Chris Lilley's résumé

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I am a <strong>co-author of <abbr title="Portable Network Graphics">PNG</abbr></strong> and played a pivotal rôle in the <strong>creation of <abbr title="Scalable Vector Graphics">SVG</abbr></strong>, the development of <strong>CSS @font-face</strong> and the worldwide success of <strong>downloadable fonts</strong> with WOFF 1.0 and 2.0, for which I was a recipient of a <strong>Technical Emmy</strong> at the <a href="">73rd Tech Emmy awards</a> in 2022.</p> <p>I'm the W3C representative to the International Color Consortium (ICC). Earlier, I was a member of the <strong>W3C Technical Architecture Group</strong> and co-author of <em>Architecture of the World Wide Web, volume 1</em> with <em class="people">Tim Berners-Lee</em>, <em class="people">Roy Fielding</em>, and others. I was the first chair of the <strong>Fonts, CSS</strong>, and <strong>SVG Working Groups</strong> at <abbr>W3C</abbr>, and co-editor of the CSS2 and SVG 1 specifications. I am currently editor, or co-editor, of <strong>fourteen W3C specifications</strong>. I'm co-author of <strong>six books</strong> in the field of Computer Graphics, and have given <strong>over 85 talks</strong> at conferences worldwide. </p> </section> <section id="work-experience"> <h1>Work experience</h1> <ol class="timeline"> <li> <p class="date">Jul&nbsp;2008 - present</p> <p>Technical Director, <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr></p> <p class="note">Overall technical direction of interactive, user-facing Web standards. W3C Strategy Team, Core Web Design. </p> </li> <li> <p class="date">Jul&nbsp;2006 - Jul&nbsp;2008</p> <p>Domain Lead, Interaction Domain, <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr></p> <p class="note">Managerial responsibility of Interaction Domain staff.</p> </li> <li> <p class="date">Aug&nbsp;2006 - Feb&nbsp;2010</p> <p>Rich Web Client Activity Lead, <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr></p> <p class="note">The first attempt to integrate multiple languages such as HTML, SVG, MathML, XForms and custom markup. Namespace-based approach, eventually closed down in favour of HTML5.</p> </li> <li> <p class="date">Apr&nbsp;1996 - Dec&nbsp;2014</p> <p>Graphics Activity Lead, <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr></p> <p class="note">Overall responsibility for Web graphics standards - notably PNG, WebCGM, SVG.</p> </li> <li> <!-- <p class="date">Apr&nbsp;1996 - Feb&nbsp;1997, Mar&nbsp;2010 - Dec&nbsp;2014</p> --> <p class="date">Apr&nbsp;1996 - Dec&nbsp;2014</p> <p>Fonts Activity Lead, <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr></p> <p class="note">Creation of the @font-face specification for load-on-demand fonts (later merged into CSS2, SVG1 and CSS Fonts 3), then responsibility for the downloadable font formats WOFF 1.0 and WOFF 2.0.</p> </li> <li> <p class="date">Mar&nbsp;1995 - Mar&nbsp;1996</p> <p>W3C Advisory Committee representative, <a href=""><abbr title="Joint Information Systems Committee">JISC</abbr></a></p> <p class="note">Representing the digital, networked needs of the UK Higher Education sector to the W3C.</p> </li> <li> <p class="date">Apr&nbsp;1991 - Mar&nbsp;1996</p> <p>Technical Author <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Electronic Teaching Specialist, University of Manchester, UK</p> <p class="note">Responsible for the research, writing, illustration and field-testing of training materials on Computer Graphics, used throughout the UK Higher Education sector.</p> </li> <li> <p class="date">Apr&nbsp;1986 - Sep&nbsp;1989</p> <p>Medical Laboratory Scientific Officer, Departments of Haematology and Transfusion Science, Falkirk Infirmary.</p> <p class="note">Diagnostic blood testing, transfusion cross-matching, emergency on-call coverage, computer analysis of diagnostic data.</p> </li> <!-- <li> <p class="date">Apr 1986 - Apr 1987</p> <p>Junior Medical Laboratory Scientific Officer, Departments of Haematology and Transfusion Science, Falkirk Infirmary.</p> <p class="note">Diagnostic blood testing.</p> </li> <li> <p class="date">Apr 1985 - Apr 1986</p> <p>Cataloguer of Weapons <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Medals, Museum of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, Stirling Castle</p> <p class="note">Research and textual/photographic documentation of museum holdings.</p> </li> --> </ol> </section> <section id="awards"> <h1>Awards</h1> <p> In 2021 I was nominated for a <strong>Technology and Engineering EMMY® award</strong> for my work on Web Fonts, which started in 1996 with a requirements document and continued through the creation of the CSS @font-face (1998) and the development of the WOFF 1 (2012) and WOFF 2 (2018) downloadable font formats. Taken as a set of technologies, this resulted in global deployment of downloadable Web fonts moving from 0% (2010 and earlier) to 87% of the top 10 million web sites (2024). </p> <p> In April 2022 I was honoured to <strong> accept this <a href=""><strong>Technical Emmy</strong> award</a></strong> on behalf of the W3C WebFonts Working Group, for <em>Standardization of Font Technology for Custom Downloadable Fonts and Typography for Web and TV Devices</em>. </p> </section> <section id="speaking"> <h1>Speaking</h1> <p>I have given <strong>over 80 talks in twenty countries</strong> over the last 25 years, and have spoken at some of the <strong>most prominent international</strong> web development conferences, including giving <strong>opening keynote addresses</strong>. Recent topics have included:</p> <ul> <li>Colour gamut mapping in CIE Lab and Oklab</li> <li>Colour on the web and broadcast</li> <li>OpenType features in CSS Fonts</li> <li>Chromatic font extensions to OpenType</li> <li>WOFF 2.0 and WebFonts</li> <li>ICC Color Management in SVG <span class="amp">&amp;</span> CSS</li> <li>New features in SVG2</li> <li>New work at W3C - WebAssembly, WebVR&amp;AR</li> </ul> <p>A <a href="talks.html">full list of talks</a> is available, with links to slides, video, and papers as appropriate.</p> </section> <section id="judging"> <h1>Judging <span class="amp">&amp;</span> reviewing</h1> <p>I have served on the <strong>program committees</strong> for: <ul><li>the <em>International World Wide Web</em> conferences</li> <li>the <em>SVG Open</em> conference series</li> <li>the <em>International Unicode</em> conferences</li> <li><em>Extreme Markup (now Balisage)</em>.</li> </ul> <p>I was the <strong>technical reviewer</strong> for Chris Coyier's book <a href=""><em>Practical SVG</em></a> (2016, ISBN: 978-1-952616-36-5), published by <a href=""><em>A Book Apart</em></a>.</p> </section> <section id="writing"> <h1>Publications</h1> <section id="books"> <h2>Books</h2> <ul> <li>Lilley, C. <em>Color on the Web</em>. Chapter 16 in Green, P. (editor) (2024) <em>Fundamentals and Applications of Colour Engineering</em>. Wiley. <a href=""><span class="isbn">ISBN 978-1119827184</span></a> </li> <li>Watt, Andrew H.; Lilley, Chris, <em>et. al.</em> (2003) <span class="title">SVG Unleashed</span>. Sams. <span class="isbn">ISBN 0-672-32429-6</span> <li>Lin, F.; Wyrwas, K.; Irwin J.; Lilley, C.; Hewitt, W.T.; Howard, T.L.J. (1995) <span class="title">Geometry for Computer Graphics</span>. Sheffield, UCoSDA. <span class="isbn">ISBN 1-85889-059-4</span> <li>Lilley, C.; Lin, F.; Hewitt, W.T.; Howard, T.L.J. (1993) <span class="title">Visualisation 1: Graphical Communication</span>. Sheffield, UCoSDA. <span class="isbn">ISBN 1-85889-027-6</span> <li>Lilley, C.; Lin, F.; Hewitt, W.T.; Howard, T.L.J. (1993) <span class="title">Colour in Computer Graphics</span>. Sheffield, UCoSDA. <span class="isbn">ISBN 1-85889-022-5</span> <li>Lilley, C.; Lin, F.; Hewitt, W.T.; Howard, T.L.J. (1993) <span class="title">Standards for Computer Graphics</span>. Sheffield, UCoSDA. <span class="isbn">ISBN 1-85889-017-9</span> </ul> </section> <section id="papers"> <h2>Papers</h2> <ul> <li>Lilley, C. <span class="title">Towards an HDR-capable ICC PCS</span>. Expert contribution to the International Color Consortium (ICC), June 2020. <a href="/ICC July 2020/Towards an HDR-capable ICC PCS.html" class="paper">HTML</a> | <a class="paper" href="./ICC July 2020/Lilley-HDR.pdf">PDF</a>.</li> <li>Lilley, C. <span class="title">Ask an expert: Why is CSS . . . the way it is?</span>. In <span class="journal">Increment magazine</span> Issue 13, May 2020. <a href="" class="paper">HTML</a> | <a href="./Increment-2020.pdf" class="paper">PDF</a>.</li> <li>Everson, M; Lilley, C. (2019) <span class="title">Proposal for the addition of four Latin characters to the UCS</span>. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 N5044. <a href="./19179-n5044-tau-gallicum.pdf" class="paper">PDF</a>.</li> <li>Everson, M; Jacquerye, D; Lilley, C. (2012) <span class="title">Proposal for the addition of ten Latin characters to the UCS</span> ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 N4297. <a href="./n4297.pdf" class="paper">PDF</a> </li> <li>Lilley, C.; Correll, S. (2003) <span class="title">Extending SVG Fonts with Graphite</span>. In <span class="journal">Proceedings of the 23rd International Unicode Conference</span> <a href="" class="paper">PDF</a>. <li>Lilley, C. (2001) <span class="title">SVG: Unicode meets Vector Graphics</span>. In <span class="journal">Proceedings of the 18th International Unicode Conference</span>. <li>Lilley, C. (2000) <span class="title">Scalable Vector Graphics</span>. In <span class="journal">Proceedings of the Ninth International World Wide Web Conference</span> <a href="" class="paper">PDF</a>. <li>Lilley, C. (2000) <span class="title">Internationalisation and Localisation with SVG</span> in <span class="journal">Proceedings of the 16th International Unicode Conference</span>. <li>Lilley, C. (1998) <span class="title">Rendering Multilingual Documents – CSS and XSL</span> in <span class="journal">Proceedings of the 13th International Unicode Conference</span>. <a href="" class="paper">PDF</a>. <li>Nielsen, Henrik Frystyk; Gettys, Jim; Baird-Smith, Anselm; Prud'hommeaux, Eric; Lie, Håkon Wium; Lilley, Chris (1997) <span class="title">Network Performance Effects of HTTP/1.1, CSS1, and PNG </span> in <span class="journal">ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review</span> <span class="vol">27(4)</span>, pp.155-166 ·October 1997 <a href="" class="paper">HTML</a>. <li>Lilley, C. (1997) <span class="title">The Design of an International Web Font Extension for Cacading Style Sheets</span> in <span class="journal">Proceedings of the 11th International Unicode Conference</span>. <a href="" class="paper">PDF</a>. <li>Lilley, C (1995) <span class="title">Not Just Decoration : Quality Graphics for the Web</span>. in <span class="journal">World Wide Web Journal</span> <span class="vol">1(1)</span>, pp.291–307, Boston, 1995. <a href="" class="paper">HTML</a>. <li>Lilley, C. (1995) <span class="title">Active Web Pages</span>. In <span class="journal">Proceedings of the 1995 Eurographics UK Conference</span>, Loughborough, 1995, pp 267–281 <li>Lilley, C; Lin, F; Hewitt, W.T.; Howard, T.L.J. (1994) <span class="title">The Design and Development of Distance Learning Materials for Graphics and Visualisation</span>. In <span class="journal">Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Visualisation Education (GVE)</span>, Barcelona, 1993. Also reprinted in <span class="journal">Computers & Graphics</span> <span class="vol">18(3)</span>, pp.269–275. <a href="" class="paper">PDF</a> <li>Lilley, C. (1994) <span class="title">An Introduction to Standardised Colour Measurement</span>. in <span class="journal">Proceedings of the 12th Eurographics UK Conference</span>, 22–24 March 1994 pp.163–177 </ul> </section> <section id="reports"> <h2>Web Standards and other specifications</h2> <p><i>Technical reports, which are frequently revised, have a date range: date of first publication, and date of most recent publication.</i></p> <ul> <li>Lilley, Chris (editor) (2024) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Color HDR Module Level 1</span></a>. W3C First Public Working Draft, 17 December 2024 </li> <li>Baron, David L.; Etemad, Elika J.; Lilley, Chris; Suzanne, Miriam E. (editors) (2021-2024) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Conditional Rules Module Level 5</span></a>. W3C Working Draft, 5 November 2024 </li> <li>Birtles, Brian; Jackson, Dean; Atkins, Tab; Lilley, Chris (editors)(2024) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Easing Functions Level 2</span></a>. W3C Working Draft, 29 August 2024 </li> <li>Baron, David L.; Etemad, Elika J.; Lilley, Chris (editors)(2024) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Conditional Rules Module Level 3</span></a>. W3C Candidate Recommendation, 15 August 2024 </li> <li>Blume, C et. al. (editors)(2022-2024) <a href=""><span class="title">Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Specification (Third Edition)</span></a>. W3C Candidate Recommendation, 18 July 2024 </li> <li>Lilley, Chris; Rieger, Garret; Iterum, Skef (editors) (2021-2024) <a href=""><span class="title">Incremental Font Transfer</span></a>. W3C Working Draft, 9 July 2024 </li> <li>Lilley, Chris; Kravets, Una; Verou, Lea; Argyle, Adam (editors) (2020-2024) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Color Module Level 5</span></a>. W3C Working Draft, 29 February 2024 </li> <li>Atkins, Tab; Lilley, Chris (editors) (2016-2024) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Color Module Level 4</span></a>. W3C Candidate Recommendation, 13 February 2024 </li> <li>Lilley, Chris (editor) (2021-2024) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Fonts Module Level 5</span></a>. W3C Working Draft, 6 February 2024 </li> <li>Lilley, Chris (editor) (2017-2024) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Fonts Module Level 4</span></a>. W3C Working Draft, 1 February 2024 </li> <li>Atkins, Tab; Etemad, Elika J.; Rivoal, Florian; Lilley, Chris (2023) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Snapshot 2023</span></a>. W3C Group Note, 7 December 2023 </li> <li>Lilley, Chris (1996-2022) <a href=""><span class="title">Fonts for the Web: Rationale, 1996</span></a> W3C Group Note, 14 April 2022 </li> <li>Baron, David L.; Etemad, Elika J.; Lilley, Chris (editors) (2020-2022) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Conditional Rules Module Level 4</span></a>. W3C Candidate Recommendation, 17 February 2022 </li> <li>Çelik, Tantek; Lilley, Chris; Baron, L. David (editors) (2001-2022) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Color Module Level 3</span></a>. W3C Recommendation, 18 January 2022 </li> <li>Lilley, Chris (editor) (2020) <a href=""><span class="title">Progressive Font Enrichment: Evaluation Report</span></a>. W3C Working Group Note, 15 October 2020 </li> <li>Daggett, John; Maxfield, Myles; Lilley, Chris (editors) (2011-2018) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Fonts Module Level 3</span></a>. W3C Recommendation, 20 September 2018. </li> <li>Lilley, Chris (editor) (2017) <a href=""><span class="title">RFC 8081: The font Top Level Type</span></a>. IETF Proposed Standard, February 2017. </li> <li>Lilley, Chris (editor) (2014-2016) <a href=""><span class="title">WOFF 2.0 Evaluation Report</span></a>. W3C Group Note, 15 March 2016 </li> <li>Thompson, H.; Lilley, C. (2004-2014) <a href=""><span class="title">RFC 7303: XML Media Types</span></a>. IETF Proposed Standard. 07 July 2014. <li>Dahlström, Eric <em>et. al.</em> (2001-2011) <a href=""><span class="title">Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 (Second Edition)</span></a>. W3C Recommendation. 16 August 2011. </li> <li>Lilley, Chris; Grasso, Anthony (2009) <a href=""><span class="title">SVG Color 1.2, Part 2: Language</span>.</a> W3C specification, 01 October 2009. </li> <li>Anderson, A.; Berjon, R. <em>et. al.</em> (2003-2006) <a href=""><span class="title">Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny 1.2 Specification</span></a>. W3C Recommendation, 22 December 2008. </li> <li>Jacobs, Ian; Walsh, Norm (eds)(2002-2004) <a href=""><span class="title">Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One</span>.</a> W3C Recommendation, 15 December 2004. </li> <li>Lilley, Chris (2004) <a href=""><span class="title">How should the problem of identifying ID semantics in XML languages be addressed in the absence of a DTD?</span></a>. W3C TAG finding, 30 November 2004. </li> <li>Duce, David (editor) (1996-2003) <a href=""><span class="title">Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Specification (Second Edition)</span></a>. W3C Recommendation. 10 November 2003. Also published as <span class="title">Information technology — Computer graphics and image processing — Portable Network Graphics (PNG): Functional specification</span>. ISO/IEC 15948:2003 (E). </li> <li>Lilley, Chris (2003) <a href=""><span class="title">Separation of semantic and presentational markup, to the extent possible, is architecturally sound</span></a>. Draft TAG finding, 30 June 2003 </li> <li>Diaz, A. et al. (2001) <a href=""><span class="title">Component Extension (CX) API requirements Version 1.0</span></a>. W3C specification, 11 December 2001. <li>Ferraiolo, Jon (editor) (2001) <a href=""><span class="title">Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification</span></a>. W3C Recommendation. 4 September 2001. <li>Bos, Bert; Lie, Håkon Wium; Lilley, Chris; Jacobs, Ian (1998) <a href=""><span class="title">Cascading Style Sheets, level 2</span></a>. W3C Recommendation, 12 May 1998. <li> Boutell, T. (editor) (1997) <a href="./rfc2083.txt.pdf"><span class="title">PNG: Portable Network Graphics Specification, Version 1.0</span></a>. IETF RFC 2083, March 1997. </li> <li>Lilley, Chris (editor) (1997) <a href=""><span class="title">Web Fonts</span></a>. W3C specification, 21 July 1997. This work was later merged into CSS2. <li>Lilley, Chris; Platon, Roy (1997) <a href=""><span class="title">Use of CGM as a Scalable Graphics Format</span></a>. W3C specification, 18 June 1997. </ul> </section> </section> <section id="education"> <h1>Education</h1> <ol class="timeline"> <li> <p class="date">Sep&nbsp;1993 - Apr&nbsp;1994</p> <p><strong>Postgraduate Diploma, Bioinformatics</strong>; Global Network Academy/<a href="">University of Bielefeld</a>, Germany.</p> <p class="note">This course used then-new electronic techniques such as the World Wide Web for course delivery, and multi-user interactive chatrooms(MOO) for tutorials. I was a 'consulting student' (teaching assistant) on this course, my interest being in the technologies used as well as the course material. </p> </li> <!-- <li> <p class="date">Oct 1990 - Mar 1991</p> <p><strong>Business Enterprise training</strong>; York Enterprise Centre, UK.</p> <p class="note">Business skills, cashflow analysis, marketing and promotion</p> </li> --> <li> <p class="date">Sep&nbsp;1989 - Sep&nbsp;1990</p> <p><strong>Master of Science, Biological Computation</strong>; <a href="">Univeristy of York</a>, UK.</p> <p>Thesis: <em>Browser: A tool for interactive examination of large Modula-2 programs</em>. </p> <p class="note">An intensive computer science conversion course. Distinction.</p> </li> <li> <p class="date">Sep&nbsp;1978 - May&nbsp;1983</p> <p><strong>Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry</strong>; <a href="">University of Stirling</a>, UK.</p> <p class="note">Honors degree.</p> </li> </ol> </section> <section id="technical-skills"> <h1>Technical skills</h1> <p>I have a broad understanding of the full Open Web Stack of technologies, including:</p> <ul> <li>Colour Science</li> <li>Information abstraction and granularity, the URL, Web Architecture</li> <li>Typography, character encoding, the character/glyph model, text layout</li> <li>HTML (2 - 5)</li> <li>XML technologies, in particular SVG</li> <li>CSS (including CSS3/4/5)</li> </ul> <p>I also have experience with a wide range of programming languages and technologies, including Pascal, Turbo Pascal, FORTRAN, Modula-2, Modula-3, Ada, C, Arduino/C++, JavaScript (ES6, together with the DOM <span class="amp">&amp;</span> related APIs), Z80 and ARM Cortex assembly. </p> </section> <section id="languages"> <h1>Languages</h1> <ul> <li><strong>English</strong>: Native speaker, rich vocabulary, high competence</li> <li><strong>French</strong>: Good reading level, conversational competence</li> </ul> </section> <section id="memberships"> <h1>Professional memberships</h1> <p>From April 1987 to September 1989 I was an <strong>Associate of the Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences</strong>. From April 1992 until March 1996 I was a <strong>Member of Eurographics UK chapter</strong>. I am currently an Individual Member of the International Typographic Association <strong>(ATypI, Association Typographique Internationale)</strong>. I am the W3C representative to the <strong>International Color Consortium</strong>. <section id="interests-prof"> <h1>Professional interests</h1> <p>Computer Graphics, primarily 2D, with special interest in technical illustration, interactive graphics, and scientific visualization. Typography, in particular advanced and non-Latin typography. Color theory and color management, particularly as it pertains to the Open Web; Open web standards, in particular the socio-political process of successful standardization. Compound documents and appropriate choices across the content-presentation gradient. Technical communication (writing, illustration, discourse).</p> </section> <section id="interests-rsrch"> <h1>Research interests</h1> <p>Information visualization. Color measurement, color appearance modelling, psychological and biological aspects of color vision. Sound synthesis, in particular subtractive and additive synthesis, sonic modelling, analog synthesis, novel microcontroller-based performance interfaces, sonic visualization. </p> </section> <footer> <p>References are available upon request.</p> </footer> <script> (function(){ if(!document.querySelectorAll) return; var external = document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="http://"], a[href^="https://"]'), a; for(var i=external.length; a=external[--i];) a.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); })(); </script> </body> </html>

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