Beyond grep: ack v3.7.0

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If you want to search for "dogs" but not if "cats" or "fish" are on the line, use <p> <pre> ack dogs --not cats --not fish </pre> <h2>Easier to understand error messages</h2> <p> The error message ack displays when the regex passed is invalid has been improved. The message is more readable and includes a pointer to the offending part of the regex. For example: </p> <pre> $ ack 'status: (open|closed|in progress' ack: Invalid regex 'status: (open|closed|in progress' Regex: status: (open|closed|in progress ^---HERE Unmatched ( in regex </pre> <h2>New <tt>--proximate</tt> option groups matches near each other</h2> <p> A new option <tt>--proximate=N</tt> groups together lines of output that are within N lines of each other in the file. This is useful when looking for matches that are related to each other. </p> <p> For example, these results: </p> <pre> 15: First match 18: Second match 19: Third match 37: Fourth match </pre> <p> look like this with <tt>--proximate=1</tt>. </p> <pre> 15: First match 18: Second match 19: Third match 37: Fourth match </pre> <h2>Improved <tt>-w</tt> option</h2> <p> The <tt>-w</tt> option, which tells ack to only find whole-word matches, did not always work if your pattern began or ended with puncutation. ack would make guesses as to what your intent was, but it was not well-defined. Now, ack disallows regexes that begin or end with non-word characters. </p> <p> This means that if you use <tt>ack -w foo:</tt>, the new ack will not allow it, whereas ack 2.x would. </p> <h2>Added <tt>-S</tt> as a synonym for <tt>--smart-case</tt></h2> <p> For those without <tt>--smart-case</tt> always on, the <tt>-S</tt> will be easier for when you do want to use it. </p> <p> Smart-case matching makes ack do a case-insensitive search unless the pattern being matched has a capital letter in it. </p> <h2>Added <tt>-I</tt> to force case-sensitivity</h2> <p> If you use <tt>--smart-case</tt> in your .ackrc, you can use <tt>-I</tt> to force case-sensitivity instead of having to use <tt>--no-smart-case</tt> (which still works). </p> <h2>Significant speed improvements</h2> <p> Run times for ack 3 compared to ack 2.22 are 30-40% faster because of removal of unused infrastructure for plugins. </p> </div> <div class="feature-install"> <h2>How to install</h2> <p> ack is simple to install, via CPAN, package or simple download. <a href="/install/">Read how</a>. </p> </div> <div class="feature-testimonials"> <h2>People love ack</h2> <p> "Every once in a while something comes along that improves an idea so much, you can't ignore it. Such a thing is Ack, the grep replacement." </p> <p> Read <a href="/why-ack/#testimonials">what else people are saying</a>. </p> </div> <div class="feature-twitter"> <h2>Follow us on Twitter</h2> <p> We're all about knowing when to move beyond the stock Unix tools. <a href="">Follow us on Twitter at @beyondgrep</a> for tips, hints and software news. </p> </div> </div> <div class="footer"> <p> Ack is copyright 2005-2021 <a href="">Andy Lester</a>, <a href=""></a>. Ack is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the <a href="">Artistic License v2.0</a>. </p> <p> Website design by Ashraful Sheikh and <a href="">Jeana Clark</a> <small>(available to fork on <a href="" class="github-logo">GitHub</a>)</small>. </p> <p> ack and are supported by <a href="">DigitalOcean</a>. </p> <p> <a href=""> <img src="" width="201px" /> </a> </p> </div> </body> </html>

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