Warren Buffetts Greatest Advice!
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His advice was simple yet powerful: be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy.</p> <p>As I reflected on this advice, I couldn't help but think about what it meant for me and what I am currently doing. I decided to put up a poll to get some opinions on whether or not it's a good time to start a business in retail. With so many major retailers like J.C. Penney, Sears, Kmart, and Toys R Us closing their doors, retail seems to be a scary industry to be in right now. Who in their right mind would want to open a store to sell things at the mall? The market for sales in stores is fearful, and people are scared.</p> <p>However, according to Warren Buffett, this is precisely the time to be greedy. This is the time to go after it when everyone else is pulling back. And conversely, when everyone is being greedy, that's the time to be fearful. Just take a look at the stock market right now. The stock market has bounced up very largely, and there's a lot of interest in it. People are getting greedy, which in turn creates fear for the stock market.</p> <p>But when it comes to retail sales, there's fear there as well. There's fear about buying in stores, but people will still need products. Cameras, lights, pants, eyeglasses, tissues, earrings, nail files, nail clippers, shavers, and everything in between. You name it, people will still need it. This is the absolute best time right now to get greedy and jump into the products industry, to jump into e-commerce firms where there are still sales.</p> <p>The future looks bright, especially for those who want to get into business, for entrepreneurs, for risk takers, and for those who want to make a difference. Right now is the time for us to take advantage of the retail industry, to take advantage of e-commerce, where people will not be scared. E-commerce sales are up like crazy, and retail sales are way down. People are scared of retail, but it's time to be greedy and start taking more action.</p> <p>In the next few years, everyone might be starting Amazon or every big company, and everybody will be going greedy like, "Oh, we have to do Amazon." But that's not the case right now. Right now, people are uncertain, fearful, and skeptical about the future of retail. According to Warren Buffett, now is the time to be greedy. It doesn't mean you're a bad person, it means let's take the market and then you can do whatever you want with your money.</p> <p>In conclusion, as we navigate through this challenging time, let's keep Warren Buffett's advice in mind. Let's be greedy when others are fearful, and let's be fearful when others are greedy. The retail industry may seem scary right now, but it's also the best time to take advantage of it. So, let's get greedy and start making big moves to do the right thing at the right time.</p> </div> </div> </div> <style> .sidebar__panel { background-color: #ffffff; border-color: ; border-radius: 4px; border-style: none; border-width: 25px ; } </style> <div class="col-lg-3 "> <div class="sidebar" kjb-settings-id="sections_1599688991346_settings_show_sidebar"> <div class="sidebar__block"> <style> .sidebar-search__icon i { color: ; } .sidebar-search--1600295460576 ::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: ; } .sidebar-search--1600295460576 ::-moz-placeholder { color: ; } .sidebar-search--1600295460576 :-ms-input-placeholder { color: ; } .sidebar-search--1600295460576 :-moz-placeholder { color: ; } .sidebar-search--1600295460576 .sidebar-search__input { color: ; } </style> <div class="sidebar-search sidebar-search--1600295460576" kjb-settings-id="sections_1599688991346_blocks_1600295460576_settings_search_text"> <form class="sidebar-search__form" action="/blog/search" method="get" role="search"> <span class="sidebar-search__icon"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></span> <input class="form-control sidebar-search__input" type="search" name="q" placeholder="Search..."> </form> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar__block"> <style> .sidebar-categories--1600295464514 { text-align: left; 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