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Check the page for your destination often, because safety and security conditions may change. 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Principe</option> <option value="saudi-arabia">Saudi Arabia</option> <option value="senegal">Senegal</option> <option value="serbia">Serbia</option> <option value="seychelles">Seychelles</option> <option value="sierra-leone">Sierra Leone</option> <option value="singapore">Singapore</option> <option value="sint-maarten">Sint Maarten</option> <option value="slovakia">Slovakia</option> <option value="slovenia">Slovenia</option> <option value="solomon-islands">Solomon Islands</option> <option value="somalia">Somalia</option> <option value="south-africa">South Africa</option> <option value="south-korea">South Korea</option> <option value="south-sudan">South Sudan</option> <option value="spain">Spain</option> <option value="sri-lanka">Sri Lanka</option> <option value="sudan">Sudan</option> <option value="suriname">Suriname</option> <option value="sweden">Sweden</option> <option value="switzerland">Switzerland</option> <option value="syria">Syria</option> <option value="taiwan">Taiwan</option> <option value="tajikistan">Tajikistan</option> <option value="tanzania">Tanzania</option> <option value="thailand">Thailand</option> <option value="timor-leste-east-timor">Timor-Leste (East Timor)</option> <option value="togo">Togo</option> <option value="tokelau">Tokelau</option> <option value="tonga">Tonga</option> <option value="trinidad-and-tobago">Trinidad and Tobago</option> <option value="tunisia">Tunisia</option> <option value="turkiye">T&#252;rkiye</option> <option value="turkmenistan">Turkmenistan</option> <option value="turks-and-caicos-islands">Turks and Caicos Islands</option> <option value="tuvalu">Tuvalu</option> <option value="uganda">Uganda</option> <option value="ukraine">Ukraine</option> <option value="united-arab-emirates">United Arab Emirates</option> <option value="united-kingdom">United Kingdom</option> <option value="united-states">United States</option> <option value="uruguay">Uruguay</option> <option value="uzbekistan">Uzbekistan</option> <option value="vanuatu">Vanuatu</option> <option value="venezuela">Venezuela</option> <option value="vietnam">Vietnam</option> <option value="virgin-islands-u-s">Virgin Islands (U.S.)</option> <option value="yemen">Yemen</option> <option value="zambia">Zambia</option> <option value="zimbabwe">Zimbabwe</option> </select> <span class="input-group-btn"> <button class="btn btn-default" id="btnGoToCountry" type="button">Go!</button> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mrgn-bttm-lg"></div> <!-- Legend --> <section class="panel panel-default"> <header class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="mrgn-tp-md">Legend</h4> </header> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="col-md-3 mrgn-tp-sm"> <div class="col-md-2 col-xs-2"> <img class="legend-normal-precautions" src="/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg"> </div> <div class="col-md-10 col-xs-10"> <p class="mrgn-lft-sm mrgn-tp-sm">Take normal security precautions</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 mrgn-tp-sm"> <div class="col-md-2 col-xs-2"> <img class="legend-increased-caution" src="/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg"> </div> <div class="col-md-10 col-xs-10"> <p class="mrgn-lft-sm mrgn-tp-sm">Exercise a high degree of caution</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 mrgn-tp-sm"> <div class="col-md-2 col-xs-2"> <img class="legend-reconsider-travel" src="/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg"> </div> <div class="col-md-10 col-xs-10"> <p class="mrgn-lft-sm mrgn-tp-sm">Avoid non-essential travel</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 mrgn-tp-sm"> <div class="col-md-2 col-xs-2"> <img class="legend-do-not-travel" src="/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg"> </div> <div class="col-md-10 col-xs-10"> <p class="mrgn-lft-sm mrgn-tp-sm">Avoid all travel</p> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="mrgn-lft-lg"> <p>For more details about the <a class="wb-lbx" title="Risk Levels" href="#levels">risk levels</a>.</p> </footer> </section> <!-- Using DataTables via WET: 1. Column 1 is hidden and contains countries in eng lang 2. Column 2 is sorted using data from column 1 3. Column 4 is sorted by desc first then asc --> <table id="reportlist" class="wb-tables table" data-wb-tables='{ "bPaginate": false, "order": [ 3, "desc" ], "oLanguage": { "sSearch": "Filter your destination", "sZeroRecords":"No destination found" }, "aoColumns": [ { "bVisible": false }, { "iDataSort": 0 }, null, { "asSorting": [ "desc", "asc" ] } ] }'> <thead> <tr> <th>English</th> <!-- hidden column --> <th>Destination</th> <th>Risk level</th> <th>Last updated</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>afghanistan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/afghanistan'>Afghanistan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-afghanistan -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-afghanistan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-22 14:48:30</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>albania</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/albania'>Albania</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-albania -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-albania --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-10 15:23:51</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>algeria</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/algeria'>Algeria</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-algeria -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-algeria --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-13 07:06:25</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>american-samoa</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/american-samoa'>American Samoa</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-american-samoa -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-american-samoa --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-03 11:38:48</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>andorra</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/andorra'>Andorra</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-andorra -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-andorra --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-07 13:09:50</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>angola</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/angola'>Angola</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-angola -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-angola --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-27 15:28:34</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>anguilla</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/anguilla'>Anguilla</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-anguilla -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-anguilla --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:11:31</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>antarctica</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/antarctica'>Antarctica</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-antarctica -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-antarctica --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-28 09:14:21</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>antigua-and-barbuda</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/antigua-and-barbuda'>Antigua and Barbuda</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-antigua-and-barbuda -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-antigua-and-barbuda --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:21:56</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>argentina</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/argentina'>Argentina</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-argentina -->Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-argentina --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-17 14:16:39</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>armenia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/armenia'>Armenia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-armenia -->Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-armenia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-10 15:32:27</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>aruba</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/aruba'>Aruba</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-aruba -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-aruba --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:24:45</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>australia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/australia'>Australia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-australia -->Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-australia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-14 10:15:47</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>austria</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/austria'>Austria</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-austria -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-austria --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-12 15:06:51</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>azerbaijan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/azerbaijan'>Azerbaijan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-azerbaijan -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-azerbaijan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>azores</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/azores'>Azores</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-azores -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-azores --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-09 09:34:09</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bahamas</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bahamas'>Bahamas</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-bahamas -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-bahamas --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-30 12:14:45</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bahrain</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bahrain'>Bahrain</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-bahrain -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-bahrain --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-12 15:08:28</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bangladesh</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bangladesh'>Bangladesh</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-bangladesh -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-bangladesh --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-12 15:10:05</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>barbados</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/barbados'>Barbados</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-barbados -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-barbados --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-12 15:15:35</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>belarus</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/belarus'>Belarus</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-belarus -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-belarus --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-25 10:15:19</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>belgium</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/belgium'>Belgium</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-belgium -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-belgium --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-12 15:18:00</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>belize</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/belize'>Belize</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-belize -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-belize --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-13 12:40:59</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>benin</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/benin'>Benin</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-benin -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-benin --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-10 14:57:41</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bermuda</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bermuda'>Bermuda</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-bermuda -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-bermuda --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-16 07:19:41</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bhutan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bhutan'>Bhutan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-bhutan -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-bhutan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bolivia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bolivia'>Bolivia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-bolivia -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-bolivia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-10 11:06:00</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bonaire</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bonaire'>Bonaire</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-bonaire -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-bonaire --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:35:07</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bosnia-and-herzegovina</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bosnia-and-herzegovina'>Bosnia and Herzegovina</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-bosnia-and-herzegovina -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-bosnia-and-herzegovina --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-16 10:25:09</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>botswana</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/botswana'>Botswana</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-botswana -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-botswana --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-23 14:06:58</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>brazil</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/brazil'>Brazil</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-brazil -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-brazil --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-10 11:07:39</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>british-virgin-islands</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/british-virgin-islands'>British Virgin Islands</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-british-virgin-islands -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-british-virgin-islands --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-27 15:00:35</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>brunei</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/brunei'>Brunei</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-brunei -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-brunei --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-17 10:30:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bulgaria</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bulgaria'>Bulgaria</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-bulgaria -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-bulgaria --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-13 10:00:47</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>burkina-faso</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/burkina-faso'>Burkina Faso</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-burkina-faso -->Avoid all travel (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-burkina-faso --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-10 14:59:04</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>burundi</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/burundi'>Burundi</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-burundi -->Avoid non-essential travel (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-burundi --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-10 13:09:56</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>cabo-verde</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/cabo-verde'>Cabo Verde</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-cabo-verde -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-cabo-verde --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-12 04:05:25</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>cambodia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/cambodia'>Cambodia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-cambodia -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-cambodia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-17 14:51:48</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>cameroon</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/cameroon'>Cameroon</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-cameroon -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-cameroon --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-13 08:25:30</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>canary-islands</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/canary-islands'>Canary Islands</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-canary-islands -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-canary-islands --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-07 13:25:06</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>cayman-islands</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/cayman-islands'>Cayman Islands</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-cayman-islands -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-cayman-islands --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-08 21:19:21</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>central-african-republic</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/central-african-republic'>Central African Republic</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-central-african-republic -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-central-african-republic --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-30 08:58:03</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>chad</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/chad'>Chad</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-chad -->Avoid non-essential travel (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-chad --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-05 12:34:42</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>chile</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/chile'>Chile</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-chile -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-chile --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-10 15:41:20</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>china</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/china'>China</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-china -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-china --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-10 10:06:42</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>colombia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/colombia'>Colombia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-colombia -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-colombia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-11 08:31:56</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>comoros</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/comoros'>Comoros</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-comoros -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-comoros --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-17 10:30:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>cook-islands</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/cook-islands'>Cook Islands</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-cook-islands -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-cook-islands --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:15:47</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>costa-rica</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/costa-rica'>Costa Rica</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-costa-rica -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-costa-rica --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-23 14:55:20</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>cote-d-ivoire-ivory-coast</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/cote-d-ivoire-ivory-coast'>C&#244;te d&#39;Ivoire (Ivory Coast)</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-cote-d-ivoire-ivory-coast -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-cote-d-ivoire-ivory-coast --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-10 15:13:33</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>croatia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/croatia'>Croatia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-croatia -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-croatia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-27 09:19:23</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>cuba</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/cuba'>Cuba</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-cuba -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-cuba --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-10 11:11:49</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>curacao</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/curacao'>Cura&#231;ao</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-curacao -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-curacao --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:31:35</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>cyprus</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/cyprus'>Cyprus</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-cyprus -->Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-cyprus --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-29 08:37:58</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>czechia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/czechia'>Czechia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-czechia -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-czechia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-16 10:07:24</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>congo-kinshasa</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/congo-kinshasa'>Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa)</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-congo-kinshasa -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-congo-kinshasa --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-15 08:31:42</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>denmark</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/denmark'>Denmark</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-denmark -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-denmark --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-09 08:47:52</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>djibouti</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/djibouti'>Djibouti</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-djibouti -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-djibouti --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-17 10:30:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>dominica</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/dominica'>Dominica</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-dominica -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-dominica --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:33:34</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>dominican-republic</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/dominican-republic'>Dominican Republic</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-dominican-republic -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-dominican-republic --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-10 11:24:16</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>ecuador</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/ecuador'>Ecuador</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-ecuador -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-ecuador --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-11 08:29:55</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>egypt</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/egypt'>Egypt</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-egypt -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-egypt --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-23 11:50:28</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>el-salvador</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/el-salvador'>El Salvador</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-el-salvador -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-el-salvador --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-02 10:13:58</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>equatorial-guinea</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/equatorial-guinea'>Equatorial Guinea</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-equatorial-guinea -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-equatorial-guinea --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-27 15:39:00</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>eritrea</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/eritrea'>Eritrea</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-eritrea -->Avoid non-essential travel (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-eritrea --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>estonia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/estonia'>Estonia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-estonia -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-estonia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-10 16:00:26</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>eswatini</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/eswatini'>Eswatini</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-eswatini -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-eswatini --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>ethiopia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/ethiopia'>Ethiopia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-ethiopia -->Avoid non-essential travel (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-ethiopia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-20 16:41:55</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>falkland-islands</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/falkland-islands'>Falkland Islands</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-falkland-islands -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-falkland-islands --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-07 12:26:18</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>fiji</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/fiji'>Fiji</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-fiji -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-fiji --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-28 10:35:35</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>finland</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/finland'>Finland</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-finland -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-finland --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-27 09:19:36</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>france</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/france'>France</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-france -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-france --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-16 09:02:52</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>french-guiana</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/french-guiana'>French Guiana</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-french-guiana -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-french-guiana --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-10 12:18:59</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>french-polynesia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/french-polynesia'>French Polynesia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-french-polynesia -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-french-polynesia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-03 11:48:18</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>gabon</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/gabon'>Gabon</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-gabon -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-gabon --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-05 13:44:19</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>gambia-the</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/gambia-the'>Gambia, The</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-gambia-the -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-gambia-the --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-10 15:31:53</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>georgia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/georgia'>Georgia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-georgia -->Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-georgia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-02 09:05:12</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>germany</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/germany'>Germany</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-germany -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-germany --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-13 12:31:55</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>ghana</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/ghana'>Ghana</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-ghana -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-ghana --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-27 15:46:53</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>gibraltar</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/gibraltar'>Gibraltar</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-gibraltar -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-gibraltar --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>greece</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/greece'>Greece</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-greece -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-greece --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-07 16:45:28</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>greenland</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/greenland'>Greenland</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-greenland -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-greenland --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-07 13:22:06</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>grenada</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/grenada'>Grenada</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-grenada -->Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-grenada --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-20 15:45:43</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>guadeloupe</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/guadeloupe'>Guadeloupe</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-guadeloupe -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-guadeloupe --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-31 07:19:49</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>guam</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/guam'>Guam</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-guam -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-guam --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-03 11:16:56</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>guatemala</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/guatemala'>Guatemala</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-guatemala -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-guatemala --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-24 08:24:36</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>guinea</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/guinea'>Guinea</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-guinea -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-guinea --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-27 15:16:58</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>guinea-bissau</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/guinea-bissau'>Guinea-Bissau</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-guinea-bissau -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-guinea-bissau --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 15:09:01</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>guyana</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/guyana'>Guyana</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-guyana -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-guyana --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-02 11:29:58</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>haiti</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/haiti'>Haiti</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-haiti -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-haiti --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-03 09:08:54</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>honduras</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/honduras'>Honduras</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-honduras -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-honduras --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-12 15:19:38</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>hong-kong</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/hong-kong'>Hong Kong</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-hong-kong -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-hong-kong --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-05 08:58:07</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>hungary</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/hungary'>Hungary</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-hungary -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-hungary --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-14 09:33:44</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>iceland</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/iceland'>Iceland</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-iceland -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-iceland --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-13 08:36:55</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>india</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/india'>India</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-india -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-india --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-30 14:55:08</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>indonesia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/indonesia'>Indonesia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-indonesia -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-indonesia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-06 07:17:45</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>iran</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/iran'>Iran</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-iran -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-iran --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-17 10:30:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>iraq</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/iraq'>Iraq</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-iraq -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-iraq --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-30 08:17:32</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>ireland</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/ireland'>Ireland</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-ireland -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-ireland --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-12 07:22:15</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>israel-the-west-bank-and-the-gaza-strip</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/israel-the-west-bank-and-the-gaza-strip'>Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-israel-the-west-bank-and-the-gaza-strip -->Avoid non-essential travel (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-israel-the-west-bank-and-the-gaza-strip --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-30 07:37:44</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>italy</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/italy'>Italy</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-italy -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-italy --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-09 21:37:51</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>jamaica</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/jamaica'>Jamaica</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-jamaica -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-jamaica --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-30 12:14:13</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>japan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/japan'>Japan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-japan -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-japan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-08 08:42:53</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>jordan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/jordan'>Jordan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-jordan -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-jordan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-05 08:59:00</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>kazakhstan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/kazakhstan'>Kazakhstan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-kazakhstan -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-kazakhstan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-10 08:21:13</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>kenya</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/kenya'>Kenya</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-kenya -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-kenya --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-27 15:18:24</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>kiribati</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/kiribati'>Kiribati</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-kiribati -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-kiribati --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>kosovo</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/kosovo'>Kosovo</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-kosovo -->Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-kosovo --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>kuwait</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/kuwait'>Kuwait</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-kuwait -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-kuwait --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-22 07:41:17</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>kyrgyzstan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/kyrgyzstan'>Kyrgyzstan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-kyrgyzstan -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-kyrgyzstan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-10 08:20:09</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>laos</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/laos'>Laos</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-laos -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-laos --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-30 07:53:36</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>latvia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/latvia'>Latvia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-latvia -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-latvia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-21 08:16:51</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>lebanon</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/lebanon'>Lebanon</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-lebanon -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-lebanon --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-29 08:45:49</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>lesotho</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/lesotho'>Lesotho</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-lesotho -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-lesotho --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>liberia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/liberia'>Liberia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-liberia -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-liberia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-10 12:55:11</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>libya</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/libya'>Libya</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-libya -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-libya --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>liechtenstein</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/liechtenstein'>Liechtenstein</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-liechtenstein -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-liechtenstein --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>lithuania</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/lithuania'>Lithuania</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-lithuania -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-lithuania --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-10 16:19:36</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>luxembourg</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/luxembourg'>Luxembourg</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-luxembourg -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-luxembourg --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-30 08:02:45</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>macao</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/macao'>Macao</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-macao -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-macao --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-09-24 13:52:00</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>madagascar</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/madagascar'>Madagascar</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-madagascar -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-madagascar --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-29 11:30:09</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>malawi</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/malawi'>Malawi</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-malawi -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-malawi --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-02 14:58:40</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>malaysia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/malaysia'>Malaysia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-malaysia -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-malaysia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-30 08:10:45</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>maldives</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/maldives'>Maldives</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-maldives -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-maldives --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-17 10:30:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>mali</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/mali'>Mali</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-mali -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-mali --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-14 10:57:17</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>malta</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/malta'>Malta</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-malta -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-malta --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-30 08:12:51</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>marshall-islands</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/marshall-islands'>Marshall Islands</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-marshall-islands -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-marshall-islands --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:28:25</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>martinique</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/martinique'>Martinique</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-martinique -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-martinique --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-14 11:42:29</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>mauritania</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/mauritania'>Mauritania</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-mauritania -->Avoid non-essential travel (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-mauritania --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-17 10:30:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>mauritius</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/mauritius'>Mauritius</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-mauritius -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-mauritius --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-30 08:26:20</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>mayotte</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/mayotte'>Mayotte</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-mayotte -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-mayotte --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-07 12:33:05</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>mexico</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/mexico'>Mexico</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-mexico -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-mexico --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-28 07:26:29</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>micronesia-fsm</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/micronesia-fsm'>Micronesia (FSM)</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-micronesia-fsm -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-micronesia-fsm --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-23 16:40:11</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>moldova</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/moldova'>Moldova</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-moldova -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-moldova --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-08 12:30:32</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>monaco</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/monaco'>Monaco</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-monaco -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-monaco --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-08 23:48:38</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>mongolia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/mongolia'>Mongolia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-mongolia -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-mongolia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-30 08:42:32</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>montenegro</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/montenegro'>Montenegro</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-montenegro -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-montenegro --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-07 16:18:48</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>montserrat</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/montserrat'>Montserrat</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-montserrat -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-montserrat --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:41:03</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>morocco</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/morocco'>Morocco</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-morocco -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-morocco --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-17 10:30:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>mozambique</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/mozambique'>Mozambique</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-mozambique -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-mozambique --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-13 08:52:25</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>myanmar</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/myanmar'>Myanmar</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-myanmar -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-myanmar --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-02 09:07:31</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>namibia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/namibia'>Namibia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-namibia -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-namibia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-10 14:52:45</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>nauru</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/nauru'>Nauru</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-nauru -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-nauru --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-11 07:28:50</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>nepal</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/nepal'>Nepal</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-nepal -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-nepal --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-11 07:30:05</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>netherlands</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/netherlands'>Netherlands</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-netherlands -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-netherlands --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-30 08:52:34</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>new-caledonia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/new-caledonia'>New Caledonia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-new-caledonia -->Avoid non-essential travel<!-- END adv-new-caledonia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-11 07:31:35</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>new-zealand</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/new-zealand'>New Zealand</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-new-zealand -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-new-zealand --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-11 07:32:53</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>nicaragua</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/nicaragua'>Nicaragua</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-nicaragua -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-nicaragua --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-11 07:35:49</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>niger</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/niger'>Niger</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-niger -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-niger --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-17 10:30:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>nigeria</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/nigeria'>Nigeria</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-nigeria -->Avoid non-essential travel (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-nigeria --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-11 07:38:55</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>niue</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/niue'>Niue</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-niue -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-niue --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>north-korea</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/north-korea'>North Korea</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-north-korea -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-north-korea --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-09 16:15:11</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>north-macedonia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/north-macedonia'>North Macedonia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-north-macedonia -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-north-macedonia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-11 07:42:31</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>northern-marianas</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/northern-marianas'>Northern Marianas</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-northern-marianas -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-northern-marianas --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-04 08:15:51</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>norway</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/norway'>Norway</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-norway -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-norway --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-11 07:45:13</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>oman</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/oman'>Oman</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-oman -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-oman --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-17 10:30:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>pakistan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/pakistan'>Pakistan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-pakistan -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-pakistan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-12 13:13:01</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>palau</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/palau'>Palau</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-palau -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-palau --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-23 16:40:11</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>panama</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/panama'>Panama</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-panama -->Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-panama --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-10 11:04:35</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>papua-new-guinea</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/papua-new-guinea'>Papua New Guinea</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-papua-new-guinea -->Avoid non-essential travel<!-- END adv-papua-new-guinea --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-23 16:40:11</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>paraguay</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/paraguay'>Paraguay</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-paraguay -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-paraguay --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-07 12:57:58</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>peru</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/peru'>Peru</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-peru -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-peru --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-11 08:33:57</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>philippines</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/philippines'>Philippines</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-philippines -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-philippines --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-08 08:40:50</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>poland</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/poland'>Poland</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-poland -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-poland --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-14 08:53:21</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>portugal</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/portugal'>Portugal</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-portugal -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-portugal --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-30 14:03:17</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>puerto-rico</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/puerto-rico'>Puerto Rico</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-puerto-rico -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-puerto-rico --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-03 07:49:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>qatar</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/qatar'>Qatar</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-qatar -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-qatar --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-17 10:30:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>congo-brazzaville</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/congo-brazzaville'>Republic of Congo (Brazzaville)</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-congo-brazzaville -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-congo-brazzaville --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-10 13:00:33</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>reunion</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/reunion'>R&#233;union</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-reunion -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-reunion --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-09-24 15:30:44</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>romania</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/romania'>Romania</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-romania -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-romania --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-13 10:03:33</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>russia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/russia'>Russia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-russia -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-russia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-28 10:25:07</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>rwanda</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/rwanda'>Rwanda</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-rwanda -->Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-rwanda --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-29 11:54:05</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>saint-kitts-and-nevis</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/saint-kitts-and-nevis'>Saint Kitts and Nevis</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-saint-kitts-and-nevis -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-saint-kitts-and-nevis --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:19:05</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>saint-lucia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/saint-lucia'>Saint Lucia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-saint-lucia -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-saint-lucia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:19:43</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>saint-martin</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/saint-martin'>Saint Martin</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-saint-martin -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-saint-martin --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-07 13:53:38</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>saint-vincent-the-grenadines</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/saint-vincent-the-grenadines'>Saint Vincent &amp; the Grenadines</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-saint-vincent-the-grenadines -->Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-saint-vincent-the-grenadines --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-20 16:22:26</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>saint-barthelemy</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/saint-barthelemy'>Saint-Barth&#233;lemy</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-saint-barthelemy -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-saint-barthelemy --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:18:20</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>saint-pierre-et-miquelon</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/saint-pierre-et-miquelon'>Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-saint-pierre-et-miquelon -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-saint-pierre-et-miquelon --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-03 08:14:09</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>samoa</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/samoa'>Samoa</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-samoa -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-samoa --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:21:49</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>san-marino</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/san-marino'>San Marino</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-san-marino -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-san-marino --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-07 14:29:48</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>sao-tome-and-principe</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/sao-tome-and-principe'>Sao Tome and Principe</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-sao-tome-and-principe -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-sao-tome-and-principe --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>saudi-arabia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/saudi-arabia'>Saudi Arabia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-saudi-arabia -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-saudi-arabia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-17 10:30:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>senegal</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/senegal'>Senegal</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-senegal -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-senegal --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-03 08:19:30</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>serbia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/serbia'>Serbia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-serbia -->Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-serbia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-24 07:30:54</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>seychelles</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/seychelles'>Seychelles</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-seychelles -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-seychelles --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>sierra-leone</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/sierra-leone'>Sierra Leone</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-sierra-leone -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-sierra-leone --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-07 11:11:44</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>singapore</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/singapore'>Singapore</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-singapore -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-singapore --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-03 08:29:21</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>sint-maarten</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/sint-maarten'>Sint Maarten</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-sint-maarten -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-sint-maarten --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-09 14:48:06</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>slovakia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/slovakia'>Slovakia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-slovakia -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-slovakia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-30 09:44:47</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>slovenia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/slovenia'>Slovenia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-slovenia -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-slovenia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-16 08:19:38</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>solomon-islands</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/solomon-islands'>Solomon Islands</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-solomon-islands -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-solomon-islands --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-23 16:40:11</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>somalia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/somalia'>Somalia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-somalia -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-somalia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-17 10:30:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>south-africa</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/south-africa'>South Africa</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-south-africa -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-south-africa --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-16 08:05:29</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>south-korea</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/south-korea'>South Korea</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-south-korea -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-south-korea --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-14 07:20:47</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>south-sudan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/south-sudan'>South Sudan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-south-sudan -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-south-sudan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-29 07:55:46</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>spain</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/spain'>Spain</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-spain -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-spain --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-12 09:32:12</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>sri-lanka</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/sri-lanka'>Sri Lanka</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-sri-lanka -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-sri-lanka --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-10 08:20:45</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>sudan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/sudan'>Sudan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-sudan -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-sudan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-03 09:12:10</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>suriname</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/suriname'>Suriname</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-suriname -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-suriname --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-03 09:14:54</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>sweden</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/sweden'>Sweden</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-sweden -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-sweden --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-03 09:31:04</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>switzerland</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/switzerland'>Switzerland</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-switzerland -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-switzerland --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-03 09:35:23</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>syria</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/syria'>Syria</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-syria -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-syria --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-31 15:38:54</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>taiwan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/taiwan'>Taiwan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-taiwan -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-taiwan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-13 08:24:08</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>tajikistan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/tajikistan'>Tajikistan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-tajikistan -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-tajikistan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>tanzania</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/tanzania'>Tanzania</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-tanzania -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-tanzania --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-04 10:14:31</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>thailand</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/thailand'>Thailand</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-thailand -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-thailand --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-03 09:42:00</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>timor-leste-east-timor</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/timor-leste-east-timor'>Timor-Leste (East Timor)</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-timor-leste-east-timor -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-timor-leste-east-timor --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>togo</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/togo'>Togo</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-togo -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-togo --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-12-10 13:13:37</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>tokelau</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/tokelau'>Tokelau</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-tokelau -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-tokelau --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>tonga</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/tonga'>Tonga</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-tonga -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-tonga --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-08 13:01:31</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>trinidad-and-tobago</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/trinidad-and-tobago'>Trinidad and Tobago</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-trinidad-and-tobago -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-trinidad-and-tobago --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-08 12:20:12</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>tunisia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/tunisia'>Tunisia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-tunisia -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-tunisia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-03 09:45:44</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>turkiye</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/turkiye'>T&#252;rkiye</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-turkiye -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-turkiye --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-17 16:37:42</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>turkmenistan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/turkmenistan'>Turkmenistan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-turkmenistan -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-turkmenistan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-22 14:45:14</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>turks-and-caicos-islands</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/turks-and-caicos-islands'>Turks and Caicos Islands</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-turks-and-caicos-islands -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-turks-and-caicos-islands --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-13 10:22:54</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>tuvalu</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/tuvalu'>Tuvalu</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-tuvalu -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-tuvalu --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>uganda</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/uganda'>Uganda</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-uganda -->Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-uganda --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-02-07 11:05:20</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>ukraine</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/ukraine'>Ukraine</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-ukraine -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-ukraine --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-03 09:49:06</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>united-arab-emirates</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/united-arab-emirates'>United Arab Emirates</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-united-arab-emirates -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-united-arab-emirates --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-30 08:56:35</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>united-kingdom</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/united-kingdom'>United Kingdom</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-united-kingdom -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-united-kingdom --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-28 09:15:23</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>united-states</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/united-states'>United States</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-united-states -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-united-states --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-31 13:58:42</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>uruguay</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/uruguay'>Uruguay</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-uruguay -->Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-uruguay --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-13 08:26:37</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>uzbekistan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/uzbekistan'>Uzbekistan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-uzbekistan -->Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-uzbekistan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-10 08:19:53</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>vanuatu</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/vanuatu'>Vanuatu</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-vanuatu -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-vanuatu --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-30 15:57:39</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>venezuela</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/venezuela'>Venezuela</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-venezuela -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-venezuela --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-13 16:24:12</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>vietnam</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/vietnam'>Vietnam</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-vietnam -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-vietnam --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-28 14:50:38</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>virgin-islands-u-s</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/virgin-islands-u-s'>Virgin Islands (U.S.)</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-virgin-islands-u-s -->Take normal security precautions<!-- END adv-virgin-islands-u-s --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:33:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>yemen</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/yemen'>Yemen</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-yemen -->Avoid all travel<!-- END adv-yemen --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-17 10:30:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>zambia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/zambia'>Zambia</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-zambia -->Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories)<!-- END adv-zambia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-09 15:31:39</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>zimbabwe</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'>&nbsp; <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/zimbabwe'>Zimbabwe</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-zimbabwe -->Exercise a high degree of caution<!-- END adv-zimbabwe --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2025-01-27 15:50:20</td> </tr> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr> <th>English</th> <th>Destination</th> <th>Risk level</th> <th>Last updated</th> </tr> </tfoot> </table> <div class="clearfix"></div> <h3>Travel advice from other countries</h3> <p>Travel advice is also provided by the governments of <a href="" target="_blank">Australia</a>, <a href="">New Zealand</a>, the <a href="" target="_blank">United Kingdom</a> and the <a href="" target="_blank">United States</a>.</p> <!-- START Risk levels modal dialog --> <section class="mfp-hide modal-dialog modal-content overlay-def" id="levels"> <header class="modal-header"> <h1 class="modal-title">Risk Levels</h1> </header> <div class="modal-body"> <h3><img class="popup-normal-precautions" src="/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg">&nbsp;&nbsp;Take normal security precautions</h3> <p>Take similar precautions to those you would take in Canada.</p> <h3><img class="popup-increased-caution" src="/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg">&nbsp;&nbsp;Exercise a high degree of caution</h3> <p>There are certain safety and security concerns or the situation could change quickly. Be very cautious at all times, monitor local media and follow the instructions of local authorities.</p> <section> <p><b>IMPORTANT:</b>The two levels below are official Government of Canada Travel Advisories and are issued when the safety and security of Canadians travelling or living in the country or region may be at risk.</p> </section> <h3><img class="popup-reconsider-travel" src="/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg">&nbsp;&nbsp;Avoid non-essential travel</h3> <p>Your safety and security could be at risk. You should think about your need to travel to this country, territory or region based on family or business requirements, knowledge of or familiarity with the region, and other factors. If you are already there, think about whether you really need to be there. If you do not need to be there, you should think about leaving. </p> <h3><img class="popup-do-not-travel" src="/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg">&nbsp;&nbsp;Avoid all travel</h3> <p>You should not travel to this country, territory or region. Your personal safety and security are at great risk. If you are already there, you should think about leaving if it is safe to do so.</p> </div> </section> <!-- END Risk levels modal dialog --> <div class="pagedetails"> <dl id="wb-dtmd"> <dt> Date modified: </dt> <dd> <time property="dateModified"> 2024-02-13 </time> </dd> </dl> </div> </main> <footer id="wb-info"> <h2 class="wb-inv">About this site</h2> <div class="gc-contextual"> <div class="container"> <nav> <h3>Travel and tourism</h3> <ul class="list-col-xs-1 list-col-sm-2 list-col-md-3"> <li> <a href="/contact">Contact us</a> </li> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="gc-main-footer"> <div class="container"> <nav> <h3>Government of Canada</h3> <ul class="list-col-xs-1 list-col-sm-2 list-col-md-3"><li><a href="">All contacts</a></li> <li><a href="">Departments and agencies</a></li> <li><a href="">About government</a></li></ul> <h4><span class="wb-inv">Themes and topics</span></h4> <ul class="list-unstyled colcount-sm-2 colcount-md-3"><li><a href="">Jobs</a></li> <li><a href="">Immigration and citizenship</a></li> <li><a href="">Travel and tourism</a></li> <li><a href="">Business</a></li> <li><a href="">Benefits</a></li> <li><a href="">Health</a></li> <li><a href="">Taxes</a></li> <li><a href="">Environment and natural resources</a></li> <li><a href="">National security and defence</a></li> <li><a href="">Culture, history and sport</a></li> <li><a href="">Policing, justice and emergencies</a></li> <li><a href="">Transport and infrastructure</a></li> <li><a href="">Canada and the world</a></li> <li><a href="">Money and finance</a></li> <li><a href="">Science and innovation</a></li> <li><a href="">Indigenous peoples</a></li> <li><a href="">Veterans and military</a></li> <li><a href="">Youth</a></li></ul> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="gc-sub-footer"> <div class="container d-flex align-items-center"> <nav> <h3 class="wb-inv">Government of Canada Corporate</h3> <ul> <li><a href="">Social media</a></li> <li><a href="">Mobile applications</a></li> <li><a href="">About</a></li><li><a href="">Terms and conditions</a></li> <li><a href="">Privacy</a></li></ul> </nav> <div class="wtrmrk align-self-end"> <img src="" alt="Symbol of the Government of Canada" /> </div> </div> </div> </footer><!-- Adobe Analytics RUN PROD 2of2 start --> <script type="text/javascript">_satellite.pageBottom();</script> <!-- Adobe Analytics RUN PROD 2of2 end --> <!--[if gte IE 9 | !IE ]><!--> <script src="/wet-boew/themes-dist-15.0.0-gcweb/wet-boew/js/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/wet-boew/themes-dist-15.0.0-gcweb/wet-boew/js/wet-boew.min.js"></script> <!--<![endif]--> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script arc="/wet-boew/themes-dist-15.0.0-gcweb/GCWeb/js/ie8-wet-boew2.min.js"></script> <![endif]--> <script src="/wet-boew/themes-dist-15.0.0-gcweb/GCWeb/js/theme.min.js"></script> <script> function randomlink(elem){ var randomlinks=new Array() randomlinks[0]="" randomlinks[1]="" elem.href = randomlinks[Math.floor(Math.random()*randomlinks.length)]; return false; } function randomlink2(elem){ var randomlinks2=new Array() randomlinks2[0]="" randomlinks2[1]="" elem.href = randomlinks2[Math.floor(Math.random()*randomlinks2.length)]; return false; } </script> <!-- Invitation Manager 2 of 2 start --> <script src="/vt/custom/js/Overlay.js"></script> <script src="/vt/custom/js/InvitationManager.js"></script> <!-- Invitation Manager 2 of 2 end --> <!--<script> var randomlinks=new Array() randomlinks[0]="" randomlinks[1]="" function randomlink(){ window.location=randomlinks[Math.floor(Math.random()*randomlinks.length)] } </script> <script> var randomlinks2=new Array() randomlinks2[0]="" randomlinks2[1]="" function randomlink2(){ window.location=randomlinks2[Math.floor(Math.random()*randomlinks2.length)] } </script> --> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $(document).on('click', '#btnGoToCountry', function () { mySelection = $(this).parent().siblings("#CountryDropDown1_ddlCountries").find(":selected").val(); window.location.href = "/destinations/" + mySelection; return false; }); }); </script> <!-- Parse JSON file to create marker and InfoWindows on the map --> <script> // JSON data to populate the InfoWindows for each destination //var indexUpdatedDataJSON = ; // Extract the right content from the JSON data based on the language //var lang = "eng"; </script> <!--<script type="text/javascript" src="/vt/custom/js/advisory-map.js"></script>--> </body> </html>

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