Create an account - USA TODAY

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Our site will not function properly without JavaScript enabled. Please check your ad blocker and privacy setting to ensure our site is allowed to execute all JavaScript"}, "recaptcha_public_key": "6LdXY7AZAAAAAKDDuZge_z-YMmDsPsBsCmzJjlvp", "magicLinkActive": false, "magicLinkUnsupportedPaths": ["/account-activation/", "/personal-information/", "/credential-management/", "/password-change/", "/validate-segment/"], "isAppleNewsLogin": false, "dictionaryProcessed": {"header": {"displayInWindowModePopup": true, "title": "USA TODAY", "logoSource": "", "logoURL": "", "logoSourceDark": ""}, "footerIntro": "Questions? Call 1-800-872-0001", "footer": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_top\">Help</a><a href=\"\" target=\"_top\">Terms of Service</a><a href=\"\" target=\"_top\">Privacy Policy</a><a href=\"\" target=\"_top\">Mobile Apps</a><a href=\"\" target=\"_top\"><img src=\"\" height=\"12\" width=\"25\"> Your Privacy Choices</a>", "footerCopyright": "\u00a9 2024", "blacklistedUrlKeys": ["password", "password-confirm", "current-password"], "messages": {"authenticate_gannett_social_login_disallowed": {"displayMessage": "Gannett accounts do not support social login. Please sign in with Okta.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_createUser_API_210": {"displayMessage": "Our website is currently undergoing maintenance. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_createUser_API_310": {"displayMessage": "The password you provided didn't meet our requirements. Please make sure it is 5-30 characters, no spaces.", "type": "error"}, "passwordForgot_beginStateAPI_API_220": {"displayMessage": "No accounts were found with the information provided. Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "manageCredentials_disconnectSocialProviderAPI_HTTP_200": {"displayMessage": " has been removed.", "type": "success"}, "authenticate_updateUser_HTTP_TIMEOUT": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "passwordChange_passwordMismatch": {"displayMessage": "The passwords you entered don't match. Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "invalid_email": {"displayMessage": "Please enter a valid email address.", "type": "error"}, "okta_gannett_config_disabled": {"displayMessage": "Employee auth is not enabled for this application.", "type": "error"}, "passwordChange_beginStateAPI_API_110": {"displayMessage": "We were not able to change your password. Please confirm that your new password includes 5-30 characters, no spaces, and is not the same as your current password.", "type": "error"}, "passwordChange_beginStateAPI_API_340": {"displayMessage": "Your password reset request has expired. Please enter your email, and we will send you a new link to reset your password.", "type": "error"}, "manageCredentials_addSocialProviderAPI_HTTP_200": {"displayMessage": " can now be used to sign in to your account.", "type": "success"}, "psa_AuthCanceled": {"displayMessage": "Your sign-in attempt was canceled before it was completed. Please try again or choose another sign-in method.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_login_API_110": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_login_API_210": {"displayMessage": "Our website is currently undergoing maintenance. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_login_API_220": {"displayMessage": "No accounts were found with the information provided. Please try again or <a href=\"../authenticate/?requested-state=create-account&cookies=&success-url=\">create an account</a>.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_login_API_302": {"displayMessage": "No accounts were found with the information provided. Please try again or <a href=\"../authenticate/?requested-state=create-account&cookies=&success-url=\">create an account</a>.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_login_API_312": {"displayMessage": "No accounts were found with the information provided. Please try again or <a href=\"../authenticate/?requested-state=create-account&cookies=&success-url=\">create an account</a>.", "type": "error"}, "psa_AuthUnknownError": {"displayMessage": "There was an error signing you in. Please try again later or choose another sign-in method.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_login_API_300": {"displayMessage": "The password you entered does not appear to be correct. Please try again or <a href=\"../password-forgot/?d=b&success-url=\">reset your password</a>.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_getUser_API_220": {"displayMessage": "No accounts were found with the information provided. Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_updateUser": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "passwordChange_beginStateAPI_API_300": {"displayMessage": "Your password reset link seems to be invalid. If you received multiple password reset emails, please use the most recent one or click below to have the link resent", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_getUser_HTTP_TIMEOUT": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_javascript_timeout": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system had problems processing your submission. Please check your information and try again.", "type": "error"}, "magic_link_error": {"displayMessage": "The magic link failed. Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "magic_link_inactive": {"displayMessage": "The magic link is not active for this site. Please sign in to continue.", "type": "error"}, "magic_link_token_invalid": {"displayMessage": "The token is invalid or has expired. Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "magic_link_unmet_requirements": {"displayMessage": "Please sign in with your password to complete registration.", "type": "error"}, "magic_link_unsupported_paths": {"displayMessage": "Please enter your email and password to access the requested page.", "type": "success"}, "manageCredentials_addSocialProviderAPI_API_540": {"displayMessage": "The credentials you attempted to link are already tied to another account. You must first remove it from the other account to add it here.", "type": "error"}, "lastSocialLogin_noLastSocialProvider": {"displayMessage": "Your account does not have a password and is associated with a provider not currently supported. Please contact customer support for assistance.", "type": "error"}, "passwordChange_beginStateAPI_HTTP_200": {"displayMessage": "Your password has been updated.", "type": "success"}, "passwordChange_beginStateAPI_API_620": {"displayMessage": "Your password must contain 5-30 characters, no spaces.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_invalidToken": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "passwordForgot_beginStateAPI_API_350": {"displayMessage": "We don't appear to have a password associated with that account. Please use the method you signed in with before.", "type": "error"}, "passwordChange_beginStateAPI_API_330": {"displayMessage": "The password you entered doesn't match our records. Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "passwordChange_ratelimitexceeded": {"displayMessage": "You have exceeded the limit of attempts that can be made in an hour", "type": "error"}, "passwordChange_beginStateAPI_API_799": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but we can't change your password at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "passwordChange_beginStateAPI_API_350": {"displayMessage": "Your account is currently only set up to use social credentials. Please use the method you signed in with before.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_login_recaptcha_failure": {"displayMessage": "There was an error signing you in. Please try again or choose another sign-in method.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_login_recaptcha_connectionError": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_login_recaptcha_missing": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please allow our login page on your browser and try again.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_create-account_recaptcha_missing": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please allow our create account page on your browser and try again.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_login_HTTP_TIMEOUT": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "passwordForgot_beginStateAPI_HTTP_TIMEOUT": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_getUser_HTTP_500": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_login_API_340": {"displayMessage": "Your session has expired. Please sign in to continue.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_login_API_380": {"displayMessage": "Your account is not set up to use this sign-in method. Please use the method you signed in with before.", "type": "error"}, "passwordCreate_beginStateAPI_HTTP_200": {"displayMessage": "Your password was created.", "type": "success"}, "passwordChange_beginStateAPI_HTTP_TIMEOUT": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_createUser_emailAlreadyClaimed": {"displayMessage": "There is already an account associated with that email. Please <a href=\"../authenticate/?d=b&success-url=\">sign in here</a> or enter a different email below.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_createUser_birthDateInvalid": {"displayMessage": "Sorry, we cannot accept your information under our Terms of Service.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_createUser_nameInvalid": {"displayMessage": "The first and last name should not be empty. Please enter a valid name.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_createUser_invalid_api_email": {"displayMessage": "The entered email was not valid. Please enter a valid email address.", "type": "error"}, "passwordCreate_beginStateAPI_API_114": {"displayMessage": "The email address you entered is already tied to another account. Please try a different email address.", "type": "error"}, "passwordChange_beginStateAPI_API_220": {"displayMessage": "No accounts were found with the information provided. Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "passwordChange_tokenSuccess": {"displayMessage": "Your password has been updated. Please sign in to continue.", "type": "success"}, "passwordChange_beginStateAPI_API_370": {"displayMessage": "Your new password must be different than your previous password. Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_getUser_API_connectionError": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_login_API_connectionError": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "passwordForgot_API_connectionError": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "passwordChange_API_connectionError": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "personalInformation_API_connectionError": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "personalInformation_HTTP_TIMEOUT": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "personalInformation_emailAlreadyClaimed": {"displayMessage": "The email address you entered is already tied to another account. Please try a different email address.", "type": "error"}, "personalInformation_API_110": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "personalInformation_API_112": {"displayMessage": "We were not able to change your email address. Please confirm that your email address is valid.", "type": "error"}, "personalInformation_API_113": {"displayMessage": "We were not able to update your gender. Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "personalInformation_API_220": {"displayMessage": "No accounts were found with the information provided. Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "personalInformation_API_310": {"displayMessage": "The password you provided didn't meet our requirements. Please make sure it is 5-30 characters, no spaces.", "type": "error"}, "personalInformation_API_350": {"displayMessage": "We don't appear to have a password associated with that account. Please use the method you signed in with before.", "type": "error"}, "personalInformation_API_500": {"displayMessage": "The email address you entered is already tied to another account. Please try a different email address.", "type": "error"}, "personalInformation_API_530": {"displayMessage": "The email address you entered is already tied to another account. Please try a different email address.", "type": "error"}, "personalInformation_200": {"displayMessage": "Your personal information has been updated.", "type": "success"}, "personalInformation_invalid_api_email": {"displayMessage": "The update email was not valid. Please enter a valid email address.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_getUser_HTTP_503": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "passwordForgot_beginStateAPI_HTTP_503": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "passwordForgot_HTTP_503": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "passwordChange_beginStateAPI_HTTP_503": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_createUser_HTTP_503": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "lastSocialLogin_HTTP_503": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "psa_HTTP_503": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_updateUser_HTTP_503": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "personalInformation_HTTP_503": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "passwordChange_HTTP_503": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "manageCredentials_disconnectSocialProviderAPI_HTTP_503": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "manageCredentials_addSocialProviderAPI_HTTP_503": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_login_HTTP_503": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "passwordCreate_beginStateAPI_HTTP_503": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again later.", "type": "error"}, "employeeForgotPwd": {"displayMessage": "Please use your enterprise password to log in.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_csrfError": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "email_verification_inactive": {"displayMessage": "Email verification is not active for this site.", "type": "error"}, "email_verification_token_invalid": {"displayMessage": "The token is invalid or has expired. Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "validateSegment_verificationLimitExceeded": {"displayMessage": "You have exceeded the allowed number of verification attempts", "type": "error"}, "validateSegment_invalidRequest": {"displayMessage": "Invalid form data", "type": "error"}, "validateSegment_invalidFirstName": {"displayMessage": "Please verify your firstname is correct.", "type": "error"}, "validateSegment_invalidLastName": {"displayMessage": "Please verify your lastname is correct.", "type": "error"}, "validateSegment_invalidEmail": {"displayMessage": "Please verify your email is valid.", "type": "error"}, "validateSegment_invalidBirthDate": {"displayMessage": "Please verify your birthdate is correct.", "type": "error"}, "validateSegment_invalidOrganization": {"displayMessage": "The selected organization does not qualify for this offer.", "type": "error"}, "validateSegment_internalServerError": {"displayMessage": "We apologize, but our system is not working correctly at this time. Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "validateSegment_docReviewLimitExceeded": {"displayMessage": "You've exceeded the maximum number of document reviews, Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "validateSegment_invalidDischargeDate": {"displayMessage": "Please verify you've provided a correct discharge date.", "type": "error"}, "validateSegment_invalidMilitaryStatus": {"displayMessage": "Something went wrong. Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_Banned_User": {"displayMessage": "Invalid user ID.", "type": "error"}, "authenticate_noSessionKey": {"displayMessage": "Please sign in again to continue", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_defaultError": {"displayMessage": "An unknown error occurred. Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_userGuidError_400": {"displayMessage": "No user guid found.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_data_not_found_400": {"displayMessage": "Credentials not found on the DB.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_invalidData_400": {"displayMessage": "Invalid data was submitted.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_browserDevice_400": {"displayMessage": "There was no browser or device provided.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_authentication_400": {"displayMessage": "Failed to generate webauthn authentication.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_validation_400": {"displayMessage": "Failed to validate webauthn credentials.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_credentialRegistered_400": {"displayMessage": "A WebAuthn credential is already registered for this device.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_createChallenge_400": {"displayMessage": "The WebAuthn credential challenge creation failed.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_saveChallenge_400": {"displayMessage": "The WebAuthn credential failed to save.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_challengeNotFound_400": {"displayMessage": "The WebAuthn challenge was not found.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_challengeNotSent_400": {"displayMessage": "The WebAuthn challenge was not sent.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_challengesUnequal_400": {"displayMessage": "The WebAuthn challenges do not match.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_verification_400": {"displayMessage": "The WebAuthn verification was not successful.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_registration_400": {"displayMessage": "The WebAuthn registration was not successful.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_inactive_400": {"displayMessage": "Webauthn is inactive for this UAID.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_deletion_200": {"displayMessage": "WebAuthn credentials were successfully deleted.", "type": "success"}, "webauthn_deletion_400": {"displayMessage": "WebAuthn credentials were not successfully deleted.", "type": "error"}, "webauthn_registration_200": {"displayMessage": "The WebAuthn registration was successful and can now be used to log in.", "type": "success"}, "accountActivation_lookup_220": {"displayMessage": "No accounts were found with the information provided. Please try again or contact customer service for assistance.", "type": "error"}, "accountActivation_lookup_304": {"displayMessage": "This subscription is already associated with an account.", "type": "error"}, "accountActivation_lookup_305": {"displayMessage": "No accounts were found with the information provided. Please try again or contact customer service for assistance.", "type": "error"}, "accountActivation_lookup_500": {"displayMessage": "Something went wrong. Please try again.", "type": "error"}, "accountActivation_link_720": {"displayMessage": "We are unable to link your subscription accounts at this time. Please call customer service for assistance.", "type": "error"}, "accountActivation_link_721": {"displayMessage": "We are unable to link your subscription accounts at this time. Please call customer service for assistance.", "type": "error"}, "accountActivation_link_500": {"displayMessage": "Something went wrong. Please try again.", "type": "error"}}, "urlSource": {"passwordForgot": "../password-forgot/", "authenticate": "../authenticate/", "emailVerification": "../email-verification/", "passwordChange": "../password-change/", "createAccount": "../authenticate/?requested-state=create-account"}, "flows": {"passwordForgot": {"states": {"begin": {"title": "Reset password - USA TODAY", "headline": "Reset password", "cancelButton": {"defaultURL": "", "text": "<span>Cancel</span>"}, "submit": "Send Email", "intro": ["Please enter the email associated with your account. We'll send you a link to reset your password."], "introBlock": {"headline": "Reset password", "body": ["Please enter the email associated with your account. We'll send you a link to reset your password."]}, "formBackButton": {"actionPath": "../authenticate/", "label": "Back to sign in"}, "legend": null}, "confirm": {"title": "Forgot Confirmation - USA TODAY", "headline": "Password reset pending", "intro": ["Your password request has been received. Reset instructions will be emailed to if the account exists in our system. Please check your spam or junk folders just in case you don't see the instructions in your inbox."], "introBlock": {"headline": "Reset password", "body": ["Your password request has been received. Reset instructions will be emailed to if the account exists in our system. Please check your spam or junk folders just in case you don't see the instructions in your inbox."]}, "formBackButton": {"actionPath": "../authenticate/", "label": "Back to sign in"}, "legend": null}}}, "webauthnRedirect": {"states": {"webauthn-begin": {"title": "Webauthn email - USA TODAY", "headline": "Webauthn email", "cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "<span>Cancel</span>"}, "submit": "Send Email", "intro": ["Please enter the email associated with your account."], "introBlock": {"headline": "Webauthn email", "body": ["Please enter the email associated with your account."]}, "formBackButton": {"actionPath": "../authenticate/", "label": "Back to sign in"}, "legend": null}, "webauthn-confirm": {"title": "Webauthn email - USA TODAY", "headline": "Webauthn email", "cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "<span>Cancel</span>"}, "submit": "Send Email", "intro": ["Please enter the email associated with your account."], "introBlock": {"headline": "Webauthn email", "body": ["Please enter the email associated with your account."]}, "formBackButton": {"actionPath": "../authenticate/", "label": "Back to sign in"}, "legend": null}}}, "credentialManagement": {"states": {"create-password": {"headline": "Create a Password", "intro": ["You can use your email and password to sign in."], "introBlock": {"headline": "Create a Password", "body": ["You can use your email and password to sign in."]}, "formBackButton": {"actionPath": "../personal-information/", "label": "Back to account information"}, "submitBack": "Go Back", "submit": "Create Password", "title": "Credential Management - USA TODAY", "hidePassword": "Hide", "showPassword": "Show", "passwordMeterLabels": {"weak": "Weak", "acceptable": "Acceptable", "strong": "Strong"}}, "manage-credentials": {"cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "Return to Account Information"}, "social-intro": ["Click on the buttons below to add or remove a social provider."], "title": "Manage credentials - USA TODAY", "submit": "Manage Sign In", "password-headline": "Email / password", "intro": ["You can change the password you use to sign in to your account."], "introBlock": {"headline": "Manage social sign in", "body": ["Sign in with an existing social media account instead of your email and password."]}, "formBackButton": {"actionPath": "../personal-information/", "label": "Back to account information"}, "passwordIntroBlock": {"headline": "Email / Password", "body": ["You can change the password you use to sign in to your account."]}, "webauthn": {"connectTitle": "Add Webauthn", "disconnectTitle": "Remove Webauthn"}, "social-headline": "Manage credentials"}, "manage-credentials-without-standard-credentials": {"cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "Return to Account Information"}, "social-intro": ["Click on the buttons below to add or remove a social provider."], "title": "Manage credentials - USA TODAY", "submit": "Create a Password", "password-headline": "Email / password", "intro": ["Create a password to be able to sign in with your email."], "introBlock": {"headline": "Manage social sign in", "body": ["Sign in with an existing social media account instead of your email and password."]}, "formBackButton": {"actionPath": "../personal-information/", "label": "Back to account information"}, "passwordIntroBlock": {"headline": "Email / Password", "body": ["Create a password to be able to sign in with your email."]}, "webauthn": {"connectTitle": "Add Webauthn", "disconnectTitle": "Remove Webauthn"}, "social-headline": "Manage credentials"}, "manage-credentials-employee": {"cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "Return to Account Information"}, "headline": "Manage credentials", "introBlock": {"body": ["The account you are currently signed in with can't be managed via this page."]}, "title": "Credential Management - USA TODAY"}, "disconnect-provider": {"headline": "Remove ?", "cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "Go Back"}, "formBackButton": {"actionPath": "", "label": "Back"}, "intro": ["Once removed, you will no longer be able to use it to login. You can add it again at any time."], "introBlock": {"headline": "Remove ?", "body": ["Once removed, you will no longer be able to use it to login. You can add it again at any time."]}, "submit": "Remove ", "title": "Credential Management - USA TODAY"}, "disconnect-provider-without-standard-credentials": {"cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "Go Back"}, "formBackButton": {"actionPath": "", "label": "Back"}, "intro": ["We can't remove your credentials because they are the only credentials associated with your account. To remove , you must first create a password or connect another social provider."], "introBlock": {"headline": "Unable to Remove ", "body": ["We can't remove your credentials because they are the only credentials associated with your account. To remove , you must first create a password or connect another social provider."]}, "submit": "Create a Password", "title": "Credential Management - USA TODAY"}}}, "authenticate": {"states": {"more-info": {"headline": "More Information", "introBlock": {"body": ["We just need a little information before we can create your account."]}, "intro": ["We just need a little information before we can create your account."], "submitBack": null, "formBackButton": {"actionPath": "../authenticate/", "label": "Back"}, "submit": "Create an Account", "title": "Sign In - USA TODAY"}, "last-social-login": {"intro": "The email you entered is associated with a account already registered with us. Please sign in with .", "introBlock": {"body": ["The email you entered is associated with a account already registered with us. Please sign in with ."]}, "submitBack": "<span>Go Back</span>", "title": "Sign In With - USA TODAY"}, "returning-user": {"cancelButton": {"defaultURL": "", "text": "<span>Cancel</span>"}, "introBlock": {"headline": "Sign in"}, "headline": "Sign in", "submit": "More Options", "title": "Sign In - USA TODAY", "hidePassword": "Hide", "showPassword": "Show"}, "returning-user-standard": {"cancelButton": {"defaultURL": "", "text": "<span>Cancel</span>"}, "moreOptionsText": "More options", "headline": "Sign in to your account", "introBlock": {"headline": "Sign in to your account", "requiredFields": null}, "dividerText": "Or, if you\u2019ve previously signed in with one of these options", "submit": "Sign In", "submitSignIn": "Not you? <span>Sign in with a different account</span>", "submitForgotPassword": "<span>Forgot password?</span>", "title": "Sign In - USA TODAY", "hidePassword": "Hide", "showPassword": "Show", "usernameLabel": "Your email", "submitCreateAccount": "Don't have an account? <span>Create one</span>"}, "returning-user-social": {"cancelButton": {"defaultURL": "", "text": "<span>Cancel</span>"}, "introBlock": {"headline": "Welcome back!"}, "returningUserData": "Hi", "headline": "Welcome Back !", "submit": "Sign In", "submitSignIn": "Not you? <span>Sign in with a different account</span>", "title": "Sign In - USA TODAY", "submitCreateAccount": "Don't have an account? <span>Create one</span>"}, "method-select": {"title": "Sign In - USA TODAY", "headline": "Sign in to your account", "introBlock": {"headline": "Sign in to your account", "requiredFields": null}, "dividerText": "Or, if you\u2019ve previously signed in with one of these options", "cancelButton": {"defaultURL": "", "text": "<span>Cancel</span>"}, "submit": "Sign In", "moreOptionsText": "More options", "legend": null, "submitForgotPassword": "<span>Forgot password?</span>", "submitCreateAccount": "Don't have an account? <span>Create one</span>", "createAccountButtonData": [{"name": "reg_source", "value": "GUPCREATE"}, {"name": "reg_medium", "value": "ONSITE"}, {"name": "reg_campaign", "value": "signin"}, {"name": "reg_delivery", "value": "ux"}], "hidePassword": "Hide", "showPassword": "Show", "firstSignInOption": "<a class=\"button secondary\" href=\"\">Already have a subscription? <span>Let's activate your account</span></a>"}, "magic-link-login": {"title": "Sign In - USA TODAY", "headline": "Sign in to your account", "introBlock": {"headline": "Sign in to your account", "requiredFields": null}, "dividerText": "Or, if you\u2019ve previously signed in with one of these options", "cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "<span>Cancel</span>"}, "submit": "Next", "moreOptionsText": "", "legend": null, "submitCreateAccount": "Don't have an account? <span>Create one</span>", "createAccountButtonData": [{"name": "reg_source", "value": "GUPCREATE"}, {"name": "reg_medium", "value": "ONSITE"}, {"name": "reg_campaign", "value": "signin"}, {"name": "reg_delivery", "value": "ux"}], "firstSignInOption": "<a class=\"button secondary\" href=\"\">Already have a subscription? <span>Let's activate your account</span></a>"}, "magic-link-returning-user-standard": {"title": "Sign In - USA TODAY", "headline": "Sign in to your account", "introBlock": {"headline": "Sign in to your account", "requiredFields": null}, "dividerText": "Or, if you\u2019ve previously signed in with one of these options", "cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "<span>Cancel</span>"}, "submit": "Next", "moreOptionsText": "", "legend": null, "submitCreateAccount": "Don't have an account? <span>Create one</span>", "createAccountButtonData": [{"name": "reg_source", "value": "GUPCREATE"}, {"name": "reg_medium", "value": "ONSITE"}, {"name": "reg_campaign", "value": "signin"}, {"name": "reg_delivery", "value": "ux"}], "firstSignInOption": "<a class=\"button secondary\" href=\"\">Already have a subscription? <span>Let's activate your account</span></a>"}, "magic-link-options": {"title": "Sign In Options - USA TODAY", "headline": "Sign in options", "introBlock": {"headline": "Sign in options", "body": "Type in your password (or reset a forgotten password)"}, "topImage": "//", "topImageAlt": "Gears", "cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "<span>Cancel</span>"}, "dividerText": "or", "submit": "Sign In With Password", "moreOptionsText": "Don't want to type your password? Get a sign in link sent to your email instead!", "submitMagicLinkLogin": "Passwordless Sign In", "legend": null}, "magic-link-password": {"title": "Enter your password - USA TODAY", "headline": "Enter your password", "introBlock": {"headline": "Enter your password"}, "submit": "Sign In", "submitForgotPassword": "<span>Forgot password?</span>", "hidePassword": "Hide", "showPassword": "Show", "legend": null, "formBackButton": {"actionPath": "../authenticate/", "label": "Back"}}, "magic-link-confirmation": {"title": "Check your email - USA TODAY", "headline": "Check your email", "introBlock": {"headline": "Check your email", "body": ["We sent a link to your email to<br>sign in to your account.", "If you'd like, you can still <a href=\"../authenticate/?from-state=magic-link-options&requested-state=magic-link-password&email=\">sign in with a password instead</a>."]}, "topImage": "//", "topImageAlt": "Mailbox containing mail", "resendConfirmation": "Don\u2019t see the email in your inbox or spam folder?<br><span>Resend it</span> or <a href=\"\">contact us</a>"}, "create-account": {"title": "Create an account - USA TODAY", "headline": "Create your account", "introBlock": {"headline": "Create your account", "body": ["Select one of these options to continue"], "requiredFields": "All fields are required."}, "cancelButton": {"defaultURL": "", "text": "<span>Cancel</span>"}, "dividerText": "Or", "createAccountDisclaimer": null, "submit": "Create Account", "moreOptionsText": "More options", "legend": null, "submitSignIn": "Already have an account? <span>Sign in</span>", "hidePassword": "Hide", "showPassword": "Show", "firstSignInOption": "<a class=\"button secondary\" href=\"\">Already have a subscription? <span>Let's activate your account</span></a>", "passwordMeterLabels": {"weak": "Weak", "acceptable": "Acceptable", "strong": "Strong"}}, "oauth-user-consent": {"title": "Allow Access", "headline": " wants to access your USA TODAY Account", "introBlock": {"headline": " wants to access your USA TODAY account", "body": "By clicking Allow, you allow this app to use our information in accordance with their respective terms of service and privacy policies."}, "scopes": ["View your basic profile information."], "cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "<span>Cancel</span>"}, "submit": "Allow"}, "welcome": {"title": "Welcome - USA TODAY", "welcome": {"headline": "Create your account", "intro": ["Congratulations! You have successfully created an account."]}, "welcome-back": {"headline": "Welcome Back !"}, "additionalAction": ["If you did not intend to sign in as , please logout of your social provider and try again."], "submit": "Continue", "restart": "Return To Sign In"}, "standard-login": {"submitForgotPassword": "Forgot Password?", "intro": ["We found an account for . Please provide your password to sign in."], "introBlock": {"body": ["We found an account for . Please provide your password to sign in."]}, "submitBack": "Go Back", "submit": "Sign In", "title": "Sign In - USA TODAY"}}}, "emailVerification": {"states": {"email-verify": {"title": "Email verification - USA TODAY", "headline": "Almost done! Check your email", "introBlock": {"headline": "Almost done! Check your email", "body": "Click the link we sent to verify your account."}, "topImage": "//", "topImageAlt": "Mailbox containing mail", "formBackButton": {"actionPath": "../personal-information/", "label": "Back"}, "legend": null}, "email-verified": {"title": "Email verification - USA TODAY", "headline": "Email verification", "introBlock": {"headline": "Email verification", "body": ["Thank you for verifying your email address."]}, "formBackButton": {"actionPath": "../authenticate/", "label": "Back"}, "formBackButtonAuthenticated": {"actionPath": "../personal-information/", "label": "Back"}, "legend": null, "submit": "Continue"}}}, "passwordChange": {"states": {"begin": {"title": "Password change - USA TODAY", "headline": "Password change", "cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "Cancel"}, "submit": "Change", "introBlock": {"headline": "Change password"}, "legend": null, "hidePassword": "Hide", "showPassword": "Show", "passwordMeterLabels": {"weak": "Weak", "acceptable": "Acceptable", "strong": "Strong"}, "formBackButton": {"actionPath": "../personal-information/", "label": "Back to account information"}}, "confirm": {"headline": "Password change successful", "legend": null, "submit": "Return to Sign In", "title": "Reset Confirmation - USA TODAY"}}}, "personalInformation": {"states": {"manage-personal-information": {"title": "Update personal info - USA TODAY", "cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "<span>Cancel</span>"}, "submit": "Update", "introBlock": {"headline": "Account information", "body": null}, "credentialIntroBlock": {"headline": "Sign in settings"}, "credentialSubmit": "Manage Social Sign In", "changePasswordSignIn": "Change Password", "emailVerified": "Email verified", "emailUnverified": "Email not verified", "emailUnverifiedMessage": "You haven\u2019t verified your email yet. <a href=\"../email-verification/\">Resend the verification email</a> and follow the link to protect your account access.", "legend": null}, "manage-personal-information-without-standard-credentials": {"title": "Update personal info - USA TODAY", "cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "<span>Cancel</span>"}, "submit": "Update", "introBlock": {"headline": "Account information", "body": null}, "credentialIntroBlock": {"headline": "Sign in settings"}, "credentialSubmit": "Manage Social Sign In", "changePasswordSignIn": "Create Password", "emailVerified": "Email verified", "emailUnverified": "Email not verified", "emailUnverifiedMessage": "You haven\u2019t verified your email yet. <a href=\"../email-verification/\">Resend the verification email</a> and follow the link to protect your account access.", "legend": null}, "manage-personal-information-employee": {"title": "Update personal info - USA TODAY", "cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "<span>Cancel</span>"}, "submit": "Update", "introBlock": {"headline": "Account information", "body": null}, "credentialIntroBlock": {"headline": "Sign in settings"}, "credentialSubmit": "Manage Social Sign In", "changePasswordSignIn": null, "emailVerified": "Email verified", "emailUnverified": "Email not verified", "emailUnverifiedMessage": "You haven\u2019t verified your email yet. <a href=\"../email-verification/\">Resend the verification email</a> and follow the link to protect your account access.", "legend": null}}}, "validateSegment": {"states": {"select-segment": {"cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "Cancel"}, "headline": "Let's get you verified!", "body": "Tell us which offer you want to be verified for.", "segmentOptionLabels": {"military": "I'm military personnel", "student": "I'm a student", "teacher": "I'm a teacher"}}, "manage-student-segment": {"cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "Cancel"}, "title": "Validate Student segment", "submit": "Verify My Student Status", "introBlock": {"headline": "Verify your student details", "body": "Verify you're a student at a US, degree-granting college or university. <a href=\"\" > How does verifiying work?</a>", "requiredFields": "All fields are required."}, "footerBlock": {"body": "Information entered here will be used for verification purposes and is not shared or stored. <br><br> Verification services powered by SheerID. <a href=\"\">SheerId FAQs</a>"}}, "invalid-segment": {"cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "Cancel"}, "errorBlock": {"headline": "Error", "body": "This validation service is not available."}}, "error-validate-segment": {"cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "Cancel"}, "errorBlock": {"headline": "Sorry", "body": "You've not been successfully verified, try another offer."}}, "success-validate-segment": {"cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "Cancel"}, "messageBlock": {"headline": "Congratulations", "body": "You've been successfully verified"}}, "pending-validate-segment": {"cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "Cancel"}, "messageBlock": {"headline": "Processing", "body": "Documents are being reviewed, please check later."}}, "docupload-validate-segment": {"cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "Cancel"}, "restartButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "Restart Verification"}, "LimitDocReviewExceededBlock": {"headline": "Sorry", "body": "You've exceeded the maximum number of document reviews, Please try again.", "submit": "Try again"}}, "manage-teacher-segment": {"cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "Cancel"}, "title": "Validate Teacher segment", "submit": "Verify My Teacher Status", "introBlock": {"headline": "Verify your teacher details", "body": "Verify you're a teacher at US. <a href=\"\" > How does verifiying work?</a>", "requiredFields": "All fields are required."}, "footerBlock": {"body": "Information entered here will be used for verification purposes and is not shared or stored. <br><br> Verification services powered by SheerID. <a href=\"\">SheerId FAQs</a>"}}, "manage-military-segment": {"cancelButton": {"defaultURL": null, "text": "Cancel"}, "title": "Validate Military segment", "submit": "Verify My Military Status", "introBlock": {"headline": "Verify your military details", "body": "Verify you're a military at US. <a href=\"\" > How does verifiying work?</a>", "requiredFields": "If you're currently inactive please provide the discharge date"}, "footerBlock": {"body": "Information entered here will be used for verification purposes and is not shared or stored. <br><br> Verification services powered by SheerID. <a href=\"\">SheerId FAQs</a>"}}}}, "accountActivation": {"states": {"account-activation": {"title": "Account activation - USA TODAY", "headline": "Activate your digital access", "introBlock": {"headline": "Activate your digital access", "body": ["As a subscriber, you have unlimited access to USA TODAY.", "However, before we can activate your access, we need to know what type of subscription you have.", "Please select one to continue."]}, "submit": "Print Delivery with Digital Access", "submitSecond": "Digital Only"}, "account-activation-search": {"title": "Account activation - USA TODAY", "headline": "Activate your digital access", "introBlock": {"headline": "Activate your digital access", "body": ["Enter your account details to search for your account."]}, "submit": "Search", "formBackButton": {"actionPath": "../account-activation/", "label": "Back"}}, "account-activation-link": {"title": "Account activation - USA TODAY", "headline": "Activate your digital access", "introBlock": {"headline": "Activate your digital access", "body": ["We've found your account, please take a moment to verify that we have the correct information."]}, "subheadline": "Confirm account", "submit": "Link my account", "accountNumberLabel": "Account", "formBackButton": {"actionPath": "../account-activation/", "label": "Back"}}}}}, "providers": {"standard": {"signinTitle": "Email+Password"}, "gannett_okta": {"signinTitle": "Okta"}, "facebook": {"connectTitle": "Add Facebook", "disconnectTitle": "Remove Facebook", "signinTitle": "Facebook", "signinLegend": "Please click the Facebook icon to sign in"}, "googleplus": {"connectTitle": "Add Google", "disconnectTitle": "Remove Google", "signinTitle": "Google", "signinLegend": "Please click the Google icon to sign in"}, "apple": {"connectTitle": "Add Apple", "disconnectTitle": "Remove Apple", "signinTitle": "Apple", "signinLegend": "Please click the Apple icon to sign in"}, "twitter": {"connectTitle": "Add Twitter", "disconnectTitle": "Remove Twitter", "signinTitle": "Twitter", "signinLegend": "Please click the Twitter icon to sign in"}, "yahoo": {"connectTitle": "Add Yahoo", "disconnectTitle": "Remove Yahoo", "signinTitle": "Yahoo", "signinLegend": "Please click the Yahoo icon to sign in"}, "linkedin": {"connectTitle": "Add LinkedIn", "disconnectTitle": "Remove LinkedIn", "signinTitle": "LinkedIn", "signinLegend": "Please click the LinkedIn icon to sign in"}, "amazon": {"connectTitle": "Add Amazon", "disconnectTitle": "Remove Amazon", "signinTitle": "Amazon", "signinLegend": "Please click the Amazon icon to sign in"}}, "state": {"title": "Create an account - USA TODAY", "headline": "Create your account", "introBlock": {"headline": "Create your account", "body": ["Select one of these options to continue"], "requiredFields": "All fields are required."}, "cancelButton": {"defaultURL": "", "text": "<span>Cancel</span>"}, "dividerText": "Or", "createAccountDisclaimer": null, "submit": "Create Account", "moreOptionsText": "More options", "legend": null, "submitSignIn": "Already have an account? <span>Sign in</span>", "hidePassword": "Hide", "showPassword": "Show", "firstSignInOption": "<a class=\"button secondary\" href=\"\">Already have a subscription? <span>Let's activate your account</span></a>", "passwordMeterLabels": {"weak": "Weak", "acceptable": "Acceptable", "strong": "Strong"}}}, "static_version": {"gupui_version": "10.3.5", "usf_version": "18.1.2", "digest": "53a19d814c32b64ffca8510f1823c72d"}, "csrf_token": 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