bold mb-1 text-300 ls text-uppercase">Keynote Speaker</p> <p class="mt-2 text-400 font-italic mb-0">McGill University, Canada</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <hr class="bg-hr mt-0 d-block" data-zanim-xs='{"delay":0.1,"from":{"visibility":"hidden","width":"0%"},"to":{"visibility":"visible","width":"100%"},"duration":2}' data-zanim-trigger="scroll" /> </div> </section--> <section> <div class="container"> <h3 class=" mb-6 text-center"> Journal Collaboration </h3> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6" style="text-align: center;"><img class="rounded-soft img-fluid" src="" alt="thumb-image" style="width: 600px; 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text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 1rem;">Prepare to be amazed by the incredible potential in the Green Energy market!</span></div><div style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5); text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 1rem;">The Global Green Technology Market was valued at USD 13.8 Billion in 2022 and expanded to 20.7 Billion in 2024. In future, it is projected to expand to USD 112.4 Billion by 2032 with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 24.0% during this period 2022-2032</span></div><p></p> </p> <div> <img src=""></div> </div> <!-- #tab2 --> <h3 class="tab_drawer_heading" rel="tab4">Regional Scope</h3> <div id="tab4" class="tab_content"> <p align="justify"> <div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);" sans-serif";="" font-size:="" 11pt;"="">Regions that are leading the Green Energy and Environmental Technology Market are North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam), South America (Brazil, Argentina, and Columbia etc.), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa) and some other countries like Sweden, Kenya, Morocco, New Zealand, Norway.</span></div> </p> <div> <img src=""></div> </div> <!-- #tab3 --> <h3 class="tab_drawer_heading" rel="tab4">Honorary Members of the Civil Engineering Editions</h3> <div id="tab5" class="tab_content"> </div> <h3 class="tab_drawer_heading" rel="tab6">CPD BENEFITS</h3> <div id="tab6" class="tab_content"> <p align="justify" style="color:black"> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);">Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points offer a variety of benefits for professionals across various fields, encouraging lifelong learning and skill improvement. Here are some key advantages:  Maintaining and </span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);"><br></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);">Enhancing Competency: CPD points encourage professionals to stay updated with the latest advancements, techniques, and knowledge in their field.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);"><br></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);"> Career Advancement: CPD points demonstrate a commitment to professional growth, making employees more attractive to employers.  </span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);"><br></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);">Meeting Licensing or Regulatory Requirements: In many industries, maintaining a license or certification requires earning a certain number of CPD points.  Improved Job Satisfaction and Confidence: Enhance skills and knowledge, boosting confidence in one’s abilities.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);"><br></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);"> Networking Opportunities: Networking can open doors to new job opportunities, collaborations, or mentoring relationships.  Increased Earning Potential: To recognize the value of CPD points and reward those who earn them with higher pay or bonuses.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);"><br></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);"> Flexibility and Customization: Offer flexibility in choosing courses or activities, allowing professionals to focus on areas that align with their career goals or personal interests.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);"><br></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);"> Enhanced Reputation and Credibility:  To build a reputation as knowledgeable and committed to excellence, this is especially useful for those who consult or operate independently.</span></div> </p> </div> <!-- #tab4 --> </div> <!-- .tab_container --> </div> </div> </section> <!-- <section id="about"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 d-flex flex-column justify-content-between pr-md-5"> <div> <h4 class="mb-4">About us</h4> <p align="justify"> <p></p><p class="MsoNormal"></p><div style="text-align: justify;"><div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);">Dear Esteemed Participants,</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);"><br></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);">It is with utmost joy and excitement that we extend a warm invitation to all participants worldwide to join the “ANE Global Meet and Expo on Green Energy and Environmental Technology” (GREENENERGY2025) in Dubai, UAE from March 27–29, 2025.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);"><br></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);">This conference promises to bring together visionaries and experts from around the globe. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to explore ground-breaking ideas and learn about future technologies through specially curated scientific sessions on Batteries, Energy Storage, Battery Recycling, Hydrogen Energy, Bioenergy, Green hydrogen economy, Hydrogen Storage and involving applications like renewable energy sources, like solar and wind power, improving insulation and LED lighting.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);"><br></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);">The future is looking brighter than ever for this industry! Don't miss out on this phenomenal opportunity for growth and success.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);"><br></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);">Mark your calendars for this momentous event that is set to revolutionize the future of Green Energy and Environmental Technology! We can't wait to welcome you in Dubai for an experience like no other.</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);"><br></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);">Warm Regards,</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);">Benjamin Hayes</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);">Program Secretary</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5);"></span></div></div><div><br></div></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><div><font color="#050505"></font></div><div></div></div><p></p><p></p><p></p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section>--> <section> <!--/.bg-holder--> <div class="container" id="committee"> <!--<h3 class="text-white mb-6">Speakers of ChemiCat-2020</h3>--> <h3 class=" mb-6" style="text-align: center; color:#3965d7 !important; margin-bottom: 1rem !important;">Committee</h3> <br> <div class="row ten-columns"> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Dr. Guohe Huang</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3 text" style="font-size:12px; margin-top: 5px;line-height: 1.6em;width: 196px;">University of Regina<Br/>Canada <Br/> H-index: 104</h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#committee67"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="committee67" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify"> Dr. Gordon Huang is a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Energy and Environment, and Executive Director of the Institute for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Communities at the University of Regina, Canada. He holds BSC from Peking University (China), MSc from Simon Fraser University (Canada) and PhD from McMaster University (Canada). Since the 1990s, Huang has led or been involved in over 100 environment-related research projects, produced over 600 peer-refereed international journal papers, and supervised over 100 Master/PhD students. He is the president of the International Society for Environmental Information Sciences. He has also served the United Nations as an international expert in the field of risk management for drinking water safety. The integrated simulation, optimization and risk assessment techniques which he proposed have been used by peers in studying water resources and environmental systems in a number of countries.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Dr. Zabihollah Rezaee</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3 text" style="font-size:12px; margin-top: 5px;line-height: 1.6em;width: 196px;"> The University of Memphis <Br/>USA </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#committee6"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="committee6" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">Zabihollah (Zabi) Rezaee is currently the Thompson-Hill Chair of Excellence, tenured Professor of Accounting at the Crews School of Accountancy of the University of Memphis. He served a two-year term (2004-2006) on the Standing Advisory Group (SAG) of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and he is currently (2019-2024) the editor of the Journal of Forensic Accounting Research (JFAR), one of the 17 journals of the American Accounting Association (AAA). He is currently appointed as the Honorary Advisor of the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council (AFRC) in Hong Kong (December 2019-September 2025). </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Prof. Om Parkash Malik</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3 text" style="font-size:12px; margin-top: 5px;line-height: 1.6em;width: 196px;"> University of Calgary<Br/> Canada</h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#committee86"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="committee86" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify"> Om P. Malik (Life Fellow, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of London, London, U.K., in 1965, and the D.I.C. degree in electrical engineering from the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, U.K, in 1965. He is currently a Professor Emeritus with the Department of Electrical and Software Engineering, University of Calgary, AB, Canada. He has authored or coauthored more than 410 papers in international Journals and is the coauthor of four books. His research interests include digital protection, control of renewable power generation and micro-grids, and AI applications in power system control.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Prof. Pierluigi Siano</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3 text" style="font-size:12px; margin-top: 5px;line-height: 1.6em;width: 196px;"> University of Salerno <br/> Italy</h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#committee82"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="committee82" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify"> His research activities mainly concern the management and planning of smart cities and smart grids, the development of advanced technologies and smart infrastructures for refuelling or recharging zero-carbon vehicles, the economy and energy management, smart houses, and smart buildings, distributed micro-generation, generation systems from renewable sources. Further research activities are related to safety and security in the field of smart cities and smart grids, artificial intelligence, sustainable urban transport, electric vehicles, and mobility infrastructures. In these research fields, he has co-authored more than 760 articles including more than 460 international journals that received in Scopus more than 20200 citations with an H-index equal to 68.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Prof. Lingai Luo</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3 text" style="font-size:12px; margin-top: 5px;line-height: 1.6em;width: 196px;"> Nantes University <Br/> France </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#committee45"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="committee45" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">Professor Lingai Luo is an Exceptional Class Research Director (ECRD) at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), based at the Laboratoire de Thermique et Energie de Nantes (LTEN-CNRS UMR6607) in France. With a vast research portfolio spanning thermal, process, and energy engineering, her work encompasses diverse areas such as combustion, energy balance analysis, solar refrigeration, adsorption processes, and thermoelectric heat pumps. She has also delved into solar energy, energy storage, and innovative fluidic, thermal, and reactive components. Professor Luo's expertise extends to energy system integration, optimization, and topology optimization assisted by machine learning. She advocates for a multi-scale approach to energy efficiency optimization, emphasizing the importance of intensification at local, component, and system scales. Her innovative strategies for fluid management aim to optimize fluid distribution in various devices and their integration into multifunctional systems. With numerous publications and editorial roles in prestigious journals, Professor Luo is recognized for her significant contributions to the field of energy engineering. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12 mb-2" align="center"><a align="center" href="committee" class="btn btn-primary custom-border-radius custom-btn-style-1 font-size-md font-weight-semibold text-color-light text-uppercase outline-none"> View More </a> </div> <!-- Row --> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <hr class="bg-hr mt-0 d-block" data-zanim-xs='{"delay":0.1,"from":{"visibility":"hidden","width":"0%"},"to":{"visibility":"visible","width":"100%"},"duration":2}' data-zanim-trigger="scroll" /> </div> </section> <section style="padding-bottom: 0px !important;"> <!--/.bg-holder--> <div class="container" id="speakers"> <h3 class="text-white mb-6" style="text-align: center; color:#3965d7 !important;margin-bottom: 1rem !important;">Plenary Speakers</h3> <div class="row ten-columns"> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-4 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Dr. Guohe Huang</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3 text" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;">University of Regina<Br/>Canada <Br/> H-index: 104</h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#plenary_speakers29"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="plenary_speakers29" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">Dr. Gordon Huang is a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Energy and Environment, and Executive Director of the Institute for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Communities at the University of Regina, Canada. He holds BSC from Peking University (China), MSc from Simon Fraser University (Canada) and PhD from McMaster University (Canada). Since the 1990s, Huang has led or been involved in over 100 environment-related research projects, produced over 600 peer-refereed international journal papers, and supervised over 100 Master/PhD students. He is the president of the International Society for Environmental Information Sciences. He has also served the United Nations as an international expert in the field of risk management for drinking water safety. The integrated simulation, optimization and risk assessment techniques which he proposed have been used by peers in studying water resources and environmental systems in a number of countries.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-4 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Prof. Umberto Berardi</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3 text" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;">Toronto Metropolitan University<Br/> Canada</h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#plenary_speakers54"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="plenary_speakers54" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">Dr. Berardi is Canada Research Chair in Building Science, Full Professor, and Director of the BeTOP center at Toronto Metropolitan University in Toronto, Canada. His main research interests are related to the study of innovative solutions and new materials for improving the performance within the built environment. Dr. Berardi has an extensive publication record, including 200 peer-reviewed journals, 180 international conference papers, and five books. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-4 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Prof. Luiz Moutinho </h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3 text" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> University of Suffolk<Br/>UK </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#plenary_speakers18"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="plenary_speakers18" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify"> Professor Luiz Moutinho (BA, MA, PhD, MAE, FCIM) is the Dean for Innovation at Kotler Business School, a Visiting Professor of Marketing at Suffolk Business School, England, UK, and at The Marketing School, Portugal, and an Adjunct Professor of Marketing, GSB, FBE, at the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. His areas of research interest encompass marketing, tourism and management futurecast, artificial intelligence, biometrics and neuroscience, futures research, EmoWear, evolutionary algorithms, human-computer interaction, and the modelling processes of consumer behaviour. Prof. Moutinho has given keynote speeches in 49 countries worldwide and has published 39 books and over 161 articles. Current research on topics like circular economy models, electric vehicles, green buildings and infrastructure, green technologies, renewable energy, carbon capture and storage and environmental monitoring. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-4 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Prof. Nigel Brandon</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3 text" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;">Imperial College London<Br/> UK</h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#plenary_speakers13"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="plenary_speakers13" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">Professor Nigel Brandon OBE FREng FRS is the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Professor of Sustainable Development in Energy. He was previously the Faculty’s Vice Dean (Research), Founding Director of the Sustainable Gas Institute, and Founding Director of the Energy Futures Lab. He is a founder of Ceres Power, a FTSE listed fuel cell company spun out from Imperial College in 2000 and RFC Power, a flow battery company spun out from Imperial College in 2018. Measures of esteem include: Horizon Prize, Royal Society of Chemistry (2023); International Member, US National Academy of Engineering (2022); Freedom of the City of London (2021); Francis Bacon Medal, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2014); Baker Medal, Institute of Civil Engineering (2011); Royal Academy of Engineering Silver Medal (2007). Professor Brandon received an OBE in 2011 for services to UK-China science and is a fellow of the following institutions: the Royal Society (2021); Royal Academy of Engineering (2008); City and Guilds of London Institute (2008); Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (2006); Energy Institute (2006).</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-4 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Prof. Changzhi Gu</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3 text" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> Chinese Academy of Sciences<Br/>China</h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#plenary_speakers102"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="plenary_speakers102" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">Changzhi Gu, a professor in condensed matter physics at Institute of Physics (IOP), Chinese academy of Sciences (CAS). Prof. Changzhi Gu received a Ph.D degree in condensed matter physics from Jilin University of China in 1997. Since 2001, he has been a professor in condensed matter physics at IOP, CAS. His research focused on the synthesis and property of wide-band gap thin films, artificial structures and devices in sub-micro and nanometer scale. In this field, he published about 500 papers in international famous Journals, such as Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communication, PRL, JACS, Nano Lett., Advaced Materials, etc., these pappers were cited more than 10000. In 2018, he was awardesd the Royal Academy of Engineering’s Distinguished Visiting Fellowships. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-4 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Prof. Xi LU</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3 text" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> School of Environment, Tsinghua University<Br/>China</h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#plenary_speakers78"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="plenary_speakers78" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">LU Xi,Tenured Professor at the School of Environment, Tsinghua University, and Assistant Director of the Carbon Neutrality Research Institute. He is a recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. Professor Lu has been engaged in research on the full-chain assessment technology of renewable energy "supply-use", the accurate assessment methods and databases of renewable energy potential and variability, and has provided key analytical tools and database support for the development and use of renewable energy and the transition to carbon neutrality. In recent years, he has published scientific papers in high-impact international journals such as Science, PNAS and Nature sub-journals. He is director of the Carbon Neutrality Committee of the China Industrial Energy Conservation and Clean Production Association, deputy executive director of the Branch for Young Scientists of the Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences, executive editor of Technology Review for Carbon Neutrality, and editor/editorial board member of several energy and environmental journals. Professor Lu has won the Young Scientist Award (Gold Award) of the Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences and the 15th China Youth Science and Technology Award.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-4 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Dr. Chua Kian Jon Ernest</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3 text" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> National University of Singapore <Br/>Singapore </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#plenary_speakers73"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="plenary_speakers73" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify"> Dr Chua Kian Jon is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore. He has been conducting research on renewable energy systems and heat recovery systems since 1997. He has conducted both modelling and experimental works for specific thermal energy systems including the application of Nano materials and nanotechnology. He is highly skilled in designing; fabricating; commissioning and testing many sustainable energy systems to provide for heating, cooling and humidity control for both small and large scale applications. He has more than 280 international peer-reviewed journal publications, and 6 recent monographs on advances in thermal energy and cooling systems ( book/9789811584763 and book/9783030808426). He has been elected to several fellowships including Fellow of Royal Society, Fellow of Institution of Engineering and Technology, Fellow of Energy Institute and Fellow of IMechE. Consistently, he is highlighted among the top 1% of scientists in the world by the Universal Scientific Education and Research Network, top 2% of energy researchers in Elsevier database, and top 0.3% in the Stanford list of energy researchers. His works has garnered more than 15,800 over citations with a current h‐index of 67. He is the Associate Editor of several reputable journals in Elsevier, Wiley, and Taylor & Francis. He is on the editorial boards of numerous journals in Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, and MDPI. Further, he owns more than 10 patents related to several innovative cooling and dehumidification systems. On a regular basis, he has been invited to deliver many international plenary and keynote talks on his research findings. He is the Principal Investigator of several multi-million competitive research grants. Additionally, he has been awarded multiple local, regional, and international awards for his breakthrough research endeavors.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-4 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Dr. Mohd Hariri Arifin</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3 text" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;">University Kebangsaan Malaysia <Br/>Malaysia </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#plenary_speakers23"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="plenary_speakers23" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify"> We will update soon. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-4 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Prof. Jinsong Wu</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3 text" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;">University of Chile<Br/>Chile </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#plenary_speakers4"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="plenary_speakers4" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify"> Jinsong Wu received the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, in 2006. He received 2020 IEEE Green Communications and Computing Technical Committee (TCGCC) Distinguished Technical Achievement Recognition Award, for his outstanding technical leadership and achievement in green wireless communications and networking. He was the leading editor and a coauthor of the comprehensive book, entitled Green Communications: Theoretical Fundamentals, Algorithms, and Applications (CRC Press, September 2012). He received the 2017, 2019, and 2021 IEEE System Journal Best Paper Awards. His coauthored paper won the 2018 IEEE Green Communications Best Magazine Paper Award. He was elected Vice-Chair Technical Activities (2017-2022), IEEE Environmental Engineering Initiative, a pan-IEEE effort under IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB). He was the Founder and Founding Chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications and Computing (TCGCC) from 2011 to 2017. He is current Chair (2022-present) and was a Co-Founder and the Founding Vice-Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Big Data (TCBD) (2014-2022).</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Row --> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <hr class="bg-hr mt-0 d-block" data-zanim-xs='{"delay":0.1,"from":{"visibility":"hidden","width":"0%"},"to":{"visibility":"visible","width":"100%"},"duration":2}' data-zanim-trigger="scroll" /> </div> </section> <!--Keynote_speakers--> <!-- <section> begin ============================--> <section style="padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;"> <!--/.bg-holder--> <div class="container" id="speakers"> <h3 class="text-white mb-6" style="text-align: center; color:#3965d7 !important;">Keynote Speakers</h3> <div class="row ten-columns"> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Prof. Mark Bomberg</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> Clarkson University<Br/>USA </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#keynote_speakers14"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="keynote_speakers14" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify"> MARK BOMBERG, a technical coordinator of the virtual network of EQM (Environmental Quality Management)Doctor of Tech, LUND U, Sweden,1974, Doctor of Science Warsaw TU. Poland, 1965), is a Research Prof. at Mechanical Eng., Clarkson U, Potsdam NY, Life Member of Building Enclosure Technology and Environment (BETEC) Committee of the National Institute of Building Science (NIBS) in Washington, DC. He worked at National Research Council of Canada (1975-2000) and was an Editor-in-Chief of J. Building Physics (1984-2018) He just moved from Canada to Poland but reminds a research professor in the USA. Prof. Bomberg was teaching in the US, Canada, Germany, Poland and China. He is a Guest Editor in Journals: Buildings (MPDI, Switzerland). Frontiers (Switzerland) and others. His interest is in popularization of building sciences. He has interest score 1200 and 90 thousand reads on Research Gate. He received awards in building physics in the US and Canada. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Dr. Chirag Bhimani</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> CEO @ Catamaran LLC<Br/> USA </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#keynote_speakers53"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="keynote_speakers53" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">Dr. Chirag Bhimani is an experienced Climate Change Mitigation, Sustainability and Environment Professional with more than 25 years of experience in the areas of pollution control, sustainability and climate change domain Chirag has the breadth and depth of experience needed to quickly understand entrepreneurs’ businesses and craft the most suitable solutions for various pollution control, environmental and sustainability challenges faced by the governments and industries alike. He worked with Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) for more than 23 years with final stint at GPCB Head Office in Gandhi agar. He was the Nodal Officer for Preparation of Best Available Techniques Reference (BREF) Document at GPCB and Ease of Doing Business Initiative of Government of India. He was the Convener for the Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) & Pilot Emissions Trading Scheme and had initiated various innovative governance reforms as an environmental regulator. He contributed as Senior Technical Advisor at The Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH). He currently possess prominent positions and advisory roles: CEO, Catamaran Enterprises, LLC, USA (Climate Change Mitigation Solutions) Executive Director (Sustainability), Optimor Ventures LLC, Delaware, USA Advisor, Universal CO2 Emission and Offset Registry Private Ltd., New Delhi, India Expert Member BAT (INDIA) and Member of Sub-Group for Study on Cross Country Comparison of Selected BREFs of BAT Projects of Waste Incineration, Pulp and Paper Sector and Plastic Waste Sector, Environment Directorate, OECD, Paris Ambassador for the Island Innovation Network under their Island Innovation Ambassador Program Advisor to many not-for-profit and for-profit organizations </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Dr. Roger Achkar</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> Founder of Global Waste Cleaning Network (GWCN)<Br/>UK</h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#keynote_speakers87"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="keynote_speakers87" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify"> Dr. Roger Achkar, a prominent figure in the field of energy and environmental sustainability, is an engineer and social scientist with academic credentials from esteemed institutions such as Harvard, Leicester, Cranfield, and CentraleSupélec. He is the main founder and the current Director General of GWCN, a UK-based organization that stands as the world’s largest environmental and energy network, boasting over 2,000 member organizations across 187 countries. He also holds the position of General Manager at a company specializing in engine-based and Solar PV power plant contracting, and EV trading in the Middle East. Dr. Achkar’s accomplishments extend beyond his professional career, as he is an award-winning author and has been recognized for his contributions to public service.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Prof. Mehdi Seyedmahmoudian</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> Swinburne University of Technology<Br/>Australia </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#keynote_speakers36"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="keynote_speakers36" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">Professor Mehdi Seyedmahmoudian is a distinguished academic leader, Head of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, and the Director of the Siemens Swinburne Energy Transition Hub at Swinburne University of Technology. Holding B.Eng., M.Eng., and PhD degrees, he leads the Swinburne Energy Transition Hub and New Energy Technologies research group, driving innovation in engineering and computing systems, renewable energy technologies, microgrids, and Artificial Intelligence. As a visionary leader, he has secured $21.9 million in project funding and created numerous strategic partnerships with world leading institutes and industry organizations. Listed among the world’s top 2% of researchers, he has authored over 250research articles and 200+ highly ranked journal papers, amassing 8000+ citations. His leadership extends from leading over 80 staff, to serving as an editor for prestigious journals and a keynote speaker at international conferences, consistently advocating for excellence and industry collaboration in energy research Key Opinion Leader at Breakthrough Victoria – Leading Australian Government technical investment organization Innovative Technology Leader in Energy Transition for establishing a worldly recognized Industry Academia Research Centre – at Siemens Beyond 1% event in Australia 2024 SUT representative in Centre for New Energy Technologies (C4NET) funded by the Victorian government. Academic Lead and co-founder of New Energy Technology Research Group with more than 25 active researchers in the area of Renewable energy and artificial Intelligence systems. Discipline Lead for Electrical and Electronics Engineering major at Swinburne University</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Dr. Ruomei Li </h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering<Br/> China</h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#keynote_speakers39"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="keynote_speakers39" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">Dr. Ruomei LI reveived her Ph.D. from University of Bath, UK, in 2000; M.E. from CEPRI in 1989; and B.E. from Hefei University of Technology, China, in 1982. During 1994~1995, Ruomei studied in UMIST, UK, upon Lee Kai Hueng Fellowship Foundation. She started her career of electrical engineering from the center of AnHui electric power dispatching (1982-1986). She has been doing research and project management in China electric power research institute (1989~1994, 2000~2004), engaged in long-term planning, system simulation and analysis, operation control and power electronics. Since 2004, she has served as deputy secretary-general, secretary-general (2004~2013) of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering (CSEE). During her term, she has specially promoted and enhanced international communication and cooperation. Dr. Ruomei LI is now on the Board of Supervisors of CWAST (China Women’s Association for Science and Technology), Steering Committee of CHINA IGBT Technology Innovation and Industry Alliance. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Dr. Lyudmila Kabaivanova </h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;">Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology-BAS<Br/>Bulgaria </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#keynote_speakers67"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="keynote_speakers67" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">Prof. Dr. Lyudmila Kabaivanova, Education - Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski", Faculty of Biology, Master in Biochemistry and Microbiology; "Stephan Angeloff" Institute of Microbiology, BAS -Doctor of Microbiology; Professor in Microbiology since 2022 at the same institute, now Deputy Director.Scientific fields of interest: Bioremediation, biofuels, renewable sources, bioactive substances from bacteria, fungi and algae with various applications. More than 300 scientific publications, 550 citations, head and participant in more than 30 national and international projects; supervisor of bachelor, master and doctoral students.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Dr. Ashraf Aly Hassan</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> United Arab Emirates University (UAEU)<Br/>UAE</h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#keynote_speakers64"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="keynote_speakers64" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">Dr. Ashraf Aly Hassan is an associate professor at the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), where he specializes in environmental engineering. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati, focusing on innovative methods for treating hydrophobic hazardous air pollutants. Dr. Aly Hassan’s research encompasses desalination using algal species, biohydrogen production, and the biological treatment of industrial wastewater. He has published extensively, with over 45 peer-reviewed journal articles and numerous conference presentations. In addition to his publications, Dr. Aly Hassan holds several patents related to environmental technologies, including methods for biofiltration and biodesalination. His research has earned him significant recognition, multiple awards, and substantial funding, making him a key figure in advancing water treatment technologies and environmental sustainability.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Dr. Chung Yuan Kung</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> National Chung Hsing University<Br/>Taiwan</h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#keynote_speakers85"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="keynote_speakers85" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify"> Dr. Kung graduated from National Tsing Hua University 1969 and 1972 with BS and MS degree in physics, university of Alabama in Huntsville 1974 in physics and Northwestern university 1979 in material science. Post doctor at Georgia Tech and research science at Lawrence laboratory. With about 6 years experiences in US industries Fairchild and National Semiconductor and work for ITRI (Taiwan) since 1987 and worked for National Chung-Hsing University electric engineering department since 1991 to 2016 (retired).</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Prof. Blaz Likozar</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> Department of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering at (NIC)<Br/>Slovenia </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#keynote_speakers31"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="keynote_speakers31" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify"> Prof. Blaz Likozar is a head of the Department of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering at the National Institute of Chemistry (NIC), leading the programme “Chemical Reaction Engineering”, as well as numerous research projects (15 H2020 / 50 in Horizon Europe alone). His expertise lies (among others) in heterogeneous catalysis materials, modelling, simulation and optimization of process fluid mechanics, transport phenomena and chemical kinetics. He worked at the University of Delaware in 2014–2015 as a Fulbright Program researcher. He has authored >330 articles, was cited >10000 times, having a h-index of 50. He is also involved in many industrial projects, amongst others, with TotalEnergies, Evonik Industries, UPM, Novartis, Carbon Recycling International… He is a recipient of Pregl and Zois awards.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;"> Prof. Muhamad Mat Noor</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA)<Br/>Malaysia</h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#keynote_speakers16"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="keynote_speakers16" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">Prof. Muhamad Mat Noor Currently, he is Dean of Students Development, UMP Students Affair & Alumni Department (JHEPA), academician at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and previously Director for German Academic and Career Center (GACC) and in Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). He graduated from University Putra Malaysia in 1995 and then he worked at Sony TV for about 12 years with his last position as Production, R&D and Control Manager. Beside production and design, his responsibilities include division budget, business strategy and mid-range plan. He also holds Master Black Belt for Six Sigma and lead auditors for ISO9000, ISO14000, OHSAS18000, Integrated Management System (QESH) and Sony supplier green partnership. He has shown vast interest in automotive engineering and heat transfer research area. He also actively involved in Petronas and other oil and gas consultation services. He has published more than 350 papers in international scholarly journals and conference and holds few patents. He is founder and Editor in Chief for International Journal of Automotive & Mechanical Engineering (IJAME) for 2008-2018, editor in chief for Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Sciences (JMES) for 2014-2018, editorial board members and technical reviewers for many reputed international journals and a conferences committee. He is facilitator, expert panel, subject matter expert and moderator for OUM Six Sigma and Science & Technology Research Methodology since 2014. He also recently appointed as Advisor for Malaysian Citation Centre (MCC), Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia.Â</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">DR. U C Jha</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;">Ex. Director - CII Technology Centre<Br/> Ex. Professor LPU<Br/> India </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#keynote_speakers18"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="keynote_speakers18" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">D.SC. (Honorary) - For excellence in Industrial & Manufacturing Technology Dr UC Jha Brief Biography Dr. U C Jha, Ex. Professor, Lovely Professional University (LPU), India. (Around 26 Years experience) Prof. (Dr.) U. C. Jha , M.Tech (IIT), Ph.D (NIT), D.Sc.*,FISROSET, Certificate in Six Sigma Green Belt (USA.)* ,Certificate in ‘Science.of Wellness’ (Yale University,USA.)* Certificate in Leadership & Team Development (Germany* ), Delivered Ten (10*) Keynote Speech abroad(Out of India). Eleven (11) times Who’s Who in the World/ Science & Engg. (USA) • One of the Youngest (33 Year) full “Professor” of India. * One of the Youngest (40 Year) “Principal” of a Technical / Engineering Institute approved by the Government of India. A distinguished academician, Prof. Jha is an alumnus of IIT, Madras, India (NIRF-01 - 2016,2017,2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021). Prof. Jha is a former Director of CII Technology Centre and he has also served as the “Director”, “Campus Director”, “Chief Advisor”, “Principal” , “Acting Director”, Vice Principal,“HOD” and “Head – R & D” in reputed educational groups lile LNCT, Medicaps, LPU (Lovely Professional University) India etc.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Ms. Sophia Hasnaoui</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;">Senior Business Development Manager at Yellow Door Energy<Br/>Dubai UAE </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#keynote_speakers34"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="keynote_speakers34" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">As a Senior Business Development Manager at Yellow Door Energy, Sophia combines her commercial expertise and engineering education to bring forth the best solar solutions for her customers. She works closely with commercial and industrial businesses in the UAE and Oman to bring them solar leases: a hassle-free way to adopt solar, reduce energy costs and lower carbon emissions. With over a decade of experience in international markets such as France, Morocco, and the GCC, Sophia specializes in the energy and industrial sectors. Prior to joining Yellow Door Energy, Sophia worked as a business development manager at KSB Middle East, where she spearheaded commercial efforts to achieve exponential growth in the region. A talented communicator and detail-oriented project manager, Sophia ensures her customers are satisfied with project results and objectives. Sophia holds a Master of Mechanical Engineering Systems from Université Technologique de Compiegne, France. Moreover, she successfully completed a program in Business Sustainability Management by the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Dr. Dmitri Karpov</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;">Joint Stock Company D.V. Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus<Br/>Plasma-beam technologies<Br/> Russia </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#keynote_speakers50"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="keynote_speakers50" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">Dr. Dmitri Karpov is a head of department “Plasma-beam technologies“ of D.V. Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus (belong to State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, Russia). He graduated from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (USSR) and hold PhD from D.V. Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus. Since the 1980s he has led or participated in many Soviet, Russian and International projects related to the development and application of vacuum, plasma and beam technologies. Some of his developments (arc sources of metal plasma) have received worldwide recognition and exported to USA, Europe, China and Thailand. Dmitri Karpov is the author and co-author of many articles, patents and some books in the field of plasma and nanotechnology, biographee of “Who’s Who in the World”. His current research interests are hydrogen energy: issues of application of plasma and beam technologies for production, transportation and storage of hydrogen.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Row --> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <hr class="bg-hr mt-0 d-block" data-zanim-xs='{"delay":0.1,"from":{"visibility":"hidden","width":"0%"},"to":{"visibility":"visible","width":"100%"},"duration":2}' data-zanim-trigger="scroll" /> </div> </section> <!--Keynote_speakers end--> <!--Invited_speakers--> <!-- <section> begin ============================--> <section style="padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;"> <!--/.bg-holder--> <div class="container" id="speakers"> <h3 class="text-white mb-6" style="text-align: center; color:#3965d7 !important; margin-bottom: 1rem !important;">Invited Speakers</h3> <div class="row ten-columns"> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Mr. Helton Bezerra </h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH<Br/> Germany</h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#invited_speakers12"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="invited_speakers12" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">Helton Bezerra, electrical technical colleage and began his career as an Electrical Engineer in Brazil University. Postgraduate degree in International Business. Started the work experience in telecommunications and then, approximately 27 years ago, changed completely to electrical engineering applications, in the automation field later adding almost 20 years for MR in Brazil. In this last opportunity, acting as Sales Manager dedicated to the Central and South American market to promote the complete MR portfolio. In May 2023, I moved to MR Germany with a focus on MR's solution to hydrogen production plants.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Prof. Enio Pontes de Deus</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> Federal University of Ceara <Br/>Brazil </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#invited_speakers24"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="invited_speakers24" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify"> Enio Pontes is a renowned full professor at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), with expertise in the field of Materials Engineering, specialized in technologies for renewable energy and environmental sustainability. He holds a PhD in Structural Engineering from the University of São Paulo and the Technische Universität Braunschweig (TU-BS) in Germany, and has also been a visiting professor at QUT in Australia and ENS/LMT de Cachan in France. With a solid academic background and international experience, Enio Pontes serves as a professor and researcher in the Postgraduate Program in Materials Engineering and Science at UFC. He coordinates the LAMEFF (Materials Failure Laboratory) and leads innovative research projects on the development of materials and technologies for the efficient utilization of renewable energy, focusing on reducing carbon footprint and mitigating climate change. As the coordinator of the Thematic Meeting: Renewable Energies at the 5th National Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation - Fortaleza CE, and the organizer of the International Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies - CITER Piauí, he plays a crucial role in promoting knowledge exchange and disseminating cutting-edge research in the field of clean energy. Enio Pontes is also a member of the Advisory Council of the 5th CNCTI and FINEP (Brazilian Innovation Agency), and actively contributes to the formulation of public policies and funding strategies to drive innovation and sustainability.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Mr. Masatoshi Kakegawa</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> Professional Engineer<Br/> Japan </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#invited_speakers84"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="invited_speakers84" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify"> Masatoshi Kakegawa is a seasoned Professional Engineer with expertise in mechanical and environmental engineering. Born on December 17, 1962, he holds certifications as a Professional Engineer in Japan and the U.S. (Washington State). His career spans over three decades, including roles as a consulting engineer and senior project manager. Currently leading MASA Professional Engineer Office, Kakegawa has previously worked with firms like CBRE CM Solutions, JLL, Sumitomo Realty & Development, and Bridgestone Corporation, where he held key positions in HVAC, electricity, plumbing, and mechanical engineering. Kakegawa earned a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Waseda University and a Master of System Safety from Nagaoka University of Technology. He also holds a certificate from MIT’s "Beyond Smart Cities" program. His commitment to advancing the engineering field is evident in his leadership roles at The Institution of Professional Engineers, Japan, where he served as Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Division and a board member. His rich professional journey reflects a dedication to innovative engineering solutions and sustainable development.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Dr. Kaori Sasaoka</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> Okayama University <Br/>Japan </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#invited_speakers78"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="invited_speakers78" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify"> Kaori Sasaoka majoring in veterinary medicine at Nippon Veterinary and Life Sciences University, working as a clinical veterinarian at a veterinary hospital for about 5 years, and volunteering at the Koala Hospital and the Royal Society For the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) in Australia, I earned a master's degree in preventive veterinary medicine (MPVM) from the University of California, Davis. I then attended a doctoral program in clinical veterinary medicine at Washington State University, where I conducted research on enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) in cows. In Japan, I conducted research on radiation therapy using mouse models of kidney disease at department of Health Science, Okayama University', where I obtained my doctorate, and then conducted research using gene detection and analysis, and epidemiological surveys as an assistant professor at Department of Public Health in Okayama University. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Prof. Dilba Midlaj Rayarukandiyil</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;">Liverpool John Moores University<Br/> Qatar </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#invited_speakers74"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="invited_speakers74" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">Dilba Midlaj Rayarukandiyil is an Assistant Professor at Liverpool John Moores University, Qatar, specializing in climate change, carbon footprint analysis, and sustainable construction materials. With extensive experience in embodied carbon and sustainability, her research focuses on integrating low-carbon solutions in the construction industry. Dilba is certified in Lean Construction Management and Circular Ecology, with expertise in life cycle assessment (LCA) and carbon footprinting. Her work emphasizes the importance of reducing carbon emissions and enhancing sustainability practices in infrastructure development, making her a recognized figure in advancing climate-resilient infrastructure solutions.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Prof. Adriana Greco</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> University of Naples Federico<Br/>Italy</h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#invited_speakers77"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="invited_speakers77" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify"> We will Update Soon...</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Dr. Rania Mona Zeid Alqaralleh</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;">Mutah University<Br/> Jordan </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#invited_speakers6"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="invited_speakers6" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify"> Alqaralleh Rania Mona is a faculty member of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Mutah University, Jordan. Dr. Alqaralleh completed her PhD in Environmental Engineering from University of Ottawa, Canada, in 2019. Dr. Alqaralleh research focuses mainly on Waste to Energy conversion via Anaerobic Digestion and Co-Digestion. Green Buildings, Sustainable Cities, and Green Hydrogen are some of her current research interests! During her graduate studies, Dr. Alqaralleh was awarded many prestigious awards like Jacqueline Shields Memorial Scholarship, Queen Elizabeth II Award, and University of Ottawa Academic and Research Excellence Award. Dr. Alqaralleh is the academic advisor for the American Water Works Association Student Chapter- Mutah, Jordan, the first AWWA student chapter in the Middle East</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-2" style="flex: 0 0 20%;max-width: 20%;"> <div align="center" style="height: 295px; border:2px solid #608cff;margin-bottom: 8px;padding-top: 9px;"> <img src="" alt="" class="rounded-circle" style="width:150px;height:150px;" /> <div style="height: 83px;"> <h5 class="mt-3 font-weight-medium mb-0" style="font-size:17px;margin-top: 1rem !important;">Prof. Mabicka Iwangou Saint Bickolard</h5> <h6 class="subtitle mb-3" style="font-size:13px; margin-top: 5px;"> LaReVa Bois IRT <Br/>Libreville </h6> </div> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" class="" data-target="#invited_speakers26"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Biography" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary text-white" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"></a> <div class="modal fade" id="invited_speakers26" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" style="padding: 1rem 0rem; margin: -1rem -19rem -1rem auto;">&times;</button> <h4 style="color: #000; margin-right: 190px;" class="modal-title" >Biography</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="color: #000" align="justify">Prof. Mabicka Iwangou Saint Bickolard specialist in Wood Sciences, and I did a thesis on the pollution of mangroves in Libreville, Gabon. So I know about the tissues and formation of wood in terrestrial ecosystems and mangroves. As a research associate at LaReVa Bois (Laboratory for Research and Development of Wood Materials) in Gabon, I'm developing new knowledge on the chemical, anatomical and ecophysiological changes in mangroves exposed to mineral and organic pollution. I give courses in wood science at the national school of water and forests in Gabon. I'm also a consultant for NGOs involved in preserving and restoring mangrove ecosystems, notably the Amis de la Lowé and Plurmea. Finally, I'm involved in the authorization of mangrove projects</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Row --> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <hr class="bg-hr mt-0 d-block" data-zanim-xs='{"delay":0.1,"from":{"visibility":"hidden","width":"0%"},"to":{"visibility":"visible","width":"100%"},"duration":2}' data-zanim-trigger="scroll" /> </div> </section> <!----> <!-- <section> begin ============================--> <section id="contact"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8 mt-4 mt-lg-0 d-flex flex-column justify-content-between"> <div class="row" style="width:900px;"> <div align="" class="col-md-auto col-2 border-400 pr-md-2" style="padding-right: 2px !important;"> <ul class="fa-ul mb-0"> <li class="font-weight-bold mb-2"><span class="fa-li pr-2"><i class="fas fa-map"></i></span>Dubai, UAE</li> <!--<li>11810 Sunrise Valley Drive<br />Reston, VA 20191</li>--> </ul> <hr> </div> <div class="col-md-auto col-4 pr-md-3" style="padding-left: 2px !important; padding-left:2px;"> <ul class="fa-ul mb-0"> <!--<li class="mb-2"><span class="fa-li pr-2"><i class="fas fa-phone"></i></span><a href="tel:18155958049">+1-815-595-8049</a></li>--> <li class="my-1" style="margin-top: 0px !important; font-weight: bold;"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> Early Bird Ends: October 30, 2024</li> </ul> <hr> </div> <div class="col-md-auto col-2 pr-md-2" style="padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px !important;"> <ul class="fa-ul mb-0"> <!--<li class="mb-2"><span class="fa-li pr-2"><i class="fas fa-phone"></i></span><a href="tel:18155958049">+1-815-595-8049</a></li>--> <li class="my-1" style="margin-top: 0px !important; font-weight: bold;"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> First Round of Abstract Submission: November 28, 2024</li> </ul> <hr> </div> <!--<div class="col-md-auto pl-3 mt-4 mt-md-0 pb-md-2"> <ul class="fa-ul mb-0"> <li><span class="fa-li pr-2"><i class="fab fa-linkedin-in"></i></span><a href="#">Linkedin</a></li> <li class="my-1"><span class="fa-li pr-2"><i class="fab fa-facebook"></i></span><a href="#">Facebook</a></li> <li><span class="fa-li pr-2"><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i></span><a href="#">Twitter </a></li> </ul> </div>--> </div> <div><div style="text-align: justify;"><div><font color="#050505">Dubai is the largest city in the United Arab Emirates. It is located on the south-east coast of the Persian Gulf, in the Arabian Desert, and is the capital of the Emirate of Dubai, one of the seven emirates that make up the country. Dubai is known for luxury shopping, ultramodern architecture and lively night-life. The Dubai has emerged as a global city and business hub of the Middle East. Dubai having expanded along both banks of the Creek, Dubai is divided into two parts - Deira on the northern side and Bur Dubai to the south, as well as the top tourist destination of Jumeirah. Dubai is preserved some of the most intriguing historical attractions.</font></div><div><font color="#050505"><br></font></div><div><font color="#050505">1. The Dubai Fountain</font></div><div><font color="#050505">2. Burj Khalifa</font></div><div><font color="#050505">3. Atlantis Aquaventure Waterpark</font></div><div><font color="#050505">4. Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo</font></div><div><font color="#050505">5. AURA SKYPOOL</font></div></div></div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4"> <img class="rounded mt-4 img-fluid" src="" alt="" data-zanim-xs='{"from":{"opacity":0,"y":100},"to":{"opacity":1,"y":0},"duration":2}' data-zanim-trigger="scroll" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- <section> begin ============================--> <!--<section id="Speakers"> <div class="container"> <h3 class="mb-lg-6 mb-4">Our Speakers</h3> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-1 pl-lg-6 my-5 mt-lg-0"></div> <div class="col-lg-10 pl-lg-6 my-5 mt-lg-0"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-md-5"><img class="rounded-soft img-fluid" src="assets/img/speakers/Jay-A-Berzofsky.jpg" alt="thumb-image" /></div> <div class="col pl-md-0 mt-1 mt-md-0"> <h5 class="text-uppercase text-base font-weight-extra-bold mb-0 mt-1 mt-lg-0">Jay A. Berzofsky, <small>M.D., Ph.D.</small></h5> <p class="fs-0 text-uppercase font-weight-extra-bold text-500 mb-1">Chief, Vaccine Branch,<br>Center for Cancer Research,<br>National Cancer Institute</p> <div class="col pl-0 fs-0"><a class="text-400" href="" target="_blank"><span class="fab fa-twitter"></span></a><a class="mx-2 text-400" href="" target="_blank"><span class="fab fa-linkedin-in"></span></a><a class="text-400" href="" target="_blank"><span class="fab fa-google-plus-g"></span></a></div> <p class="mt-2 text-lowercase font-italic mb-0">Dr. Jay A. Berzofsky was appointed Chief of the new Vaccine Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, in 2003, after serving as Chief of the Molecular Immunogenetics and Vaccine Research Section, Metabolism Branch, National Cancer Institute, NIH, since 1987. He graduated Summa cum Laude in Chemistry from Harvard in 1967 and completed his PhD in protein biochemistry and biophysics at Einstein under J. Peisach, W.E. Blumberg, and B. L. Horecker as part of the Medical Scientist Training Program.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-1 pl-lg-6 my-5 mt-lg-0"></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="col-lg-1 pl-lg-6 my-5 mt-lg-0"></div> <div class="col-lg-10 pl-lg-6 my-5 mt-lg-0"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-md-5"><img class="rounded-soft img-fluid" src="assets/img/speakers/Nikolai-Petrovsky.jpg" alt="thumb-image" /></div> <div class="col pl-md-0 mt-1 mt-md-0"> <h5 class="text-uppercase text-base font-weight-extra-bold mb-0 mt-1 mt-lg-0">Nikolai Petrovsky, <small>Ph.D.</small></h5> <p class="fs-0 text-uppercase font-weight-extra-bold text-500 mb-1">Director of Endocrinology, Flinders University</p> <div class="col pl-0 fs-0"><a class="text-400" href="#" target="_blank"><span class="fab fa-twitter"></span></a><a class="mx-2 text-400" href="#" target="_blank"><span class="fab fa-linkedin-in"></span></a><a class="text-400" href="#" target="_blank"><span class="fab fa-google-plus-g"></span></a></div> <p class="mt-2 text-lowercase font-italic mb-0">director of endocrinology at flinders medical centre with a conjoint position as professor of medicine at flinders university, nikolai petrovsky is also vice-president and secretary-general of the international immunomics society. active in diabetes, endocrinology and vaccine research, he is the founder of vaxine, a company funded by the us national institutes of health to develop novel vaccine technologies. in 2009 vaxine won the amp innovation award at the telstra business awards and australia's coolest company award from australian anthill magazine. nikolai petrovsky has developed vaccines against influenza, hepatitis b, sting allergy, malaria, japanese encephalitis, rabies and hiv, has authored over 90 papers and chapters and is a regular invited speaker at international vaccine conferences.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-1 pl-lg-6 my-5 mt-lg-0"></div> </div> </div> </div> </section>--> <!-- <section> begin ============================--> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <section> <div class="bg-holder overlay overlay-1" style="background-image:url(assets/img/background/submit-bg.jpg);"> </div> <!--/.bg-holder--> <div class="container"> <div class="row text-white justify-content-center"> <div class="col-xl-12 col-lg-12 text-center"> <h4 class="mb-3 ls text-white">SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT</h4> <p class="lead font-weight-light text-400" style="font-size:15px; color: #fff !important;font-weight: bold !important;">Once you submit the abstract, we will get in touch with you in 4-5 business days regarding the status (Accepted/Rejected) of the submission. 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