ISAR Conference
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This entire conference has been organized with the sole intention of allowing participants access to the latest research insights, opportunities to disseminate research, network with fellow professionals, and take advantage of opportunities to accelerate their careers in the discipline of <strong> Recent Challenges in Cardiology.</strong> </p> <p class="about-text"> As a highly anticipated event, drawing the attention of the global academic community, this conference will be built on the bedrock of outstanding research contributions by highly talented professionals from the global research community, public sector, and industry. Everything from conference paper, poster, and abstract presentations to scintillating keynote speeches, talks, Q&A Sessions, and Workshops have been planned as part of the ICEFB Conference organizers' overall focus on raising awareness of the contributions to nurture, cultivate, enhance and accelerate the adoption of the latest <strong> Recent Challenges in Cardiology</strong> developments and innovations for the benefit of society. Over the past year, <strong> Recent Challenges in Cardiology</strong> has witnessed unprecedented growth in the number of deployments, resource investment from industry and government, and attention from leading technologists.</p> <p class="about-text"> The ICRCC Conference will showcase the latest from the academic and research community in this field. It includes an extensive program of paper and poster presentations on the latest developments and innovations on this front, as well as associated disciplines, in order to offer participants a more well-rounded, multidisciplinary outlook on these advancements rather than just a one-sided perspective. </p> <p class="about-text"> After being subject to a stringent editorial and peer review process, the best proposals have been selected for the benefit of the presenters and the maximum enlightenment of the conference participants.</p> <!-- <p class="about-text"> Save yourself a seat by registering, and come get your mind blown by - <ul> <li><i class="fa fa-check-circle" style="color:#357C3C;padding-right: 8px;"></i>Phenomenal technical papers, </li> <li><i class="fa fa-check-circle" style="color:#357C3C;padding-right: 8px;"></i>Easy-to-follow tutorials, </li> <li><i class="fa fa-check-circle" style="color:#357C3C;padding-right: 8px;"></i>Career-accelerating workshops, </li> <li><i class="fa fa-check-circle" style="color:#357C3C;padding-right: 8px;"></i>Egaging special sessions and industry sessions designed specifically to shed light on - <ul class="sub-ul"> <li>Infrastructure and support systems, </li> <li>Advanced technologies,, </li> <li>End-to-end solutions, </li> <li>updates to common processes, and </li> <li>The latest operating methods. </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </p> <p class="about-text"> The program for the Conference also contains strong public sector and industry involvement aimed at deepening understanding while providing the dialogue and actions needed to accelerate the adoption and deployment of these innovations in real-world environments. The focus of the Conference will be on serving as the best platform possible for all (educators, students, industry and research professionals, academics, and others) in the field of <strong> Recent Challenges in Cardiology</strong> to come together and put in place processes that will seal the sustenance of innovation acceleration in this discipline. </p> --> <h4>Important dates</h4> <table class="dates-table"> <tr> <td>Early Bird Entry deadline</td> <td>21st July 2025</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="background:#f5deb3; box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px 0px grey; border-radius: 5px;"> Abstract Submission deadline</td> <td style="background:#f5deb3; box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px 0px grey; border-radius: 5px;">31st July 2025</td> </tr> <tr> <td>General registration</td> <td>5th August 2025</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="background:#f5deb3; box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px 0px grey; border-radius: 5px;"> Conference date</td> <td style="background:#f5deb3; box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px 0px grey; border-radius: 5px;">20th - 21st August 2025</td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="sub-title">Latest Events</div> <div class="row-sm-3"> <div class="card"> <a href=""> <img class="card-img-top" src="./images/le-3.jpeg" alt="Card image cap"></a> <div class="card-body"> <a href=""><h5 class="card-title"><img src="./images/navigation.png" style="width: 30px;margin-right: 10px;">ISAR Conference</h5></a> <a href=""><p class="card-text">International Virtual Conference, July 2022.</p></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row-sm-3"> <div class="card"> <a href=""> <img class="card-img-top" src="./images/le-2.jpeg" alt="Card image cap"></a> <div class="card-body"> <a href=""><h5 class="card-title"><img src="./images/navigation.png" style="width: 30px;margin-right: 10px;">ISAR Conference</h5></a> <a href=""><p class="card-text">International Virtual Conference, August 2022.</p></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- End about us section --> <!--coupon code --> <!-- Modal --> <!-- <div class="modal fade" id="Discount" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="staticBackdropLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered "> <div class="modal-content" style="background-color: transparent !important; border:none !important;"> <div class="modal-header" style="border: none !important;"> <button type="button" class="close btn-div-1" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> </button> --> <!-- </div>--> <!-- <div class=" modal-body p-0 modal-body-1 let-it-snow"> <div class="chris-container d-flex flex-column justify-content-center p-3"> <h4 class="text-center mt-3"> 🎁 Special Offer:🎁 <br> Enjoy a 5% Discount on Conference Registrations! </h4> <div class="christ-text mt-2 text-center d-flex flex-column justify-content-center"> --> <!-- <p class="text-white text-center" style="color:#e7ff91 !important;font-size: 18px; font-weight:600;">Join us for our upcoming event and enjoy an exclusive 5% discount on all registration categories! </p>--> <!-- <h5 class="text-white" style="color:#fff;">Avail the savings now to enhance your experience at our upcoming event. </h5> --> <!-- <h6 class="text-white blink-text text-center">Claim Your Discount Now!</h6> --> <!-- <div class="coup-code d-flex justify-content-center align-item-center mt-1"> <h5>Use Code: CONF5OFF </h5> </div> --> <!-- <div class="mt-1 mb-1"> <a href="registration.php?id=3059672" class="btn elementor-button">🔖 Claim Discount </a> </div> <h6 class="text-center text-white" style="color:#e7ff91;font-weight:600;">Act fast! 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