Collective Biographies of Women
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Interpreting these narratives with the BESS schema reveals the building blocks of female biography."> <meta name="Keywords" content="Collective Biographies of Women"> <meta property="og:title" content="Collective Biographies of Women" /> <meta property="og:type" content="website" /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:description" content="Find the 1271 English-language books that collect chapter-length biographies of women of all types, famous and obscure, from queens to travelers, from writers to activists. CBW studies versions of women’s lives over time, as well as networks of types, to discover a rich international history of gender roles. Interpreting these narratives with the BESS schema reveals the building blocks of female biography." /> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/cbw_public.css" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> </head> <body class="women"> <header id="header" role="banner"> <div id="page_title"> <a href="/index.php"> <img src="/site_banner.png" alt=""> <span class="audible">Collective Biographies of Women</span> <span class="audible">How Books Reshape Lives</span> </a> </div> <nav id="courtesy-navigation"> <a class="nav-persons" href="/women.php">Persons</a> <a class="nav-books" href="/books.php">Books</a> <a class="nav-biographies" href="/narratives.php">Biographies</a> <a class="nav-cohorts" href="/cohort-analytics/">Cohorts</a> <a class="nav-case-studies" href="/case-studies/">Case Studies</a> <a class="nav-about" href="/about.php">About</a> <a class="nav-resources" href="/resources.php">Resources</a> <a href="" rel="external">Bibliography</a> <a href="" rel="external">Forum</a> </nav> </header> <main id="content" role="main"> <div id="db_result"> <p class="eyebrow">Women / Persons ~ P24560</p><h1 class="section_title"> Margaret Anglin </h1> <div id="result_metadata"><div id="person_alt_names_area"><span class="column_name">Alternate Names:</span> <ul id="person_alt_names"> <li> Mary Margaret Warren Anglin </li> <li> Mary Warren Anglin </li> </ul> </div> <div class="db_result_sub_area"><span class="column_name">Gender:</span> Female</div><div class="db_result_sub_area"><span class="column_name">Life Dates:</span> 3 April 1876 - 7 January 1958</div> <div id="person_types_area"><span class="column_name">Types:</span> <ul id="person_types"> <li>Canadian</li> <li>Director</li> <li>Performer, actress</li> </ul> </div> <div class="db_result_sub_area"><span class="column_name">Note:</span> Born Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, died Toronto, Ontario, Canada</div> <form action="degrees_of_separation.php" method="get"> <div class="db_result_sub_area"> <input type="submit" name="do" value="Find"> persons with <select name="sep_num" id="sep_num"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="6">6</option> </select> degrees of separation from Margaret Anglin <input type="hidden" name="person_id" id="person_id" value="P24560"> </div> </form> <br> <div class="db_result_sub_area"><strong><a href="radial_graph.php?person_id=P24560">Explore Radial Graph</a></strong></div> <div class="db_result_sub_area"><strong><a href="person_publications_display.php?id=21570">Display Publication Bar Graph</a></strong></div> </div> <div id="result_related"><h3 class="result_title">Biographies (2 Total)</h3> <ul class="biographies records result_list"> <li> <a class="db_option biography" href="narratives_display.php?id=19520">Margaret Anglin</a> <span>Author: <a class="db_option person" href="women_display.php?id=14444"> Lewis Clinton Strang </a>. Collection Title: <a class="collection collection_title" href="books_display.php?id=2109">Famous Actresses of the Day in America. Famous Actresses of the Day</a>. 1899</span></li> <li> <a class="db_option biography" href="narratives_display.php?id=14730">Some American actresses of today</a> <span>Author: <a class="db_option person" href="women_display.php?id=12591"> Forrest Izard </a>. Collection Title: <a class="collection collection_title" href="books_display.php?id=1780">Heroines of the Modern Stage. Illustrated</a>. 1915</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer role="contentinfo" id="footer"> <div id="uva_logo"> <a href=""><img src="/uva_logo.png" alt="University of Virginia"></a> </div> <div id="information"> <div id="publishing_information"> <p>Alison Booth, <abbr title="Principle Investigator">PI</abbr> · <a href="/about.php">About</a><br><a href="">The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities</a> | Last Modified: Thursday, March 08, 2018 12:45 EST</p> <p class="copyright">© 2013–2017 Rectors and Visitors of the <a href="">University of Virginia</a></p> </div> <div id="development_information"> <p>This project has been developed through the research support of the</p> <ul id="credits"> <li><a href="">University of Virginia Department of English</a></li> <li><a href="">Dean of Arts and Sciences</a></li> <li><a href="">Vice President for Research</a></li> <li><a href="">University of Virginia Libraries</a></li> <li><a href="">University of 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0.22-9.41 0.22-10.02 0-0.61 0-6.85 0.09-7.29 0.13-0.53 0.26-1.76 1.89-1.76H31.99zM53.28 6.97c-0.33 0-2 0.14-3.01 0.14 -1.53 0-3.58-0.14-3.92-0.14 -0.24 0-0.33 0.1-0.33 0.24v1.15c0 0.24 0.09 0.33 0.33 0.33h0.81c0.81 0 1.53 0.29 1.77 0.86 0.24 0.57 0.38 3.34 0.38 4.49 0.1 1.53 0.14 3.01 0.14 5.73v3.15h-0.19C48.7 22.3 44.26 16.71 43.4 15.71c-1-1.19-6.49-8.12-6.64-8.31 -0.19-0.29-0.48-0.38-1.15-0.38 -0.57 0-1.57 0.1-2.34 0.1 -0.52 0-1.29-0.05-1.91-0.1 -0.62 0-1.15-0.05-1.24-0.05 -0.19 0-0.29 0.14-0.29 0.29v1.15c0 0.19 0.1 0.28 0.29 0.28h0.43c1.34 0 2.53 0.81 2.53 2.53v5.01c0 5.4-0.1 8.79-0.14 9.36 -0.14 1.1-0.91 1.43-1.38 1.43h-1.1c-0.14 0-0.19 0.05-0.19 0.14v1.24c0 0.24 0.05 0.33 0.14 0.33 0.38 0 2.53-0.14 3.2-0.14 1.39 0 3.3 0.14 3.63 0.14 0.24 0 0.24-0.09 0.24-0.29v-1.14c0-0.19 0-0.29-0.24-0.29h-1c-0.48 0-1-0.52-1.15-1.62 -0.1-0.43-0.29-5.2-0.29-8.07v-6.54h0.1c0.77 0.86 4.63 6.02 5.78 7.35 0.52 0.62 2.58 3.06 4.78 5.68 1.96 2.34 3.58 4.3 3.91 4.63 0.19 0.14 0.67 0.48 1.1 0.48 0.57 0 0.72-0.48 0.72-0.91V16.86c0-1.96-0.09-4.96 0.14-7.16 0.1-0.67 0.34-1 1.53-1h0.48c0.19 0 0.29-0.14 0.29-0.33V7.35C53.62 7.07 53.52 6.97 53.28 6.97zM64.4 27.03h-0.71c-1.38 0-1.96-0.67-2.06-1.77 -0.05-0.72-0.05-6.21-0.05-6.49v-2.39c0-0.33 0.05-6.01 0.05-6.49 0.05-1 0.48-1.19 1.77-1.19h0.81c0.24 0 0.28-0.14 0.28-0.33V7.21c0-0.14-0.09-0.24-0.28-0.24 -0.38 0-2.82 0.14-4.2 0.14 -2.24 0.05-5.2-0.14-5.49-0.14 -0.19 0-0.28 0.1-0.28 0.29v1.1c0 0.19 0.05 0.33 0.28 0.33h0.86c2.01 0 2.44 0.48 2.44 1 0 0.67 0.09 5.44 0.09 6.21v2.1c0 1.62-0.05 7.69-0.09 8.12 -0.1 0.86-0.86 0.91-2.06 0.91h-1.05c-0.19 0-0.29 0.14-0.29 0.29v1.05c0 0.24 0.1 0.38 0.29 0.38 0.29 0 3.06-0.14 4.68-0.14 2.15 0 4.63 0.14 5.01 0.14 0.24 0 0.29-0.14 0.29-0.33v-1.15C64.69 27.12 64.64 27.03 64.4 27.03zM127.57 27.03c-0.86 0-1.48-0.05-2.15-0.52 -0.91-0.67-2-2.1-2.67-3.05 -1.96-2.77-2.91-4.25-4.01-4.49v-0.09c3.77-1.34 5.63-3.25 5.63-6.54 0-1.1-0.62-2.48-1.67-3.48 -1.19-1.05-3.34-1.86-6.2-1.86 -0.62 0-4.78 0.14-5.35 0.14 -0.86 0-3.82-0.14-4.05-0.14 -0.19 0-0.29 0.1-0.29 0.24v1.15c0 0.19 0.05 0.33 0.19 0.33h0.48c1.34 0 1.77 0.53 1.81 1.48v4.59 2.96c-0.04 2.91 0 5.73-0.04 8.07 0 1.05-0.57 1.24-1.72 1.24h-0.57c-0.19 0-0.28 0.1-0.28 0.24v1.1c0 0.24 0.09 0.38 0.28 0.38 0.34 0 2.77-0.14 3.97-0.14 1.57 0 4.15 0.14 4.48 0.14 0.29 0 0.38-0.09 0.38-0.33v-1.15c0-0.14-0.09-0.24-0.29-0.24h-1.24c-0.95 0-1.24-0.52-1.34-1.19v-5.15 -1.15c0.33-0.09 0.77-0.09 1.24-0.09 2.01 0 2.73 1.05 4.44 4.01 0.43 0.72 2.53 4.58 3.43 5.25 0.82-0.05 1.96-0.1 3.06-0.1 0.48 0 1.05 0.05 1.48 0.05 0.48 0.05 0.86 0.1 0.96 0.1 0.19 0 0.29-0.14 0.29-0.33v-0.95C127.82 27.17 127.76 27.03 127.57 27.03zM114.35 18c-0.62 0-1.1-0.05-1.44-0.1V9.55c0-0.86 0.72-1.05 1.44-1.05 1.91 0 3.25 0.43 4.54 1.24 0.86 0.57 1.57 1.86 1.57 3.29C120.46 14.28 119.65 18 114.35 18zM135.29 15.38c-0.91-0.33-2.62-1.05-3.34-1.96 -0.52-0.62-0.77-1.62-0.77-2.34 0-0.86 0.77-2.91 3.4-2.91 1.38 0 2.44 0.48 3.15 1.29 1 1.15 1.39 2.82 1.67 3.39 0.05 0.14 0.14 0.24 0.29 0.19l0.86-0.19c0.14-0.05 0.19-0.15 0.19-0.29 -0.05-0.67-0.47-3.77-0.47-5.35 0-0.24-0.05-0.43-0.43-0.43 -0.38 0-0.53 0-0.62 0.14l-0.19 0.33c-0.1 0.24-0.33 0.19-0.81-0.1 -0.57-0.29-1.57-0.62-3.39-0.62 -1.72 0-3.24 0.43-4.49 1.43 -1.05 0.91-2.05 2.39-2.05 4.01 0 2.34 0.57 3.87 1.66 4.92 1.44 1.29 3.73 2.15 4.69 2.48 2.53 0.95 4.39 2.15 4.39 4.87 0 2.05-2.29 3.25-3.82 3.25 -1.77 0-3.35-0.95-4.06-2.39 -0.86-1.58-0.86-2.58-0.86-3.25 0-0.19-0.19-0.28-0.38-0.33l-0.86-0.1c-0.19 0-0.29 0.15-0.33 0.34 -0.05 0.77-0.38 4.59-0.52 5.92 -0.05 0.24 0.1 0.43 0.38 0.52 0.38 0.1 0.63 0 0.72-0.24l0.14-0.38c0.1-0.38 0.39-0.33 0.72-0.09 1.1 0.86 2.77 1.67 5.21 1.67 4.35 0 6.64-3.06 6.64-6.64 0-2.39-0.57-3.58-1.52-4.58C139.25 16.71 137.48 16.19 135.29 15.38zM152.88 27.03h-0.72c-1.38 0-1.96-0.67-2.05-1.77 -0.05-0.72-0.05-6.21-0.05-6.49v-2.39c0-0.33 0.05-6.01 0.05-6.49 0.05-1 0.48-1.19 1.77-1.19h0.81c0.24 0 0.29-0.14 0.29-0.33V7.21c0-0.14-0.1-0.24-0.29-0.24 -0.38 0-2.82 0.14-4.21 0.14 -2.24 0.05-5.2-0.14-5.49-0.14 -0.19 0-0.29 0.1-0.29 0.29v1.1c0 0.19 0.04 0.33 0.29 0.33h0.86c2.01 0 2.44 0.48 2.44 1 0 0.67 0.1 5.44 0.1 6.21v2.1c0 1.62-0.05 7.69-0.1 8.12 -0.1 0.86-0.86 0.91-2.06 0.91h-1.05c-0.19 0-0.29 0.14-0.29 0.29v1.05c0 0.24 0.1 0.38 0.29 0.38 0.29 0 3.06-0.14 4.68-0.14 2.14 0 4.63 0.14 5.01 0.14 0.24 0 0.29-0.14 0.29-0.33v-1.15C153.17 27.12 153.11 27.03 152.88 27.03zM250.69 28.31h-0.72c-1.39 0-1.96-0.67-2.05-1.77 -0.05-0.72-0.05-6.21-0.05-6.49v-2.39c0-0.33 0.05-6.01 0.05-6.49 0.05-1 0.48-1.19 1.77-1.19h0.81c0.24 0 0.29-0.14 0.29-0.33V8.49c0-0.14-0.09-0.24-0.29-0.24 -0.38 0-2.81 0.14-4.2 0.14 -2.24 0.05-5.2-0.14-5.49-0.14 -0.19 0-0.29 0.1-0.29 0.29v1.1c0 0.19 0.05 0.33 0.29 0.33h0.86c2 0 2.43 0.48 2.43 1 0 0.67 0.09 5.44 0.09 6.21v2.1c0 1.62-0.05 7.69-0.09 8.12 -0.09 0.86-0.86 0.91-2.05 0.91h-1.05c-0.19 0-0.29 0.14-0.29 0.28v1.05c0 0.24 0.09 0.38 0.29 0.38 0.28 0 3.06-0.14 4.68-0.14 2.15 0 4.63 0.14 5.01 0.14 0.24 0 0.29-0.14 0.29-0.33v-1.14C250.98 28.4 250.93 28.31 250.69 28.31zM273.41 28.31c-0.86 0-1.48-0.05-2.15-0.52 -0.91-0.67-2-2.1-2.67-3.05 -1.96-2.77-2.91-4.25-4.01-4.49v-0.1c3.77-1.33 5.63-3.25 5.63-6.54 0-1.1-0.62-2.48-1.67-3.48 -1.19-1.05-3.34-1.86-6.21-1.86 -0.62 0-4.77 0.14-5.35 0.14 -0.86 0-3.82-0.14-4.06-0.14 -0.19 0-0.29 0.1-0.29 0.24v1.15c0 0.19 0.05 0.33 0.19 0.33h0.48c1.33 0 1.77 0.53 1.81 1.48v4.58 2.96c-0.04 2.91 0 5.73-0.04 8.07 0 1.05-0.58 1.24-1.72 1.24h-0.57c-0.19 0-0.29 0.1-0.29 0.24v1.1c0 0.24 0.1 0.38 0.29 0.38 0.33 0 2.77-0.14 3.97-0.14 1.58 0 4.15 0.14 4.49 0.14 0.29 0 0.38-0.1 0.38-0.33v-1.14c0-0.14-0.09-0.24-0.29-0.24h-1.24c-0.95 0-1.24-0.52-1.33-1.19v-5.16 -1.15c0.34-0.1 0.76-0.1 1.24-0.1 2 0 2.72 1.05 4.44 4.01 0.43 0.71 2.53 4.58 3.44 5.25 0.81-0.05 1.96-0.1 3.06-0.1 0.48 0 1.05 0.05 1.48 0.05 0.48 0.05 0.86 0.1 0.96 0.1 0.19 0 0.29-0.14 0.29-0.33v-0.95C273.64 28.45 273.59 28.31 273.41 28.31zM260.45 19.28c-0.62 0-1.1-0.05-1.44-0.09v-8.36c0-0.86 0.72-1.05 1.44-1.05 1.91 0 3.25 0.43 4.54 1.24 0.86 0.57 1.57 1.86 1.57 3.29C266.56 15.56 265.75 19.28 260.45 19.28zM293.4 22.1v-1.14c0-0.14-0.1-0.24-0.29-0.24 -0.19 0-2.34 0.1-4.1 0.1 -2.58 0-4.92-0.1-5.2-0.1 -0.19 0-0.24 0.1-0.24 0.24V22.1c0 0.14 0.05 0.24 0.24 0.24h1.15c1.25 0 2.34 0.34 2.34 1.43v1.77c0 0.96-0.1 1.58-0.72 2.05 -0.77 0.62-2.29 1.05-3.96 1.05 -1.33 0-3.24-0.72-4.58-2.15 -1.86-1.96-2.91-4.68-2.91-8.35 0-2.15 1.05-4.68 2.48-6.25 1.77-1.91 3.63-2.44 5.11-2.44 2.2 0 3.53 0.96 4.82 2.29 1.15 1.15 1.96 2.63 2.3 3.39 0.14 0.38 0.23 0.43 0.38 0.38l0.91-0.29c0.14-0.05 0.19-0.14 0.19-0.38 -0.1-0.86-0.72-5.3-0.72-5.54 0-0.33-0.09-0.53-0.53-0.53 -0.38 0-0.52 0.14-0.62 0.33l-0.23 0.43c-0.1 0.14-0.29 0.14-0.67-0.19 -0.91-0.67-3.15-1.53-5.44-1.53 -3.39 0-6.31 1-8.55 2.91 -2.29 2.01-3.54 4.92-3.54 7.83 0 3.73 0.96 6.3 2.87 8.4 2.24 2.48 6.06 3.48 8.54 3.48 3.06 0 5.64-0.67 8.17-1.91 0.34-0.14 0.52-0.29 0.52-0.53 0-0.24-0.15-0.52-0.15-0.95v-3.68c0-0.81 0.91-1 1.39-1h0.81C293.3 22.39 293.4 22.25 293.4 22.1zM303.09 28.31h-0.72c-1.38 0-1.95-0.67-2.05-1.77 -0.05-0.72-0.05-6.21-0.05-6.49v-2.39c0-0.33 0.05-6.01 0.05-6.49 0.04-1 0.47-1.19 1.76-1.19h0.82c0.23 0 0.28-0.14 0.28-0.33V8.49c0-0.14-0.09-0.24-0.28-0.24 -0.39 0-2.82 0.14-4.21 0.14 -2.24 0.05-5.21-0.14-5.49-0.14 -0.19 0-0.29 0.1-0.29 0.29v1.1c0 0.19 0.05 0.33 0.29 0.33h0.85c2 0 2.44 0.48 2.44 1 0 0.67 0.1 5.44 0.1 6.21v2.1c0 1.62-0.05 7.69-0.1 8.12 -0.09 0.86-0.86 0.91-2.05 0.91h-1.05c-0.19 0-0.29 0.14-0.29 0.28v1.05c0 0.24 0.1 0.38 0.29 0.38 0.29 0 3.06-0.14 4.68-0.14 2.14 0 4.63 0.14 5.01 0.14 0.24 0 0.29-0.14 0.29-0.33v-1.14C303.38 28.4 303.33 28.31 303.09 28.31zM328.08 8.25c-0.33 0-2 0.14-3.01 0.14 -1.53 0-3.58-0.14-3.91-0.14 -0.24 0-0.33 0.1-0.33 0.24v1.15c0 0.24 0.1 0.33 0.33 0.33h0.82c0.81 0 1.53 0.29 1.77 0.86 0.24 0.57 0.38 3.34 0.38 4.49 0.1 1.53 0.15 3.01 0.15 5.73v3.15h-0.19c-0.57-0.62-5.02-6.21-5.87-7.21 -1-1.19-6.49-8.12-6.64-8.31 -0.19-0.28-0.47-0.38-1.15-0.38 -0.57 0-1.57 0.1-2.34 0.1 -0.52 0-1.29-0.05-1.91-0.1 -0.62 0-1.14-0.05-1.24-0.05 -0.19 0-0.29 0.14-0.29 0.29v1.15c0 0.19 0.1 0.29 0.29 0.29h0.43c1.34 0 2.53 0.81 2.53 2.53v5.01c0 5.4-0.1 8.78-0.15 9.36 -0.14 1.1-0.9 1.43-1.38 1.43h-1.1c-0.15 0-0.19 0.05-0.19 0.14v1.24c0 0.24 0.05 0.34 0.15 0.34 0.38 0 2.53-0.14 3.2-0.14 1.38 0 3.29 0.14 3.62 0.14 0.24 0 0.24-0.1 0.24-0.29v-1.15c0-0.19 0-0.28-0.24-0.28h-1c-0.48 0-1.01-0.52-1.15-1.62 -0.1-0.43-0.29-5.2-0.29-8.07v-6.54h0.1c0.76 0.86 4.63 6.02 5.78 7.35 0.52 0.62 2.58 3.06 4.77 5.68 1.96 2.34 3.59 4.3 3.91 4.63 0.19 0.14 0.67 0.48 1.1 0.48 0.57 0 0.72-0.48 0.72-0.91V18.14c0-1.96-0.09-4.97 0.14-7.16 0.1-0.67 0.34-1 1.53-1h0.48c0.19 0 0.29-0.14 0.29-0.33V8.64C328.42 8.35 328.32 8.25 328.08 8.25zM362.59 28.31h-0.91c-0.81 0-1.62-0.43-2.24-1.29 -0.33-0.48-2.39-6.11-3.1-8.5 -0.62-1.91-3.05-8.74-3.72-10.65 -0.09-0.33-0.19-0.53-0.48-0.53 -0.29 0-0.48 0.14-0.57 0.34 -0.43 0.38-1.77 1.24-2.67 1.39 -0.43 0.1-0.53 0.24-0.48 0.34 -0.05 0.14 0.09 0.38 0.18 0.48 0.34 0.14 0.05 0.67-0.05 0.95 -0.28 0.81-3.1 7.31-3.43 7.98 -1.15 2.39-3.58 8.12-3.91 8.5 -0.38 0.53-1.15 1-1.96 1h-0.55c-1.38 0-1.95-0.67-2.05-1.77 -0.05-0.72-0.05-6.21-0.05-6.49v-2.39c0-0.33 0.05-6.01 0.05-6.49 0.05-1 0.48-1.19 1.77-1.19h0.81c0.23 0 0.28-0.14 0.28-0.33V8.49c0-0.14-0.09-0.24-0.28-0.24 -0.38 0-2.82 0.14-4.21 0.14 -2.24 0.05-5.2-0.14-5.49-0.14 -0.19 0-0.29 0.1-0.29 0.29v1.1c0 0.19 0.05 0.33 0.29 0.33h0.86c2 0 2.43 0.48 2.43 1 0 0.67 0.1 5.44 0.1 6.21v2.1c0 1.62-0.04 7.69-0.1 8.12 -0.09 0.86-0.85 0.91-2.05 0.91h-1.05c-0.19 0-0.29 0.14-0.29 0.28v1.05c0 0.24 0.09 0.38 0.29 0.38 0.29 0 3.06-0.14 4.68-0.14 1.46 0 7.31 0 7.91 0 0.76 0 3.29 0.14 3.67 0.14 0.24 0 0.28-0.14 0.28-0.33v-1.05c0-0.19-0.05-0.33-0.33-0.33h-1.2c-1 0-1.14-0.62-0.86-1.58 0.19-0.57 1.72-4.53 1.91-5.11h7.69c0.39 1.1 1.67 4.92 1.87 5.87 0 0.38-0.19 0.81-0.77 0.81h-0.76c-0.19 0-0.24 0.14-0.24 0.28v1c0 0.19 0.05 0.43 0.38 0.43 0.62 0 3.44-0.14 4.35-0.14 1.1 0 3.63 0.14 4.2 0.14 0.28 0 0.33-0.29 0.33-0.43v-1C362.82 28.45 362.77 28.31 362.59 28.31zM346.5 20.1c0.24-0.48 3.15-7.78 3.29-8.16 0.14-0.38 0.24-0.52 0.38-0.52 0.14 0 0.19 0.19 0.28 0.48 0.1 0.38 2.34 7.54 2.53 8.21H346.5zM105.54 22.44c-0.14-0.09-0.38-0.05-0.62 0.29 -0.48 0.77-2.15 2.91-2.53 3.2 -1.62 1.29-2.96 1.34-5.06 1.34 -2.05 0-3.44-0.14-3.44-2.39 0-0.62-0.09-3.39-0.09-5.06v-1.62c0.48 0 2.14 0 3.58 0.33 1.24 0.29 1.53 1.05 1.77 2.24 0.05 0.19 0.14 0.19 0.29 0.19l1-0.1c0.14 0 0.24-0.05 0.24-0.24 -0.05-0.62-0.19-2.1-0.19-3.15 0-0.43 0-2.96 0.09-3.39 0.05-0.19-0.09-0.28-0.29-0.28l-1.05-0.05c-0.19 0-0.23 0.05-0.23 0.24 0 1.48-0.47 2.15-1.72 2.48 -0.38 0.1-3.2 0.24-3.48 0.24V8.6l5.06 0.1c0.48 0 1.24 0.19 1.81 0.72 0.81 0.76 3.1 3.44 3.2 3.58 0.15 0.24 0.34 0.24 0.43 0.19l0.77-0.33c0.09-0.05 0.09-0.15 0.04-0.34 -0.09-0.33-1.43-4.44-1.53-4.87 -0.1-0.57-0.19-0.67-0.29-0.67 -0.19 0-0.81 0.1-1.28 0.1L91.31 7.12c-0.69 0-6.5 0-7.3 0 -1.1 0-3.58-0.14-3.87-0.14 -0.18 0-0.28 0.14-0.28 0.29v1.1c0 0.24 0.1 0.33 0.28 0.33h0.53c0.81 0 1 0.24 1 0.48 0 0.48-0.62 1.77-2.43 7.07 -0.24 0.72-2.58 6.64-2.86 7.64h-0.15c-0.29-0.76-2.05-6.3-2.43-7.5 -1.29-4.01-2.1-5.87-2.1-6.97 0-0.62 0.72-0.72 1.34-0.72h1.1c0.19 0 0.33-0.09 0.33-0.28V7.31c0-0.24-0.09-0.33-0.38-0.33 -0.29 0-3.2 0.14-4.34 0.14 -1.24 0-3.87-0.14-4.11-0.14 -0.19 0-0.29 0.1-0.29 0.24v1.19c0 0.14 0.05 0.28 0.24 0.28h0.48c0.62 0 1 0.38 1.39 0.91 0.33 0.48 1.77 4.82 2.58 7.02l0.34 1.05c0.38 1.05 2.91 7.97 3.96 10.79 0.14 0.38 0.38 0.72 0.77 0.72 0.38 0 0.62-0.14 0.76-0.38 0.38-0.62 4.29-9.98 4.73-10.98 0.48-1.24 3.05-7.49 3.96-8.4 0.43-0.43 1.1-0.72 2-0.72h0.66 0.1 0.38c1.91 0 2.2 0.19 2.34 1.19 0.05 0.48 0.1 3.58 0.1 6.11v2.96 7.21c0 0.67-0.14 0.86-2.39 0.86H87.3c-0.24 0-0.33 0.1-0.33 0.29v1.1c0 0.19 0.05 0.33 0.29 0.33 0.58 0 3.2-0.14 4.06-0.14 10.03 0 12.55 0.14 12.89 0.14 0.19 0 0.43-0.24 0.53-0.48l1.72-5.06c0.05-0.14-0.05-0.29-0.15-0.33L105.54 22.44zM389.58 23.55c-0.17-0.09-0.26 0-0.35 0.18 -0.61 1.72-3.26 7.01-5.86 7.4 -1.36 0.18-9.16 0.09-10.13 0 -0.13-1.8-0.13-11.32-0.13-12.07v-4.18c0-3.08 0.13-9.74 0.13-10.31 0-1.28 0.18-1.72 1.55-1.72h2.64c0.35 0 0.44-0.13 0.44-0.35V1.48c0-0.22-0.05-0.35-0.4-0.35 -0.4 0-2.25 0.13-6.52 0.13 -3.66 0-5.24-0.13-5.73-0.13 -0.26 0-0.31 0.09-0.31 0.31v0.97c0 0.22 0.05 0.44 0.31 0.44h2.07c1.32 0 1.54 0.44 1.63 1.59 0.04 0.79 0.13 5.46 0.13 8.28v2.48c0 2.69-0.13 14.05-0.13 14.89 0 0.57-0.26 1.18-1.89 1.18h-2.12c-0.26 0-0.31 0.1-0.31 0.32v1.1c0 0.22 0.04 0.32 0.35 0.32 0.57 0 2.16-0.14 5.64-0.14 4.71 0 16.48 0.04 17.62 0.14 0.27-1.19 2.02-8.85 2.16-9.16 0.01-0.03 0.01-0.03 0.01-0.05 -0.02 0.04-0.04 0.08-0.1 0.04L389.58 23.55zM401.19 26.89h-0.73c-1.4 0-1.98-0.67-2.08-1.78 -0.04-0.72-0.04-6.28-0.04-6.56v-2.42c0-0.33 0.05-6.08 0.05-6.56 0.05-1.01 0.48-1.21 1.79-1.21h0.82c0.24 0 0.29-0.14 0.29-0.34V6.86c0-0.14-0.09-0.24-0.29-0.24 -0.39 0-2.85 0.15-4.25 0.15 -2.27 0.05-5.26-0.15-5.55-0.15 -0.19 0-0.29 0.1-0.29 0.29v1.11c0 0.19 0.05 0.34 0.29 0.34h0.87c2.03 0 2.46 0.48 2.46 1.01 0 0.67 0.09 5.5 0.09 6.28v2.12c0 1.64-0.05 7.78-0.09 8.21 -0.1 0.87-0.87 0.92-2.08 0.92h-1.06c-0.19 0-0.29 0.15-0.29 0.29v1.06c0 0.24 0.09 0.39 0.29 0.39 0.29 0 3.09-0.15 4.73-0.15 2.17 0 4.68 0.15 5.07 0.15 0.24 0 0.29-0.15 0.29-0.34v-1.16C401.47 26.99 401.42 26.89 401.19 26.89zM502.78 6.62c-0.29 0-1.98 0.15-2.85 0.15 -1.44 0-3.86-0.15-4.15-0.15 -0.24 0-0.34 0.15-0.34 0.34v1.06c0 0.19 0.1 0.34 0.34 0.34h0.77c1.06 0 1.01 0.63 0.63 1.4 -0.19 0.39-4.2 6.23-4.92 7.44 -0.77-1.16-4.78-7.58-5.06-8.01 -0.19-0.29-0.15-0.82 0.72-0.82h0.72c0.29 0 0.34-0.14 0.34-0.34V6.96c0-0.24-0.15-0.34-0.34-0.34 -0.33 0-3.62 0.15-4.68 0.15 -1.15 0-3.67-0.15-3.96-0.15 -0.29 0-0.38 0.15-0.38 0.29v1.06c0 0.29 0.09 0.39 0.34 0.39h0.67c0.38 0 1.25 0.1 1.74 0.58 0.77 0.72 6.66 9.36 7.1 10.23v1.74c0 2.85 0 4.59-0.05 5.02 -0.05 0.67-0.33 0.97-1.88 0.97h-0.72c-0.19 0-0.29 0.15-0.29 0.29v1.06c0 0.29 0.1 0.39 0.34 0.39 0.29 0 3.09-0.15 4.15-0.15 1.59 0 4.29 0.15 4.58 0.15 0.29 0 0.39-0.15 0.39-0.34v-1.16c0-0.14-0.1-0.24-0.34-0.24h-0.62c-0.87 0-1.64-0.05-1.74-1.06 -0.1-0.58-0.05-1.89-0.1-3.08V18.69c1.11-1.69 6.7-9.56 7.43-9.95 0.43-0.24 0.96-0.38 1.74-0.38h0.49c0.19 0 0.29-0.1 0.29-0.34V7.01C503.12 6.72 503.03 6.62 502.78 6.62zM416.18 16.66V16.57c3.04-1.11 4.49-1.89 4.49-4.93 0-1.79-0.68-3.23-2.51-4.2 -1.11-0.58-3.14-0.82-5.84-0.82 -1.16 0-3.04 0.15-4.1 0.15 -0.82 0-4.1-0.15-4.53-0.15 -0.24 0-0.29 0.1-0.29 0.34v1.06c0 0.29 0 0.34 0.24 0.34h0.92c0.92 0 1.83 0.05 1.93 1.69 0.05 0.53 0.15 3.91 0.15 5.12v3.58c0 2.56 0 6.27-0.15 6.95 -0.15 0.63-0.58 1.21-1.3 1.21h-1.3c-0.29 0-0.33 0.05-0.33 0.24v1.02c0 0.34 0.05 0.48 0.38 0.48 0.82 0 2.56-0.15 3.86-0.15 1.64 0 3.23 0.15 4.88 0.15 3.28 0 5.55-0.48 6.85-1.16 1.6-0.72 2.51-2.94 2.51-4.63C422.02 19.61 419.9 17.77 416.18 16.66zM410.2 14c0-2.02 0-4.68 0.05-5.31 0.05-0.34 0.14-0.58 0.43-0.62 0.29-0.05 0.63-0.05 1.06-0.05 0.92 0 2.75 0.34 3.72 1.06 1.2 0.92 1.45 2.13 1.45 3.14 0 1.02-0.48 2.28-1.78 3.19 -0.96 0.63-2.7 0.82-4.92 0.68V14zM413.29 27.18c-2.41 0-3.09-1.35-3.09-3.67v-5.93c1.55 0 2.94-0.05 4.58 0.53 1.83 0.63 3.14 2.13 3.14 4.58C417.92 25.93 415.46 27.18 413.29 27.18zM483.48 26.89c-0.87 0-1.5-0.05-2.17-0.53 -0.92-0.67-2.03-2.12-2.7-3.08 -1.97-2.8-2.94-4.3-4.05-4.63 3.81-1.35 5.7-3.28 5.7-6.61 0-1.11-0.63-2.51-1.69-3.52 -1.21-1.06-3.38-1.89-6.27-1.89 -0.63 0-4.83 0.15-5.41 0.15 -0.87 0-3.86-0.15-4.09-0.15 -0.2 0-0.3 0.1-0.3 0.24v1.16c0 0.19 0.05 0.34 0.2 0.34h0.48c1.35 0 1.78 0.53 1.83 1.49v4.64 2.99c-0.05 2.95 0 5.79-0.05 8.15 0 1.06-0.58 1.26-1.73 1.26h-0.66c-0.82 0-1.64-0.43-2.27-1.3 -0.33-0.48-2.41-6.18-3.14-8.59 -0.62-1.93-3.08-8.84-3.76-10.76 -0.09-0.34-0.19-0.53-0.48-0.53 -0.29 0-0.48 0.14-0.58 0.34 -0.44 0.39-1.79 1.26-2.71 1.4 -0.43 0.1-0.53 0.24-0.48 0.34 -0.05 0.14 0.09 0.38 0.19 0.48 0.34 0.15 0.04 0.67-0.05 0.97 -0.29 0.82-3.14 7.38-3.48 8.06 -1.16 2.42-3.62 8.21-3.95 8.59 -0.14 0.19-0.33 0.37-0.63 0.48 -0.92-0.67-2.02-2.12-2.7-3.08 -1.98-2.8-2.94-4.3-4.05-4.63 3.81-1.35 5.69-3.28 5.69-6.61 0-1.11-0.62-2.51-1.69-3.52 -1.2-1.06-3.38-1.89-6.27-1.89 -0.63 0-4.82 0.15-5.4 0.15 -0.87 0-3.85-0.15-4.1-0.15 -0.19 0-0.29 0.1-0.29 0.24v1.16c0 0.19 0.05 0.34 0.19 0.34h0.49c1.35 0 1.79 0.53 1.83 1.49v4.64 2.99c-0.05 2.95 0 5.79-0.05 8.15 0 1.06-0.58 1.26-1.74 1.26h-0.58c-0.19 0-0.29 0.1-0.29 0.24v1.11c0 0.24 0.1 0.39 0.29 0.39 0.34 0 2.8-0.15 4.01-0.15 1.59 0 4.2 0.15 4.54 0.15 0.29 0 0.39-0.1 0.39-0.34v-1.16c0-0.14-0.1-0.24-0.29-0.24h-1.25c-0.97 0-1.26-0.53-1.35-1.21v-5.21 -1.15c0.34-0.1 0.78-0.1 1.25-0.1 2.03 0 2.76 1.06 4.49 4.06 0.44 0.72 2.56 4.63 3.48 5.31 1.65-0.01 2.56-0.08 4.21-0.07 1.82 0.01 4.51 0.12 4.68 0.12 0.24 0 0.29-0.15 0.29-0.34v-1.06c0-0.19-0.04-0.34-0.33-0.34h-1.21c-1.01 0-1.16-0.62-0.87-1.59 0.19-0.58 1.74-4.59 1.93-5.17h7.77c0.38 1.11 1.68 4.97 1.88 5.94 0 0.39-0.2 0.82-0.77 0.82h-0.77c-0.19 0-0.24 0.15-0.24 0.29v1.01c0 0.19 0.05 0.43 0.39 0.43 0.63 0 3.48-0.15 4.39-0.15 0.81 0 2.06 0.12 3.39 0.12 0.4 0 0.62 0 1.01-0.01 1.22-0.07 2.31-0.11 3.12-0.11 1.59 0 4.2 0.15 4.54 0.15 0.29 0 0.39-0.1 0.39-0.34v-1.16c0-0.14-0.1-0.24-0.29-0.24h-1.26c-0.97 0-1.26-0.53-1.35-1.21v-5.21 -1.15c0.34-0.1 0.77-0.1 1.25-0.1 2.03 0 2.75 1.06 4.49 4.06 0.43 0.72 2.55 4.63 3.47 5.31 0.82-0.05 1.98-0.1 3.09-0.1 0.49 0 1.06 0.05 1.5 0.05 0.48 0.05 0.87 0.1 0.97 0.1 0.19 0 0.28-0.15 0.28-0.34v-0.96C483.72 27.04 483.68 26.89 483.48 26.89zM430.02 17.77c-0.63 0-1.11-0.04-1.44-0.09V9.23c0-0.87 0.72-1.06 1.45-1.06 1.93 0 3.28 0.44 4.58 1.25 0.87 0.58 1.6 1.88 1.6 3.33C436.2 14 435.37 17.77 430.02 17.77zM447.2 18.59c0.24-0.48 3.18-7.86 3.33-8.25 0.15-0.39 0.24-0.53 0.39-0.53 0.14 0 0.19 0.2 0.29 0.48 0.09 0.39 2.37 7.63 2.56 8.3H447.2zM470.11 17.77c-0.63 0-1.11-0.04-1.44-0.09V9.23c0-0.87 0.72-1.06 1.45-1.06 1.93 0 3.28 0.44 4.58 1.25 0.87 0.58 1.6 1.88 1.6 3.33C476.29 14 475.47 17.77 470.11 17.77zM189.16 27.03h-0.62c-0.86 0-1.62-0.05-1.72-1.05 -0.1-0.57-0.05-1.86-0.1-3.06v-4.01c1.1-1.67 6.64-9.45 7.35-9.84 0.43-0.24 0.95-0.38 1.72-0.38h0.48c0.19 0 0.29-0.09 0.29-0.33V7.35c0-0.28-0.1-0.38-0.33-0.38 -0.29 0-1.96 0.14-2.82 0.14 -1.44 0-3.82-0.14-4.11-0.14 -0.24 0-0.33 0.14-0.33 0.33v1.05c0 0.19 0.09 0.33 0.33 0.33h0.76c1.06 0 1.01 0.62 0.63 1.39 -0.19 0.38-4.15 6.16-4.87 7.35 -0.76-1.14-4.72-7.49-5.01-7.92 -0.19-0.29-0.15-0.81 0.71-0.81h0.72c0.29 0 0.33-0.14 0.33-0.33V7.31c0-0.24-0.14-0.33-0.33-0.33 -0.33 0-3.58 0.14-4.63 0.14 -1.14 0-6.75-0.07-7.67-0.04 -1.82 0.07-3.5 0.14-5.06 0.14h-1.91c-5.24 0-7.95-0.25-8.7-0.34 -0.14-0.01-0.13-0.01-0.18 0.03 -0.06 0.04-0.06 0.09-0.09 0.16 -0.39 1.44-1.22 4.39-1.49 5.26 -0.05 0.19-0.05 0.38 0.19 0.48l0.86 0.33c0.19 0.1 0.34-0.05 0.43-0.24 0.62-1.24 1.62-2.77 2.82-3.68 1.76-0.48 4.44-0.43 5.35-0.43v10.27c0 2.87 0 5.39-0.15 7.21 -0.05 0.38-0.38 0.76-1.1 0.76h-1.91c-0.19 0-0.29 0.1-0.29 0.33v0.96c0 0.29 0.09 0.43 0.38 0.43 0.38 0 3.49-0.14 4.82-0.14 1.58 0 4.54 0.14 4.87 0.14 0.24 0 0.34-0.14 0.34-0.29v-1c0-0.29-0.09-0.43-0.33-0.43h-1.81c-0.76 0-1-0.48-1.1-1.24 -0.05-0.38-0.05-3.96-0.05-8.98V8.79c0.86 0 4.36 0.05 5.55 0.48 1 0.91 1.81 2.49 2.39 3.68 0.1 0.24 0.24 0.29 0.52 0.19l0.82-0.24c0.19-0.09 0.29-0.19 0.24-0.38 -0.15-0.82-0.54-2.52-0.82-3.81 0.43 0.03 1.11 0.16 1.51 0.56 0.76 0.72 6.59 9.27 7.02 10.13v1.72c0 2.82 0 4.54-0.05 4.97 -0.05 0.67-0.33 0.96-1.86 0.96h-0.71c-0.19 0-0.29 0.14-0.29 0.29v1.05c0 0.29 0.09 0.38 0.33 0.38 0.29 0 3.05-0.14 4.11-0.14 1.57 0 4.25 0.14 4.54 0.14 0.28 0 0.38-0.14 0.38-0.33v-1.15C189.5 27.12 189.4 27.03 189.16 27.03zM244.1 4.72h1.2c0.27 0 0.31-0.13 0.31-0.31v-1.11c0-0.22-0.04-0.31-0.31-0.31 -0.4 0-1.52 0.13-4.76 0.13 -2.81 0-4.85-0.13-5.25-0.13 -0.23 0-0.27 0.09-0.27 0.31v1.02c0 0.27 0.04 0.4 0.22 0.4h1.16c1.11 0 1.42 0.49 1.42 1.02 0 0.62-0.27 1.42-0.62 2.54 -0.66 1.96-2.36 7.07-2.8 8.27 -0.35 1.02-3.82 10.18-4.76 12.28h-0.09c-1.02-2.71-3.6-10.36-4.14-12.05 -0.8-2.49-2.44-7.78-2.71-9.38 -0.13-0.62-0.18-1.16-0.18-1.51 0-0.76 0.62-1.16 1.87-1.16h2.13c0.31 0 0.36-0.18 0.36-0.4V3.3c0-0.18-0.05-0.31-0.44-0.31 -0.4 0-2.4 0.13-6.14 0.13 -3.47 0-4.94-0.13-5.38-0.13 -0.27 0-0.31 0.09-0.31 0.31v1.11c0 0.18 0.04 0.31 0.22 0.31h1.15c0.93 0 1.38 0.45 1.82 1.47 0.58 1.33 2.67 7.78 3.74 10.94l0.44 1.51c0.58 1.6 4.18 11.74 5.6 15.83 0.22 0.58 0.4 1.02 0.76 1.02 0.22 0 0.44-0.22 0.62-0.58 0.23-0.44 5.96-14.59 6.5-16.06 0.75-1.87 4.31-10.99 5.47-12.41C241.79 5.44 242.64 4.72 244.1 4.72zM202.72 19.04c0-2.07-1.22-3.55-3.25-3.55 -0.53 0-1.03 0.1-1.52 0.26 -3.24 1.04-5.44 5.41-5.44 8.74 0 1.44 0.57 2.6 1.4 3.27 0.51 0.43 1.12 0.67 1.76 0.67C200.07 28.42 202.72 22.38 202.72 19.04zM193.81 25.42c0-1.43 0.73-3.28 1.76-4.92 1.14-1.84 2.32-2.94 3.38-3.39 0.33-0.13 0.66-0.21 0.96-0.21 1 0 1.54 0.76 1.51 1.69 0 2-3.11 8.34-6.25 8.34 -0.35 0-0.68-0.14-0.94-0.39C193.98 26.28 193.81 25.9 193.81 25.42zM215.23 7.19c-1.97 0-3.65 1.09-4.49 2.07 -1.61 1.79-2.65 4.32-3.55 6.93h-2.64c-0.24 0-0.31 0.09-0.36 0.3l-0.12 0.52c-0.06 0.21 0 0.31 0.15 0.31h2.71l-3.07 10.33c-1.64 5.62-3.28 8.17-4.74 8.17 -0.24 0-0.46-0.21-0.52-0.52 -0.09-0.52-0.55-1.37-1.43-1.37 -0.79 0-1.3 0.61-1.3 1.31 0 0.97 0.97 1.79 2.19 1.79 3.25 0 5.41-3.37 7.26-8.11 1.52-3.89 2.92-9.14 3.71-11.6h2.88c0.25 0 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