Bing Keyword Tool: Find Bing Keyword Ideas for Free

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class="css-dd9llm-listItem"><div><strong>Clicks</strong>: The average monthly number of clicks on the search results that people make while searching for the target keyword.</div></li><li class="css-dd9llm-listItem"><div><strong>Cost Per Click (CPC)</strong>: The average cost per ad click when bidding on this keyword in paid search.</div></li><li class="css-dd9llm-listItem"><div><strong>Clicks Per Search (CPS)</strong>: The number of different search results that people click, on average, after performing a search for this keyword.</div></li><li class="css-dd9llm-listItem"><div><strong>Return Rate (RR)</strong>: A relative value that illustrates how often people search for this keyword again in a 30-day period.</div></li><li class="css-dd9llm-listItem"><div><strong>Paid vs. Organic clicks</strong>: The distribution of all clicks between the paid and organic search results.</div></li></ul></div></section></div></div></div></div></section><section class="css-1x5msv2-section 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Take a look at the Global volume metric to see the estimated monthly global search volume, plus the six countries with the highest local search volumes.</p></div></div></div></div></section><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-v2rwuu-sectionColor css-0 css-8v4lpc css-huer0q css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-1m2xlfi css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-1m2xlfi css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-jmy93n css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-186bnk2 css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-1lw24cg-imageHolder css-jx9pbz-imageHolderThickRoundOutline"><div class="css-fo1y98-images css-14t16v3"><img class="css-ozwo58-image css-hvgxe0-imageSrcSetter css-jx9pbz-imageHolderThickRoundOutline" /><img class="css-ozwo58-image css-97nmn0-imageSrcSetter" /></div></div><div class="css-1tkydp9-info"><div class="css-8jgj83-infoItem css-1ck0ode-infoItemActive"><span class="css-1tyb8b9 css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-10m1ipf-textColor css-0"><!-- -->See search volume estimates for any country in our database.</span></div><div class="css-8jgj83-infoItem"><span class="css-1tyb8b9 css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-10m1ipf-textColor css-0"><!-- -->Use this to quickly identify whether your target demographic is searching for this term.</span></div></div></div><div class="css-lnyg70-menu"><div class="css-1mu98kz-inlineRow css-1eny03a css-1eqvfhe css-4onumi-inlineRowWrap css-6twsqq css-1y3jl3a"><div class="css-lqygyc-box css-1dpm14b css-zld0zq"><div class="css-xusyis-selectedTab css-ay31p6"><button type="submit" class="css-1lfb7my-unpaddedButton css-7dghh4-textColor"><span class="css-7a3scx css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->Select Country</span></button></div></div><div class="css-lqygyc-box css-1dpm14b css-zld0zq"><span class="css-7a3scx css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-zq8yjs-textColor css-0"><!-- -->/</span></div><div class="css-lqygyc-box css-1dpm14b css-zld0zq"><div class="css-1r7boeq-tab"><button type="submit" class="css-1lfb7my-unpaddedButton css-zq8yjs-textColor"><span class="css-7a3scx css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->Global Volume</span></button></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div></div></div></div></section><hr class="css-1wqzpma css-58g0gs" /><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-1o0xxsg-sectionColor css-0 css-zzm0hu css-135in2k css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-13es24l css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-186bnk2 css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-v2rwuu-sectionColor css-0 css-3yeqjc css-huer0q css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-1grgkhy css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-8qimkt css-v3x0j1"><h2 class="css-inphab css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->Generate tons of keyword ideas</h2></div></div></div></div></section><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-v2rwuu-sectionColor css-0 css-3yeqjc css-huer0q css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-1grgkhy css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-8qimkt css-v3x0j1"><p class="css-nrxxf9 css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->Pull thousands of related keyword ideas from our ever-growing database of over 90 million keywords.</p></div></div></div></div></section><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-v2rwuu-sectionColor css-0 css-3yeqjc css-huer0q css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-1grgkhy css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-8qimkt css-v3x0j1"><p class="css-nrxxf9 css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->Enter a seed topic, choose from one of the keyword reports, and you&apos;re away!</p></div></div></div></div></section><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-v2rwuu-sectionColor css-0 css-8v4lpc css-huer0q css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-1m2xlfi css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-1m2xlfi css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-jmy93n css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-186bnk2 css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-1lw24cg-imageHolder css-jx9pbz-imageHolderThickRoundOutline"><div class="css-fo1y98-images css-14t16v3"><img class="css-ozwo58-image css-styp0v-imageSrcSetter css-jx9pbz-imageHolderThickRoundOutline" /><img class="css-ozwo58-image css-cu7dc0-imageSrcSetter" /><img class="css-ozwo58-image css-1qhj5g8-imageSrcSetter" /><img class="css-ozwo58-image css-11mmkvd-imageSrcSetter" /></div></div><div class="css-1tkydp9-info"><div class="css-8jgj83-infoItem css-1ck0ode-infoItemActive"><span class="css-1tyb8b9 css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-10m1ipf-textColor css-0"><!-- -->Everything from all reports.</span></div><div class="css-8jgj83-infoItem"><span class="css-1tyb8b9 css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-10m1ipf-textColor css-0"><!-- -->Ideas containing the seed keyword or phrase.</span></div><div class="css-8jgj83-infoItem"><span class="css-1tyb8b9 css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-10m1ipf-textColor css-0"><!-- -->Ideas containing all terms from the seed keyword in any order.</span></div><div class="css-8jgj83-infoItem"><span class="css-1tyb8b9 css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-10m1ipf-textColor css-0"><!-- -->Ideas phrased as questions, which also contain the seed term.</span></div></div></div><div class="css-lnyg70-menu"><div class="css-1mu98kz-inlineRow css-1eny03a css-1eqvfhe css-4onumi-inlineRowWrap css-6twsqq css-1y3jl3a"><div class="css-lqygyc-box css-1dpm14b css-zld0zq"><div class="css-xusyis-selectedTab css-ay31p6"><button type="submit" class="css-1lfb7my-unpaddedButton css-7dghh4-textColor"><span class="css-7a3scx css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->Keyword ideas overview</span></button></div></div><div class="css-lqygyc-box css-1dpm14b css-zld0zq"><span class="css-7a3scx css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-zq8yjs-textColor css-0"><!-- -->/</span></div><div class="css-lqygyc-box css-1dpm14b css-zld0zq"><div class="css-1r7boeq-tab"><button type="submit" class="css-1lfb7my-unpaddedButton css-zq8yjs-textColor"><span class="css-7a3scx css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->Phrase match</span></button></div></div><div class="css-lqygyc-box css-1dpm14b css-zld0zq"><span class="css-7a3scx css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-zq8yjs-textColor css-0"><!-- -->/</span></div><div class="css-lqygyc-box css-1dpm14b css-zld0zq"><div class="css-1r7boeq-tab"><button type="submit" class="css-1lfb7my-unpaddedButton css-zq8yjs-textColor"><span class="css-7a3scx css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->Having same terms</span></button></div></div><div class="css-lqygyc-box css-1dpm14b css-zld0zq"><span class="css-7a3scx css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-zq8yjs-textColor css-0"><!-- -->/</span></div><div class="css-lqygyc-box css-1dpm14b css-zld0zq"><div class="css-1r7boeq-tab"><button type="submit" class="css-1lfb7my-unpaddedButton css-zq8yjs-textColor"><span class="css-7a3scx css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->Questions</span></button></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div></div></div></div></section><hr class="css-1wqzpma css-58g0gs" /><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-1o0xxsg-sectionColor css-0 css-zzm0hu css-135in2k css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-13es24l css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-186bnk2 css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-v2rwuu-sectionColor css-0 css-3yeqjc css-huer0q css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-1grgkhy css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-8qimkt css-v3x0j1"><h2 class="css-inphab css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->Apply filters to cherry-pick keywords</h2></div></div></div></div></section><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-v2rwuu-sectionColor css-0 css-3yeqjc css-huer0q css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-1grgkhy css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-8qimkt css-v3x0j1"><p class="css-nrxxf9 css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->Find and prioritize the keywords that matter to you with ease using inbuilt filters.</p></div></div></div></div></section><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-v2rwuu-sectionColor css-0 css-1ohaz77 css-huer0q css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-1m2xlfi css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-1m2xlfi css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-186bnk2 css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><picture><source media="(max-width: 767px)" type="image/jpeg" srcset="/assets/esbuild/4_Filters-WZ3ZFZNK.png" /><source media="(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1279px)" type="image/jpeg" srcset="/assets/esbuild/4_Filters@2x-VSSHUUVI.png" /><img class="css-xbi485-image css-1ij0ooj-imageBorder-ThickRoundOutline" src="/assets/esbuild/4_Filters@2x-VSSHUUVI.png" /></picture></div></div></div></div></div></section><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-v2rwuu-sectionColor css-0 css-3yeqjc css-huer0q css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-1grgkhy css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-8qimkt css-v3x0j1"><p class="css-nrxxf9 css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->You have the following filters at your disposal:</p></div></div></div></div></section><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-v2rwuu-sectionColor css-0 css-3yeqjc css-huer0q css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-1grgkhy css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-8qimkt css-v3x0j1"><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-v2rwuu-sectionColor css-0 css-3yeqjc css-huer0q css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-66my6w-holderMaxWidth css-1mstajq"><ul class="css-fg9xoo-list css-8acliy css-15h89z1-listItemBodyDecorationBullet"><li class="css-dd9llm-listItem"><div><strong>Search volume</strong>: The average monthly number of searches for the target keyword in the selected country.</div></li><li class="css-dd9llm-listItem"><div><strong>Word count</strong>: The number of words in the query.</div></li><li class="css-dd9llm-listItem"><div><strong>Include/Exclude</strong>: The presence (or not) of certain words.</div></li><li class="css-dd9llm-listItem"><div><strong>Clicks</strong>: The average monthly number of clicks on the search results.</div></li><li class="css-dd9llm-listItem"><div><strong>Clicks Per Search (CPS)</strong>: The ratio of Clicks to Keyword search volume.</div></li><li class="css-dd9llm-listItem"><div><strong>Cost Per Click (CPC)</strong>: The average cost per ad click when bidding on this keyword in paid search.</div></li><li class="css-dd9llm-listItem"><div><strong>Return Rate (RR)</strong>: A relative value that indicates how often the same person searches for a given keyword over a 30‐day period.</div></li></ul></div></section></div></div></div></div></section></div></div></div></div></section><hr class="css-1wqzpma css-58g0gs" /><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-1o0xxsg-sectionColor css-0 css-cyozzv css-135in2k css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-13es24l css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-186bnk2 css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-v2rwuu-sectionColor css-0 css-3yeqjc css-huer0q css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-1grgkhy css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-8qimkt css-v3x0j1"><h2 class="css-inphab css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->Create keyword lists</h2></div></div></div></div></section><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-v2rwuu-sectionColor css-0 css-3yeqjc css-huer0q css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-1grgkhy css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-8qimkt css-v3x0j1"><p class="css-nrxxf9 css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->Forget messy spreadsheets and .txt files. Save and segment keywords into lists in a few clicks.</p></div></div></div></div></section><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-v2rwuu-sectionColor css-0 css-1ccd9kj css-huer0q css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-1m2xlfi css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><div class="css-1m2xlfi css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-186bnk2 css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><picture><source media="(max-width: 767px)" type="image/jpeg" srcset="/assets/esbuild/5_Keyword_lists-DJHBZ4JC.png" /><source media="(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1279px)" type="image/jpeg" srcset="/assets/esbuild/5_Keyword_lists@2x-A3YZEAVI.png" /><img class="css-14tw3zi-image css-1ij0ooj-imageBorder-ThickRoundOutline" src="/assets/esbuild/5_Keyword_lists@2x-A3YZEAVI.png" /></picture><div class="css-8qimkt css-1gnkudj"><span class="css-1tyb8b9 css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-6n6qv7 css-10m1ipf-textColor css-0"><!-- -->Use lists to analyze your saved keywords in batches.</span></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div></div></div></div></section><hr class="css-1wqzpma css-58g0gs" /><section class="css-1x5msv2-section css-v2rwuu-sectionColor css-0 css-cyozzv css-135in2k css-19msw4o"><div class="css-v4b8n3-holder css-19msw4o css-1mstajq"><div class="css-1m2xlfi css-1gnkudj"><div class="css-14bqp1s css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><h2 class="css-inphab css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->Keyword Research Guides</h2><div class="css-sr0bui-guidePreviewWrapper"><div class="css-ty4peq-guidePreviewItem"><a class="css-1eydlj5" href=""><picture><source media="(max-width: 767px)" type="image/jpeg" srcset="/assets/esbuild/image-4-NUFNSRJ2.png" /><source media="(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1279px)" type="image/jpeg" srcset="/assets/esbuild/image-4-NUFNSRJ2.png" /><img class="css-l991ds-image" src="/assets/esbuild/image-4-NUFNSRJ2.png" /></picture></a><div class="css-y9lfrs css-lb9cx4-stack css-3sj1cp css-1bjhv8d css-1vznryd css-1soja3n"><a class="css-1eydlj5" href=""><h3 class="css-71jj5u css-1vg6q84 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->Keyword Research: The Beginner’s Guide by Ahrefs</h3></a><p class="css-nrxxf9 css-pelz90 css-0 css-s9mxsb css-0"><!-- -->Keyword research is the process of finding keywords that you want to rank for in search engines. 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