Histology at SIU, skin

<html> <head> <title>Histology at SIU, skin</title> </head> <body bgcolor=#ffffbb><a href="" target="_blank"><img style="padding-left: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px;" src="../images/SIUlogo.png" border="0" align="right" alt="Southern Illinois University" width="150" height="194"></a> <a name="top"></a> <table border="2" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFCCCC" width="15%" height="58"> <div align="center"><a href="../index.htm">HISTO HOME</a></div> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFCC99" width="15%" height="58"> <div align="center"><a href="index.htm">INTRO</a></div> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFFF33" width="16%" height="58"> <div align="center"><a href="epith.htm">Epithelial<br> Tissue </a></div> </td> <td bgcolor="#99ff99" width="16%" height="58"> <p align="center"><a href="ct.htm">Connective<br> Tissue </a></p> </td> <td bgcolor="#99ffff" width="19%" height="58"> <div align="center"><a href="../ssb/index.htm">Nerve &amp; Muscle Tissue</a></div> </td> <td bgcolor="#ff99ff" width="19%" height="58"> <div align="center"><a href="">RESOURCE CENTER</a></div> </td> </tr> </table> <blockquote> <h1><font size="+3">Introduction to Skin Histology</font></h1> <p><a href="IN004b.htm"><img src="images/IN004a1.jpg" width="100" height="149" align="right" border="2"></a>The skin is the largest organ of the body.&nbsp; As the primary interface between ourselves and our environment, the skin serves several distinct functions.</p> <ul> <li><i><b>protection</b></i></li> <li><i><b>sensation</b></i></li> <li><i><b>thermoregulation</b></i></li> <li><i><b>communication</b></i>. </li> <li>Skin is also <i><b>self-repairing </b></i>after injury.</li> </ul> <p>The microscopic anatomy of skin reflects this functional complexity, with each functional specialization implemented by particular features of cell and tissue structure.</p> <ul> <li><a href="#layers">LAYERS</a> of skin <ul> <li><a href="#epidermis">epidermis</a></li> <li><a href="#dermis">dermis</a> and hypodermis</li> </ul> </li><br> <li><a href="#appearance">APPEARANCE</a> of skin</li><br> <li><a href="#cells">CELL TYPES</a> <ul> <li>Epidermal cells -- <a href="#keratinocytes">keratinocytes</a>, <a href="#melanocytes">melanocytes</a>, <a href="#langerhans">Langerhans cells</a>, <a href="#merkel">Merkel cells</a></li> <li>Dermal cells -- see <a href="ct.htm#cells">connective tissue cells</a></li> </ul> </li><br> <li><a href="#special">SPECIAL STRUCTURES</a> <ul> <li><a href="#sweat">sweat glands</a></li> <li><a href="#hair">hair follicles</a>, <a href="#sebaceous">sebaceous glands</a>, <a href="#hair">arrector pili</a></li> <li><a href="#nails">nails</a></li> <li><a href="#neural"> innervation</a></li> <li><a href="#vascular">vasculature</a><br>&nbsp;</li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#regions">REGIONAL DIFFERENTIATION</a></li><br> <li><a href="#functions">FUNCTIONS</a> of skin <b><a href="IN017b.htm"><img src="images/IN017a.jpg" width="100" height="67" align="right" border="2"></a></b> <ul> <li>Containment</li> <li>Protection</li> <li>Healing after injury</li> <li>Sensation <li>Thermoregulation</li> <li>Communication</li><br> </ul> </li> <li><a href="skinbiop.htm">BIOPSY</a> -- Examine and interpret a skin biopsy.<br>&nbsp; <li><b>Recent research:</b>&nbsp; A special issue of the journal <a href=""><i>Science</i> (21 November 2014, Vol. 346 no. 6212)</a> reports research progress on several skin-related topics. <ul> <li>"From bench to bedside," <a href=""><i>Science</i> 346: 932-933</a></li> <li>"Shedding light on skin color," <a href=""><i>Science</i> 346: 934-936</a></li> <li>"Mammalian skin cell biology: At the interface between laboratory and clinic," <a href=""><i>Science</i> 346: 937-940</a></li> <li>"Advances in skin grafting and treatment of cutaneous wounds," <a href=""><i>Science</i> 346: 941-945</a></li> <li>"The melanoma revolution: From UV carcinogenesis to a new era in therapeutics," <a href=""><i>Science</i> 346: 945-949</a></li> <li>"The gentle touch receptors of mammalian skin," <a href=""><i>Science</i> 346: 950-54</a></li> <li>"Dialogue between skin microbiota and immunity," <a href=""><i>Science</i> 346: 954-959</a></li> </ul><br> <li><a href="../ssb/SAQssb.htm#ii"><b>SAQ</b> self-assessment practice questions</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>&nbsp; </li> <li><a href="../ii.htm#skin">Image index</a><br>&nbsp; <br> </li> <li>Link to <b><a href="" target="_blank">LUMEN</a></b> (Loyola University Medical Education Network), click on &quot;Part 13:&nbsp; Skin (Integument)&quot;.<br> </li> </ul> </blockquote> <a name="layers"></a> <b><font size="-2"><p align="center"><a href="#top">TOP OF PAGE</a></p></font></b><hr> <blockquote> <p><a href="IN008b1.htm"><img src="images/IN008a.jpg" width="100" height="67" align="right" border="2"></a>The skin has <b>two principal layers</b>.</p> <ul> <li>The <a href="#epidermis"><b>epidermis</b></a> is the <a href="epith.htm">epithelial tissue</a> layer of skin. <ul> <li><a href="#hair">Hair follicles</a>, <a href="#sebaceous">sebaceous glands</a>, and <a href="#sweat">sweat glands</a> are epithelial invaginations from the epidermis.</li><br> </ul> </li> <li><The <a href="#dermis"> <b>dermis</b></a> is the <a href="ct.htm">connective tissue</a> layer of skin.&nbsp; </font> <ul> <li>Embedded within the dermis are <a href="#vascular">blood vessels</a> and <a href="#neural">sensory nerve endings</a> as well as epidermal invaginations of <a href="#hair">hair follicles</a> and <a href="#sweat">sweat glands</a>.</li><br> </ul> </li> <li><a href="IN027b.htm"><img src="images/IN027a.jpg" width="100" height="67" border="2" align="right"></a>Beneath the skin lies the <b><a href="#hypodermis">hypodermis</a></b> -- connective tissue which may be <a href="ct.htm#adipose">adipose</a> or <a href="ct.htm#fibrous">fibrous</a>, depending on location. <ul><li>&nbsp; The transition from dermis to hypodermis is irregular and poorly defined; there is no &quot;boundary&quot;. </li></ul> <blockquote> <p><a name="epidermis"></a> <b><font size="-2"><p align="center"><a href="#top">TOP OF PAGE</a></p></font></b><hr> <p></p> </blockquote> </li> </ul> <p><a href="IN008b1.htm"><img src="images/IN008a.jpg" width="100" height="67" align="left" border="2"></a><b>Epidermis</b>, the <a href="epith.htm">epithelial layer</a> of skin, is primarily protective.&nbsp; This layer, consisting of <a href="epith.htm#stratsquam">keratinized stratified squamous epithelium</a>, is tough, relatively impermeable, and self-replacing. &nbsp; These functional qualities are conferred by the epidermis' principal cell type, the <a href="#keratinocytes">keratinocyte</a>.</p> <blockquote> <p>The quality of the epidermis differs from place to place in the body (see <a href="#regions">regional differences</a>).&nbsp; The quality of the epidermis can also be altered by various disease states which influence the rate of cell division and the quality of cell differentiation. </p> </blockquote> <a href="IN024b.htm"><img src="images/IN024a.jpg" width="100" height="67" align="right" border="2"></a> <p><a name="epilayers"></a>The epidermis displays <b>several layers</b>.&nbsp; These layers are not distinctly different tissues (unlike epidermis and dermis, for example) but rather reflect visible changes or stages along the continuous process of <a href="#keratinocytes">keratinocyte</a> maturation, or <i>keratinization</i>.&nbsp; Read the caption of the image below from the bottom up, for the normal progression of keratinocytes from formation to maturation. </p> </blockquote> <div align="right"></div> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td width="42%"><img src="images/IN008a7a.jpg" width="300" height="54" align="right" border="0"></td> <td width="2%">- </td> <td width="56%" bordercolor="#CCCCCC"> <div align="left"><b><a name="scorn"></a>Stratum corneum.</b>&nbsp; Cells of the cornified layer are dead, protective keratinized &quot;squames,&quot; eventually sloughed off.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="42%"><img src="images/IN008a7b.jpg" width="300" height="65" align="right" border="0"></td> <td width="2%">-</td> <td width="56%" bordercolor="#CCCCCC"> <div align="left"><b><a name="sgran"></a>Stratum granulosum.</b>&nbsp; Cells in the granule-cell layer accumulate <i>keratohyalin</i>, visible as darkly stained granules.&nbsp; The presence of this layer is diagnostic for <a href="epith.htm#stratsquam">keratinized</a> stratified squamous epithelium.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="42%"><img src="images/IN008a7c.jpg" width="300" height="213" align="right" border="0"></td> <td width="2%">-</td> <td width="56%" bordercolor="#CCCCCC"> <div align="left"><b><a name="sspin"></a>Stratum spinosum.</b>&nbsp; Cells of the &quot;prickle-cell&quot; layer are attached to one another by <a href="epith.htm#2">desmosomes</a> (&quot;spines&quot;) and reinforced by tonofilaments.&nbsp; These cells gradually move outward as new cells are formed from the basal layer (below). <blockquote> <p><font color="884444"><b>Historical note</b>:&nbsp; The living cell layers of epidermis are sometimes called the &quot;Malpighian layer,&quot; after <a href="../eponyms.htm#malpighi">Marcello Malpighi</a>, who introduced microscopy to medicine.</font></p> </blockquote></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="42%"><img src="images/IN008a7d.jpg" width="300" height="113" align="right" border="0"></td> <td width="2%">-</td> <td width="56%" bordercolor="#CCCCCC"> <div align="left"><b><a name="sbas"></a><a name="sgerm"></a>Stratum basale / stratum germinativum.</b> Cells of the basal layer are attached to the basement membrane (dashed line) by hemidesmosomes.&nbsp; When a basal cell divides, one of the daughters migrates upward to replenish outer layers of cells.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="42%" height="21"><img src="images/IN008a7e.jpg" width="300" height="95" align="right" border="0"></td> <td width="2%" height="21">-</td> <td width="56%" bordercolor="#CCCCCC" height="21"> <div align="left">The <a href="#dermis">dermis</a><b></b> lies beneath the epidermis, separated from the epithelium by the basement membrane (white dashed line).</div> </td> </tr> </table> <blockquote> <blockquote> <blockquote> <a name="keratinocytes"></a><a name="cells"></a> <b><font size="-2"><p align="center"><a href="#top">TOP OF PAGE</a></p></font></b><hr> </blockquote> </blockquote> <p><font size="+1"><b>Keratinocytes</b></font></p> <p>The epidermis consists primarily of <b>keratinocytes</b>.&nbsp; Scattered among the keratinocytes are a few other cell types -- <a href="#melanocytes">melanocytes</a>, <a href="#langerhans">Langerhans cells</a>, and <a href="#merkel">Merkel cells</a></p> <p><b><a href="IN008b.htm"><img src="images/IN008a3.jpg" align="right" border="2"></a>Keratinocytes</b>, which comprise most of the <a href="#epidermis">epidermis</a>, are characterized by numerous intercellular junctions (desmosomes), reinforced by intracytoplasmic tonofilaments.&nbsp; </p> <blockquote> <p>Each desmosome is one spot of attachment.&nbsp; At high magnification, the desmosomes are visible as fine &quot;prickles&quot; extending across the gap (intercellular space) between adjacent keratinocytes.&nbsp; Between these junctions lie intercellular channels which permit nutrients to diffuse from dermis into epidermis.&nbsp; (<a href="q&amp;a.htm#4">More</a>.) </p> </blockquote> <p>Keratinocytes in the <a href="#sbas">stratum basale</a> of the epidermis can undergo mitosis.&nbsp; The formation of new cells in this basal layer gradually pushes previously formed cells upward where they become the <a href="#sspin">stratum spinosum</a>.&nbsp; As keratinocytes approach the surface of the epidermis, they accumulate intracellular keratin and secrete a waxy material into the intercellular space; these changes are visible in the <a href="#sgran">stratum granulosum</a>, a distinctive layer which is diagnostic for a keratinized epithelium.&nbsp; As maturing keratinocytes seal off the intercellular spaces through which they receive nutrients, they eventually die and form the <a href="#scorn">stratum corneum</a>, a tough and relatively inpermeable layer of hardened, dead cells.&nbsp; Eventually, as cells reach the surface, they are sloughed off.&nbsp; The entire epidermis above the basal layer is replenished (replaced by new cells) within about two weeks.&nbsp; Replacement is accelerated by injury.</p> <p><a href="#epilayers"><img src="images/IN008a7f.jpg" align="right" border="2"></a>The stages in keratinocyte maturation appear as <a href="#epilayers">layers in the epidermis</a>, so that a section across the epidermis illustrates the entire process.&nbsp; </p> <blockquote> <p>See the <a href="">Electron Microscopic Atlas of cells, tissues and organs in the internet</a> for (mostly unlabelled) EM images of epidermis.</p> </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> <a name="melanocytes"></a><a name="langerhans"></a><a name="merkel"></a><a name="othercells"></a> <b><font size="-2"><p align="center"><a href="#top">TOP OF PAGE</a></p></font></b><hr> <p><font size="+1"><b>Other epidermal cell types</b></font></p> <p><b><a href="IN005b.htm"><img src="images/IN005a.jpg" width="100" height="67" align="right" border="2"></a></b> Scattered among the much more numerous <a href="#keratinocytes">keratinocytes</a> are several other epidermal cell types -- <b>melanocytes</b>, <b>Langerhans cells</b>, and <b>Merkel cells</b>.&nbsp; Because these cells lack the tough reinforcement and desmosomal attachments that characterize <a href="#keratinocytes">keratinocytes</a>, they commonly shrink during preparation and appear surrounded by a clear &quot;halo&quot;.&nbsp; (Together these cell types are all quite distinct from keratincytes.&nbsp; But they are difficult to distinguish from one another without special techniques.)</p> <blockquote> <p> <b>Melanocytes </b>manufacture the pigment <i>melanin</i>.&nbsp; Melanocytes appear as small cells, usually in or near the stratum basale.&nbsp; They have thin cytoplasmic processes<a href="#keratinocytes"></a> (not evident in ordinary histological preparations) which extend between nearby <a href="#keratinocytes">keratinocytes</a> and serve to transfer <i>melanosomes</i> (melanin-containing granules) into adjacent <a href="#keratinocytes">keratinocytes</a>.&nbsp; Because of this transfer, most pigment-containing cells in the epidermis are normally keratinocytes rather than melanocytes. </p> <p>Melanocytes may be found in places other than skin, such the <a href="../ssb/eye.htm#overview">choroid</a> layer of the eye.</p> <p>Melanocytes are derived from neural crest and migrate to their final position in the epidermis.&nbsp; This developmental propensity for travel may contribute to the dangerously metastatic potential of <b>melanomas</b>. </p> <ul><li><b>Recent research:&nbsp; </b>"The melanoma revolution: From UV carcinogenesis to a new era in therapeutics," <a href=""><i>Science</i> 346: 945-949 (2014)</a>&nbsp;</li></ul> <p><b>Langerhans cells</b> <font color="884444">(named after <a href="../eponyms.htm#langerhans">Paul Langerhans</a>, b. 1847)</a></font> are antigen-presenting cells which participate in the surveillance function of the <a href="ct.htm#immune">immune system</a>.&nbsp; (Antigen-presenting cells acquire foreign materials [antigens] and pass them along to <a href="ct.htm#lymphocytes">lymphocytes</a>.)&nbsp; Langerhans cells are smaller than <a href="#keratinocytes">keratinocytes</a>, with relatively clear cytoplasm, usually located within the stratum spinosum or stratum basale.&nbsp; Langerhans cells are <i>dendritic cells</i>, with extensive cytoplasmic processes extending between keratinocytes to sample intruding antigens throughout the epidermis.&nbsp; [<font size="-1">NOTE</font>:&nbsp; <i>Please try not to confuse <a href="../eponyms.htm#langerhans"></i>Lang<b>er</b>hans<i></a> with <a href="../eponyms.htm#langhans"></i>Langhans<i></a>, each of whom has an eponymous cell named after him</i>.]</p> <p><b>Merkel cells</b> <font color="884444">(named after <a href="../eponyms.htm#merkel">Friedrich Merkel</a>, b. 1845)</font> are small cells associated with <a href="#neural">nerve endings</a> in epidermis.&nbsp; Their function has long been uncertain, but they seem to be involved in neural development and tactile sensation.&nbsp; Recent evidence supports a role for Merkel cells in light touch, &quot;suggesting that these cells form an indispensible part of the somatosensory apparatus&quot; (<a href=""><i>Science</i> 324:1580, 2009</a>; also see <a href=""><i>The Journal of Neuroscience</i> 32(10): 3296-3300</a>, doi: <font size="-1">10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5307-11.2012</font> ).&nbsp;&nbsp; Some uncommon skin cancers derive from Merkel cells.</p> <blockquote> <p>See the <a href="">Electron Microscopic Atlas of cells, tissues and organs in the internet</a> for (mostly unlabelled) EM images of Merkel cells.</p> </blockquote> <a name="dermis"></a> <b><font size="-2"><p align="center"><a href="#top">TOP OF PAGE</a></p></font></b><hr> </blockquote> <p><font size="+1"><b>Dermis and hypodermis</b></font></p> <p><a href="IN033b.htm"><img src="images/IN033a.jpg" width="100" height="127" align="right" border="2"></a>The <b>dermis</b> consists of <a href="ct.htm#fibrous">dense, fibrous connective tissue</a> whose predominant connective tissue component is <a href="ct.htm#collagen">collagen</a>.&nbsp; </p> <ul> <li>The texture of <a href="ct.htm#collagen">collagen fibers</a> serves as the basis for recognizing <i><b>two layers</b></i> of dermis. </li> <ul> <li>The <b>papillary layer</b> of the dermis lies adjacent to the epidermis and consists of relatively small, finely textured collagen fibers.&nbsp; This layer is named after <b><i>dermal papillae</i></b>, the protrusions of dermal connective tissue which indent the base of the epidermis.&nbsp; Dermal papillae increase the contact area for attachment between dermis and epidermis; they are more pronounced in <a href="#regions">thick skin</a>.</font></li> <li>The <b>reticular layer</b> of the dermis lies beneath the papillary layer and consists of larger, more coarsely textured collagen fibers.&nbsp; (&quot;Reticular&quot; means &quot;like a network&quot; and describes the texture of collagen fibers in this layer.)</li> </ul> </ul> <p><a href="IN020b.htm"><img src="images/IN020a.jpg" width="100" height="67" align="right" border="2"></a>Like ordinary <a href="ct.htm">connective tissue</a> throughout the body, connective tissue of the <b>dermis</b> serves several distinct functions.&nbsp; </p> <ul> <li>Tough <a href="ct.htm#collagen">collagen fibers</a> and resilient <a href="ct.htm#elastin">elastic fibers</a> provide <b>mechanical strength</b> for skin.&nbsp; </p> <blockquote> <p><b>Clinical note</b>:&nbsp; Lines of tension in the dermis, called <a href="../langers-lines.htm"><i><b>Langer's lines</b></i></a> (<font color="884444">after <a href="../eponyms.htm#langer">Karl Langer</a>, b. 1817</font>), affect healing after surgical incision.&nbsp; Cuts across the lines tend to pull apart, with concommitant tendency toward tissue distortion and scarring, more so than do cuts parallel to the lines.</li> <li>The <a href="ct.htm#ground">ground substance</a> of the dermis serves as the <b>substrate for diffusion</b> of nutrients and wastes to and from various other tissue components. </li> <li><a href="BH007b.htm"><img src="../bluehist/BH007a.jpg" width="100" height="80" align="right" border="2"></a><a href="ct.htm#mast">Mast cells</a>, <a href="ct.htm#lymphocytes">lymphocytes</a> and <a href="ct.htm#macrophages">macrophages</a> in the connective tissue carry out <a href="ct.htm#immune">surveillance for the immune system</a>.&nbsp; </li> <li>Finally, the dermis together with its associated blood vessels and nerves is capable of active response to injury, yielding the defensive reaction of <a href="inflam.htm"><b>inflammation</b></a>, followed by the healing processes of <b><a href="ct.htm#4.4">growth</a></b><a href="ct.htm#4.4"> and <b>repair</b></a>. </li> </ul> <p>Within the dermis are embedded several other structures, including epidermal appendages (<a href="#sweat">sweat glands</a> and <a href="#hair">hair follicles</a>) as well as blood vessels and nerve endings.&nbsp; </p> <p> <a href="IN040b.htm"><img src="images/IN040a.jpg" width="100" height="76" align="right" border="2"></a> <a href="IN027b.htm"><img src="images/IN027a.jpg" width="100" height="67" border="2" align="right"></a> <a href="IN009b.htm"><img src="images/IN009a.jpg" width="100" height="67" align="right" border="2"></a> <a name="hypodermis"></a><font size="3">The connective tissue of the dermis grades into <b>hypodermis</b>, without a sharp transition or distinct boundary.&nbsp; </p> <blockquote> <p>Over most of the body, hypodermis is characterized by adipocytes and may comprise a thick layer of adipose tissue.&nbsp;&nbsp;In some sites (<i>e.g.</i>, &quot;dimples&quot;), hypodermis is fibrous and binds the dermis to underlying structures.&nbsp; Hair follicles and sweat glands may extend into hypodermis</p> Blood vessels are generally larger in the deeper layers of skin, with only capillaries in the papillary layer of the dermis. </p> </blockquote> </blockquote> <p><a name="appearance"></a> <b><font size="-2"><p align="center"><a href="#top">TOP OF PAGE</a></p></font></b><hr> <blockquote> <p>The <b><i>appearance of the skin</i></b> can have considerable clinical significance.&nbsp; The skin is readily accessible for examination (no invasive procedures needed), and its color and texture can reveal much about underlying physiology.</p> <p><b>Color:</b>&nbsp; Skin is moderately transparent.&nbsp; Light which penetrates the skin is reflected back from varying depths by epidermal cells, by collagen, and by blood.&nbsp; </p> <blockquote> <blockquote> <p><b>Recent research: </b>&nbsp; "Shedding light on skin color," <a href=""><i>Science</i> 346: 934-936</a>&nbsp;</p> </blockquote> <p><b>Melanin</b>, produced by <a href="#melanocytes">melanocytes</a> and stored in basal <a href="#keratinocytes">keratinocytes</a>, contributes a yellow/brown color to the epidermis.&nbsp; If the epidermis is not heavily pigmented, light readily penetrates into the dermis.</p> <p><a href="ct.htm#collagen"><b>Collagen</b></a> scatters light from the dermis without altering its color.&nbsp; Hence, the whiteness of &quot;white&quot; skin is primarily a reflection of collagen.</p> <p>Hemoglobin in <b>red blood cells</b> scatters red light and is responsible for the pinkness of unpigmented skin.&nbsp; The relative amount of pink in any given patch of skin reflects how closely blood approaches the base of the epidermis (<i>i.e.</i>, how much collagen intervenes to scatter white light before red blood cells can absorb the non-red colors).</p> </blockquote> <p>Each of these elements contributes to the apparent color of skin.&nbsp; Variations in skin color in different parts of the body (see <a href="#regions">regional differences</a>) are based on variations in these elements, most especially the <b>amount of pigment</b>, the <b>thickness of dermis</b>, and the degree of <b>perfusion in dermal capillaries</b>.</p> <blockquote> <p>Perhaps most significantly, <b>blood flow</b> through the dermis is highly variable and is regulated in response to many conditions (heat, pain, fluid balance, inflammation, emotional reaction).&nbsp; Resulting variations in pinkness can provide indicators of underlying physiology, both locally and systemically.&nbsp; Obvious examples include <b><a href="inflam.htm">inflammation</a></b>, <b>overheating</b>, <b>dehydration</b>, <b>shock</b>, and even embarrassment (<i>i.e.</i>, blushing)<b> </b>.</p> </blockquote> <p><b>Texture:</b>&nbsp; Skin texture is affected the thickness and smoothness of the epidermis, by the quality of <a href="ct.htm#fibers">fibers</a> in the dermis, and by the amount of fluid in dermal connective tissue.</p> <blockquote> <p>Because the <a href="#epidermis">epidermis</a> is continually being replenished by cell divisions among basal <a href="#keratinocytes">keratinocytes</a> and because this tissue is exposed to a variety of insults, the epidermis is especially prone to disturbances of growth.&nbsp; See any pathology book for examples.</p> <p>The <a href="ct.htm#fibers">connective tissue fibers</a> of the skin are permanent, enduring without replacement (except by repair after injury) throughout life.&nbsp; Although <a href="ct.htm#collagen">collagen</a> is quite durable, <a href="ct.htm#elastin">elastin</a> commonly deteriorates with age (and especially with repeated exposure to sunlight) and loses its elasticity.&nbsp; This is easily demonstrated by a &quot;pinch test.&quot;&nbsp; In youthful skin, loose skin that has been pinched into a ridge quickly returns to its normal position when released.&nbsp; Elderly skin commonly remains in its deformed position, returning more slowly if at all.&nbsp; </p> <p>Both <b>edema</b> (accumulation of excess fluid in connective tissue) and <b>dehydration</b> can dramatically alter the appearance of skin.</p> </blockquote> </blockquote> <p><a name="special"></a> <b><font size="-2"><p align="center"><a href="#top">TOP OF PAGE</a></p></font></b><hr> <p></p> <blockquote> <p><b><i>Skin includes several specialized structures</i></b>, including epidermal appendages (<a href="#sweat">sweat glands</a>, <a href="#hair">hair follicles</a>, <a href="#nails">nails</a>) as well as <a href="#vascular">blood vessels</a> and <a href="#neural">nerve endings</a> which travel through the dermis.&nbsp; </p> <ul> <li><a href="#sweat">sweat glands</a></li> <li><a href="#hair">hair follicles</a>, <a href="#sebaceous">sebaceous glands</a></li> <li><a href="#nails">nails</a></li> <li><a href="#neural"> innervation</a></li> <li><a href="#vascular">vasculature</a></li> </ul> <p>Epidermal appendages play an especially important role in recovery from superficial <b>scrapes</b> and <b>burns</b>.&nbsp; Even when the epidermis has been removed over a fairly large area, it can grow back quickly from the epithelial cells which remain in deeper hair follicles and/or sweat glands.&nbsp; <b>Third-degree burns</b> are so serious precisely because tissue damage extends deep enough into the dermis to destroy these sources of replacement cells.</p> <blockquote> <a name="sweat"></a> <b><font size="-2"><p align="center"><a href="#top">TOP OF PAGE</a></p></font></b><hr> </blockquote> <p><font size="+1"><b>Sweat glands</b></font></p> <p><a href="IN007b.htm"><img src="images/IN007a.jpg" width="100" height="67" align="right" border="2"></a> <a href="IN025b.htm"><img src="images/IN025a.jpg" width="100" height="67" align="right" border="2"></a> <b>Sweat glands</b> are <a href="glands.htm">simple tubular glands</a> lined by <a href="epith.htm#cub">cuboidal epithelium</a>.&nbsp; The secretory portion of the gland lies deep in the dermis, where the tubule is twisted into a fairly compact tangle.&nbsp; A duct communicates outward through the overlying dermis and the epidermis.</p> <blockquote> <p>The secretory portion of a sweat gland is comprised of cells which are larger than those of the duct.&nbsp; These cells form a <i><a href="epith.htm#terminology">simple</a></i><a href="epith.htm#cub"> cuboidal epithelium</a>, along with interspersed <a href="../erg/gicells.htm#myoep">myoepithelial cells</a> (which can expel sweat by contraction).</p> <p><b><a href="IN044b.htm"><img src="images/IN044a.jpg" width="100" height="79" align="right" border="2"></a></b>Cells comprising the duct, or conducting portion of the tubule, usually form a two-layered <i><a href="epith.htm#terminology">stratified</a></i><a href="epith.htm#cub"> cuboidal epithelium</a>.&nbsp; These cells are usually stained more intensely than those comprising the secretory portion of the tubule.&nbsp; As fluid flows through the duct, its composition is modified by reabsorption of certain elements from the fluid.&nbsp; (This is primarily a means of conserving salt.)</p> </blockquote> <p><b>Sweat glands</b> are vital for <a href="#functions">thermoregulation</a>.&nbsp; They also influence water and ion balance.</p> <blockquote> <p>The primary function for sweating is evaporative cooling of the body.&nbsp; Thus, the amount of sweat is regulated as a function of body temperature.&nbsp; </p> <p>However, sweat also contains salt.&nbsp; Normally, sweat which comes out on the surface of the skin has a lower salt concentration than the precursor fluid produced by the secretory cells of the sweat gland.&nbsp; Salt is reabsorbed by the duct of the sweat gland.&nbsp; The&nbsp;effectiveness of this salt reabsorption is regulated by aldosterone (the hormone responsible for maintaining electrolyte homeostasis) in response to bodily salt balance.</p> </blockquote> <p><a href="apocrine2.htm"><img src="images/apocrine2a.jpg" width="100" height="75" align="right" border="2"></a> <a href="apocrine1.htm"><img src="images/apocrine1a.jpg" width="100" height="75" align="right" border="2"></a> There are <b>two types</b> of sweat glands.&nbsp; Ordinary <i><b>eccrine</b></i> sweat glands are found over most of the body, while larger <i><b>apocrine</b></i> sweat glands are found in axillary, pubic, and perianal regions.</p> <blockquote> <p>Both types of sweat glands have the same basic shape, but apocrine glands have taller cells and much larger diameter. </p> <blockquote> <a name="hair"></a> <b><font size="-2"><p align="center"><a href="#top">TOP OF PAGE</a></b></font></p><hr> </blockquote> </blockquote> <p><font size="+1"><b>Hair follicles</b></font></p> <p><b><a href="IN006b.htm"><img src="images/IN006a.jpg" width="100" height="67" align="right" border="2"></a> Hair follicles</b> are tubular invaginations lined by stratified squamous epithelium similar to epidermis.</p> <blockquote> <p>Toward the bottom of each follicle, processes of cell division, growth, and maturation similar to those in the epidermis yield a cylindrical column of dead, keratinized cells (the hair shaft) which gradually extrudes from the follicle.&nbsp; (<i>For details, consult your histology textbook</i>.)</p> </blockquote> <p><a href="IN027b.htm"><a href="IN036b.htm"><img src="images/IN036a.jpg" width="100" height="79" align="right" border="2"></a>Hair follicles are associated with <a href="#sebaceous">sebaceous glands</a> as well as nerve endings and smooth muscle, which all together form the <i>pilosebaceous apparatus</i>.&nbsp; </p> <ul> <li>A network of <i><b><a href="#neural">nerve endings</a></b></i> detects deflection of the hair shaft and also controls <i>piloerection</i> (hair &quot;standing on end,&quot; or &quot;goose bumps&quot;).</li> <li>Piloerection is effected by <a href="../ssb/smoothm.htm">smooth muscle</a>.&nbsp; A small bundle of smooth muscle cells called the <i><b>arrector pili</b></i> ("hair erector") is attached to the connective tissue sheath around each hair follicle.</li> <li><i><a href="#sebaceous">Sebaceous glands</a></i> secrete oil into the hair follicle.</li> </ul> <p><a href="IN040b.htm"><img src="images/IN040a.jpg" width="100" height="76" align="right" border="2"></a>Hair growth is moderately complex, resulting in considerable variation in appearance of hair follicles related to growth phase (i.e., <i>anagen</i>, <i>catagen</i>, and <i>telogen</i>, or growing, regressing, and resting) as well as to body region and to age and gender.&nbsp; (<i>For additional detail, consult your histology textbook or see <a href=""><b>here</b> (NIH NLM)</a></i>.) </p> <a name="sebaceous"></a> <b><font size="-2"><p align="center"><a href="#top">TOP OF PAGE</a></p></font></b><hr> <a href="IN036b.htm"><img src="images/IN036a.jpg" width="100" height="79" align="right" border="2"></a> <p><font size="+1"><b>Sebaceous glands</b></font></p> <p><b>Sebaceous glands</b> are associated with <a href="#hair">hair follicles</a>.&nbsp; The complex of hair follicle, hair shaft, and sebaceous gland is sometimes called the <i>pilosebaceous apparatus</i>.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><b><a href="IN042b.htm"><img src="images/IN042a.jpg" width="100" height="79" align="right" border="2"></a></b>Histologically, sebaceous glands are quite different from all other <a href="glands.htm">glands</a>.&nbsp; They are <i><b>holocrine glands</b></i>, which means that the <i>whole cell</i> is secreted.&nbsp; The process of holocrine secretion is more similar to maturation of <a href="#keratinocytes">keratinocytes</a> than to ordinary glandular function.&nbsp; Cells formed by mitosis at the base of the gland are pushed toward the surface as new cells form below.&nbsp; Along the way, the cells become packed with lipid and then die.&nbsp; The secretion consists of breakdown-products of the cells themselves, which extrude into the lumen of the associated hair follicle.&nbsp; So, basically, sebaceous glands are small masses of epidermal cells in which sebum (a mixture of lipids) accumulates rather than keratin.<b><a href="IN043b.htm"><img src="images/IN043a.jpg" width="100" height="79" align="right" border="2"></a></b>&nbsp; </p> <p>The dying cells in sebaceous glands provide a good opportunity to learn the appearance of <i><b>pyknotic nuclei</b></i>, one of the more conspicuous signs of cell death.<a name="nails"></a> </p> <blockquote> <b><font size="-2"><p align="center"><a href="#top">TOP OF PAGE</a></p></font></b><hr> </blockquote> <p><font size="+1"><b>Nails</b></font></p> <p>Please consult an in-depth text (e.g., Chapter 3, <i>Histology for Pathologists</i>, Sternberg, 1998; newer edition: Mills, <i>Histology for Pathologists</i>, 3rd ed., 2007) if you desire histological details on <b>finger</b><b>nails</b> and <b>toenails</b>.</p> <a name="neural"></a> <b><font size="-2"><p align="center"><a href="#top">TOP OF PAGE</a></p></font></b><hr> <p><font size="+1"><b>Innervation</b></font></p> <p>The skin is richly innervated, served by a variety of <b>sensory nerve endings</b> which respond to a variety of modalities (e.g., pressure, vibration, heat, cold, itch, pain) and by <b>motor nerve endings</b> which control blood flow, sweat secretion, and piloerection.</p> <ul><li><b>Recent research: </b>&nbsp; "The gentle touch receptors of mammalian skin," <a href=""><i>Science</i> 346: 950-54</a>.</li></ul> <table width="100" border="0" align="right"> <tr> <td><a href="Meissners2.htm"><img src="images/Meissners2a.jpg" width="100" height="75" align="right" border="2"></a></td> <td><a href="Meissners1.htm"><img src="images/IN038a.jpg" width="100" height="75" align="right" border="2"></a></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="2"><font size="-1">Meissner's corpuscles</font><br>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td></b></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td><a href="IN039b.htm"><img src="images/IN039a.jpg" width="100" height="75" align="right" border="2"></a></b></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td><font size="-1">Pacinian corpuscle</font></td> </tr> </table> <p>For richer information on the following, see <a href="">Neuroscience Online, Somatosensory systems</a>.</p> <ul> <li><b>Free nerve endings</b> (without any conspicuous associated structure) terminate within the <a href="#epidermis">epidermis</a>, penetrating almost to the <a href="#epilayers">stratum corneum</a>.</li> <li><b>Merkel's touch corpuscles</b> <font color="884444">(named after <a href="../eponyms.htm#merkel">Friedrich Merkel</a>, b. 1845)</font> are nerve endings associated with <a href="#merkel">Merkel cells</a> at the base of the <a href="#epidermis">epidermis</a> in thick (glabrous) skin of palms and soles.</li> <li><b>Meissner's corpuscles</b> <font color="884444">(named after <a href="../eponyms.htm#meissner">Georg Meissner</a>, b. 1829)</font> (images at right) are encapsulated endings in dermal papillae, most common in palmar and plantar skin, especially in fingertips.</li> <li><b>Pacinian corpuscles</b> <font color="884444">(named after <a href="../eponyms.htm#pacini">Filipo Pacini</a>, b. 1812)</font>, located deeper in dermis (image at right), are simple nerve endings but are each encapsulated by multilamellar, ovoid structures resembling small onions.&nbsp; Pacinian corpuscles respond to deep pressure.</li> <li><b>Krause's endbulbs</b> <font color="884444">(named after <a href="../eponyms.htm#krause">Wilhelm Krause</a>, b. 1833)</font>, or mucocutaneous receptors, are encapsulated endings in dermis, especially associated with lips, genital regions, nipples, and conjunctiva.</li> <li><b>Ruffini endings</b> <font color="884444">(named after <a href="../eponyms.htm#ruffini">Angelo Ruffini</a>, b. 1864)</font> have numerous fine branches from a single axon within the fluid-filled space of a single thin capsule.</li> <li><b>Hair follicle receptors</b> are unencapsulated nerve endings wrapped around hair follicles. </li> </ul> <p>The distribution of sensory nerve endings varies from place to place in the body (see <a href="#regions">regional differences</a>).&nbsp; </p> <p>Except for the characteristic capsules of Meissner's and Pacinian corpuscles, nerve endings are inconspicuous in ordinary histological preparations of skin.&nbsp; </p> <blockquote> <p>Special stains are generally used to observe nerve endings.&nbsp; And except for the conspicuously encapsulated endings of Meissner's and Pacinian corpuscles, the functional details of most sensory endings remain obscure.&nbsp; For more information on tactile sensation, see <i>Principles of Neural Science</i> by Kandel, Schwartz and Jessel.</p> </blockquote> <p><a href="../ssb/neuron.htm#3">Peripheral nerves</a> (<i>i.e.</i>, bundles of axons, within a connective tissue sheath or <i>epineurium</i>) can often be found in dermis, with smaller branches toward the surface (<i>i.e.</i>, often near <a href="#sweat">sweat glands</a> or <a href="#hair">hair follicles</a>) and larger branches in deeper layers (often running parallel to blood vessels).&nbsp; The following examples show nerves in dermis.</p> <table width="37%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" align="center"> <tr> <td width="20%"><a href="IN009b.htm"><img src="images/IN009a.jpg" width="100" height="67" border="2" align="top"></a></td> <td width="21%"><a href="IN010b.htm"><img src="images/IN010a.jpg" width="100" height="67" border="2" align="top"></a></td> <td width="59%"><a href="IN011b.htm"><img src="images/IN011a.jpg" width="100" height="68" border="2" align="top"></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%"><a href="IN013b.htm"><img src="images/IN013a.jpg" width="100" height="68" border="2" align="top"></a></td> <td width="21%"><a href="IN003b.htm"><img src="images/IN003a.jpg" width="100" height="67" border="2" align="top"></a></td> <td width="59%">&nbsp;</a></td> </tr> </table> <a name="vascular"></a> <b><font size="-2"><p align="center"><a href="#top">TOP OF PAGE</a></p></font></b><hr> <p><b>Skin vasculature</b></p> <p>The papillary layer of the <a href="#dermis">dermis</a> is richly supplied with <b>capillaries</b>, while larger <b>blood vessels</b> may be found in deeper levels of the dermis.</p> <blockquote> <p>Since the skin does not have a very high metabolic demand for nutrients and oxygen, this rich vascular network serves mainly for <a href="#functions">regulation of body temperature</a>.&nbsp; Essentially, regulation of the amount of blood flowing through superficial capillaries allows for either conservation or dissipation of body heat.</p> <p> <b>Arteriovenous shunts</b>, controlled by associated sphincters, allow blood to bypass capillaries and flow directly from arteries into veins.&nbsp; These shunts occur in both deep and superficial dermis.</p> </blockquote> </blockquote> <a name="regions"></a> <b><font size="-2"><p align="center"><a href="#top">TOP OF PAGE</a></p></font></b><hr> <p> <blockquote> <font size="+1"><b>Regional Differentiation</b></font></p> <p>Skin varies markedly over different parts of the body.&nbsp; All of the components of skin contribute to this variation.&nbsp; Consult a textbook for illustrations (e.g., pp. 42-43 in <i>Histology for Pathologists</i>, Sternberg, 1998; newer edition: Mills, <i>Histology for Pathologists</i>, 3rd ed., 2007).</p> <ul> <li>Thickness of <b><a href="#epidermis">epidermis</a></b>. <ul> <li>Skin on palms of hands and soles of feet is traditionally called "<b>thick skin</b>" or "<b>volar skin</b>."&nbsp; This palmar and plantar skin has much thicker epidermis than other regions of skin (up to a millimeter or more, with many cell layers), and with an especially well-developed, abrasion-resistant <a href="#epilayers">stratum corneum</a>.&nbsp; <br> This so-called "thick skin" also lacks hair follicles and sebaceous glands.&nbsp; </li> <li>Elsewhere epidermis is substantially thinner than palms and soles, typically with only a few cell layers.&nbsp; Nonetheless, its thickness varies from region to region -- e.g., commonly about a half-millimeter over most of the body, but as thin as a tenth of a millimeter over eyelids.&nbsp; </li> <blockquote> <font size="-1"> <b>Clinical / research note</b> (from <a href=""><i>Science</i>, 5 Sept. 2024, Vol 385, pp. 1047-1048)</a>.&nbsp; "Differences between skin in different parts of the body are well recognized, but exploiting those differences to benefit the millions of people worldwide with prosthetic limbs is a new prospect.&nbsp; The skin of the palms and soles, known as volar skin, is specialized to withstand physical and mechanical forces, such as friction, shear stress, and pressure.&nbsp; Limb prostheses come into close contact with stump skin that is not adapted to these forces.&nbsp; As a result, the skin can break down, resulting in pain, ulceration, and infection... [Researchers demonstrated], in a clinical trial of healthy volunteers, that injecting autologous volar <a href="ct.htm#fibroblasts">fibroblasts</a> (derived from the volunteers' own tissue) confers volar features on nonvolar skin that persist for several months. This is a promising step toward improved quality of life for prosthesis wearers."</font> </blockquote> </ul> </li> <li>Thickness of <b><a href="#dermis">dermis</a></b>. <ul> <li>Dermis is commonly one to two millimeters in thickness.</li> <li>Dermis is quite thin in the eyelid (about half a millimeter) and quite thick (several millimeters) over the back of the trunk.</li> <li>Dermal papillae are most pronounced beneath the epidermis of thick skin.<br>&nbsp; </li> </ul> </li> <li>Size and concentration of <b><a href="#hair">hair follicles / hair shafts</a></b>. <ul> <li>Rather obviously, hairs are commonly thicker and longer on the scalp than on most other regions, and in adults also on axilla and pubis.</li> <li>Less obviously, tiny hair (<i>vellus</i> hair) occurs even on seemingly hairless regions like eyelids.</li> <li>Hair is absent from &quot;thick skin&quot; of palmar and plantar skin. </li> <li>There is considerable variation from person to person in the distribution of hair.<br>&nbsp;</li> </ul> </li> <li>Size and concentration of <b><a href="#sebaceous">sebaceous glands</a></b>. <ul> <li>Certain regions of the body (e.g., nose, forehead) are notorious for large and active sebaceous glands.</li> <li>Sebaceous glands are absent from &quot;thick skin&quot; of palmar and plantar skin.<br>&nbsp; </li> </ul> </li> <li>Size and concentration of <b><a href="#sweat">sweat glands</a></b>. <ul> <li>The distribution of sweat glands varies over the body, with high concentrations in palmar and plantar skin.&nbsp; (Incidently, sweat glands of palms and soles respond more to mental and emotional stress than to heat stress.) </li> <li>Large <a href="#sweat">apocrine sweat glands</a> are concentrated in axillary, pubic and perianal areas.&nbsp; These sweat glands are responsible for &quot;body odor,&quot; by including organic substances (and, consequently, bacteria) in their secretions.<br>&nbsp; </li> </ul> </li> <li>Type and concentration of <b><a href="#neural">sensory nerve endings</a></b>. <ul> <li>Different sensory modalities are concentrated in different regions.&nbsp; </li> <li>Skin of fingertips has the highest concentrations of Meissner's and Pacinian corpuscles.</li> <li>Tactile resolution varies tremendously from region to region, as can be readily demonstrated by a two-point discrimination test: <blockquote>(Unbend a paperclip so that the two ends can be pressed simultaneously against the skin.&nbsp; Then, with randomly varying touches from one or both ends, see how far apart the ends need to be before the two-end touch is felt as two distinct touches.&nbsp; The finest discrimination is likely to be found on fingertips; the coarsest on the back of the trunk.) <blockquote> </li> </ul> </li> <li>Presence of <b>muscle</b>. <ul> <li>Bundles of <a href="../ssb/smoothm.htm">smooth muscle</a> may be found in the dermis of nipple, areola, scrotum, penis, and perianal region.</li> <li>In non-human mammals, skeletal-type muscle may be found in dermis (allowing horses, for example, to &quot;twitch&quot; a patch of skin to discourage biting flies).</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </blockquote> <a name="functions"></a> <b><font size="-2"><p align="center"><a href="#top">TOP OF PAGE</a></p></font></b><hr> <p> <blockquote> <p><font size="+1"><b>Functions of Skin</b></font></p> <p>Skin serves several functions simultaneously.&nbsp; </p> <ul> <li> <div align="left"><b>Containment</b> -- Skin prevents loss of body fluid.</div> <ul> <li>Although the <a href="#epilayers">stratum spinosum</a> is permeable to water, the <a href="#epidermis">epidermis</a> becomes relatively impermeable in the <a href="#epilayers">stratum granulosum</a> and <a href="#epilayers">stratum corneum</a>.</li> <li>Damage to extensive areas of epidermis, <i>e.g.</i> by burns, renders the skin highly permeable and constitutes a medical emergency.<br>&nbsp; </li> </ul> </li> <li> <div align="left"> <div align="left"><b>Protection</b> -- Skin resists abrasion and penetration, and blocks the entry of foreign material.</div> <ul> <li><a href="#epidermis">Epidermis</a> serves as a simple mechanical barrier.&nbsp; This is probably the most obvious function for skin.</li> <li><a href="#keratinocytes">Keratinocytes</a> are crucial for the barrier function, both in their tonofilaments and desmosomes which establish the mechanical integrity of the <a href="#epidermis">epidermis</a> and in their formation of hardened squames in the <a href="#epilayers">stratum corneum</a>.</li> <li><a href="#melanocytes">Melanocytes</a> produce melanin pigment, which shields underlying cells from ultraviolet light.<br> <blockquote><b>Recent research: </b>&nbsp; "The melanoma revolution: From UV carcinogenesis to a new era in therapeutics," <a href=""><i>Science</i> 346: 945-949</a>; "Shedding light on skin color," <a href=""><i>Science</i> 346: 934-936</a></blockquote> </li> <li><a href="ct.htm#collagen">Collagen</a> of the <a href="#dermis">dermis</a> provides main strength to resist tearing or penetration.&nbsp; The thickness of the dermis is correlated with vulnerability to injury.<br>&nbsp; </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li> <div align="left"><b><a href="inflskin.htm"><img src="images/inf2a.jpg" width="100" height="81" align="right" border="2"></a>Immunological surveillance and defense</b> -- <a href="ct.htm#immune">Immune cells</a> of skin stand ready to defend against invasion by microorganisms.</div> <ul> <li><a href="#langerhans">Langerhans cells</a> detect foreign antigens in the epidermis.</li> <li><a href="ct.htm#mast">Mast cells </a>stand ready to trigger an <a href="inflam.htm">inflammatory response</a> if the skin is injured or the epidermal barrier is breached.<br> <blockquote><b>Recent research: </b>&nbsp; "Dialogue between skin microbiota and immunity," <a href=""><i>Science</i> 346: 954-959</a>.<br>&nbsp;</blockquote></li> </ul> </li> <li> <div align="left"><b>Wound healing</b> -- Skin is extremely effective at regenerating after damage.</div> <ul> <li><b><a href="IN018b.htm"><img src="images/IN018a.jpg" width="100" height="66" align="right" border="2"></a></b>Cells in the <a href="#epilayers">basal layer</a> of the <a href="#epidermis">epidermis</a> respond quickly to damage, proliferating and migrating to cover the site of injury (moving in under the scab).</li> <li>Epithelial replacement can spread from deep <a href="#hair">hair follicles</a> and <a href="#sweat">sweat glands</a> if the surface epidermis has been damaged over an extensive area.</li> <li><a href="ct.htm#fibroblasts">Fibroblasts</a> also become activated by injury, to proliferate and to manufacture new <a href="ct.htm#collagen">collagen</a>.&nbsp; The resulting <b><a href="ct.htm#fibroblasts">scar</a></b> may be eventually remodelled into a nearly-normal configuration of fibers.&nbsp; </li> <li><a href="#special">Epidermal appendages</a> play an especially important role in recovery from superficial <b>scrapes</b> and <b>burns</b>.&nbsp; Even when the epidermis has been removed over a fairly large area, it can grow back quickly from the epithelial cells which remain in deeper hair follicles and/or sweat glands.&nbsp; <b>Third-degree burns</b> are so serious precisely because tissue damage extends deep enough into the dermis to destroy these sources of replacement cells.</li></ul> <blockquote><b>Recent research: </b>&nbsp; "Advances in skin grafting and treatment of cutaneous wounds," <a href=""><i>Science</i> 346: 941-945</a>.</blockquote> </li> <li> <div align="left"><b>Sensation</b> -- Skin receives several modalities of tactile information over the entire body, from a <a href="#neural">variety of receptors</a>. <blockquote><b>Recent research:</b>&nbsp; "The gentle touch receptors of mammalian skin," <a href=""><i>Science</i> 346: 950-54</a>.</blockquote> </li> <li> <div align="left"><b>Thermoregulation</b> --&nbsp;Skin controls the transfer of heat across the body's surface, facilitating as needed both heat retention and heat dissipation.</div> <ul> <li>Sweat glands are vital for thermoregulation.&nbsp; Even when the external temperature is higher than body temperature, evaporating sweat can cool skin below the core temperature.&nbsp; Normal thermoregulatory sweating is often insensible, with sweat evaporating as quickly as it forms.&nbsp; Sweat which drips from the body (e.g., during heavy exercise in humid weather) is much less efficient, as the body tries to compensate more-or-less ineffectively for rising internal temperature.</li> <li>Under normal circumstances, skin is cooler than the body core.&nbsp; Thus increasing or decreasing <a href="#vascular">blood flow</a> through capillaries in the papillary layer of dermis can dissipate or conserve body heat. </li> <li>Fat of the hypodermis can serve as effective insulation.&nbsp; Regulation of <a href="#vascular">blood flow</a> into the dermis determines the extent which this insulation is used (to conserve heat) or bypassed (to dissipate heat). <br>&nbsp; </li> </ul> </li> <li> <div align="left"><b>Communication</b> -- Skin releases visual and pheromonal signals (blushing, body odor, nervous sweating).&nbsp; </div> </li> </ul> </blockquote> <b><font size="-2"><p align="center"><a href="#top">TOP OF PAGE</a></p></font></b><hr> <p>Comments and questions: <a href=""><i></i></a> <br> </p> <p> <i><a href="">SIUC</a> / <a href="">School of Medicine</a> / <a href="">Anatomy</a> / <a href="">David King</a> </i> <br> <br><br> Last updated:&nbsp; 24 September 2024 / dgk </body> </html>

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