Child Protection Policy

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A copy of this policy will be available at all times, in all venues and by e-mail if requested.</p><p>Nipperbout also caters for Adults at Risk (aged 18 years and older). Nipperbout follows the same Child Protection procedures for both children and Adults at Risk (whilst recognising an adult with mental capacity is able to make a decision for themselves on reporting concerns). All references to children made within this policy should be understood to include Adults at Risk.</p><p>Nipperbout operates full day care services, sessional day care services, stay and play services and supervision services (Purple People hire) across the UK and Europe. The nature of our work means that we may only see a child on one occasion/event or for a few days, sporadically across the year. Purple People need to be particularly vigilant and aware to any signs of abuse, as they are unable to build a relationship with a child over a long period of time.</p><p>Where Nipperbout is not in loco parentis, for example in a stay and play setting, the parent retains responsibility for their children and information is available to parents on expectation of conduct and reporting concerns. It is important to note that Nipperbout and its employees still retain the duty to report any concerns identified.</p><p>This policy contains the following information:</p></div><a href="#CP-contacts" class="privacy-menu-link">1. Key contacts</a><a href="#CP-definitions" class="privacy-menu-link">2. Definitions</a><a href="#CP-statutory-guidance" class="privacy-menu-link">3. Statutory guidance</a><a href="#CP-further-reading" class="privacy-menu-link">4. Further reading</a><a href="#CP-policy-overview" class="privacy-menu-link">5. Policy overview</a><div id="CP-contacts" class="w-richtext"><h2>1. Key contacts</h2><p>‍<strong>Company Designated Safeguarding Lead</strong> (CDSL): Janthea Brigden, 07976 430598</p><p><strong>Company Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads</strong> (CDDSL): Rheya Brigden, 07816 790622</p><p><strong>Mental Health Lead</strong> (MHL): Janthea Brigden, 07976 430598</p><p><strong>Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Officer (SEND): </strong>Amanda Richardson</p><p><strong>Human Resources contact: </strong>Serena Bower</p><p><strong>Onsite Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): </strong>As per event specific Job Notes and Noticeboard</p><p><strong>Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH): </strong>Details of the local area MASH team or safeguarding body are included in the event specific Job Notes document, on the back page.<strong>‍</strong></p><p><strong>For allegations about people who work with children: </strong>Details of the local area LADO (or equivalent) are included in the event specific Job Notes document, on the back page.</p><p>‍<strong>NSPCC helpline: </strong>0808 8005000<strong>‍</strong></p><p><strong>Childline: </strong>0800 1111<strong>‍</strong></p><p><strong>FGM helpline: </strong>0800 0283550<strong>‍</strong></p><p><strong>PREVENT: </strong>101<strong>‍</strong></p><p><strong>Whistleblowing helpline: </strong>0800 0280285</p></div><div id="CP-definitions" class="w-richtext"><h2>2. Definitions</h2><p><strong>“Safeguarding”</strong> — Safeguarding means protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of health and/or development, ensuring that children grow up in the provision of safe and effective care and acting to enable all children to have the best life chances.</p><p>Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone who comes into contact with children and families</p><p><strong>“Child Protection”</strong> — Child Protection means identifying and acting on behalf of children who may be subject to significant harm or at risk of significant harm.</p><p>We all have a personal responsibility to report any allegations, concerns or disclosures to the relevant authorities.</p><p>Purple People (our staff) also have a professional responsibility to identify and report any concerns through to the Designated Leads, who will refer these through to the relevant MASH team.</p><p><strong>“Abuse and neglect”</strong> — See <a href="#">Signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect</a> and <a href="#">Additional safeguarding issues</a> for information about what constitutes abuse and neglect.</p></div><div id="CP-statutory-guidance" class="w-richtext"><h2>3. Statutory guidance</h2><p>Nipperbout adheres to key statutory and non-statutory guidance including:</p><ul role="list"><li>EYFS guidance</li><li>Children Act (1989 and 2004)</li><li>Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006)</li><li>Children and Families Act (2014)</li><li>Working Together to Safeguard Children (2024)</li><li>‘What to do if you think a child is being abused’ (2015)</li><li>‘Information Sharing’ guidance (2018)</li><li>Keeping Children Safe (September 2018)</li></ul><p>Plus additional specific safeguarding issues guidance and legislation.</p></div><div id="CP-further-reading" class="w-richtext"><h2>4. Further reading</h2><p>This policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies/procedures:</p><ul role="list"><li>Inclusion and equality</li><li>Privacy</li><li>Admissions</li><li>Supervisions</li><li>Supportive care</li><li>Care of young children</li><li>Toilet trips</li><li>Outings and outdoor play</li><li>Manual handling</li><li>Safety and security</li><li>Accidents, incidents and medical issues</li><li>Media and technology</li><li>Safe recruitment</li><li>Induction, training and development</li><li>Behaviour, performance and conduct</li></ul></div><div id="CP-policy-overview" class="w-richtext"><h2>5. Policy overview</h2><p>Our ethos at Nipperbout, is that children and adults can feel safe, are valued, respected and listened to.</p><p><strong>5.1.</strong> Nipperbout has a legal responsibility and a duty of care to children. Nipperbout also accept that there is a moral and personal duty to protect children. </p><p><strong>5.2.</strong> Nipperbout acknowledges that abuse does occur in our society and is vigilant about identifying signs and reporting concerns. We are are committed to safeguarding the children placed within our care and also any child that our employees may come into contact with.</p><p><strong>5.3.</strong> Nipperbout has a duty to protect its employees from false allegations. Policies and procedures are there to protect both the child and adult. If procedures are followed it will reduce the opportunities for abuse to occur within the setting.</p><p><strong>5.4.</strong> In line with legislation and guidance, we will ensure that arrangements are in place to safeguard and promote the welfare of children by:</p><ul role="list"><li>Ensuring a safe environment, where children feel secure and are encouraged to talk and are listened to</li><li>Providing children and carers with opportunities to discuss issues and report problems affecting their safety and welfare</li><li>Equipping staff to identify the signs of Physical, Emotional, Neglect and Sexual Abuse </li><li>Identifying children who are particularly vulnerable</li><li>Support children to recognise risks and to alert a safe adult. This is partly done by exploring safeguarding issues as part of the activities undertaken with children</li><li>Ensure all staff understand their responsibilities in identifying and reporting abuse</li><li>Ensuring safe recruitment practices and safe working practice are in place and followed at all times</li><li>Ensuring procedures for recognition and referral where there are welfare or child protection concerns</li><li>Having robust procedures in place for reporting safeguarding allegations against staff and recording both low level concerns and those that meet the threshold for referral to the LADO</li><li>Promoting partnership working with parents and other professionals</li><li>Making sure we listen to children&#x27;s wishes whilst ensuring we always act in the best interests of the child</li><li>Keeping robust and secure records to enable patterns of concern to be identified.</li><li>Identifying children and families where early help support may be of benefit and discussing this with parent/carers</li><li>Supporting children and families where a child has been abused or is at risk of abuse</li><li>Encouraging children to have a positive self image</li><li>Encouraging Purple People and volunteers to provide a positive role model</li><li>Ensuring all Purple People adhere to our Code of Conduct and Nipperbout has a culture of respectful uncertainty / professional scepticism which encourages staff to challenge any behaviour or conduct they feel is inappropriate</li><li>Ensuring an environment which is tolerant and accepting of different cultures, communities and beliefs.</li></ul><p><strong>5.5.</strong> We safeguarded all children we encounter and have trained all our staff to identify those who may be at risk of significant harm.</p><p><strong>5.6.</strong> We ensure that there is always DSL cover on site and support available on site and also centrally from our Company DSL.</p><p><strong>5.7.</strong> We have a duty of care to children and will refer to the relevant Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) if a child is at risk. Concerns are discussed with parents unless this puts the child at additional risk.</p><p><strong>5.8.</strong> All Purple People are aware of how to identify the signs of a child at risk. They are clear about what to do if they suspect a child or young person may be experiencing, or be at risk of, harm and know how to flag this with the DSL, or in their absence how to report this through to the relevant MASH team (or equivalent when outside of England) </p><p><strong>5.9.</strong> All Purple People are encouraged to refer directly or challenge if they are unhappy about concerns not being referred on to MASH teams.</p><p><strong>5.10.</strong> If a child or other person is at immediate risk of harm, the first response should always be to call the police on 999.</p><p><strong>5.11.</strong> Staff are fully briefed &amp; trained to be alert to the potential need for early help for children who are more vulnerable. For example:</p><ul role="list"><li>Children with a disability and/or specific additional needs</li><li>Children with special educational needs</li><li>Children who are acting as a young carer</li><li>Children who are showing signs of engaging in anti-social or criminal behaviour</li><li>Children whose family circumstances present challenges, such as substance abuse, adult mental health or learning disability, domestic violence</li><li>Children who are showing early signs of abuse and/or neglect</li><li>Children who may be vulnerable to specific issues such as Female Genital Mutilation, Radicalisation, Child Sexual Exploitation, County Lines and Peer on Peer Abuse. (See training log for details on staff training).</li></ul><p><strong>5.12.</strong> Nipperbout and its Purple People acknowledge that recognising abuse is not easy or straightforward and it is not the responsibility of Nipperbout personnel to decide whether a child is being abused. This responsibility lies with the child protection agency to which the referral is made. When dealing with child protection concerns, Nipperbout Purple People must avoid making judgements and must always record and report. </p><p><strong>5.13.</strong> Purple People are aware that concerns may be identified within the family or from the wider environment. They are trained to understand the contextual safeguarding concept of safeguarding.</p><p><strong>5.14.</strong> Nipperbout has a staff Code of Conduct that outlines an acceptable level of Purple People behaviour which they are required to sign, to confirm they agree to adhere to the Code of Conduct.</p><p><strong>5.15.</strong> All Purple People are made aware that any intimate relationship between themselves and a child in their care, is not appropriate and is a misuse of a position of trust. </p><p><strong>5.16.</strong> Purple People are not permitted to ‘follow’ or ‘friend’ children on social media sites, nor exchange contact details. Staff are not permitted to accept babysitting work.</p><p><strong>5.17.</strong> Nipperbout has a clear <a href="#">Whistleblowing policy</a> and all Purple People are made aware of the procedures for reporting concerns about another Purple Person and/or the Company internally and externally. </p><p><strong>5.18.</strong> All Safeguarding and Child Protection concerns are recorded in the <strong>Safeguarding Book</strong>. All entries are stored in line with our <a href="/privacy">Privacy policy</a>.<strong> </strong>Information is shared with other agencies only when it is relevant to help that agency to keep a child safe or to support a referral</p><p><strong>5.19.</strong> In the event of a child at risk of significant harm, the DSL will make a referral or consult Children’s Services regarding concerns about that child.</p><p><strong>5.20.</strong> Nipperbout has produced a Safeguarding Information Leaflet for parents, visitors, venues, contractors and suppliers, to ensure that everyone is aware of the action that will be taken following a safeguarding concern being identified.</p><p><strong>5.21.</strong> Nipperbout ensures that the contact details for the local Children’s Social Care and police, relevant to the country and area we are in are made available at each setting. These can always be found at the back of the Job Notes, so Purple People know how to make a referral in the area they are working in. </p><p><strong>5.22.</strong> Nipperbout’s policy is to contact the local authorities in the area we are working in <strong>and</strong> the local authorities for the area the child resides in.</p><p><strong>5.23.</strong> Where required, the relevant inspectorate for the country we are working in <strong>and</strong> the country the child resides in will be informed of any child protection concerns.</p><p><strong>5.24.</strong> This policy will be reviewed at least annually and updated if any new guidance or legislation becomes relevant.</p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="footer-section"><div class="content-wrapper w-container"><div class="flex-wrapper space-between"><div class="_22-percent-column footer-spacing"><p class="footer-heading">Nipperbout</p><p class="w-hidden-small w-hidden-tiny">Nipperbout Ltd<br/>Six Lords<br/>Buckingham Road<br/>Singleborough<br/>MK17 0RB<br/>United Kingdom</p><p class="w-hidden-main w-hidden-medium">Nipperbout Ltd, Six Lords, Buckingham Road, Singleborough, MK17 0RB, United Kingdom</p><a href="/contact" class="footer-link w-inline-block"><div>Contact us</div></a><a href="/parent-information" class="footer-link w-inline-block"><div>Event info for parents</div></a><a href="/child-protection-policy" aria-current="page" class="footer-link w-inline-block w--current"><div>Child Protection Policy</div></a><a href="/covid-19-policy" class="footer-link w-inline-block"><div>Covid-19 Policy</div></a><a href="/terms" class="footer-link w-inline-block"><div>Terms of website use</div></a><a href="/privacy" class="footer-link w-inline-block"><div>Privacy Policy</div></a></div><div class="_22-percent-column footer-spacing"><p class="footer-heading">Follow us</p><div class="social-follow-list"><a href="" class="social-follow fb w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></a><a href="" class="social-follow tw w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></a><a href="" class="social-follow li w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></a><a href="" class="social-follow in w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></a></div></div><div class="_22-percent-column footer-spacing"><p class="footer-heading">Childcare and related services</p><div class="w-dyn-list"><div role="list" class="footer-services-list w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a href="/childcare-services/festival-field" class="footer-link w-inline-block"><div>Festival &amp; 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