CT Judicial Law Library Staff, Locations, Directions and Hours
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Library staff is providing remote assistance through telephone contact and email: <a href=""></a>. </span><br>--> <span class="text_large"><a href="services.htm">Library Services</a> | <a href="contactus.htm">Contact Us</a></span> <p class="boxPara">To access changes in library hours go to <a href="">Library Notices</a>.</p> <!-- Left Column begins --> <div class="lawlib_dual_col"> <div class="text_large"> <p class="boxPara"><strong>Bridgeport Law Library</strong><br> at Bridgeport Courthouse<br> 1061 Main Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604<br> Telephone: (203) 579-7244 - Fax: (203) 579-7298 <br>email: <a href=""></a> or<br /> <a href=""></a><br> Library Hours: M-F, 9-5 | <a href="">Directions</a> </p> <p class="boxPara"><strong>Danbury Law Library</strong><br> at Danbury Courthouse<br> 146 White Street, Danbury, CT 06810<br> Telephone: (203) 207-8625<br> email: <a href=""></a><br> Library Hours: M-F, 9-5 | <a href="">Directions</a></p> <p class="boxPara"><strong>Hartford Law Library</strong><br> at Hartford Courthouse<br>95 Washington Street, Hartford, CT 06106<br>Telephone: (860) 548-2866 - Fax: (860) 548-2868<br> email: <a href=""></a> or<br> <a href=""></a> <br>Library Hours: M-F, 9-5 | <a href="">Directions</a><br> </p> <!--<p class="boxPara"><strong>Litchfield Law Library</strong><br> at Litchfield Courthouse<br> 15 West Street, Litchfield, CT 06759<br> Telephone: (860) 567-0598 - Fax: (860) 567-4533<br> email: <a href=""></a><br>Library Hours: M, T, W, F, 9-5 | <a href="">Directions</a><br> <em style="color:#CC0000">Closed on Thursdays until further notice.</em></p> --> <p class="boxPara"><strong>Middletown Law Library</strong><br> at Middletown Courthouse<br> One Court Street, Middletown, CT 06457<br> Telephone: (860) 343-6560 - Fax: (860) 343-6568<br> email: <a href=""></a> <br> Library Hours M-F, 9-5 | <a href="">Directions</a></p> <p class="boxPara"><strong>New Britain Law Library</strong><br> at New Britain Courthouse<br> 20 Franklin Square, New Britain, CT 06051<br> Telephone: (860) 515-5110 - Fax: (860) 515-5111<br> email: <a href=""></a><br> Library Hours: M-F, 9-5 | <a href="">Directions</a><br></p> <p class="boxPara"><strong>New Haven Law Library</strong><br> at New Haven Courthouse<br> 235 Church Street, New Haven, CT 06510<br> Telephone: (203) 503-6828 - Fax: (203) 789-6499<br> email: <a href=""></a> or<br> <a href=""><br /> Library Hours: M-F, 9-5 | <a href="">Directions</a></p> </div></div> <!-- Left Column ends --> <!-- Right Column begins --> <div class="lawlib_dual_col2"> <div class="text_large"> <p class="boxPara"><strong>New London Law Library</strong><br> at New London Courthouse<br> 70 Huntington Street, New London, CT 06320<br> Telephone: (860) 442-7561 - Fax: (860) 442-9416<br> email: <a href=""></a> <br> Library Hours: M-F, 9-5 | <a href="">Directions</a><br></p> <p class="boxPara"><strong>Putnam Law Library</strong><br>at Putnam Courthouse<br> 155 Church Street, Putnam, CT 06260<br>Telephone: (860) 928-3716 - Fax: (860) 963-7531<br> email: <a href=""></a><br> Library Hours: M-F, 9-5 | <a href="">Directions</a><br> <p class="boxPara"><strong>Rockville Law Library</strong><br> at Rockville Courthouse<br> 69 Brooklyn Street, Rockville, CT 06066<br> Telephone: (860) 896-4955 - Fax: (860) 875-3213<br> email: <a href=""></a><br> Library Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-4 | <a href="">Directions</a><br> <p class="boxPara"><strong>Stamford Law Library</strong><br>at Stamford Courthouse<br> 123 Hoyt Street, Stamford, CT 06905<br> Telephone: (203) 965-5250 - Fax: (203) 965-5784<br> email: <a href=""></a> or <br> <a href=""></a> <br> Library Hours: M-F, 9-5 | <a href="">Directions</a></p> <p class="boxPara"><strong>Torrington Law Library</strong><br> at Torrington Courthouse<br> 50 Field Street, Torrington, CT 06790<br> Telephone: (860) 626-2696<br> email: <a href=""></a><br>Library Hours: M-F, 9-5 | <a href="">Directions</a><br></p> <p class="boxPara"><strong>Waterbury Law Library</strong><br>at Waterbury Courthouse<br> 300 Grand Street, Waterbury, CT 06702<br> Telephone: (203) 591-3338 - Fax: (203) 596-4317<br> email: <a href=""></a><br> Library Hours: M-F, 9-5 | <a href="">Directions</a><br></p> <!--<p><strong>Willimantic Law Library</strong><br> at Willimantic Courthouse<br> 108 Valley Street, Willimantic, CT 06226<br> <em style="color:#CC0000">Closed effective July 1st, 2016.</em> </p> --> <p class="boxPara"><strong>Administrative Office</strong><br> Ms. Claudia Jalowka - Deputy Director II<br> Mr. Christopher Roy - Supervising Law Librarian<br>Ms. Emily Oumano - Supervising Law Librarian <br /> 90 Washington St., Third Floor, Hartford, CT 06106<br> Telephone: (860) 706-5145 - Fax: (860) 706-5086<br> Staff Hours: M-F, 8:00-4:30<br></p> <br> <span class="text_medium"><a href="#top">Top</a></span> </div></div> </div> <script> includeHTML(); 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