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class="win x1 Locale_en_US" dir="ltr"><script type="text/javascript" nonce="Py9MLJJg">requireLazy(["bootstrapWebSession"],function(j){j(1732373439)})</script><div class="_li"><div class="_li _8opd _8w-3 _930w" id="careersPageContainer"><noscript></noscript><div class="_a3dn _arxx" id="u_0_9_Fz"><div class="_arxy"><noscript id="u_0_a_Fv"></noscript></div><noscript id="u_0_b_oQ"></noscript></div><div id="careersPageOverlay"></div><div id="careersContentContainer" class="_6a2y _arxw _98ri"><div class="_a1zp"><div class="_5r7f _aqx9 _2lki _a1zl"><div class="_25x0 _25x7 _1ilv _1iot _38g3 _a1zm" style="background-color: "><div class="_25w_ _69fb _31bb _25w-"><div class="header content"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h2 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Candidate Privacy</h2></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p">Use the links below to view Meta&#039;s Candidate Privacy Statements.</div></div></div><ul class="_a1zn"><div class="_a4tm"> Asia and South 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id="u_0_t_8o"><span>Nigeria Candidate Privacy Statement</span></a></li><li><a class="_a1zo" href="#senegal" id="u_0_u_+K"><span>Senegal Candidate Privacy Statement</span></a></li><li><a class="_a1zo" href="#south_africa" id="u_0_v_eA"><span>South Africa Candidate Privacy Statement</span></a></li><li><a class="_a1zo" href="#uk" id="u_0_w_IU"><span>UK Candidate Privacy Statement</span></a></li><div class="_a4tm"> Latin America </div><li><a class="_a1zo" href="#argentina" id="u_0_x_Id"><span>Argentina Candidate Privacy Statement (English/Spanish)</span></a></li><li><a class="_a1zo" href="#brazil" id="u_0_y_pj"><span>Brazil Candidate Privacy Statement (English/Portuguese)</span></a></li><li><a class="_a1zo" href="#colombia" id="u_0_z_Qo"><span>Colombia Candidate Privacy Statement (English/Spanish)</span></a></li><li><a class="_a1zo" href="#mexico" id="u_0_10_rK"><span>Mexico Candidate Privacy Statement (English/Spanish)</span></a></li><div class="_a4tm"> North America </div><li><a class="_a1zo" href="#california" id="u_0_11_Wo"><span>California Candidate Privacy Statement</span></a></li><li><a class="_a1zo" href="#canada" id="u_0_12_q3"><span>Canada Candidate Privacy Statement (English/French)</span></a></li></ul></div></div></div><div class="_5r7f _aqx9 _2lki _a1zq"><div class="_25x0 _25x7 _1ilv _1iot _38g3 _a1zr" style="background-color: "><div class="_25w_ _69fb _31bb _25w-"><div class="_a1zk" id="australia"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Australia Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Facebook Australia Pty Ltd (“we”/ “our”/ “us”) collects, uses, discloses, stores, and otherwise processes personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively, referred to as “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>I. What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information including residency status, your employment and education history, referrals, or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter, or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g., when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health conditions and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information we receive from third party background checks or that we obtain via our screening processes, including information about activities and connections associated with your Facebook account or other accounts you may have on Meta company platforms that we have matched to information in your job application </div></li></ul><br /> We usually collect the types of data listed above either directly from you, someone referring you, or someone acting on your behalf. We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> We may collect the data mentioned above only if we are required to or permitted to collect it under applicable law or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any data you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to provide us with certain requested information, we may be unable to process your application, or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Data with special protections.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We acknowledge that some data we collect may be specially protected under applicable law as sensitive data or similar. We will only collect and process this data as permitted or required by applicable law. For example, we may need to process data about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the safety of our workforce in order to meet our obligations under laws regulating health or workplace health and safety matters. We may also need to process data about your criminal record to carry out checks and reviews relating to your job application, or for the safety and security of Meta, its employees, and others. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>II. Purposes of collection and processing</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process your data (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the data you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To conduct background and security checks, including where applicable, police checks and/or cross matching your information in your job application with other data held by Meta, its Affiliates or other third parties or contained in public sources</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful, including to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If your application is successful, to take steps to initiate your employment</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future employment opportunities. In accordance with any elections you have communicated to us, we may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to recruitment-related events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about employment opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time by contacting us at the details set out below in this Statement or via any unsubscribe details provided in the relevant messages. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon the start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data in order to protect the interests of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations to provide a safe workplace</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity and security of Meta, its workforce, and others as required or permitted by applicable law</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>III. How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IV. How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with and may share your data with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include (where applicable): <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening and verification services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We may provide these third parties with your data, and in that case, we require these third parties to protect the data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>V. How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> To the extent permitted by applicable laws, we may access, preserve, and share your data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent, and address fraud, unauthorized use of our systems or products; address activity that violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to provide your data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VI. For how long do we retain your data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain data for no longer than is necessary for achieving the purposes for which it was collected or processed (including, where applicable, to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta), or for us to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, to the extent permitted by applicable law. <br /><br /> We maintain reasonable physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to ensure the security of your data against misuse, interference, loss, or modification. We erase your data when we no longer need it for any purpose outlined in this Statement unless we are required to retain it under applicable law. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the data you provide during the application process, and data about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VII. How can you exercise your rights?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You may have the right to request: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">access to, a copy of, or correction of data we hold about you; or</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">that we action withdrawal of your consent for us to process your data.</div></li></ul><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VIII. How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share data globally, both internally within Meta companies, and externally with our third-party vendors. Data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data transferred abroad will be transferred in accordance with the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law, and that third parties with which your personal data will be shared shall assure the level of protection established by the applicable laws. The destination countries may or may not have the same data protection standards similar to where you live. <br /><br /> We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any of your data that is transferred abroad will be transferred according to the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law in your home jurisdiction, including by asking relevant third parties to undertake that they will provide the level of protection for your data required under those applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IX. How can you contact Meta with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You can contact us with questions about this Statement or our processing of your data, to exercise your rights or to make a complaint about the handling of your data by sending an email to the Global Risk Privacy and Compliance team at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at: <br /><br /> Facebook Australia Pty Ltd<br /> ATTN: Global Risk, Privacy and Compliance<br /> Level 41, Tower Two<br /> 200 Barangaroo Ave<br /> Sydney<br /> NSW 2000<br /><br /> We will aim to respond to your request in writing within 30 days. If still dissatisfied, you may also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>X. How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of last revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="china"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">China Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Oculus Commercial Info Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. (“Oculus CN”/”we”/ “our”/ “us”) collects, uses, discloses, stores, and otherwise processes personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively, referred to as “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>I. What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information including residency status, your employment and education history, referrals, or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter, or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g., when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health conditions and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information we receive from third party background checks or that we obtain via our screening processes, including information about activities and connections associated with your Facebook account or other accounts you may have on Meta company platforms that we have matched to information in your job application </div></li></ul><br /> We usually collect the types of data listed above either directly from you, someone referring you, or someone acting on your behalf. We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> We may collect the data mentioned above only if we are required to or permitted to collect it under applicable law or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any data you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to provide us with certain requested information, we may be unable to process your application, or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Data with special protections.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We acknowledge that some data we collect may be specially protected under applicable law as sensitive data or similar. We will only collect and process this data as permitted or required by applicable law. For example, we may need to process data about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the safety of our workforce in order to meet our obligations under laws regulating health or workplace health and safety matters. We may also need to process data about your criminal record to carry out checks and reviews relating to your job application, or for the safety and security of Meta, its employees, and others. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>II. Purposes of collection and processing</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process your data (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the data you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To conduct background and security checks, including where applicable, police checks and/or cross matching your information in your job application with other data held by Meta, its Affiliates or other third parties or contained in public sources</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful, including to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If your application is successful, to take steps to initiate your employment</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future employment opportunities. In accordance with any elections you have communicated to us, we may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to recruitment-related events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about employment opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time by contacting us at the details set out below in this Statement or via any unsubscribe details provided in the relevant messages. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers Portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon the start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data in order to protect the interests of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations to provide a safe workplace</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity and security of Meta, its workforce, and others as required or permitted by applicable law</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>III. How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IV. How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with and may share your data with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include (where applicable): <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening and verification services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We may provide these third parties with your data, and, in that case, we require these third parties to protect the data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>V. How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> To the extent permitted by applicable laws, we may access, preserve, and share your data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent, and address fraud, unauthorized use of our systems or products; address activity that violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to provide your data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VI. For how long do we retain your data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain data for no longer than is necessary for achieving the purposes for which it was collected or processed, or as otherwise required or permitted by applicable law, including as necessary for our legitimate interests, such as, where applicable, to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta. <br /><br /> We maintain reasonable physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to ensure the security of your data against misuse, interference, loss, or modification. We erase your data when we no longer need it for any purpose outlined in this Statement unless we are required to retain it under applicable law. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the data you provide during the application process, and data about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VII. How can you exercise your rights?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You may have the right to request: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">access to, a copy of, or correction of data we hold about you;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">that we action withdrawal of your consent for us to process your data;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">porting of your data to another party; or</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">erasure of your data.</div></li></ul><br /> You may also have the right to object to and restrict certain processing of your data. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VIII. How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share data globally, both internally within Meta companies, and externally with our third-party vendors. Data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any of your data that is transferred abroad will be transferred according to the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law in your home jurisdiction, including by asking relevant third parties to undertake that they will provide the level of protection for your data required under those applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IX. How can you contact us with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You can contact us with questions about this Statement or our processing of your data, to exercise your rights or to make a complaint about the handling of your data by sending an email to the Global Risk Privacy and Compliance team at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at: <br /><br /> Oculus Commercial Info Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.<br /><i>ATTN: Global Risk, Privacy and Compliance</i><br /> No. 1198 Century Avenue, Century Link Tower A<br /> Shanghai, CN 200122<br /><br /> You may also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>X. How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of last revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="hk"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Hong Kong Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Facebook Hong Kong Limited (“we”/ “our”/ “us”) collects, uses, discloses, stores, and otherwise processes personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively, referred to as “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>I. What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information including residency status, your employment and education history, referrals, or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter, or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g., when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health conditions and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information we receive from third party background checks or that we obtain via our screening processes, including information about activities and connections associated with your Facebook account or other accounts you may have on Meta company platforms that we have matched to information in your job application </div></li></ul><br /> We usually collect the types of data listed above either directly from you, someone referring you, or someone acting on your behalf. We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> We may collect the data mentioned above only if we are required to or permitted to collect it under applicable law or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any data you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to provide us with certain requested information, we may be unable to process your application, or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Data with special protections.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We acknowledge that some data we collect may be specially protected under applicable law as sensitive data or similar. We will only collect and process this data as permitted or required by applicable law. For example, we may need to process data about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the safety of our workforce in order to meet our obligations under laws regulating health or workplace health and safety matters. We may also need to process data about your criminal record to carry out checks and reviews relating to your job application, or for the safety and security of Meta, its employees, and others. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>II. Purposes of collection and processing</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process your data (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the data you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To conduct background and security checks, including where applicable, police checks and/or cross matching your information in your job application with other data held by Meta, its Affiliates or other third parties or contained in public sources</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful, including to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If your application is successful, to take steps to initiate your employment</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future employment opportunities. In accordance with any elections you have communicated to us, we may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to recruitment-related events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about employment opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time by contacting us at the details set out below in this Statement or via any unsubscribe details provided in the relevant messages. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon the start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data in order to protect the interests of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations to provide a safe workplace</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity and security of Meta, its workforce, and others as required or permitted by applicable law</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>III. How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IV. How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with and may share your data with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include (where applicable): <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening and verification services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We may provide these third parties with your data, and in that case, we require these third parties to protect the data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>V. How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> To the extent permitted by applicable laws, we may access, preserve, and share your data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent, and address fraud, unauthorized use of our systems or products; address activity that violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to provide your data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VI. For how long do we retain your data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain data for no longer than is necessary for achieving the purposes for which it was collected or processed (including, where applicable, to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta), or for us to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, to the extent permitted by applicable law. <br /><br /> We maintain reasonable physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to ensure the security of your data against misuse, interference, loss, or modification. We erase your data when we no longer need it for any purpose outlined in this Statement unless we are required to retain it under applicable law. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the data you provide during the application process, and data about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VII. How can you exercise your rights?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You may have the right to request: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">access to, a copy of, or correction of data we hold about you;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">that we action withdrawal of your consent for us to process your data;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">porting of your data to another party; or</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">erasure of your data.</div></li></ul><br /> You may also have the right to object to and restrict certain processing of your data. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VIII. How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share data globally, both internally within Meta companies, and externally with our third-party vendors. Data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data transferred abroad will be transferred in accordance with the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law, and that third parties with which your personal data will be shared shall assure the level of protection established by the applicable laws. The destination countries may or may not have the same data protection standards similar to where you live. <br /><br /> We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any of your data that is transferred abroad will be transferred according to the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law in your home jurisdiction, including by asking relevant third parties to undertake that they will provide the level of protection for your data required under those applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IX. How can you contact Meta with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You can contact us with questions about this Statement or our processing of your data, to exercise your rights or to make a complaint about the handling of your data by sending an email to the Global Risk Privacy and Compliance team at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at: <br /><br /> Facebook Hong Kong Limited<br /> ATTN: Global Risk, Privacy and Compliance<br /> 45/F One Taikoo Place<br /> 979 King&#039;s Road,<br /> Quarry Bay Hong Kong<br /> Hong Kong Island<br /> Hong Kong<br /><br /> We will respond to any request or complaint as soon as reasonably possible in accordance with applicable law. You may also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>X. How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of last revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="india"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">India Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Facebook India Online Services Pvt. Ltd. (“FB India”/“we”/ “our”/ “us”) collects, uses, discloses, stores, and otherwise processes personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively, referred to as “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>I. What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information including residency status, your employment and education history, referrals, or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter, or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g., when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health conditions and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information we receive from third party background checks or that we obtain via our screening processes, including information about activities and connections associated with your Facebook account or other accounts you may have on Meta company platforms that we have matched to information in your job application </div></li></ul><br /> We usually collect the types of data listed above either directly from you, someone referring you, or someone acting on your behalf. We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> We may collect the data mentioned above only if we are required to or permitted to collect it under applicable law or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any data you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to provide us with certain requested information, we may be unable to process your application, or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Data with special protections.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We acknowledge that some data we collect may be specially protected under applicable law as sensitive data or similar. We will only collect and process this data as permitted or required by applicable law. For example, we may need to process data about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the safety of our workforce in order to meet our obligations under laws regulating health or workplace health and safety matters. We may also need to process data about your criminal record to carry out checks and reviews relating to your job application, or for the safety and security of Meta, its employees, and others. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>II. Purposes of collection and processing</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process your data (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the data you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To conduct background and security checks, including where applicable, police checks and/or cross matching your information in your job application with other data held by Meta, its Affiliates or other third parties or contained in public sources</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful, including to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If your application is successful, to take steps to initiate your employment</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future employment opportunities. In accordance with any elections you have communicated to us, we may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to recruitment-related events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about employment opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time by contacting us at the details set out below in this Statement or via any unsubscribe details provided in the relevant messages. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon the start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data in order to protect the interests of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations to provide a safe workplace</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity and security of Meta, its workforce, and others as required or permitted by applicable law</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>III. How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IV. How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with and may share your data with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include (where applicable): <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening and verification services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We may provide these third parties with your data, and in that case, we require these third parties to protect the data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>V. How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> To the extent permitted by applicable laws, we may access, preserve, and share your data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent, and address fraud, unauthorized use of our systems or products; address activity that violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to provide your data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VI. For how long do we retain your data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain data for no longer than is necessary for achieving the purposes for which it was collected or processed (including, where applicable, to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta), or for us to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, to the extent permitted by applicable law. <br /><br /> We maintain reasonable physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to ensure the security of your data against misuse, interference, loss, or modification. We erase your data when we no longer need it for any purpose outlined in this Statement unless we are required to retain it under applicable law. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the data you provide during the application process, and data about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VII. How can you exercise your rights?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You may have the right to request: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">access to, a copy of, or correction of data we hold about you;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">that we action withdrawal of your consent for us to process your data;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">porting of your data to another party; or</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">erasure of your data.</div></li></ul><br /> You may also have the right to object to and restrict certain processing of your data. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VIII. How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share data globally, both internally within Meta companies, and externally with our third-party vendors. Data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data transferred abroad will be transferred in accordance with the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law, and that third parties with which your personal data will be shared shall assure the level of protection established by the applicable laws. The destination countries may or may not have the same data protection standards similar to where you live. <br /><br /> We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any of your data that is transferred abroad will be transferred according to the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law in your home jurisdiction, including by asking relevant third parties to undertake that they will provide the level of protection for your data required under those applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IX. How can you contact us with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You can contact us with questions about this Statement or our processing of your data, to exercise your rights or to make a complaint about the handling of your data by sending an email to the Global Risk Privacy and Compliance team at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at: <br /><br /> Facebook India Online Services Pvt. Ltd.<br /> ATTN: Global Risk, Privacy and Compliance<br /> Parsvnath Capital Tower,<br /> Unit 1 &amp; 2, Level 7,<br /> Bhai Vir Singh Marg, Gole Market,<br /> Connaught Place,<br /> New Delhi 110001,<br /> India.<br /><br /> You may also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>X. How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of last revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="indonesia"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Indonesia Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how PT Facebook Consulting Indonesia (“we”/ “our”/ “us”) collects, uses, discloses, stores, and otherwise processes personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively, referred to as “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>I. What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information including residency status, your employment and education history, referrals, or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter, or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g., when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health conditions and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information we receive from third party background checks or that we obtain via our screening processes, including information about activities and connections associated with your Facebook account or other accounts you may have on Meta platforms that we have matched to information in your job application </div></li></ul><br /> We usually collect the types of data listed above either directly from you, someone referring you, or someone acting on your behalf. We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> We may collect the data mentioned above only if we are required to or permitted to collect it under applicable law or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any data you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to provide us with certain requested information, we may be unable to process your application, or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Data with special protections.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We acknowledge that some data we collect may be specially protected under applicable law as sensitive data or similar. We will only collect and process this data as permitted or required by applicable law. For example, we may need to process data about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the safety of our workforce in order to meet our obligations under laws regulating health or workplace health and safety matters. We may also need to process data about your criminal record to carry out checks and reviews relating to your job application, or for the safety and security of Meta, its employees, and others. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>II. Purposes of collection and processing</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process your data (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the data you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To conduct background and security checks, including where applicable, police checks and/or cross matching your information in your job application with other data held by Meta, its Affiliates or other third parties or contained in public sources</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful, including to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If your application is successful, to take steps to initiate your employment</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future employment opportunities. In accordance with any elections you have communicated to us, we may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to recruitment-related events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about employment opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time by contacting us at the details set out below in this Statement or via any unsubscribe details provided in the relevant messages. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon the start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data in order to protect the interests of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations to provide a safe workplace</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity and security of Meta, its workforce, and others as required or permitted by applicable law</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>III. How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IV. How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with and may share your data with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include (where applicable): <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening and verification services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We may provide these third parties with your data, and, in that case, we require these third parties to protect the data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>V. How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> To the extent permitted by applicable laws, we may access, preserve, and share your data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a lawful legal request if we are legally required to do so under the laws and regulations applicable to us.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">We can also respond to lawful legal requests if we are legally required to do so under the laws and regulations applicable to us in that jurisdiction and/or, we have a good-faith belief that the response affects individuals in that jurisdiction.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to detect, prevent and address fraud, unauthorized use of our systems or products; address activity that violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; protect ourselves (including our rights, property, and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to provide your data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VI. For how long do we retain your data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain data for no longer than is necessary for achieving the purposes for which it was collected or processed (including, where applicable, to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta), or for us to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, to the extent permitted by applicable law. <br /><br /> We maintain reasonable physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to ensure the security of your data against misuse, interference, loss, or modification. We erase your data when we no longer need it for any purpose outlined in this Statement unless we are required to retain it under applicable law. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the data you provide during the application process, and data about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VII. How can you exercise your rights?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You may have the right to request: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">access to, a copy of, or correction of data we hold about you;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">that we action withdrawal of your consent for us to process your data;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">porting of your data to another party; or</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">erasure of your data.</div></li></ul><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VIII. How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share data globally, both internally within Meta companies, and externally with our third-party vendors. Data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data transferred abroad will be transferred in accordance with the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law, and that third parties with which your personal data will be shared shall assure the level of protection established by the applicable laws. The destination countries may or may not have the same data protection standards similar to where you live. <br /><br /> We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any of your data that is transferred abroad will be transferred according to the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law in your home jurisdiction, including by asking relevant third parties to undertake that they will provide the level of protection for your data required under those applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IX. How can you contact us with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You can contact us with questions about this Statement or our processing of your data, to exercise your rights or to make a complaint about the handling of your data by sending an email to the Global Risk Privacy and Compliance team at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at: <br /><br /> PT Facebook Consulting Indonesia<br /> ATTN: Global Risk, Privacy and Compliance<br /> Capital Place 49th Floor Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto kav.18- Kuningan Barat<br /> Mampang Prapatan<br /> Jakarta 12710<br /> Jakarta Raya<br /><br /> You may also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority. <br /><br /> In case of conflict between the Indonesian and English versions of this Statement, the latter will govern. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>X. How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of last revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Pernyataan Privasi Kandidat Indonesia</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Pernyataan Privasi Kandidat (“Pernyataan”) ini memberi tahu Anda tentang bagaimana PT Facebook Consulting Indonesia (“kami”/ “milik kami” / “kita”) mengumpulkan, menggunakan, mengungkapkan, menyimpan, dan dengan cara lain memproses data pribadi dalam konteks pencalonan Anda untuk bekerja dengan Meta Platforms, Inc dan anak perusahaan/afiliasnya (secara kolektif, disebut sebagai “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>I. Jenis data pribadi apa yang kami kumpulkan dan proses?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Jenis data yang mungkin kami kumpulkan dan proses (untuk tujuan yang dijelaskan di bagian berikutnya), meliputi: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Nama Anda, informasi kontak (seperti alamat rumah, nomor telepon, alamat email), jenis kelamin, izin kerja atau informasi visa termasuk status tempat tinggal, riwayat pekerjaan dan pendidikan, rekomendasi atau referensi, dan apakah Anda masih memiliki tanggungan terhadap perusahaan Anda sebelumnya, dan informasi lain yang Anda berikan (seperti informasi yang dicantumkan dalam resume, surat lamaran, atau di Profil Karier Anda) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Gaji yang diinginkan, kesediaan untuk pindah tempat tinggal, preferensi kerja lainnya </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Informasi yang Anda cantumkan secara publik seperti informasi kontak, pendidikan Anda, dan informasi pengalaman kerja (mis., saat Anda membagikan informasi melalui situs pencarian kerja dan jaringan karier sejauh itu relevan untuk mempertimbangkan peluang karier bagi Anda) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Detail wawancara, dan hasil pelaksanaan perekrutan yang Anda selesaikan </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Jika diungkap, setiap kebutuhan khusus atau kondisi kesehatan dan informasi yang berkaitan dengan akomodasi yang mungkin Anda minta selama proses perekrutan </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Jika diperlukan, informasi kesehatan untuk memantau penyebaran penyakit menular di tempat kerja (jika perlu) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Jika Anda direkomendasikan, kami memproses informasi tentang Anda yang diberikan oleh orang yang merekomendasikan Anda </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Informasi yang kami terima dari pemeriksaan latar belakang pihak ketiga atau yang kami peroleh melalui proses penyaringan kami, termasuk informasi tentang aktivitas dan koneksi yang terkait dengan akun Facebook Anda atau akun lain yang mungkin Anda miliki di platform perusahaan Meta yang telah kami cocokkan dengan informasi di lamaran pekerjaan Anda </div></li></ul><br /> Kami biasanya mengumpulkan jenis data yang tercantum di atas baik langsung dari Anda, seseorang yang merekomendasikan Anda, atau seseorang yang bertindak atas nama Anda. Kami juga menerima informasi seperti pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja, informasi kontak, dan demografi Anda, dari penyedia data pihak ketiga yang memiliki hak untuk memberikan informasi Anda kepada kami. Para mitra ini mengumpulkan informasi Anda dari sumber yang tersedia secara publik, atau melalui pihak ketiga yang bekerja sama dengan mitra tersebut. <br /><br /> Kami dapat mengumpulkan data yang disebutkan di atas hanya jika kami diwajibkan atau diizinkan untuk mengumpulkannya berdasarkan undang-undang yang berlaku atau memerlukannya untuk memproses lamaran Anda. Kami akan memberi tahu Anda jika data tersebut diperlukan ketika kami meminta Anda untuk menyediakannya. Kami akan menggunakan data yang Anda kirim sesuai dengan Pernyataan ini. Jika Anda memilih untuk tidak memberikan informasi tertentu yang diminta kepada kami, kami mungkin tidak dapat memproses lamaran Anda, atau berinteraksi dengan Anda sehubungan dengan pencalonan Anda atau minat Anda pada peluang kerja di Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Data dengan perlindungan khusus.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Kami mengakui bahwa beberapa data yang kami kumpulkan mungkin dilindungi secara khusus berdasarkan hukum yang berlaku sebagai data sensitif atau serupa. Kami hanya mengumpulkan dan memproses data ini sebagaimana diizinkan atau diwajibkan oleh hukum yang berlaku. Misalnya, kami mungkin perlu memproses data tentang kesehatan Anda untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan khusus yang Anda miliki saat Anda datang ke lokasi untuk wawancara, atau untuk memantau keselamatan tenaga kerja kami untuk memenuhi kewajiban kami berdasarkan undang-undang yang mengatur perihal kesehatan atau kesehatan dan keselamatan tempat kerja. Kami mungkin juga perlu memproses data tentang catatan kriminal Anda untuk melakukan pemeriksaan dan peninjauan terkait lamaran pekerjaan Anda, atau untuk keselamatan dan keamanan Meta, karyawannya, dan orang lain. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>II. Tujuan pengumpulan dan pemrosesan</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Kami memproses data Anda (sebagaimana disebutkan di atas) untuk tujuan yang dijelaskan di bawah. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Kami memproses data Anda sebagaimana diperlukan untuk mempertimbangkan dan menilai kesesuaian Anda untuk peluang kerja dengan Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Kami memproses data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk menerima, meninjau, dan membalas lamaran Anda</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk memverifikasi informasi yang Anda atau orang lain berikan, dan untuk memeriksa referensi Anda</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk menilai kesesuaian Anda dengan peluang yang Anda lamar, dan dalam kasus tertentu, untuk peluang lain di Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk memfasilitasi proses wawancara/perekrutan</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk melakukan pemeriksaan latar belakang dan keamanan, termasuk jika berlaku, pemeriksaan polisi dan/atau pencocokan silang informasi Anda dalam lamaran pekerjaan Anda dengan data lain yang disimpan oleh Meta, Afiliasinya, maupun pihak ketiga lainnya atau yang terdapat dalam sumber publik</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk mempersiapkan surat penawaran, jika lamaran Anda berhasil diterima, termasuk untuk mempersiapkan dan menandatangani kontrak kerja dengan Anda</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Jika Anda direkomendasikan, untuk memberi tahu pihak yang merekomendasikan mengenai status dan hasil akhir lamaran Anda</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Jika kami telah mengidentifikasi Anda sebagai kandidat potensial berdasarkan informasi yang kami kumpulkan dari sumber publik, untuk menyarankan peluang yang sesuai dengan Anda di Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Jika lamaran Anda berhasil diterima, untuk mengambil langkah-langkah memulai pekerjaan Anda</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Kami memproses data Anda agar dapat tetap terhubung dan berinteraksi dengan Anda.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Dalam mempertimbangkan Anda untuk peluang kerja di Meta, kami dapat mempertimbangkan Anda untuk peluang kerja yang ada pada saat ini dan peluang kerja di masa mendatang. Sesuai dengan pemilihan apa pun yang telah Anda sampaikan kepada kami, kami dapat menghubungi Anda dari waktu ke waktu, misalnya, untuk mengundang Anda ke acara terkait perekrutan yang kami selenggarakan atau sponsori, mengirimi Anda peringatan atau rekomendasi tentang peluang kerja di Meta, atau meminta info terkini Anda. Anda bisa memilih menolak komunikasi ini kapan saja dengan menghubungi kami di detail yang tercantum di bawah di Pernyataan ini atau melalui detail berhenti berlangganan yang disediakan dalam pesan terkait. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Kami memproses data Anda untuk memelihara dan menyempurnakan proses perekrutan kami, untuk perencanaan internal dan pelaporan manajemen, serta untuk mematuhi undang-undang dan peraturan.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Secara lebih detail, kami memproses data Anda: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk mengelola dan menyempurnakan portal Careers serta proses perekrutan kami, misalnya, untuk membuat proses lamaran lebih mudah dan lebih efisien</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk menyiapkan dan melakukan pelaporan manajemen serta untuk melakukan analisis terkait metrik perekrutan, misalnya panjangnya proses perekrutan</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk membuat dan mengirimkan laporan sebagaimana diwajibkan oleh undang-undang atau peraturan yang berlaku</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Jika Anda menerima tawaran bersyarat dari kami, kami memproses data Anda untuk verifikasi latar belakang (sejauh yang diizinkan oleh undang-undang yang berlaku).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Kami akan menyediakan informasi lebih lanjut terkait pemrosesan ini setelah memulai proses verifikasi latar belakang. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Kami memproses data Anda untuk melindungi kepentingan tenaga kerja kami dan orang lain.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Secara lebih detail, kami memproses data Anda: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk melindungi kesehatan dan keselamatan tenaga kerja kami dan orang lain di fasilitas kami, sejauh yang diizinkan oleh hukum yang berlaku, dan sebagaimana diperlukan untuk mematuhi kewajiban hukum kami untuk menyediakan tempat kerja yang aman</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk menjaga keselamatan, integritas, dan keamanan Meta, tenaga kerjanya, dan orang lain sebagaimana diwajibkan atau diizinkan oleh hukum yang berlaku</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>III. Bagaimana Perusahaan-Perusahaan Meta saling bekerja sama?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Perusahaan-Perusahaan Meta</a> memanfaatkan infrastruktur, sistem, dan teknologi bersama untuk memproses data Anda (sebagaimana dipaparkan di bagian di atas), untuk memastikan efisiensi dan keamanan, sebagaimana diizinkan oleh hukum yang berlaku, dan sesuai dengan Pernyataan ini. Misalnya, perekrut Meta berkolaborasi di seluruh dunia untuk menghubungkan kandidat dengan peluang yang tepat. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IV. Bagaimana kami bekerja sama dengan vendor dan penyedia layanan?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Kami bekerja sama dan mungkin membagikan data Anda kepada mitra pihak ketiga yang membantu kami mengelola dan menyempurnakan proses perekrutan kami, termasuk alat dan sistem yang kami gunakan untuk tujuan ini. Pihak ketiga ini meliputi (jika berlaku): <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Penyedia layanan perekrutan</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendor yang memfasilitasi wawancara dan tes</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendor yang memfasilitasi pemesanan dan biaya perjalanan untuk kepentingan wawancara</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendor yang memfasilitasi perpindahan tempat tinggal</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Penasihat imigrasi termasuk pengacara dan konsultan</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Penyedia layanan pelaporan dan analitik</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Layanan penyaringan dan verifikasi pra-kerja</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendor yang membantu kami terkait penerapan langkah-langkah kesehatan dan keselamatan</div></li></ul><br /> Kami dapat memberikan data Anda kepada pihak ketiga ini, dan, dalam kasus tersebut, kami mewajibkan pihak ketiga tersebut melindungi data yang diterima dengan langkah keamanan yang sesuai dan melarang mereka menggunakan data tersebut untuk kepentingannya sendiri atau di luar hal yang diperlukan untuk menyediakan layanan ini. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>V. Bagaimana kami menanggapi permintaan hukum atau mencegah bahaya?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Sejauh yang diizinkan oleh hukum yang berlaku, kami dapat mengakses, menyimpan, dan membagikan data Anda kepada regulator, lembaga penegak hukum, atau pihak lain: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Sebagai tanggapan atas permintaan hukum yang sah jika kami diwajibkan secara hukum untuk melakukannya berdasarkan undang-undang dan peraturan yang berlaku untuk kami.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Kami juga dapat menanggapi permintaan hukum yang sah jika kami diwajibkan secara hukum untuk melakukannya berdasarkan undang-undang dan peraturan yang berlaku untuk kami di yurisdiksi tersebut dan/atau, kami yakin dengan iktikad baik bahwa tanggapan tersebut memengaruhi individu di yurisdiksi tersebut.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Saat kami meyakini dengan iktikad baik bahwa hal tersebut diperlukan untuk mendeteksi, mencegah, dan menangani penipuan, penggunaan sistem atau produk kami secara tidak sah; menangani aktivitas yang melanggar ketentuan atau kebijakan kami, atau aktivitas lain yang merugikan atau bersifat ilegal; melindungi diri kami (termasuk hak, properti, atau produk kami), Anda atau orang lain, termasuk sebagai bagian dari investigasi atau penyelidikan hukum; atau untuk mencegah terjadinya kematian atau cedera tubuh dalam waktu dekat.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Saat kami diwajibkan secara hukum untuk memberikan data Anda kepada penegak hukum.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VI. Berapa lama kami menyimpan data Anda?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Kami akan menyimpan data tidak lebih lama dari yang diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan pengumpulan atau pemrosesan (termasuk, jika berlaku, untuk mempertimbangkan Anda untuk peluang kerja lain saat ini dan di masa mendatang di Meta), atau bagi kami untuk mematuhi hukum kewajiban kami, untuk menyelesaikan sengketa, dan untuk menegakkan perjanjian kontrak kami, sejauh diizinkan oleh hukum yang berlaku. <br /><br /> Kami memelihara perlindungan fisik, administratif, dan teknis yang wajar untuk memastikan keamanan data Anda dari penyalahgunaan, gangguan, kehilangan, atau modifikasi. Kami menghapus data Anda saat kami tidak lagi membutuhkannya untuk tujuan apa pun yang diuraikan dalam Pernyataan ini kecuali kami diwajibkan untuk menyimpannya berdasarkan hukum yang berlaku. <br /><br /> Jika lamaran Anda berhasil diterima untuk suatu posisi di Meta, kami menyimpan data yang Anda berikan selama proses lamaran, dan data tentang proses lamaran Anda, sebagai bagian dari catatan karyawan Anda. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VII. Bagaimana cara menggunakan hak Anda?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Anda mungkin memiliki hak untuk meminta: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">akses, salinan, atau perbaikan data yang kami simpan tentang Anda;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">bahwa kami mengambil tindakan penarikan persetujuan Anda kepada kami untuk memproses data Anda;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">memindahkan data Anda ke pihak lainnya; atau</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">penghapusan data Anda.</div></li></ul><br /> Anda dapat menggunakan hak Anda dengan cara mengisi Formulir Hak Data. Ikuti panduan yang paling sesuai dengan status Anda: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Jika Anda melamar pekerjaan di Meta menggunakan Profil Karier, login di <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Profil Kerjaya</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Jika Anda adalah mantan karyawan Meta, login ke <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Portal Alumni</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Jika tidak yakin atau jika status lain tidak berlaku untuk Anda, isi formulir di <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VIII. Bagaimana cara kami mengoperasikan dan mentransfer data sebagai bagian dari bisnis global kami?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Kami membagikan data secara global, baik secara internal di lingkup Perusahaan-Perusahaan Meta, dan secara eksternal kepada vendor pihak ketiga kami. Data yang kami kumpulkan dan proses akan ditransfer atau dikirimkan atau disimpan dan diproses di Amerika Serikat atau negara lainnya di luar tempat tinggal Anda untuk tujuan yang dijelaskan di Pernyataan ini. Transfer data tersebut diperlukan untuk pengoperasian perekrutan kami. <br /><br /> Data pribadi Anda yang ditransfer ke luar negeri akan ditransfer sesuai dengan standar dan persyaratan yang diberikan oleh hukum yang berlaku, dan pihak ketiga yang akan menerima data pribadi Anda akan memastikan tingkat perlindungan yang ditetapkan oleh hukum yang berlaku. Negara tujuan mungkin atau mungkin tidak memiliki standar perlindungan data sama yang serupa dengan tempat tinggal Anda. <br /><br /> Kami akan mengambil langkah-langkah yang wajar untuk memastikan bahwa setiap data Anda yang ditransfer ke luar negeri akan ditransfer sesuai dengan standar dan persyaratan yang diberikan oleh hukum yang berlaku di yurisdiksi asal Anda, termasuk dengan meminta pihak ketiga terkait untuk mengusahakan bahwa mereka akan memberikan tingkat perlindungan untuk data Anda yang diperlukan berdasarkan hukum yang berlaku tersebut. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IX. Bagaimana cara menghubungi kami jika ada pertanyaan?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Anda dapat menghubungi kami jika ada pertanyaan tentang Pernyataan ini atau pemrosesan data Anda oleh kami, untuk menggunakan hak Anda atau untuk mengajukan keluhan tentang penanganan data Anda dengan mengirimkan email ke tim Global Risk Privacy and Compliance di <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> atau melalui surat di: <br /><br /> PT Facebook Consulting Indonesia<br /> ATTN: Global Risk, Privacy and Compliance<br /> Capital Place 49th Floor Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto kav.18- Kuningan Barat<br /> Mampang Prapatan<br /> Jakarta 12710<br /> Jakarta Raya<br /><br /> Anda mungkin juga berhak mengajukan keluhan kepada otoritas pengawasan setempat Anda. <br /><br /> Jika terjadi pertentangan antara Pernyataan versi bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris, maka yang akan mengatur adalah Pernyataan versi bahasa Inggris. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>X. Bagaimana Anda dapat mengetahui perubahan pada Pernyataan ini?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Kami dapat mengubah Pernyataan ini dari waktu ke waktu. Jika kami membuat perubahan pada Pernyataan ini yang bersifat material, kami akan memposting perubahan pada Pernyataan ini secara menonjol di <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">halaman ini</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Tanggal revisi terakhir: 2 Desember 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="japan"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Japan Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Facebook Technologies Japan G.K. (“we”/ “our”/ “us”) collects, uses, discloses, stores, and otherwise processes personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively, referred to as “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>I. What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information including residency status, your employment and education history, referrals, or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter, or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g., when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health conditions and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information we receive from third party background checks or that we obtain via our screening processes, including information about activities and connections associated with your Facebook account or other accounts you may have on Meta platforms that we have matched to information in your job application </div></li></ul><br /> We usually collect the types of data listed above either directly from you, someone referring you, or someone acting on your behalf. We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> We may collect the data mentioned above only if we are required to or permitted to collect it under applicable law or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any data you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to provide us with certain requested information, we may be unable to process your application, or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Data with special protections.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We acknowledge that some data we collect may be specially protected under applicable law as sensitive data or similar. We will only collect and process this data as permitted or required by applicable law. For example, we may need to process data about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the safety of our workforce in order to meet our obligations under laws regulating health or workplace health and safety matters. We may also need to process data about your criminal record to carry out checks and reviews relating to your job application, or for the safety and security of Meta, its employees, and others. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>II. Purposes of collection and processing</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process your data (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the data you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To conduct background and security checks, including where applicable, police checks and/or cross matching your information in your job application with other data held by Meta, its Affiliates or other third parties or contained in public sources</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful, including to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If your application is successful, to take steps to initiate your employment</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future employment opportunities. In accordance with any elections you have communicated to us, we may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to recruitment-related events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about employment opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time by contacting us at the details set out below in this Statement or via any unsubscribe details provided in the relevant messages. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon the start of the background verification process </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data in order to protect the interests of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations to provide a safe workplace</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity and security of Meta, its workforce, and others as required or permitted by applicable law</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>III. How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IV. How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with and may share your data with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include (where applicable): <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening and verification services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We may provide these third parties with your data and, in that case, we require these third parties to protect the data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>V. How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> To the extent permitted by applicable laws, we may access, preserve, and share your data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent, and address fraud, unauthorized use of our systems or products; address activity that violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to provide your data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VI. For how long do we retain your data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain data for no longer than is necessary for achieving the purposes for which it was collected or processed (including, where applicable, to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta), or for us to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, to the extent permitted by applicable law. <br /><br /> We maintain reasonable physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to ensure the security of your data against misuse, interference, loss, or modification. We erase your data when we no longer need it for any purpose outlined in this Statement unless we are required to retain it under applicable law. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the data you provide during the application process, and data about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VII. How can you exercise your rights?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You may have the right to request access to data we hold about you. You may also have the right to request correction or erasure of data we hold about you that is factually inaccurate. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VIII. How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share data globally, both internally within Meta companies, and externally with our third-party vendors. Data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data transferred abroad will be transferred in accordance with the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law, and that third parties with which your personal data will be shared shall assure the level of protection established by the applicable laws. The destination countries may or may not have the same data protection standards similar to where you live. <br /><br /> We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any of your data that is transferred abroad will be transferred according to the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law in your home jurisdiction, including by asking relevant third parties to undertake that they will provide the level of protection for your data required under those applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IX. How can you contact Meta with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You can contact us with questions about this Statement or our processing of your data, to exercise your rights or to make a complaint about the handling of your data by sending an email to the Global Risk Privacy and Compliance team at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at: <br /><br /> Facebook Technologies Japan G.K.<br /> ATTN: Global Risk, Privacy and Compliance<br /> 5-5-13, Toyosu, Koutou-ku,<br /> Toyosu Urban Point Building 12F Kotoku,<br /> Tokyo 135-0061<br /><br /> You may also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>X. How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of last revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="malaysia"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Malaysia Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Facebook Malaysia Sdn Bhd (“we”/ “our”/ “us”) collects, uses, discloses, stores, and otherwise processes personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively, referred to as “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>I. What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information including residency status, your employment and education history, referrals, or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter, or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g., when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health conditions and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information we receive from third party background checks or that we obtain via our screening processes, including information about activities and connections associated with your Facebook account or other accounts you may have on Meta platforms that we have matched to information in your job application </div></li></ul><br /> We usually collect the types of data listed above either directly from you, someone referring you, or someone acting on your behalf. We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> We may collect the data mentioned above only if we are required to or permitted to collect it under applicable law or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any data you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to provide us with certain requested information, we may be unable to process your application, or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at the company Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Data with special protections.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We acknowledge that some data we collect may be specially protected under applicable law as sensitive data or similar. We will only collect and process this data as permitted or required by applicable law. For example, we may need to process data about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the safety of our workforce in order to meet our obligations under laws regulating health or workplace health and safety matters. We may also need to process data about your criminal record to carry out checks and reviews relating to your job application, or for the safety and security of Meta, its employees, and others. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>II. Purposes of collection and processing</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process your data (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the data you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To conduct background and security checks, including where applicable, police checks and/or cross matching your information in your job application with other data held by Meta, its Affiliates or other third parties or contained in public sources</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful, including to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If your application is successful, to take steps to initiate your employment</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future employment opportunities. In accordance with any elections you have communicated to us, we may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to recruitment-related events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about employment opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time by contacting us at the details set out below in this Statement or via any unsubscribe details provided in the relevant messages. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon the start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data in order to protect the interests of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations to provide a safe workplace</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity and security of Meta, its workforce, and others as required or permitted by applicable law</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>III. How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IV. How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with and may share your data with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include (where applicable): <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening and verification services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We may provide these third parties with your data, and in that case, we require these third parties to protect the data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>V. How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> To the extent permitted by applicable laws, we may access, preserve, and share your data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent, and address fraud, unauthorized use of our systems or products; address activity that violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to provide your data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VI. For how long do we retain your data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain data for no longer than is necessary for achieving the purposes for which it was collected or processed (including, where applicable, to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta), or for us to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, to the extent permitted by applicable law. <br /><br /> We maintain reasonable physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to ensure the security of your data against misuse, interference, loss, or modification. We erase your data when we no longer need it for any purpose outlined in this Statement unless we are required to retain it under applicable law. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the data you provide during the application process, and data about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VII. How can you exercise your rights?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You may have the right to request: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">access to, a copy of, or correction of data we hold about you;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">that we action withdrawal of your consent for us to process your data;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">porting of your data to another party; or</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">erasure of your data.</div></li></ul><br /> You may also have the right to object to and restrict certain processing of your data. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VIII. How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share data globally, both internally within Meta companies, and externally with our third-party vendors. Data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data transferred abroad will be transferred in accordance with the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law, and that third parties with which your personal data will be shared shall assure the level of protection established by the applicable laws. The destination countries may or may not have the same data protection standards similar to where you live. <br /><br /> We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any of your data that is transferred abroad will be transferred according to the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law in your home jurisdiction, including by asking relevant third parties to undertake that they will provide the level of protection for your data required under those applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IX. How can you contact us with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You can contact us with questions about this Statement or our processing of your data, to exercise your rights or to make a complaint about the handling of your data by sending an email to the Global Risk Privacy and Compliance team at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a>, or via telephone at +65 6704 3000, or by mail at: <br /><br /> Facebook Malaysia Sdn Bhd<br /> ATTN: Global Risk, Privacy and Compliance<br /> Level 39-01 (West Wing),<br /> Q Sentral, 2A,<br /> Jalan Stesen Sentral 2,<br /> KL Sentral,<br /> 50470 Kuala Lumpur,<br /> Malaysia.<br /><br /> You may also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority. <br /><br /> In case of conflict between the Malaysian and English versions of this Statement, the latter will govern. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>X. How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of last revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Pernyataan Privasi Calon Malaysia</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Pernyataan Privasi Calon (“Pernyataan”) ini memberitahu anda tentang cara Facebook Malaysia Sdn Bhd (“kami”/ “kepunyaan kami”/ “kita”) mengumpul, menggunakan, mendedahkan, menyimpan, ataupun memproses data peribadi dalam konteks pencalonan anda untuk pekerjaan dengan Meta Platforms, Inc. dan anak syarikat/sekutunya (secara kolektif, dirujuk sebagai “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>I. Apakah jenis data peribadi yang kami kumpulkan dan proses?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Jenis data yang mungkin kami kumpulkan dan proses (untuk tujuan yang diterangkan dalam bahagian seterusnya), termasuk: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Nama anda, maklumat hubungan (seperti alamat rumah, nombor telefon, alamat e-mel), jantina, permit kerja atau maklumat visa termasuk status pemastautin, pekerjaan dan sejarah pendidikan anda, rujukan atau bahan rujukan dan sama ada anda tertakluk pada apa-apa kewajipan majikan sebelumnya dan apa-apa maklumat yang anda sediakan (seperti maklumat yang disertakan dalam resume, surat iringan anda, atau pada Profil Kerjaya anda) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Gaji yang diingini, kesediaan untuk berpindah, pilihan utama pekerjaan </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Maklumat yang anda berikan secara awam seperti maklumat hubungan, pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja anda (cth. apabila anda berkongsi maklumat menerusi laman pencarian kerja dan rangkaian kerjaya sejauh yang berkaitan untuk mempertimbangkan peluang kerjaya bagi anda) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Butiran temu duga dan hasil mana-mana latihan pengambilan pekerja yang anda selesaikan </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Jika didedahkan, sebarang keperluan khas atau keadaan kesihatan dan maklumat berkaitan dengan penginapan yang anda boleh minta semasa proses pengambilan pekerja </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Sekiranya diperlukan, maklumat kesihatan untuk memantau penyebaran penyakit berjangkit di tempat kerja (sekiranya sesuai) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Jika anda dirujuk oleh seseorang, kami memproses maklumat yang orang tersebut berikan tentang anda </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Maklumat yang kami terima daripada semakan latar belakang pihak ketiga atau yang kami peroleh melalui proses saringan kami, termasuk maklumat mengenai aktiviti dan hubungan yang berkaitan dengan akaun Facebook anda atau akaun lain yang mungkin anda miliki di platform syarikat Meta yang kami telah padankan dengan maklumat dalam permohonan pekerjaan anda </div></li></ul><br /> Kami biasanya mengumpulkan jenis data yang disenaraikan di atas sama ada secara langsung daripada anda, seseorang yang merujukkan anda, atau seseorang yang bertindak bagi pihak anda. Kami juga menerima maklumat seperti pengalaman pendidikan dan pekerjaan anda, maklumat hubungan dan demografi, daripada pembekal data pihak ketiga yang mempunyai hak untuk memberikan maklumat anda kepada kami. Rakan kongsi ini mengumpulkan maklumat anda daripada sumber yang tersedia secara awam atau melalui pihak ketiga yang bekerjasama dengan mereka. <br /><br /> Kami mungkin mengumpulkan data yang disebut di atas hanya jika kami dikehendaki atau dibenarkan untuk mengumpulkan di bawah undang-undang yang berkenaan atau memerlukan maklumat tersebut untuk tindakan seterusnya bagi permohonan anda. Kami akan memberitahu anda jika data tersebut diperlukan apabila kami meminta anda untuk menyediakannya. Kami akan menggunakan apa-apa data yang anda serahkan menurut Pernyataan ini. Jika anda memilih untuk tidak memberi kami maklumat tertentu yang diminta, kami mungkin tidak dapat memproses permohonan anda, atau berhubung dengan anda berkaitan dengan pencalonan anda atau minat anda terhadap peluang pekerjaan di syarikat Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Data dengan perlindungan khas.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Kami mengakui bahawa beberapa data yang kami kumpulkan mungkin dilindungi secara khusus di bawah undang-undang yang berkenaan sebagai data sensitif atau serupa. Kami hanya akan mengumpulkan dan memproses data ini seperti yang dibenarkan atau dikehendaki oleh undang-undang yang berkenaan. Sebagai contoh, kami mungkin perlu memproses data mengenai kesihatan anda untuk menampung keperluan khas yang anda miliki ketika anda datang ke lokasi untuk temu duga, atau untuk memantau keselamatan tenaga kerja kami untuk memenuhi kewajipan kami di bawah undang-undang yang mengawal atur kesihatan atau perihal kesihatan dan keselamatan tempat kerja. Kami mungkin juga perlu memproses data mengenai rekod jenayah anda untuk melakukan pemeriksaan dan semakan yang berkaitan dengan permohonan pekerjaan anda, atau demi keselamatan dan keterjaminan Meta, pekerjanya, dan lain-lain. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>II. Tujuan pengumpulan dan pemprosesan</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Kami memproses data anda (seperti yang dinyatakan di atas), untuk tujuan yang diterangkan di bawah. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Kami memproses maklumat anda seperti yang diperlukan untuk mempertimbangkan anda dan menilai kesesuaian anda untuk peluang pekerjaan dengan Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Kami memproses data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk menerima, menyemak dan membalas permohonan anda</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk mengesahkan data yang anda atau orang lain sediakan dan untuk menyemak rujukan anda</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk menilai kesesuaian anda bagi peluang yang anda mohon dan dalam kes tertentu, untuk peluang lain di Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk memudahkan proses temu duga/pengambilan pekerja</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk menjalankan pemeriksaan latar belakang dan keselamatan, termasuk jika berkenaan, semakan polis dan/atau pemadanan silang maklumat anda dalam permohonan kerja anda dengan data lain yang dipegang oleh Meta, Sekutunya atau pihak ketiga yang lain atau terkandung dalam sumber awam</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk menyediakan surat tawaran, jika permohonan anda berjaya, termasuk untuk menyediakan dan menandatangani kontrak pekerjaan dengan anda</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Jika anda telah dirujuk, untuk memaklumkan perujuk status dan keputusan akhir permohonan anda</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Sekiranya kami telah mengenal pasti anda sebagai calon yang berpotensi daripada maklumat yang kami kumpulkan daripada sumber awam, untuk mencadangkan peluang yang sesuai bagi anda di Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Jika permohonan anda berjaya, untuk mengambil langkah untuk memulakan pengambilan pekerja anda</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Kami memproses data anda untuk terus berhubung dan berurusan dengan anda.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Dalam mempertimbangkan anda untuk peluang di Meta, kami mungkin mempertimbangkan anda untuk peluang pekerjaan semasa dan akan datang. Selaras dengan sebarang pilihan raya yang telah anda sampaikan kepada kami, kami mungkin menghubungi anda dari semasa ke semasa, sebagai contoh, untuk menjemput anda ke acara berkaitan pengambilan pekerja yang kami anjurkan atau taja, menghantar makluman atau cadangan tentang peluang pekerjaan di Meta atau bertanya kepada anda untuk kemas kini. Anda boleh memilih untuk menolak komunikasi ini pada bila-bila masa dengan menghubungi kami melalui butiran yang dinyatakan di bawah dalam Pernyataan ini atau melalui mana-mana butiran nyahlanggan yang diberikan dalam mesej yang berkaitan. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Kami memproses data anda untuk mengekalkan dan menambah baik proses pengambilan pekerja kami, untuk perancangan dalaman dan pelaporan pengurusan serta untuk mematuhi undang-undang dan peraturan.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Secara lebih terperinci, kami memproses data anda: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk mengurus dan meningkatkan portal Kerjaya dan proses pengambilan pekerja kami, sebagai contoh, untuk menjadikan proses permohonan lebih mudah dan cekap</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk menyediakan dan melaksanakan pelaporan pengurusan dan melaksanakan analisis berkaitan dengan metrik pengambilan, seperti jangka masa yang diperlukan untuk proses pengambilan pekerja</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk mencipta dan menyerahkan laporan seperti yang dikehendaki oleh undang-undang atau peraturan yang berkenaan</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Jika anda menerima tawaran bersyarat daripada kami, kami memproses data anda untuk pengesahan latar belakang (setakat yang dibenarkan oleh undang-undang yang berkenaan).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Kami akan menyediakan maklumat lanjut tentang pemprosesan ini pada permulaan proses pengesahan latar belakang. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Kami memproses data anda untuk melindungi kepentingan tenaga kerja kami dan orang lain.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Secara lebih terperinci, kami memproses data anda: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk melindungi kesihatan dan keselamatan tenaga kerja kami dan orang lain di kemudahan kami, setakat yang dibenarkan oleh undang-undang yang berkenaan, dan jika perlu untuk mematuhi kewajipan undang-undang kami untuk menyediakan tempat kerja yang selamat</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Untuk mengekalkan keselamatan, integriti dan keselamatan Meta, tenaga kerjanya dan lain-lain seperti yang dikehendaki atau dibenarkan oleh undang-undang yang berkenaan</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>III. Bagaimanakah Syarikat Meta bekerjasama?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Syarikat Meta</a> berkongsi infrastruktur, sistem dan teknologi untuk memproses data anda (seperti yang digariskan dalam bahagian di atas), untuk memastikan kecekapan dan keselamatan, seperti yang dibenarkan oleh undang-undang yang berkenaan dan menurut Pernyataan ini. Sebagai contoh, perekrut Meta bekerjasama secara global untuk menghubungkan calon dengan peluang yang tepat. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IV. Bagaimanakah kami bekerja dengan vendor dan penyedia perkhidmatan?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Kami bekerjasama dan mungkin berkongsi data anda dengan rakan kongsi pihak ketiga yang membantu kami mengurus dan menambah baik proses pengambilan kami, termasuk alatan dan sistem yang kami gunakan untuk tujuan ini. Pihak ketiga ini termasuk (jika berkenaan): <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Penyedia perkhidmatan pengambilan pekerja</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendor yang memudahkan temu duga dan ujian</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendor yang memudahkan tempahan perjalanan dan perbelanjaan temu duga</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendor yang memudahkan penempatan semula</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Penasihat imigresen termasuk peguam dan perunding</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Penyedia perkhidmatan pelaporan dan analisis</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Perkhidmatan saringan dan pengesahan awal pengambilan pekerja</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendor yang membantu kami dalam pelaksanaan langkah-langkah kesihatan dan keselamatan</div></li></ul><br /> Kami memberikan pihak ketiga ini data anda, dan dalam kes ini, kami meminta pihak ketiga ini untuk melindungi data yang mereka terima dengan langkah-langkah keselamatan yang bersesuaian dan melarang mereka menggunakan data tersebut untuk tujuan mereka sendiri atau di luar daripada perkara yang diperlukan untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan tersebut. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>V. Bagaimanakah kami menjawab permintaan guaman atau mencegah kemudaratan?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Setakat yang dibenarkan oleh undang-undang yang berkenaan, kami boleh mengakses, memelihara dan berkongsi data anda dengan pengawal selia, penguat kuasa undang-undang atau orang lain: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Sebagai balasan terhadap permintaan undang-undang, jika kami percaya dengan suci hati bahawa undang-undang menghendaki kami berbuat demikian.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Kami juga boleh memberikan respons kepada permintaan guaman apabila kami dengan suci hati percaya bahawa respons tersebut dikehendaki oleh undang-undang dalam bidang kuasa tersebut, menjejaskan individu dalam bidang kuasa itu dan seiring dengan piawaian yang diiktiraf secara antarabangsa.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Apabila kami percaya dengan suci hati bahawa adalah perlu untuk: mengesan, menghalang dan menangani pemalsuan, penggunaan sistem atau produk kami tanpa kebenaran, menangani aktiviti yang melanggar terma atau dasar kami atau aktiviti lain yang memudaratkan atau haram; melindungi diri kami (termasuk hak, harta dan produk kami), anda atau orang lain, termasuk sebagai sebahagian daripada siasatan atau soal siasat kawal selia; atau mencegah kematian atau kecederaan fizikal yang akan berlaku.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Apabila kami di bawah kewajipan undang-undang memberikan maklumat anda kepada penguat kuasa undang-undang.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VI. Berapa lamakah kami menyimpan data anda?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Kami akan menyimpan data tidak lebih lama daripada yang diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan data itu dikumpulkan atau diproses (termasuk, jika berkenaan, untuk mempertimbangkan anda untuk peluang pekerjaan semasa dan akan datang yang lain di Meta), atau untuk kami mematuhi kewajipan undang-undang kami, untuk menyelesaikan pertikaian dan untuk menguatkuasakan perjanjian kontrak kami, setakat yang diizinkan oleh undang-undang yang berkenaan. <br /><br /> Kami mengekalkan keselamatan fizikal, pentadbiran, dan teknikal yang munasabah untuk memastikan keselamatan data anda daripada penyalahgunaan, gangguan, kehilangan, atau pengubahsuaian. Kami memadamkan data anda apabila kami tidak lagi memerlukan data itu untuk sebarang tujuan yang digariskan dalam Pernyataan ini melainkan kami dikehendaki mengekalkannya di bawah undang-undang yang berkenaan. <br /><br /> Jika anda berjaya dalam permohonan anda untuk suatu jawatan di Meta, kami mengekalkan data yang anda berikan semasa proses permohonan dan data tentang proses permohonan anda, sebagai sebahagian daripada rekod pekerja anda. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VII. Bagaimanakah anda boleh menggunakan hak anda?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Anda mungkin berhak meminta: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">akses kepada, salinan, atau pembetulan data yang kami pegang tentang anda;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">bahawa kami bertindak menarik balik persetujuan anda untuk kami memproses data anda;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">mengalihkan data anda kepada pihak lain; atau</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">pemadaman data anda.</div></li></ul><br /> Anda juga mungkin berhak membantah dan mengehadkan pemprosesan tertentu terhadap data anda. <br /><br /> Anda boleh menggunakan hak anda dengan melengkapkan Borang Hak Data. Ikuti panduan yang paling sepadan dengan status anda: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Jika anda memohon pekerjaan Meta menggunakan <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Profil Kerjaya</a>, log masuk ke sana.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Jika anda bekas pekerja Meta, log masuk ke <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Portal Alumni</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Jika anda tidak pasti atau jika status lain tidak berkenaan dengan anda, lengkapkan borang di <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VIII. Bagaimanakah kami mengendalikan dan memindahkan data sebagai sebahagian daripada perniagaan global kami?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Kami berkongsi data secara global secara dalaman dalam Syarikat Meta, dan juga secara luaran dengan vendor pihak ketiga kami. Data yang kami kumpulkan dan proses akan dipindahkan atau disampaikan kepada, atau disimpan dan diproses di Amerika Syarikat atau negara lain di luar tempat anda bermastautin bagi tujuan yang diterangkan dalam Pernyataan ini. Pemindahan data ini diperlukan untuk operasi pengambilan pekerja kami. <br /><br /> Data peribadi anda yang dipindahkan ke luar negara akan dipindahkan mengikut standard dan syarat yang disediakan oleh undang-undang yang berkenaan, dan pihak ketiga di mana data peribadi anda akan dikongsi akan memastikan tahap perlindungan yang ditetapkan oleh undang-undang yang berkenaan. Negara destinasi mungkin atau tidak mempunyai standard perlindungan data yang sama dengan tempat tinggal anda. <br /><br /> Kami akan mengambil langkah yang munasabah untuk memastikan bahawa sebarang data anda yang dipindahkan ke luar negara akan dipindahkan mengikut standard dan syarat yang disediakan oleh undang-undang yang berkenaan dalam bidang kuasa negara kediaman anda, termasuk dengan meminta pihak ketiga yang relevan untuk memastikan bahawa mereka akan memberikan tahap perlindungan untuk data anda yang diperlukan berdasarkan undang-undang yang berkenaan. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IX. Bagaimanakah anda boleh menghubungi kami untuk mengajukan soalan?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Anda boleh menghubungi kami dengan soalan mengenai Pernyataan ini atau pemprosesan data kami, untuk menggunakan hak anda atau membuat aduan mengenai pengendalian data anda dengan menghantar e-mel kepada pasukan Privasi dan Pematuhan Risiko Global di <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a>, atau melalui telefon di +65 6704 3000, atau melalui pos di: <br /><br /> Facebook Malaysia Sdn Bhd<br /> PERHATIAN: Risiko, Privasi dan Pematuhan Global<br /> Tingkat 39-01 (Sayap Barat),<br /> Q Sentral, 2A,<br /> Jalan Stesen Sentral 2,<br /> KL Sentral,<br /> 50470 Kuala Lumpur,<br /> Malaysia.<br /><br /> Anda juga mungkin berhak membuat aduan kepada pihak berkuasa penyeliaan tempatan anda. <br /><br /> Sekiranya terdapat pertentangan antara versi Malaysia dengan Inggeris dalam Pernyataan ini, versi Inggeris akan terpakai. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>X. Bagaimanakah anda boleh mengetahui tentang perubahan kepada Pernyataan ini?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Kami mungkin mengubah Pernyataan ini dari semasa ke semasa. Sekiranya kami membuat perubahan ketara kepada Pernyataan, kami akan menyiarkan perubahan ini dengan nyata pada Pernyataan pada <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">halaman ini</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Tarikh semakan terakhir: 2 Disember 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="new_zealand"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">New Zealand Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Facebook New Zealand Limited (“we”/ “our”/ “us”) collects, uses, discloses, stores, and otherwise processes personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively, referred to as “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>I. What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information including residency status, your employment and education history, referrals, or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter, or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g., when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health conditions and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information we receive from third party background checks or that we obtain via our screening processes, including information about activities and connections associated with your Facebook account or other accounts you may have on Meta platforms that we have matched to information in your job application </div></li></ul><br /> We usually collect the types of data listed above either directly from you, someone referring you, or someone acting on your behalf. We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> We may collect the data mentioned above only if we are required to or permitted to collect it under applicable law or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any data you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to provide us with certain requested information, we may be unable to process your application, or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Data with special protections.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We acknowledge that some data we collect may be specially protected under applicable law as sensitive data or similar. We will only collect and process this data as permitted or required by applicable law. For example, we may need to process data about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the safety of our workforce in order to meet our obligations under laws regulating health or workplace health and safety matters. We may also need to process data about your criminal record to carry out checks and reviews relating to your job application, or for the safety and security of Meta, its employees, and others. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>II. Purposes of collection and processing</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process your data (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the data you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To conduct background and security checks, including where applicable, police checks and/or cross matching your information in your job application with other data held by Meta, its Affiliates or other third parties or contained in public sources</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful, including to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If your application is successful, to take steps to initiate your employment</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future employment opportunities. In accordance with any elections you have communicated to us, we may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to recruitment-related events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about employment opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time by contacting us at the details set out below in this Statement or via any unsubscribe details provided in the relevant messages. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon the start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data in order to protect the interests of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations to provide a safe workplace</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity and security of Meta, its workforce, and others as required or permitted by applicable law</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>III. How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IV. How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with and may share your data with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include (where applicable): <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening and verification services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We may provide these third parties with your data, and, in that case, we require these third parties to protect the data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>V. How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> To the extent permitted by applicable laws, we may access, preserve, and share your data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent, and address fraud, unauthorized use of our systems or products; address activity that violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to provide your data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VI. For how long do we retain your data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain data for no longer than is necessary for achieving the purposes for which it was collected or processed (including, where applicable, to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta), or for us to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, to the extent permitted by applicable law. <br /><br /> We maintain reasonable physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to ensure the security of your data against misuse, interference, loss, or modification. We erase your data when we no longer need it for any purpose outlined in this Statement unless we are required to retain it under applicable law. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the data you provide during the application process, and data about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VII. How can you exercise your rights?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You may have the right to request access to, a copy of, or correction of, data we hold about you. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VIII. How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share data globally, both internally within Meta companies, and externally with our third-party vendors. Data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data transferred abroad will be transferred in accordance with the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law, and that third parties with which your personal data will be shared shall assure the level of protection established by the applicable laws. The destination countries may or may not have the same data protection standards similar to where you live. <br /><br /> We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any of your data that is transferred abroad will be transferred according to the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law in your home jurisdiction, including by asking relevant third parties to undertake that they will provide the level of protection for your data required under those applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IX. How can you contact Meta with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You can contact us with questions about this Statement or our processing of your data, to exercise your rights or to make a complaint about the handling of your data by sending an email to the Global Risk Privacy and Compliance team at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at: <br /><br /> Facebook New Zealand Limited<br /> ATTN: Global Risk, Privacy and Compliance<br /> Level 1 22-28 Customs St East<br /> Auckland CBD 1010<br /> New Zealand<br /><br /> You may also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>X. How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of last revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="philippines"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Philippines Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Facebook Philippines Representative Office (“we”/ “our”/ “us”) collects, uses, discloses, stores, and otherwise processes personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively, referred to as “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>I. What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information including residency status, your employment and education history, referrals, or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter, or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g., when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health conditions and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information we receive from third party background checks or that we obtain via our screening processes, including information about activities and connections associated with your Facebook account or other accounts you may have on Meta platforms that we have matched to information in your job application </div></li></ul><br /> We usually collect the types of data listed above either directly from you, someone referring you, or someone acting on your behalf. We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> We may collect the data mentioned above only if we are required to or permitted to collect it under applicable law or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any data you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to provide us with certain requested information, we may be unable to process your application, or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Data with special protections.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We acknowledge that some data we collect may be specially protected under applicable law as sensitive data or similar. We will only collect and process this data as permitted or required by applicable law. For example, we may need to process data about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the safety of our workforce in order to meet our obligations under laws regulating health or workplace health and safety matters. We may also need to process data about your criminal record to carry out checks and reviews relating to your job application, or for the safety and security of Meta, its employees, and others. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>II. Legal basis for processing data.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process the data that we have in the ways described above: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">as necessary to enter into a contract with you;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">consistent with specific consents, which you may revoke at any time;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">as necessary to comply with our legal obligations;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to prevent and suppress a danger to life, body, or health; and</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">as necessary for our or others’ legitimate interests, including our interests in managing and improving our business processes, unless those interests are overridden by fundamental rights and freedoms in personal data.</div></li></ul><br /> We may process data with special protections under the local data protection laws where necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim by us, with your explicit consent or where necessary for the purpose of carrying out our obligations and for exercising our rights or your rights in the context of employment or social security law. For example, we may need to process data about your criminal record to carry out checks and reviews relating to your job application, or for the safety and security of Meta, its employees, and others. We may also need to process data about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the safety of our workforce in order to meet our obligations under laws regulating health or workplace health and safety matters. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>III. Purposes of collection and processing</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process your data (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the data you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To conduct background and security checks, including where applicable, police checks and/or cross matching your information in your job application with other data held by Meta, its Affiliates or other third parties or contained in public sources</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful, including to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If your application is successful, to take steps to initiate your employment</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future employment opportunities. In accordance with any elections you have communicated to us, we may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to recruitment-related events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about employment opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time by contacting us at the details set out below in this Statement or via any unsubscribe details provided in the relevant messages. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon the start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data in order to protect the interests of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations to provide a safe workplace</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity and security of Meta, its workforce, and others as required or permitted by applicable law</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IV. How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>V. How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with and may share your data with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include (where applicable): <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening and verification services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We may provide these third parties with your data, and in that case, we require these third parties to protect the data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VI. How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> To the extent permitted by applicable laws, we may access, preserve, and share your data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent, and address fraud, unauthorized use of our systems or products; address activity that violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; protect ourselves (including our rights, property, and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to provide your data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VII. For how long do we retain your data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain data for no longer than is necessary for achieving the purposes for which it was collected or processed, or for us to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, to the extent permitted by applicable law, as necessary for our legitimate interests, such as, where applicable, to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta. <br /><br /> We maintain reasonable physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to ensure the security of your data against misuse, interference, loss, or modification. We erase your data when we no longer need it for any purpose outlined in this Statement unless we are required to retain it under applicable law. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the data you provide during the application process, and data about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VIII. How can you exercise your rights?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You may have the right to request: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">access to, a copy of, or correction of data we hold about you;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">that we action withdrawal of your consent for us to process your data;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">porting of your data to another party; or</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">erasure of your data.</div></li></ul><br /> You may also have the right to object to and restrict certain processing of your data. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IX. How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share data globally, both internally within Meta companies, and externally with our third-party vendors. Data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data transferred abroad will be transferred in accordance with the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law, and that third parties with which your personal data will be shared shall assure the level of protection established by the applicable laws. The destination countries may or may not have the same data protection standards similar to where you live. <br /><br /> We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any of your data that is transferred abroad will be transferred according to the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law in your home jurisdiction, including by asking relevant third parties to undertake that they will provide the level of protection for your data required under those applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>X. How can you contact us with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You can contact us with questions about this Statement or our processing of your data, to exercise your rights or to make a complaint about the handling of your data by sending an email to the Global Risk Privacy and Compliance team at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at: <br /><br /> Facebook Philippines Representative Office<br /> ATTN: Global Risk, Privacy and Compliance<br /> 32nd Floor Menarco Tower,<br /> 32nd St, Bonifacio Global City,<br /> Taguig City 1634,<br /> Manila,<br /> Philippines<br /><br /> You may also have the right to lodge a complaint with the National Privacy Commission. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>XI. How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>XII. Applicable law</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Where applicable, Philippine law includes the Data Privacy Act of 2012, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and issuances of the National Privacy Commission. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of last revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="republic_of_korea"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Republic of Korea Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Facebook Korea Limited (“we”/“our”/“us”) collects, uses, discloses, stores, and otherwise processes personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively, referred to as “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>I. What kinds of information do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of information we collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information including residency status in certain jurisdictions, your employment and education history, referrals or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume or cover letter) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g. when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health condition and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information we receive from third party background checks or that we obtain via our screening processes, including information about activities and connections associated with your Facebook account or other accounts you may have on Meta platforms that we have matched to information in your job application </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with </div></li></ul><br /> We usually collect the types of information listed above either directly from you, someone referring you or someone acting on your behalf. We sometimes may collect information about you from third parties, such as recruiters who dealt with us during your recruitment and third party data providers as mentioned above. <br /><br /> We may collect some information if we are required or permitted to collect it under applicable law or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the information is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any information you submit in accordance with this Statement. <br /><br /> If you choose not to provide us with certain requested information, we may be unable to process your application, or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Information with special protections.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We acknowledge that some information we collect may be specially protected under law as sensitive information or similar. We intend to only collect and process this information as permitted or required by law. An example may be we may need to process information about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview or our workplace safety requirements in order to meet our obligations under laws regulating health or workplace health and safety matters. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>II. Purposes of collection and processing</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process your information (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your information as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process information: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the information you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process, including managing and improving our recruitment and hiring processes</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To conduct background and security checks, including where applicable, police checks and/or cross matching your information in your job application with other data held by Meta, its Affiliates or other third parties or contained in public sources</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity, and security of Meta, its employees, and others as required or permitted by law</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful, including to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To consider you for current and future employment opportunities</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If your application is successful, to take steps to initiate your employment</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary to comply with our legal obligations such as to provide a safe workplace</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To respond to legal requests or prevent harm as described below.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your information to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future employment opportunities. In accordance with any elections you have communicated to us, we may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to recruitment-related events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about employment opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time by contacting us at the details set out below in this Statement or via any unsubscribe details provided in the relevant messages. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your information to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your information: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To monitor traffic and use of the Career Portal using tracking technologies, such as cookies. For more information in this regard, including on how you can configure your cookie settings, please refer to the <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Cookies Policy</a></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your information for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon the start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>III. How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your information (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement as below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IV. How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include (where applicable): <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening and verification services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We require these third parties to protect the information they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the information for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>V. How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We access, preserve and share your information with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so. We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to detect, prevent and address fraud, unauthorised use of our systems or products; address activity that violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to provide your information to law enforcement.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VI. Data retention</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain information for no longer than is necessary for achieving the purposes for which it was collected or processed or for us to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, or to the extent permitted by applicable law, as necessary for our legitimate interests, such as, where applicable, to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta. <br /><br /> We maintain reasonable physical, administrative and technical safeguards to ensure the security of your information against misuse, interference, loss, or modification. We take the following technical, governance, and physical measures to ensure the security of personal data in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"><b>Governance measures:</b> Establishment and implementation of an internal management plan, periodic personal data protection training for employees, etc.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"><b>Technical measures:</b> Management of access rights to personal data processing systems, installation of access control systems, encryption of passwords, installation of security systems, etc.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"><b>Physical measures:</b> Restriction on access to facilities storing personal data such as document storage rooms, etc.</div></li></ul><br /> We destroy your information when we no longer need it for any purpose outlined in this Statement, by the appropriate means as required by law, unless we are required to retain it under applicable law. We will delete personal information in the form of electronic files by a technical method that makes it irrecoverable. Any personal information printed out in documents will be destroyed. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the information you provide during the application process, and information about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VII. How can you exercise your rights?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You may have the right to request: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">access to or correction of data we hold about you;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">that we action withdrawal of your consent for us to process your data; or</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">erasure of your data.</div></li></ul><br /> You may also have the right to object to and restrict certain processing of your data. This may include the right to object to our processing of your data. <br /><br /> To exercise rights, contact us using the relevant contact details set out in Section IX below. Please provide sufficient details so we can understand the nature of your request. Also please note that we may need to ask you to provide details so we may verify your identity. <br /><br /> We will aim to promptly process your request in accordance with applicable law. We may refuse your request where the law requires or allows us to do so. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VIII. How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share information globally, both internally within the Meta family of companies, and externally with our partners. Information we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to, or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IX. How to contact us with questions or exercise your rights?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p">You can contact us with any questions about this Statement or our processing of your information, to exercise your rights, or to make a complaint about the handling of your information by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul> or by mail at: <br /><br /> Facebook Korea Limited<br /> ATTN: Global Risk, Privacy and Compliance<br /> 23F, Capital Tower<br /> 142 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu<br /> 135-924 Seoul Seoul<br /> Korea, Republic of<br /><br /> We will respond to any request or complaint as soon as reasonably possible in accordance with applicable law. You may also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>X. How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of Last Revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="singapore"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Singapore Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Facebook Singapore Pte Ltd (“we”/ “our”/ “us”) collects, uses, discloses, stores, and otherwise processes personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively, referred to as “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>I. What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information including residency status, your employment and education history, referrals, or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter, or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g., when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health conditions and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information we receive from third party background checks or that we obtain via our screening processes, including information about activities and connections associated with your Facebook account or other accounts you may have on Meta platforms that we have matched to information in your job application </div></li></ul><br /> We usually collect the types of data listed above either directly from you, someone referring you, or someone acting on your behalf. We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> We may collect the data mentioned above only if we are required to or permitted to collect it under applicable law or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any data you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to provide us with certain requested information, we may be unable to process your application, or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Data with special protections.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We acknowledge that some data we collect may be specially protected under applicable law as sensitive data or similar. We will only collect and process this data as permitted or required by applicable law. For example, we may need to process data about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the safety of our workforce in order to meet our obligations under laws regulating health or workplace health and safety matters. We may also need to process data about your criminal record to carry out checks and reviews relating to your job application, or for the safety and security of Meta, its employees, and others. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>II. Purposes of collection and processing</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process your data (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the data you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To conduct background and security checks, including where applicable, police checks and/or cross matching your information in your job application with other data held by Meta, its Affiliates or other third parties or contained in public sources</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful, including to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If your application is successful, to take steps to initiate your employment</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future employment opportunities. In accordance with any elections you have communicated to us, we may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to recruitment-related events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about employment opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time by contacting us at the details set out below in this Statement or via any unsubscribe details provided in the relevant messages. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon the start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data in order to protect the interests of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations to provide a safe workplace</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity and security of Meta, its workforce, and others as required or permitted by applicable law</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>III. How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IV. How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with and may share your data with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include (where applicable): <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening and verification services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We may provide these third parties with your data, and in that case, we require these third parties to protect the data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>V. How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> To the extent permitted by applicable laws, we may access, preserve, and share your data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent, and address fraud, unauthorized use of our systems or products; address activity that violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; protect ourselves (including our rights, property, and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to provide your data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VI. For how long do we retain your data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain data for no longer than is necessary for achieving the purposes for which it was collected or processed (including, where applicable, to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta), or for us to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, to the extent permitted by applicable law. <br /><br /> We maintain reasonable physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to ensure the security of your data against misuse, interference, loss, or modification. We erase your data when we no longer need it for any purpose outlined in this Statement unless we are required to retain it under applicable law. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the data you provide during the application process, and data about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VII. How can you exercise your rights?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You may have the right to request: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">access to, a copy of, or correction of data we hold about you;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">that we action withdrawal of your consent for us to process your data; or</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">porting of your data to another party.</div></li></ul><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VIII. How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share data globally, both internally within Meta companies, and externally with our third-party vendors. Data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data transferred abroad will be transferred in accordance with the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law, and that third parties with which your personal data will be shared shall assure the level of protection established by the applicable laws. The destination countries may or may not have the same data protection standards similar to where you live. <br /><br /> We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any of your data that is transferred abroad will be transferred according to the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law in your home jurisdiction, including by asking relevant third parties to undertake that they will provide the level of protection for your data required under those applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IX. How can you contact Meta with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You can contact us with questions about this Statement or our processing of your data, to exercise your rights or to make a complaint about the handling of your data by sending an email to the Global Risk Privacy and Compliance team at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at: <br /><br /> Facebook Singapore Pte Ltd<br /> ATTN: Global Risk, Privacy and Compliance<br /> 9 Straits View Level 29, Marina One<br /> Singapore 018937 Central Singapore<br /> Singapore </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>X. How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of last revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="taiwan"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Taiwan Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Taiwan Facebook Limited (“we”/ “our”/ “us”) collects, uses, discloses, stores, and otherwise processes personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively, referred to as “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>I. What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information including residency status, your employment and education history, referrals, or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter, or on your Career Profile). </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g., when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete. </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health conditions and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information we receive from third party background checks or that we obtain via our screening processes, including information about activities and connections associated with your Facebook account or other accounts you may have on Meta platforms that we have matched to information in your job application </div></li></ul><br /> We usually collect the types of data listed above either directly from you, someone referring you, or someone acting on your behalf. We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> We may collect the data mentioned above only if we are required to or permitted to collect it under applicable law or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any data you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to provide us with certain requested information, we may be unable to process your application, or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Data with special protections.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We acknowledge that some data we collect may be specially protected under applicable law as sensitive data or similar. We will only collect and process this data as permitted or required by applicable law. For example, we may need to process data about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the safety of our workforce in order to meet our obligations under laws regulating health or workplace health and safety matters. We may also need to process data about your criminal record to carry out checks and reviews relating to your job application, or for the safety and security of Meta, its employees, and others. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>II. Purposes of collection and processing</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process your data (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the data you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To conduct background and security checks, including where applicable, police checks and/or cross matching your information in your job application with other data held by Meta, its Affiliates or other third parties or contained in public sources</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful, including to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If your application is successful, to take steps to initiate your employment</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future employment opportunities. In accordance with any elections you have communicated to us, we may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to recruitment-related events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about employment opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time by contacting us at the details set out below in this Statement or via any unsubscribe details provided in the relevant messages. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon the start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data in order to protect the interests of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations to provide a safe workplace</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity and security of Facebook, its workforce, and others as required or permitted by applicable law</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>III. How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IV. How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with and may share your data with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include (where applicable): <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening and verification services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We may provide these third parties with your data, and, in that case, we require these third parties to protect the data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>V. How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> To the extent permitted by applicable laws, we may access, preserve, and share your data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent, and address fraud, unauthorized use of our systems or products; address activity that violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to provide your data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VI. For how long do we retain your data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain data for no longer than is necessary for achieving the purposes for which it was collected or processed (including, where applicable, to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta), or for us to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, to the extent permitted by applicable law. <br /><br /> We maintain reasonable physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to ensure the security of your data against misuse, interference, loss or modification. We erase your data when we no longer need it for any purpose outlined in this Statement unless we are required to retain it under applicable law. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the data you provide during the application process, and data about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VII. How can you exercise your rights?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You may have the right to request: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">access to, a copy of, or correction of data we hold about you;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">that we action withdrawal of your consent for us to process your data;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">porting of your data to another party; or</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">erasure of your data.</div></li></ul><br /> You may also have the right to object to and restrict certain processing of your data. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VIII. How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share data globally, both internally within Meta companies, and externally with our third-party vendors. Data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data transferred abroad will be transferred in accordance with the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law, and that third parties with which your personal data will be shared shall assure the level of protection established by the applicable laws. The destination countries may or may not have the same data protection standards similar to where you live. <br /><br /> We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any of your data that is transferred abroad will be transferred according to the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law in your home jurisdiction, including by asking relevant third parties to undertake that they will provide the level of protection for your data required under those applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IX. How can you contact us with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You can contact us with questions about this Statement or our processing of your data, to exercise your rights or to make a complaint about the handling of your data by sending an email to the Global Risk Privacy and Compliance team at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at: <br /><br /> Taiwan Facebook Limited<br /> ATTN: Global Risk, Privacy and Compliance<br /> 35F, No. 100 Songren Road<br /> XinYi District<br /> Taipei City 110, 11073<br /> Taiwan<br /><br /> You may also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>X. How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of last revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="thailand"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Thailand Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Facebook (Thailand) Limited (“we”/ “our”/ “us”) collects, uses, discloses, stores, and otherwise processes personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively, referred to as “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>I. What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information including residency status, your employment and education history, referrals, or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter, or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g., when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health conditions and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information we receive from third party background checks or that we obtain via our screening processes, including information about activities and connections associated with your Facebook account or other accounts you may have on Meta platforms that we have matched to information in your job application </div></li></ul><br /> We usually collect the types of data listed above either directly from you, someone referring you, or someone acting on your behalf. We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> We may collect the data mentioned above only if we are required to or permitted to collect it under applicable law or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any data you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to provide us with certain requested information, we may be unable to process your application, or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Data with special protections.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We acknowledge that some data we collect may be specially protected under applicable law as sensitive data or similar. We will only collect and process this data as permitted or required by applicable law. For example, we may need to process data about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the safety of our workforce in order to meet our obligations under laws regulating health or workplace health and safety matters. We may also need to process data about your criminal record to carry out checks and reviews relating to your job application, or for the safety and security of Facebook, its employees, and others. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>II. Legal basis for processing data.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process the data that we have in the ways described above: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">as necessary to enter into a contract with you;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">consistent with specific consents, which you may revoke at any time;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">as necessary to comply with our legal obligations;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to prevent and suppress a danger to life, body, or health; and</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">as necessary for our or others’ legitimate interests, including our interests in managing and improving our business processes, unless those interests are overridden by fundamental rights and freedoms in personal data.</div></li></ul><br /> We may process data with special protections under the local data protection laws where necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of a legal claim by us, with your explicit consent or where necessary for the purpose of carrying out our obligations and for exercising our rights or your rights in the context of employment or social security law. For example, we may need to process data about your criminal record to carry out checks and reviews relating to your job application, or for the safety and security of Meta, its employees, and others. We may also need to process data about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the safety of our workforce in order to meet our obligations under laws regulating health or workplace health and safety matters. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>III. Purposes of collection and processing</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process your data (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the data you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To conduct background and security checks, including where applicable, police checks and/or cross matching your information in your job application with other data held by Meta, its Affiliates or other third parties or contained in public sources</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful, including to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If your application is successful, to take steps to initiate your employment</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future employment opportunities. In accordance with any elections you have communicated to us, we may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to recruitment-related events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about employment opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time by contacting us at the details set out below in this Statement or via any unsubscribe details provided in the relevant messages. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon the start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data in order to protect the interests of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations to provide a safe workplace</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity and security of Meta, its workforce, and others as required or permitted by applicable law</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IV. How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>V. How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with and may share your data with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include (where applicable): <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening and verification services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We may provide these third parties with your data, and in that case, we require these third parties to protect the data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VI. How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> To the extent permitted by applicable laws, we may access, preserve, and share your data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent, and address fraud, unauthorized use of our systems or products; address activity that violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to provide your data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VII. For how long do we retain your data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain data for no longer than is necessary for achieving the purposes for which it was collected or processed, or for us to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, to the extent permitted by applicable law, as necessary for our legitimate interests, such as, where applicable, to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta. <br /><br /> We maintain reasonable physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to ensure the security of your data against misuse, interference, loss, or modification. This includes access control measures. We erase your data when we no longer need it for any purpose outlined in this Statement unless we are required to retain it under applicable law. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the data you provide during the application process, and data about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VIII. How can you exercise your rights?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You may have the right to request: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">access to, a copy of, or correction of data we hold about you;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">that we action withdrawal of your consent for us to process your data;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">porting of your data to another party; or</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">erasure of your data.</div></li></ul><br /> You may also have the right to object to and restrict certain processing of your data. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IX. How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share data globally, both internally within Meta companies, and externally with our third-party vendors. Data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data transferred abroad will be transferred in accordance with the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law, and that third parties with which your personal information will be shared shall assure the level of protection established by the applicable laws. The destination countries may or may not have the same data protection standards similar to where you live. <br /><br /> We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any of your data that is transferred abroad will be transferred according to the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law in your home jurisdiction, including by asking relevant third parties to undertake that they will provide the level of protection for your data required under those applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>X. How can you contact us with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You can contact us with questions about this Statement or our processing of your data, to exercise your rights or to make a complaint about the handling of your data by sending an email to the Global Risk Privacy and Compliance team at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at: <br /><br /> Facebook (Thailand) Limited<br /> ATTN: Global Risk, Privacy and Compliance<br /> 127 Gaysorn Tower,<br /> 27th Floor Unit A, B, C, D, E, F and Corridor,<br /> Ratchadamri Road<br /> Pathum Wan<br /> Bangkok 10330<br /> Thailand<br /><br /> You may also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>XI. How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of last revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="vietnam"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Vietnam Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Meta Platforms, Inc. (“we”/ “our”/ “us”) collects, uses, discloses, stores, and otherwise processes personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively, referred to as “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>I. What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information including residency status, your employment and education history, referrals, or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter, or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g., when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health conditions and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process. </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information we receive from third party background checks or that we obtain via our screening processes, including information about activities and connections associated with your Facebook account or other accounts you may have on Meta platforms that we have matched to information in your job application </div></li></ul><br /> We usually collect the types of data listed above either directly from you, someone referring you, or someone acting on your behalf. We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> We may collect the data mentioned above only if we are required to or permitted to collect it under applicable law or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any data you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to provide us with certain requested information, we may be unable to process your application, or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Data with special protections.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We acknowledge that some data we collect may be specially protected under applicable law as sensitive data or similar. We will only collect and process this data as permitted or required by applicable law. For example, we may need to process data about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the safety of our workforce in order to meet our obligations under laws regulating health or workplace health and safety matters. We may also need to process data about your criminal record to carry out checks and reviews relating to your job application, or for the safety and security of Meta, its employees, and others. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>II. Purposes of collection and processing</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process your data (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the data you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To conduct background and security checks, including where applicable, police checks and/or cross matching your information in your job application with other data held by Meta, its Affiliates or other third parties or contained in public sources</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful, including to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If your application is successful, to take steps to initiate your employment</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future employment opportunities. In accordance with any elections you have communicated to us, we may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to recruitment-related events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about employment opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time by contacting us at the details set out below in this Statement or via any unsubscribe details provided in the relevant messages. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon the start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your data in order to protect the interests of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations to provide a safe workplace</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity and security of Meta, its workforce, and others as required or permitted by applicable law</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>III. How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IV. How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with and may share your data with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include (where applicable): <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening and verification services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We may provide these third parties with your data, and, in that case, we require these third parties to protect the data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>V. How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> To the extent permitted by applicable laws, we may access, preserve, and share your data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent, and address fraud, unauthorized use of our systems or products; address activity that violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to provide your data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VI. For how long do we retain your data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain data for no longer than is necessary for achieving the purposes for which it was collected or processed (including, where applicable, to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta), or for us to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, to the extent permitted by applicable law. <br /><br /> We maintain reasonable physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to ensure the security of your data against misuse, interference, loss, or modification. We erase your data when we no longer need it for any purpose outlined in this Statement unless we are required to retain it under applicable law. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Facebook, we retain the data you provide during the application process, and data about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VII. How can you exercise your rights?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You may have the right to request: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">access to, a copy of, or correction of data we hold about you;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">that we action withdrawal of your consent for us to process your data;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">porting of your data to another party; or</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">erasure of your data.</div></li></ul><br /> You may also have the right to object to and restrict certain processing of your data. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>VIII. How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share data globally, both internally within Meta companies, and externally with our third-party vendors. Data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data transferred abroad will be transferred in accordance with the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law, and that third parties with which your personal data will be shared shall assure the level of protection established by the applicable laws. The destination countries may or may not have the same data protection standards similar to where you live. <br /><br /> We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any of your data that is transferred abroad will be transferred according to the standards and requisites provided by the applicable law in your home jurisdiction, including by asking relevant third parties to undertake that they will provide the level of protection for your data required under those applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>IX. How can you contact Meta with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You can contact us with questions about this Statement or our processing of your data, to exercise your rights or to make a complaint about the handling of your data by sending an email to the Global Risk Privacy and Compliance team at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at: <br /><br /> Meta Platforms, Inc.<br /> 1 Hacker Way<br /> Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA<br /><br /> You may also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>X. How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of last revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="eu"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">EU Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (“Meta Ireland”/“we”/“our”/“us”) collects and uses personal data about you in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>What kinds of information do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of information we collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information, your employment and education history, referrals or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume or cover letter, or on your Career Profile)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g. when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health condition and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li></ul><br /> We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> Note: We collect some information because we are required to collect it under applicable law, or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the information is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any information you submit in accordance with this Statement. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we use this personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We use your personal data as set out above (as appropriate), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the information you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future opportunities. We may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Career Profile and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your information for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your personal data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation (where applicable)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures </div></li></ul><br /> We require these third parties to protect the personal data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the personal data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We access, preserve and share your personal data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so. We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent and address fraud, unauthorised use of our systems or products; violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; to protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to do so, we may provide your personal data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul><br /> Personal data we process about you can be accessed and preserved for an extended period when it is the subject of a legal request or obligation, governmental investigation, or otherwise to prevent harm. <br /><br /> We may take these actions pursuant to our legal obligations, where necessary in our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of others and where necessary to protect the vital interest of individuals. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>For how long do we retain your personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain your personal data (as set out in the preceding section), for as long as is required in order to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, or as necessary for our legitimate interests, such as to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the personal data you provide during the application process, and information about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>What is our legal basis for processing data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process the personal data that we have in the ways described above: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Consistent with specific consents, which you may revoke at any time</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary to comply with our legal obligations</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect your vital interests, or those of others</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary for our (or others’) legitimate interests, including our interests in considering candidates for current and future employment opportunities, and in managing and improving our recruitment and hiring processes, unless those interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms which require protection of personal data</div></li></ul><br /><b>Special categories of personal data</b>: Personal data such as health information, is subject to special protections under EU law*. We may process such data where necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim by us, with your explicit consent or where necessary for the purpose of carrying out our obligations and for the exercising of our rights or your rights in the context of employment or social security law. For example, we may need to process information about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace. <br /><br /> *Special categories of personal data under EU law are: personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you exercise your rights provided under the GDPR?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Under the General Data Protection Regulation (the ‘GDPR’), you have the right to access, rectify, port and erase your personal data. <br /><br /> You also have the right to object to and restrict certain processing of your personal data. This includes the right to object to our processing of your personal data where we are performing a task in the public interest or pursuing our legitimate interests or those of a third party. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we operate and transfer personal data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share personal data globally, both internally within the Meta companies (please see section <i>How do the Meta companies work together</i>), and externally with our third-party partners (please see section <i>How do we work with vendors and service providers</i>). Personal data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to, or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. We utilise standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, and rely on the European Commission’s adequacy decisions about certain countries, as applicable, for data transfers from the EEA to the United States and other countries. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you contact Meta with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The data controller responsible for your personal data is Meta Platforms Ireland Limited. <br /><br /> Please contact us at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at:<br /><br /> Meta Platforms Ireland Limited.<br /> ATTN: Privacy Operations<br /> 4 Grand Canal Square<br /> Grand Canal Harbour<br /> Dublin 2 Ireland<br /><br /><a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Contact the Data Protection Officer</a> for Meta Platforms Ireland. <br /><br /> You also have the right to lodge a complaint with Meta Platforms Ireland’s lead supervisory authority, the Irish Data Protection Commissioner, or your local supervisory authority. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on this page.</div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of Last Revision: March 29th, 2022 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="israel"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Israel Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><b>This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Meta Platforms, Inc. (“Meta Inc.”/“we”/“our”/“us”) collects, processes and uses personal data about you in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Inc. and its subsidiaries / affiliates (collectively referred to as “Meta”).</b></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of personal data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), work permit or visa information, your employment and education history, referrals or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume or cover letter, or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g. when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or relevant health condition and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li></ul><br /> We also receive information such as your education, work experience, and contact information from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> Note: We collect some personal data because we are required to collect it under applicable law, or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the personal data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any personal data you submit in accordance with this Statement. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we use this personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We use your personal data set out above (as appropriate), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the information you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future opportunities. We may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your personal data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data in order to protect the vital interests of our employees and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity, and security of Meta, its employees, and others as required or permitted by law, including but not limited to conducting background and security checks. As a Meta job applicant, you also agree that we may review and use any information collected pursuant to our <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> to promote safety and security on and off Meta products</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your personal data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation (where applicable)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We require these third parties to protect the personal data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the personal data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We access, preserve and may share your personal data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so. We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent and address fraud, unauthorised use of our systems or products; violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; to protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to do so, we may provide your personal data to law enforcement</div></li></ul><br /> Personal data we process about you can be accessed and preserved for an extended period when it is the subject of a legal request or obligation, governmental investigation, or otherwise to prevent harm. <br /><br /> We may take these actions pursuant to our legal obligations, where necessary in our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of others and where necessary to protect the vital interest of individuals. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you exercise your rights provided under the PPL?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Under the Privacy Protection Law, 5741-1981 (PPL), you have the right to access, rectify, and erase your personal data we hold about you in our database. You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we operate and transfer personal data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share personal data globally, both internally within the Meta companies (please see section <i>How do the Meta companies work together</i>), and externally with our third-party partners (please see section <i>How do we work with vendors and service providers</i>). Personal data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to, or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. <br /><br /> These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data may be transferred outside Israel in compliance with applicable laws. When outside of Israel, your personal data is subject to the laws of the country in which it is held, and processed as per the applicable local laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you contact Meta with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The database owner responsible for your personal data is Meta Platforms, Inc. Please contact us at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at: <br /><br /> Meta Platforms, Inc.<br /> 1 Hacker Way<br /> Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of Last Revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="kenya"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Kenya Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><b>This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Meta Platforms, Inc. (“Meta Inc.”/“we”/“our”/“us”) collects and uses personal data about you in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Inc. and its subsidiaries / affiliates (collectively referred to as “Meta”).</b></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of personal data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information, your employment and education history, referrals or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume or cover letter, or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g. when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health condition and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li></ul><br /> We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> Note: We collect some personal data because we are required to collect it under applicable law, or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the personal data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any personal data you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to submit such personal data, we may be unable to proceed with your application or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we use this personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We use your personal data set out above (as appropriate), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the information you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future opportunities. We may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your personal data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data in order to protect the vital interests of our employees and others. In more detail, we process your personal data:</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity, and security of Meta, its employees, and others as required or permitted by law, including but not limited to conducting background and security checks. As a Meta job applicant, you also agree that we may review and use any information collected pursuant to our <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> to promote safety and security on and off Meta products</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your personal data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation (where applicable)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We require these third parties to protect the personal data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the personal data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We access, preserve and share your personal data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so. We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent and address fraud, unauthorised use of our systems or products; violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; to protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to do so, we may provide your personal data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul><br /> Personal data we process about you can be accessed and preserved for an extended period when it is the subject of a legal request or obligation, governmental investigation, or otherwise to prevent harm. <br /><br /> We may take these actions pursuant to our legal obligations, where necessary in our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of others and where necessary to protect the vital interest of individuals. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>For how long do we retain your personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain your personal data (as set out in the preceding section), for as long as is required in order to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, or as necessary for our legitimate interests, such as to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the personal data you provide during the application process, and information about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we secure your personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We have put in place appropriate security measures and controls to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used, accessed, altered or disclosed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors or third parties who have a business need to know, and are subject to a duty of confidentiality. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>What is our lawful basis for processing personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process the personal data that we have in the ways described above: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Consistent with specific consents, which you may revoke at any time</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary to comply with our legal obligations</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect your vital interests, or those of others</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary for our (or others’) legitimate interests, including our interests in considering candidates for current and future employment opportunities, and in managing and improving our recruitment and hiring processes, unless those interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms which require protection of personal data</div></li></ul><br /><b>Sensitive personal data:</b> Personal data such as health information, is subject to special protections under the under the Kenyan Data Protection Act No. 24 of 2019 (“<b>DP Act</b>”)*. We may process such data where necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim by us, with your explicit consent or where necessary for the purpose of carrying out our obligations for exercising our rights or your rights in the context of employment or social security law, or where it is necessary to protect you or any other person from harm. For example, we may need to process information about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview. <br /><br /> *Sensitive personal data includes personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you exercise your rights provided under the DP Act?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Under the DP Act, you have the right to request access, correction, and erasure of your personal data. <br /><br /> You also have the right to object to processing of your personal data, and restrict or withdraw your consent (if provided previously) to certain processing of your personal data. This includes the right to object to our processing of your personal data where we are performing a task in the public interest or pursuing our legitimate interests or those of a third party. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we operate and transfer personal data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share personal data globally, both internally within the Meta companies (please see section <i>How do the Meta companies work together</i>), and externally with our third-party partners (please see section <i>How do we work with vendors and service providers</i>). Personal data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to, or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. <br /><br /> These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data will be transferred abroad according to the standards and requisites provided by the DP Act, and third parties with which your personal data will be shared shall assure a level of protection substantially similar to the measures and requirements established by the DP Act. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you contact Meta with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The data controller responsible for your personal data is Meta Platforms, Inc. Please contact us at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at: <br /><br /> Meta Platforms, Inc.<br /> 1 Hacker Way<br /> Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of last revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="nigeria"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Nigeria Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><b>This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Meta Platforms, Inc. (“Meta Inc.”/“we”/“our”/“us”) collects, processes and uses personal data about you in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively referred to as “Meta”).</b></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of personal data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information, your employment and education history, referrals or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume or cover letter, or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g., when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health condition and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li></ul><br /> We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> Note: We collect some personal data because we are required to collect it under applicable law, or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the personal data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any personal data you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to submit such personal data, we may be unable to proceed with your application or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we use this personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We use your personal data set out above (as appropriate), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the information you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future opportunities. We may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your personal data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data in order to protect the vital interests of our employees and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity, and security of Meta, its employees, and others as required or permitted by law, including but not limited to conducting background and security checks. As a Meta job applicant, you also agree that we may review and use any information collected pursuant to our <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> to promote safety and security on and off Meta products</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your personal data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation (where applicable)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We require these third parties to protect the personal data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the personal data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We access, preserve and share your personal data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so. We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent and address fraud, unauthorised use of our systems or products; violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; to protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to do so, we may provide your personal data to relevant law enforcement bodies or agencies.</div></li></ul><br /> Personal data we process about you can be accessed and preserved for an extended period when it is the subject of a legal request or obligation, governmental investigation, or otherwise to prevent harm. <br /><br /> We may take these actions pursuant to our legal obligations, where necessary in our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of other persons, and where necessary to protect the vital interest of such individuals. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>For how long do we retain your personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain your personal data (as set out in the preceding section), for as long as is required in order to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, or as necessary for our legitimate interests, such as to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the personal data you provide during the application process, and information about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we secure your personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We have put in place appropriate security measures and controls, to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used, accessed, altered or disclosed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors or third parties who have a business need to know, and are subject to a duty of confidentiality. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>What is our lawful basis for processing personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process the personal data that we have in the ways described above: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Consistent with specific consents, which you may revoke at any time</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary to comply with our legal obligations</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect your vital interests, or those of other individuals</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary for our (or others’) legitimate interests, including our interests in considering candidates for current and future employment opportunities, and in managing and improving our recruitment and hiring processes, unless those interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms which require protection of personal data</div></li></ul><br /><b>Sensitive personal data:</b> Personal data such as health information, is subject to special protections under the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation 2019 (“NDPR”)*. We may process such data where necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim by us, with your explicit consent or where necessary for the purpose of carrying out our obligations and for exercising our rights or your rights in the context of employment or social security law. For example, we may need to process information about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview. <br /><br /> *Sensitive personal data means personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation, criminal records or any other sensitive information. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you exercise your rights provided under the NDPR?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Under the NDPR, you have the right to access, correct, delete and obtain information about the processing of your personal data. <br /><br /> You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, and to restrict or withdraw your consent to certain processing of your personal data, and to be informed of any further processing. This includes the right to object to our processing of your personal data where we are performing a task in the public interest or pursuing our legitimate interests or those of a third party. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we operate and transfer personal data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share personal data globally, both internally within the Meta companies (please see section <i>How do the Meta companies work together</i>), and externally with our third-party partners (please see section <i>How do we work with vendors and service providers</i>). Personal data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to, or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. <br /><br /> These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data will be transferred abroad according to the standards and requisites provided by the NDPR, and third parties with which your personal data will be shared shall assure a level of protection substantially similar to the measures and requirements established by the NDPR. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you contact Meta with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The data controller responsible for your personal data is Meta Platforms, Inc. Please contact us at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at: <br /><br /> Meta Platforms, Inc.<br /> 1 Hacker Way<br /> Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA<br /><br /> We will work to resolve any inquiry received within the timeframe required by the applicable law. <br /><br /> You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) or other relevant authority. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of last revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="senegal"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Senegal Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><b>This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Meta Platforms, Inc. (“Meta Inc.”/“we”/“our”/“us”) collects, processes and uses personal data about you in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Inc. and its subsidiaries / affiliates (collectively referred to as “Meta”).</b></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of personal data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information, your employment and education history, referrals or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume or cover letter, or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g. when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities); </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health condition and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li></ul><br /> We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> Note: We collect some personal data because we are required to collect it under applicable law, or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the personal data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any personal data you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to submit such personal data, we may be unable to proceed with your application or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we use this personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We use your personal data set out above (as appropriate), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the information you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future opportunities. We may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your personal data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data in order to protect the vital interests of our employees and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, to the extent provided by law, we process your personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities (e.g. to monitor and limit the transmission of infectious diseases in the workplace)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity, and security of Meta, its employees, and others as required or permitted by law, including but not limited to conducting background and security checks. As a Meta job applicant, you also agree that we may review and use any information collected pursuant to our <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> to promote safety and security on and off Meta products</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your personal data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation (where applicable)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We require these third parties to protect the personal data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the personal data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We access, preserve and share your personal data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so. We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent and address fraud, unauthorised use of our systems or products; violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; to protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to do so, we may provide your personal data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul><br /> Personal data we process about you can be accessed and preserved for an extended period when it is the subject of a legal request or obligation, governmental investigation, or otherwise to prevent harm. <br /><br /> We may take these actions pursuant to our legal obligations, where necessary in our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of others and where necessary to protect the vital interest of individuals. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>For how long do we retain your personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain your personal data (as set out in the preceding section), for as long as is required in order to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, or as necessary for our legitimate interests, such as to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the personal data you provide during the application process, and information about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we secure your personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We have put in place appropriate security measures and controls to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used, accessed, altered or disclosed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors or third parties who have a business need to know, and are subject to a duty of confidentiality. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>What is our lawful basis for processing personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process the personal data that we have in the ways described above: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Consistent with specific consents, which you may revoke at any time</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary to comply with our legal obligations</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect your vital interests, or those of others, to the extent provided by law</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary for our (or others’) legitimate interests, including our interests in considering candidates for current and future employment opportunities, and in managing and improving our recruitment and hiring processes, unless those interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms which require protection of personal data</div></li></ul><br /><b>Sensitive personal data:</b> Personal data such as health information, is subject to special protections under the Law No. 2008-12 of 25 relating to the protection of personal data (Data Protection Act) (“DPA”)*. We may process such data where necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim by us, with your explicit consent or where necessary for the purpose of carrying out our obligations and for the exercising of our rights or your rights in the context of employment or social security law. For example, we may need to process information about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview. <br /><br /> *Sensitive personal data includes personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you exercise your rights provided under the DPA?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Under the DPA, you have the right to access, rectify, port and delete your personal data. <br /><br /> You also have the right to object to processing of your personal data, and restrict or withdraw your consent to certain processing of your personal data. This includes the right to object to our processing of your personal data where we are performing a task in the public interest or pursuing our legitimate interests or those of a third party. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we operate and transfer personal data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share personal data globally, both internally within the Meta companies (please see section <i>How do the Meta companies work together</i>), and externally with our third-party partners (please see section <i>How do we work with vendors and service providers</i>). Personal data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to, or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. <br /><br /> These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data will be transferred abroad according to the standards and requisites provided by the DPA and third parties with which your personal data will be shared shall assure a level of protection substantially similar to the measures and requirements established by the DPA. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you contact Meta with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The data controller responsible for your personal data is Meta Platforms, Inc. Please contact us at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at: <br /><br /> Meta Platforms, Inc.<br /> 1 Hacker Way<br /> Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA<br /><br /> You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission des Données Personnelles. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of Last Revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="south_africa"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">South Africa Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Meta Platforms, Inc. (“Meta Inc.”/“we”/“our”/“us”) collects and uses personal information in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively referred to as “Meta”). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"> What kinds of personal information do we collect and process?</h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of personal information we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information, your employment and education history, referrals or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter, or on your Career Profile)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g. when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If disclosed, any special needs or health condition and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with</div></li></ul><br /> Note: We collect some personal information because we are required to collect it under applicable law, or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the personal information is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any personal information you submit in accordance with this Statement. If you choose not to submit such personal information, we may be unable to proceed with your application or engage with you in relation to your candidacy or your interest in employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">How do we use this personal information?</h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><b>We use your personal information (as set out above), for the purposes described below. We process your personal information as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b><br /><br /> We process personal information: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the information you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li></ul><br /><b>We process your personal information to stay in touch and engage with you.</b><br /><br /> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future opportunities. We may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time.<br /><br /><b>We process your personal information to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b><br /><br /> In more detail, we process your personal information: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul><br /><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your personal information for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b><br /><br /> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon start of the background verification process. <br /><br /><b>We process your information in order to protect the safety and security of our workforce and others.</b><br /><br /> In more detail, we process your information: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity and security of Meta, its workforce, and others as required or permitted by law, including but not limited to conducting background and security checks. As a Meta job applicant, you also agree that we may review and use any information collected pursuant to our <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> to promote safety and security on and off Meta products</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">How do the Meta companies work together?</h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your personal information (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"> How do we work with vendors and service providers?</h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation (where applicable)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We require these third parties to protect the personal information they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the information for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We access, preserve and share your personal information with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so. We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent and address fraud, unauthorised use of our systems or products; violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; to protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to do so, we may provide your personal information to law enforcement.</div></li></ul><br /> Personal information we process about you can be accessed and preserved for an extended period when it is the subject of a legal request or obligation, governmental investigation, or otherwise to prevent harm. <br /><br /> We may take these actions pursuant to our legal obligations, where necessary in our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of others and where necessary to protect the vital interest of individuals. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">How do we secure your personal information?</h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We have put in place appropriate security measures and controls to prevent your personal information from being accidentally lost, used, accessed, altered or disclosed in an unauthorised way. <br /><br /> We limit access to your personal information to those employees, agents, contractors or third parties who have a business need to know, and are subject to a duty of confidentiality. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">For how long do we retain your personal information?</h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain personal information (as set out in the preceding section), for as long as is required in order to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, or as necessary for our legitimate interests, such as to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the personal information you provide during the application process, and information about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">What is our legal basis for processing personal information?</h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process the personal information that we have in the ways described above: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Consistent with specific consents, which you may withdraw at any time</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary to comply with our legal obligations</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect your vital interests, or those of others</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary for our (or others’) legitimate interests, including our interests in considering candidates for current and future employment opportunities, and in managing and improving our recruitment and hiring processes, unless those interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms which require protection of personal information</div></li></ul><br /><b>Special personal information:</b> We may process your special information where necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim by us, where necessary for the purpose of carrying out our obligations, or for the exercising of our rights or your rights in the context of employment or social security law. For example, we may need to process information about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview. <br /><br /> We do not need your explicit consent if we use your special personal Information in accordance with one or more of the lawful bases set out above. In limited circumstances, we may approach you for your explicit consent to allow us to process special personal information for certain processing activities. If we do so, we will provide you with full details of the information that we would like and the reason we need it, so that you can carefully consider whether you wish to consent. You should be aware that it is not a condition for your candidacy or application with us that you agree to any request for consent from us. You are free to withdraw your consent by contacting us at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a>. Where you do so, we may be unable to proceed with your application or engage with you in relation to employment opportunities at Meta. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">How can you exercise your rights provided under the POPIA?</h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Under the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 and its regulations (“POPIA”), subject to applicable exemptions or restrictions, you have the following rights in relation to your personal information: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Right to be notified of when your personal information is collected</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Right to be aware if your personal information has been accessed or acquired by an unauthorised person</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Right to request access to your personal information, and request a copy, to the extent we hold your personal information</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Right to request deletion of your personal information</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Right to request correction of your personal information; and</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Right to object to or restrict the processing of your personal information under certain circumstances</div></li></ul><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">How do we operate and transfer personal information as part of our global business?</h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Any personal information you provide to us or we collect due to the contractual relationship you maintain with us may be transferred to or stored in a geographic region that imposes different privacy obligations than South Africa. <br /><br /> We share information globally, both internally within the Meta companies, and externally with relevant third party partners (as set out above). Personal information we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to, or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of South Africa for the purposes as described in this Statement. These information transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal information will be transferred abroad according to the standards and requisites provided by POPIA, and third parties with which your personal information will be shared shall assure the level of protection established by POPIA. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">How can you contact us with questions?</h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The responsible party in relation to your personal information is Meta Platforms, Inc. Please contact us at mydataprivacyrights&#064; or by mail at:<br /><br /> Meta Platforms, Inc.<br /> ATTN: Global Risk, Privacy &amp; Compliance<br /> 1601 Willow Road<br /> Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA<br /><br /> You also have the right to submit a complaint to the Information Regulator or institute civil proceedings in relation to your personal information.<br /></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We reserve the right to change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on this page. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of Last Revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="uk"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">UK Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (“Meta Platforms Ireland”/“we”/“our”/“us”) collects and uses personal data about you in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta collectively, “Meta”. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>What kinds of information do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of information we collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information, your employment and education history, referrals or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume or cover letter, or on your Career Profile)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g. when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health condition and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li></ul><br /> We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with. <br /><br /> Note: We collect some information because we are required to collect it under applicable law, or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the information is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any information you submit in accordance with this Statement. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we use this personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We use your personal data as set out above (as appropriate), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the information you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future opportunities. We may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Career Profile and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your information for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your personal data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation (where applicable)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening services</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures </div></li></ul><br /> We require these third parties to protect the personal data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the personal data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We access, preserve and share your personal data with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so. We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent and address fraud, unauthorised use of our systems or products; violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; to protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to do so, we may provide your personal data to law enforcement.</div></li></ul><br /> Personal data we process about you can be accessed and preserved for an extended period when it is the subject of a legal request or obligation, governmental investigation, or otherwise to prevent harm.<br /><br /> We may take these actions pursuant to our legal obligations, where necessary in our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of others and where necessary to protect the vital interest of individuals. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>For how long do we retain your personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain your personal data (as set out in the preceding section), for as long as is required in order to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, or as necessary for our legitimate interests, such as to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta.<br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the personal data you provide during the application process, and information about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>What is our legal basis for processing data? </b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process the personal data that we have in the ways described above: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary to prepare and enter into an employment contract with you</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Consistent with specific consents, which you may revoke at any time</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary to comply with our legal obligations</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect your vital interests, or those of others</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">As necessary for our (or others’) legitimate interests, including our interests in considering candidates for current and future employment opportunities, and in managing and improving our recruitment and hiring processes, unless those interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms which require protection of personal data</div></li></ul><br /><b>Special categories of personal data</b>: Personal data such as health information, is subject to special protections under EU law*. We may process such data where necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim by us, with your explicit consent or where necessary for the purpose of carrying out our obligations and for the exercising of our rights or your rights in the context of employment or social security law. For example, we may need to process information about your health to accommodate any special needs you have when you come onsite for an interview, or to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace.<br /><br /> *Special categories of personal data under EU law are: personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you exercise your rights provided under the GDPR?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (the ‘UK GDPR’), you have the right to access, rectify, port and erase your personal data.<br /><br /> You also have the right to object to and restrict certain processing of your personal data. This includes the right to object to our processing of your personal data where we are performing a task in the public interest or pursuing our legitimate interests or those of a third party. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we operate and transfer personal data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share personal data globally, both internally within the Meta companies (please see section <i>How do the Meta companies work together</i>), and externally with our third-party partners (please see section <i>How do we work with vendors and service providers</i>). Personal data we collect and process will be transferred or transmitted to, or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. We utilise standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, and rely on the European Commission’s adequacy decisions about certain countries, as applicable, for data transfers from the UK to the United States and other countries. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you contact Meta with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The data controller responsible for your personal data is Meta Platforms Ireland Limited.<br /><br /> Please contact us at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> or by mail at:<br /><br /> Meta Platforms Ireland Limited<br /> ATTN: Privacy Operations<br /> 4 Grand Canal Square<br /> Grand Canal Harbour<br /> Dublin 2 Ireland<br /><br /><a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Contact the Data Protection Officer</a> for Meta Platforms Ireland.<br /><br /> You also have the right to lodge a complaint with Meta Platforms Ireland’s lead supervisory authority, the Irish Data Protection Commissioner, or your local supervisory authority. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on this page. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of Last Revision: March 29th, 2022 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="argentina"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Argentina Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Facebook Argentina S.R.L. (“FB ARG”/“we”/“our”/“us”) collects and uses personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta. <br /><br /> As used is the Statement, “Meta” refers to Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates. <br /><br /> This Statement is applicable to our processing of all personal data about present and past candidates. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of personal data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information, your employment and education history, referrals or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g. when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health conditions, and other information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process personal data that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources or through third parties they work with </div></li></ul><br /><b>Note:</b> We collect some personal data because we are required to collect it under applicable law, or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the personal data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any personal data you submit in accordance with this Statement. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we use this personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We use your personal data (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to verify the information you or others provide, and to check your professional and academic references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">if you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future opportunities. We may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process, where anonymization is not possible</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your personal data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data where legal and regulatory obligations require us to do so.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Certain legal and regulatory obligations require us to process your personal data, including for the following purposes: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">fraud prevention;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">internal controls and company security;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">for the purposes of financial and tax regulation, which might include sharing required information with applicable tax, social welfare, and employment authorities; </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">health and safety obligations;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">preventative or occupational medicine assessments, where applicable;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">in relation to work permits and complying with immigration requirements, where applicable;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to provide a working environment free from unlawful discrimination (e.g. diversity and equal opportunities monitoring), to make reasonable accommodations for our workforce, and to comply with other worker protection and social security and social protection legislation.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data in order to protect the life or physical safety of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to maintain the safety, integrity, and security of Meta, its employees, and others as required or permitted by law, including but not limited to conducting background and security checks. As a Meta job applicant, you also agree that we may review and use any information collected pursuant to our <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> to promote safety and security on and off Meta products</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your personal data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. <br /><br /> Therefore, your personal data may also be shared between the Meta companies due to contractual necessity, to the extent necessary for the provision of our services, especially in relation to the recruiting process of candidates for employment opportunities at Meta. <br /><br /> Your personal data will be transferred abroad according to the standards and requirements established by the applicable laws, as further described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation (where applicable)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening services, to the extent permitted by applicable law</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures</div></li></ul><br /> We may share your personal data with our third-party partners in order to process your data in the context of your candidacy at Meta and our recruiting process. <br /><br /> We require these third parties to protect the personal data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the personal data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we secure your personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We have put in place appropriate security measures and controls to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used, accessed, altered or disclosed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors or third parties who have a business need to know, and are subject to a duty of confidentiality. <br /><br /> We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect your personal data under our control. More specifically, we implement and maintain appropriate physical, technical, administrative and organizational safeguards to protect your personal data and prevent unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you exercise your rights as a data subject?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In accordance with the provisions of the applicable law, you have the right to access, update and rectify your personal data. <br /><br /> You also have the right to revoke consent and/or request suppression of your personal data in certain circumstances (e.g., when your constitutional and legal rights are not respected). Unless otherwise established by applicable law, the revocation and/or suppression will proceed only if it is determined that FB ARG has infringed the applicable law(s) while processing your personal data. Additionally, the suppression will not proceed if it could cause damage to the rights or legitimate interests of third parties, or when there is a legal obligation to retain such personal data. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul> Any queries and claims that you make shall be handled in accordance with the procedures and timeframes prescribed by applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>International data transfers – How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Any Personal Data you provide to us or we collect in relation to your candidacy for employment at Meta, may be transferred to or stored in a geographic region that imposes different privacy obligations than your country of origin. <br /><br /> We share personal data globally, both internally within the Meta companies (see section on <i>How do the Meta companies work together</i>), and externally with our relevant third-party partners (see section on <i>How do we work with vendors and service providers</i>), as necessary for our recruiting activities. Personal data we collect, and process will be transferred or transmitted to, or stored and processed in the United States (Meta Platforms, Inc. domiciled at 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, United states of America) or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement only if it is necessary for the fulfillment of: (i) the purposes for which your personal data was collected as provided in this Statement; and/or (ii) our legal obligations. <br /><br /> These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data will be transferred abroad according to the standards and requisites provided by the applicable laws. Third parties with which your Personal Data may be shared shall have a level of protection substantially similar to the measures established by the applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you contact us with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You can contact us with any questions or inquiries relating to your personal data at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a>, or by mail at: <br /><br /> Facebook Argentina<br /> Edificio Republica, Tucuman 1<br /> 7 Piso<br /> C1049AAA Buenos Aires<br /> Argentina<br /><br /> You also have the right to lodge a claim with the Public Access Information Agency, the enforcement authority of Law No. 25,326 in relation to your personal data. <br /><br /> In case of conflict between the Spanish and English versions of this Statement, the latter will govern. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How will we notify you of changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of Last Revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Declaración de privacidad para candidatos de Argentina</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> En esta Declaración de privacidad para candidatos (&quot;Declaración&quot;), se detalla cómo Facebook Argentina S.R.L. (&quot;Facebook Argentina&quot;, &quot;nosotros&quot;, &quot;nuestro[s]&quot;, &quot;nuestra[s]&quot;, &quot;nos&quot;) recopila y usa datos personales en el contexto de tu postulación para un empleo en Meta. <br /><br /> Como se usan en la Declaración, &quot;Meta&quot; hace referencia a Meta Platforms, Inc. y a sus empresas subsidiarias o afiliadas. <br /><br /> Esta Declaración se aplica al tratamiento que hacemos de todos los datos personales de candidatos actuales o anteriores. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Qué tipos de datos personales recopilamos y tratamos?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Los tipos de datos personales que podemos recopilar y tratar (para los fines descritos en la siguiente sección) incluyen: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> El nombre, la información de contacto (como tu dirección postal, número de teléfono o dirección de correo electrónico), el sexo, la información relativa al permiso o a la visa de trabajo, tu historial laboral y académico, recomendaciones o referencias, si estás sujeto a cualquier obligación con respecto a tu empleador anterior y cualquier otro dato que proporciones (como la información que figura en tu currículum, carta de presentación o perfil profesional) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Tus expectativas salariales, tu disposición para trasladarte y otras preferencias laborales </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Los datos de carácter público disponibles, como tu información de contacto, educación y experiencia laboral (por ejemplo, la información que hayas compartido en sitios web de búsqueda de empleo y de redes de contactos profesionales si es relevante para considerarte en oportunidades laborales) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Detalles sobre las entrevistas y los resultados de los posibles ejercicios que realices durante el proceso de contratación </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Cualquier necesidad especial o problema de salud, si se divulga, así como otra información relacionada con posibles adaptaciones que solicites durante el proceso de contratación. </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Si así se solicita, información de salud para controlar la propagación de enfermedades infecciosas en el lugar de trabajo (si corresponde) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> En el caso de tener referencias, tratamos los datos personales que nos proporciona la persona que brinda dichas referencias </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Asimismo, recibimos información, como tu educación y experiencia laboral, información de contacto y datos demográficos, de proveedores de datos externos que tengan derechos para proporcionarnos tu información. Estos socios recopilan dicha información a partir de fuentes públicas disponibles o por medio de terceros con los que colaboran </div></li></ul><br /><b>Nota:</b> Recopilamos ciertos datos personales porque así lo exige la legislación aplicable, o bien porque es necesario para que avance el proceso de revisión de tu solicitud. Cuando te solicitemos que nos brindes datos personales, te indicaremos si es obligatorio proporcionárnoslos. Utilizaremos los datos personales que nos hagas llegar conforme a lo establecido en esta Declaración. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo usamos estos datos personales?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Usamos los datos personales (según lo dispuesto anteriormente) para los fines que se describen a continuación. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Tratamos tus datos personales según sea necesario para tener en cuenta tu solicitud en oportunidades laborales que Meta ofrece, así como para evaluar si cumples los requisitos necesarios para ellas.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Tratamos datos personales para: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">recibir y revisar tu solicitud, y responder a ella;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">verificar la información que tú u otras personas nos proporcionan, así como para verificar tus referencias profesionales y académicas;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">evaluar si cumples los requisitos para el puesto que solicitas y, en ciertos casos, para otras oportunidades laborales en Meta;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">facilitar el proceso de entrevistas o contratación;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">redactar una carta de oferta de empleo si tu solicitud es seleccionada</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">informar a la persona que haya proporcionado tus referencias el estado de tu solicitud y el resultado final; y</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">sugerirte oportunidades laborales adecuadas en Meta si, mediante la información que recopilamos de fuentes públicas, se determina que eres un candidato potencial.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Tratamos tus datos personales para mantenernos en contacto e interactuar contigo.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Es posible que tengamos en cuenta tu solicitud para otras oportunidades laborales disponibles, ya sea de forma paralela a tu participación en un proceso de contratación en Meta o más adelante. Podemos comunicarnos contigo de vez en cuando, por ejemplo, para invitarte a eventos que organizamos o patrocinamos, enviarte alertas o recomendaciones sobre oportunidades en Meta, o solicitarte actualizaciones. Puedes cancelar tu suscripción a este tipo de mensajes cuando quieras. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Tratamos tus datos personales para llevar a cabo y mejorar los procesos de contratación, realizar tareas de planificación interna e informes administrativos, y cumplir las leyes y normativas aplicables.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Concretamente, tratamos tus datos personales para: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">administrar y mejorar el portal de empleo y nuestros procesos de contratación, por ejemplo, con el fin de hacerlos más sencillos y eficientes;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">preparar y realizar informes administrativos, además de llevar a cabo análisis relacionados con los resultados del proceso de contratación, como su duración, cuando no es posible hacerlo de forma anónima; y</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">crear y enviar informes si las leyes o normativas aplicables así lo exigen.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Si te hacemos una oferta condicional y la aceptas, trataremos tus datos personales para llevar a cabo la verificación de tus antecedentes (en la medida en que lo permita la legislación aplicable).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Te proporcionaremos información adicional en relación con dicho tratamiento en el momento en que se inicie el proceso de verificación de antecedentes. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Tratamos tus datos personales si así lo exigen las obligaciones legales y regulatorias.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Hay determinadas obligaciones legales y regulatorias que nos exigen que tratemos tus datos personales, incluyendo para: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">prevenir fraudes;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">realizar controles internos y proteger la seguridad de la empresa;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">cumplir con la regulación financiera e impositiva, lo que puede incluir compartir información solicitada con las autoridades fiscales, de asistencia social y de empleo pertinentes;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">cumplir con obligaciones de salud y seguridad;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">llevar a cabo evaluaciones de medicina preventiva u ocupacional, si corresponde;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">procesar permisos de trabajo y cumplir con los requisitos de las leyes de inmigración, si corresponde; y</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">favorecer un entorno de trabajo sin discriminación ilegal (p. ej., supervisión relativa a la diversidad y la igualdad de oportunidades), hacer las adaptaciones razonables para nuestro personal y cumplir con otras leyes de protección social, de seguridad social y laboral.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Tratamos tus datos personales para proteger la vida o la seguridad física de nuestros empleados y otras personas.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Concretamente, tratamos tus datos personales para: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proteger la salud y la seguridad de nuestro personal y otras personas en nuestras instalaciones, en la medida en que la legislación aplicable lo permita; y</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">garantizar la seguridad, integridad y protección de Meta, sus empleados y otros, según lo exija o permita la legislación aplicable, incluido, sin limitación, realizar controles de seguridad y averiguación de antecedentes. Como postulante para Meta, también aceptas que podemos revisar y usar la información recopilada de conformidad con nuestra <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Política de datos</a> para fomentar la seguridad y protección tanto dentro como fuera de los productos de Meta.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo trabajan en conjunto las empresas de Meta?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Las <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">empresas de Meta</a> comparten infraestructuras, sistemas y tecnologías para tratar tus datos personales (según lo dispuesto en las secciones anteriores) y así poder garantizar la eficacia y la seguridad, en la medida en que la legislación aplicable lo permita y en virtud de la presente Declaración. Por ejemplo, el personal encargado de las contrataciones en Meta colabora de forma internacional para hacer llegar a los candidatos las oportunidades laborales adecuadas. <br /><br /> Por lo tanto, es posible que las empresas de Meta compartan tus datos personales entre sí debido a una necesidad contractual, en la medida en que sea necesario para proporcionar nuestros servicios, en especial en relación con el proceso de contratación de candidatos para oportunidades laborales en Meta. <br /><br /> Tus datos personales se transferirán al extranjero de acuerdo con las normas y los requisitos que establezca la legislación aplicable, según se describe en más detalle a continuación. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo trabajamos con los proveedores de servicios?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Trabajamos con socios externos que nos ayudan a administrar y mejorar nuestros procesos de contratación, incluidos las herramientas y los sistemas que empleamos con este fin. Entre estos socios externos se incluyen: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores de servicios de contratación de personal;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores que hacen posible que se lleven a cabo entrevistas y pruebas;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores que se encargan de la reserva de viajes y la cobertura de los gastos relacionados con las entrevistas;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores que hacen posible los traslados (si corresponde);</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">asesores en materia de inmigración, incluidos abogados y expertos;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores de informes y servicios de análisis;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">servicios de selección previa a la contratación de personal, en la medida en que la legislación aplicable lo permita; y</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores que nos ayudan con la implementación de medidas de salud y seguridad.</div></li></ul><br /> Podemos compartir tus datos personales con nuestros socios externos a fin de tratar dichos datos en el contexto de tu postulación en Meta y nuestro proceso de contratación de personal. <br /><br /> Exigimos a estos socios externos que apliquen medidas de protección adecuadas para salvaguardar los datos personales que reciben y les prohibimos que los usen para sus propios fines o en casos en los que no sea necesario para ofrecer el servicio. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo garantizamos la seguridad de tus datos personales?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Aplicamos controles y medidas de seguridad pertinentes para evitar que tus datos personales se pierdan por accidente o se usen, alteren o divulguen, o bien se acceda a ellos, sin autorización. Solo pueden acceder a tus datos personales aquellos empleados, agentes, contratistas o terceros que deban obtenerlos debido a una necesidad comercial y que estén sujetos a una obligación de confidencialidad. <br /><br /> Cumplimos con normas del sector de aceptación general para proteger los datos personales que estén en nuestro poder. Más específicamente, implementamos y mantenemos medidas de seguridad organizativas, administrativas, técnicas y físicas para proteger tus datos personales y evitar riesgos de acceso, recopilación, uso, divulgación, copia, modificación o eliminación no autorizados, u otros similares. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo puedes ejercer tus derechos como interesado?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> De conformidad con las disposiciones de la legislación aplicable, tienes derecho a acceder a tus datos personales, así como actualizarlos y rectificarlos. <br /><br /> Asimismo, tienes derecho a revocar el consentimiento o a solicitar que se supriman tus datos personales en determinadas circunstancias (por ejemplo, cuando no se respetan tus derechos legales o constitucionales). A menos que la legislación aplicable lo disponga de otro modo, se llevará a cabo la revocación o supresión solo si se determina que Facebook Argentina infringió las leyes aplicables durante el tratamiento de tus datos personales. Además, la supresión no se hará efectiva si puede ocasionar daños a los derechos o intereses legítimos de terceros, o bien existe la obligación legal de retener dichos datos personales. <br /><br /> Puede ejercer sus derechos completando el Formulario de derechos de datos. Siga la guía que mejor se adapte a su estado: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Si solicitó un trabajo Meta utilizando <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, inicie sesión allí.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Si es un ex empleado de Meta, inicie sesión en <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Si no estás seguro o si los otros estados no aplican para ti, completa el formulario en <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul> Todas las consultas y reclamaciones que hagas se gestionarán de conformidad con los procedimientos y plazos prescritos por las leyes aplicables. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Transferencias internacionales de datos: ¿cómo operamos y transferimos datos como parte de nuestros servicios internacionales?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Los datos personales que proporciones o que recopilemos en relación con tu postulación a un empleo en Meta pueden transferirse a una región geográfica que imponga obligaciones de privacidad diferentes de las que se imponen en el país de origen, o bien almacenarse allí. <br /><br /> Compartimos datos personales en todo el mundo, tanto de forma interna con las empresas de Meta (consulta la sección <i>¿Cómo trabajan en conjunto las empresas de Meta?</i>) como de forma externa con nuestros socios externos relevantes (consulta la sección <i>¿Cómo trabajamos con los proveedores de servicios?</i>), según sea necesario para llevar adelante nuestras actividades de contratación. Los datos personales que recopilamos y tratamos se transferirán o transmitirán a los Estados Unidos (Meta Platforms, Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, Estados Unidos de América) o a otros países distintos del lugar donde resides, o se almacenarán y tratarán allí, según los fines descritos en esta Declaración, solo si es necesario para el cumplimiento de (i) los propósitos para los que se recopilaron según se indica en esta Declaración o (ii) nuestras obligaciones legales. <br /><br /> Estos datos son necesarios para poder llevar a cabo nuestras tareas de contratación de personal. <br /><br /> Tus datos personales se transferirán al extranjero de acuerdo con las normas y los requisitos que establezca la legislación aplicable. Los terceros con los que se compartan tus datos personales deben mantener un nivel de protección que se asemeje sustancialmente a las medidas que establece la legislación aplicable. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo puedes hacernos llegar tus dudas?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Si tienes dudas o preguntas respecto de tus datos personales, comunícate con nosotros por correo electrónico a <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> o por correo postal a: <br /><br /> Facebook Argentina<br /> Edificio República, Tucumán 1<br /> 7.º piso<br /> C1049AAA Buenos Aires<br /> Argentina<br /><br /> También tienes derecho de presentar una reclamación ante la Agencia de Acceso a la Información Pública, la autoridad de ejecución de la Ley n.º 25.326 relativa a tus datos personales. <br /><br /> En caso de conflicto entre las versiones en español e inglés de esta Declaración, regirá esta última. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo notificaremos los cambios que se efectúen en esta Declaración?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Es posible que modifiquemos esta Declaración de vez en cuando. Si realizamos cambios importantes en ella, los publicaremos de forma claramente visible en <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">esta página</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Fecha de la última revisión: 2 de diciembre de 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="brazil"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Brazil Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Facebook Serviços Online do Brasil Ltda. (“FB Brazil”/“we”/“our”/“us”) collects and uses personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta. <br /><br /> As used is the Statement, “Meta” refers to Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates.<br /><br /> This Statement is applicable to our processing of all personal data about present and past candidates. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>What kinds of information do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of personal data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information, your employment and education history, referrals or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter or on your Career Profile)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g. when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health condition and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process personal data that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources or through third parties they work with. </div></li></ul><br /><b>Note:</b> We collect some personal data because we are required to collect it under applicable law, or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the personal data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any personal data you submit in accordance with this Statement. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we use this personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We use your personal data as set out above (as appropriate), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the information you or others provide, and to check your professional and academic references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future opportunities. We may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates.<br /><br /> You can opt-out of these communications at any time. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process, where anonymization is not possible</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your personal data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data where legal and regulatory obligations require us to do so.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Certain legal and regulatory obligations require us to process your personal data, including for the following purposes: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Fraud prevention</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Internal controls and company security</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">For the purposes of financial and tax regulation, which might include sharing required information with applicable tax, social welfare, and employment authorities</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Health and safety obligations</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Preventative or occupational medicine assessments, where applicable</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In relation to work permits and complying with immigration requirements, where applicable</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To provide a working environment free from unlawful discrimination (e.g. diversity and equal opportunities monitoring), to make reasonable accommodations for our workforce, and to comply with other worker protection and social security and social protection legislation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data in order to protect the life or physical safety of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal data to protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law (e.g. to monitor and limit the transmission of infectious diseases in the workplace). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your personal data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. <br /><br /> Therefore, your personal data may also be shared between the Meta companies due to contractual necessity, to the extent necessary for the provision of its services, especially in relation to the recruiting process of candidates for employment opportunities at Meta. <br /><br /> Your personal data will be transferred abroad according to the standards and requirements established by Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD), as further described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation (where applicable)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening services, to the extent permitted by applicable law</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures </div></li></ul><br /> We may share your personal data with our third-party partners in order to process your data in the context of your candidacy at Meta and our recruiting process. <br /><br /> We require these third parties to protect the personal data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the personal data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We access, preserve, and share your information with regulators, law enforcement or others: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects individuals in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good-faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent and address fraud, unauthorised use of our systems or products violates our terms or policies or other harmful or illegal activity; to protect ourselves (including our rights, property and products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries; or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to do so, we may provide your personal data to law enforcement.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Personal data we process about you can be accessed and preserved for an extended period when it is the subject of a legal request or obligation, governmental investigation, or otherwise to prevent harm.</div></li></ul><br /> We may take these actions pursuant to our legal obligations, where necessary in our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of others and where necessary to protect the life or physical safety of individuals. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>For how long do we retain personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain personal data (as set out in the preceding section), for as long as is required in order to comply with Brazilian Law, our legal obligations, to resolve disputes and to enforce our contractual agreements, or as necessary for our legitimate interests, such as to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta.<br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the personal data you provide during the application process, and personal data about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you exercise your rights provided under the LGPD?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Under the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (the “‘LGPD”), you have the right to access, rectify, port, erase your data, and object to and restrict certain processing of your data. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>International data transfers – How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Any Personal Data you provide to us or we collect in relation to your candidacy for employment at Meta, may be transferred to or stored in a geographic region that imposes different privacy obligations than your country of origin. <br /><br /> We share personal data globally, both internally within the Meta companies (see section on <i>How do the Meta companies work together</i>), and externally with our relevant third-party partners (see section on <i>How do we work with vendors and service providers</i>), as necessary for our recruiting activities. Personal data we collect, and process will be transferred or transmitted to, or stored and processed in, the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement. <br /><br /> These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations.<br /><br /> Your personal data will be transferred abroad according to the standards and requisites provided by the LGPD. Third parties with which your Personal Data may be shared shall have a level of protection substantially similar to the measures established by the LGPD. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you contact us with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The data controller responsible for your personal data is Facebook Serviços Online do Brasil Ltda., which you can contact at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a>, or by mail at: <br /><br /> Facebook Serviços Online do Brasil Ltda. <br /> Rua Leopoldo Couto de Magalhães Júnior, 700 <br /> Itaim Bibi, São Paulo/SP<br /> 04542-000<br /> Brazil<br /><br /> You can also contact the Data Protection Officer for Facebook Serviços Online do Brasil Ltda. at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a>, or by mail at the above-referenced address.<br /><br /> In case of conflict between the Portuguese and English versions of this Statement, the latter will govern. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on this page.</div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of Last Revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Declaração de privacidade do candidato no Brasil</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p">Esta Declaração de Privacidade do Candidato (“Declaração”) informa sobre como o Facebook Serviços Online do Brasil Ltda. (“Facebook Brasil”/“nós”/“nosso”/”conosco”) coleta e usa dados pessoais no contexto de sua candidatura para vagas de Meta.<br /><br /> Conforme utilizado nesta Declaração, “Meta” referem-se à Meta Platforms, Inc. e suas subsidiárias/afiliadas.<br /><br /> Esta Declaração refere-se ao nosso processamento de todos os dados pessoais sobre candidatos atuais e anteriores. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Quais tipos de dados pessoais nós coletamos e processamos?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Os tipos de dados pessoais que podemos coletar e processar (para os propósitos descritos na próxima seção) incluem: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Seu nome, informações de contato (como endereço, número de telefone, endereço de e-mail), gênero, autorização de trabalho ou informações de visto, seu histórico educacional e profissional, indicações ou referências, se você está sujeito a qualquer obrigação contratual anterior e quaisquer outras informações fornecidas por você (como aquelas incluídas em seu currículo ou carta de apresentação ou em seu perfil do Carreiras)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Salário desejado, disponibilidade para mudança, outras preferências de trabalho</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Informações que você disponibiliza publicamente, como informações de contato, formação e experiência profissional (por exemplo, quando você compartilha informações em sites de pesquisa de emprego ou de carreira, desde que isso seja relevante para considerá-lo para oportunidades de carreira) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Detalhes da entrevista e resultados de qualquer exercício de recrutamento realizado </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Qualquer necessidade especial ou condição de saúde que for divulgada e informações sobre acomodações que podem ser solicitadas por você durante o processo de recrutamento </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Se solicitadas, informações de saúde para monitorar a disseminação de doenças infecciosas no ambiente de trabalho (quando for apropriado) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Se você está sendo indicado, processaremos os dados pessoais que a pessoa que está te indicando forneceu sobre você </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Também recebemos informações como sua formação e experiência profissional, informações de contato e dados demográficos de provedores de dados de terceiros aptos a nos fornecer suas informações. Esses parceiros coletam suas informações de fontes disponíveis publicamente ou por meio de terceiros com os quais trabalham. </div></li></ul><br /><b>Observação</b>: Coletamos alguns dados pessoais porque somos obrigados a fazê-lo de acordo com as leis aplicáveis ou porque se faz necessário para dar continuidade à sua candidatura. Iremos informar você se os dados pessoais são necessários quando solicitarmos eles a você. Iremos utilizar qualquer dado pessoal que você nos enviar de acordo com esta Declaração. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Como utilizamos os dados pessoais?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Usamos seus dados pessoais (como definido acima) para os fins descritos abaixo. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Processamos seus dados pessoais conforme necessário para considerar você e avaliar sua aptidão para oportunidades de emprego com o Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Processamos dados pessoais: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Para receber, analisar e responder a sua candidatura</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Para verificar as informações que você e outras pessoas fornecem e verificar suas referências profissionais e acadêmicas</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Para avaliar sua aptidão para a oportunidade a que se candidatou e, em alguns casos, para outras oportunidades no Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Para possibilitar a entrevista/processo de recrutamento</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Para preparar uma proposta, se sua candidatura for bem-sucedida</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Se você for indicado, para informar o indicador do status e o resultado final de sua candidatura</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Se identificarmos você como um candidato potencial, conforme as informações coletadas de fontes públicas, para sugerir oportunidades adequadas a você no Meta</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Processamos seus dados pessoais para manter contato e interagir com você.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Podemos considerar você para oportunidades atuais e futuras no Meta. Por exemplo, podemos entrar em contato com você de tempos em tempos para te enviar convites para eventos que organizamos ou patrocinamos, enviar alertas ou recomendações sobre oportunidades no Meta ou pedir atualizações.<br /><br /> Você pode optar por não receber essas comunicações a qualquer momento. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Processamos seus dados pessoais para manter e melhorar nosso processo de recrutamento, para relatórios de planejamento e gerenciamento interno e para cumprir as leis e os regulamentos.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Mais detalhadamente, processamos seus dados pessoais: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Para gerenciar e melhorar o portal de Carreiras e nossos processos de recrutamento, por exemplo, para tornar o processo de candidatura mais fácil e eficiente</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Para preparar e apresentar relatórios de gerenciamento e realizar análises relacionadas às métricas de recrutamento, como a duração do processo de recrutamento, onde a anonimização não seja possível</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Para criar e enviar relatórios conforme exigido pela lei ou regulamento aplicável</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Se você aceitar uma oferta condicional nossa, processaremos seus dados pessoais para realizar a verificação de histórico (na medida que as leis aplicáveis permitirem).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Forneceremos mais informações sobre esse processamento depois de iniciar o processo de verificação de histórico. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Processamos seus dados pessoais onde as obrigações legais e regulatórias nos exigem tal processamento.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Certas obrigações legais e regulatórias exigem de nós o processamento de seus dados pessoais, inclusive para as seguintes finalidades: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Prevenção de fraude</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Controles internos e segurança da empresa</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Regulamentação financeira e tributária, o que pode incluir o compartilhamento de informações obrigatórias com autoridades tributárias, trabalhistas e de bem-estar social pertinentes</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Obrigações de saúde e segurança</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Avaliações de medicina preventiva ou ocupacional, onde aplicável</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Em relação a autorizações de trabalho e para atender às exigências de imigração, onde aplicável</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Para fornecer um ambiente de trabalho sem discriminação ilegal (ou seja, monitoramento da diversidade e de igualdade de oportunidades),para fornecer acomodações razoáveis para nossa força de trabalho e para obedecer a outras leis de proteção e segurança social do trabalhador e de proteção social</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Processamos seus dados pessoais para proteger a vida ou a segurança física de nossa força de trabalho e de outras pessoas.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Mais detalhadamente, processamos seus dados pessoais para proteger a saúde e a segurança da nossa força de trabalho e de outros em nossas instalações, no limite permitido pelas leis aplicáveis (ou seja, para monitorar e limitar a transmissão de doenças infecciosas no ambiente de trabalho). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Como as Empresas do Meta trabalham em conjunto?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> As <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Empresas do Meta</a> compartilham infraestrutura, sistemas e tecnologia para processar seus dados pessoais (conforme destacado nas seções acima), para garantir eficiência e segurança, conforme permitido pelas leis aplicáveis e de acordo com esta Declaração. Por exemplo, os recrutadores do Meta colaboram globalmente para conectar candidatos às oportunidades certas.<br /><br /> Portanto, seus dados pessoais também podem ser compartilhados entre as Empresas do Meta por necessidade contratual até o limite necessário para prestação dos seus serviços, especialmente em relação ao processo de recrutamento dos candidatos para as oportunidades de trabalho no Meta. <br /><br /> Seus dados pessoais serão transferidos para o exterior de acordo com todos os padrões e requisitos estabelecidos pela Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) do Brasil, como descrito abaixo. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Como trabalhamos com fornecedores e provedores de serviço?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Trabalhamos com parceiros terceiros que nos ajudam a gerenciar e melhorar nosso processo de recrutamento, incluindo ferramentas e sistemas usados para este fim. Entre os terceiros estão: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Provedores de serviços de recrutamento</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Fornecedores que promovem entrevistas e testes</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Fornecedores que lidam com despesas e reservas de viagem para entrevistas</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Fornecedores que viabilizam a mudança (quando aplicável)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Assessores de imigração, incluindo advogados e consultores</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Provedores de serviço de relatórios e análises</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Serviços de exames preventivos realizados antes da contratação, no limite permitido pelas leis aplicáveis.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Fornecedores que nos auxiliam na implementação de medidas de saúde e segurança.</div></li></ul><br /> Podemos compartilhar seus dados pessoais com nossos parceiros terceiros para processar seus dados no que se refere à candidatura à vaga no Facebook Brasil e ao nosso processo de recrutamento. <br /><br /> Exigimos que esses terceiros protejam os dados pessoais recebidos com as medidas de segurança adequadas e proibimos o uso dos dados para os próprios fins ou fora do necessário para fornecer o serviço. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Como respondemos a solicitações legais ou prevenimos danos?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Acessamos, mantemos e compartilhamos suas informações com órgãos reguladores, autoridades ou outros: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Em resposta a uma solicitação legal, se acreditarmos de boa-fé que a lei nos obriga a fazê-lo.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Poderemos também responder a solicitações legais quando acreditarmos de boa-fé que a resposta é exigida por lei na jurisdição em questão, diz respeito aos indivíduos na jurisdição em questão e está em conformidade com padrões reconhecidos internacionalmente.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Quando acreditamos de boa-fé que elas são necessárias: para detectar, prevenir e resolver questões de fraude, uso não autorizado de nossos sistemas ou produtos; por violar nossos termos ou políticas ou outra atividade ilegal ou prejudicial; para nos proteger (e proteger nossos direitos, propriedades e produtos), proteger a você ou a outras pessoas, inclusive como parte de investigações ou inquéritos regulatórios, ou para evitar morte ou danos corporais iminentes.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Quando estivermos sob obrigação legal, poderemos fornecer informações para a aplicação da lei.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Os dados pessoais que processamos sobre você poderão ser acessados e preservados por um longo período de tempo quando estiverem sujeitos à solicitação ou obrigação jurídica, investigação governamental ou para a prevenção de danos.</div></li></ul><br /> Podemos realizar essas ações de acordo com nossas obrigações legais, sempre que necessário para atender a nosso interesse legítimo e aos interesses legítimos de outros e quando necessário para proteger o interesse vital dos indivíduos. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Por quanto tempo retemos os dados pessoais?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Vamos reter os dados pessoais (conforme disposto na seção anterior) pelo tempo necessário para estar em conformidade com a lei brasileira, com nossas obrigações legais, para a resolução de conflitos e para aplicar nossos acordos contratuais, ou conforme necessário para nossos interesses legítimos, como para considerar você para oportunidades de emprego presentes ou futuras no Meta.<br /><br /> Se você tiver sucesso em sua candidatura para um cargo no Meta, vamos reter os dados pessoais que você forneceu durante o processo de candidatura e os dados pessoais sobre seu processo de candidatura como parte de seu registro de funcionário. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Como você pode exercer seus direitos previstos na LGPD?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> De acordo com a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (a “LGPD) brasileira, você tem o direito de acessar, retificar, portar, apagar seus dados, bem como de restringir e contestar determinado processamento dos seus dados.<br /><br /> Você pode exercer seus direitos preenchendo o Formulário sobre Direitos de Dados Siga a orientação que corresponda melhor ao seu status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Se você se candidatou para uma oportunidade na Meta usando o <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Perfil de Carreiras</a>, entre lá.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Se você já foi um funcionário da Meta, entre no <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Portal de Alunos</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Se você não tem certeza ou se os outros status não são aplicáveis, preencha o formulário no <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Transferências de dados internacionais — como operamos e transferimos dados como parte dos nossos negócios globais?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Quaisquer Dados Pessoais fornecidos por você ou coletados por nós no que se refere à sua candidatura para emprego no Meta podem ser transferidos para ou armazenados em uma região geográfica que imponha obrigações de privacidade diferentes das aplicadas no seu país de origem. <br /><br /> Compartilhamos os dados pessoais globalmente, tanto internamente dentro das Empresas do Meta (veja a seção sobre <i>Como as Empresas do Meta trabalham em conjunto</i>) quanto externamente com nossos parceiros terceiros relevantes (veja a seção sobre <i>Como trabalhamos com fornecedores e provedores de serviço</i>), conforme for necessário para nossas atividades de recrutamento. Os dados pessoais que coletarmos e processarmos serão transferidos ou transmitidos para ou armazenados e processados nos Estados Unidos ou em outros países fora de onde você mora, para os fins descritos nesta Declaração. <br /><br /> Essas transferências de dados são necessárias para nossas operações de recrutamento.<br /><br /> Seus dados pessoais serão transferidos para o exterior de acordo com os padrões e os requisitos fornecidos pela LGPD. Os terceiros com que seus Dados Pessoais podem ser compartilhados deverão possuir um nível de proteção substancialmente similar às medidas estabelecidas pela LGPD. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Como você pode entrar em contato conosco em caso de dúvidas?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><b>O controlador de dados responsável por seus dados pessoais é o Facebook Serviços Online do Brasil Ltda.</b>, que você pode entrar em contato pelo e-mail <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a>, ou por correspondência, no endereço: <br /><br /> Facebook Serviços Online do Brasil Ltda. <br /> Rua Leopoldo Couto de Magalhães Júnior, 700 <br /> Itaim Bibi, São Paulo/SP<br /> 04542-000<br /> Brazil<br /><br /> Você também pode entrar em contato com o Encarregado da Proteção dos Dados para o Facebook Serviços Online do Brasil Ltda. pelo e-mail <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a>, ou por correspondência, no endereço descrito acima.<br /><br /> A versão em inglês desta Declaração será priorizada caso haja algum conflito entre ela e esta versão. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Como notificaremos você das alterações nesta Declaração?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Podemos alterar esta Declaração de tempos em tempos. Se fizermos alterações na Declaração que sejam relevantes, publicaremos tais alterações em destaque nesta página.</div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Data da última revisão: 2 de dezembro de 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="colombia"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Colombia Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Facebook Colombia S.A.S (“FB Colombia”/“we”/“our”/“us”) collects and uses personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta. <br /><br /> As used is the Statement, “Meta” refers to Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates. <br /><br /> This Statement is applicable to our processing of all personal data about present and past candidates. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of personal data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information, your employment and education history, referrals or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g. when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health conditions, and other information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process personal data that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources or through third parties they work with </div></li></ul><br /><b>Note:</b> We collect some personal data because we are required to collect it under applicable law, or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the personal data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any personal data you submit in accordance with this Statement. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we use this personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We use your personal data (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the information you or others provide, and to check your professional and academic references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future opportunities. We may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. <br /><br /> You can opt-out of these communications at any time. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process, where anonymization is not possible</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your personal data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data where legal and regulatory obligations require us to do so.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Certain legal and regulatory obligations require us to process your personal data, including for the following purposes: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">fraud prevention;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">internal controls and company security;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">for the purposes of financial and tax regulation, which might include sharing required information with applicable tax, social welfare, and employment authorities;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">health and safety obligations;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">preventative or occupational medicine assessments, where applicable;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">in relation to work permits and complying with immigration requirements, where applicable;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to provide a working environment free from unlawful discrimination (e.g. diversity and equal opportunities monitoring), to make reasonable accommodations for our workforce, and to comply with other worker protection and social security and social protection legislation.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data in order to protect the life or physical safety of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal data to protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law (e.g. to monitor and limit the transmission of infectious diseases in the workplace). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your personal data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. <br /><br /> Therefore, your personal data may also be shared between the Meta companies due to contractual necessity, to the extent necessary for the provision of our services, especially in relation to the recruiting process of candidates for employment opportunities at Meta. <br /><br /> Your personal data will be transferred abroad according to the standards and requirements established by the applicable laws, as further described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation (where applicable)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening services, to the extent permitted by applicable law</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures.</div></li></ul><br /> We may share your personal data with our third-party partners in order to process your data in the context of your candidacy at Meta and our recruiting process. <br /><br /> We require these third parties to protect the personal data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the personal data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we secure your personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We have put in place appropriate security measures and controls to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used, accessed, altered or disclosed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors or third parties who have a business need to know, and are subject to a duty of confidentiality. <br /><br /> We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect your personal data under our control. More specifically, we implement and maintain appropriate physical, technical, administrative and organizational safeguards to protect your personal data and prevent unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you exercise your rights as a data subject?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In accordance with the provisions of the applicable law, you have the right to access, update and rectify your personal data. <br /><br /> You may also request FB Colombia for proof of the consent you previously provided for the processing of your personal data except when expressly exempted as a requirement for processing, in accordance with the provisions of applicable law. <br /><br /> You also have the right to revoke consent and/or request suppression of your personal data in certain circumstances (e.g., when your constitutional and legal rights are not respected). Unless otherwise established by applicable law(s), the revocation and/or suppression will proceed only if it is determined that FB Colombia has infringed the applicable law while processing your personal data. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul> Any requests will be handled in accordance with the procedures and timeframes prescribed by the applicable law. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>International data transfers – How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Any Personal Data you provide to us or we collect in relation to your candidacy for employment at Meta, may be transferred to or stored in a geographic region that imposes different privacy obligations than your country of origin. <br /><br /> We share personal data globally, both internally within the Meta companies (see section on <i>How do the Meta companies work together</i>), and externally with our relevant third-party partners (see section on <i>How do we work with vendors and service providers</i>), as necessary for our recruiting activities. Personal data we collect, and process may be transferred or transmitted to, or stored and processed in the United States (Meta Platforms, Inc. domiciled at 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, United states of America) or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement only if it is necessary for the fulfillment of: (i) the purposes for which your personal data was collected as provided in this Statement; and/or (ii) our legal obligations. <br /><br /> These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data will be transferred abroad according to the standards and requisites provided by the applicable laws. Third parties with which your Personal Data may be shared shall have a level of protection substantially similar to the measures established by the applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you contact us with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You can contact us with any questions or inquiries relating to your personal data at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a>, or by mail at: <br /><br /> Facebook Colombia S.A.S<br /> Edificio Sequoya<br /> Carrera 11 # 79-75, 8th floor<br /> Bogota, Colombia 110221<br /><br /> In case of conflict between the Spanish and English versions of this Statement, the latter will govern. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How will we notify you of changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of Last Revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Declaración de privacidad para candidatos de Colombia</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> En esta Declaración de privacidad para candidatos (&quot;Declaración&quot;), se detalla cómo Facebook Colombia S.A.S. (&quot;Facebook Colombia&quot;, &quot;nosotros&quot;, &quot;nuestro[s]&quot;, &quot;nuestra[s]&quot;, &quot;nos&quot;) recopila y usa datos personales en el contexto de tu postulación para un empleo de Meta. <br /><br /> Como se usan en la Declaración, &quot;Meta&quot; hace referencia a Meta Platforms, Inc. y a sus empresas subsidiarias o afiliadas. <br /><br /> Esta Declaración se aplica al tratamiento que hacemos de todos los datos personales de candidatos actuales o anteriores. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Qué tipos de datos personales recopilamos y tratamos?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Los tipos de datos personales que podemos recopilar y tratar (para los fines descritos en la siguiente sección) incluyen: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> El nombre, la información de contacto (como tu dirección postal, número de teléfono o dirección de correo electrónico), el sexo, la información relativa al permiso o a la visa de trabajo, tu historial laboral y académico, recomendaciones o referencias, si estás sujeto a cualquier obligación con respecto a tu empleador anterior y cualquier otro dato que proporciones (como la información que figura en tu currículum, carta de presentación o perfil profesional). </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Tus expectativas salariales, tu disposición para trasladarte y otras preferencias laborales. </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Los datos de carácter público disponibles, como tu información de contacto, educación y experiencia laboral (por ejemplo, la información que hayas compartido en sitios web de búsqueda de empleo y de redes de contactos profesionales si es relevante para considerarte en oportunidades laborales). </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Detalles sobre las entrevistas y los resultados de los posibles ejercicios que realices durante el proceso de contratación. </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Cualquier necesidad especial o problema de salud, si se divulga, así como otra información relacionada con posibles adaptaciones que solicites durante el proceso de contratación. </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Si así se solicita, información de salud para controlar la propagación de enfermedades infecciosas en el lugar de trabajo (si corresponde). </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> En el caso de tener referencias, tratamos los datos personales que nos proporciona la persona que brinda dichas referencias. </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Asimismo, recibimos información, como tu educación y experiencia laboral, información de contacto y datos demográficos, de proveedores de datos externos que tengan derechos para proporcionarnos tu información. Estos socios recopilan dicha información a partir de fuentes públicas disponibles o por medio de terceros con los que colaboren. </div></li></ul><br /><b>Nota:</b> Recopilamos ciertos datos personales porque así lo exige la legislación aplicable, o bien porque es necesario para que avance el proceso de revisión de tu solicitud. Cuando te solicitemos que nos brindes datos personales, te indicaremos si es obligatorio proporcionárnoslos. Utilizaremos los datos personales que nos hagas llegar conforme a lo establecido en esta Declaración. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo usamos estos datos personales?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Usamos los datos personales (según lo dispuesto anteriormente) para los fines que se describen a continuación. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Tratamos tus datos personales según sea necesario para tener en cuenta tu solicitud en oportunidades laborales que Meta ofrece, así como para evaluar si cumples los requisitos necesarios para ellas.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Tratamos datos personales para: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">recibir y revisar tu solicitud, y responder a ella;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">verificar la información que tú u otras personas nos proporcionan, así como para verificar tus referencias profesionales y académicas;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">evaluar si cumples los requisitos para el puesto que solicitas y, en ciertos casos, para otras oportunidades laborales en Meta;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">facilitar el proceso de entrevistas y contratación;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">redactar una carta de oferta de empleo si tu solicitud es seleccionada;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">informar a la persona que haya proporcionado tus referencias el estado de tu solicitud y el resultado final; y</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">sugerirte oportunidades laborales adecuadas en Meta si, mediante la información que recopilamos de fuentes públicas, se determina que eres un candidato potencial.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Tratamos tus datos personales para mantenernos en contacto e interactuar contigo.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Es posible que tengamos en cuenta tu solicitud para otras oportunidades laborales disponibles, ya sea de forma paralela a tu participación en un proceso de contratación en Meta o más adelante. Podemos comunicarnos contigo de vez en cuando, por ejemplo, para invitarte a eventos que organizamos o patrocinamos, enviarte alertas o recomendaciones sobre oportunidades en Meta, o solicitarte actualizaciones. <br /><br /> Puedes cancelar tu suscripción a este tipo de mensajes cuando quieras. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Tratamos tus datos personales para llevar a cabo y mejorar los procesos de contratación, realizar tareas de planificación interna e informes administrativos, y cumplir las leyes y normativas aplicables.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Concretamente, tratamos tus datos personales para: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">administrar y mejorar el portal de empleo y nuestros procesos de contratación, por ejemplo, con el fin de hacerlos más sencillos y eficientes.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">preparar y realizar informes administrativos, además de llevar a cabo análisis relacionados con los resultados del proceso de contratación, como su duración, cuando no es posible hacerlo de forma anónima; y</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">crear y enviar informes si las leyes o normativas aplicables así lo exigen.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Si te hacemos una oferta condicional y la aceptas, trataremos tus datos personales para llevar a cabo la verificación de tus antecedentes (en la medida en que lo permita la legislación aplicable).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Te proporcionaremos información adicional en relación con dicho tratamiento en el momento en que se inicie el proceso de verificación de antecedentes. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Tratamos tus datos personales si así lo exigen las obligaciones legales y regulatorias.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Hay determinadas obligaciones legales y regulatorias que nos exigen que tratemos tus datos personales, incluyendo para: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">prevenir fraudes;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">realizar controles internos y proteger la seguridad de la empresa;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">cumplir con la regulación financiera e impositiva, lo que puede incluir compartir información solicitada con las autoridades fiscales, de asistencia social y de empleo pertinentes;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">cumplir con obligaciones de salud y seguridad;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">llevar a cabo evaluaciones de medicina preventiva u ocupacional, si corresponde;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">procesar permisos de trabajo y cumplir con los requisitos de las leyes de inmigración, si corresponde; y</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">favorecer un entorno de trabajo sin discriminación ilegal (p. ej., supervisión relativa a la diversidad y la igualdad de oportunidades), hacer las adaptaciones razonables para nuestro personal y cumplir con otras leyes de protección social, de seguridad social y laboral.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Tratamos tus datos personales para proteger la vida o la seguridad física de nuestros empleados y otras personas.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Asimismo, tratamos tus datos personales para proteger la salud y la seguridad de nuestro personal y otras personas en nuestras instalaciones, en la medida en que la ley aplicable lo permita (p. ej., para controlar y limitar la propagación de enfermedades infecciosas en el lugar de trabajo). </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo trabajan en conjunto las empresas de Meta?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Las <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">empresas de Meta</a> comparten infraestructuras, sistemas y tecnologías para tratar tus datos personales (según lo dispuesto en las secciones anteriores) y así poder garantizar la eficacia y la seguridad, en la medida en que la legislación aplicable lo permita y en virtud de la presente Declaración. Por ejemplo, el personal encargado de las contrataciones en Meta colabora de forma internacional para hacer llegar a los candidatos las oportunidades laborales adecuadas. <br /><br /> Por lo tanto, es posible que las empresas de Meta compartan tus datos personales entre sí debido a una necesidad contractual, en la medida en que sea necesario para proporcionar nuestros servicios, en especial en relación con el proceso de contratación de candidatos para oportunidades laborales en Meta. <br /><br /> Tus datos personales se transferirán al extranjero de acuerdo con las normas y los requisitos que establezca la legislación aplicable, según se describe en más detalle a continuación. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo trabajamos con los proveedores de servicios?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Trabajamos con socios externos que nos ayudan a administrar y mejorar nuestros procesos de contratación, incluidos las herramientas y los sistemas que empleamos con este fin. Entre estos socios externos se incluyen: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores de servicios de contratación de personal;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores que hacen posible que se lleven a cabo entrevistas y pruebas;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores que se encargan de la reserva de viajes y la cobertura de los gastos relacionados con las entrevistas;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores que hacen posible los traslados (si corresponde);</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">asesores en materia de inmigración, incluidos abogados y expertos;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores de informes y servicios de análisis;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">servicios de selección previa a la contratación de personal, en la medida en que la legislación aplicable lo permita; y</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores que nos ayudan con la implementación de medidas de salud y seguridad.</div></li></ul><br /> Podemos compartir tus datos personales con nuestros socios externos a fin de tratar dichos datos en el contexto de tu postulación en Meta y nuestro proceso de contratación de personal. <br /><br /> Exigimos a estos socios externos que apliquen medidas de protección adecuadas para salvaguardar los datos personales que reciben y les prohibimos que los usen para sus propios fines o en casos en los que no sea necesario para ofrecer el servicio. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo garantizamos la seguridad de tus datos personales?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Aplicamos controles y medidas de seguridad pertinentes para evitar que tus datos personales se pierdan por accidente o se usen, alteren o divulguen, o bien se acceda a ellos, sin autorización. Solo pueden acceder a tus datos personales aquellos empleados, agentes, contratistas o terceros que deban obtenerlos debido a una necesidad comercial y que estén sujetos a una obligación de confidencialidad. <br /><br /> Cumplimos con normas del sector de aceptación general para proteger los datos personales que estén en nuestro poder. Más específicamente, implementamos y mantenemos medidas de seguridad organizativas, administrativas, técnicas y físicas para proteger tus datos personales y evitar riesgos de acceso, recopilación, uso, divulgación, copia, modificación o eliminación no autorizados, u otros similares. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo puedes ejercer tus derechos como interesado?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> De conformidad con las disposiciones de la legislación aplicable, tienes derecho a acceder a tus datos personales, así como actualizarlos y rectificarlos. <br /><br /> Asimismo, puedes solicitar a Facebook Colombia un comprobante del consentimiento que proporcionaste anteriormente para el tratamiento de tus datos personales, excepto si dicho consentimiento se brindó expresamente como requisito del tratamiento, de conformidad con las disposiciones de la legislación aplicable. <br /><br /> Asimismo, tienes derecho a revocar el consentimiento o a solicitar que se supriman tus datos personales en determinadas circunstancias (por ejemplo, cuando no se respetan tus derechos legales o constitucionales). A menos que la legislación aplicable lo disponga de otro modo, se llevará a cabo la revocación o supresión solo si se determina que Facebook Colombia infringió la ley aplicable durante el tratamiento de tus datos personales. <br /><br /> Puede ejercer sus derechos cumplimentando el Formulario de Derechos de Datos. Sigue la guía que mejor se adapte a tu situación: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Si solicitaste un empleo en Meta utilizando el <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Perfil de Carrera</a>, inicia sesión allí.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Si eres un antiguo empleado de Meta, entra en el <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Portal de Antiguos Alumnos</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Si no estás seguro o si los otros estatus no se aplican a ti, rellena el formulario en <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul> Todas las solicitudes se gestionarán de conformidad con los procedimientos y plazos prescritos por las leyes aplicables. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Transferencias internacionales de datos: ¿cómo operamos y transferimos datos como parte de nuestros servicios internacionales?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Los datos personales que proporciones o que recopilemos en relación con tu postulación a un empleo en Meta pueden transferirse a una región geográfica que imponga obligaciones de privacidad diferentes de las que se imponen en el país de origen, o bien almacenarse allí. <br /><br /> Compartimos datos personales en todo el mundo, tanto de forma interna con las empresas de Meta (consulta la sección <i>¿Cómo trabajan en conjunto las empresas de Meta?</i>) como de forma externa con nuestros socios externos relevantes (consulta la sección <i>¿Cómo trabajamos con los proveedores de servicios?</i>), según sea necesario para llevar adelante nuestras actividades de contratación. Los datos personales que recopilamos y tratamos se pueden transferir o transmitir a los Estados Unidos (Meta Platforms, Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, Estados Unidos de América) o a otros países distintos del lugar donde resides, o almacenar y tratar allí, según los fines descritos en esta Declaración, solo si es necesario para el cumplimiento de (i) los propósitos para los que se recopilaron según se indica en esta Declaración o (ii) nuestras obligaciones legales. <br /><br /> Estos datos son necesarios para poder llevar a cabo nuestras tareas de contratación de personal. <br /><br /> Tus datos personales se transferirán al extranjero de acuerdo con las normas y los requisitos que establezca la legislación aplicable. Los terceros con los que se compartan tus datos personales deben mantener un nivel de protección que se asemeje sustancialmente a las medidas que establece la legislación aplicable. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo puedes hacernos llegar tus dudas?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Si tienes dudas o preguntas respecto de tus datos personales, comunícate con nosotros por correo electrónico a <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> o por correo postal a: <br /><br /> Facebook Colombia S.A.S.<br /> Edificio Sequoya<br /> Carrera 11 # 79-75, 8.º piso<br /> Bogotá, Colombia 110221<br /><br /> En caso de conflicto entre las versiones en español e inglés de esta Declaración, regirá esta última. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo notificaremos los cambios que se efectúen en esta Declaración?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Es posible que modifiquemos esta Declaración de vez en cuando. Si realizamos cambios importantes en ella, los publicaremos de forma claramente visible en <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">esta página</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Fecha de la última revisión: 2 de diciembre de 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="mexico"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Mexico Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) informs you of how Facebook Mexico S.A.S. (“FB Mexico”/“we”/“our”/“us”) collects and uses personal data in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta. <br /><br /> As used is the Statement, “Meta” refers to Meta Platforms, Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates. <br /><br /> This Statement is applicable to our processing of all personal data about present and past candidates. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>What kinds of personal data do we collect and process?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The types of personal data we may collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), gender, work permit or visa information, your employment and education history, referrals or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide (such as information included in your resume, cover letter or on your Career Profile) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g. when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If disclosed, any special needs or health conditions, and other information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you&#039;re being referred, we process personal data that the person referring you provides about you </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> We also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources or through third parties they work with </div></li></ul><br /><b>Note:</b> We collect some personal data because we are required to collect it under applicable law, or need it to move forward with your application. We&#039;ll tell you if the personal data is required when we ask you to provide it. We&#039;ll use any personal data you submit in accordance with this Statement. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we use this personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We use your personal data (as set out above), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to verify the information you or others provide, and to check your professional and academic references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">if you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to stay in touch and engage with you.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future opportunities. We may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data to maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make the application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process, where anonymization is not possible</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your personal data for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data where legal and regulatory obligations require us to do so.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Certain legal and regulatory obligations require us to process your personal data, including for the following purposes: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">fraud prevention;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">internal controls and company security;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">for the purposes of financial and tax regulation, which might include sharing required information with applicable tax, social welfare, and employment authorities;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">health and safety obligations;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">preventative or occupational medicine assessments, where applicable;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">in relation to work permits and complying with immigration requirements, where applicable;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to provide a working environment free from unlawful discrimination (e.g. diversity and equal opportunities monitoring), to make reasonable accommodations for our workforce, and to comply with other worker protection and social security and social protection legislation.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We process your personal data in order to protect the life or physical safety of our workforce and others.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal data: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">to maintain the safety, integrity, and security of Meta, its employees, and others as required or permitted by law, including but not limited to conducting background and security checks. As a Meta job applicant, you also agree that we may review and use any information collected pursuant to our <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> to promote safety and security on and off Meta products</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to process your personal data (as outlined in the sections above), to ensure efficiency and security, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. <br /><br /> Therefore, your personal data may also be shared between the Meta companies due to contractual necessity, to the extent necessary for the provision of its services, especially in relation to the recruiting process of candidates for employment opportunities at Meta. <br /><br /> Your personal data will be transferred abroad according to the standards and requirements established by the applicable laws, as further described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting process, including tools and systems we use for this purpose. These third parties include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation (where applicable)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening services, to the extent permitted by applicable law</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures.</div></li></ul><br /> We may share your personal data with our third-party partners in order to process your data in the context of your candidacy at Meta and our recruiting process. <br /><br /> We require these third parties to protect the personal data they receive with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using the personal data for their own purposes or outside what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>For how long do we retain personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We&#039;ll retain personal data (as set out in the preceding section), for as long as is required in order to comply with our legal obligations, to enforce our contractual agreements, or as necessary for our legitimate interests, such as to consider you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta. <br /><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the personal data you provide during the application process, and personal data about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we secure your personal data?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We have put in place appropriate security measures and controls to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used, accessed, altered or disclosed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors or third parties who have a business need to know, and are subject to a duty of confidentiality. <br /><br /> We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect your personal data under our control. More specifically, we implement and maintain appropriate physical, technical, administrative and organizational safeguards to protect your personal data and prevent unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you exercise your rights as a data subject?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In accordance with the provisions of the applicable law, you have the right to access, update and rectify your personal data. <br /><br /> You may also request FB México for proof of the consent you previously provided for the processing of your personal data except when expressly exempted as a requirement for processing, in accordance with the provisions of applicable law. <br /><br /> You also have the right to revoke consent and/or request suppression of your personal data in certain circumstances (e.g., when your constitutional and legal rights are not respected). Unless otherwise established by applicable law(s), the revocation and/or suppression will proceed only if it is determined that FB México has infringed the applicable law while processing your personal data. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>International data transfers – How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Any personal data you provide to us or we collect in relation to your candidacy for employment at Meta, may be transferred to or stored in a geographic region that imposes different privacy obligations than your country of origin. <br /><br /> We share personal data globally, both internally within the Meta companies (see section on <i>How do the Meta companies work together</i>), and externally with our relevant third-party partners (see section on <i>How do we work with vendors and service providers</i>), as necessary for our recruiting activities. Personal data we collect, and process will be transferred or transmitted to, or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement only if it is necessary for the fulfillment of: (i) the purposes for which your personal data was collected as provided in this Statement; and/or (ii) our legal obligations. <br /><br /> These data transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations. <br /><br /> Your personal data will be transferred abroad according to the standards and requisites provided by the applicable laws. Third parties with which your personal data may be shared shall have a level of protection substantially similar to the measures established by the applicable laws. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you contact us with questions?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> You can contact us with any questions or inquiries relating to your personal data at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a>, or by mail at: <br /><br /> Facebook Mexico S.A.S.<br /> Pedregal 24, Piso #18<br /> Col. Molino del Rey - Del. Miguel Hidalgo<br /> D.F. 11040 Mexico Distrito Federal, CMX<br /><br /> You also have the right to submit a claim with the relevant authority in relation to your personal data. <br /><br /> In case of conflict between the Spanish and English versions of this Statement, the latter will govern. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How will we notify you of changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">this page</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of Last Revision: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Declaración de privacidad para candidatos de México</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> En esta Declaración de privacidad para candidatos (&quot;Declaración&quot;), se detalla cómo Facebook Mexico S.A.S. (&quot;FB Mexico&quot;, &quot;nosotros&quot;, &quot;nuestro[s]&quot;, &quot;nuestra[s]&quot;, &quot;nos&quot;) recopila y usa datos personales en el contexto de tu postulación para un empleo de Meta. <br /><br /> Como se usan en la Declaración, &quot;Meta&quot; hace referencia a Meta Platforms, Inc. y a sus empresas subsidiarias o afiliadas. <br /><br /> Esta Declaración se aplica al tratamiento que hacemos de todos los datos personales de candidatos actuales o anteriores. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Qué tipos de datos personales recopilamos y tratamos?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Los tipos de datos personales que podemos recopilar y tratar (para los fines descritos en la siguiente sección) incluyen: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> El nombre, la información de contacto (como tu dirección postal, número de teléfono o dirección de correo electrónico), el sexo, la información relativa al permiso o a la visa de trabajo, tu historial laboral y académico, recomendaciones o referencias, si estás sujeto a cualquier obligación con respecto a tu empleador anterior y cualquier otro dato que proporciones (como la información que figura en tu currículum, carta de presentación o perfil profesional) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Tus expectativas salariales, tu disposición para trasladarte y otras preferencias laborales </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Los datos de carácter público disponibles, como tu información de contacto, educación y experiencia laboral (por ejemplo, la información que hayas compartido en sitios web de búsqueda de empleo y de redes de contactos profesionales si es relevante para considerarte en oportunidades laborales) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Detalles sobre las entrevistas y los resultados de los posibles ejercicios que realices durante el proceso de contratación </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Cualquier necesidad especial o problema de salud, si se divulga, así como otra información relacionada con posibles adaptaciones que solicites durante el proceso de contratación. </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Si así se solicita, información de salud para controlar la propagación de enfermedades infecciosas en el lugar de trabajo (si corresponde) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> En el caso de tener referencias, tratamos los datos personales que nos proporciona la persona que brinda dichas referencias </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Asimismo, recibimos información, como tu educación y experiencia laboral, información de contacto y datos demográficos, de proveedores de datos externos que tengan derechos para proporcionarnos tu información. Estos socios recopilan dicha información a partir de fuentes públicas disponibles o por medio de terceros con los que colaboran </div></li></ul><br /><b>Nota:</b> Recopilamos ciertos datos personales porque así lo exige la legislación aplicable, o bien porque es necesario para que avance el proceso de revisión de tu solicitud. Cuando te solicitemos que nos brindes datos personales, te indicaremos si es obligatorio proporcionárnoslos. Utilizaremos los datos personales que nos hagas llegar conforme a lo establecido en esta Declaración. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo usamos estos datos personales?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Usamos los datos personales (según lo dispuesto anteriormente) para los fines que se describen a continuación. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Tratamos tus datos personales según sea necesario para tener en cuenta tu solicitud en oportunidades laborales que Meta ofrece, así como para evaluar si cumples los requisitos necesarios para ellas.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Tratamos datos personales para: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">recibir y revisar tu solicitud, y responder a ella;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">verificar la información que tú u otras personas nos proporcionan, así como para verificar tus referencias profesionales y académicas;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">evaluar si cumples los requisitos para el puesto que solicitas y, en ciertos casos, para otras oportunidades laborales en Meta;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">facilitar el proceso de entrevistas o contratación;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">redactar una carta de oferta de empleo si tu solicitud es seleccionada;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">informar a la persona que haya proporcionado tus referencias el estado de tu solicitud y el resultado final; y</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">sugerirte oportunidades laborales adecuadas en Meta si, mediante la información que recopilamos de fuentes públicas, se determina que eres un candidato potencial.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Tratamos tus datos personales para mantenernos en contacto e interactuar contigo.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Es posible que tengamos en cuenta tu solicitud para otras oportunidades laborales disponibles, ya sea de forma paralela a tu participación en un proceso de contratación en Meta o más adelante. Podemos comunicarnos contigo de vez en cuando, por ejemplo, para invitarte a eventos que organizamos o patrocinamos, enviarte alertas o recomendaciones sobre oportunidades en Meta, o solicitarte actualizaciones. Puedes cancelar tu suscripción a este tipo de mensajes cuando quieras. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Tratamos tus datos personales para llevar a cabo y mejorar los procesos de contratación, realizar tareas de planificación interna e informes administrativos, y cumplir las leyes y normativas aplicables.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Concretamente, tratamos tus datos personales para: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">administrar y mejorar el portal de empleo y nuestros procesos de contratación, por ejemplo, con el fin de hacerlos más sencillos y eficientes;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">preparar y realizar informes administrativos, además de llevar a cabo análisis relacionados con los resultados del proceso de contratación, como su duración, cuando no es posible hacerlo de forma anónima; y</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">crear y enviar informes si las leyes o normativas aplicables así lo exigen.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Si te hacemos una oferta condicional y la aceptas, trataremos tus datos personales para llevar a cabo la verificación de tus antecedentes (en la medida en que lo permita la legislación aplicable).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Te proporcionaremos información adicional en relación con dicho tratamiento en el momento en que se inicie el proceso de verificación de antecedentes. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Tratamos tus datos personales si así lo exigen las obligaciones legales y regulatorias.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Hay determinadas obligaciones legales y regulatorias que nos exigen que tratemos tus datos personales, incluyendo para: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">prevenir fraudes;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">realizar controles internos y proteger la seguridad de la empresa;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">cumplir con la regulación financiera e impositiva, lo que puede incluir compartir información solicitada con las autoridades fiscales, de asistencia social y de empleo pertinentes;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">cumplir con obligaciones de salud y seguridad;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">llevar a cabo evaluaciones de medicina preventiva u ocupacional, si corresponde;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">procesar permisos de trabajo y cumplir con los requisitos de las leyes de inmigración, si corresponde; y</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">favorecer un entorno de trabajo sin discriminación ilegal (p. ej., supervisión relativa a la diversidad y la igualdad de oportunidades), hacer las adaptaciones razonables para nuestro personal y cumplir con otras leyes de protección social, de seguridad social y laboral.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Tratamos tus datos personales para proteger la vida o la seguridad física de nuestros empleados y otras personas.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Concretamente, tratamos tus datos personales para: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proteger la salud y la seguridad de nuestro personal y otras personas en nuestras instalaciones, en la medida en que la legislación aplicable lo permita; y</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">garantizar la seguridad, integridad y protección de Meta, sus empleados y otros, según lo exija o permita la legislación aplicable, incluido, sin limitación, realizar controles de seguridad y averiguación de antecedentes. Como postulante para Meta, también aceptas que podemos revisar y usar la información recopilada de conformidad con nuestra <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Política de datos</a> para fomentar la seguridad y protección tanto dentro como fuera de los productos de Meta.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo trabajan en conjunto las empresas de Meta?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Las <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">empresas de Meta</a> comparten infraestructuras, sistemas y tecnologías para tratar tus datos personales (según lo dispuesto en las secciones anteriores) y así poder garantizar la eficacia y la seguridad, en la medida en que la legislación aplicable lo permita y en virtud de la presente Declaración. Por ejemplo, el personal encargado de las contrataciones en Meta colabora de forma internacional para hacer llegar a los candidatos las oportunidades laborales adecuadas. <br /><br /> Por lo tanto, es posible que las empresas de Meta compartan tus datos personales entre sí debido a una necesidad contractual, en la medida en que sea necesario para proporcionar sus servicios, en especial en relación con el proceso de contratación de candidatos para oportunidades laborales en Meta. <br /><br /> Tus datos personales se transferirán al extranjero de acuerdo con las normas y los requisitos que establezca la legislación aplicable, según se describe en más detalle a continuación. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo trabajamos con los proveedores de servicios?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Trabajamos con socios externos que nos ayudan a administrar y mejorar nuestros procesos de contratación, incluidos las herramientas y los sistemas que empleamos con este fin. Entre estos socios externos se incluyen: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores de servicios de contratación de personal;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores que hacen posible que se lleven a cabo entrevistas y pruebas;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores que se encargan de la reserva de viajes y la cobertura de los gastos relacionados con las entrevistas;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores que hacen posible los traslados (si corresponde);</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">asesores en materia de inmigración, incluidos abogados y expertos;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores de informes y servicios de análisis;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">servicios de selección previa a la contratación de personal, en la medida en que la legislación aplicable lo permita; y</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">proveedores que nos ayudan con la implementación de medidas de salud y seguridad.</div></li></ul><br /> Podemos compartir tus datos personales con nuestros socios externos a fin de tratar dichos datos en el contexto de tu postulación en Meta y nuestro proceso de contratación de personal. <br /><br /> Exigimos a estos socios externos que apliquen medidas de protección adecuadas para salvaguardar los datos personales que reciben y les prohibimos que los usen para sus propios fines o en casos en los que no sea necesario para ofrecer el servicio. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservamos datos personales?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Retendremos los datos personales (según lo dispuesto en la sección anterior) durante el tiempo que sea necesario para cumplir con nuestras obligaciones legales, formalizar nuestros acuerdos contractuales o proteger nuestros intereses legítimos (por ejemplo, para tener en cuenta tu candidatura para oportunidades laborales actuales y futuras en Meta. <br /><br /> Si finalmente resultas elegido para ocupar un puesto en Meta, retendremos los datos personales que nos proporciones durante el proceso de contratación y los datos personales relativos al proceso en sí como parte de tu registro de empleado. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo garantizamos la seguridad de tus datos personales?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Aplicamos controles y medidas de seguridad pertinentes para evitar que tus datos personales se pierdan por accidente o se usen, alteren o divulguen, o bien se acceda a ellos, sin autorización. Solo pueden acceder a tus datos personales aquellos empleados, agentes, contratistas o terceros que deban obtenerlos debido a una necesidad comercial y que estén sujetos a una obligación de confidencialidad. <br /><br /> Cumplimos con normas del sector de aceptación general para proteger los datos personales que estén en nuestro poder. Más específicamente, implementamos y mantenemos medidas de seguridad organizativas, administrativas, técnicas y físicas para proteger tus datos personales y evitar riesgos de acceso, recopilación, uso, divulgación, copia, modificación o eliminación no autorizados, u otros similares. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo puedes ejercer tus derechos como interesado?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> De conformidad con las disposiciones de la legislación aplicable, tienes derecho a acceder a tus datos personales, así como actualizarlos y rectificarlos. <br /><br /> Asimismo, puedes solicitar a Facebook Mexico un comprobante del consentimiento que proporcionaste anteriormente para el tratamiento de tus datos personales, excepto si dicho consentimiento se excluyó expresamente como requisito del tratamiento, de conformidad con las disposiciones de la legislación aplicable. <br /><br /> Asimismo, tienes derecho a revocar el consentimiento o a solicitar que se supriman tus datos personales en determinadas circunstancias (por ejemplo, cuando no se respetan tus derechos legales o constitucionales). A menos que la legislación aplicable lo disponga de otro modo, se llevará a cabo la revocación o supresión solo si se determina que Facebook Mexico infringió la ley aplicable durante el tratamiento de tus datos personales. <br /><br /> Puede ejercer sus derechos completando el formulario de derechos de datos. Siga la orientación que mejor corresponda a su estado: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Si solicita un trabajo de Meta usando <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Perfil de Career</a>, haga clic en allí.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Si eres un ex empleado de Meta, ingrese en el <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Portal de Alumni</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Si no está seguro o si los demás estatutos no le aplican, rellene el formulario en <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Transferencias internacionales de datos: ¿cómo operamos y transferimos datos como parte de nuestros servicios internacionales?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Los datos personales que proporciones o que recopilemos en relación con tu postulación a un empleo en Meta pueden transferirse a una región geográfica que imponga obligaciones de privacidad diferentes de las que se imponen en el país de origen, o bien almacenarse allí. <br /><br /> Compartimos datos personales en todo el mundo, tanto de forma interna con las empresas de Meta (consulta la sección <i>¿Cómo trabajan en conjunto las empresas de Meta?</i>) como de forma externa con nuestros socios externos relevantes (consulta la sección <i>¿Cómo trabajamos con los proveedores de servicios?</i>), según sea necesario para llevar adelante nuestras actividades de contratación. Los datos personales que recopilamos y tratamos se transferirán o transmitirán a los Estados Unidos o a otros países distintos del lugar donde resides, o se almacenarán y tratarán allí, según los fines descritos en esta Declaración, solo si es necesario para el cumplimiento de (i) los propósitos para los que se recopilaron según se indica en esta Declaración o (ii) nuestras obligaciones legales. <br /><br /> Estos datos son necesarios para poder llevar a cabo nuestras tareas de contratación de personal. <br /><br /> Tus datos personales se transferirán al extranjero de acuerdo con las normas y los requisitos que establezca la legislación aplicable. Los terceros con los que se compartan tus datos personales deben mantener un nivel de protección que se asemeje sustancialmente a las medidas que establece la legislación aplicable. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo puedes hacernos llegar tus dudas?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Si tienes dudas o preguntas respecto de tus datos personales, comunícate con nosotros por correo electrónico a <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a> o por correo postal a: <br /><br /> Facebook Mexico S.A.S.<br /> Pedregal 24, Piso #18<br /> Col. Molino del Rey - Del. Miguel Hidalgo<br /> D.F. 11040 Mexico Distrito Federal, CMX<br /><br /> También tienes derecho a presentar una reclamación en relación con tus datos personales ante la autoridad pertinente. <br /><br /> En caso de conflicto entre las versiones en español e inglés de esta Declaración, regirá esta última. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>¿Cómo notificaremos los cambios que se efectúen en esta Declaración?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Es posible que modifiquemos esta Declaración de vez en cuando. Si realizamos cambios importantes en ella, los publicaremos de forma claramente visible en <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank" data-lnfb-mode="ie">esta página</a>. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Fecha de la última revisión: 2 de diciembre de 2021 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="california"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">California Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p">This Candidate Privacy Statement (“Statement”) describes the Personal Information Meta Platforms, Inc. (“Meta Inc.,&quot; &quot;we,” “us,” “our”) collects about you in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Platforms Inc., as well as the purposes for which Meta collects and uses that information. Please also see the Cookie Notice for further information on Meta&#039;s use of cookies on the Meta Careers site. <br /><br /> As used in this Statement, &quot;Meta&quot; refers to Meta Platforms, Inc. <br /><br /> When we say Personal Information in this Statement, we mean information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with you. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Does Meta collect my Personal Information?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We process information about you, including Personal Information, for purposes related to your candidacy. We collect Personal Information from you directly, from your referees, and other third parties. We may have collected over the past 12 months the following categories of Personal Information about you: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"><b>Identifiers</b>, such as your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), work permit or visa information, your employment and education history, referrals or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you make publicly available or you provide to us (such as information included in your resume, cover letter, or on your Career Profile).</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"><b>Education Information</b>, such as information about your education background collected from you, referees and other third parties, such as background check companies, during the application process.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"><b>Professional or Employment Information</b>, such as information about your desired salary, willingness to relocate, other job preferences, interview details, and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete. We may also receive information such as your education and work experience, contact information, from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information. These partners collect your information from publicly available sources, or through third parties they work with.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"><b>Sensitive Personal Information</b>, as defined in the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and that you provide us, such as your Social Security, driver&#039;s license, state identification card, or passport number; racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs; and health-related information, including physical or mental disability and information relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"><b>Other characteristics of protected classifications</b>, such as your gender, if you disclose such information.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we use Personal Information?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We use the Personal Information described above in the context of your candidacy for employment at Meta. Our business purposes for collecting this information include: <br /><br /> To consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta, for example: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the information you or others provide, and to check your references;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application; and</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from information that we&#039;ve collected from public sources, in order to suggest suitable opportunities for you at Meta.</div></li></ul><br /> To stay in touch and engage with you. In considering you for opportunities at Meta we may consider you for current and future opportunities. We may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. You can opt-out of these communications at any time.<br /><br /> To maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with laws and regulations, for example: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for instance, to make the application process easier and more efficient;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To defend your or our interests in actual or threatened legal proceedings, or regulatory, administrative, or legislative inquiries or investigations;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To maintain the safety, integrity, and security of Meta, its employees, and others as required or permitted by law, including but not limited to conducting background and security checks. As a Meta job applicant, you also agree that we may review and use any information collected pursuant to our <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> to promote safety and security on and off Meta products</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of employees and others in our facilities to the extent permitted by applicable law (e.g. to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate); and</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required by applicable law or regulation.</div></li></ul><br /> If you accept a conditional offer from us, we process your information for background verification (to the extent permitted by applicable laws). We&#039;ll provide further information regarding this processing upon the start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we use Sensitive Personal Information?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We use the Sensitive Personal Information, as defined in the CCPA and described above in the context of your candidacy for employment at Meta. Our business purposes for collecting this information include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To perform services reasonably expected by an individual in the context of their candidacy for employment;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prevent, detect, and investigate security incidents that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity, or confidentiality of stored or transmitted personal information;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To resist malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal actions directed at us and to prosecute those responsible for those actions;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To ensure the physical safety of natural persons;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">For short-term, transient use;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To perform services on behalf of Meta, such as verifying your eligibility to work in a specific location, conducting background verifications (to the extent permitted by applicable laws), providing analytic services, providing storage, or providing similar services;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify or maintain the quality or safety of our workplace or employment services, and to make improvements in our workplace and in the employment services offered by Meta; and</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">For purposes that do not infer characteristics about you.</div></li></ul><br /> In each instance, the use of sensitive personal information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for the purpose outlined above. <br /><br /> For categories of sensitive personal information that we collect, we will only use or disclose it as described in this Statement or otherwise permitted by law, including the CCPA. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we disclose Personal Information, including Sensitive Personal Information?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p">We disclose Personal Information about you in the context of your candidacy for employment at Meta for the business purposes described directly above. We don&#039;t sell or share, as those terms are defined in the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), any of your Personal Information (including sensitive Personal Information), nor have we sold or shared any Personal Information (including sensitive Personal Information) in the preceding 12 months. <br /><br /> Here is a summary of the CCPA-related categories of Personal Information we may have disclosed about you, and with whom, over the past 12 months: </div></div><table class="_8891"><thead class="_888a"><tr class="_8887"><th class="_888b">Categories of Personal Information we disclose may include:</th><th class="_888b">Parties with whom each category of Personal Information may be disclosed include:</th></tr></thead><tbody class="_8886"><tr class="_8887"><td class="_888c" data-title="Categories of Personal Information we disclose may include:"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e">Identifiers</li><br /><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e">Characteristics of protected classifications, if you choose to provide it</li><br /><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e">Professional or employment information</li><br /><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e">Education information</li><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></td><td class="_888c" data-title="Parties with whom each category of Personal Information may be disclosed include:"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e">Contractors and service providers, including those who provide us with IT services, assist with recruitment or perform background checks;</li><br /><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e">Partners and joint ventures;</li><br /><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e">Referees identified by you;</li><br /><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e">New owners in the event of a change of ownership or control of all or part of our Products or their assets changes;</li><br /><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e">Law enforcement or other third parties in connection with legal requests; and</li><br /><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e">The <a href="" class="_5144" target="_blank" data-ms="&#123;&quot;creative&quot;:&quot;link&quot;,&quot;creative_detail&quot;:&quot;Meta Companies&quot;,&quot;create_type&quot;:&quot;Meta Companies&quot;,&quot;create_type_detail&quot;:&quot;&quot;&#125;" ajaxify="" id="u_0_13_D3">Meta Companies</a>.</li><br /></td></tr><tr class="_8887"><td class="_888c" data-title="Categories of Personal Information we disclose may include:"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e">Sensitive Personal Information</li><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></td><td class="_888c" data-title="Parties with whom each category of Personal Information may be disclosed include:"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e">Contractors and service providers, including those who provide us with IT services, assist with recruitment or perform background checks;</li><br /><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e">New owners in the event of a change of ownership or control of all or part of our Products or their assets changes;</li><br /><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e">Law enforcement or other third parties in connection with legal requests; and</li><br /><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e">The <a href="" class="_5144" target="_blank" data-ms="&#123;&quot;creative&quot;:&quot;link&quot;,&quot;creative_detail&quot;:&quot;Meta Companies&quot;,&quot;create_type&quot;:&quot;Meta Companies&quot;,&quot;create_type_detail&quot;:&quot;&quot;&#125;" ajaxify="" id="u_0_14_6a">Meta Companies</a>.</li><br /></td></tr></tbody></table><br /><br /><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How long will we retain your Personal Information, including Sensitive Personal Information?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p">We&#039;ll retain your Personal Information, including Sensitive Personal Information, for as long as is reasonably necessary for the business purposes described in this Statement. <br /><br /> Here are the factors we consider when determining the length of time to retain personal information: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">The business purpose for collecting each category of personal information;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Our consideration of you for other current and future employment opportunities at Meta;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Whether and for how long we need to retain the information to comply with certain legal obligations;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If we need the information to resolve a dispute or to enforce our contractual agreements; and</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If we need information for other legitimate purposes, such as to prevent harm, promote safety, security and integrity, or protect ourselves, including our rights, property or products.</div></li></ul><br /> If you&#039;re successful in your application for a position at Meta, we retain the Personal Information you provide during the application process, and information about your application process, as part of your employee records. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you exercise your rights provided under the CCPA?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p">Under the CCPA, you have the following rights in relation to personal information that we collect about you in relation to your candidacy with Meta: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Right to Know: You have the right to request that we disclose to you the Personal Information we collect, use, or disclose, and information about our data practices;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Right to Request Deletion: You have the right to request that we delete your Personal Information that we have collected from or about you;</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Right to Correct: You have a right to request that we correct inaccurate Personal Information maintained about you; and</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Right to Non-Discrimination: We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of these rights.</div></li></ul><br /> Please note that to protect your information and the integrity of your Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Information, we may need to verify your identity before processing your request. In some cases we may need to collect additional information to verify your identity, such as a government issued ID. <br /><br /> Under the CCPA, you may exercise these rights yourself or you may designate an authorized agent to make these requests on your behalf. Please note, we will request your authorized agent to provide a signed permission from you as proof that they are authorized to submit the request on your behalf. We may also request that you verify your own identity with us directly or confirm directly with us that you provided the authorized agent permission to submit the request. <br /><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul><br /> For more information on the CCPA requests we have received, please see <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">here</a>. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you contact us for more information?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> If you have additional questions or concerns about this Statement and practices described herein, please contact <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a>.</div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you learn about changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time, as required. If we make any material changes to the Statement, we&#039;ll prominently post the changes to the Statement on this page and take any other steps required by applicable law.</div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Date of last revision: 01/01/2023 </div></div></div></div></div><div class="_a1zk" id="canada"><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Canada Candidate Privacy Statement</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> This Candidate Privacy Statement (the “Statement”) informs you of how Facebook Canada Ltd. (“Facebook Canada”, “we”, “our”, “us”) handles personal information about you in the context of your candidacy for employment with Meta Platforms Inc. and its subsidiaries/affiliates (collectively referred to as “Meta”).<br /><br /> This Statement applies to Facebook Canada’s collection, use, disclosure and retention of “personal information” (as defined under applicable Canadian private sector privacy laws) about present and past candidates. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>What kinds of personal information do we collect?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may collect your personal information directly from you or, in some cases, receive some information such as your education and work experience, contact information, and demographics from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information, by virtue of consent that you have provided to them directly, or are otherwise permitted by applicable law to do so. <br /><br /> The personal information we collect about candidates is essential for us to review and respond to applications for employment, conduct our recruiting processes and/or comply with applicable law. We will tell you if the personal data information is required when we ask you to provide it. If you choose not to submit such information, this may result in our inability to consider or process your candidacy or application for employment, or to respond to it. <br /><br /> The types of information we collect and process (for the purposes described in the next section), include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Your name, contact information (such as home address, phone number, email address), work permits or visa information, your employment and education history, referrals or references, and whether you are subject to any prior employer obligations, and any other information you provide as part of your application for employment with us (such as information included in your resume, cover letter, or on your Career Profile)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Desired salary, willingness to relocate, and other job preferences</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Information that you make publicly available such as contact information, your education, and work experience information (e.g., when you share information via job search and career networking sites as far as it is relevant to consider you for career opportunities) </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> Interview details and outcomes of any recruiting exercises you complete or priorly have completed with us </div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb"> If you are being referred by someone else, we collect information that the person referring you provides about you </div></li></ul><br /> Additionally, we may collect, use and disclose information that may be considered sensitive personal information, to the only extent necessary for the purposes set out in Section II below, including to ensure compliance with applicable law. Personal information collected and used by Facebook Canada which may be considered sensitive include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If applicable and disclosed, any special needs relating to accommodations that you may request during the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If required, health information to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace (where appropriate)</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Why and how do we collect, use and disclose your personal information?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We collect, use and disclose your personal information as set out above (as appropriate), for the purposes described below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We use and disclose your personal information as necessary to consider you for, and assess your suitability for, employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we do so: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To receive, review and reply to your application</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To verify the information you or others provide, and to check your references</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To assess your suitability for the opportunity you applied for, and in certain cases, for other opportunities at Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To facilitate the interview/recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare an offer letter, if your application is successful</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you were referred, to inform the referrer of the status and final outcome of your application, to the extent permitted by applicable law</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Where we have identified you as a potential candidate from third-party providers, in order to suggest suitable work opportunities for you at Meta</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We may collect, use and disclose your personal information as necessary to stay in touch, contact you and engage with you regarding current and future employment opportunities with Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In this regard, subject to applicable laws, we may contact you from time to time, for example, to invite you to events we organize or sponsor, send you alerts or recommendations about opportunities at Meta, or ask you for updates. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We may collect, use and disclose your personal information as necessary to implement, maintain and improve our recruiting processes, for internal planning and management reporting, and to comply with applicable law.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> More specifically, we do so: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To manage and improve the Careers portal and our recruiting processes, for example, to make our application process easier and more efficient</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prepare and perform management reporting and to perform analysis related to recruiting metrics, such as length of the recruiting process</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To create and submit reports as required for us to comply with applicable law</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We collect, use and disclose your personal information as necessary to maintain the safety and security of Meta, their employees and other members of their personnel, to keep our data and IT systems secure and to defend your or Meta&#039;s interests in legal proceedings. </b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> In more detail, we process your personal information: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect the health and safety of our workforce and others in our facilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In the context of any change of ownership, sale, merger, joint venture, assignment, liquidation, reorganization or acquisition of Meta, its brands, affiliates, subsidiaries and other assets of Meta, in whole or in part, in order to manage such transactions</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>We collect, use and disclose your personal information as necessary for background verification if you accept a conditional offer from us (to the extent permitted by applicable laws).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We will provide you further information regarding this processing upon the start of the background verification process. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do the Meta companies work together?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Meta companies</a> share infrastructure, systems and technology to collect and use your personal information (as set out in sections I and II above), as necessary to ensure efficiency and security in the context of our practices necessary for the above purposes, as permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with the above purposes and subject to other restrictions set forth this Statement. For example, Meta recruiters collaborate globally to connect candidates with the right opportunities. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we work with vendors and service providers?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We work with third-party partners who help us manage and improve our recruiting processes, including tools and systems we use for any of the above purposes, in accordance with this Statement. These third parties include: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recruitment service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interviews and reasonably required tests</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating interview travel booking and expenses</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors facilitating relocation (where applicable)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Immigration advisors including lawyers and other consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Applications reporting and analytics service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pre-employment screening service providers</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vendors assisting us with the implementation of health and safety measures </div></li></ul><br /> We require these third parties to protect the personal information they receive in a manner substantially similar to the restrictions and protective measures set forth in this Statement, and prohibit them from using it for their own purposes or otherwise outside of what is necessary to provide the service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may share your personal information with regulators, governmental, law enforcement or other authorities: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">In response to a legal request, if we have a good-faith belief that applicable law requires us to do so. We can also respond to legal requests when we have a good-faith belief that the response is required by law applicable in that jurisdiction, affects users or employees in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we have a good faith belief it is necessary to detect, prevent and address fraud, unauthorized access or use of our systems or products, violations of our terms or policies, or other harmful or illegal activity</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To protect ourselves (including our rights, property or products), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory inquiries</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">To prevent death or imminent bodily harm or to protect the vital interests of individuals</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">When we are under a legal obligation to do so</div></li></ul><br /> We may take these actions pursuant to our legal obligations, where necessary in our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of others, and where necessary to protect the vital interest of individuals. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we retain, store and secure your personal information?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We retain your personal information for as long as it is required to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes, to enforce our contractual agreements, or as necessary to accomplish the purposes identified in Section II above, whichever time period is longer. However, your personal information may be accessed and/or retained for an extended time period when: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Your application for employment at Meta is successful or you otherwise become an employee of Meta, in which case we may retain your personal information we collected in the course of the recruiting process as part of your employee record(s)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">It is the subject of a legal request or obligation (such as a request to access personal information), governmental investigation, or investigations of possible violations of our terms or policies, or otherwise to prevent harm, as applicable</div></li></ul><br /> We have put in place appropriate security measures and controls to prevent your personal information from being accidentally lost, used, accessed, altered or disclosed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal information to those employees, agents, contractors or third parties who have a business need to know, and are subject to a duty of confidentiality.<br /><br /> We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect your personal information under our control. More specifically, we implement and maintain appropriate physical, technical, administrative and organizational safeguards to protect your personal information and prevent unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Do you have rights regarding your personal information? How can you exercise them?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Under applicable Canadian private sector privacy laws, subject to applicable exemptions or restrictions, you have the following rights over your personal information: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Right to access your personal information</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Right to rectify your personal information, if incorrect, incomplete, invalid or ambiguous</div></li></ul><br /> You can exercise your rights by completing the Data Rights Form. Follow the guidance that best matches your status: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you applied for a Meta job using <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Career Profile</a>, log in there.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re a former Meta employee, log into <a href="" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">Alumni Portal</a>.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you&#039;re not sure or if the other statuses don&#039;t apply to you, complete the form on <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How do we operate and transfer your personal information outside of Canada as part of our global business?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We share your personal information globally, both internally within the Meta Companies (please see section <i>How do the Meta companies work together</i>), and externally with our third-party vendors, service providers and partners (please see section <i>How do we work with vendors and service providers</i>). Personal information we collect and process may be transferred or transmitted to, or stored and processed in the United States or other countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Statement.<br /><br /> These information transfers are necessary for our recruitment operations.<br /><br /> Your personal information will be transferred outside of Canada in compliance with applicable laws. When outside of Canada, your information is subject to the laws of the country in which it is held, and processed as per the applicable local laws. To learn more about our practices and policies regarding the use of foreign service providers, please contact us using the contact information provided in the section below. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How can you contact us or lodge a complaint?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> The entity responsible for your personal information is Facebook Canada Ltd. You may forward any complaints or inquiries relating thereto, or otherwise contact us, by email at <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a>, or by mail at:<br /><br /> Privacy Legal<br /> Facebook Canada Ltd.<br /> 661 University Ave, Suite 1201,<br /> 12th Floor, Toronto,<br /> ON M5G 1M1, Canada<br /><br /> You also have the right to lodge a complaint with local competent authorities regarding our practices or handling of your personal information, which includes: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you are located in the province of Alberta, the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you are located in the province of British Columbia, the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for B.C.</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">If you are located in the province of Quebec, the Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec</div></li></ul><br /> In case of conflict between the French and English versions of this Statement, the English version will govern. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>How will we communicate changes to this Statement?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> We may change this Statement from time to time to account for the regulatory environment and changes in our collection and/or processing of personal information. If we make changes to the Statement that are material, we&#039;ll prominently post these changes to the Statement on this page.</div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Last updated: December 2, 2021 </div></div></div></div><div class="_3wew _87nf _8vps"><div class="_8ut4" style="max-width:1280px"><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h3 class="_1zbm" style="color:;">Déclaration de confidentialité du candidat – Canada</h3></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> La présente Déclaration de confidentialité du candidat (la « Déclaration ») porte sur la façon dont Facebook Canada Ltd. (« Facebook Canada »/« nous ») traite les renseignements personnels qui vous concernent dans le contexte de votre candidature à l’emploi de Meta Platforms, Inc. et de ses filiales et sociétés affiliées (collectivement appelées « Meta »).<br /><br /> Cette Déclaration s’applique à la collecte, à l’utilisation, à la divulgation et à la conservation par Facebook Canada des « renseignements personnels » (tel que définis par les lois sur la protection de la vie privée du secteur privé canadien) des candidats actuels et passés. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Quels types de renseignements personnels recueillons-nous?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Nous pouvons recueillir vos renseignements personnels directement auprès de vous ou, dans certains cas, recevoir certains renseignements comme ceux portant sur vos études et votre expérience de travail, vos coordonnées et vos données démographiques de la part de tiers fournisseurs de données qui ont le droit de nous fournir vos renseignements, en vertu du consentement que vous leur avez donné directement, ou qui y sont par ailleurs autorisés par la loi applicable.<br /><br /> Les renseignements personnels que nous recueillons à propos des candidats nous sont essentiels pour examiner les candidatures aux emplois et y donner suite, pour mener nos processus de recrutement et/ou pour nous conformer à la loi applicable. Nous vous indiquerons si les données personnelles sont nécessaires lorsque nous vous demanderons de les fournir. Si vous choisissez de ne pas soumettre ces renseignements, nous pourrions être dans l’incapacité de tenir compte de votre candidature à l’emploi, de la traiter ou d’y donner suite.<br /><br /> Le type de renseignements personnels que nous recueillons, utilisons et divulguons (aux fins énoncées ci‑dessous), comprend: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Votre nom, vos coordonnées (comme votre adresse domiciliaire, numéro de téléphone et adresse courriel), vos permis de travail ou les renseignements sur votre visa, vos antécédents professionnels et votre parcours scolaire, vos recommandations ou références et si vous être assujetti aux obligations d’employeurs antérieurs, et tout autre renseignement que vous fournissez dans le cadre de votre candidature à l’emploi chez nous (comme les renseignements compris dans votre curriculum vitae, dans votre lettre de présentation ou sur votre profil de carrière)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Le salaire souhaité, votre volonté à déménager et autres préférences d’ordre professionnel</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Des renseignements que vous rendez publics comme vos coordonnées, vos études et votre expérience de travail (p. ex., lorsque vous partagez des renseignements par le biais de sites de recherche d’emploi et de réseautage professionnel, dans la mesure où ils permettent de tenir compte de votre candidature pour des possibilités de carrière)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Des renseignements sur les entrevues et les résultats de tout exercice de recrutement que vous avez effectué ou que vous avez mené à bien par le passé avec nous</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Si vous avez été recommandé par une autre personne, nous recueillons les renseignements que cette personne fournit à votre propos</div></li></ul><br /> En outre, nous pouvons recueillir, utiliser et divulguer des renseignements pouvant être considérés comme des renseignements personnels sensibles, dans la seule mesure où ils sont nécessaires pour les fins énoncées ci‑dessous, y compris pour nous assurer de respecter la loi applicable. Les renseignements personnels recueillis et utilisés par Facebook Canada pouvant être considérés comme sensibles comprennent: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">S’il y a lieu et s’ils sont divulgués, les besoins spéciaux liés aux mesures d’adaptation que vous pouvez demander durant le processus de recrutement</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Au besoin, les renseignements sur votre état de santé afin de surveiller la propagation de maladies infectieuses dans le lieu de travail (s’il y a lieu)</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Pourquoi et comment recueillons‑nous, utilisons-nous et divulguons-nous vos renseignements personnels?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Nous recueillons, utilisons et divulguons vos renseignements personnels (comme mentionné ci-dessus) selon les besoins décrits ci-dessous. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Nous utilisons et divulguons vos renseignements personnels, au besoin, pour tenir compte de votre candidature et évaluer votre aptitude pour les possibilités d’emploi chez Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> De façon plus détaillée, nous faisons ceci pour: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Recevoir votre candidature, l’examiner et y répondre</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vérifier les renseignements que vous fournissez ou que d’autres personnes fournissent, et pour vérifier vos références</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Évaluer votre aptitude au poste auquel vous posez votre candidature, et dans certains cas, à d’autres postes offerts chez Meta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Faciliter le processus d’entrevue et de recrutement</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Rédiger une lettre d’offre si votre candidature est retenue</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Le cas échéant, informer la personne qui vous a recommandé de l’état et de l’issue de votre candidature, dans la mesure où la loi applicable l’autorise</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Si nous vous avons désigné comme un candidat potentiel auprès d’un tiers fournisseur, vous suggérer des possibilités d’emploi qui vous conviennent chez Meta</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Nous pouvons recueillir, utiliser et divulguer vos renseignements personnels, au besoin, pour garder le contact et vous informer des possibilités d’emploi actuelles et futures chez Meta.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> À cet égard, sous réserve des lois applicables, nous pouvons communiquer avec vous de temps à autre, par exemple, pour vous inviter à des évènements que nous organisons ou commanditons, vous envoyer des alertes ou des recommandations concernant les possibilités chez Meta ou vous demander des mises à jour. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Nous pouvons recueillir, utiliser et divulguer vos renseignements personnels, au besoin, afin de mettre en œuvre, de maintenir et d’améliorer nos processus de recrutement, pour l’établissement de rapports de planification et de gestion internes, ainsi que d’observer la loi applicable.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Plus précisément, nous le faisons pour les raisons suivantes: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Gérer et améliorer le portail des carrières et nos processus de recrutement, par exemple, pour simplifier notre processus de candidature et en accroître l’efficacité</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Produire des rapports de gestion et effectuer des analyses liées aux mesures du recrutement, comme la durée du processus de recrutement</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Créer et soumettre des rapports, au besoin, pour nous conformer à la loi applicable</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Nous recueillons, utilisons et divulguons vos renseignements personnels, au besoin, afin de protéger toutes les entités Meta , leurs employés et les autres membres de leur personnel, ainsi que nos données et systèmes informatiques, et de défendre vos intérêts ou ceux des <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank"> entités Meta</a> en cas d’actions en justice.</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> De façon plus détaillée, nous traitons vos renseignements personnels pour les raisons suivantes: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Protéger la santé et la sécurité de notre effectif et des autres personnes présentes dans nos installations, dans la mesure où la loi l’autorise</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Dans le cadre d’un changement de propriété, d’une vente, d’une fusion, d’une coentreprise, d’une cession, d’une liquidation, d’une réorganisation ou d’une acquisition de Meta, de ses marques, de ses sociétés affiliées, de ses filiales et d’autres actifs de Meta, en tout ou en partie, afin de gérer ces transactions</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Nous recueillons, utilisons et divulguons vos renseignements personnels, au besoin, pour vérifier vos antécédents si vous acceptez une offre conditionnelle de notre part (dans la mesure où les lois applicables l’autorisent).</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Nous vous fournirons d’autres renseignements concernant le traitement de vos données au début du processus de vérification des antécédents. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Comment les entités Meta collaborent-elles?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Les <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank"> entités Meta</a> partagent des infrastructures, des systèmes et des technologies pour recueillir et utiliser vos renseignements personnels (comme indiqué ci-dessus), pour des impératifs d’efficacité et de sécurité dans le cadre de nos pratiques nécessaires aux fins susmentionnées, conformément à la loi applicable et aux fins susmentionnées, sous réserve des autres restrictions prévues dans la présente Déclaration. Par exemple, les agents de recrutement de Meta collaborent à l’échelle internationale pour offrir aux candidats les possibilités appropriées. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Comment collaborons-nous avec les vendeurs et les fournisseurs de services?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Nous collaborons avec des partenaires tiers qui nous aident à gérer et à améliorer nos processus de recrutement, y compris les outils et systèmes que nous utilisons aux fins susmentionnées, conformément à la présente Déclaration. Ces partenaires tiers comprennent: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Des fournisseurs de services de recrutement</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Des fournisseurs qui facilitent les entrevues et les tests raisonnablement exigés</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Des fournisseurs qui facilitent la réservation des voyages pour les entrevues et la gestion des dépenses connexes</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Des fournisseurs qui facilitent les déménagements (le cas échéant)</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Des conseillers en immigration, y compris des avocats et d’autres consultants</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Des fournisseurs de services d’analyses des candidatures et de production de rapports connexes, ainsi que des fournisseurs de services de sélection avant l’emploi</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Des fournisseurs qui nous aident à mettre en œuvre des mesures de santé et de sécurité</div></li></ul><br /> Nous exigeons de ces tiers qu’ils protègent les données personnelles qu’ils reçoivent d’une manière substantiellement similaire aux restrictions et mesures de protection énoncées dans la présente Déclaration et leur interdisons de les utiliser à leurs propres fins ou autrement en dehors de ce qui est nécessaire pour fournir le service. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Comment procédons-nous pour répondre aux requêtes juridiques ou pour éviter tout préjudice?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Nous pouvons partager vos renseignements personnels avec des organismes de réglementation, des autorités gouvernementales, des autorités chargées de l’application de la loi ou d’autres autorités: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pour répondre à une requête juridique, si nous pensons en toute bonne foi que la loi applicable nous y oblige; nous pouvons également répondre aux requêtes juridiques lorsque nous pensons en toute bonne foi que la réponse est requise par la loi applicable dans cette juridiction, qu’elle affecte des utilisateurs ou des employés dans cette juridiction et qu’elle est conforme aux normes reconnues internationalement</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Si nous pensons en toute bonne foi qu’il est nécessaire de détecter, de prévenir et de contrer la fraude, l’accès non autorisé ou l’utilisation de nos systèmes ou produits, les infractions à nos conditions d’utilisation ou politiques ou autres activités préjudiciables ou illégales</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pour nous protéger (y compris nos droits, biens ou produits), vous protéger ou protéger d’autres personnes, notamment dans le cadre d’enquêtes ou de requêtes réglementaires</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Pour prévenir les décès ou les lésions corporelles imminentes, ou pour protéger les intérêts vitaux des personnes</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Lorsque nous avons l’obligation juridique de le faire</div></li></ul><br /> Nous pouvons prendre ces mesures conformément à nos obligations légales lorsque cela est nécessaire dans le cadre de nos intérêts légitimes et des intérêts légitimes d’autres personnes et lorsque cela est nécessaire pour protéger l’intérêt vital de certaines personnes. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Comment est-ce que nous conservons, stockons et sécurisons vos renseignements personnels?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Nous conservons vos renseignements personnels aussi longtemps que nécessaire pour nous conformer à nos obligations légales, pour résoudre des litiges, pour faire respecter nos accords contractuels ou pour atteindre les objectifs identifiés ci-dessus, si ce délai est plus long. Cependant, vos renseignements personnels peuvent être consultés et/ou conservés pendant une période prolongée dans les cas suivants: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Votre candidature à l’emploi chez Meta est retenue ou vous devenez un employé de Meta, dans lequel cas nous pouvons conserver dans votre dossier d’employé vos renseignements personnels que nous recueillons pendant le processus de recrutement</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Vos renseignements personnels font l’objet d’une requête ou d’une obligation juridique (comme une demande d’accès aux renseignements personnels), d’une enquête gouvernementale ou d’enquêtes concernant d’éventuelles violations de nos conditions ou politiques, ou pour éviter tout autre préjudice, suivant le cas</div></li></ul><br /> Nous avons mis en place les mesures de sécurité et les contrôles appropriés pour prévenir la perte accidentelle ou l’utilisation, la consultation, la modification ou la divulgation non autorisée de vos renseignements personnels. Nous limitons l’accès à vos renseignements personnels aux employés, agents, entrepreneurs ou tiers qui doivent les connaître à des fins opérationnelles, et ceux-ci sont soumis au secret professionnel.<br /><br /> Nous suivons les normes industrielles généralement acceptées pour protéger vos renseignements personnels sous notre contrôle. Plus précisément, nous mettons en œuvre et maintenons des mesures de protection physiques, techniques, administratives et organisationnelles appropriées pour protéger vos renseignements personnels et empêcher tout accès, collecte, utilisation, divulgation, copie, modification, élimination ou risques similaires non autorisés. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Avez-vous des droits à l’égard de vos renseignements personnels? Comment pouvez-vous exercer vos droits?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> En vertu des lois canadiennes applicables en matière de protection de la vie privée dans le secteur privé, sous réserve des exemptions ou restrictions applicables, vous disposez des droits suivants sur vos renseignements personnels: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Droit d’accéder à vos renseignements personnels</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Droit de rectifier vos renseignements personnels s’ils sont incorrects, incomplets, invalides ou ambigus</div></li></ul><br /> Pour exercer vos droits, veuillez <a href="" ajaxify="" target="_blank">nous contacter</a> ici. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Comment utilisons-nous et transférons-nous vos renseignements personnels hors du Canada dans le cadre d’activités internationales?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Nous partageons vos renseignements personnels dans le monde entier, à la fois au sein des entités Meta (voir ci-dessus) et à l’extérieur auprès de nos fournisseurs tiers, fournisseurs de services et partenaires (voir ci‑dessus). Les renseignements personnels que nous recueillons et traitons peuvent être transférés ou transmis ou encore stockés et traités aux États-Unis ou dans d’autres pays en dehors de celui où vous vivez pour les motifs décrits dans la présente Déclaration<br /><br /> Ces transferts de renseignements sont nécessaires à nos activités de recrutement.<br /><br /> Vos renseignements personnels seront transférés hors du Canada conformément aux lois applicables. À l’extérieur du Canada, vos renseignements sont assujettis aux lois du pays où ils sont détenus et traités conformément aux lois locales applicables. Pour en savoir plus sur nos pratiques et politiques concernant l’utilisation de fournisseurs de services étrangers, veuillez nous contacter en utilisant les coordonnées fournies ci-dessous. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Comment pouvez-vous communiquer avec nous ou porter plainte?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> L’entité responsable de vos renseignements personnels est Facebook Canada Ltd. Vous pouvez transmettre toute plainte ou demande de renseignements à ce sujet, ou communiquer avec nous d’une autre manière, par courriel à <a href="mailto:mydataprivacyrights&#064;" ajaxify="" data-lnfb-mode="ie">mydataprivacyrights&#064;</a>, ou par courrier à l’adresse suivante:<br /><br /> Privacy Legal<br /> Facebook Canada Ltd.<br /> 661, avenue University, bureau 1201,<br /> 12e étage, Toronto<br /> (Ontario) M5G 1M1, Canada<br /><br /> Vous avez également le droit de déposer une plainte auprès des autorités locales compétentes concernant nos pratiques ou la façon dont nous traitons vos renseignements personnels, ce qui comprend: <ul class="uiList _1iku _1ikw _4of _4kg"><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Si vous habitez en Alberta, l’Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (bureau du commissaire aux renseignements et à la vie privée) d’Alberta</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Si vous habitez en Colombie‑Britannique, l’Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (bureau du commissaire aux renseignements et à la vie privée) de la Colombie‑Britannique</div></li><li class="_3-8x _3-95 _9m1e"><div class="fcb">Si vous habitez au Québec, la Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec</div></li></ul><br /> En cas de conflit entre les versions française et anglaise de la présente Déclaration, la version anglaise prévaudra. </div></div><div class="_4pkb" style="color: "><h4 class="_1zbm" style="color:;"><b>Comment communiquerons-nous les modifications apportées à cette Déclaration?</b></h4></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"> Nous pouvons modifier la présente Déclaration à l’occasion pour tenir compte de l’environnement réglementaire et des modifications apportées à notre collecte et/ou traitement des renseignements personnels. Si nous apportons des modifications importantes à la Déclaration, nous les afficherons de façon bien visible sur cette page. </div></div><div class="_4-36 _4pkb" style=""><div class="_1n-z _6hy- _1x0- _3-8p"><br /> Dernière mise à jour : 2 décembre 2021 </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="_as1g"><div class="_as1h"><div class="_as1i"><div class="_as1m"><div class="_ase6"><a data-ga-category="c8" data-ga-label="footer_meta-link" class="_a6ef _a6rw _a6ee _a6el" href="/" aria-label="Meta logo" data-ms-clickable="true" data-ms="&#123;&quot;creative&quot;:&quot;click_footer&quot;,&quot;creative_detail&quot;:&quot;footer_meta-link&quot;&#125;" target="_self" style=""><img class="_8h4h img" src=";ccb=1-7&amp;_nc_sid=f537c7&amp;_nc_ohc=WyGc0AwakWkQ7kNvgF_qDig&amp;_nc_zt=14&amp;_nc_ht=scontent-hkg1-2.xx&amp;_nc_gid=APW2MdZBRGMoII9Oecuio5U&amp;oh=00_AYAXojOMdIuQebUKzYa-kx8VySGHtoBzVZFqcO4e3cwH4g&amp;oe=6747D25E" height="12" width="60" alt="Meta logo, homepage 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