How does Airwallex keep my money safe – Airwallex Help Centre
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Airwallex is regulated and licensed in jurisdictions where it needs licences to operate. Airwallex services are provided in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. How Airwallex protects its customer funds depends on the regulatory requirements of the jurisdictions where the relevant Airwallex entity is licensed to operate.</p> <ul> <li><strong><a href="#h_01GXWJ0FZNPFSVGE7Y22BXA6T4" target="_self">Australia</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#h_01GXWJ0N0NK5P0JZTFX7ZNN98E" target="_self">New Zealand</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#h_01GXWJ1AADEC3ST4Z6DSV7CD9G" target="_self">Hong Kong</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#h_01GXWJ145HDKZ8025TD3XJTVQF" target="_self">Singapore</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#h_01GXWJ0YWRBCYQRVGX4JBQN840" target="_self">Malaysia</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#01HX68H00Y5XMKSR0622HN150K">United States</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#h_01HN5CGRQEJBGBR2ZTKF10JB1Q">Canada</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#h_01GXWJ0APF5C9QQQWDRF0PBN7V" target="_self">United Kingdom</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#h_01GXWJ04VYQYDY1DJZWQGVKSTX" target="_self">The Netherlands</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#01HX68WP6PAE7WBAQF0TTZSBJ9">Lithuania</a></strong></li> </ul> <h2 id="h_01GXWJ0FZNPFSVGE7Y22BXA6T4"><strong>Australia</strong></h2> <p>In Australia, Airwallex Pty Ltd (“Airwallex AU”) and Airwallex Capital Pty Ltd (“Airwallex Capital”) are each licensed by the <a href="">Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)</a>, with Airwallex AU holding Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) license number 487221 and Airwallex Capital holding AFSL number 549026. </p> <p>To ensure customer funds are safe:</p> <ul> <li>Airwallex AU arranges for the entire amount of its customer funds to be guaranteed by Australian authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs) in accordance with the Reserve Bank of Australia’s <a href="">requirements</a>. This process segregates customer funds from Airwallex AU’s own operational funds, and ensures that Airwallex AU’s customers can exercise their right to receive their funds back through an independent third party trustee in the unlikely event of Airwallex AU’s insolvency liquidation or bankruptcy; and</li> <li>As fund manager of the Airwallex Yield Liquidity Fund, Airwallex Capital ensures all customer funds are invested in low-risk assets through our partner (JP Morgan) to generate returns for its customers.</li> </ul> <h2 id="h_01GXWJ0N0NK5P0JZTFX7ZNN98E"><strong>New Zealand</strong></h2> <p>In New Zealand, Airwallex’s operating company, Airwallex (New Zealand) Limited (“<strong>Airwallex NZ</strong>”) is registered as a <a href="">Financial Service Provider (FSP) with the New Zealand Companies Office</a>. Airwallex NZ holds its customer funds on trust in bank accounts separate from Airwallex NZ’s own funds, and the customers remain the beneficial owners of their funds. This means that, in the unlikely event of Airwallex NZ going into insolvency, liquidation or bankruptcy, our customers’ funds are safely set aside in the safeguarding account, and they will receive them back in priority to all our other creditors.</p> <h2 id="h_01GXWJ1AADEC3ST4Z6DSV7CD9G"><strong>Hong Kong</strong></h2> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In Hong Kong, Airwallex’s operating company, Airwallex (Hong Kong) Limited (“Airwallex HK”), is licensed as a Money Service Operator (MSO) and is regulated by the Customs & Excise Department. We partner with banks worldwide to provide cross-border money transfers, foreign exchange, payment acceptance and card issuing through our multi-currency accounts to empower our customers’ global businesses.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To keep our customers’ funds safe, Airwallex HK has implemented commercially reasonable administrative and technical measures to protect the funds collected for or received from customers in connection with our services. Airwallex HK deposits all funds collected for or received from our customers in designated bank accounts. Unless otherwise required by law, Airwallex HK transfers/converts customer funds solely based on our customer’s instruction. On a daily basis, Airwallex HK reconciles customers' payment instructions to ensure all instructions are being properly processed by internal system/banking partners and our internal ledger system will auto calculate the customers’ account balance based upon processed transactions.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In the unlikely event of Airwallex going into insolvency, liquidation or bankruptcy, Airwallex would cooperate with regulators so that customers would have access to their funds in a timely manner, to the extent permitted by law.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">To best manage risk, we partner with multiple banks around the world to provide these financial services to customers. Our banking partners are all reputable banks like DBS, JP Morgan, Standard Chartered, ANZ, and more. If you’re looking to reduce your risk exposure, an Airwallex business account can offer you the ability to spread funds across our 60+ different banking partners. It’s one of many reasons thousands of businesses choose us.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"></span></p> <h2 id="h_01GXWJ145HDKZ8025TD3XJTVQF"><strong>Singapore </strong></h2> <p>In Singapore, Airwallex’s operating company, Airwallex (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (“<strong>Airwallex SG</strong>”), is licensed as a Major Payment Institution and is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). Under Singapore law, a Major Payment Institution must have ‘safeguarding’ measures in place to protect all of our customers' funds in line with rules set by MAS.<br>The purpose of safeguarding is to ensure that our customers’ funds are kept separate from Airwallex SG’s own funds that it uses for its business operations and are protected from the moment Airwallex SG receives the funds, until our customers make payout or request a redemption (withdrawal) of their balance.</p> <p>The funds our customers deposit into an Airwallex business account are held in a client segregated trust account. This separately held money is not available to Airwallex SG’s creditors, our banks or third parties. That means that whenever our customers wish to withdraw money or make a payout from their Airwallex account, that money will be available to them. <br>In the unlikely event of Airwallex SG ceasing business operations or going into insolvency, liquidation or bankruptcy, our customers’ funds will be safely set aside in the safeguarding account, and they will receive them back in priority to all our other creditors.</p> <p>When you deposit money in a bank in Singapore, the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC) insures your deposit up to S$75,000. This means customers who hold deposits above S$75,000 with a single bank are left exposed if the bank fails. Whilst it is rare for a bank to fail, recent events are a stark reminder of the importance of managing risk exposure. Any individual or business that has more than S$75,000 in a single bank should consider spreading their cash reserves across more than one financial institution to ensure their funds are protected. Furthermore, foreign currency deposits are not covered by SDIC.</p> <p>Safeguarding is different from the protection afforded under the SDIC. The key difference between the SDIC and safeguarding is that SDIC protection is provided by a separate organisation (rather than the bank itself) and in the event of the bank’s insolvency the organisation pays customers up to the maximum compensation amount. Whereas when our customers deposit money in an Airwallex business account, our customers can rest assured that their funds are safeguarded (less certain administrative charges), with no upward limit on the amount. If you’re looking to reduce your risk exposure, an Airwallex business account can offer you the ability to secure funds in excess of SDIC regulation. It’s one of many reasons thousands of businesses choose to hold money with us.</p> <h2 id="h_01GXWJ0YWRBCYQRVGX4JBQN840"><strong>Malaysia</strong></h2> <p>In Malaysia, Airwallex’s operating company, Airwallex (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (“<strong>Airwallex MY</strong>”) is regulated by the Bank Negara Malaysia (Central Bank) under the Money Service Business Class B Licence.</p> <p>To keep our customers’ funds safe, Airwallex MY has implemented robust measures to protect the funds collected for or received from our customers in connection with our services. Airwallex MY deposits all funds collected for or received from our customers in a designated account at a licensed bank in Malaysia. Malaysia’s Money Services Business Act 2011 also sets a range of restrictions on Airwallex MY’s withdrawal or utilisation of the funds in this account.</p> <p>In the unlikely event of Airwallex MY going into insolvency, liquidation or bankruptcy, the funds in this account are not deemed to form part of Airwallex MY’s property</p> <h2 id="01HX68H00Y5XMKSR0622HN150K"><strong>United States</strong></h2> <p><strong>FDIC-Insured Partner Bank Accounts</strong><br>Although Airwallex is not itself a bank, we partner with banks worldwide to offer our services. In the U.S., these banking partnerships are designed to provide our customers’ funds with <a href="">Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance coverage</a> of up to $250,000 per qualified customer account, per banking institution, to protect our customer’s funds if a bank fails. The FDIC insurance coverage eligibility applies as soon as customer funds are deposited in U.S. partner bank accounts.</p> <p><a href="">Evolve Bank & Trust</a>, member FDIC, <a href="">provides payment services to certain U.S. based customers</a> as an Airwallex partner bank. This partnership with Evolve gives Airwallex customers the ability to collect funds both domestically, in U.S. Dollars, and from abroad, in multiple currency denominations. At Evolve, our customers’ funds are held in an FDIC-insurance-eligible omnibus account for the benefit of Airwallex’s customers. Evolve has committed to ensure that the funds in our customers’ account remain eligible for FDIC “pass-through” insurance to the extent permitted by applicable law. Evolve is not permitted to commingle other funds with Airwallex customer funds.</p> <p>Customer funds are not available for Airwallex’s operational needs, and it is not available to Airwallex’s creditors or to other third parties. In the unlikely event of Airwallex’s business failure, Airwallex would cooperate with regulators so that customers would have access to their assets in a timely fashion.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Money Transmitter Licenses</strong><br>Businesses like Airwallex that collect customer funds and transmit them to third parties must generally obtain a money transmitter license (MTLs) from the states in which they do business. Airwallex currently holds MTLs in 40 states. State laws protect Airwallex customers doing business under these MTLs in several ways.<span class="wysiwyg-underline"></span></p> <p> </p> <p><span class="wysiwyg-underline">Surety Bonds</span></p> <p>Most states require licensed money transmitters like Airwallex to purchase surety bonds. Surety bonds protect customers by discouraging the money transmitter from violating industry standards and laws. Surety bonds also guarantee the availability of a specified amount of compensation for customers if certain conduct by a money transmitter results in monetary loss. For example, if a money transmitter violates applicable laws, the funds in the surety bond may be available to compensate customers for their resulting losses. After compensation payments are made from the surety bond, the money transmitter is generally required to replenish the surety bond to maintain its license.<br><span class="wysiwyg-underline"></span></p> <p> </p> <p><span class="wysiwyg-underline">Minimum Capital Requirements</span><br>States also require MTL-holders to maintain a minimum amount of capital. These capital requirements discourage MTL-holders from taking excessive financial risks that could lead to the money transmitter’s business failure. They also encourage the money transmitter to maintain liquidity sufficient to absorb unexpected losses.</p> <p><br><span class="wysiwyg-underline">Permissible Investments Maintenance Requirements</span><br>Most state money transmitter laws include permissible investments maintenance requirements. In general, MTL-holders must maintain a reserve of assets with a minimum market value that is equal to or greater than the aggregate value of all of the MTL-holder’s current payment obligations. The reserved assets, known as “permissible investments”, typically include cash, certificates of deposit, treasury securities, and other lower-risk investments. This MTL requirement protects customers because, in the event of an MTL-holder’s insolvency, the MTL-holder should have a reserve of cash (or investments easily convertible into cash) on hand in an amount sufficient to return all funds owed to the MTL-holders’ customers.</p> <h2 id="h_01HN5CGRQEJBGBR2ZTKF10JB1Q"><strong>Canada</strong></h2> <p>In Canada, Airwallex (Canada) International Payments Limited (“<strong>Airwallex Canada</strong>”) is registered as a Money Services Business with the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) and is licensed as a Money Services Business (MSB) with Revenu Quebec.<br>Airwallex Canada has implemented commercially reasonable administrative and technical measures to protect the funds collected for or received from customers in connection with our services. Funds collected by Airwallex Canada from customers are deposited in a bank account in Canada. This account is strictly for customer funds and is not commingled with any operating funds of Airwallex. Unless otherwise required by law, Airwallex Canada transfers or converts customer funds solely based on our customers’ authorised instructions. On a daily basis, Airwallex Canada reconciles customers' payment instructions to ensure our partners are properly processing all instructions, and our internal ledger system will auto calculate the customers’ account balance based upon processed transactions.</p> <h2 id="h_01GXWJ0APF5C9QQQWDRF0PBN7V"><strong>United Kingdom</strong></h2> <p>In the United Kingdom, Airwallex’s operating company, Airwallex (UK) Limited (“Airwallex UK”) holds an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) licence issued by the Financial Conduct Authority. EMIs must implement customer funds safeguarding procedures and measures that comply with rules set by the Financial Conduct Authority. As part of our EMI licence, we have put in place ‘safeguarding’ measures to protect all of our customers' funds in line with these rules.</p> <p>The purpose of safeguarding is to ensure that customer funds are kept separate from Airwallex UK’s own funds that it uses for its business operations and are protected from the moment Airwallex UK receives the funds, until our customers make a payout or request a redemption (withdrawal) of their balance. This means that the money that our customers receive into their Wallet is fully backed by money that we hold in separate bank accounts. The separately held money is only available for the purpose of giving our customers back their money on their request. In addition, this separately held money is not available to any of Airwallex’s creditors, our banks or third parties. It means that whenever our customers ask us to redeem (withdraw) their e-money or make a payout, that money will be available.</p> <p>In the unlikely event of Airwallex UK ceasing business operations or going into insolvency, liquidation or bankruptcy, our customers’ funds kept with us will be safely set aside in the safeguarding account, and they receive them back in priority to all our other creditors. Please do note that the appointed insolvency practitioner who would be distributing our customers’ funds back to them, may charge a standard fee by deducting from the balance of customers’ accounts prior to returning the funds. This fee is not charged by Airwallex UK.</p> <p>You may have heard of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (“FSCS”) and wonder how this differs from the safeguarding process described above. Certain authorised financial services firms (such as a UK authorised bank) do not have the same safeguarding obligations as firms such as Airwallex UK, but instead are required to participate in the FSCS. The FSCS protects consumers together with some small businesses, limited companies and charities (that meet its eligibility criteria) should a bank fail and is unable to return your money to you. The FSCS acts like an insurance policy for bank accounts and pays out up to a maximum of £85,000 per eligible person, per bank, building society or credit union or up to £170,000 for joint accounts. Both the safeguarding regime and FSCS ultimately aim to ensure your funds are protected but do so in different ways. As Airwallex UK is not a bank and is not covered by the FSCS, in the event of our insolvency, customers will not be eligible for protection under the FSCS. In the unlikely event of our safeguarding bank becoming insolvent, the FSCS may provide compensation for the amounts of safeguarded funds that we hold for you. This protection, where available, would be subject to the same compensation limits as if you held your money directly in the safeguarding bank.</p> <p>More information about using a non-bank payment service provider (such as Airwallex) and the protections they offer can be found on the FCA’s website at <a style="background-color: #ffffff; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;" href=""></a><span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">.</span><span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;"></span></p> <h2 id="h_01GXWJ04VYQYDY1DJZWQGVKSTX"> <strong>The Netherl</strong><strong>ands</strong> </h2> <p>In the Netherlands, Airwallex’s operating company, Airwallex (Netherlands) B.V. (“Airwallex NL”) holds an<strong> Electronic Money Institution licence</strong> issued by the <strong>Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank)</strong>. As an e-money institution, Airwallex NL has implemented customer funds safeguarding procedures and measures that comply with rules set by De Nederlandsche Bank (“NL Rules”).</p> <p>The goal of safeguarding customer funds is to ensure that customer funds are kept in a designated safeguarding bank account (“NL Safeguarding Account”) and separated from Airwallex NL’s own funds that it uses for its business operations. Customer funds are protected from the moment Airwallex NL receives the funds, until the moment our customers make a payout or request a redemption (withdrawal) from their account with Airwallex NL (“NL Wallet”). This means our customers' NL Wallet is fully backed by money that we hold in the NL Safeguarding Account.</p> <p>Moreover, the NL Safeguarding Accounts are held by an independent custodian entity called Airwallex Netherlands Foundation (the “NL Foundation”), which is a customer accounts foundation (stichting derdengelden) set up and managed in accordance with Dutch law. The NL Foundation is a separate legal entity, independent from Airwallex NL. This separation and independence provides additional protection should Airwallex NL become insolvent and enhances the protection of the funds given the very strict regulatory supervision over the NL Foundation. In the unlikely event of insolvency, the funds in the NL Safeguarding Account can only be used to pay customer funds back to our customers at their request. The funds are not available to any of Airwallex’s creditors, our banks or third parties. It means that whenever customers ask us to redeem (withdraw) their e-money or make a payout, that money will be available.</p> <p>You may have heard of the Deposit Guarantee Scheme (depositogarantiestelsel, “DGS”) and wonder how this differs from the safeguarding process described above. Certain authorised financial services firms (such as an authorised bank) do not have the same safeguarding obligations as firms such as Airwallex NL, but instead are required to participate in the DGS. The DGS protects consumers together with some businesses (that meet its eligibility criteria) should a bank fail and they cannot return your money to you. The DGS acts like an insurance policy for bank accounts and pays out up to a maximum of EUR 100,000 per eligible person, per bank. Both the safeguarding regime and DGS ultimately aim to ensure customer funds are protected but do so in different ways. For the avoidance of doubt, Electronic Money Institutions like Airwallex NL do not participate in the DGS.</p> <h2 id="01HX68WP6PAE7WBAQF0TTZSBJ9"><strong>Lithuania</strong></h2> <p>In the European Union, our Lithuanian operating company, Airwallex Lithuania, UAB (“<strong>Airwallex LT</strong>”) holds an electronic money institution (‘EMI’) licence issued by the Bank of Lithuania (Lietuvos Bankas). Under this regulatory permission, Airwallex LT is permitted to provide electronic money and payment services and foreign exchange activities.</p> <p>As part of our EMI licence, we have put in place safeguarding measures to protect all of our customers' funds in line with the applicable laws and the rules set by the Bank of Lithuania. The purpose of safeguarding is to ensure that your funds are kept separate from Airwallex LT’s own funds that it uses for its business operations and are protected for as long as Airwallex LT holds your funds; from the moment Airwallex LT receives the funds until you make a payout or request a redemption (withdrawal) of your funds.</p> <p>This means that the money that you receive into your Wallet, is fully backed by money that we hold in ring-fenced or segregated bank accounts in the EEA. The separately held money is only available for the purpose of giving you back your money on your request. Furthermore, this separately held money is not available to any of Airwallex’s creditors, our banks or third parties. It means that whenever you ask us to redeem (withdraw) your e-money or make a payout, that money will be available. Our obligations to safeguard your money end when you have spent or transferred it and it has been paid out on your behalf.</p> <p>In the unlikely event of Airwallex LT ceasing business operations or going into insolvency, liquidation or bankruptcy, your funds kept with us will be safely set aside in the safeguarding bank accounts, and you receive them back in priority to all other creditors of Airwallex LT.</p> <p>You may have heard of the Deposit Insurance Fund (Indėlių draudimo fondas, “DIF”) administered by the State Company Deposit and Investment Insurance (VĮ "Indėlių ir investicijų draudimas") and wonder how this differs from the safeguarding process described above. Certain authorised financial services firms in Lithuania (such as an authorised bank) do not have the same safeguarding obligations as firms such as Airwallex LT, but deposit insurance is instead provided to their customers. The DIF protects certain customers (that meet its eligibility criteria) should a bank fail and they cannot return your money to you. The DIF pays out up to a maximum of EUR100,000 per eligible person, per bank. Both the safeguarding regime and DIF ultimately aim to ensure customer funds are protected but do so in different ways. For the avoidance of doubt, funds held with EMIs like Airwallex LT are not eligible for insurance protection under the DIF. In the unlikely event of our safeguarding bank becoming insolvent, Airwallex LT would be treated as a creditor of the bank and the recovery of your funds would be subject to the insolvency process.</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We are available to discuss this further if you have any questions or if you would like to find out more please contact our Support Team <a href="" target="_self">here</a></span><span style="font-weight: 400;">. </span></p> </section> <footer class="row my-6"> <section class="related-articles"> <h2 class="related-articles-title">Related articles</h2> <ul> <li> <a href="/hc/en-gb/related/click?data=BAh7CjobZGVzdGluYXRpb25fYXJ0aWNsZV9pZGwrCNb2SIzRADoYcmVmZXJyZXJfYXJ0aWNsZV9pZGwrCJlwsHIBBDoLbG9jYWxlSSIKZW4tZ2IGOgZFVDoIdXJsSSJJL2hjL2VuLWdiL2FydGljbGVzLzkwMDAwMTc1Njg4Ni1WZXJpZnlpbmcteW91ci1idXNpbmVzcy1pbi1TaW5nYXBvcmUGOwhUOglyYW5raQY%3D--905699b2d5ec2edf95674f71283a8e510a5a06bb" rel="nofollow">Verifying your business in Singapore</a> </li> <li> <a 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