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Pistorius Found Not Guilty on Murder Charges" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.altVideoThumbnail(this, '')"><img ts="57.549" src="" class="ez-snippetThumb ez-hidden"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">US Marks 13th Anniversary of 9/11; Pistorius Found Not Guilty on Murder Charges</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1410472341000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Thu, 11 Sep 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>&#133; </b>director Robert Mueller to lead an independent investigation into how only handle and Ray Rice domestic violence. <b>Mayor</b> <b>rob</b> <b>Ford</b> has been admitted to a hospital where he is undergoing treatment for abdominal tumor doctors at has been complaining <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="96588050" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-WireStory ez-col ez-odd ez-col-first ez-item-5 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Toronto Mayor Hospitalized With Suspected Tumor" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.hideThumb(this)"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Toronto Mayor Hospitalized With Suspected Tumor</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1410428734000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Thu, 11 Sep 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> , the controversial mayor of Toronto who became an international celebrity last year after acknowledging using crack cocaine in <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="96580813" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-WireStory ez-col ez-even ez-col-last ez-item-6 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Toronto Mayor Hospitalized With Suspected Tumor" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.hideThumb(this)"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Toronto Mayor Hospitalized With Suspected Tumor</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1410413534000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Thu, 11 Sep 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> , the controversial mayor of Toronto who became an international celebrity last year after acknowledging using crack cocaine in <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="96576987" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-WireStory ez-col ez-odd ez-col-first ez-item-7 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Mike Tyson Directs Vulgarities at Canadian TV Host</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1410407280000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Wed, 10 Sep 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>&#133; </b>for sexual assault. CP24 news anchor Nathan Downer asked Tyson about his meeting with Toronto's scandal-plagued <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> , who recently returned to work after a rehab stint. Ford is seeking re-election. Downer asked: "Some of your <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="96569588" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-WireStory ez-col ez-even ez-col-last ez-item-8 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Hospitalized With Suspected Tumor" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.hideThumb(this)"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Toronto <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> Hospitalized With Suspected Tumor</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1410400592000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Wed, 10 Sep 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc">Toronto <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> has been admitted to a hospital and is believed to have a tumor in his abdomen, health officials said Wednesday. Dr. Rueben <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="96565161" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-WireStory ez-col ez-odd ez-col-first ez-item-9 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Mike Tyson Directs Vulgarities at Canadian TV Host</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1410386224000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Wed, 10 Sep 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>&#133; </b>for sexual assault. CP24 news anchor Nathan Downer asked Tyson about his meeting with Toronto's scandal-plagued <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> , who recently returned to work after a rehab stint. Ford is seeking re-election. Downer asked: "Some of your <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="96518857" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-WireStory ez-col ez-even ez-col-last ez-item-10 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Mike Tyson Comes to <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford's</b> Defense</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1410294026000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Tue, 9 Sep 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc">Boxing great Mike Tyson is coming to the defense of Toronto's scandal-plagued <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> , saying "we all make mistakes." In a rambling exchange with reporters after meeting Ford, the former world heavyweight champion <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="96400374" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-WireStory ez-col ez-odd ez-col-first ez-item-11 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Toronto Mayor to Testify in Extortion Case</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1409944425000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Fri, 5 Sep 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> has been ordered to testify at a hearing of a friend accused of using extortion to try and retrieve a video of the Toronto mayor <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="96361069" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-WireStory ez-col ez-even ez-col-last ez-item-12 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Toronto Board of Trade Crowd Laughs at <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> </a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1409860432000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Thu, 4 Sep 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc">Toronto <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> called a business crowd "elitist" after the crowd laughed repeatedly at him during a debate ahead of next month's election <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="96179678" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Video ez-col ez-odd ez-col-first ez-item-13 ez-item-dynamic-snippets ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="UK Raises Terror Threat Level to 'Severe'; Tony Stewart Returns to NASCAR" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.altVideoThumbnail(this, '')"><img ts="75.729" src="" class="ez-snippetThumb ez-hidden"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">UK Raises Terror Threat Level to 'Severe'; Tony Stewart Returns to NASCAR</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1409347096000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Fri, 29 Aug 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>&#133; </b>Rivers remain here at mount Sinai hospital after going into cardiac arrest at a New missiles. It is irresponsible <b>mayor</b> <b>rob</b> <b>Ford</b> admits he has embarrassed the City Council. And then he did it again he has he's saying and and reggae music in <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="95784615" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Blog ez-col ez-even ez-col-last ez-item-14 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Pooped Ex-Mayor Says Why He Tossed Dog Feces" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.hideThumb(this)"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Pooped Ex-Mayor Says Why He Tossed Dog Feces</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1408476180000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Tue, 19 Aug 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>&#133; </b>Kneier told ABC News' "20/20." Mayor Admits to Being Bag Man, Cops Investigating <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> 's Most Outrageous One-Liners Toronto <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> Won't Step Down After Admitting Smoking Crack San Diego Mayor Resigns Amid Sexual Harassment <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="95784018" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Blog ez-col ez-odd ez-col-first ez-item-15 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Pooped Ex-Mayor Says He Was Tossed Dog Feces</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1408474560000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Tue, 19 Aug 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>&#133; </b>Kneier told ABC News' "20/20." Mayor Admits to Being Bag Man, Cops Investigating <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> 's Most Outrageous One-Liners Toronto <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> Won't Step Down After Admitting Smoking Crack San Diego Mayor Resigns Amid Sexual Harassment <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="93853560" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Video ez-col ez-even ez-col-last ez-item-16 ez-item-dynamic-snippets ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Rob Ford Faces Tough Questions on Drug Use" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.altVideoThumbnail(this, '')"><img ts="10.099" src="" class="ez-snippetThumb ez-hidden"><img ts="730.999" src="" class="ez-snippetThumb ez-hidden"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title"><b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> Faces Tough Questions on Drug Use</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1404337258000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Wed, 2 Jul 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>&#133; </b>treat this disease when Davidson. <b>Mayor</b> <b>rob</b> <b>Ford</b> today's sitting down an answering <b> ..... </b>emotional post rehab speech. <b>Mayor</b> <b>rob</b> <b>Ford</b> is finally answering some burning <b> ..... </b>abuse. And addiction treatment <b>mayor</b> <b>rob</b> <b>Ford</b> sat down with Canadian cable news <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="93851557" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Video ez-col ez-odd ez-col-first ez-item-17 ez-item-dynamic-snippets ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Tropical Storm Arthur Gains Strength; Clashes Break Out in East Jerusalem" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.altVideoThumbnail(this, '')"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Tropical Storm Arthur Gains Strength; Clashes Break Out in East Jerusalem</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1404334847000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Wed, 2 Jul 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc">As Tropical Storm Arthur gains strength, Toronto <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> answers tough questions, and baby rhino takes his wobbly first steps.</p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="93805587" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Story ez-col ez-even ez-col-last ez-item-18 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Happy Canada Day, Rob Ford" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.hideThumb(this)"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Happy Canada Day, <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> </a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1404244977000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Tue, 1 Jul 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc">Happy Canada Day, <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> ! The Toronto mayor marched proudly <b> ..... </b>and expressed their well wishes. <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> : 'I Am Ashamed, Embarrassed and <b> ..... </b> — <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> (@TOMayorFord) July 1, 2014 <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="93767819" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Video ez-col ez-odd ez-col-first ez-item-19 ez-item-dynamic-snippets ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Supreme Court Rules for Hobby Lobby; Obama Vows to 'Fix' Immigration System" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.altVideoThumbnail(this, '')"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Supreme Court Rules for Hobby Lobby; Obama Vows to 'Fix' Immigration System</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1404165339000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Mon, 30 Jun 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc">As the Supreme Court sides with Hobby Lobby on contraception, the bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens are found, and <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> returns to City Hall.</p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="93767834" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Video ez-col ez-even ez-col-last ez-item-20 ez-item-dynamic-snippets ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Rob Ford: Rehab 'Staff Saved My Life'" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.altVideoThumbnail(this, '')"><img ts="8.829" src="" class="ez-snippetThumb ez-hidden"><img ts="1109.179" src="" class="ez-snippetThumb ez-hidden"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title"><b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> : Rehab 'Staff Saved My Life'</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1404160178000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Mon, 30 Jun 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>&#133; </b>the job at least what's left of his job troubled <b>mayor</b> <b>rob</b> <b>Ford</b> this morning drove out of an inpatient drug and alcohol <b> ..... </b>very much. Basically. You've been watching Toronto <b>mayor</b> <b>rob</b> <b>Ford</b> fresh out of a drug rehab facility where spent the <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="93292727" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Video ez-col ez-odd ez-col-first ez-item-21 ez-item-dynamic-snippets ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="World News Now: Wednesday, June 18, 2014" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.altVideoThumbnail(this, '')"><img ts="66.309" src="" class="ez-snippetThumb ez-hidden"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">World News Now: Wednesday, June 18, 2014</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1403081856000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Wed, 18 Jun 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>&#133; </b>answers and share them with everyone the scam was uncovered almost every student scored 100%. On the test. Toronto <b>mayor</b> <b>rob</b> <b>Ford</b> says he'll be back at work on June 30 after two months in rehab. Fortson a letter to City Hall saying he intends <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="91665701" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Blog ez-col ez-even ez-col-last ez-item-22 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Have You Seen Mayor Rob Ford?" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.hideThumb(this)"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Have You Seen <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> ?</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1399583521000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Thu, 8 May 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>&#133; </b>Is it only a matter of time before we see <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> 's face on a milk carton? The pink-cheeked <b> ..... </b>Probably in one of his drunken stupors." <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> 's Most Outrageous One-Liners <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> Seeks Help as New Drug Photos Emerge In a <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="91597661" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Story ez-col ez-odd ez-col-first ez-item-23 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s History on the Football Field" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.hideThumb(this)"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Toronto <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> &rsquo;s History on the Football Field</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1399484169000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Wed, 7 May 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc">Embattled Toronto <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> says rehab is going great -- kind of like <b> ..... </b>at Carleton University in Ottawa in 1989. <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> 's Most Outrageous One-Liners <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> Seeks Help as New Drug Photos Emerge “We <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="91343657" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Video ez-col ez-even ez-col-last ez-item-24 ez-item-dynamic-snippets ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Feed Frenzy: Boys Behaving Badly" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.altVideoThumbnail(this, '')"><img ts="1.929" src="" class="ez-snippetThumb ez-hidden"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Feed Frenzy: Boys Behaving Badly</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1399007397000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Fri, 2 May 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> has been caught red handed with a pipe again. New video of the mayor of Toronto secretly filmed by a drug dealer shows Ford smoking <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="91307823" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Video ez-col ez-odd ez-col-first ez-item-25 ez-item-dynamic-snippets ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Takes Leave of Absence" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.altVideoThumbnail(this, '')"><img ts="0.639" src="" class="ez-snippetThumb ez-hidden"><img ts="725.569" src="" class="ez-snippetThumb ez-hidden"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Toronto <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> Takes Leave of Absence</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1398975003000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Thu, 1 May 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>&#133; </b>Michelle Franzen a New York Toronto <b>mayor</b> <b>rob</b> <b>Ford</b> is off to get some professional <b> ..... </b>the brother of mayor of Toronto <b>rob</b> <b>Ford</b> telling us that his brother. Has <b> ..... </b>for in asked. Once again Toronto <b>mayor</b> <b>rob</b> <b>Ford</b> . Announcing he's taking a leave <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="91269753" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Story ez-col ez-even ez-col-last ez-item-26 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Mayor Rob Ford's Most Outrageous One-Liners" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.hideThumb(this)"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title"><b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford's</b> Most Outrageous One-Liners</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1398956720000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Thu, 1 May 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc">Toronto’s crack-smoking <b>mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> has announced he’s taking a leave of absence <b> ..... </b>relive some of his most outrageous one-liners. <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> Seeks Help as New Drug Photos Emerge <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> Rambles After Drinking 'A Little Bit' “It’s <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="91260344" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Video ez-col ez-odd ez-col-first ez-item-27 ez-item-dynamic-snippets ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Rob Ford Announces Leave of Absence" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.altVideoThumbnail(this, '')"><img ts="0.14" src="" class="ez-snippetThumb ez-hidden"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title"><b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> Announces Leave of Absence</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1398943399000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Thu, 1 May 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc">breaking news overnight on embattled Toronto <b>mayor</b> , <b>rob</b> <b>Ford</b> , admitting he has a problem with alcohol, finally <b> ..... </b>Mara schiavocampo has the story. Reporter: Toronto <b>mayor</b> <b>rob</b> <b>Ford</b> is making headlines yet again. But this time, announcing <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="91257863" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Story ez-col ez-even ez-col-last ez-item-28 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="5 Things to Know This Morning" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.hideThumb(this)"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">5 Things to Know This Morning</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1398938761000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Thu, 1 May 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc">Your look at the five biggest and most buzz-worthy stories of the morning. 1. <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> Seeks Help As New Drug Photos Emerge Toronto <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> is taking a leave of absence to seek professional help for his alcohol problem, he said Wednesday <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="91256925" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Video ez-col ez-odd ez-col-first ez-item-29 ez-item-dynamic-snippets ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="World News Now: Thursday, May 1, 2014" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.altVideoThumbnail(this, '')"><img ts="43.939" src="" class="ez-snippetThumb ez-hidden"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">World News Now: Thursday, May 1, 2014</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1398935167000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Thu, 1 May 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>&#133; </b>night elsewhere the train tracks on by CSX. Which says rail traffic throughout that area has now been home. Toronto <b>mayor</b> <b>rob</b> <b>Ford</b> is getting help for substance abuse released a statement last night admitting he have a problem with alcohol and saying <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="91254218" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Story ez-col ez-even ez-col-last ez-item-30 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Rob Ford Seeks Help As New Drug Photos Emerge" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.hideThumb(this)"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title"><b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> Seeks Help As New Drug Photos Emerge</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1398924270000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Thu, 1 May 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc">Toronto <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> is taking a leave of absence to seek professional help for his alcohol <b> ..... </b>said he will take an immediate leave from his job and his campaign. <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> Acknowledges "Rocky Moments" at Rally “It’s not easy to be vulnerable <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="90669401" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Story ez-col ez-odd ez-col-first ez-item-31 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Hoops over hoopla: Raptors get even" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.hideThumb(this)"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Hoops over hoopla: Raptors get even</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1398240693000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Wed, 23 Apr 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>&#133; </b>discuss. DeRozan was informed that notorious Toronto <b>mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> had made a bet on the series with the Brooklyn borough <b> ..... </b>also learned Ford would be in attendance. "I hope <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> 's got my jersey on," DeRozan said to laughs, but <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="89726822" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Video ez-col ez-even ez-col-last ez-item-32 ez-item-dynamic-snippets ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Bill Clinton Guests on Jimmy Kimmel" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.altVideoThumbnail(this, '')"><img ts="42.439" src="" class="ez-snippetThumb ez-hidden"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Bill Clinton Guests on Jimmy Kimmel</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1396515686000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Thu, 3 Apr 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc"> <b>&#133; </b>He'd ever main thing here percent about music. I don't care look yeah. He's a funny him. It also said Toronto <b>mayor</b> <b>rob</b> <b>Ford</b> is quote destroyed all stereo about Canadians didn't comment on whether his wife who run for president's sixteen <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="89526243" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Blog ez-col ez-odd ez-col-first ez-item-33 ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Tuba Player to Blast Mayor Rob Ford for a Entire Day" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.hideThumb(this)"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Tuba Player to Blast <b>Mayor</b> <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> for a Entire Day</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1396040063000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Fri, 28 Mar 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc">Sometime in the next two weeks, <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> is going to receive an audible surprise <b> ..... </b>name for privacy reasons. "I imagine <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> won't be too happy about this, but <b> ..... </b>titled: "Play a tuba while following <b>Rob</b> <b>Ford</b> around for a day (City hall)." The <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> <li id="88891386" class=" ez-itemMod-item ez-Video ez-last ez-col ez-even ez-col-last ez-item-34 ez-item-dynamic-snippets ez-internal-source "> <div class="ez-thumbs"> <a title="Kevin Spacey to Toronto Mayor: 'Here's Your Pic'" target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href=""><img src="" class="ez-primaryThumb" onerror="EZDATA.altVideoThumbnail(this, '')"><img ts="0.379" src="" class="ez-snippetThumb ez-hidden"></a> </div> <div class="ez-main"> <a target="" onclick="EZDATA.trackGaEvent('Topic','Click Through','1403692^Rob Ford');" href="" galabel="external" class="ez-title">Kevin Spacey to Toronto Mayor: 'Here's Your Pic'</a> <div class="ez-meta"> <p ms="1395075100000" class="ez-date ez-icon">Mon, 17 Mar 2014</p> </div> <p class="ez-desc">Toronto's controversial <b>mayor</b> <b>rob</b> <b>Ford</b> has gotten even more Spacey all thanks to a tweet from actor Kevin Spacey and airport and brother Doug. Had complained the space <b> &#133;</b> </p> </div> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </li> </ol> <script type="text/javascript" id=""></script><script type="text/javascript"> EZDATA.jsLoader(""); </script><script type="text/javascript"> EZDATA.jsLoaderExec(EZDATA, "itemMod_init", "dynamic", "2276456285335", "ui-tooltip-jtools"); </script> <div class="ez-clearingDiv"></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var itemMainLength = ezQuery(".ez-main", ".ez-itemMod-item.ez-first").width(); var snippetTruncationLength = itemMainLength/4; EZDATA.jsLoaderExec(EZDATA, "itemMod_truncate", snippetTruncationLength); </script><script type="text/javascript"> EZDATA.hideThumb = function(obj) { var i = ezQuery(obj); var t = i.parent().parent(); var d = t.parent().parent().parent(); t.hide(); if (d.hasClass("ez-featuredResults")) { d.addClass("ez-noThumb"); } } </script> <div id="bottom-pagination" class="ez-mod ez-paginationMod "> <span class="ez-paginationMod-prev">« Prev</span><span 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