Vulnerability management, its impact and threat modeling methodologies

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"datePublished": "2023-08-10T12:00:00-04:00", "dateModified": "2023-08-14T16:44:09-04:00", "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Security Intelligence", "logo":{ "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } }, "image": [ "" ], "articleBody": "Vulnerability management is a security practice designed to avoid events that could potentially harm an organization. It is a &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;regular ongoing process&lt;/a&gt; that identifies, assesses, and manages vulnerabilities across all the components of an IT ecosystem. Cybersecurity is one of the major priorities many organizations struggle to stay on top of. There is a huge increase in the number of cyberattacks carried out by cybercriminals to steal valuable information from businesses. Hence to encounter these attacks, organizations are now focusing more on building cybersecurity networks to be more powerful and secure. In this article, we will be identifying a few of those vulnerabilities associated with cybersecurity in an organization and their impact on the business. Also, we will deduce a methodology for managing vulnerabilities in an organization and experiences with customers in implementing this methodology. &lt;h2&gt;Common cybersecurity threats&lt;/h2&gt; Let’s walk through a few of the cybersecurity-related vulnerabilities that impact organizations the most. &lt;h3&gt;Phishing&lt;/h3&gt; Phishing is the most widespread cybersecurity vulnerability that impacts &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;more than 85% of organizations&lt;/a&gt; around the world. In &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;phishing attacks&lt;/a&gt;, users are tricked into downloading malicious links that are sent to them through email. The email sent looks like a legitimate email with all the necessary information available in it. Thus, users are tricked into either opening an attachment or clicking a harmful link included in the email. The most common type of phishing attack is email phishing. Over time, attackers have formulated other methods as well, including smishing, vishing and search engine phishing. In &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;smishing&lt;/a&gt;, malicious links are sent through SMS over a phone, whereas in vishing phone calls are made to trick users. Search engine phishing is the most recent methodology where attackers create fake websites and ranks them on search engines, which compels the user to enter crucial information, resulting in robbing end users. &lt;h3&gt;Ransomware&lt;/h3&gt; Ransomware is one of the most common types of threats that impacts hundreds of organizations on a daily basis. In &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;ransomware attacks&lt;/a&gt;, organizations&#039; data is encrypted by attackers so that it cannot be accessed by anyone inside an organization. To unlock the data, attackers demand heavy ransoms thus resulting in huge loss of money, as well as disruption of their services. Organizations usually &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;tend to pay these ransoms&lt;/a&gt; to cyber attackers as they don’t have the resources to recover from a ransomware attack. In some cases, even after paying the ransom organizations are unable to retrieve their data. &lt;h3&gt;Malware attacks&lt;/h3&gt; Malware attacks are malicious programs &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;designed to cause harm or damage&lt;/a&gt; to an organization&#039;s infrastructure, system, or network. The origin of malware is usually public Wi-Fi, spam emails, downloading malicious content, and clicking on pop-up ads. Once malware is released into the system, it can compromise all the critical and personal information available on the organization&#039;s servers and systems. Malware can be classified into one of the following categories: virus, trojan, worm, adware, spyware, malvertising. Malware is sometimes difficult to detect in the system and can change the system settings and permissions, spy on user activity, and block critical programs on users&#039; computers. &lt;h3&gt;Distributed denial of service (DDoS)&lt;/h3&gt; In a &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack&lt;/a&gt;, an organization&#039;s online services are made unavailable by flooding it with internet traffic from multiple sources. Cyber attackers target all the critical resources of bank or government websites to ensure end users are unable to access information available online on these websites. Amazon Web Services (AWS) and GitHub were some of the latest victims of DDoS attacks. The common type of DDoS attacks includes UDP flood, ICMP (ping) flood, SYN flood, Slowloris, ping of death, HTTP flood, and NTP amplification. &lt;h3&gt;Password theft&lt;/h3&gt; Another major threat that organizations face is employees using weak or common passwords. With most organizations using multiple application services these days, reusing easily guessed passwords can lead to compromising data. Also, passwords can be compromised when users enter their credentials unknowingly into a fake website. Thus, it’s of utmost importance to use &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;unique passwords that are hard to guess&lt;/a&gt; for each platform to ensure the security of the data. [button link=&quot;; color=&quot;orange1&quot; size=&quot;large&quot;]Explore vulnerability management services[/button] &lt;h2&gt;Impact of cyberattacks on an organization&lt;/h2&gt; One of the worst outcomes of a cyberattack is the drop in revenue&lt;b&gt; &lt;/b&gt;as an organization must pay a hefty price to recover data from threat actors — and restore normal business operations. In 2018, a social media giant lost more than $13 billion in value after a data breach affected 50 million of its users. The company said attackers were able to exploit a vulnerability in a feature known as “View As” to gain control of people&#039;s accounts. Their stock fell as much as 3% on the stock exchange. Customers who have their personal information leaked tend to feel less secure providing sensitive information to the breached organization in the future — let alone, continuing to do business with the company. Loss of trust and faith equates to reputational damage for an organization. A major American retail giant lost the credit card information of more than 40 million customers in 2013 due to a data breach, which resulted in reputational damage and a loss of $18.5 million. Depending upon the intensity of the cyberattack and the type of information compromised, organizations may have to pay an actual settlement and face legal consequences to compensate for the loss. A multinational American tech company suffered from one of the largest cyberattacks in the history of the internet. They were hit with multiple breaches in 2014 and 2016, which impacted more than 1 billion user accounts. The breach included names, email addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, etc. The tech company currently has several lawsuits against them and an ongoing investigation in U.S. Congress. Cyberattacks can bring business to a halt by causing outages, thus causing a risk to business continuity. Users could be locked out of a system preventing them from accessing critical information. It would also lead to trading disruptions, like the inability to perform online transactions. In 2020, the National Stock Exchange of one of the island countries in the southwestern Pacific Ocean had to shut down operations following an extended DDoS attack on its network provider. &lt;h2&gt;Threat modeling methodologies and technologies&lt;/h2&gt; Threat modeling is a proactive strategy of identifying potential vulnerabilities and developing countermeasures to either mitigate or counter those vulnerabilities to prevent systems from cyberattacks. Threat modeling can be performed at any stage during development — though it is recommended to perform it at the beginning of the project. In this way, threats can be identified and rectified sooner. Multiple methodologies can be utilized for performing threat modeling. Choosing the correct technology depends upon what type of threats are to be tackled in the system. We’ll walk through five of the most popular threat modeling technologies used these days. &lt;h3&gt;1. STRIDE&lt;/h3&gt; STRIDE is one of the most mature threat modeling techniques, which was adopted by Microsoft in 2002. STRIDE is an acronym for the type of threats it covers: &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;&lt;strong&gt;S&lt;/strong&gt; — &lt;strong&gt;Spoofing&lt;/strong&gt; occurs when attackers pretend to be another person. One example of spoofing is when an email is sent from a fake email address, pretending to be someone else.&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;&lt;strong&gt;T&lt;/strong&gt; — &lt;strong&gt;Tampering&lt;/strong&gt; occurs when information or data is modified or altered without authorization. The data can be tampered with by modifying a log file, inserting a malicious link, etc.&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;&lt;strong&gt;R&lt;/strong&gt; — &lt;strong&gt;Repudiation&lt;/strong&gt; refers to the ability of an intruder to deny any malicious activity due to a lack of evidence. Attackers always want to hide their identity, so they hide their wrongdoings discreetly to avoid being tracked.&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;&lt;strong&gt;I &lt;/strong&gt;— &lt;strong&gt;Information&lt;/strong&gt; disclosure is exposing data to unauthorized users that reveals information about the data that can be used by attackers to compromise the system.&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;&lt;strong&gt;D&lt;/strong&gt; — &lt;strong&gt;Denial of Service&lt;/strong&gt; is overloading services with traffic to exhaust resources thus resulting in the crashing of a system or shutting it down to legitimate traffic.&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;&lt;strong&gt;E&lt;/strong&gt; —&lt;strong&gt; Elevation of Privilege&lt;/strong&gt; occurs when attackers gain unauthorized access to information by gaining additional privileges in the system.&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;h3&gt;2. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)&lt;/h3&gt; CVSS is a standardized threat scoring system used for known vulnerabilities. It was developed by the &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)&lt;/a&gt; and maintained by the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST). CVSS captures a vulnerability&#039;s principal characteristics while assigning a numerical severity score (ranging from 0-10, with 10 being the worst). The score is then translated into a qualitative representation which could be Critical, High, Medium, and Low. This helps organizations assess, identify, and effectively operate the threat management process. &lt;h3&gt;3. VAST&lt;/h3&gt; Visual, Agile and Simple Threat (VAST) is an automated threat modeling technology based on ThreatModeler. VAST offers a unique plan so that the creation of threat model plans doesn’t require any specialized security subject matter expertise. Implementing VAST requires the creation of application and operational threat models. Application threat models use a process flow diagram to represent the architectural aspect, while operational threat models are created from an attacker’s point of view based on a data flow diagram. &lt;h3&gt;4. PASTA&lt;/h3&gt; Process for attack simulation and threat analysis (PASTA) is a seven-step risk-centric methodology developed in 2012. It assists organizations in dynamically identifying, counting, and prioritizing threats. Once cybersecurity experts define a detailed analysis of identified threats, developers can develop an asset-centric mitigation strategy by analyzing the application through an attacker-centric perspective. &lt;h3&gt;5. Attack Trees&lt;/h3&gt; Attack trees are charts displaying the path that show how an asset could be attacked. These charts display attack goals as the roots with possible paths as branches. Attack trees are one of the oldest and most widely used threat model technologies. Earlier attack trees were used as a standalone methodology, but recently they are often combined with other technologies such as STRIDE, PASTA and CVSS. Organizations must decide which threat modeling framework best suits their needs. Different methodologies are better for different situations and teams. Understanding the available options and the benefits and limitations of each can help with making an informed decision and improve the effectiveness of threat modeling efforts. &lt;h2&gt;Conclusion&lt;/h2&gt; Managing threats is an evolving process. The main way to ensure a threat-free environment is to regularly test security infrastructure, utilizing the right tools and methodologies for threat management and inculcating a culture of knowledge and information within all employees. If these points are taken care of then an organization is doing its best to protect data and secure its system from any harmful attacks, vulnerabilities or threats. As per recent trends, cyberattacks have increased on a monthly basis by 37% since the COVID-19 outbreak. As more employees are working from home or hybrid, businesses will need to have robust cybersecurity and digital strategies that account for changing working practices and exposure to new threats. Let our team of cybersecurity experts help you stay ahead of threats and attacks against your organization. Learn more about IBM Security&#039;s &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;Threat Monitoring&lt;/a&gt;, &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;Detection and Response services&lt;/a&gt;." } </script> <!-- BREADCRUMB SCHEMA --> <script id="post-schema" type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "name": "Home", "item": "" }, ] } </script> <div id="progressbar"> <amp-animation id="progress-animation" layout="nodisplay"> <script type="application/json"> { "duration": "1s", "iterations": "1", "fill": "both", "direction": "alternate", "animations": [{ "selector": "#progressbar", "keyframes": [{ "transform": "translateX(0)" }] }] } </script> </amp-animation> </div> <amp-position-observer target="post__content" intersection-ratios="0" viewport-margins="25vh 75vh" on="scroll:progress-animation.seekTo(percent=event.percent)" layout="nodisplay"></amp-position-observer> <div class="dark_background" style="background:black;"></div> <div class="container grid" style="background:black;"> <!-- Breadcrumbs --> <aside class="breadcrumbs "> <h1 class="breadcrumbs__page_title">Vulnerability management, its impact and threat modeling methodologies</h1> </aside> </div> <div class="container grid hero_background "> <div class="grid__content post "> <div class="post__thumbnail"> <amp-img alt="computer screen with programming code and an alert message" width="1200" height="630" layout="responsive" src="/wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/computer-security-630x330.jpeg.webp" srcset="/wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/computer-security-300x158.jpeg.webp 300w, /wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/computer-security-630x330.jpeg.webp 630w, /wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/computer-security.jpeg.webp 1200w, /wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/computer-security.jpeg.webp 2400w"> <amp-img fallback alt="computer screen with programming code and an alert message" width="1200" height="630" layout="responsive" src="" srcset=" 300w, 630w, 1200w, 2400w"> </amp-img> </amp-img> </div> <div class="new_categoy"> <div class="category-container"> <div class="category"> <div class="theme"> <div class="form-check form-switch"> <div class="link-container"> <a href="#" class="theme-link" id="light-theme-link">Light</a> <a href="#" class="theme-link" id="dark-theme-link">Dark</a> </div> </div> </div> <hr class="separator"> <div class="author_date"> <div class="information"> <span class="date">August 10, 2023</span> <span class="author_category">By <a href="" >Gaurang Joshi</a> </span> <span class="author_category"><span class="span-reading-time rt-reading-time"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix"></span> <span class="rt-time"> 7</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">min read</span></span></span> </div> </div> <hr class="separator"> <div class="title"> <a href=""><span class="name_category">Application Security<br> <a href=""><span class="name_other_category">Risk Management<br> <a href=""><span class="name_other_category">Security Services<br> <a href=""><span class="name_other_category">Threat Hunting<br> </span></a> </div> <div class="social-container" style="visibility: hidden;"> <hr class="separator"> <div class="social"> <!-- Social ICONS --> <a href=" management, its impact and threat modeling methodologies&url=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><amp-img class="arrow" layout="fixed" height="26" width="26" src="" alt="twitter"></amp-img></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><amp-img class="arrow" layout="fixed" height="26" width="26" src="" alt="Linkedin" ></amp-img></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><amp-img class="arrow" layout="fixed" height="26" width="26" src="" alt="facebook"></amp-img></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><amp-img class="arrow" layout="fixed" height="26" width="26" src="" alt="An arrow pointing up"></amp-img></a> </div> </div> </div> <script> window.addEventListener('scroll', function() { var category = document.querySelector('.category'); 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It is a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" >regular ongoing process</a> that identifies, assesses, and manages vulnerabilities across all the components of an IT ecosystem.</p> <p>Cybersecurity is one of the major priorities many organizations struggle to stay on top of. There is a huge increase in the number of cyberattacks carried out by cybercriminals to steal valuable information from businesses. Hence to encounter these attacks, organizations are now focusing more on building cybersecurity networks to be more powerful and secure.</p> <p>In this article, we will be identifying a few of those vulnerabilities associated with cybersecurity in an organization and their impact on the business. Also, we will deduce a methodology for managing vulnerabilities in an organization and experiences with customers in implementing this methodology.</p> <h2>Common cybersecurity threats</h2> <p>Let&rsquo;s walk through a few of the cybersecurity-related vulnerabilities that impact organizations the most.</p> <h3>Phishing</h3> <p>Phishing is the most widespread cybersecurity vulnerability that impacts <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" >more than 85% of organizations</a> around the world. In <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" >phishing attacks</a>, users are tricked into downloading malicious links that are sent to them through email. The email sent looks like a legitimate email with all the necessary information available in it. Thus, users are tricked into either opening an attachment or clicking a harmful link included in the email.</p> <p>The most common type of phishing attack is email phishing. Over time, attackers have formulated other methods as well, including smishing, vishing and search engine phishing. In <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" >smishing</a>, malicious links are sent through SMS over a phone, whereas in vishing phone calls are made to trick users. Search engine phishing is the most recent methodology where attackers create fake websites and ranks them on search engines, which compels the user to enter crucial information, resulting in robbing end users.</p> <h3>Ransomware</h3> <p>Ransomware is one of the most common types of threats that impacts hundreds of organizations on a daily basis. In <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" >ransomware attacks</a>, organizations&rsquo; data is encrypted by attackers so that it cannot be accessed by anyone inside an organization. To unlock the data, attackers demand heavy ransoms thus resulting in huge loss of money, as well as disruption of their services.</p> <p>Organizations usually <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" >tend to pay these ransoms</a> to cyber attackers as they don&rsquo;t have the resources to recover from a ransomware attack. In some cases, even after paying the ransom organizations are unable to retrieve their data.</p> <h3>Malware attacks</h3> <p>Malware attacks are malicious programs <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" >designed to cause harm or damage</a> to an organization&rsquo;s infrastructure, system, or network. The origin of malware is usually public Wi-Fi, spam emails, downloading malicious content, and clicking on pop-up ads. Once malware is released into the system, it can compromise all the critical and personal information available on the organization&rsquo;s servers and systems.</p> <p>Malware can be classified into one of the following categories: virus, trojan, worm, adware, spyware, malvertising. Malware is sometimes difficult to detect in the system and can change the system settings and permissions, spy on user activity, and block critical programs on users&rsquo; computers.</p> <h3>Distributed denial of service (DDoS)</h3> <p>In a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" >distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack</a>, an organization&rsquo;s online services are made unavailable by flooding it with internet traffic from multiple sources. Cyber attackers target all the critical resources of bank or government websites to ensure end users are unable to access information available online on these websites.</p> <p>Amazon Web Services (AWS) and GitHub were some of the latest victims of DDoS attacks. The common type of DDoS attacks includes UDP flood, ICMP (ping) flood, SYN flood, Slowloris, ping of death, HTTP flood, and NTP amplification.</p> <h3>Password theft</h3> <p>Another major threat that organizations face is employees using weak or common passwords. With most organizations using multiple application services these days, reusing easily guessed passwords can lead to compromising data.</p> <p>Also, passwords can be compromised when users enter their credentials unknowingly into a fake website. Thus, it&rsquo;s of utmost importance to use <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" >unique passwords that are hard to guess</a> for each platform to ensure the security of the data.</p> <a class="btn orange1 large" href="" >Explore vulnerability management services</a> <h2>Impact of cyberattacks on an organization</h2> <p>One of the worst outcomes of a cyberattack is the drop in revenue<b>&nbsp;</b>as an organization must pay a hefty price to recover data from threat actors &mdash; and restore normal business operations. In 2018, a social media giant lost more than $13 billion in value after a data breach affected 50 million of its users. The company said attackers were able to exploit a vulnerability in a feature known as &ldquo;View As&rdquo; to gain control of people&rsquo;s accounts. Their stock fell as much as 3% on the stock exchange.</p> <p>Customers who have their personal information leaked tend to feel less secure providing sensitive information to the breached organization in the future &mdash; let alone, continuing to do business with the company. Loss of trust and faith equates to reputational damage for an organization. A major American retail giant lost the credit card information of more than 40 million customers in 2013 due to a data breach, which resulted in reputational damage and a loss of $18.5 million.</p> <p>Depending upon the intensity of the cyberattack and the type of information compromised, organizations may have to pay an actual settlement and face legal consequences to compensate for the loss. A multinational American tech company suffered from one of the largest cyberattacks in the history of the internet. They were hit with multiple breaches in 2014 and 2016, which impacted more than 1 billion user accounts. The breach included names, email addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, etc. The tech company currently has several lawsuits against them and an ongoing investigation in U.S. Congress.</p> <p>Cyberattacks can bring business to a halt by causing outages, thus causing a risk to business continuity. Users could be locked out of a system preventing them from accessing critical information. It would also lead to trading disruptions, like the inability to perform online transactions. In 2020, the National Stock Exchange of one of the island countries in the southwestern Pacific Ocean had to shut down operations following an extended DDoS attack on its network provider.</p> <h2>Threat modeling methodologies and technologies</h2> <p>Threat modeling is a proactive strategy of identifying potential vulnerabilities and developing countermeasures to either mitigate or counter those vulnerabilities to prevent systems from cyberattacks. Threat modeling can be performed at any stage during development &mdash; though it is recommended to perform it at the beginning of the project. In this way, threats can be identified and rectified sooner.</p> <p>Multiple methodologies can be utilized for performing threat modeling. Choosing the correct technology depends upon what type of threats are to be tackled in the system. We&rsquo;ll walk through five of the most popular threat modeling technologies used these days.</p> <h3>1. STRIDE</h3> <p>STRIDE is one of the most mature threat modeling techniques, which was adopted by Microsoft in 2002. STRIDE is an acronym for the type of threats it covers:</p> <ul> <li><strong>S</strong> &mdash; <strong>Spoofing</strong> occurs when attackers pretend to be another person. One example of spoofing is when an email is sent from a fake email address, pretending to be someone else.</li> <li><strong>T</strong> &mdash; <strong>Tampering</strong> occurs when information or data is modified or altered without authorization. The data can be tampered with by modifying a log file, inserting a malicious link, etc.</li> <li><strong>R</strong> &mdash; <strong>Repudiation</strong> refers to the ability of an intruder to deny any malicious activity due to a lack of evidence. Attackers always want to hide their identity, so they hide their wrongdoings discreetly to avoid being tracked.</li> <li><strong>I </strong>&mdash; <strong>Information</strong> disclosure is exposing data to unauthorized users that reveals information about the data that can be used by attackers to compromise the system.</li> <li><strong>D</strong> &mdash; <strong>Denial of Service</strong> is overloading services with traffic to exhaust resources thus resulting in the crashing of a system or shutting it down to legitimate traffic.</li> <li><strong>E</strong> &mdash;<strong> Elevation of Privilege</strong> occurs when attackers gain unauthorized access to information by gaining additional privileges in the system.</li> </ul> <h3>2. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)</h3> <p>CVSS is a standardized threat scoring system used for known vulnerabilities. It was developed by the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" >National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)</a> and maintained by the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST).</p> <p>CVSS captures a vulnerability&rsquo;s principal characteristics while assigning a numerical severity score (ranging from 0-10, with 10 being the worst). The score is then translated into a qualitative representation which could be Critical, High, Medium, and Low. This helps organizations assess, identify, and effectively operate the threat management process.</p> <h3>3. VAST</h3> <p>Visual, Agile and Simple Threat (VAST) is an automated threat modeling technology based on ThreatModeler. VAST offers a unique plan so that the creation of threat model plans doesn&rsquo;t require any specialized security subject matter expertise.</p> <p>Implementing VAST requires the creation of application and operational threat models. Application threat models use a process flow diagram to represent the architectural aspect, while operational threat models are created from an attacker&rsquo;s point of view based on a data flow diagram.</p> <h3>4. PASTA</h3> <p>Process for attack simulation and threat analysis (PASTA) is a seven-step risk-centric methodology developed in 2012. It assists organizations in dynamically identifying, counting, and prioritizing threats.</p> <p>Once cybersecurity experts define a detailed analysis of identified threats, developers can develop an asset-centric mitigation strategy by analyzing the application through an attacker-centric perspective.</p> <h3>5. Attack Trees</h3> <p>Attack trees are charts displaying the path that show how an asset could be attacked. These charts display attack goals as the roots with possible paths as branches.</p> <p>Attack trees are one of the oldest and most widely used threat model technologies. Earlier attack trees were used as a standalone methodology, but recently they are often combined with other technologies such as STRIDE, PASTA and CVSS.</p> <p>Organizations must decide which threat modeling framework best suits their needs. Different methodologies are better for different situations and teams. Understanding the available options and the benefits and limitations of each can help with making an informed decision and improve the effectiveness of threat modeling efforts.</p> <h2>Conclusion</h2> <p>Managing threats is an evolving process. The main way to ensure a threat-free environment is to regularly test security infrastructure, utilizing the right tools and methodologies for threat management and inculcating a culture of knowledge and information within all employees. If these points are taken care of then an organization is doing its best to protect data and secure its system from any harmful attacks, vulnerabilities or threats.</p> <p>As per recent trends, cyberattacks have increased on a monthly basis by 37% since the COVID-19 outbreak. As more employees are working from home or hybrid, businesses will need to have robust cybersecurity and digital strategies that account for changing working practices and exposure to new threats.</p> <p>Let our team of cybersecurity experts help you stay ahead of threats and attacks against your organization. Learn more about IBM Security&rsquo;s <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" >Threat Monitoring</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" >Detection and Response services</a>.</p> </body></html> <div id="nc_pixel"></div><div class="post__tags"> <a href="" rel="tag">threat modeling</a><span>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</span><a href="" rel="tag">Malware</a><span>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</span><a href="" rel="tag">Phishing</a><span>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</span><a href="" rel="tag">Ransomware</a><span>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</span><a href="" rel="tag">Vulnerability Management</a></div> <div class="post__author author "> <div class="author__box"> <div class="author__photo" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="author__infos"> <div class="author__name"><a href="" >Gaurang Joshi</a></div> <div class="author__role">SAP Cybersecurity Consultant, IBM</div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- CONTINUE READING --> <style type="text/css"> .post__content--continue_reading{ max-height: 725px; overflow:hidden; transition: max-height cubic-bezier(0.9, 0, 1, 1) 2s; } @media (max-width: 768px) { .post__content--continue_reading{ max-height: 1225px; } } </style> <div class="continue_reading_wrapper" id="continue_reading"> <button on="tap: post__content.toggleClass(class=post__content--continue_reading), continue_reading.toggleClass(class=continue_reading_wrapper--clicked)" tabindex="0" role="button">Continue Reading</button> </div> </main> </div> </div> <aside class="grid__sidebar post__sidebar "> <div class="mobile_divider"></div> <header class="post__sidebar__header">POPULAR</header> <!-- ARTICLES --> <article class="article article_grid article__mobile--card"> <!-- IMG --> <a class="exclusive_article__category_link" href="" aria-label="What Telegram’s recent policy shift means for cyber crime"> <div class="article__img"> <amp-img alt="" width="1200" height="630" layout="responsive" src="/wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/A-dark-mystery-hand-typing-on-a-laptop-computer-at-night-630x330.jpeg.webp"> <amp-img fallback alt="" width="1200" height="630" layout="responsive" src=""> </amp-img> </amp-img> </div> </a> <!-- TXT --> <div class="article__text_container" style="-webkit-box-orient: vertical;"> <!-- CAT --> <a class="article__category_link" href="" aria-label=""> Risk Management </a> <!-- DATE --> <span class="article__date"> November 6, 2024 </span> <!-- TITLE & EXCERPT --> <a href="" class="article__content_link" aria-label="What Telegram’s recent policy shift means for cyber crime"> <h2 class="article__title">What Telegram’s recent policy shift means for cyber crime</h2> <p class="article__excerpt" style="-webkit-box-orient: vertical;"> <span class="article__read_time"><span class="span-reading-time rt-reading-time"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix"></span> <span class="rt-time"> 4</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">min read</span></span> - </span>Since its launch in August 2013, Telegram has become the go-to messaging app for privacy-focused users. To start using the app, users can sign up using either their real phone number or an anonymous number purchased from the Fragment blockchain&hellip; </p> </a> </div> </article> <article class="article article_grid article__mobile--card"> <!-- IMG --> <a class="exclusive_article__category_link" href="" aria-label="Cybersecurity dominates concerns among the C-suite, small businesses and the nation"> <div class="article__img"> <amp-img alt="A young man & woman working behind the counter in a music store" width="1200" height="630" layout="responsive" src="/wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Young-couple-working-behind-counter-in-music-store-630x330.jpeg.webp"> <amp-img fallback alt="A young man & woman working behind the counter in a music store" width="1200" height="630" layout="responsive" src=""> </amp-img> </amp-img> </div> </a> <!-- TXT --> <div class="article__text_container" style="-webkit-box-orient: vertical;"> <!-- CAT --> <a class="article__category_link" href="" aria-label=""> Risk Management </a> <!-- DATE --> <span class="article__date"> November 15, 2024 </span> <!-- TITLE & EXCERPT --> <a href="" class="article__content_link" aria-label="Cybersecurity dominates concerns among the C-suite, small businesses and the nation"> <h2 class="article__title">Cybersecurity dominates concerns among the C-suite, small businesses and the nation</h2> <p class="article__excerpt" style="-webkit-box-orient: vertical;"> <span class="article__read_time"><span class="span-reading-time rt-reading-time"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix"></span> <span class="rt-time"> 4</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">min read</span></span> - </span>Once relegated to the fringes of business operations, cybersecurity has evolved into a front-and-center concern for organizations worldwide. What was once considered a technical issue managed by IT departments has become a boardroom topic of utmost importance. With the rise&hellip; </p> </a> </div> </article> <article class="article article_grid article__mobile--card"> <!-- IMG --> <a class="exclusive_article__category_link" href="" aria-label="Strela Stealer: Today&#8217;s invoice is tomorrow&#8217;s phish"> <div class="article__img"> <amp-img alt="closeup on a digital screen with a red envelope & the word phishing in yellow & 2 yellow warning symbols" width="1200" height="630" layout="responsive" src="/wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Phishing.-financial-concept.-Digital-payments-630x330.jpeg.webp"> <amp-img fallback alt="closeup on a digital screen with a red envelope & the word phishing in yellow & 2 yellow warning symbols" width="1200" height="630" layout="responsive" src=""> </amp-img> </amp-img> </div> </a> <!-- TXT --> <div class="article__text_container" style="-webkit-box-orient: vertical;"> <!-- CAT --> <a class="article__category_link" href="" aria-label=""> Threat Intelligence </a> <!-- DATE --> <span class="article__date"> November 12, 2024 </span> <!-- TITLE & EXCERPT --> <a href="" class="article__content_link" aria-label="Strela Stealer: Today&#8217;s invoice is tomorrow&#8217;s phish"> <h2 class="article__title">Strela Stealer: Today&#8217;s invoice is tomorrow&#8217;s phish</h2> <p class="article__excerpt" style="-webkit-box-orient: vertical;"> <span class="article__read_time"><span class="span-reading-time rt-reading-time"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix"></span> <span class="rt-time"> 12</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">min read</span></span> - </span>As of November 2024, IBM X-Force has tracked ongoing Hive0145 campaigns delivering Strela Stealer malware to victims throughout Europe &ndash; primarily Spain, Germany and Ukraine. The phishing emails used in these campaigns are real invoice notifications, which have been stolen&hellip; </p> </a> </div> </article> <!-- ADVERTISEMENT --> <div class="billboard_wrapper"> <a href=" " aria-label="A SPONSORED flag "> <amp-img layout='responsive' widht='300' height='250' src="" alt="CODB right rail banner with red, blue, &amp; purple lines in a wide circular pattern"> </amp-img> </a> </div> </aside> </div> <script> const kaltura = document.querySelectorAll("[data-widget=\"videoplayer\"]") if (kaltura != null) { kaltura.forEach(function(item){ const kId = + '--' + item.dataset.videoid; document.getElementById( = kId; getKalturaVideo(item); }) } </script> <div class="card_container_background "> <section class="container cards"> <h3>More from Application Security</h3> <div class="cards__wrapper"> <article class="article article--card cards__article_grid "> <!-- IMG --> <a class="exclusive_article__category_link" href=""> <div class="article__img"> <amp-img alt="A smartphone displaying a full red screen with malware warning set on a blue circuit board" width="1200" height="630" layout="responsive" src="/wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/smartphone-malware-concept.-3d-render-630x330.jpeg.webp"> <amp-img fallback alt="A smartphone displaying a full red screen with malware warning set on a blue circuit board" width="1200" height="630" layout="responsive" src=""> </amp-img> </amp-img> </div> </a> <!-- TXT --> <div class="article__text_container" style="-webkit-box-orient: vertical;"> <!-- CAT AND DATE --> <div class="article__eyebrow"> <span class="article__date"> March 13, 2024 </span> </div> <!-- TITLE & EXCERPT --> <a href="" class="article__content_link"> <div class="article__direction"> <h2 class="article__title"> PixPirate: The Brazilian financial malware you can&#8217;t see </h2> <p class="article__excerpt" style="-webkit-box-orient: vertical;"> <span class="article__read_time"><span class="span-reading-time rt-reading-time"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix"></span> <span class="rt-time"> 10</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">min read</span></span> - </span>Malicious software always aims to stay hidden, making itself invisible so the victims can’t detect it. The constantly mutating PixPirate malware has taken that strategy to a new extreme. PixPirate is a sophisticated financial remote access trojan (RAT) malware that heavily utilizes anti-research techniques. This malware’s infection vector is based on two malicious apps: a downloader and a droppee. Operating together, these two apps communicate with each other to execute the fraud. So far, IBM Trusteer researchers have observed this&hellip; </p> </div> </a> </div> </article> <article class="article article--card cards__article_grid "> <!-- IMG --> <a class="exclusive_article__category_link" href=""> <div class="article__img"> <amp-img alt="Closeup on a hand resting on a keyboard & a projected login prompt floating above in green" width="1200" height="630" layout="responsive" src="/wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Banner-of-woman-using-laptop-with-VR-interface-on-keyboard-1-630x330.jpeg.webp"> <amp-img fallback alt="Closeup on a hand resting on a keyboard & a projected login prompt floating above in green" width="1200" height="630" layout="responsive" src=""> </amp-img> </amp-img> </div> </a> <!-- TXT --> <div class="article__text_container" style="-webkit-box-orient: vertical;"> <!-- CAT AND DATE --> <div class="article__eyebrow"> <span class="article__date"> March 5, 2024 </span> </div> <!-- TITLE & EXCERPT --> <a href="" class="article__content_link"> <div class="article__direction"> <h2 class="article__title"> From federation to fabric: IAM&#8217;s evolution </h2> <p class="article__excerpt" style="-webkit-box-orient: vertical;"> <span class="article__read_time"><span class="span-reading-time rt-reading-time"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix"></span> <span class="rt-time"> 15</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">min read</span></span> - </span>In the modern day, we’ve come to expect that our various applications can share our identity information with one another. Most of our core systems federate seamlessly and bi-directionally. This means that you can quite easily register and log in to a given service with the user account from another service or even invert that process (technically possible, not always advisable). But what is the next step in our evolution towards greater interoperability between our applications, services and systems?Identity and&hellip; </p> </div> </a> </div> </article> <article class="article article--card cards__article_grid "> <!-- IMG --> <a class="exclusive_article__category_link" href=""> <div class="article__img"> <amp-img alt="A man sitting at a desk with multiple monitors displaying audio waves wearing headphones with his back to us" width="1200" height="630" layout="responsive" src="/wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Young-Hacker-Working-Alone-Hacking-Corporate-Data-Servers-From-His-Underground-Hideout.-Hacktivist-Organizes-a-Massive-Data-Breach-Cyber-Attack-Hiding-His-Identity-Behind-Multipl-630x330.jpeg.webp"> <amp-img fallback alt="A man sitting at a desk with multiple monitors displaying audio waves wearing headphones with his back to us" width="1200" height="630" layout="responsive" src=""> </amp-img> </amp-img> </div> </a> <!-- TXT --> <div class="article__text_container" style="-webkit-box-orient: vertical;"> <!-- CAT AND DATE --> <div class="article__eyebrow"> <span class="article__date"> February 1, 2024 </span> </div> <!-- TITLE & EXCERPT --> <a href="" class="article__content_link"> <div class="article__direction"> <h2 class="article__title"> Audio-jacking: Using generative AI to distort live audio transactions </h2> <p class="article__excerpt" style="-webkit-box-orient: vertical;"> <span class="article__read_time"><span class="span-reading-time rt-reading-time"><span class="rt-label rt-prefix"></span> <span class="rt-time"> 7</span> <span class="rt-label rt-postfix">min read</span></span> - </span>The rise of generative AI, including text-to-image, text-to-speech and large language models (LLMs), has significantly changed our work and personal lives. While these advancements offer many benefits, they have also presented new challenges and risks. Specifically, there has been an increase in threat actors who attempt to exploit large language models to create phishing emails and use generative AI, like fake voices, to scam people. We recently published research showcasing how adversaries could hypnotize LLMs to serve nefarious purposes simply&hellip; </p> </div> </a> </div> </article> </div> </section> </div> <!--SI Newsletters --> <script type="module" src=""></script> <script type="module" src=""></script> <script type="module" src=""></script> <div style="background-color: #161616;"> <dds-cta-section data-autoid="dds--cta-section" children-custom-class="" class="container SI_padding"> <dds-cta-block no-border="" data-autoid="dds--cta-block"> <dds-content-block-heading class="copy" role="heading" aria-level="2" data-autoid="dds--content-block__heading" slot="heading"> <h2 >Topic updates</h2> </dds-content-block-heading> <dds-content-block-copy data-autoid="dds--content-block__copy" size="md" slot="copy"> <dds-content-block-paragraph data-autoid="dds--content-block-paragraph" class="copy"> Get email updates and stay ahead of the latest threats to the security landscape, thought leadership and research. </dds-content-block-paragraph> <div role="list" class="list_newletter"> <dds-button-cta data-autoid="dds-cta" cta-style="button" class="copy" cta-type="local" href="" kind="primary" icon-layout="" size=""> Subscribe today </dds-button-cta> </div> </dds-content-block-copy> </dds-cta-block> </dds-cta-section> </div> <dds-footer-container></dds-footer-container> <script> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const boxstyle = document.querySelector('.button2'); 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