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We utilize every available technology to ensure that your confidential information remains secure. This Privacy Policy describes how collects and processes your personal information through our websites and services. <strong>By using the website and services, you are agreeing to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.</strong></p> </li> <li> <a name="coll"></a> <h2>Personal Information We Collect</h2> <p>We collect your personal information to process your transactions and assist us in providing you with a more personalized shopping experience.</p> <p>Below is a list of personal information we collect:</p> <div> <ul class="help-list"> <li>Identifiers such as a name, address, phone number, IP address, email address</li> <li>Personal information, such as a credit card number, financial account information</li> <li>Commercial information, including records of products, or services purchased, obtained, or considered or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies</li> <li>Internet or other electronic network activity, such as browsing history, search history, and information regarding a consumer's interaction with a website, application, or advertisement</li> <li>Geolocation data, such as the location of your device or computer;</li> <li>Professional information; for example, data you may provide about your business if you are a Marketplace Sellers</li> </ul> </div> </li> <li> <a name="protect"></a> <h2>How We Use Your Personal Information</h2> <p>Your personal information is used in a variety of ways to operate, provide, deliver, and enhance the services we offer.</p> <p>Below is a list of how we utilize the personal information we obtain from you:</p> <div> <ul class="help-list"> <li>Support the shipping and tracking of textbooks and other products</li> <li>Process transactions</li> <li>Manage your information and accounts</li> <li>Process financial information and other payment methods for purchased products and/or services</li> <li>Communicate with you about your account, website updates, and policy changes</li> <li>Assist with information regarding third party service providers </li> <li>Analyze internet or other electronic network activity to monitor website health and effectiveness</li> <li>Provide targeted promotional offers specific to a given region</li> <li>Monitor geolocation data to provide targeted promotional offers specific to a given region</li> <li>Provide account details to a service provider for verification as part of our Marketplace Seller program</li> </ul> </div> </li> <li> <a name="user-prodivded-data"></a> <h2>User-Provided Data & Third-Party Services</h2> <p> is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring transparency in how your information is used and shared. As part of our effort to provide you with a seamless experience, we integrate various solutions into our platform, including Google services. This integration helps us to enhance our services, offer personalized educational content, and improve our website's functionality.</p> <p>When you use our platform, certain user-provided data may be shared with our solutions to enable these integrated services. This data may include:</p> <div> <ul class="help-list"> <li> <span class="boldText">Identifiers and Contact Information</span>: such as your email address, name, phone number, address, or a unique user ID, to facilitate account creation, synchronization, and collaboration through third party services such as Google. </li> <li><span class="boldText">Usage Data</span>: collected through our third party services such as Google Analytics and Tealeaf to understand how you interact with our website and services, enabling us to improve user experience based on aggregated usage patterns.</li> </ul> </div> <p>Please note that the sharing and use of information collected through Google services are governed by <a href="" target="_blank">Google's Privacy Policy</a>, in addition to our own. We encourage you to review <a href="" target="_blank">Google's Privacy Policy</a> to understand how your information is handled on their services.</p> </li> <li> <a name="cook"></a> <h2>Using Cookies</h2> <p>Cookies are small bits of information stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive. Cookies, pixels, and other technologies (collectively referred to as "cookies") allow systems to recognize your browser or device and to provide and enhance our services. Like all e-commerce websites, we also use cookies for the following additional purposes:</p> <div> <ul class="help-list"> <li>Keeping track of items in your shopping cart</li> <li>Conducting research to improve products and services</li> <li>Preventing fraudulent activity</li> <li>Improving security</li> <li>Reporting to measure and analyze site performance</li> </ul> </div> <p> cookies provide access to essential site features. If you block or reject cookies, you may still use our website; however, you will be restricted to some functionality, including the ability to add items to your Shopping Cart or complete your purchase.</p> <p>Approved third parties may also use cookies when you utilize services. Some third party examples include search engines and providers of measurement and analytics services. You can manage browser cookies in your browser settings.</p> </li> <li> <a name="ccpa"></a> <h2>California Consumer Privacy Act</h2> <p>Click <a href="/help/ccpa">here</a> to read additional information and disclosures required under the California Consumer Privacy Act.</p> </li> <li> <a name="disclose"></a> <h2>Disclosing Your Information</h2> <p> considers the information you share with us to be personal and confidential. We do not sell or rent any of your personal information to others. However, we may choose to release this information to trustworthy third parties at some point in the future with your permission. If you do not want us to share your personal information with third parties, please sign in to your My Account to unsubscribe from our promotional emails.</p> <p> may also provide aggregate statistics about our customers, sales, traffic patterns and related site information to reputable third parties, but these statistics will include no personal information. Finally, we may release the name, address and email address of sweepstakes entrants to reputable co-sponsors and to other third parties for the sole purpose of administering such sweepstakes.</p> <p>If you visit via a co-branded site (by using a link to our site from a company we do business with), your personal information may be collected by both parties and used by each in accordance with their respective privacy policies. Your credit card information and password are not shared with co-branded businesses.</p> <p> releases personal account information, in good faith, when such release is believed to be reasonably necessary. This includes situations in complying with the law, enforcing or applying the terms of any of our user agreements, or protecting the rights, property and safety of, our customers, or affected third parties.</p> </li> <li> <a name="private"></a> <h2>Securing Your Private Information</h2> <p> employs the latest version of Secure Socket Layer Technology (SSL) to encrypt your information and help ensure that only you and ever see it. If your web browser doesn't permit a secure connection, will not accept your personal information including credit card numbers. Your browser should display a "padlock" or "key" icon in the lower margin of your web browser when a secure connection is made, and the URL bar at the top of your browser will typically show the website address preceded by the characters "https".</p> </li> <li> <a name="storing"></a> <h2>Storing Your Billing Information</h2> <p>To make checkout more convenient we can save credit card and billing address information securely. If you would like to save your credit card information for future purchases, check the box that says "Save Card?" after entering your credit card information, and we will store this securely for your next purchase. We will always ask you for your security code. For security purposes, this information is not able to be stored. If you do not select the checkbox, you will have to re-enter this information to make your next purchase.</p> </li> <li> <a name="consent"></a> <h2>Your Consent</h2> <p>By using our website, you consent to the collection and use of this information by If we amend our Privacy Policy, we will immediately post the changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we gather, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it. We suggest that you check this page on occasion to keep up with the most current policies.</p> </li> <li> <a name="password"></a> <h2>Your Password</h2> <p> suggests that you keep your password private and avoid disclosing it to any third parties. If others have access to your password, the possibility exists that your personal information could be compromised.</p> </li> <li> <a name="email"></a> <h2>Unsubscribing From Email</h2> <p>In accordance with federal laws, allows you to unsubscribe from promotional emails. 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