Forms to file if you are a defendant in a Foreclosure Case and you file a Certificate for Foreclosure Mediation Program - CT Judicial Branch
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web page is provided as a service and a convenience by the Connecticut Judicial Branch. It is not intended as legal advice to any person. If you have questions about the use of these forms, your legal rights, or particular issues in your case, it is strongly recommended that you talk to an attorney. </p> <p class="text">Due to the changing nature of the law, the forms and information found on this web site will change from time to time. It is up to you to follow the current procedures and to file the correct, up-to-date forms. Each court location has a Clerk's Office and many locations also have a <a href="../../../csc/loc.htm">Court Service Center</a> that can give you help and information about court procedures. Please note, however, that Clerk's Office and Court Service Center personnel cannot provide you with legal advice.</p> <p class="news_head2" style="line-height:150%"> Instructions</p> <div class="text" style="padding:0 10px 0 10px;"> These instructions are to help you represent yourself if you are a defendant in a foreclosure action and it is more than 15 days after the return date. Legal words and court documents can be confusing. The more you know about foreclosure, the more comfortable you will be when you fill out the necessary forms and come to court. These instructions will give you some useful information and instructions on filling out the necessary forms. <br><br>Every case is different and these instructions are to be used as a guide only; if you think you need more help you may want to get an attorney. You can also go to a <a href="../../../csc/loc.htm">Court Service Center</a> or contact the <a href="">Connecticut Network for Legal Aid</a><img alt="External Link" height="14" src="../../../Announce/ext_link_trans.gif" title="External Link - you are leaving the CT Judicial Branch website."width="22"> or find additional information at the <a href="../../../lawlib/index.html">Law Libraries</a>. Court Staff can help you understand the legal process, and while they may give you procedural information, they cannot give you legal advice.<br><br> </div> <p class="news_head2" style="padding-left:10px; line-height:150%">To respond to a foreclosure lawsuit more than 15 days after the return date, you will first have to fill out the following forms:</p> <br> <div class="text" style="padding:0 10px 0 10px;"> <ul style="line-height:200%;"> <li><a href="../../../webforms/forms/cl012.pdf">Appearance (JD-CL-12)</a> - (There is a <a href="">How-To Slidecast</a> to help you with this) <li><a href="../../../webforms/forms/CV108.pdf">Foreclosure Mediation Certificate (JD-CV-108)</a> <li><a href="../../../webforms/forms/CV096.pdf">Foreclosure Mediation – Motion for Permission to Request Mediation later than 15 Days after the Return date or to Change Mediation Period (JD-CV-96)</a> </ul> The “Return Date” is on the top right corner of the Summons form that was delivered to you. This is the date that starts the countdown for things taking place in the case.<br><br> <div style="width:66%; margin:6px 16% 0 16%; background:#fef8e5; padding:10px; border:1px #1f3776 solid; box-shadow:5px 5px 5px #ccc; border-radius:7px;text-align:center;"> <strong style="color:#CC0000;">IMPORTANT: </strong>There are other pleadings that you can file for which there are no pre-printed forms. Sections 10-6 and 10-8 of the <a href="../../../pb.htm">Connecticut Practice Book</a> give information on the timing and order for the filing of these pleadings.<br><br> The Law Library also has a <a href="../../../lawlib/SRP/Info_Series/1/Default.htm"> Video on the First Steps in Responding to a Lawsuit</a>.</div> <br><br> By filing an Appearance form you are telling the court that you are acting as your own attorney and giving the court your mailing address. Once you file an Appearance, all court notices and papers filed about your case that are filed after your Appearance will be sent to the address on your Appearance.<br><br> The Appearance form is due by the Return Date which is listed on the top right corner of the Summons. The Summons is one of the forms that started the case against you. By filing an Appearance form you are telling the court that you are acting as your own attorney and giving the court your mailing address. It is best to file an Appearance as early as possible. It is important to fill out this form in order to receive any court notices, and to give other parties to your case a correct address for correspondence about the case.<br><br>The Foreclosure Mediation Certificate can be turned in with the Appearance form but must be filed no later than 15 days from the return date on your Summons. The Foreclosure Mediation Certificate asks for information to try to allow you into the Foreclosure Mediation Program, a program to help homeowners settle their foreclosure cases. You have to answer 5 questions including if the home is your primary residence, do you occupy the property, is the property a 1-, 2-, 3- or 4-family residence, if you are the borrower, and is the foreclosure a mortgage foreclosure. If the answer to all 5 questions is “yes”, you may be qualified for the Foreclosure Mediation Program. If the court decides you are qualified for the program, it will send you a notice to the address listed on your Appearance form with the date and time your Mediation is scheduled.<br><br> If it is more than 15 days after the return date, you have to fill out a motion asking the court’s permission to take part in the Foreclosure Mediation Program. You have to fill out the “Motion for Permission to Request Mediation later than 15 Days after the return date or to Change the Mediation Period” form. On this form you have to explain the reason you are asking for an additional 30 days for scheduling the mediation. If the court grants your request, it will send you the date for your scheduled mediation.<br> <br>The Answer to Complaint is due within 15 days of the return date listed on the summons. <strong>There are some exceptions to this 15-day requirement that are in sections 10-6 and 10-8 of the </strong> <a href="../../../pb.htm"><strong>Connecticut Practice Book</strong></a>.<br> <br> </div> <div style="border:3px #1f3776 dotted; padding:10px; background:#FEF8E5; border-radius:7px"> <span class="red_subhead">For Help - </span><span class="text_large">You may go to the <a href="../../../csc">Court Service Center</a> for help completing these or any other forms. Any additional procedural questions that you might have may also be directed to the staff of the Court Service Center.</span> </div> <p class="text"><a href="#Top">Top</a> </p> </div> <!-- #EndEditable --> </div> <!--BeginNoIndex--> <div id="footer"> <div class="footer"> <span class="class3_links"> <br> <a href="../../../../index.asp">Home</a> | <a href="../../../../legalterms.htm">Common Legal Words</a> | <a href="../../../../contactus.htm">Contact Us</a> | <a href="../../../../rellinks.htm">Related Links</a> | <a href="../../../../sitemap.htm">Site Index</a> | <a href="../../../../awards.htm">Website Awards</a> | <a href="../../../../policies.htm">Policies and Disclaimers</a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href="">Public Defender Services</a><br> Connecticut Judicial Branch © 2017</span></div> </div></div></div> <!--EndNoIndex--> </body> <!-- #EndTemplate --> </html>